Monday, December 14, 2020

"If You Thought 2020 Was Bad, Watch What Happens In 2021"

"If You Thought 2020 Was Bad, 
Watch What Happens In 2021"
by Epic Economist

"If you are thinking that the chaotic 2020 narrative will end after the year is over, we are sorry to inform you that the collapse has just begun. The coming year will be marked by the consequences of the disastrous response to the health crisis, which has shut down businesses economic activity throughout several rounds of government-mandated lockdowns. The damages caused will not be undone overnight. Not even a miraculous vaccine will help us get out of the economic rock bottom our country has fallen into.

The truth is that the scarring done in the job market, the apocalyptic wave of businesses bankruptcies, the astronomical level of accumulated debt in the housing market, and the expiration of federal aid will jeopardize the U.S. economic growth for much longer than one can imagine. Furthermore, with a stock market highly based on speculative stimulus projections, we are about to see much more turmoil in the financial markets over the next months. So, if you think 2020 was bad, wait until you see what's going to happen in 2021. 

Many are under the impression that as we turn the 2020 page, the whole history of a year that went wrong will be left behind us. Unfortunately, this is not the case. When we take a quick look at our economic wounds and our social scenario, it becomes quite evident that there's no way around it. Eventually, our reckoning day will arrive and the many crises that were triggered during this year will have to be faced head-on. 

While the mainstream media is selling us the idea that as soon as the health crisis is under control and a vaccine is widely distributed everything will come back to normal, economists, market strategists, and scholars have been all alerting that the "new normal" will include an unprecedented level of surveillance, government dependency, repression and economic deterioration. In short, nothing will ever be "normal" again. World leaders realized what great opportunity the outbreak was to silently advance their agenda and finally enforce a global financial reset. To do so, they have been counting on policy-makers, who have been issuing measures that expressly contribute to the destruction of the current financial system. 

The "Great Reset" as the World Economic Forum calls it, has started to develop years ago, but never in history, the global population has been so desperate they could promptly accept any solution to ease the financial burden provoked by the current recession. That's why several analysts have warned that the catastrophic economic events of early 2021 will also be used by globalists to justify a shift to a system where almost every aspect of our lives will be unrecognizable. 

The economic and financial downturn we are experiencing could have been completely avoided if more effective action were taken since the start of the crisis. But most of the regulations enacted led businesses to die, people to lose their jobs and fall into poverty. All evidences are there, and yet they chose to do nothing to prevent a major calamity. This indifference to people's suffering isn't a result of harsh circumstances. In fact, it gives us a clear picture of how the intentions of both the elites and governments around the world are perfectly aligned. 

They will continue to push us over the edge. They will continue to crush businesses with lockdowns, and therefore, push millions more out of their jobs, leading many to accumulate debt so that they become inevitably attached and reliant to the system. Moreover, they are letting a hunger and homelessness crisis ravage the lives of our citizens, and in a sense, they are even enabling a potential third wave of contagion knowingly just to get us at our most vulnerable state. Additionally, the stock market is set to crash in the coming months. And when things go south on the stock markets, it is a clear indication that things in the real economy pretty much went from bad to worse. 

At this stage, we're closer to a double-dip recession than to some sort of recovery. In 2020, our most worrying financial problems were unemployment and growing debt, but by early 2021 it can become poverty, famine, and homelessness for millions of us. These three agents combined will be far more fatal than the current virus. What's more, the occurrence of a massive financial crash will cause much more chaos than what we've seen this year. The biggest question is: will mass poverty succeed where the health crisis failed in convincing Americans to give up their liberties in exchange for some stability? That's exactly what the global elites are waiting for. Are you ready for this battle?"

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