Thursday, August 31, 2023

"I Can Feel It in My Bones…" (Excerpt)

"I Can Feel It in My Bones…"
By Dennis Miller

Excerpt: "This is one of the most difficult articles I’ve ever written. It’s from the heart, and I’m worried. Premonition is defined as, A strong feeling that something (generally unpleasant) is about to happen, “He had a premonition of imminent disaster.” If an intuitive, imminent, gut-wrenching premonition (fear) grips your mind and body comes true, you will never forget it.

I was 23 when John Kennedy was assassinated. I was upset, couldn’t sleep and visibly shaken. Suspect Lee Harvey Oswald was being transferred to a different jail. The minute the live news came on, my stomach got tight, I felt it in my bones, real fear; something awful was about to happen. Oswald appeared in handcuffs. I shouted, “NOOOO!” Within seconds all hell broke loose, Jack Ruby jumped into the picture and shot him. I saw the picture play out before my eyes, powerless to do anything about it. I feel those fears whenever I think about it.

While the government explanation seemed reasonable, 60 years later they still keep much of the information from the public, citing “security reasons.” So much for transparency and trust in the government… I don’t trust any of them, regardless of their political affiliation!

Today’s concern: Chuck Butler recently told us: “Congress must stop deficit spending; just STOP! A Balanced Budget would do wonders for this mess we’re in, not just today, a responsible Balanced Budget from now till the end of time! That means adult, hard choices; what real leaders do. Dennis, our elected representatives need to be working together. I’ve never seen our government so polarized….”

This week’s reading stack rattled me. Bill Bonner tells us: "The federales have lost their minds. The Trump Team went bonkers…with a deficit of $4.2 trillion in 2020…then the Biden Bunch followed up with another $1.4 trillion deficit in 2021. It’s still ‘inflate or die.’ The federal government is running the biggest budget deficits in history. The US government has been throwing the biggest shindig in history – spending about $130 billion per week – or nearly 14% more than the year before…and 40% more than before the Covid era blowout. Government spending is headed toward 39% of the US economy. Not since WWII has so much of US output been squandered by the government.”
Full, most highly recommended article is here:

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