Thursday, December 23, 2021

"Back to Square One"

"Back to Square One"
by Jeffrey Tucker

"Do you have some sense that we’ve been in this place before? Another variant, another round of panics, more restrictions, models forecasting mass deaths, experts weighing in on all the things you must do, masks, masks, masks, exhortations from discredited experts demanding that you do things again even though they didn’t work the last time.

The great ghoul this time is: OMICRON! A tiny handful of deaths in the entire world have been attributed to it at one step removed. Cases of course are through the roof — and that is because there is a well-established and once-understood tradeoff within this family of viruses between their transmissibility and their severity. More “cases” tend toward fewer deaths.

Yes, health officials around the world have clearly said that it is not serious. It’s not even much of a thing. A cold. It killed no one in the country in which it was discovered. And yet still the whole world is freaking out. But there is no sense in trying to make sense these days. The weary world seems always ready for another round of panic. Nothing has ever really made sense, but now the complete senselessness is on hyperdrive.

Back to the Bad Old Days of 2020: Universities all over the Northeast have closed and gone back to Zoom classes. New York events are being canceled. Israel is blocking its citizens from traveling to some 10 countries, one of which is the U.S. Lockdowns are being imposed all over Europe along with ever more vicious enforcements of masks and vaccine passports. And this is with a vaccine that has been widely adopted and accepted in all the countries that are now locking down. The vaccinated seem especially susceptible to the variant, maybe. I say maybe because all of this is contingent on testing.

The vaccinated now are aware that they are not protected against contracting the virus or spreading it. It is no longer a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” The virus does not seem to care that much about the vaccination.

Health authorities in Rhode Island are warning of impending disaster with overwhelmed hospitals and other facilities. This is because vast numbers have quit their jobs. Oh, but we are told this has nothing to do with the vaccine requirement. No, no. It’s because they found better job opportunities elsewhere.

Think about this. The staff and nurses 18 months ago were working like crazy and treated like heroes for exposing themselves to the virus. They obtained natural immunity. But to sell vaccines, the CDC and NIH don’t like to breathe a word about natural immunity. They act like it doesn’t exist. So they demanded that the whole staff get vaccinated on top of existing broad, safe and effective natural immunity.

Big Pharma’s Role: We’ve known about natural immunity for thousands of years. Now it is mostly denied or not spoken about. How can you account for that? Minds go immediately toward the power and influence of the pharmaceutical lobbies. From the points of view of doctors, nurses and other hospital staff, that’s an insult. It’s insulting enough to cause anyone to quit on the spot. So yes, many employees just began feeling demoralized. Here is where we stand and a look at why there is a crisis. Crisis upon crisis.

So yes, they created the health care crisis that they long predicted. And it’s not just Rhode Island. The ICUs are filling up but not necessarily from COVID. These are health problems generated by lockdowns. Cancer. Drug overdoses. Obesity. Broken immune systems.

The Devil Unleashed: For the first time since this crisis began in America in March 2020, I feel a loss of words, an inability to explain or even describe the world in which we live. We are on the precipice of disaster, with the Supreme Court only days away from deciding on the OSHA mandate that could permanently change life in America.

Starting on Jan. 5, 2022, the new terms of service will come into effect for Google, YouTube and Twitter. Millions of videos and accounts are likely to be deleted. These companies have clearly signed up to work for Fauci and company and the deep state generally. They will target their enemies and any thoughts that do not comport with the prevailing line.

Millions of people are now scrambling to find other means of communication: new email accounts, new video platforms, new chat systems, new social media platforms. But there are so many and none has anywhere near the reach of companies like the legacy large companies. So there is a kind of social diaspora taking place, clearly designed to frazzle and confound the enemy.

Many businesses are now fighting for their lives. CEOs of major airlines have pleaded to end the mask mandate that is so awful for their customers flying on their extremely clean planes. Fauci flat out says no. We must wear masks forever, he says. Who elected him? Why is he, of all people, the dictator of our businesses, communities and lives? And it all happened so quickly and shockingly.

The Markets: Finally, the markets have been hit recently, yet again. It’s inflation. It’s fear of lockdowns. It’s cancellations. It’s public panic, which now seems as intense as it was in the spring of 2020. It’s as if we have learned nothing.

We now have major voices such as Jeremy Faust of Harvard writing in his influential column: "Am I willing to give up life as we know it for another year or two? Not particularly (especially once all age groups are eligible for vaccines, which is not yet the case). But am I willing to disrupt certain aspects of life temporarily when necessary to achieve a clearly stated goal? Yes. The key is to define that goal and to implement a strategy that can deliver it. Nobody gets tired of winning. What we’re tired of is losing."

Forget your rights. Now people like Fauci are in charge. And they want to implement the same losing strategies that have already failed us. At what point do we say enough is enough? At some point, this disaster is going to wreck even the financial markets. Not yet, but at some point. Where is the safety in today’s world?

The idea of buying Bitcoin sounds like a good alternative and if civilization is collapsing around us, digital earnings are more useful than nothing. Others might prefer something more tangible: gold. But how much better would be the idea of freedom? That seems like the one word that one cannot say and the one solution no one in the ruling class is willing to consider. To them, freedom for us is the freedom to obey their orders."

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