Monday, September 13, 2021

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 9/13/21"

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 9/13/21"
"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will
do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
- John Maynard Keynes
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates

CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
September 12th to 14th, Updated Daily
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: credit, equity valuation, funding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United States, other advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts
Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...
Oh yeah...

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/13/21: "Critical Updates: Expect The Unexpected!"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/13/21:
"Critical Updates: Expect The Unexpected!"

"Beautiful Relaxing Music for Stress Relief • Relax, Sleep, Meditate, Study (High Above)"

Full screen recommended.
Soothing Relaxation,
"Beautiful Relaxing Music for Stress Relief • 
Relax, Sleep, Meditate, Study (High Above)"
Beautiful relaxing music for stress relief, composed by 
Peder B. Helland. This track is called "High Above" and can be 
used to relax, sleep, meditate, study, work, do yoga, read and more.

"Restaurant Industry Crashing; Elimination Of Real Estate Agents; What Is Real Wealth?"

Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/12/21:
"Restaurant Industry Crashing; 
Elimination Of Real Estate Agents; What Is Real Wealth?"

Sunday, September 12, 2021

"Inflation is REAL: New World Disorder"

Full screen recommended.
Gerald Celente, Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki,
"Inflation is REAL: New World Disorder"

"This video was first posted on the Rich Dad Channel on Sep. 8, 2021 and I'm re-posting on my channel for those that missed it. The mainstream media will have you believe that the economy is on its way back from the devastation caused by the pandemic, but today’s guest says that the trends tell us another story.

Gerald Celente is the Founder and Director of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of the weekly Trends Journal magazine and he says, “America was the land of opportunity, that is no longer.” Further, Gerald explains that the “bigs are in charge”: Big Banks, Big Pharma, Military-industrial complex, Big Tech. And as long as the bigs are in charge, the economy is in big trouble.

Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Gerald Celente discuss what trends are telling us about the future of the global economy and where you should be putting your money."

"Silver Could Wind Up Over $270 – Physical Demand Will Completely Overwhelm Supply"

Full screen recommended.
"Silver Could Wind Up Over $270 – 
Physical Demand Will Completely Overwhelm Supply"
by Epic Economist

"The dollar era seems to be close to an end, and on the other hand, the silver market is booming like never before. According to Andy Schectman, the President & Owner of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, demand for silver is at all-time highs and prices are about to explode. In a recent interview with Quoth the Raven from Fringe Finance, the world-renowned expert in the field of precious metals warned about an imminent silver squeeze and how precious metals will play a role in the future of money worldwide while the U.S. dollar fatally collapses. Even though the silver market is a huge market, more silver is being consumed than is being mined each year. Only in 2020, nearly 850 million ounces were mined globally, but demand exceeded one billion ounces. In our modern world, silver is key. It's essential for new applications in green energy and battery-powered vehicles and it's in critical parts of most electronic devices. That's why the industrial demand for silver has started to grow exponentially in recent years.

However, while industrial demand skyrockets annual global mine supply is dramatically falling, which according to Schectman, is an indication that a global renaissance in monetary demand is right upon us. All of this is happening at the same time Wall Street bullion banks manipulate the price of monetary metals. In fact, they have been doing this for decades, which allowed the global elites to accumulate massive amounts of physical gold and silver at subsidized prices.

Currently, the silver to gold ratio is 75 to 1, which means that it takes 75 ounces of silver to "purchase" one ounce of gold. In contrast, only seven ounces of silver are being mined for every one ounce of gold. That is to say, at a 7 to 1 ratio, silver is roughly 11 times undervalued in comparison to gold. The current price of gold is sitting at $1,800, and if you divide that price by 7 - the current global mining ratio - you get a silver price of $270. However, with gold trading at $3,000 gold, a number the expert expects to see sooner than later, then we get silver at a staggering $428 an ounce.

The truth is that precious metals are a critical part of our next monetary era. Although silver is mainly used for industrial purposes today, it has been a form of wealth protection for centuries, and every time the world economies face a new systemic change in their currencies, precious metals hold on to their value while fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar are bound to face a sharp collapse. Keeping in mind that over the past year, the U.S. central bank has printed trillions of new dollars, expanding the money supply to levels never before seen and unleashing inflation, the inherent value of the dollar has already plunged to record-low levels, and that lost purchasing power will never come back.

Therefore, a major paradigm shift is about to start, and while our leaders continue to print, borrow and spend money like there's no tomorrow, on the other side of the planet, China is getting ahead of the game and it is backing its new digital currency with gold. As the expert notes, people will not be able to trade in a digital yuan for a piece of gold, but gold gives the Chinese digital currency reliability and proof that its value will not deteriorate over time. Already, the Chinese government is selling gold-backed yuan bonds that can be converted into physical gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange.

The latest data shows that China has approximately 38,000 tonnes of gold, from which roughly 20,000 tonnes are owned by the state and 18,000 tonnes are owned by the people. Gold backing of their new digital Yuan with proof of the holdings on a distributed ledger would promptly create demand and credibility for the Chinese digital currency. "In one form or another, I believe that is exactly what will happen. And You don’t want to own dollar-denominated assets when that happens," he warned.

The potential for a dollar collapse evolved from a "seemingly crazed idea" to a reality. The U.S. dollar is collapsing against other major currencies and the post-outbreak economic rebound will only intensify that process. The stage is set for an apocalyptic economic collapse and a ravaging financial crisis. Buy gold and silver, and get rid of your dollar-backed assets before the Everything Bubble bursts. Things are changing rapidly and very dark clouds and looming on the horizon, so be prepared!"

"What’s It All About?"

"What’s It All About?"
by Eric Peters

"The question is on every thinking person’s minds – though the answer varies. What is this all about?

The Push for the Jab? The most benign explanation is that they – the pharmaceutical cartels that wield shocking influence over the government – are determined to use the government they bought and paid for to get a return on their investment, via enshrining mandatory and universal forced-medicine. People are fools if they believe that this is a one-time thing. I have been screaming into the wind for decades about the importance of understanding precedents. If they can make you do A then they can make you do A1. So, if it becomes a requirement that you roll up your sleeve for this Jab, you will be required to roll up your sleeve for future Jabs – and perhaps much more than just Jabs.

If, after all, the precedent is established that you must submit to a medical procedure because you might otherwise get sick and might otherwise get others sick, then other medical procedures will be similarly required – and justified on he same basis. If the precedent is accepted, there is no way to argue against such an expansion – the principle of the thing having been conceded.

It is like the income tax, or the property tax on your home or any other tax. If the principle is accepted that you “owe” the government a penny because the government decrees you “owe” it a penny, what is to prevent it from decreeing you “owe” it a dollar? If the precedent is allowed to stand that the government can just take your penny, there is no principled objection to it taking more.

What will prevent the pharmaceutical cartels that have bought and paid for the government (as well as the corporate “mainstream” media, which serves as its propaganda arm) from using the government – and media – again? To coerce your rolling up of your sleeve, again? If you accept this Jab as the condition of retaining or obtaining employment, upon what logical basis will you refuse to accept the next – and the one after that?

There are $billions$ at stake – and that alone could account for the fervent push to force everyone to roll up their sleeves, just this once. Because the money (and control) interests pushing it know that’s all they have to do in order to make sleeve-rolling a habitual, normalized part of life. Like taxes.

There may well be more to it than just money – and the control it will enable over the lives of every American who is compelled to work in order to earn his daily bread. We certainly know it is not about our “health,” a fatuity that would be funny were it not for the tens of thousands of deaths and serious, life-altering Adverse Events (as these are styled) that are undeniably associated with the Jab. It is ridiculous – it is evil – to demand that people who are perfectly healthy and whose health is in little, if any, serious jeopardy from a sickness that does not kill 99.8-something percent of the healthy population take the risk of being Jabbed.

Imagine the government ordering people to buy and drive a car that has racked up a body count even 1 percent of the total reported to VAERS – the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System. Well, take that back. The government has effectively ordered people to buy and drive electric cars – which present a known and inherent risk of fire, due to the nature of high-capacity electric car batteries and the known fire risk associated with “fast” charging them. The government has also turned a blind eye to the known risk of defective air bags, which it recalled but which it also refused to allow to be disabled until they could be replaced.

The reason for that being the precedent that would be set, if it did allow it. The government cannot admit error anymore than Dracula can sunbathe. It would be to concede non-omniscience. That it does not always know best. That its decisions sometimes result in... adverse effects.

This may also explain the Push to Jab. The government (and corporate mass media) created a mass panic which included a slew of draconian measures, all of them premised on the fiction that a Black Death was circulating. The fact that it was a fictional Black Death is made obvious by the health of people who never “masked” – and who have not been Jabbed. It is obviously ridiculous to prattle on about Black Death being everywhere when there are so many obviously still-healthy Unjabbed people everywhere.

They undermine the lie that the only way to stave off the Black Death is universal Jabbing. If they are successful, it will not matter that people continue to get sick. That can be blamed on the Delta, Mu and What-Have-You “variants,” which will then provide neat justification for further sleeve-rolling, ad infinitum.

Ka-ching for the pharmaceutical cartels. A heavy carpet over the truth for the government and media that are its bought and paid for adjutants. That is sufficient – and sufficiently evil – to explain all of it. Though of course there may still be much more to it."

Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, "Above The Clouds"

Full screen recommended.
Kevin Kern, "Above The Clouds"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Find the Big Dipper and follow the handle away from the dipper's bowl until you get to the last bright star. Then, just slide your telescope a little south and west and you'll come upon this stunning pair of interacting galaxies, the 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog. Perhaps the original spiral nebula, the large galaxy with well defined spiral structure is also cataloged as NGC 5194. 
Its spiral arms and dust lanes clearly sweep in front of its companion galaxy (top), NGC 5195. The pair are about 31 million light-years distant and officially lie within the angular boundaries of the small constellation Canes Venatici. Though M51 looks faint and fuzzy to the eye, deep images like this one reveal its striking colors and galactic tidal debris."

"I Wish You Enough"

"I Wish You Enough"
by Bob Perks

"I never really thought that I'd spend as much time in airports as I do. I don't know why. I always wanted to be famous and that would mean lots of travel. But I'm not famous, yet I do see more than my share of airports. I love them and I hate them. I love them because of the people I get to watch. But they are also the same reason why I hate airports. It all comes down to "hello" and "goodbye." I must have mentioned this a few times while writing my stories for you.

I have great difficulties with saying goodbye. Even as I write this I am experiencing that pounding sensation in my heart. If I am watching such a scene in a movie I am affected so much that I need to sit up and take a few deep breaths. So when faced with a challenge in my life I have been known to go to our local airport and watch people say goodbye. I figure nothing that is happening to me at the time could be as bad as having to say goodbye. Watching people cling to each other, crying, and holding each other in that last embrace makes me appreciate what I have even more. Seeing them finally pull apart, extending their arms until the tips of their fingers are the last to let go, is an image that stays forefront in my mind throughout the day.

On one of my recent business trips, when I arrived at the counter to check in, the woman said, "How are you today?" I replied, "I am missing my wife already and I haven't even said goodbye." She then looked at my ticket and began to ask, "How long will you... Oh, my God. You will only be gone three days!" We all laughed. My problem was I still had to say goodbye. But I learn from goodbye moments, too.

Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together. They had announced her departure and standing near the security gate, they hugged and he said, "I love you. I wish you enough." She in turn said, "Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Daddy." They kissed and she left. He walked over toward the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, "Did you ever say goodbye to someone knowing it would be forever?" "Yes, I have," I replied. Saying that brought back memories I had of expressing my love and appreciation for all my Dad had done for me. Recognizing that his days were limited, I took the time to tell him face to face how much he meant to me. So I knew what this man was experiencing.

"Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever goodbye?" I asked. "I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is, the next trip back would be for my funeral," he said. "When you were saying goodbye I heard you say, 'I wish you enough.' May I ask what that means?" He began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone." He paused for a moment and looking up as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more. "When we said 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them," he continued and then turning toward me he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory...

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Goodbye."

He then began to sob and walked away. My friends, I wish you enough!"

The Poet: Kuroda Saburo, "I Am Completely Different"

"I Am Completely Different"

"I am completely different.
Though I am wearing the same tie as yesterday,
am as poor as yesterday,
as good for nothing as yesterday,
I am completely different.

Though I am wearing the same clothes,
am as drunk as yesterday,
living as clumsily as yesterday, nevertheless
I am completely different.

I patiently close my eyes
on all the grins and smirks,
on all the twisted smiles and horse laughs-
and glimpse then, inside me
one beautiful white butterfly
fluttering towards tomorrow."

- Kuroda Saburo

"Premonitions: Yes, We Do Have A Sixth Sense”

No, this is not an animated GIF...

"Premonitions: Yes, We Do Have A Sixth Sense”
By Sarah Chalmers

"On Friday, October 21, 1966, a mountain of coal waste, perched above the Welsh mining village of Aberfan, broke loose and came flowing down uncontrollably. Destabilized by recent rains, a river of black coal sludge, water and boulders bore down on Aberfan. It steamrollered over a tiny cottage halfway down the slope, thundered through Pantglas Junior School, obliterated a further 20 houses - then finally came to rest. A total of 144 people, including many children, were crushed or suffocated to death in one of Britain's most horrific peacetime tragedies. Every life lost was precious. But the death of 116 innocent children, killed in the school, tore at the very heart of the nation. In a cruel irony, the youngsters had been making their way back to their classrooms after singing "All Things Bright And Beautiful" at morning assembly when the disaster struck. No one in the close-knit community was unaffected by the tragedy and the bereaved parents would never recover from their loss.

But for one family, the overriding grief was even more acute. For one of those killed - ten-year-old Eryl Mai Jones - had not only predicted the catastrophe, but had warned her mother of it, too. In the days leading up to the atrocity, Eryl had told her mother she was 'not afraid to die'. 'I shall be with Peter and June,' she added. Eryl's busy mother offered her imaginative daughter a lollipop and thought no more about it. Then, on October 20, the day before the disaster, Eryl said to her mother: 'Let me tell you about my dream last night. I dreamt I went to school and there was no school there. Something black had come down all over it!' The next day, Eryl's horrific premonition came to pass and she was killed alongside schoolfriends Peter and June. They were buried side-by-side in a mass grave, just as the youngster had predicted. You can only guess at the torment Eryl's mother must have suffered - perhaps berating herself for not keeping her child off school or warning everyone in the village.

Tales like this, of horrific events 'seen' in dreams, litter history. And now a comprehensive new book by medical doctor Larry Dossey - who has himself experienced premonitory dreams - collates some of the most extraordinary examples.

September 11th : The terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001 were preceded by a slew of premonitions. A week before the attack, one North Carolina mother dreamt about spinning into blackness and heard a man's voice repeating '2,830, 2,830' and a name she couldn't make out. 'It sounded like Rooks or Horooks,' she said. Disturbed by the dream, the woman cancelled tickets the family had to fly to Disneyland on September 11, despite protestations from her husband that she was over-reacting. When news emerged on September 11 of the planes flying into New York's Twin Towers - with another hitting the Pentagon and a fourth crashing into a field in Pennsylvania - the woman's caution was vindicated. Most bizarrely, 2,830 - the number repeated over and over in her dream - was the confirmed tally of deaths at that time. And the name - 'Rooks or Horooks?' - was that of Michael Horrocks, first officer of United Airlines flight 175, which crashed into the South Tower.

Of course, her vision was not specific enough for her to have done anything to avert the tragedy, but it was nonetheless disturbing - as was the experience of another woman holidaying in Washington DC two weeks before the atrocity. She was dozing in a car as her husband drove. But when she opened her eyes, she had a vision of the Pentagon with huge billows of thick black smoke pouring from it. She screamed, slammed her hands on the dashboard and became so hysterical that she hyperventilated. The woman had had visions all her life, but was traumatised by this one. Two weeks later, American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon, killing 184 people, and causing clouds of thick black smoke, exactly as she had dreamt it. [No, it did not, do a Search for 9/11 on this blog, you'll see. - CP]

In an even more chilling example, World Trade Centre employee Lawrence Boisseau had a dream in September that the towers were crashing down around him. A few days later, his wife dreamt the streets of Manhattan were littered with debris. The images were not specific enough to prevent Boisseau from going to work on September 11 - and he perished there. But not before helping to rescue several children stuck in a care centre on the ground floor.

Sometimes, premonitions allow the person to pinpoint a specific time and place, leaving the dreamer enough time to alter the course of the disaster. In one such instance, Dossey recounts the tale of a mother living in Washington State who awoke at 2.30am from a nightmare. She had dreamt that a large chandelier that hung above her baby's crib had fallen and crushed him. In the dream, a violent storm was raging and the time on the clock read 4.35 am. Alarmed, the woman woke up, went into the next room and took the baby back to her bed. Two hours later, the couple were woken by a loud crash. They dashed into their child's room to find the crib demolished by the chandelier, which had fallen directly onto it. In a further twist, a storm was raging - and the time on the clock read 4.35 am.

Not all of those who dream of future events manage to interpret them correctly. Indeed, one of the common features of premonitions is that they are often fragmentary and vague. But Dossey believes we all have the ability to predict the future and points to studies by Dean Radin, a Californian researcher. Radin sat subjects in front of a blank computer screen and told them an image would appear in five seconds. Remarkably, before the image appeared, the subjects would become more agitated if the image was of something grisly or upsetting than if it was of something pleasant. It seems the subjects could sense what they were about to be confronted with. This is supported by data from train and plane accidents. One famous study from the Fifties found that trains involved in accidents often had fewer passengers than the same service the week before.

The theory is that commuters have some sense of an approaching accident and alter their travel plans. When the Titanic made her first - and last - voyage in 1912, many passengers had a sense of foreboding. J. P. Morgan, one of the richest men in the world, cancelled his passage at the last minute because of a hunch. Interestingly, the vacancy rate on all four flights that crashed on September 11, 2001, was high. On the Boeing 757 that crashed into the Pentagon, only 64 of 289 seats were taken. Meanwhile, the planes that crashed into the World Trade Centre's North and South Towers were 74 and 81 per cent empty. Indeed, the occupancy rate of all four doomed planes that day was a mere 21 per cent - despite being commuter services.

Dossey's explanation for humans' ability to predict the future is rooted in evolution. He says it makes sense that we would develop our ability to see impending dangers and take appropriate measures. 'From the standpoint of evolutionary biology, the ability to bypass the physical senses is the sort of ability that an intelligent, survival-oriented organism might sooner or later develop.' Furthermore, he believes we are more likely to have premonitions about those to whom we are emotionally attached. Through history, neurologists have proved a telepathic connection between some particularly close individuals, such as twins. One of the most common forms of premonition is forewarning of illness in a loved one.

But this sixth sense is not confined to humans. There are countless examples of apparent premonitions among animals. Just before the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004, flamingoes on India's southern coast fled, monkeys at Sri Lanka's Yala National Park stopped accepting bananas from tourists and a elephants began to trumpet. In one tale recounted by Dossey, a woman was driving her car with her cat on the back seat. The cat became increasingly agitated, before jumping into the front and biting the woman, forcing her to stop. At just that moment, a large tree crashed onto the road, just a few yards ahead of the woman. If she had continued driving, she would have been killed.

Coincidence? Or proof of something more mysterious at work? Dossey, and others like him, believe it is the latter. What's more, he thinks our only hope of utilizing the power of prediction effectively is to act immediately and not let embarrassment get in the way. He cautions: 'If premonitions are to aid survival, we cannot afford the luxury of not thinking about them.”

"Choose Sides..."

"We Americans have a saying: “It’s more important what you stand for than who you stand with.” I do not rely upon peer opinion to decide what is right and what is wrong. I make those decisions for myself, and even if I discover that every other human alive chose differently, that doesn’t mean I was wrong.

There comes a time in every man’s life when he has to choose sides. I have chosen my side. I am comfortable with my decision. I do not think everyone on my side is a saint, but I know that those on the other side are much, much worse.

Sometimes a man with too broad a perspective reveals himself as having no real perspective at all. A man who tries too hard to see every side may be a man who is trying to avoid choosing any side. A man who tries too hard to seek a deeper truth may be trying to hide from the truth he already knows. That is not a sign of intellectual sophistication and “great thinking”. It is a demonstration of moral degeneracy and cowardice.”
- Steven Den Beste

The Daily "Near You?"

Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"He Cannot Help..."

“A person who has not been completely alienated, who has remained sensitive and able to feel, who has not lost the sense of dignity, who is not yet ‘for sale’, who can still suffer over the suffering of others, who has not acquired fully the having mode of existence – briefly, a person who has remained a person and not become a thing – cannot help feeling lonely, powerless, isolated in present-day society. He cannot help doubting himself and his own convictions, if not his sanity.”
- Erich Fromm

Gregory Mannarino, "Markets, A Look Ahead: Is The Stock Market About To CRASH?"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/12/21:
"Markets, A Look Ahead: Is The Stock Market 
About To CRASH? Listen And You Decide"

Greg Hunter, "America Being Taken Over by Communists – General Michael Flynn"

"America Being Taken Over by Communists – 
General Michael Flynn"
By ’s 

"Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, who was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), thinks evil communists are out to destroy America and your freedom. General Flynn explains, “Transitioning to all the noise that is bombarding the American psyche, it’s all intentional. Don’t think this is all a bunch of haphazard things that are happening within our country. The bigger 60,000 foot strategic view is that the country is being taken over by a very small minority of people that we call the Left, which are really a group of Marxists and communists who have decided over decades, and this is not just about Trump, have decided now is the time to do it, and they did. They outmaneuvered the Republican establishment during this last November election. Let’s talk about what’s coming out of Arizona. Everybody knows this election was stolen. No way in the world 80 million people voted for the administration occupying the White House - no way. This is no longer a conspiracy theory about election fraud. This is a conspiracy alright, but it is a conspiracy within a group of people that stole the U.S. Presidential Election and also stole parts of the down ballot votes, meaning the Senators and Congressmen.”

General Flynn says the election system must get fixed. General Flynn warns, “The Arizona Legislature holds the future of our country because if they do not decertify, then these other states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and others, if they couldn’t do it, then why should we bother? If we do not resolve that issue, we cannot move forward with future elections in 2022 or 2024. Those will be stolen just like the 2020 election.”

General Flynn says there is a giant psyop being run on the American people to take their eyes off of the 2020 election fraud. General Flynn explains, “Absolutely, Covid, Afghanistan, the border situation, and we are not even talking about the border situation anymore because its fallen down in three or four priorities in terms of what people are able to concentrate on. We are going to see President Biden come out to talk about lockdowns and vaccines, and it is all to change the narrative. They are going to try to take away the narrative of what happened in the election. What they really wanted and believed is the theft of the 2020 election was going to be dead by about March of 2021, and the country would move on. The American people are not stupid. We are not a bunch of chumps that Biden has called us. There is a bunch of intelligent Americans that are tired of the lies spewing out of the White House and spewing out of the mainstream media.”

As the former Head of the DIA, General Flynn sees the psyop on America from a relatively small group of people. General Flynn says, “They attempt to look bigger than they are, and they are able to do that through the media. They are absolutely able to do that through the mainstream media.” General Flynn also warns about a financial collapse in October triggered by a budget impasse and Nancy Pelosi. He talks about China’s infiltration of America that has been going on for decades. There is much more in the 44 minute interview."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks to America’s favorite patriot,
 retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, founder of

"How It Really Is"

"They Are Creating The Biggest Witch Hunt In American History"

"They Are Creating The Biggest 
Witch Hunt In American History"
by Michael Snyder

"Prior to this pandemic, if you wanted to weed out all of the “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” from our society, how would you have done it? I suppose that sending everyone a questionnaire asking them what they believe would be one way to do it, but of course a lot of people would give false answers and many others would simply ignore the questionnaire. Social media profiles contain a wealth of information, but many “non-conformists” are not even on social media and digging through all of that data would take an extraordinary amount of time, money and energy. Up until just recently, there just hasn’t been an easy and efficient way to identify those that are not eager servants of the system.

But now the COVID vaccines have changed everything. These injections are the perfect litmus test, because “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” are pretty much the only ones that are refusing the shots at this point. This makes it exceptionally easy to divide American citizens into two categories, and it also gives authorities a perfect excuse to push all of those “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” to the fringes of society.

As I discussed yesterday, I was literally sick to my stomach as I pondered the implications of Biden’s tyrannical new decrees. Originally, Biden and other Democratic leaders were against any sort of vaccine mandates, but now I think that they have realized that mandates are a tool that they can use to fundamentally reshape our society. If you don’t understand where I am going with this, just keep reading, because it will become extremely clear by the end of this article.

Biden’s new decrees cover almost every major institution in our society. Just think about it. Any “major institution” is almost certainly going to be employing more than 100 people, and all such organizations are covered by Biden’s mandates. In addition to businesses of various sizes, we are also talking about colleges, schools, churches, non-profits, political entities, sports teams and charitable organizations.

Millions of Americans that are employed by such institutions could be forced to leave their positions if they refuse to comply with what Biden is demanding. And the rules that the Biden administration is coming up with will require the institutions to be the enforcers of these draconian new measures. Your bosses will be forced to make sure that you are submitting to the new rules, because if not they could be hit with massive fines.

In my last article I used the word “sickening” to describe what Biden is trying to do to all of us, but the truth is that word is not nearly strong enough. What we are facing is a complete and total national nightmare, and it isn’t going to end any time soon.

Biden’s new mandates are even stricter for employees of the federal government. Previously, employees of the federal government were at least given the option to undergo regular testing if they didn’t want to be vaccinated, but now that option is being taken away. So now millions of federal employees will have to choose between their principles and their careers. And considering the fact that so many of these people are barely providing for their families right now, a lot of really heartbreaking choices are going to have to be made.

Earlier today, I posted a video from a woman that works for the U.S. Treasury Department. After all these years, she publicly announced on social media that she is going to leave her job because of Biden’s new mandates. And countless others will follow her out the door. Biden’s new decrees will also force nearly everyone in the entire healthcare industry to either get vaccinated or give up their careers. What a horribly cruel thing to do.

Biden is essentially putting a gun to the heads of these people. So many of them spent an enormous amount of time, energy and money to get their educations, and now Biden is telling them that they have to sacrifice everything that they have worked for if they will not comply with his demands.

As I pointed out yesterday, healthcare workers won’t just be forced out of their current jobs. Because virtually every health care provider in the entire country accepts Medicaid and Medicare, those that refuse to comply will essentially be banned from the entire industry. At a time when a shortage of qualified workers is causing chaos throughout our economy, Biden’s tyrannical orders could force millions of Americans to suddenly lose their jobs. This is an incredibly foolish thing to do, and it could have very serious ramifications in the years ahead.

Sadly, it won’t just be a few people quitting their jobs. A poll that was just conducted discovered that 72 percent of unvaccinated Americans said that they would quit their current jobs rather than be vaccinated… "Many making this argument have cited a Washington Post-ABC News poll released over the weekend. It showed that just 18 percent unvaccinated people whose employers don’t currently have mandates said they would likely get vaccinated if their employer required it. About 7 in 10 (72 percent) said that, if they couldn’t get a medical or religious exemption, they would probably quit rather than submit to the requirement."

I don’t know what is going on behind the scenes, but it is my opinion that Kamala Harris has had a lot of influence in the recent decisions that Biden has been making. She has always had authoritarian tendencies, and if she ever becomes president that will truly be a catastrophic scenario.

Needless to say, Biden’s new mandates are going to cause great anxiety for millions upon millions of people, and a recent CNN poll found that the mood of the country was already heading in a very negative direction… "The new poll finds 69% of Americans say things in the country today are going badly, below the pandemic-era high of 77% reached in January just before President Joe Biden took office but well above the 60% who felt that way in a March CNN poll. And 62% say that economic conditions in the US are poor, up from 45% in April and nearly as high as the pandemic-era peak of 65% reached in May 2020."

My hope is that Republican governors will fight Biden’s new decrees with everything that they have got. Because the truth is that this is one of the most critical moments in U.S. history. Our most basic liberties and freedoms are under full assault, and we really are descending into full-blown tyranny. If Biden’s new mandates are not overturned by the courts, millions of Americans that love liberty and freedom could be forced from their jobs. It would truly be a witch hunt of unprecedented size and scope, and it would represent the greatest purge of “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” that any of us have ever witnessed."
But of course...

"Covid’s Willing Executioners"

"Covid’s Willing Executioners"
by Todd Hayen

"A few weeks ago, three friends on Facebook told me that they wished for my death. One of them I didn’t really know. He freaked out when I calmly suggested there were viable treatment options for those with Covid. He responded: “Stay out of my life!! I hope you get Covid and die!” The other two friends were people I knew in college 45 years ago, one was my freshman year roommate, and the other guy introduced me to my first wife. He suggested that I prove Darwin’s theory and perish from the virus, the other just basically said I deserved what was coming as a selfish unvaccinated science-denier.

Covid’s willing executioners. I know Facebook is certainly not the ideal place for reasonable discourse. As a psychologist, however, I do find it an interesting sample of a certain extreme way of thinking and behaving. I also believe my experience with “friends” wishing for my demise is not unusual amongst those on that side of the fence in this debate. At least not unusual in thought.

As we all know, Facebook is the place of no inhibition. However, that said, I do believe it is a grave concern that human beings can be manipulated into this dark manner of thinking and feeling. The operative word here is “manipulate.”

I do have faith, that for the most part, human beings have evolved from a cave mentality when confronting “other” in the culture. In cave days our psychology was programmed for survival, and it didn’t take much coercion to view members from another tribe that wandered into territory that was not their own to be immediately met with suspicion and fear. Today, many thousands of years later, I think it takes a bit of manipulation to view “other” as fatally dangerous - but not much coercion, so it seems.

In this regard it appears we have lost any scintilla of common sense. How can a government (or more likely an even higher organization of authority) convince the masses so easily that the unvaccinated are the mortal enemy with not a whiff of science in the argument? This clearly is a case of the emperor’s new clothes, but it isn’t going to take only a small innocent child’s exaltation that the emperor is naked to make everyone see what is true.

Why is this? I’m afraid it is human nature - at least a small part of human nature - that these days needs a little coercion to come out in full bloom. For me, as a psychologist, it is more proof that there is an organized agenda, a “psyop” if you will, driving this whole debacle. When humans are put into this sort of psychological environment, their reaction is very predictable.

A friend of mine, Dr. Mark McDonald, who is a prominent psychiatrist and has a very prestigious practice in California, told me this in a recent conversation: “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” has emerged as an expression of propaganda meant to provoke anger toward those who exercise medical choice in deferring or refusing the experimental vaccine. It is meant to isolate, shame, and humiliate anyone who will not agree to surrender medical autonomy to the state. It intentionally divides Americans against one another while simultaneously distracting attention from the medical reality of poor vaccine efficacy and vaccine harm. The expression is devoid of scientific meaning but full of coercive psychological power. It must be challenged."

Again, we see this idea of “coercive psychological power” come up in Dr. McDonald’s comment. Propaganda and the manipulation of the masses has been a key tenet in totalitarian regimes. Pitting person against person is of utmost importance to having control over the masses. Even in Orwell’s dystopian novel, "1984," the opposition to the state was created by the state to keep the masses distracted, or so it is implied.

I am reminded of the Stanford Prison Experiment as well as Milgram’s obedience studies at Yale. Milgram set up an experiment where a subject, someone who did not know the parameters of the experiment, was in control of administering an electric shock to the “learner” if he/she failed to answer certain questions correctly. The “learner” was also “in” on the experiment and in fact received no shocks. The authority figure egging on the subject was also, of course, “in” on the experiment and played the role of authority that the subject had to succumb to. “Just following orders” is the phrase that immediately comes to mind.

The current phenomenon regarding the persecution of the unvaccinated has some correlation with this experiment in that people, when pressured by the “mainstream authority or narrative,” tend to have little or no connection with a natural empathy toward the group identified as “other” (the unvaccinated). The subjects in Milgram’s experiment consistently detached from the learner’s pain and tended to dissociate from them as fellow humans. They ceased to see them as in the same tribe as themselves; they were quickly reclassified as “other.”

The difference in the results of this experiment and the current situation is that “other” (the “learner”) posed no threat to the subject in Milgram’s experiment. He or she was just disobedient to authority, i.e., was not doing correctly what authority demanded him/her to do.

Now, in our present situation, the vaccinated are convinced by authority that the unvaccinated are in fact a threat (as well as not being obedient to the parental agenda). Authority is doing this through any means available to them, and it makes no difference if these means have even the slightest scientific truth to them (they say of course it is all scientific, but with further scrutiny, it certainly is not).

We saw this early on with the mask compliance. Those wearing masks were identified as one particular tribe: the “good” tribe who possessed community values. Those not wearing masks, or complaining about them, were the other tribe: the bad tribe, who were selfish, stupid, and science deniers. (to paraphrase Orwell’s sheep in Animal Farm: “four legs good (mask), two legs bad (no masks)”). Now this effort of segregation and persecution has moved to the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. It is not the “right” science that will disintegrate this tribal conflict: it is a psycho-social issue, not a pragmatic objective one.

In a recent Charles Eisenstein article “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed” he states: "My point is that those in the scientific and medical community who dissent from the demonization of the unvaxxed contend not only with opposing scientific views, but with ancient, powerful psycho-social forces. They can debate the science all they want, but they are up against something much bigger."

Daniel Goldhagen’s book, "Hitler’s Willing Executioners" (from which this article’s title is derived) presents a thesis that the persecution of the Jews in Hitler’s Germany was not only an exercise of obedience to Hitler’s ideology but was the result of a long history of German antisemitism. This very well could be true, but in my opinion this historic antisemitism was only the hook which made it easier for Hitler to hang his ideology.

Today’s willing executioners do not need a history of racial discrimination to hang their hatred of anti-vaxxers, but instead rely on a simple identification of “other” (unvaccinated) and a hatred for those who “don’t care about me, or those that I love.” The key common denominator it seems is the common concept of caring for others before caring for yourself, which, ironically, is clearly not the true psychological operator in this situation. These people seem to care far more for themselves and their own safety (and their opinion) than they do for the rights and freedoms (and safety) of others - take the jab to save me, never mind you might die or get sick in the process.

So what we are actually experiencing is “normal” - normal from the perspective that human beings have the innate capability of being all sorts of ugly things, particularly when gathered in crowds: tribes.

If coerced and manipulated in a particular way, as has happened countless times in world history, they can become unconscious, irrational, nonempathetic, monsters. I will close with a paragraph from another excellent article by author CJ Hopkins (which can be found in its entirety on Off-Guardian’s website) “The Approaching Storm”: "Thus, their plan is to make our lives as miserable as possible, to segregate us, stigmatize us, demonize us, bully, and harass us, and pressure us to conform at every turn. They are not going to put us on the trains to the camps. GloboCap is not the Nazis. They need to maintain the simulation of democracy.

So, they need to transform us into an underclass of “anti-social conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxer disinformationists,” “white-supremacist election-result deniers,” “potentially violent domestic extremists,” and whatever other epithets they come up with, so that we can be painted as dangerously unhinged freaks and cast out of society in a way that makes it appear that we have cast out ourselves."

Hunker down."
Hat tip to The Burning Platform for this material.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

“Banks Will Report You To IRS; Consumer Bonanza Ending; Real Money Can’t be Printed; Danger Zone”

Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/11/21:
“Banks Will Report You To IRS; Consumer Bonanza Ending; 
Real Money Can’t be Printed; Danger Zone”

Musical Interlude: Peder B. Helland, "Deep Space"

Full screen recommended.
"Deep Space, Ambient Meditation 
and Sleep Music from Soothing Relaxation"
"Deep ambient music for meditation and sleep composed by Peder B. Helland. 
Turn the volume down and relax while you fly through space."

"A Look to the Heavens"

 “Large galaxies grow by eating small ones. Even our own galaxy practices galactic cannibalism, absorbing small galaxies that get too close and are captured by the Milky Way's gravity. In fact, the practice is common in the universe and illustrated by this striking pair of interacting galaxies from the banks of the southern constellation Eridanus, The River. 

Located over 50 million light years away, the large, distorted spiral NGC 1532 is seen locked in a gravitational struggle with dwarf galaxy NGC 1531 (right of center), a struggle the smaller galaxy will eventually lose. Seen edge-on, spiral NGC 1532 spans about 100,000 light-years. Nicely detailed in this sharp image, the NGC 1532/1531 pair is thought to be similar to the well-studied system of face-on spiral and small companion known as M51.”

Chet Raymo, “Universal Constants, Universal Consensus”

“Universal Constants, Universal Consensus”
by Chet Raymo

“I once received a book in the mail, as I sometimes do, for potential review on this blog, James Stein's “Cosmic Numbers: The Numbers That Define Our Universe”. I often write here about books I read, but I don't review. I did glance at Stein's book, however. It has an audience, but it's not for me; been there, done that. The subtitle is provocative, however. The idea that a dozen or so numbers "define the universe." That's a mind-blowing concept.

The gravitational constant. The speed of light. Absolute zero. Planck's constant. The Hubble constant. And so on. Familiar to every introductory physics student. Built into the very structure of the Earth. And every other earth in the universe.
Look again at the Hubble Ultra Deep Field photograph. above Those myriad of galaxies. Those yawning light-years. That infinitude of worlds. And, as far as we know, the fundamental constants are the same everywhere,

The human mind has thrown a net across the cosmos. And as we have brought the galaxies into our ken, so have we come to realize that we too are part and parcel of the fabric of cosmic space and time. Exceptional clarity. Impenetrable mystery.

So what do we make of the news so breathlessly reported in the media of neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light? This is surely a bit of heroic physics, pitting what we believe to be true against the refining fire of experience, but I wouldn't make too much of it yet. Tom suggested that perhaps the researchers unwittingly measured the distance from CERN in Switzerland to Gran Sasso in Italy with greater accuracy. That's the kind of whimsy the result calls for now. The real story- for the time being- is as an illustration of the way the engine of scientific knowing grinds inexorably toward consensus.”

"Like Butterflies..."

"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever."
 - Carl Sagan

"Yet Now..."

“Yet now, as he roared across the night sky toward an unknown destiny, he found himself facing that bleak and ultimate question which so few men can answer to their satisfaction. What have I done with my life, he asked himself, that the world will be poorer if I leave it?”
- Arthur C. Clarke, “Glide Path”

Free Download: "The Poems Of Alfred, Lord Tennyson"

"The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are..."

- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Ulysses"
FREELY download, in PDF format, 
the poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson here:

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Vestal, New York, USA. Thanks for stopping by!