
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Greg Hunter, "Deep State Naked Running Through Streets"

"Deep State Naked Running Through Streets"
By ’s

"Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” says Deep State globalists are not happy with the progress of the “controlled demolition of all western societies.” They want their so-called “Great Reset,” but people are waking up at such a fast pace their propaganda is not working. Newman explains, “Censorship is the move that these Deep State people are making. They want to silence all dissent, all criticism, except dissent and criticism that furthers their narrative that furthers inflaming the division and furthers the civil war narrative. This is very, very dangerous. As my friend, Patrick Wood, the founder of “Citizens for Free Speech,” says, when they are able to silence our free speech, that’s when the killing starts. So, we should be very, very concerned about this.”

Are the Deep State’s destructive plans going all that well? Newman says, “They are in this do or die moment, and we have been here a little while. We are at the stage now where the agenda is out in the open. A few years ago, when we were saying they were going to be doing these things, we were called conspiracy theorists and extremists and whatever. Now, they are actually doing those things, and now they are saying it is dangerous and extreme not to approve of these things. So, now if you don’t agree with the ‘Great Reset’ or the Green New Deal or the Biden regime, they say you are dangerous. I think we are in the phase right now where they are basically running naked through the streets. Everybody can see them. So, it’s a very risky time for them. It’s a do or die moment for them if enough people wake up. If you look at the trend line people are waking up so rapidly that if this continues, they are going to be in major trouble. That’s why we are seeing the clampdown on free speech. 

The war on free speech shows how successful we have been and how unsuccessful they have been. If their propaganda was effective and they thought lying to us through CNN, NBC and ABC was good enough, they would not be worried about what people were saying on Facebook. They would not be worrying about what you were Tweeting out to your 10,000 or 30,000 followers. They would be confident and relaxed, and they would really not be all that concerned. The fact they are whipping themselves into a frenzy about all this ‘misinformation’ online shows you they are very, very concerned about the collapse of their narrative. 

You point out the real approval rate for Biden is 11% or 12%, and they recognize their agenda is not popular. They realize people don’t like this, and if people realize they are not the only ones that don’t like this and everyone does not like this, then they are in very big trouble.”

Newman says we are “fighting demonic spirits and not simply flesh and blood” as it says in the Bible. Newman contends one of the biggest failing narratives of the Deep State are the people who got the CV19 shots and are sick or dead. Newman says, “I think the truth on this is going to come out, and I think this is another reason we are in such a dangerous time. A lot of the people who lined up and got their shots are madder than a wet hen right now. They are wondering who is responsible for this? This is a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, and that is what the data is showing now. We are seeing excess mortality numbers that are unprecedented. Nothing in human history has resulted in things like this. Millions of people are dying, and millions of people are being debilitated by this around the world and especially around the Western world. We are seeing massive numbers of infertility and miscarriages, and I think the worst is yet to come." There is much more in the 46 min. video interview.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with hard hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of and author of the recent book “Deep State.”

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