
Friday, August 26, 2022

"How It Really Is"

Never in the history of the world has there been such a totally kind, compassionate, caring people as you, Good Citizens! $300 billion for these deadbeat clowns, $60 billion for the neoNazis in Ukraine, all while our economy's destroyed; stores and restaurants closed everywhere; millions jobless and homeless after losing their homes; inflation out of control and about to explode higher; elderly can't afford life saving medications; rents sky high; food banks desperately getting empty and your kids are hungry; gas prices about to explode much higher; $800 billion a year, at least, for the military and its 800 bases around the world to spread "democracy" to the suffering masses everywhere; Wall St. thieves stealing TRILLIONS of dollars while you go broke trying to pay the electric bill; and yet, despite all this, Americans find it in their loving hearts to relieve other's suffering! My hearts bursts, it bursts I tell you, with pride and admiration! Well, not exactly, but if I put here what I really feel about all this they'd instantly delete this blog...
- CP

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