Friday, January 28, 2022

"Our Time’s 1989 Moment, Maybe?"

"Our Time’s 1989 Moment, Maybe?"
by Eric Peters

"The good news is the wheels are finally coming off. It was the only way the runaway truck of Sickness Psychosis could ever be stopped. The Biden Thing’s heavy-handed attempt to force-medicate the entire country has been stymied by the courts – again! – which should make it much harder for the corporations to force-medicate employees. They now have both firmer ground to stand on as regards refusing to go along with it as well as the far more important pressure-relief valve of an alternative to it.

Without a government mandate, applicable everywhere, there will always be employers who don’t insist that employment is contingent upon being medicated. This makes it much more difficult for employers who do insist on it to continue so insisting. People can just quit – and go to work someplace sane. Leaving the insane other place without workers. It’s hard to get things done without them.

It’s kind of like having fifty different states,with some states having low (or even no) state income taxes and a more live-and-let-live culture. When there is a freedom option, most people will take it. And even if they don’t, the fact that they could applies a salutary pressure upon those who would take it away. Which is why the underlying theme of the Cult of Sickness Abiding was always and above all to take it away, everywhere. From “masks” to Jabs, the same for all – and everywhere.

Luckily for us, we do have fifty different states – including states like Florida, which provided not only an alternative but also an example. People there were not only free to show their faces, the fact that they did showed that not showing them wasn’t the magical talisman against sickness and death asserted by the Cult. It is certain that Florida’s example undermined the bogeyman assertions made by the Faucists, that failing to abide by the “guidelines” urged by them would guarantee death and doom.

When it didn’t, the Faucists began to look not merely like ridiculous hysterics but something more sinister. The apoplectic fury directed at Florida and especially at Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, makes no sense unless it is prompted by something other than “concern” for what is styled “public health” – an odd turn of phrase given there’s no such thing, except as a vague rhetorical abstraction. People are healthy or not. There is no such thing as collective (i.e., “public”) health.

By letting people breathe – and live – DeSantis established it was not necessary to force them to breathe through a “mask” – nor turn their lives upside down in order to continue living. Florida proved that normalcy is healthy. You’d think – if “concern” over people’s “health” were the driving motive – that the Faucists would have thanked DeSantis for proving them wrong. Perhaps even apologized for getting it wrong. Assuming they were well-intended. But admitting that DeSantis was right makes it harder to continue selling – imposing – what is wrong. What is evil.

People began to see the emperor’s new clothes. Rather, they began to see that the emperor was prancing around naked, his gray-haired man boobs flopping around in the breeze. The sight wasn’t – isn’t – pretty.

Now it looks like a whole country, Great Britain is going to follow Florida’s example. It will soon be legal for people in Great Britain to practice normalcy again, too. The whole show – all the Sickness Kabuki “practices” – is about to be shelved as far as being mandatory. No more “masking” – unless you want to. No more having to present paperwork documenting you’ve had your rabies shots to get a cup of coffee or shop, either.

This is going to make it harder for other European countries to continue practicing abnormalcy – for the same reason that Florida’s example is making it hard for other states in America to continue practicing it. Even in states where it is still technically expected – such as California – it is becoming harder to insist on it. This writer has family in Oceanside, CA – which is part of California, one of the states most firmly in thrall to the Cult of Sickness Abiding. And yet, even there, the rituals are losing their puissance because the mechanisms of the state aren’t insisting upon them. The city government says it is not going to enforce the state government’s decree that people “mask” in order to shop. And so, many don’t.

The more who don’t, the more who won’t. Sanity re-asserts itself. People see it’s ok to show their faces. More faces show. Color and life returns. This could be our time’s 1989 Moment – the reference being to the fall of the old Soviet Union and the coming down of the wall between East and West Berlin. As long as there was a West Berlin as a counterpoint to East Berlin, people wanted to get out of East Berlin. As long as there is something other than the Soviet Union, people will know that living in a Soviet Union isn’t the only way to live. With Florida leading the way, here – we may be on our way back to America, too."

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