Saturday, March 26, 2022

"2022: Doomsday Clock at 100 Seconds to Midnight"

"2022: Doomsday Clock at 100 Seconds to Midnight"

"The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists introduced the Doomsday Clock in 1947. It represents a countdown to global nuclear annihilation. During the height of the Cold War, it came its closest to midnight - 2 minutes - then cooled, stretching to 17 minutes by 1991.

In 2015, around the time the film was released, increased instability had moved the clock back to 3 minutes to midnight, due to modernizations in global nuclear weapons and "outsized nuclear weapons arsenals," with world leaders failing to "act with the speed or on the scale required to protect citizens from potential catastrophe." At the time, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists read: "The clock ticks now at just three minutes to midnight because international leaders are failing to perform their most important duty - ensuring and preserving the health and vitality of human civilization."

In an update released January 20, 2022, however, the Bulletin reported that the world is "at doom's doorstep," with the clock moving to just 100 seconds to midnight: "The Clock remains the closest it has ever been to civilization-ending apocalypse because the world remains stuck in an extremely dangerous moment. In 2019 we called it the new abnormal, and it has unfortunately persisted. Leaders around the world must immediately commit themselves to renewed cooperation in the many ways and venues available for reducing existential risk.

Citizens of the world can and should organize to demand that their leaders do so - and quickly. The doorstep of doom is no place to loiter. Without swift and focused action, truly catastrophic events - events that could end civilization as we know it - are more likely. When the Clock stands at 100 seconds to midnight, we are all threatened. The moment is both perilous and unsustainable, and the time to act is now."
"Being This Close To Nuclear War Should Change How We See Things"
by Caitlin Johnstone

Excerpt: "I’m always stunned at how, whenever I talk about the way all this brinkmanship is bringing us ever closer to a precipice from which there is no return, people will often tell me “Yeah well if it happens it will be Putin’s fault for starting it.” Like that’s in any way a sane response to our plight. People are so confused and compartmentalized about this issue they seriously think “If nuclear war happens it will be Putin’s fault” is a complete position on this issue.

I always want to shake them and ask them, “If you looked outside right now and saw a mushroom cloud growing in the distance, would the words ‘It was Putin’s fault’ give you any comfort? Or would you, perhaps, wish measures had been taken early on to prevent it from getting to this point?”

It’s a useful thought experiment that can be applied in many areas, while we sit here on the brink waiting to see what happens.

If you looked outside right now and saw a mushroom cloud growing in the distance, how good would you feel about the decision not to guarantee Moscow that Ukraine would never receive NATO membership?

If you looked outside right now and saw a mushroom cloud growing in the distance, would you be able to say you tried everything you could to prevent this from happening?

If you looked outside right now and saw a mushroom cloud growing in the distance, would you feel okay about how you’ve been treating the people you care about?

If you looked outside right now and saw a mushroom cloud growing in the distance, would you feel okay about how you’ve been spending your time?

If you looked outside right now and saw a mushroom cloud growing in the distance, will you wish you’d spent more time at the office? Wish you’d participated in more social media drama? Wish you’d taken fewer chances? Wish you’d loved with less abandon?

The swelling likelihood of imminent armageddon draws everything into focus. Helps clarify your priorities. Helps you figure out how to live your life from moment to moment.

And from where I’m sitting this clarity brings with it a sense of responsibility as a human being. A responsibility to really be here now. To truly live our lives with presence and appreciation. To drink deeply of the cup of human experience. Because the only thing worse than everything ending would be if it ended without having been seen and valued while it lasted.

We have control over so very little in this insane little pickle we’ve found ourselves in. But one thing we can definitely control is whether we’re really showing up for however much time we’ve got left on this amazing blue planet.

“Treasure each moment” is something you hear so often in life that it becomes a cliche and loses all its meaning. But there has never been a better time to take another look at it with fresh eyes and begin putting it into practice.

Treasure each moment, because there might not be very many of them left. This is the moment. This is our moment. If this does wind up being humanity’s last scene on this stage, let’s at least help make sure we shine as radiantly as possible before the final curtain."

Please read this complete article, with my highest recommendation, here:

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