Monday, September 11, 2023

"Wake Up! Highly Destructive Natural Disasters Are Suddenly Striking Areas All Over The Earth"

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Epic Economist 9/11/23
"Wake Up! Highly Destructive Natural Disasters 
Are Suddenly Striking Areas All Over The Earth"

"Why are so many historic natural disasters suddenly hitting us one after another? For a moment, I would like for you to think about what we have seen over just the past several weeks. The wildfires on Maui were the deadliest in the entire history of the United States. Then Hilary absolutely pummeled southern California, Idalia caused immense damage along the Gulf Coast of Florida, and now Hurricane Lee is threatening the east coast. If it actually hits a major population center in the Northeast, we could see immense devastation.  

Meanwhile, large earthquakes are striking without warning all over the globe. On Friday night at 11:11 local time, a highly destructive magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit Morocco. According to the USGS, this was the biggest earthquake that Morocco has experienced in more than 100 years. In the city of Marrakesh, tall buildings violently crumbled to the ground as the ground shook with great force. When something like this happens, your life can be turned upside down in a single moment. Then on Saturday, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit off the coast of Palu, Indonesia, and a magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck not too far from New Zealand.

Meanwhile, massive storms continue to rage all over the planet. This year, for the very first time ever recorded, “storms have reached top-tier Category 5 strength in every tropical ocean basin in the same year”. And now here comes Hurricane Lee. Lee made headlines all over the globe on Thursday when it suddenly strengthened from a Category 1 storm to a Category 5 storm.

Can you imagine what such a storm would do to New York City or Boston if a direct hit happened? Let us hope that such a scenario can be avoided. But as I have been relentlessly warning, we are entering a period of great instability when our planet will be hit by one major disaster after another. What we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg, and so I would encourage all of you to brace yourselves for the tumultuous months and years that are ahead."
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1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Funny how things are going. And the Georgia guidestones said humanity should be kept to 500 million.. And, ohh, they are gone.
