Monday, April 18, 2022

"15 Signs That Most Americans Are Flat Broke And Totally Unprepared For The Coming Economic Collapse"

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"15 Signs That Most Americans Are Flat Broke 
And Totally Unprepared For The Coming Economic Collapse"
by Epic Economist

"When the coming economic recession strikes in America, more than half of all people in the nation are going to be financially wiped out almost immediately. Today, more than 60% of all U.S. workers are living paycheck to paycheck, and most Americans have more credit card debt than emergency savings. In other words, when the looming collapse occurs, we will see millions of people panicking all around this country.

One of the primary principles financial experts teach people is that in order to achieve financial security you need to have a cushion to fall back on. You can never tell for sure when unexpected expenses, such as major car repairs or healthcare bills, will come along. So during a major economic collapse, if you do not have any savings, you will probably find yourself in a lot of trouble.

We all know that there are millions of families barely scraping by month to month, so we can understand why so many people haven't been able to save sufficient money for an emergency. But if you are in a position to build up an emergency fund, you should do so while you still can.

Our economic and financial systems are facing multiple threats, and the time to get ready for the next great economic crisis is rapidly running out, but the vast majority of us are not prepared at all. Maybe some people have just gotten completely numb. Maybe some people are still thinking that that this bubble economy can last forever. Maybe some people can actually see that challenges are coming, but aren’t in a position to do something about it. Maybe some people just don’t know where to start and how to get prepared.

Well, if you’re new to this, we have several other videos in this channel that can help you. The most important thing right now is to stay alert and come up with an emergency plan so can keep you and your family safe when chaos takes over this country. We have to remember that are on our own, and our leaders have no actual intention of rescuing us from the economic catastrophe they created. So we must start acting now because global events are accelarating at an aboslutely shocking pace.

For that reason, today, we compiled stats that expose America's lack of preparedness. Here are 15 Signs That Most Americans Are Flat Broke And Totally Unprepared For The Coming Economic Crisis."

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