Monday, May 9, 2022

“Steer Clear Of Those Murder Holes”

“Steer Clear Of Those Murder Holes”
by Addison Wiggin

“That’s the thing about the collapse of civilization, Blake. It never happens according to plan… The end comes in unforeseen ways; the stock market collapses, and then the banks, and then there is no food in the supermarkets…”
 - Mark Raynor, "The Fridgularity"

"Just as I was cracking my knuckles in prep for today’s missive, I caught the opening 20-minute scene of Spielberg’s "Saving Private Ryan" on AMC – the greatest war sequence ever filmed. The first piece of advice Tom Hank’s character, Captain Miller, gives to his crew as they’re about to become target practice in their amphibious landing vehicles on Utah Beach is: “Steer clear of those murder holes”.

“Good advice,” I thought… Given we write about economics, politics, history and the financial markets. Murder holes, you say? Let us count the ones we’ve covered so far:

1. “Money Printing”
2. and it’s evil offspring “Inflation”
3. “Carbon Energy” (including “Sanctions” thereof)
4. “The Green New Deal”
5. “Supply Chain Issues” (including those caused by the “Pandemic”)
6. “Weakening Financials” (including in tech)
7. “Economic Recession”
8. And now… an impending “Food Shortage” in America - never! - caused by a conflux of “all of the above”.

We spoke with Mark Rossano this week on TWS. Mark is the CEO of C6 Capital Holdings. You’ll note C stands for carbon on the table of elements. 6 is carbon’s atomic weight. You can imagine where on the economic table Mark finds his bread buttered.

Mark has been covering supply chain challenges in the global food supply since 2017, well before the Pandemic shut down large swaths of the economy. He’s also been tracking naturally occurring floods, fires, droughts… And locust infestations. Yep, biblically epic locust infestations. One locust swarm in particular manifested in Sudan and survived its way on the wind all the way to SouthEast Asia.

Regardless of your thoughts on “global warming”, “climate change”, “green energy” or whatever politically orientated term is in vogue, Mark has been tracking the real world impact these disasters have on the food supply. Watch the full video, here, for the bigger picture:
"Should I be worried about food shortages here in the U.S.?”

Tomorrow, we’re going to trace a “glitch” in the supply of fertilizer to the Midwest at a critical period in the spring planting season."

"Follow your bliss,"

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