Monday, January 9, 2023

"Shedding Innocence"

"Shedding Innocence" (Excerpt)
Propaganda and censorship in the garden of good and evil.
By Robert W. Malone, MD, MS

Excerpt: "As we move through January 2023, and additional details about the lies our governments have told us are revealed daily, I keep getting questioned about how it feels to be vindicated. I wrote about this last year, at a time when the approved narrative appeared to be failing, and my deep ambivalence remains. To my surprise, governments, the World Health Organization (WHO), and various non-governmental organizations (WEF, BMGF etc.) have managed to keep the COVIDcrisis alive and weaponized to justify policies which do not advance public health objectives, but which they use to advance their own political and financial interests. Like tossing offal over the transom, “Never let a good crisis go to waste” seems to have provoked a shark feeding frenzy which humanity may require decades to recover from. Assuming we ever do.

The apple of knowledge about the depths of what the US government, the Uniparty, the “Administrative state” will do has been well and truly bitten into now. None who are “awake” to the damage done (to individuals, families, and communities) in the name of public health will ever be able to return to what (in retrospect) seems like the Eden of our prior innocence.

Now we are finally seeing the patient council of Augustine of Hippo come to pass - ‘The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.’ Like so many others, I had naively assumed that this process would require months, not years.

Just to make the point yet again, the COVIDcrisis was never really a crisis in the way it was portrayed. It was always a house of cards built upon (USA and CCP) government propaganda as well as grossly overstated risk modeling and projections from the Imperial College, London developed by the Neil Ferguson research group.

Layers and layers of propaganda. Deep, harmonized, simultaneous collusion, enticement, censorship, malicious defamation and gaslighting across all western political organizations and their paid toadies in corporate and social media- propagated and coordinated by the UN, WHO, EU, USA, former “British Empire” governments and the new wannabe corporatist world government body known as the “World Economic Forum” (WEF).

A comprehensive, global “shock and awe” fifth generation warfare action the likes of which the world has never seen before. All justified as necessary to protect us from a pathogen which was never a threat in the sense of Ebola (for example) or even the fentanyl flooding across the US southern border.

A pathogen which (current information suggests) many of these governments had a hand in creating. A pre-planned (Event 201) authoritarian totalitarian response resulting in a massive upwards transfer of wealth largely to those who funded the planning (that being the WEF and Bill Gates). Was the over-reaction and authoritarian mismanagement a psychological projection of their guilt about having created and loosed this slouching beast on all of us? Or was the virus just a strategy to enable a broader agenda? Or one of many possible strategies developed and waiting to be deployed? I suspect that Dr. Anthony Fauci would plead a failure of memory if asked to testify to the question under oath. Or perhaps (just as internet haters are going to hate), authoritarians and monopolists when given an opportunity will enable Totalitarian states and Corporate monopolies.

Over three years now in which we have all been banished to inhabit dark crevices and cracks in the garden of good and evil. Forced into our homes and the fringes of society while psychopathic devils who normally inhabit Dante’s nine circles of hell openly danced a global bacchanal of death, destruction, and greed. And as they danced, they steadily advanced their long anticipated “Global Reset”.

Any so bold as to question the approved narrative, to alert chained fellow cave dwellers that they are only being allowed to see shadows on the wall projected by these dancing devils, have been further ostracized to the depths of their own personal hells. With swarms of paid demons unleashed to discover and exploit any crack in their own personal armor (or history). And now these devils assert that the whole sordid affair supports the need for the world to grant them more money and power? Grasping for some frayed thread of a silver lining to their dark cloaks, I suppose that you have to at least admire their chutzpa."
Full article is here:

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