
Saturday, March 18, 2023

"4th US Bank Is On The Brink Of Collapse: We Are In Far More Trouble Than Most People Realize"

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"4th US Bank Is On The Brink Of Collapse: 
We Are In Far More Trouble Than Most People Realize"
By Epic Economist

"Every single day there are more twists and turns to this new banking panic. In fact, we just learned that the big banks have gotten together to save First Republic. That is good news, because a collapse of First Republic would have been a major catastrophe. But First Republic is just one in a very long list of banks that are in very serious jeopardy. For months, I relentlessly warned that our financial system could not handle higher interest rates. It was inevitable that financial institutions would start to break, and that is precisely what has happened. We are in far more trouble than most people realize, and we are still only in the very early chapters of this crisis.

Initially, there were rumors that a buyer was being sought for First Republic, but instead the “too big to fail” banks agreed on a plan to deposit a total of 30 billion dollars into the troubled institution…Needless to say, executives at First Republic are greatly relieved. So much money had been pulled out of the bank in recent days, and at one point on Thursday the stock was selling for less than 20 dollars a share…

So why was First Republic in so much trouble? Well, just like Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, they were sitting on enormous unrealized losses because the government bonds that they were holding had lost a ton of value thanks to rapidly rising interest rates. Ultimately, those unrealized losses made a potential purchase of First Republic quite “unappealing” to the “too big to fail” banks…

This crisis is just getting started. Every domino that falls is just going to make things even worse, and ultimately I believe that the entire system is headed for an unprecedented meltdown. So I would encourage you to do whatever you need to do to protect yourself, because things are only going to get crazier from here."
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