
Monday, August 1, 2022

Canadian Prepper, “Warning: My Most Important Video, The Stores Will Be Emptied”

Canadian Prepper, 8/1/22:
“Warning: My Most Important Video, The Stores Will Be Emptied”
“If this happens the stores will be EMPTY in a week.”
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1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised at how little concern I'm seeing about what is obviously about to happen. The number of food processing plants that have recently had some sort of sabot,err,ummm, tragic events, fire,explosions, or just a supply line constipation, etc.. And if nobody caught it, Biden has announced that we will see food shortages.
    Look at who is buying up Tremendous amounts of American farmland. You know, Bill Gates, who is on record saying the planet has too many people on it. He is the proud owner of 269,000 acres, the single largest farmland owner in America. China has146,000 acres, some of it conveeeniently located near military installations. In recent years we have seen, first,two years of heavy rain that delayed planting in places that meant lower yields and then followed by drought, hell,the number of people who were prepping for that B.S. Y2K computer crashing fear was a lot bigger.
