Saturday, August 14, 2021

"Food Shortages/Empty Shelves At Walmart: Weekend Update Dallas, Oregon"

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"Food Shortages/Empty Shelves At Walmart:
 Weekend Update Dallas, Oregon"
by NW Prepper

8/14/21: "Just wanted to give a first hand, visual update. Talking is great and all but people need to see it once in awhile. I may try and Do an update once a week if I find it needed. Where I live could take a considerable hit with the Fred Meyer warehouse workers going on strike. We have only two major stores, Safeway and Fred Meyer. When one takes a hit, the next closest one will feel it. Let me be clear this is not to scare but to educate and prepare people for future scenarios. Prep. Train. Survive. Take Care and stay safe!"

Reader Comment: Dylan Paul: "Hey guys, so I just talked to a manager at Walmart that I'm friends with, we talk every week when I go to pick up my groceries, lol, but anyways he was telling me to buy water and milk and eggs and meat and dried goods now because he got an email from corporate saying they will be putting limits on all water, eggs, meat and foods...stock up!"
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8/14/21:”Food Shortages/Empty Shelves At Walmart:
 Weekend Update.”
by TexasSurplusPro

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