Sunday, November 13, 2022

"Terrible Hunger In Russia Will Not Happen. Here Is The Core Reason Why"

Full screen recommended.
St.Petersburg - me, 11/13/22:
"Terrible Hunger In Russia Will Not Happen. 
Here Is The Core Reason Why"
"It's almost 9 months of sanctions against Russia. Many people are still hoping that soon terrible hunger breaks out in the country. Many bloggers are bragging with the abundance of produce in Russian stores. Maybe they don't understand the core reason why the shelves are full in stores. So today I'm going to explain it to you."
Comments here:

1 comment:

  1. Drill down into that statement "The government will not allow empty shelves to happen because they know it will lead to riot". Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Things will change, but how? It's people working that fills the shelves, best government can do is stay out of the way.
    Anybody crystal ball?
    A first is like America, 20 years war in Afghanistan, the population only knew because of the few stories "remember the troops" & missing limbs veterans.
    Would it be surprising to visit this store in a couple months to find emptier shelves? Or another doubling of the prices? Or even a wrecked shell of a building that the pressure blew out?
    Time will tell.
