Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Gerald Celente, "We Own You, Do What We Say or Else"

Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal" 11/2/21:
Strong language alert!
"We Own You, Do What We Say or Else"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 11/2/21: "Must Watch! Bank Of America Warns, And Mannarino Has A Meltdown"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 11/2/21:
"Must Watch! Bank Of America Warns, 
And Mannarino Has A Meltdown"

"Bordering on the Absurd"

"Bordering on the Absurd"
by Bill Bonner

"Modern society is hypnotized by socialism. It is prevented by socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where it's coming from as it moves swiftly towards you."
– Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "Little noticed in the Western media, last month, Russian president Vladimir Putin made an important speech in which he explained what was wrong with us: "We are surprised by the processes taking place in countries that used to see themselves as pioneers of progress. The social and cultural upheavals taking place in the United States and Western Europe are, of course, none of our business; we don’t interfere with them."

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake,” said NapolĂ©on. But while Putin might enjoy watching us err… he continued with his helpful analysis: "Someone in the Western countries is convinced that the aggressive erasure of whole pages of their own history – the “reverse discrimination” of the majority in favor of minorities, or the demand to abandon the usual understanding of such basic things as mother, father, family or even the difference between the sexes – that these are, in their opinion, milestones of the movement toward social renewal."

Win-Lose All the Way: We write today with no more knowledge of the proper relationship between the sexes than anyone else. But “abandoning the usual understanding” is at the heart of the West’s financial problem. And it’s something Russians can readily grasp, if not Americans. For seven decades, the Soviet Union required its citizens to do bizarre and unwelcome things.

Their whole economy, from top to bottom, was controlled by the Soviet elite. Ordinary families, meanwhile, often two or three of them crammed together, lived in drab apartments, sharing a single bathroom. They wore drab clothes. They called each other “comrade.” They stood in line to shop at stores with empty shelves. They waited years to buy a poor-quality car. They did what they were told, in other words… no matter how stupid it was.

One of the most remarkable features of the Soviet experiment was that it almost eliminated the politesse of a civilized society. The usual understandings, between merchant and customer, client and service provider, employer and employee… had been erased. It was win-lose all the way… and the losers saw no reason to smile about it.

Been there; done that, said Putin: "Looking at what’s happening in a number of Western countries, we see with amazement our own practices, which we thankfully have left behind, hopefully, in the distant past."

Out of Whack: Here at the Diary, our beat is money. There, we see most clearly how abandoning the “usual understandings” is undermining growth and prosperity. That is, usually, you know who you can count on… and who you can’t. Your grocery stores will usually keep their shelves stocked… and your gas stations will keep the pumps operating. You expect your reporters to give you the news straight… and your politicians to be crooked.

But when the most basic and important features of a free economy are skewed – such as the Federal Reserve’s artificially low interest rates – the whole system goes out of whack. Some people get wealth they don’t deserve. Others are deprived of it. People stop smiling and go for each other’s throats.

For 18 decades (with a short interruption during the War Between the States), Americans could depend on the dollar. It was connected, by law, to gold. That's why prices at the end of the 19th century were about where they were when the century began; a person whose great-grandfather saved a dollar in 1800 could enjoy the full measure of it right up until the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Since then, the dollar has lost about 98% of its purchasing power. And today, it is losing its value faster than at any time in the last 12 years.

Where the Money Goes: But where is the “value” going? Where does it go when it “goes away”? It goes to the deciders! As we reported last month, the upper 10% own 89% of all publicly traded stocks. So when the Wilshire 5000, the broadest measure of the stock market, went from $22 trillion in March 2020, to $47 trillion last week, the elite gained approximately $22 trillion… in just 18 months. Most of that money will probably go back whence it came in the next crisis. But today, it stands like a red star on the Soviet flag… a symbol of corruption and incompetence on a vast scale.

Great Dividers: But money isn’t everything. Here’s Edward Luce of the Financial Times: "…my larger fear today is about the west’s general lack of deference towards the things that matter most, not least the institutions and habits of mind that protect us. These include an independent judiciary, a professional media, the culture of relatively good-faith debate, the lost habit of assuming those with whom you disagree are not evil, and the sense of larger belonging to a community with mutual obligations."

Yes, Dear Reader, it’s those “limits” I told you about last week… those habits and “usual understandings” – not laws – that protect us. And yet, they seem to be losing as much value as the dollar. Again, Putin is on the case: "The battle for equal rights and against discrimination is being turned into aggressive dogmatism bordering on the absurd, when the great authors of the past – such as Shakespeare, are no longer taught in schools and universities because they and their ideas are seen as backward. The classics are considered backward for their failure to understand the importance of the questions of race or gender.”

For the Bolsheviks, there was no more important question than economic class – proletariat or bourgeoisie? Bolshevik… or counter-revolutionary? If you fell on the wrong side of that either-or, you were doomed. And great Russian writers, such as Boris Pasternak and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – either because they were critics of the Soviet Union or backward-looking romantics – were silenced.

Now, it is America that has its rabid mobs, book banners, and dogmatic world improvers. It has its Great Dividers, too – vaccinations, climate change, historic monuments… black or white, gay or straight, male or female, Republican or Democrat. “Abandoning the usual understanding,” it still puts one foot in front of the other. Where it is going, we don’t know. But we don’t think we’re going to like it."

"How It Really Is"


"Interest Rates Will Go Bonkers - Fed is Under Pressure"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly AM 11/2/21:
"Interest Rates Will Go Bonkers - Fed is Under Pressure"
"There is so much happening in the economy. The third 
cannot contain this much longer. Interest rates will skyrocket."

Gregory Mannarino, "Critical Updates: Down To The Wire! A Huge Day For the Markets Is Upon Us"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 11/2/21:
"Critical Updates: Down To The Wire! 
A Huge Day For the Markets Is Upon Us"

Monday, November 1, 2021

Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Loving Touch”

Full screen recommended.
Deuter, “Loving Touch”

"The Tipping Point Has Been Reached: Mass Civil Disobedience 'Counteroffensive' Against Vaccine Tyranny Begins NOW… WALKOUTS on Nov 3 and Nov 8-11"

"The Tipping Point Has Been Reached: Mass Civil Disobedience 
'Counteroffensive' Against Vaccine Tyranny Begins NOW… 
WALKOUTS on Nov 3 and Nov 8-11"
by Mike Adams

"With pilots, police officers, firefighters, nurses and people in all walks of life now taking a stand and saying, "NO" to the deadly vaccine jabs, a tipping point has been reached in America. The realization has hit home for millions that complying with the increasingly insane demands of vaccine tyrants leads only to more suffering and death.

We cannot "comply" our way to freedom... especially when those demanding our compliance are power-hungry criminals and psychopaths.

All across the cultural landscape, people are rising up now, and two walkouts have been publicly announced. This is the moment humanity must take back core freedoms or lose them forever.

Only someone as pathetic as Joe Biden could UNIFY the Left and Right into mass rejection of a disastrous regime that seems determined to bring America to its knees. Meanwhile, all across America, people are shouting, “Let’s Go Brandon!” This meme has now taken over the majority of top song sales on iTunes, and the chant can be heard at sporting events, public protests and the occasional airline trip.
Loza Alexander, "Lets Go Brandon"

Americans have nothing left to lose… if we don’t resist the tyranny, we will all be destroyed and the nation will be plunged into a Venezuela-style economic collapse. It’s now abundantly clear to anyone paying attention: Complying with tyranny only gets you more tyranny. If we don’t stand up now and demand our freedoms - take them back - we will lose them forever. These include:

● The freedom to speak (end censorship!)
● The freedom to worship (end the forced lockdowns of churches).
● The freedom to vote (end election machine fraud and rigging).
● Freedom of medical choice (NO vaccine mandates!)
● The freedom to travel (no quarantines, checkpoints).
● The freedom to participate in society (no vaccine passports).
● The freedom to engage in free market transactions without government interference.

The vaccine coercion issue has brought all this to the surface, but this is about much more than vaccines… it’s about the very pillar of liberty and the right to exist. That’s why we strongly support first responders who are standing up against the vaccine lunacy."

"Lets Go Brandon" indeed!

"I've Been Driving Trucks For 20 Years, I'll Tell You Why America's Shipping Crisis Will Not End"

Full screen recommended.
"I've Been Driving Trucks For 20 Years, 
I'll Tell You Why America's Shipping Crisis Will Not End"
by Epic Economist

"There's no end in sight for the chaotic shipping crisis the U.S. has been experiencing. Port conditions have never been so turbulent, and with each passing day, the backlog of containers only gets bigger and more difficult to solve. One industry insider is warning that it's all downhill from here and American consumers should start saying goodbye to fast free shipping. From now on, companies are going to start charging some painful premium shipping rates for on-time deliveries, and even so, nothing is guaranteed. Our ports' operational system is terminally broken, and they're lacking in infrastructure, equipment, and staff. But no one is willing to pay the price to make this crisis go away. Especially not when shipping companies are cashing in huge amounts of money to offer a terrible service, and they can charge even more if customers chose a premium to get their products out as fast as possible.

All of the experts defending 24/7 port operations are contributing to the creation of an even larger backlog because there are simply not enough truck drivers in the market to move those containers from ports to warehouses. That's what Ryan Johnson, a 20-year veteran in the trucking industry, revealed in a recent article published by Medium. The best way to understand how deep a crisis goes is to learn from the source what is really going on so that we know what the media, the so-called experts, and the government are refusing to tell us. That's why Johnson's exposé is so relevant and so urgent at a time our supply chains are severely collapsing and our leaders don't seem to bother fixing it.

The trucking industry veteran pointed that one of the main reasons why most trucking companies don't want anything to do with transporting shipping containers is the fact port operations have always been extremely messy, and things have gotten a whole lot worse since the beginning of the health crisis. Ports don’t have enough workers to keep operations fluid, no matter whether you're in a coastal or inland, union or non-union port, the situation is the same all over the nation. That's why when ports started to get congested due to the impacts of the health crisis last spring, the vast majority of drivers refused to show up.

A huge part of the problem is that there are extensive equipment shortages that is compromising the flow of containers. Johnson explains that "one of these critical shortages is the container chassis. A container chassis is the trailer the container sits on. Cranes will load these in port. They are essential for container trucking. There aren’t enough of those to begin to address the backlog of containers today, and now drivers are sitting around for hours, sometimes days, waiting for chassis."

When a container arrives in a warehouse, many of them have to be manually unloaded because the goods are not sitting on pallets. So it takes a sizable working crew and a considerable amount of time to do this, particularly now that warehouses are extremely short-staffed. Those who want to get their deliveries on time are going to have to pay expensive premium rates. They will be on the top of the priority list while those who paid lower or no premium rates will face prolonged waiting times to get their products. The backlog of containers doesn't hurt the owners of the transportation business and shipping companies, but those who are paying higher shipping costs: manufacturers selling products and consumers buying products. The laws of supply and demand essentially mean that they are going to collect record-high profits for poor service and they won't have to change a thing in the system.

For the entire supply chain to operate smoothly every point of it has to be working at an equal capacity. If any disruption erupts along the way, the whole system gets clogged. "Right now, it’s ALL failing spectacularly TOGETHER, but fixing one piece won’t do anything. It ALL needs to be fixed, and at the same time," he emphasizes. "My prediction is that nothing is going to change and the shipping crisis is only going to get worse. Nobody in the supply chain wants to pay to solve the problem". Sadly, this is the new normal. American consumers are soon going to be shocked by the painful rates they will have to pay. All this mess is being brought to us by those who are running our supply chains and by flawed government measures that only aggravate the problem. This crisis is far from over, and the worst is yet to come."

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Shadows of White"

Liquid Mind, “Shadows of White”

"A Look to the Heavens"

"The dream was to capture both the waterfall and the Milky Way together. Difficulties included finding a good camera location, artificially illuminating the waterfall and the surrounding valley effectively, capturing the entire scene with numerous foreground and background shots, worrying that fireflies would be too distracting, keeping the camera dry, and avoiding stepping on a poisonous snake. Behold the result -- captured after midnight in mid-July and digitally stitched into a wide-angle panorama. 
Click image for larger size.
The waterfall is the picturesque Zhulian waterfall in the Luoxiao Mountains in eastern Hunan Province, China. The central band of our Milky Way Galaxy crosses the sky and shows numerous dark dust filaments and colorful nebulas. Bright stars dot the sky - all residing in the nearby Milky Way - including the Summer Triangle with bright Vega visible above the Milky Way's arch. After capturing all 78 component exposures for you to enjoy, the photographer and friends enjoyed the view themselves for the rest of the night."

Chet Raymo, “Telling Stories”

“Telling Stories”
by Chet Raymo

"When the pulse of the first day carried it to the rim of night, First Woman said to First Man, "The people need to know the laws. To help them we must write the laws for all to see"...And so she began, slowly, first one and then the next, placing her jewels across the dome of night, carefully designing her pattern so all could read it. But Coyote grew bored watching First Woman carefully arranging the stars in the sky: Impatiently he gathered two corners of First Woman's blanket, and before she could stop him he flung the remaining stars out into the night, spilling them in wild disarray, shattering First Woman's careful patterns."

This episode from the Navajo creation story of is from "How the Stars Fell Into the Sky", a children's book by Jerrie Oughton. It is a lovely story, full of ancient wisdom. For centuries, Navajo children heard the story at an elder's knee. The story was taken literally, or at least accepted with a willing suspension of disbelief. I heard a similar creation story in my youth - of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Serpent. I accepted the story with a willing suspension of disbelief.

All cultures, everywhere on Earth, have stories, passed down in scriptures, traditions or tribal myths, that answer the questions: Where did the world come from? What is our place in it? What is the source of order and disorder? What will be the fate of the world? Of ourselves? No people can live without a community story. The problem comes when the community story becomes so disconnected from empirical experience that it no longer commands a suspension of disbelief. For many of us in the West, that is the case with the creation stories that have undergirded Western civilization.

Today, a New Story exists for those who choose to accept it. It is the product of thousands of years of human curiosity, observation, experimentation, and creativity. It is an evolving story, not yet finished. Perhaps it will never be finished. It is a story that begins with an explosion from a seed of infinite energy. The seed expands and cools. Particles form, then atoms of hydrogen and helium. Stars and galaxies coalesce from swirling gas. Stars burn and explode, forging heavy elements - carbon, nitrogen, oxygen - and hurling them into space. New stars are born, with planets made of heavy elements.

On one planet near a typical star in a typical galaxy life appears in the form of microscopic self-replicating, carbon-based ensembles of atoms. Life evolves, over billions of years, resulting in ever more complex organisms. Continents move. Seas rise and fall. The atmosphere changes. Millions of species of life appear and become extinct. Others adapt, survive, and spill out progeny. At last, consciousness appears. One of the millions of species on the planet looks into the night sky and wonders what it means. Feels the spark of love, tenderness, responsibility. Makes up stories - of First Woman and Coyote, of Adam, Eve and the Serpent - eventually making up the New Story. The New Story places us squarely in a cosmic unfolding of space and time, and teaches our biological affinity to all humanity. We are inextricably related to all of life, to the planet itself, and even to the lives of stars.

It has been the task of many of us gathered here on this cyber porch to help wed the New Story to the spiritual quest, to create what Thomas Berry calls an "integral story." In his introduction to Kathleen Deignan's collection of Thomas Merton's nature writing, Berry writes: "Today, in the opening years of the twenty-first century, we find ourselves in a critical moment when the religious traditions need to awaken again to the natural world as the primary manifestation of the divine to human intelligence. The very nature and purpose of the human is to experience this intimate presence that comes to us through natural phenomena. Such is the purpose of having eyes and ears and feeling sensitivity, and all our other senses. We have no inner spiritual development without outer experience. Immediately, when we see or experience any natural phenomenon, when we see a flower, a butterfly, a tree, when we feel the evening breeze flow over us or wade in a stream of clear water, our natural response is immediate, intuitive, transforming, ecstatic. Everywhere we find ourselves invaded by the world of the sacred."

Berry reminds us that we will neither love nor save what we do not experience as sacred. The older creation stories locate the source of the sacred outside of the creation. The New Story, the scientific story of creation, provides unique opportunities to experience the creation itself as holy and good.

We should treasure the ancient stories for the wisdom and values they teach us. We can praise the creation in whatever poetic languages and rituals our traditional cultures have taught us. But only the New Story has the global authority to help us navigate the future. Of all the stories, it is certainly the truest. It is the only story whose feet have been held to the fire of exacting empirical experience.”

The Poet: A. J. Constance, "All of Us Here On This Spinning Blue World"

"All of Us Here On This Spinning Blue World"

"Let's not plan too much
or expect
or promise
or say how much
or how little
or outline how things must be
or how they must not be.

All of us here on this beautiful
spinning blue world,
let's just love each other
from one millisecond to the next
as much as we can."

- A. J. Constance
Full screen recommended.
The Moody Blues, "Blue World"

“'Net Zero' Stands Zero Chance"

“'Net Zero' Stands Zero Chance"
by Brian Maher

"The United States president - and other bow-wow wowsers of his type - presently huddle in Glasgow, Scotland. Their objective: to break a fever. They inform us Earth is down with an alarming one, with worsening sweats in prospect. Thus they fixate their eyes distressingly upon the rising mercury. Increases greater than 1.5 degrees (Celsius) over pre-industrial levels risk breakaway heating, potentially fatal heating. And so the world’s leaders plan to scotch the pathogen producing the sweats.

That is of course Earth’s great menace... carbon dioxide. In Glasgow they will chart a path toward net zero emissions "by or around midcentury."

Releasing 13,000 Tons of Carbon Dioxide to Halt Carbon Dioxide Emissions: So contemptuous, so disdainful they are of the demon molecule... they were willing to choke the atmosphere with it today… deepening Earth’s fever… in the hope of breaking Earth’s fever tomorrow. From all compass points they are winging into Glasgow, Scotland, aboard 400 private jet aircraft. None was hurled through the sky by wind or solar energies. These craft guzzle fossil fuel - and buckets of it.

The United Kingdom’s Sunday Mail informs us this aerial armada will spew 13,000 tons of carbon dioxide coming in and going out of Glasgow. These 13,000 tons - the Sunday Mail further informs us - equals more carbon dioxide than 1,600 Scotsmen heave up in one entire year.

More CO2 Than Several Normal People Emit in a Year: Here is a certain Matthew Finch, of the Transport and Environment campaign group: "The average private jet, and we are not talking Air Force One, emits two tons of CO2 for every hour in flight. It can’t be stressed enough how bad private jets are for the environment. It is the worst way to travel…"

To put it in context, the total carbon footprint of an ordinary citizen - including everywhere they travel and everything they consume - is around eight tons a year. So an executive or politician taking one long-haul private flight will burn more CO2 than several normal people do in a year. Meantime, the United States president rolled around within an 85-vehicle convoy on Sunday - each pushed along by internal combustion, each vomiting streams of carbon dioxide vapors.

Evidently we must destroy Earth… in order to save Earth.

Failed Prophecies of Doom: Of course, we do not believe carbon dioxide is destroying Earth. We are merely razzing whom we regard as ridiculous fellows. Our men inform us Earth has endured carbon dioxide levels 25 times or greater than today’s. If Earth is so exquisitely sensitive to carbon dioxide risings… we wonder… why hasn’t it already sizzled into oblivion? The match never struck. Why should it now?

The catastrophists of this world have been yelling wolf for years and years and years... In 1989 NASA’s James Hanson hazarded the Hudson River would claim New York’s West Side Highway by 2019. We motored an auto down the West Side Highway within recent months. The roadway was dry as any tinder. It effortlessly held off the Hudson River lapping harmlessly and nonmenacingly to its starboard. At the going rate the West Side Highway will remain high, will remain dry, for the next 539 years - at minimum.

Even Worse Than the Federal Reserve: In 1988, the United Nations fretted the Maldives would be under the water by 2018. In 2021 the Maldives jut high above the water. They drive a flourishing tourist trade.

Mr. Albert Gore soothsaid in 2009 that the polar ice cap may vanish by 2014. Seven years on, the ice still caps Earth’s poles. It shows little sign of liquefying.

In 2009 climatologist of climatologists - Prince Charles - shrieked that humanity had but eight years to save Earth. In 2021… four years past the midnight deadline… Earth pegs along yet.

Examples as these abound and abound. Only the botched economic crystal-gazings of the Federal Reserve approach them.

“Net Zero Emissions”: We accept the proposition that mankind’s fuel-burnings have tinkered the planetary temperature. Yet the proposition that carbon dioxide is cooking Earth we find extravagant. It has little excuse in the facts as we find them. This evil molecule evidently lacks the oomph to fan a fever.

The world’s leaders nonetheless congregate in Glasgow, Scotland… atop their hobby horses… chasing the grail of net zero emissions "by or around midcentury." The grail will elude them of course. It will prove a juiceless pursuit. The developed nations of Earth have still failed to attain climate objectives made years and years ago. They will fail to realize present pursuits - depend on it.

"Half-Measures Rather Than Concrete Actions": Reports France 24: "Environmental campaign group Greenpeace slammed the final statement as "weak, lacking both ambition and vision", saying G20 leaders "failed to meet the moment." "If the G20 was a dress rehearsal for COP26, then world leaders fluffed their lines," said executive director Jennifer Morgan.

Friederike Roder, senior director at anti-poverty group Global Citizen, told AFP the summit had produced "half-measures rather than concrete actions"... "Beijing plans to make its economy carbon neutral before 2060, but has resisted pressure to offer nearer-term goals..."

The G20 also set no date for phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, saying they will aim to do so "over the medium term." That is, they will come around to it one of these days. And one of these days generally equals none of these days.

A New Hidden Climate Tax: Yet these high eminentos have imminent plans for you... Fighting a planetary fever is costly business. It demands tax money in overflowing heaps - your tax money included. Money man extraordinaire Marin Katusa is a wizard of natural resource investments. He is also a New York Times bestselling author. From whom: "There’s a new hidden tax that will underpin the global economy just like the internet underpins every single tech company and piece of software today. This is not a hypothetical tax or a hidden marketing tactic. There will be no escaping this.

It’s already embedded every time you click on Google Flights. Switzerland’s largest online marketplace (their version of Amazon) is already charging this tax. Every single Amazon product will have this tax. It will be a part of the input cost on every item in your grocery store."

What “Build Back Better” Means for You": More: If you don’t prepare yourself for what’s coming - slow at first, and then at lightspeed - you will find it difficult, if not impossible to adjust. At the rate of adoption this “tax” is going, it’s just a matter of time before nearly every asset will be out of the average person’s price reach. The elites would’ve “Built Back Better.” And you’ll be stuck “owning nothing and being happy.”

This Katusa fellow is beginning to raise our hair. And we begin to perspire, much like Earth itself perspires. But what - precisely - is this foreboding and impending “tax”? This hidden tax is actually a brand-new “commodity” that few people have even heard about. Yet it’s a brand-new, secret commodity sector that’s nearly guaranteed to take off. What then is this brand-new commodity? And how can you get greened from this secret commodity sector? Further details tomorrow..."

The Daily "Near You?"

Newquay, Cornwall, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by!

"Everything Is More Beautiful..."


Seals & Crofts, "We May Never Pass This Way Again"

"In 2022, 'Things Aren’t Gonna Get Done' On An Absolutely Massive Scale"

"In 2022, 'Things Aren’t Gonna Get Done' 
On An Absolutely Massive Scale"
by Michael Snyder

"Are we about to witness one of the greatest self-inflicted economic wounds in history? Vaccine mandate deadlines are starting to arrive, and large numbers of very qualified people are losing their jobs as a result. Of course this comes at a very bad time, because we are already in the midst of the most epic worker shortage in U.S. history. Despite the biggest hiring push that I have ever seen in my entire lifetime, businesses all over America are still desperate for workers. The funny thing is that lots of available workers should theoretically be out there somewhere. The number of Americans that are currently working is still about five million less than the peak that was hit just before the pandemic arrived. So where did all of those missing workers go? That is a question that we desperately need an answer for, because millions of workers seem to have evaporated from the system. Now the vaccine mandates are going to make things far worse, because millions of Americans that are actually good at their jobs are going to be ruthlessly terminated, and finding replacements for them is going to be exceedingly difficult.

For instance, you can’t just pull guys off the street and have them fly planes. Very soon, large numbers of pilots will be sent packing on a permanent basis, and pilots for American Airlines gave us a taste of what is coming by engaging in a “sick out” over the weekend…"American Airlines canceled another 634 flights on Sunday, more than 12% of its total operations for the day, the company said Sunday. The airline has now canceled more than 1,500 flights since Friday, as it deals with weather issues and staffing shortages that started last week."

Of course American Airlines is trying to blame “the weather” for these canceled flights, but everyone knows what is really going on. And I greatly applaud the pilots for taking a stand. If these airlines don’t reverse their mandates, pretty soon we will have widespread air travel headaches on a permanent basis in this nation.

In New York City, Friday was the deadline for municipal workers to get vaccinated, and more than 26,000 of them have refused to comply… "Twenty-six percent of municipal employees in New York City were still unvaccinated following a Friday deadline that mandated workers get the COVID-19 vaccine. A significant jump in vaccinations occurred among city employees due to the deadline, the city said, according to The Associated Press, but more than 26,000 workers have not uploaded proof of their vaccination status and face unpaid leave as a result."

Moving forward, all of the work that those 26,000 workers used to do simply will not get done. Already, a total of 26 fire companies have had to be completely shut down… "The FDNY shuttered 26 fire companies citywide on Saturday due to staff shortages caused by the COVID-19 vaccination mandate, according to furious elected officials, who ripped the move as “unconscionable” — and warned it could have catastrophic consequences."

So will this cost lives? Of course it will. In fact, a seven-year-old boy just died in an apartment fire…"A seven-year-old boy died and his grandmother was seriously injured in an apartment fire in New York City as the FDNY deals with staff shortages in response to a vaccine mandate. Firefighters responded to a 1:30 a.m. call Saturday at a building in Washington Heights, where fire broke out in the building superintendent’s basement apartment. First responders quickly contained and extinguished the fire."

Meanwhile, trash is starting to pile up around the city at a very alarming rate… "Trash bags can be spotted all over the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn, where some residents said that it has been days since their trash was last picked up. A few said they realized something was off earlier in the week, as one missed pickup happens, but they started to think there was a problem after the second missed time. On both residential streets and commercial areas, the trash bags on the sidewalk are piled several feet high in some instances. One resident who has lived in the area for about 40 years said she has never seen the area as dirty as has been the past few days."

So what is the city going to look and smell like in a few months once we get into the early portion of 2022? The sad thing is that none of this had to happen. The vaccine mandates are absurd, and they are going to cause enormous problems all over the country.

Countless supply chain workers are going to be pulled out of our supply chains in the coming months, and we are already facing painful shortages from coast to coast…"Supermarket chains are revamping their operations to navigate persistent product shortages, expanding storage space and curbing discounts to make sure they don’t run out. Companies are planning for shortages of popular brands of food and staples to continue for months and managers are trying to keep up as different products run short from week to week, industry executives said."

A lot of Americans are still expecting these shortages to go away eventually, but Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is now admitting that there will be supply chain problems “as long as the pandemic continues”…"Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg says the supply chain crisis will continue at least until the COVID-19 pandemic ends amid fears of shortages ahead of the winter holidays.

‘There are definitely going to continue to be issues, especially as long as the pandemic continues,’ Buttigieg told Fox News Sunday. ‘If you have, for example, the third-largest container port in the world in China shutting down because of a COVID outbreak in late summer you’ll feel that in the fall here on the West coast.’"

Of course there is no end in sight for the pandemic. The virus is constantly mutating, and any immunity to it is very temporary. So just like the common cold and the flu, COVID will be with us indefinitely.

If Biden administration officials want to reverse recent polling trends, they better find a way to address our supply chain issues, because right now their numbers are really dismal. Here is just one example… “Americans have lost their confidence in President Joe Biden and their optimism for the country.” That, according to Chuck Todd, is the top takeaway from a just-released NBC News poll out Sunday. Breaking down the numbers on Meet the Press, Todd pointed to data from the survey that he deemed “shocking.” “Just 22 percent of adults say [the U.S. is] headed in the right direction,” Todd reported. “A shocking 71 percent say we’re on the wrong track.”

The only surprise from that survey is that there are 22 percent of Americans that are still gullible enough to have a positive outlook. The Democrats have cooked up a recipe for national suicide, and they are setting the stage for so many of the things that I warned about in my latest book. If Joe Biden had any sense, he would rescind all nationwide vaccine mandates immediately. But he isn’t going to do that. And major cities like New York and Los Angeles are not going to rescind their mandates either. So “things are not gonna get done” on an absolutely massive scale in 2022, and we will all suffer deeply as a result."

Must Watch! "Economy Holds On By A Thread - This Crash Will Be Worst Since Great Depression"

Jeremiah Babe, PM 11/1/21:
"Economy Holds On By A Thread - 
This Crash Will Be Worst Since Great Depression"

"Things Are Getting Spooky with the Economy - Big Changes in November"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly AM 11/1/21:
"Things Are Getting Spooky with the Economy - 
Big Changes in November"
"There are so many economic announcements coming in the next few weeks. From tapering to world wide interest rate increases, the news will be big and affect all of us. "

"How It Really Is