Thursday, September 9, 2021

"I Think..."

"I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be “happy.” I think
the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate.
It is, above all, to matter and to count, to stand for something,
to have made some difference that you lived at all.”
- Leo C. Rosten

"Why Are Food Prices Going Up So Rapidly?"

"Why Are Food Prices Going Up So Rapidly?"
by Michael Snyder

"For a long time I have been warning that global food prices would rise dramatically, and that is precisely what we have witnessed over the past 12 months. Unfortunately, global wages are not rising nearly as quickly as global food prices are, and so this has pushed millions and millions more people into poverty and hunger. Here in the United States, nobody is currently in danger of starving to death, but many Americans have been getting a severe case of sticker shock when they go to the grocery store. Not since the Jimmy Carter era of the 1970s have we seen prices escalate like this, and people are starting to get angry.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, global food supplies have been getting tighter and tighter. When I first started writing about this, certain individuals derisively dismissed what I had to say, but now the truth is becoming apparent to everyone. Very tight supplies and growing demand have pushed global food prices 32.9 percent higher over the past year… "Central banks and mainstream media continue to peddle the notion that soaring food inflation is temporary and the average Joe and Jane should not worry about it. But in a new report via the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global food prices are on the rise, once again, and back to near-decade highs.

FAO released a statement Thursday that detailed after two consecutive months of declines, world food prices in August jumped due to solid gains in sugar, vegetable oils, and cereals. FAO’s food price index, which follows international prices of globally traded food commodities, averaged 127.4 points in August, up 3.9 points (3.1%) from July and 31.5 points (32.9%) from the same period last year."

Unfortunately, experts are telling us that food prices are going to continue to climb. In fact, one is estimating that food prices will continue to go up like this “for the next two years or so”… "Grocery prices have been on an upward trend for most of the year, and some experts say that this will continue for at least the next several years. “We’re going to continue to see price increases, probably for the next two years or so,” says Phil Lempert, an analyst and food trends expert perhaps best known as the Supermarket Guru.

This is really bad news. So why is this happening? Well, the Biden administration is blaming the greed of the meat processing industry… "During Wednesday’s press briefing, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke about the actions the administration was taking to help alleviate what Deese called ‘pandemic profiteering’ from the top meat processing companies. ‘One of the interesting findings of the report that we put out today, is that about half of the overall increase in grocery prices can be attributed to significant increases in prices in three products – in beef, in pork and in poultry,’ Deese said from the podium."

Certainly greed is playing a role, but as Zero Hedge has pointed out, a whole host of other factors are contributing to this crisis as well… "A combination of global droughts, volatile weather, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions persisting from COVID, among others, have contributed to the rapid rise in food prices over the last year. Heading into fall, soaring food inflation shows no signs of abating and may worsen. This may cause socio-economic turmoil in emerging market economies, mainly because people in those countries allocate more of their daily budgets to food."

The pandemic was supposed to be subsiding by now, and so by this time of the year prices were supposed to be starting to stabilize. But instead the Delta variant is causing widespread panic, and this is causing more disruptions throughout our entire society… "The summer that was supposed to mark America’s independence from COVID-19 is instead drawing to a close with the U.S. more firmly under the tyranny of the virus, with deaths per day back up to where they were in March.

The delta variant is filling hospitals, sickening alarming numbers of children and driving coronavirus deaths in some places to the highest levels of the entire pandemic. School systems that reopened their classrooms are abruptly switching back to remote learning because of outbreaks. Legal disputes, threats and violence have erupted over mask and vaccine requirements."

We already had a shortage of nurses and other health care workers before this pandemic, and now all of the various mandates that have been instituted threaten to cause a meltdown of the entire system… " reported last week that about 39 percent of U.S. hospitals have announced vaccine mandates for staff members. “It’s not just nurses at stake with vaccine mandates. Respiratory techs, nursing assistants, food service employees, billing staff and other health care workers are already in short supply. According to the latest KFF/The Washington Post Frontline Health Care Workers Survey, released in April, at least one-third of health care workers who assist with patient care and administrative tasks have considered leaving the workforce,” according to Fortune."

I can’t even begin to describe how foolish it is to institute mandates that could potentially force thousands upon thousands of health care workers to leave their jobs right in the middle of a pandemic. But that is what we are now facing. The way that we have responded to this pandemic has been a complete and total nightmare, but those running things seem entirely convinced that they are on the right track. 

Moving forward, there is going to be more panic, more chaos, more shortages and more price increases. So even though food prices are already ridiculously high, now is the time to stock up, because food prices are only going to go higher from here. I have been doing my best to sound the alarm, but sometimes I feel like I am pounding my head into a wall. Most people just have an absurd amount of faith in the strength and durability of our system, and so they refuse to believe that it could ever fail. But it is failing, and what we have experienced so far is just a preview of coming attractions."

"Trump, Biden… What’s the Difference?"

"Trump, Biden… What’s the Difference?"
by Bill Bonner

YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "Coming up next month… the U.S. will bump its head on the Debt Ceiling. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned yesterday that if Congress doesn’t act, it will be The End of The World As We Have Known It. CNN elaborates: "In short, a default would be an economic cataclysm. Interest rates would spike, the stock market would crater, retirement accounts would take a beating, the value of the US dollar would erode and the financial reputation of the world’s only superpower would be tarnished. “It would be financial Armageddon,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, told CNN. “It’s complete craziness to even contemplate the idea of not paying our debt on time.”

Democrats were quick to blame Republicans. “We’re paying the credit card, the Trump credit card,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Republicans blame Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget plan. Voters choose sides. And the show goes on.

Global Elite: But this is where we leave the theater. We’ve seen this show before. It is a time-waster. And a fraud. It is like the scalawag who bumps into you on the street, diverting your attention while his accomplice picks your pocket. We blame them both. Republicans. Democrats. And the gods, too.

Built in, hard-wired into the human character, is the desire to expand and to dominate… to be the cock of the walk. Nations, as well as individuals, fight for wealth, power, and status. Nations, rich or poor, democracies as well as monarchies and oligarchies, are never actually controlled by “the people.” The common man has his hands full simply trying to earn a living and find his own place in life. Instead, an elite… an upper class of fixers, hustlers, and suits… a “deep state”… always takes control. And then, once in command, it is corrupted by its own power. And its primary goal turns to protecting its own position and privileges – at all costs.

Today, there’s a worldwide elite, a caste of people who have gone to the same business schools and universities. They read the same newspapers and attend the same seminars and conferences. With some variation and internal squabbling, they believe in the same theories – Keynesian economics, government-directed capitalism, popular democracy, feminism, equality, and global climate change. Most importantly, they are all convinced that freedom must not be allowed to get in the way of their power and wealth.

Same Suits: Which is why the debt ceiling will be raised again – just as it was under Trump, Obama, Bush, and Clinton – until it finally goes through the roof. Debt is mothers’ milk to the ruling caste… It’s what allows them to continue spending money they don’t have on things “the people” don’t really want.

In America, after the presidential election of 2016, and again after the election of 2020, a new regime took over in Washington. Obama to Trump… Trump to Biden… Each time, the new team could scarcely have been more different from the one preceding it. “A new departure,” said the press each time. But what was new? Which part of the bureaucracy did the new administrations eliminate? How many federal employees were fired? How many programs were shut down?

There are hundreds of sub-agencies and departments. Surely, the new crews could have found a few unworthy recipients… a few programs that had not lived up to their promises… or “investments” that hadn’t really paid off. But no… almost no change in Washington. Some new people. Some new slogans. But the same suits. And the same programs. There were 2.8 million federal employees 10 years ago. There are 2.8 million today.

Doubling Down: And how about where the rubber meets the road… the U.S. budget? Since the turn of the century, the feds have added $23 trillion in debt to “stimulate” the economy, with the steepest increase in history during the Trump years. It clearly didn’t work. Growth has slowed down, not sped up.

So what a marvelous opportunity for the Biden administration! What about leaving the debt ceiling in place… shutting down the printing press… and putting the government on a pay-as-you-go footing? What about it? Give freedom a chance. Liberate people to decide for themselves where to invest their time and resources. Let free markets set prices. But no again…

Oh, Dear Reader, you’re making us laugh. Fake money… real deficits – that’s the blood that keeps the zombies fed… No way are they going to give that up. Trump doubled down on the failed policies of Bush and Obama. And now, Biden doubles down again on the failed policies of Trump.

Okay… how about a more minor change – interest rate policy? A “zero interest rate policy” has always been controversial… It punishes savers, distorts the whole economy, and rewards borrowers and risk-takers. How about a change of policy there? Nope.

Afghanistan? Not even. Trump wanted to leave. Biden just followed through. No change of policy.

Radical Change: Wait… Here are some real, radical changes. On his first day in office, Mr. Biden brought back the transgender bathroom policies of the Obama years. Yep. And the White House website now asks you to choose your own personal pronoun – she/her, he/him, they/them… And if you are confused, you can now choose to identify yourself neither as Mr., Mrs., or Ms., but as “Mx”… as in, really mixed up. That’s “change we can believe in,” right? More to come… on the ruling caste… and its battle against freedom."

"How It Really Is"


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

“Beverly Hills Mega Mansions Default; Trailer Park Evictions Soar; Cars Missing At Dealerships”

Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/8/21:
Beverly Hills Mega Mansions Default; 
Trailer Park Evictions Soar; Cars Missing At Dealerships”
OMG... Simply jaw-dropping speechless...
Full screen recommended.

“The Biggest And Most Expensive House In The World”, Part 1

"The biggest and most expensive house in the world is a 105,000 square foot modern masterpiece in Bel Air created by developer and visionary Nile Niami. The property features a nightclub, fifty car garage, AMC style theatre, bowling alley, five swimming pools and sits on a plot of land at the top of Bel Air the size of a city block. Join us as we tour the world's biggest and most expensive house in this exclusive video."

Full screen recommended.
“The Biggest And Most Expensive House In The World”, Part 2

"10 Cheap Bunkers You Can Make On Your Property"

Full screen recommended.
"10 Cheap Bunkers You Can Make On Your Property"
by Epic Economist

"We're now witnessing the gradual collapse of our civilization. MIT experts recently published a study that estimated that the complete downfall of our modern society can happen as early as 2050. However, considering the unprecedented damages caused by the global health crisis in only one year, it is safe to say that our doomsday can arrive way sooner than expected. We're watching threatening geopolitical conflicts arise all over the planet, and, in the meantime, our country is getting more and more chaotic. Our leaders don't seem to know what they're doing and at this point, it is perfectly clear that they won't protect us when a major collapse occurs. Just this year, a series of disasters and disruptions plagued our country. About a month ago, one entire city burned down in California due to a ravaging wildfire. Last week, big cities reported devastating floods as Hurricane Ida shook America to the core.

Climate events are becoming more brutal and to make things even more complicated, our economic and financial conditions are going from bad to worse. The stock market is on the verge of a massive crash. The housing bubble can burst at any moment. The wealth gap between the top 1% and the rest of the population is only growing wider. And all of this is setting the stage for unrest. That's why you need to get ready for what is coming next. Preparedness is about protecting yourself from the looming threats way before they're actually here. In many survivalism scenarios, you will need a place to retreat in case life-threatening events arise unexpectedly. So having a place to hide until things calm down outside may help you to get through this tumultuous experience. And you can actually build one inside your property to keep your family safe.

Building a bunker is only as expensive and complex as you make it, and there are many layouts you can explore and adapt to your needs. But before you start digging your backyard, make sure you have all the permits you need for construction. In that way, you'll know whether your home can support the changes or not and how safe your bunker will actually be. It's also important to remember that a bunker needs to have appropriate conditions to support life during whichever event has driven you and your family to hide inside of it. So you can't forget about including a proper stock of food, water, medical supplies, tools, and communication equipment to ride out the turmoil unfolding outside. You should also take special consideration in installing adequate ventilation systems so that there is enough fresh air flowing through your shelter. Today, we gathered 10 types of bunkers you can build on your property to prepare for the coming economic and societal collapse.

You should always evaluate your needs and see which option suits your budget the best. Being prepared for the worst requires a deep analysis of what is actually possible and what are your limitations. Working with what you have is one of the most important skills in survivalism scenarios. Being aware of your personal environment and paying attention to what is happening around you will also be crucial because you will know when and how to act and you won't panic when things get too turbulent. If you realize things are changing suspiciously fast, make sure you put all the supplies you need in your hiding spot and run away before everything spirals out of control.

Considering how dangerous and chaotic our cities are getting, preparedness may be our only chance to survive the coming societal and economic collapse. So it's always a good idea to learn from the wisdom passed on by experienced preppers, such as those with Urban Survival Website, Ask A Prepper, Survivalist Prepper, and many, many others. With each passing day, more conflicts and social tensions are emerging all over the country and all around the world. And getting ready for the end of the world as we know it is getting ready for a new life - one in which we are the ones who make the rules."

"Major U.S. Cities Are Becoming Fentanyl-Infested Cesspools As Millions Plunge Into Hopelessness And Despair"

"Major U.S. Cities Are Becoming Fentanyl-Infested 
Cesspools As Millions Plunge Into Hopelessness And Despair"
by Michael Snyder

"If you live near a major U.S. city, you don’t have to go to a movie theater to see a horror show. Instead, just find out where fentanyl-laced heroin is being sold and go hang out with the drug addicts for a few hours. If you survive the encounter, it will be an experience that you will never forget. In city after city, hopelessly addicted men and women wander the streets of our core urban areas like zombies. Unfortunately, many of them won’t last very long because it is exceptionally easy to die from a fentanyl overdose. As you will see below, drug overdose deaths in the U.S. were up 30 percent last year, and fentanyl was the main reason.

Earlier I came across a video of the streets of Philadelphia that really struck a chord with me emotionally. Philadelphia played such a critical role in the American Revolution, and it was once such a beautiful city. But as this video clearly shows, it has now become a complete and utter hellhole. While we were screwing around in Afghanistan they turned Philadelphia into this:
Full screen recommended.
How can city officials just stand aside and do nothing as this goes on day after day? Down on Kensington Avenue, you can buy a bag of fentanyl-laced heroin for as little as five dollars… The Kensington section of Philadelphia, where anyone can buy a lethal dose of fentanyl-laced heroin for $5 a bag, has been known locally as the ‘ground zero’ of America’s opioid epidemic, Philadelphia Magazine reported.

It is not uncommon for locals who pass by the area to notice men lying motionless on the sidewalk. Syringes and needles are also frequently seen out and used in plain sight. Authorities know that this is going on right out in the open, and they do nothing to stop it. Needless to say, what is happening in Philadelphia is just a very small fraction of the overall crisis that we are facing in this country.

From coast to coast, thousands upon thousands of addicts are dying. In fact, the number of drug overdose deaths in the United States was up 30 percent last year… "The provisional drug overdose death statistics for 2020 confirmed the addiction field’s worst fears. More people died of overdoses in the United States last year than in any other one-year period in our history. More than 93,000 people died. The increase from the previous year was also more than we’ve ever seen - up 30 percent."

These data are telling us that something is wrong. In fact, they are shouting for change. Fentanyl and engineered substances that mimic fentanyl are being shipped into this country in vast quantities. These substances can be “100 times stronger than meth or heroin”, and they are super addictive. But they are also super deadly. It has been reported that an amount of fentanyl equivalent to “two grains of salt” can kill you. It is so easy to make a mistake when dealing with fentanyl, but addicts just keep coming back for more.

Sadly, a 39-year-old female comedian learned this the hard way when she almost died the other night after taking some fentanyl-laced cocaine… "A comedian who is said to have taken fentanyl-laced cocaine that killed three people at an LA house party has told a friend that she is recovering from the incident. Kate Quigley, 39, texted friend Brian Redban Sunday to say: ‘I’m alive. Not great. But im OK,’ with Redban sharing a screenshot of the message on his Instagram Sunday."

Of course wherever there are people that are extremely addicted to illegal street drugs there is also going to be lots of crime. Last weekend, dozens of people were shot in the city of Chicago, and criminals have become so brazen that they are now literally trying to haul away entire ATM machines… "Someone has been trying to steal entire ATMs from businesses in Chicago, and has succeeded at least once. Chicago Police said that burglars tried to use a blow torch and pry tools to open an ATM outside a business. In two other robberies, they smashed a window or door and tried to steal the ATM. In one instance, they did walk away with an ATM."

I don’t know why anyone would still want to live in the city of Chicago at this point. Of course the exact same thing could be said for dozens of other major U.S. cities. As the economic suffering in this nation intensifies, it is inevitable that even more people will turn to drugs to try to deal with the pain. I am seeing so much hopelessness and despair out there right now, and turning to something that will instantly make you feel good can seem like a really easy answer. But in the end it can send you to the grave.

Three federal jobless aid programs, first put in place by former President Donald Trump’s administration last March, lapsed Monday, with an estimated 7.5 million unemployed workers set to lose all their benefits. An additional 3 million will no longer receive a $300 weekly boost to the unemployment benefits provided by their state, according to estimates from the Century Foundation. In order to extend those benefits, we would have to borrow more money, and we can’t afford to do that. But since we haven't extended those benefits, even more Americans will fall into poverty, and that will lead to more hopelessness and despair.

We live at a time when more Americans than ever are dependent on the government, and that is very alarming because socialism always ends up collapsing. As Margaret Thatcher once said, socialist governments “always run out of other people’s money” eventually. Unfortunately, the United States has been marching down a socialist path for a long time, and if we stay on this course it won’t lead anywhere good. There are consequences for the decisions that we make, and the drug addicts that endlessly wander our city streets are just one example.

So many of those addicts could have been doctors or lawyers or business executives, but instead they have willingly chosen to destroy themselves. Of course our society as a whole is willingly destroying itself, and little time remains to do anything about it."

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/8/21: "SHocKeR! The Fed. ADMITS That The US Economy Is Slowing And Inflation Will Persist"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/8/21:
"SHocKeR! The Fed. ADMITS That The US
 Economy Is Slowing And Inflation Will Persist"

Musical Interlude: Juzzie Smith, "Bluesberry Jam"

One-man-band extraordinaire!
Juzzie Smith, "Bluesberry Jam"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Planetary nebula Abell 78 stands out in this colorful telescopic skyscape. In fact the colors of the spiky Milky Way stars depend on their surface temperatures, both cooler (yellowish) and hotter (bluish) than the Sun. But Abell 78 shines by the characteristic emission of ionized atoms in the tenuous shroud of material shrugged off from an intensely hot central star. The atoms are ionized, their electrons stripped away, by the central star's energetic but otherwise invisible ultraviolet light.
The visible blue-green glow of loops and filaments in the nebula's central region corresponds to emission from doubly ionized oxygen atoms, surrounded by strong red emission from electrons recombining with hydrogen atoms. Some 5,000 light-years distant toward the constellation Cygnus, Abell 78 is about three light-years across. A planetary nebula like Abell 78 represents a very brief final phase in stellar evolution that our own Sun will experience... in about 5 billion years.”

The Poet: David Whyte, "One Day"

"One Day"

"One day I will say
the gift I once had has been taken.
The place I have made for myself
belongs to another.
The words I have sung
are being sung by the ones
I would want.
Then I will be ready
for that voice
and the still silence in which it arrives.
And if my faith is good
then we'll meet again
on the road,
and we'll be thirsty,
and stop
and laugh
and drink together again
from the deep well of things as they are."

- David Whyte,
"Where Many Rivers Meet"

"The poem is a little myth of man's capacity of making life meaningful.
And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see -
it is, rather, a light by which we may see - and what we see is life."
- Robert Penn Warren

Chet Raymo, "Free As A Bird"

"Free As A Bird"
by Chet Raymo

"All afternoon I have been watching a pair of hummingbirds play about our porch. They live somewhere nearby, though I haven't found their nest. They are attracted to our hummingbird feeder, which we keep full of sugar water. What perfect little machines they are! No other bird can perform their tricks of flight - flying backwards, hovering in place. Zip. Zip. From perch to perch in a blur of iridescence. If you want a symbol of freedom, the hummingbird is it. Exuberant. Unpredictable. A streak of pure fun. It is the speed, of course, that gives the impression of perfect spontaneity. The bird can perform a dozen intricate maneuvers more quickly than I can turn my head.

Is the hummingbird's apparent freedom illusory, a biochemically determined response to stimuli from the environment? Or is the hummingbird's flight what it seems to be, willful and unpredictable? If I can answer that question, I will be learning as much about myself as about the hummingbird. So I watch. And I consider what I know of biochemistry. The hummingbird is awash in signals from its environment - visual, olfactory, auditory and tactile cues that it processes and responds to with lightning speed.

How does it do it? Proteins, mostly. Every cell of the hummingbird's body is a buzzing conversation of proteins, each protein a chain of hundreds of amino acids folded into a complex shape like a piece of a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle. Shapes as various as the words of a human vocabulary. An odor molecule from a blossom, for example, binds to a protein receptor on a cell membrane of the hummingbird's olfactory organ - like a jigsaw-puzzle piece with its neighbor. This causes the receptor molecule to change that part of its shape that extends inside the cell. Another protein now binds with the new configuration of the receptor, and changes its own shape. And so on, in a sequence of shapeshifting and binding - called a signal-transduction cascade - until the hummingbird's brain "experiences" the odor.

Now appropriate signals must be sent from the brain to the body - ion flows established along neural axons, synapses activated. Wing muscles must respond to direct the hummingbird to the source of nourishment. Tens of thousands of proteins in a myriad of cells talk to each other, each protein genetically prefigured by the hummingbird's DNA to carry on its conversation in a particular part of the body. All of this happens continuously, and so quickly that to my eye the bird's movements are a blur.

There is much left to learn, but this much is clear: There is no ghost in the machine, no hummingbird pilot making moment by moment decisions out of the whiffy stuff of spirit. Every detail of the hummingbird's apparently willful flight is biochemistry. Between the hummingbird and myself there is a difference of complexity, but not of kind. If humans are the lords of terrestrial creation, it is because of the huge tangle of nerves that sits atop our spines.

So what does this mean about human freedom? If we are biochemical machines in interaction with our environments, in what sense can we be said to be free? What happens to "free will"? Perhaps the most satisfying place to look for free will is in what is sometimes called chaos theory. In sufficiently complex systems with many feedback loops - the global economy, the weather, the human nervous system - small perturbations can lead to unpredictable large-scale consequences, though every part of the system is individually deterministic. This has sometimes been called - somewhat facetiously - the butterfly effect: a butterfly flaps its wings in China and triggers a cascade of events that results in a snowstorm in Chicago. Chaos theory has taught us that determinism does not imply predictability. Of course, this is not what philosophers traditionally meant by free will, but it is indistinguishable from what philosophers traditionally meant by free will. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

I watch the hummingbirds at the feeder. Their hearts beat ten times faster than a human's. They have the highest metabolic rate of any animal, a dozen times higher than a pigeon, a hundred times higher than an elephant. Hummingbirds live at the edge of what is biologically possible, and it's that, the fierce intenseness of their aliveness, that makes them appear so exuberantly free. But there are no metaphysical pilots in these little flying machines. The machines are the pilots. You give me carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and a few billion years of evolution, and I'll give you a bird that burns like a luminous flame. The hummingbird's freedom was built into the universe from the first moment of creation."

Further Reading:
• For a brilliant and provocative treatment of free will and determinism, read Daniel Dennett's "Freedom Evolves."
• The always provocative Roger Penrose looks for free will in quantum uncertainty in his "The Emperor's New Mind". Not an easy read, and, in my view, case not proved.

The Daily "Near You?"

Borgo, Corse, France. Thanks for stopping by!

"We All Do What We Can..."

"All sins, of course, deserve to be treated with mercy: we all do what we can, and life is too hard and too cruel for us to condemn anyone for failing in this area. Does anyone know what he himself would do if faced with the worst, and how much truth could he bear under such circumstances?"
- Andre Comte-Sponville
Joe South, "Walk A Mile In My Shoes"

Greg Hunter, "Deep State Deception Tricks Us into Thinking They’re Winning"

"Deep State Deception Tricks Us
into Thinking They’re Winning"
By Greg Hunter’s

"Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who has many well-documented correct forecasts. High uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. His latest correct forecast was made last month here on USAWatchdog when he said, “The FDA would not approve the Pfizer CV19 vaccine.” The FDA told the public it was approved, but it only approved a Pfizer vaccine called Comirnaty that Americans cannot get. Americans are still getting the “experimental” Pfizer version of the so- called vaccine, and Pfizer still has immunity from liability. It was classic bait and switch and a total deception of the public.

Clif High says, “Deception is their only weapon. They are employing technology to trick us. They employ bots through all the social media. They employ scripts in all mainstream media. They have farms of people paid by the CCP with rooms in China and people with 40 different cell phones in front of them with a computer that can feed all those different cell phones. This is how they establish the persona of large crowds of people that are supposedly agreeing with or putting out the mainstream media talking points or reinforcing those.”

So, is the country evenly split for and against the Biden Administration? High says, “No. I can find about 12% of the population that will repeat the talking points and about 6% of the population that will do it consistently on their own unbidden. 6% are in the category of loyalists. Of that 6%, maybe half are true believers. They are attempting to make you think it’s about 80% to 20% in favor of the Deep State.”

What’s the real sentiment in the country? High estimates, “80% of the people in the country are against all of this at a passionate level. The intensity of that 80% is ratcheting up.” High says this is why you are seeing no masks being worn at college football games. People have had enough. High says, “You are seeing this at multiple sporting events. This marker is being used to track the sentiment of people involved in Devolution.”

In short, large segments of the population will be waking up to all the lies and illusions that control their lives. High talks about the big die-off of people who are “fully vaccinated” and how it is them who will need to be quarantined so they do not harm the unvaccinated public. The biggest wakeup call will come soon from the economic system. High says, “These things are coming in chunks, and we are just about at the point where the chunk called the financial system will fall all apart. The big marker on that is going to be October 1, which is the end of the fiscal year for the federal government.”

High also talks about weapons from Afghanistan coming back home to the USA to arm Antifa and BLM courtesy of China. High thinks what he calls “normies” will be getting a big cold bucket of water in the face soon, and things will change forever in how the public perceives what is going on in America. High also talks about Australia and the atrocity that is coming that will make them go wild and fight for liberty. High talks about all the millions of people who have gotten the shots and will probably die. It’s going to be so bad that 2022 will be known as the year of the mass die-off. High also talks about how many more people will wake up to the fact that the “USA was attacked” and that “we have been in an ongoing war.” High also talk real numbers of people who have actually gotten the shots. It is way less than the official numbers are saying, but for those people, death is probably coming for them. Phony inflated vax numbers is one more deception at work, according to High, because “they are selling the death shot.” High says the only thing that explains what is going on with CV19 and the push for injections is the “Deep State global criminals” are “killing people on purpose to depopulate the planet.”

High gives data and analysis on deflation, gold, silver, Bitcoin, a new U.S. currency as early as January 2022, Ivermectin and vitamins for protection, new side effects for the vax, funeral homes burying record numbers of people than ever, and the Arizona audit and why it is so important to get it perfect.

This is just some of what is covered in this one hour and 13 min interview. In closing, High says, “This war is deception. They have no real power. They only have the power of controlling the mind through deception of words. They are deceivers. We have lived in a world of deceit where deceit has been rewarded by them. We have been inculcated into this world, and it’s changing. It is the most massive change in 2,780 years. It is the change of the ages into the age of knowing, and we will know.”

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with data mining expert Clif High, and he gives us an update on future events and trends.(What is written here is a fraction of what is in this 1 hour and 13 min. interview.

"Elite Deciders In a Fix"

"Elite Deciders In a Fix"
by Bill Bonner

YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "Our subject this week is freedom. “What is it worth?” is the question on the table. “Not much,” is the answer from most of America’s intelligentsia. The elite, that is. It maintains that freedom should not be allowed to get in the way of What It Wants Now.

It wanted the War in Afghanistan… and for 20 years, it hijacked the nation’s wealth to pay for it – $2.3 trillion worth, according to the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. It wanted the War on Poverty, the War on Drugs, the War on Terror, the Wall Street Bailout… then the COVID-19 Bailout. All of these were sold as “investments” that would give us a better future. What American citizen – however civic minded – would have willingly paid for these things? Very few.

And had they been good investments, they would have paid dividends. Instead, year after year, the money goes out the door and into the pockets of the elite… adding $27 trillion to the nation’s debt since 1980.

About the Elite…: And now, the elite is advertising even bigger “investments” – to change the planet’s climate… and bring equity (whatever that is) to all. But the elite is running into trouble. Inflation is on the upswing. It will have to bring that under control by raising rates and curtailing its big-borrowing, big-spending, big-printing plans. Can it turn around? Can it back off? We need to do more thinking about “the elite.”

Republican or Democrat… European or American… members of the elite go to the same schools. They live in the same areas. They owe their allegiance, first and foremost, to their caste. Members of the elite are, almost by definition, rich and powerful. And while the public is distracted by party politics – an empty, gaudy, and tawdry spectacle – it is this elite caste that rules. It controls the government, the media, the universities, the military, et al. Like cream, members of the elite have risen to the top. And now, corrupted by power and money… curdled, degenerate, and incompetent… they want to hold onto their privileges at all costs.

Dilemma: Our friend Merryn Somerset Webb wrote in the Financial Times recently that central bankers had better get their act together. Inflation is rising. They need to get it under control quickly, she warned, or it will soon be too late. But there’s a growing awareness of the fix they’ve gotten themselves into. “Inflate or Die,” is how the late, great financial writer, Richard Russell, described it in his Dow Theory Letters.

Last week, British industrialist Sir Andrew Cook wrote a letter to the FT editor, spelling out for readers why central banks can no longer control inflation: "If they raise interest rates to around 5 percent – which is needed to stamp out inflation – the economies collapse. If they stop printing money, there will be riots from those millions who are now dependent on state handouts."

At the top, the gamblers and grifters need more money-printing to keep their stocks and bonds from crashing… and to keep the feds flush with cash. At the bottom, people face eviction… unemployment… and destitution. In short, central bankers – working on behalf of the corrupt elite – have broken the economy. Now, they own it. And whichever way they go – more money-printing or less – will bring on disaster.

Freedom to Choose: Free people don’t “invest” their own, real money in unwinnable wars and jackass projects. They don’t bail out Wall Street. They don’t shut down a whole economy to fight a disease that poses a threat to relatively few. They don’t lend money to those who can’t afford to pay it back.

In theory, the freer the economy, the richer the people in it. They devote their entire energies to doing what they want… rather than to doing what others want them to do. After all, that is what freedom is all about. Choices always need to be made. The question is: Who makes them?

In a free economy, people make the choices for themselves. They eschew the bad bakeries and go to the good ones. They drop losing investments, and put their savings into ones that pay a real return. They bid and ask, in free markets, to determine real prices… which then guide producers and consumers to increased efficiency and great wealth.

Elite Deciders: Freedom made America rich and powerful. But then, its elite caste became the deciders. Instead of allowing the rough and tumble of real capitalism… it rigged the system to protect its own wealth, power, and privileges. Rather than let savers and borrowers decide on interest rates, for example, the Fed used its fake money to queer the market – with its key lending rate below the inflation rate for most of the last 12 years.

The artificially low rates, along with the fake money itself, skewed the whole economy from producing goods and services (real wealth!) to jigging up stock and bond markets, supporting zombie businesses, and funding the elite’s goofy “investments.” The result is so much debt – $86 trillion for the entire economy… not including the feds’ many unfunded obligations – that honest interest rates would quickly cause a painful and immediate reckoning. In a matter of hours, the elite would lose much of its wealth and power.

Freedom to Live: But if freedom is so important to an economy… what about the rest of life? Can free people beat the coronavirus? Or do they need to be forced to take the shot, whether they like it or not? Stay tuned…"

"How It Really Is"

"We are in the process of creating, in sum, what deserves to be called the idiot culture. Not an idiot subculture, which every society has bubbling beneath the surface and which can provide harmless fun; but the culture itself. For the first time in our history the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norm, even our cultural ideal."
Freely download "The Idiot Culture", by Carl Bernstein, here:

Gerald Celente, "The Trends Journal"

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"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times."

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

"Massive Supply Chain Problems for Every Industry - The Bubble Economy is Everywhere"

Full screen recommended.
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