“And he said unto them,
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.”
- Mark 4:9
“It has been said that wisdom is not in seeing things,
but in seeing through things.”
- Manly P. Hall
So much of the big lie that we're witnessing on the world stage is simply projected pride- the big, fat, stinking manufactured pride of pathological egomaniacs reinforcing a fabricated world of their ugly, demented imaginations. Whether world conquest piggy-backing on natural and manufactured catastrophes, or attempting to morph humanity and terraform our environment to meet their specifications for world control, it's all defensive.
They're scared. It is they who are running and hiding from something so incredibly powerful they have to erect giant sand castles to hide behind while they attempt to exterminate all those who carry this amazing potential to realize Truth.
Us. An awakened and empowered us is what they're absolutely frightened of. Our warfare is a spiritual one. Whether we encase this understanding in one of the more classic frameworks or see it completely metaphysically, the play we're witnessing is nothing to fear. The feverish power struggles and social engineering taking place on such a massive scale are all based in fear. Fear of you, and fear of me. Because we represent the potential connection to Truth. And their inevitable downfall.
A perfect example of this shadowy charade is the "Brotherhood's" usurpation of symbols. While we know this supplanting of authority is true about their false hierarchy and self-imposed "ownership" of lands, natural and even human resources, they've cleverly tried to co-opt the inherent powers of the so-called mystery schools, the language of which is numbers and symbols.
What people forget is almost all of these symbols occur naturally with wonderful positive, regenerative properties. What these lying entities have done is simply attach negative and destructive and abusive connotations to anything they can. A perfect example of how once you're wrapped up in their world of interpretation with an abusive, violent world around you to back it up, you begin to think the lie is true.
Therein lies their only power. Your "belief" and entertaining of their notions, empowered to appear real only by your participation. Turn it off. Turn off their sources- mainstream media, staged events, manipulated music, shallow publicity, even phony personal responses and relationships.
It's time to get real. Remember, their whole plan is designed to replace reality with a false matrix of power that's fed by fear. Don't dwell on it, and see it for what it is. And reverse the flow. Each one of us changes the direction of Spaceship Earth. By our very clarity of understanding, our conscious awareness of the Truth and our not submitting to their web of deceit, we throw off the illusory shackles of the would-be controllers. Just one person's total lack of fear, not giving any obeisance to their societal, political, economic or physical oppression network, is a flame in their flimsy cobweb.
Be it.
They're lying usurpers..but it only works with our agreement. Our conscious awareness, as vague as that may seem to some, is the ultimate weapon. And it starts with waking the hell up and then keep waking up...rattling as many other cages as we can in the process. It's not always a smooth process, but it requires honesty and guts. And cutting the bullshit.
As our collective consciousness grows more awake and aware it gains power and tremendous momentum. The x-factor is synchronicity. When each of us responds to Universal consciousness things change dramatically. Life's signs become increasingly apparent and start challenging and leading our lives more and more, activating them in ways we never knew could have such a powerful influence. With each and every wake up the war is won. It was won in the beginning. We just need to stop believing the illusions around us and acting on our true conscience. At that point it becomes now."
- http://beforeitsnews.com/
Who are 'They'?
"It's no wonder truth is stranger than fiction.
Fiction has to make sense."
- Mark Twain
Freely download "The Biggest Secret", by David Icke, here:
Don't judge it until you've read it, with an open mind...