Friday, September 27, 2024

“'Doom Spending' Is Sad"

“'Doom Spending' Is Sad"
by Brian Maher

"Eat. Drink. And be merry - for tomorrow we die. Poor economic omens litter the heavens. Among these are plunging manufacturing and wobbling unemployment. Meantime, some 96% of Americans fear for the United States economy. Yet consumer consumption - said to represent 70% of the gross domestic product - remains a-jump.

Why is the American consumer evidently so flush? Why is she spending money she herself lacks? The answer, in every likelihood, is “doom spending.” Doom spending: When a person mindlessly shops to self-soothe because they feel pessimistic about the economy and their future.

The Young Feel Doomed: The youthful evidently sense doom all about them. It is they who are most given to doom spending. Zero Hedge: "Over 27% of respondents (most of them Gen Z and millennials) to a recent survey conducted by Qualtrics and commissioned by Intuit Credit Karma admitted to “doom spending,” and 32% have taken on more debt in the last six months. U.S. consumer debt stats reveal the true nature of this disastrous trend."

United States credit card debt perches at record heights… at $1.14 trillion specifically. Combined United States household debt likewise registers fresh records, at $17.3 trillion. Debt Itself Isn’t the Problem Debt - in itself - is not necessarily the scarlet sin of profligacy and wastreldom.

A man may heave himself into debt to expand his business in anticipation of fat times ahead. His debt may thus be considered productive debt. Yet doom spending is not productive. It is not merely unproductive, it is anti-productive. It represents life upon the hamster wheel, of running fast but standing still. It lives for today. It mistakes activity for action, performance for purpose, motion for direction. It may keep the show running - temporarily at least. Yet it meanders down the garden path to economic immiseration and perdition. It is the economics of the shiftless and the juvenile. It is the economics of the ostrich.

30% of American Consumers Have Tuned Out: Zero Hedge: "The U.S. economy is far from recovery. In fact, its continuous decline is being misrepresented as a “rebound” partly because of the bizarre habits of a contingent of American consumers.

Doom spending helps to explain a number of inconsistencies in current retail data and also presents a disturbing reality – that almost 30% of the U.S. consumer population has no plans to prepare for the future and is incapable of mentally adapting to sour financial conditions. In other words, they refuse to take responsibility for their own personal survival."

Thus doom spending is “unhealthy and fatalistic,” argues a certain Ylva Baeckstrom, finance lecturer at King’s Business School. We must conclude she is correct. Yet is doom spending justified by the facts? Perhaps it is to a certain extent.

Young Americans Believe They’re Worse off Than Their Parents: For the first occasion in generations, youthful Americans believe they will fare less well than their parents. They believe they are being served the uncooked meal - the raw deal.

Median earnings for those 25–34 have lagged older Americans since the Great Recession. Compare them to the youths of 1987. Today’s youthful pay triple the rent of 1987’s youthful. Today’s house is five times costlier than 1987’s. In 1989, the youthful cohort stored in 20% of all United States wealth. Today the youthful cohort boasts under 10% of all United States wealth.

The abovesaid Ylva Baeckstrom: "The generation growing up now is the first generation that’s going to be poorer than its parents for a very long time. There’s that feeling that you might never be able to achieve what your parents achieved."

The True Villain: It is time to identify the central villain of our woeful intergenerational tale, in our telling at least. That villain is the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. Following the vast tumults of 2008 the Federal Reserve nailed interest rates to the floorboards, commenced multiple rounds of quantitative easing and made itself a general economic menace. This it did to engorge asset prices - of stocks and houses in particular. People’s stock portfolios and house values went galloping. So enriched, they would spend money. The resulting “wealth effects” would gush into the broad economy and lift all boats to a higher economic water level.

Here we cite arch-villain Ben Bernanke himself: "Higher equity prices will boost consumer wealth and help increase confidence, which can spur spending."

A Form of Generational Warfare: Who were the prime beneficiaries of this Federal Reserve welfare? Existing homeowners and those who could afford to throw money at stocks. These were of course Americans of advanced vintage. The youthful were heavily excluded from the calculus.

It is fantastic for the seasoned American whose house that was worth $300,000 10 years back is now worth $800,000. But what of the underripe American who wishes to purchase that home when it falls upon the market? He cannot do it. He is frozen out. He may be able to collar the resources for the $300,000 purchase - but not the $800,000 purchase. And so he repairs to his high-rent apartment and stews in his boiling juices, frustrated. Is it any wonder that he abandons hope in his future and takes to juiceless doom spending? It is no wonder whatsoever. The wealth effect has not affected him - not positively that is.

The Wealth Defect: Mr. Christopher P. Casey directs WindRock Wealth Management. From whom: "Across all financial media, between both political parties, and among most mainstream economists, the “wealth effect” is noted, promoted and touted. The refrain is constant and the message seemingly simple: By increasing people’s wealth through rising stock and housing prices, the populace will increase their consumer spending, which will spur economic growth.

Its acceptance is as widespread as its justification is important, for it provides the rationale for the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented monetary expansion since 2008… [However], the wealth effect is but a mantra without merit."

A mantra without merit? Please explain, sir. "The most important component of the wealth effect is the assumption that increased consumer spending stimulates economic growth. It is this Keynesian concept which is critical to the wealth effect’s validity. If increased consumer spending fails to stimulate the economy, the theory of the wealth effect fails. Wealth effect turns into wealth defect." Wealth defect! We like it! Please continue.

There Is No “Paradox of Thrift”: "The Federal Reserve believes in the paradox of thrift - the belief that increased savings, while beneficial for any particular economic actor, have deleterious effects for the economy as a whole. The paradox of thrift can essentially be described as such: Decreased consumer spending lowers aggregate demand which reduces employment levels which negatively affects consumption which in turn lowers aggregate demand. The paradox predicts an economic death spiral from diminished demand."

You disagree? History suggests the opposite: It is higher savings rates which lead to economic prosperity. Examine any economic success story such as modern China, 19th-century America or post-World War II Japan and South Korea: Did their economic rise derive from unbridled consumption, or strict frugality? The answer is self-evident: It is the savings from the curtailment of consumption, combined with minimal government involvement in economic affairs, which generates economic growth.

Giving up on the American Dream: We have argued the identical case in these pages - and often. Authentic wealth springs not from monetary manipulation and gimcrack but from toil and savings. All efforts to elevate the first at the expense of the second will come inevitably to grief. They end in such derangements as “doom spending” by the youthful. The financial and fiscal authorities have dealt them a very poor hand of playing cards. Alas, many are folding their bum hands… and walking away from the American dream…"

"How It Really Is"


"Scott Ritter: Russia Prepares Devastating Nuclear Attack, NATO's Fatal Mistake Triggers WWIII"

Danny Haiphong, 9/27/28
"Scott Ritter: Russia Prepares Devastating Nuclear Attack, 
NATO's Fatal Mistake Triggers WWIII"
Comments here:

Dan, I Allegedly, "This Hurricane is Bad for All of Us"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, AM 9/27/24
"This Hurricane is Bad for All of Us"
"Hurricane Helene: The $426 Billion Real Estate Threat! Dive into the jaw-dropping impacts of Hurricane Hela, a colossal storm with the potential to devastate $426 billion in real estate! The storm surge alone could wreak havoc across the East Coast, leaving communities and businesses in shambles. Join me, as we explore how this natural disaster could reshape the commercial real estate landscape. From Florida's insurance crisis to the ripple effects on the economy, this is a wake-up call like no other."
Comments here:

"Alert! 'Nuclear Event' Planned For October; Zelensky, Mass Censorship Happening Before WW3 Crisis"

Canadian Prepper, 9/27/24
"Alert! 'Nuclear Event' Planned For October; 
Zelensky, Mass Censorship Happening Before WW3 Crisis"
Comments here:

"A Brief Disagreement"

Full screen recommended.
Steve Cutts, "A Brief Disagreement"
"A visual journey into mankind's favorite pastime throughout the ages."

Bill Bonner, "World War Forever"

"World War Forever"
The War on Terror laid the groundwork for the ‘Forever War’ we see taking shape.
 ‘You’re either with us or against us,’ said George W. Bush. One side or the other.
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland - "In as much as we may be on the edge of WWForever... and maybe at the beginning of a mass extinction event... perhaps it is worth spending a few minutes to consider what is going on. Wednesday brought this news from Dave DeCamp: "Israeli Military Chief ‘Preparing’ for Ground Offensive in Lebanon." "Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), said Wednesday that the Israeli military was “preparing” for a potential ground offensive in Lebanon. Halevi told a group of IDF soldiers that their “military boots will enter enemy territory” and said Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon are part of the preparations for a ground invasion".

On Thursday came this update: "Israel Rejects US-Backed Ceasefire Proposal, Continues To Pound Lebanon." "Israel on Thursday rejected a US and French proposal for a ceasefire in Lebanon and continued to launch heavy airstrikes in the country. The US and France are calling for a 21-day ceasefire, but the US continues to provide military aid to Israel and is vowing to defend Israel if the situation escalates, giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu no incentive to stop his new bombing campaign."

Followed by this post: "US Gives Israel $8.7 Billion in Military Aid for Operations in Gaza and Lebanon." "The new aid comes as the US claims it's pushing for a ceasefire in Lebanon. On Thursday, the Israeli Defense Ministry announced that it secured $8.7 billion in military aid from the US to support its “ongoing military efforts...”

It would be easy to stop both wars - in Lebanon/Gaza... and in the Ukraine/Russia. The Biden Team could do so in a single zoom call. ‘Hey guys,’ Anthony Blinken might say, ‘we’re out.’ Within weeks, the warring nations would come to terms with one another. Doesn’t happen. Why not?

A sane person of good will and good judgment might think that continuing either conflict was a waste. But that would put you at odds with America’s ‘foreign policy elite.’ Last week, that ‘elite’ rose out of the swamp to endorse Ms. Harris. Fortune: "More than 100 former staffers and national security leaders from past Republican administrations endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday - adding to the growing list of Republicans speaking out against former President Donald Trump. They ‘firmly oppose the election of Donald Trump,’ says the public letter. They say they disapprove of his “unethical behavior and disregard for our Republic's time-tested principles of constitutional governance.” 

Then, on September 22, a group calling itself “National Security Leaders 4 America” sent its own letter - signed by 700 foreign policy ‘experts’ - claiming that: "Vice President Harris has proven she is an effective leader able to advance American national security interests. Her relentless diplomacy with allies around the globe preserved a united front in support of Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. She grasps the reality of American military deterrence, promising to preserve the American military’s status as the most “lethal” force in the world."

Donald Trump is not exactly a peacenik. To the contrary, he is as jingoistic and bellicose as any American president. But the foreign policy establishment regards him as unreliable. Of course, they are right. He’s not a team player. And they are most afraid that he might strike a deal to end the war against Russia.

The remarkable thing about this is that many of these experts were responsible for the worst decisions and most unethical behaviour in America’s history. They led the US into its woebegone War on Terror... which cost $8 trillion and upwards of a million dead. But that was, apparently, not enough. Now they are creating more serious enemies... not just freelancers with pickup trucks and towels on their heads. Now they are gunning for enemies who can put up a better fight.

The War on Terror laid the groundwork for the ‘Forever War’ we see taking shape. ‘You’re either with us or against us,’ said George W. Bush. One side or the other. But it was the US that invaded Iraq, not the other way around. And many nations that might have preferred to stay on the sidelines began to see that they could be next. They had to choose.

The Economist says they are choosing to join forces to oppose The West: "The rulers of China, Iran, North Korea and Russia are growing worryingly close. Antony Blinken, America’s secretary of state, was unusually blunt on a recent visit to Europe: “One of the reasons that [Vladimir] Putin is able to continue this aggression is because of the provision of support from the People’s Republic of China,” he said.

China was, he added, “the biggest supplier of machine tools, the biggest supplier of microelectronics, all of which are helping Russia sustain its defence industrial base”. American officials are reluctant to discuss details of what they think Russia is giving its friends, but Kurt Campbell, deputy secretary of state, recently said Russia has provided China with submarine, missile and other military technology. Separately, America says that Iran has been busy sending Russia hundreds of short-range ballistic missiles."

These revelations are examples of the growing military-industrial ties between China, Iran, North Korea and Russia. “We’re almost back to the axis of evil,” says Admiral John Aquilino, the recently departed head of America’s Indo-Pacific Commands... Back to the ‘Axis of Evil?’ Yes, they’ve got us just where our foreign policy experts want them to be. Stay tuned."

James Howard Kunstler, "The Shadow of the Shadow"

"The Shadow of the Shadow"
by James Howard Kunstler

“As shocking as it may sound, the institution of the State itself
is the real enemy. It’s time to carefully analyze your relation to it.” 
- Doug Casey

"You have to wonder: has there ever been a country that marched off to war with no head-of-state at the top of its war machine? It’s exactly that bad in our country, with a broken animatronic Halloween scarecrow popping in-and-out of the White House to yell incoherently at election campaign events for a putative successor too scared of the predicament she’s in to think straight. Really, no one is in charge - and if any of the leading actors on the scene really were, the situation could easily get worse.

Hence, the brainless wish roiling through the NSC, State Department, and the various shadow councils of the intel emeriti to lob long-range missiles into Russia, apparently heedless of any consequences. America, you are a headless horseman riding blindly into chaos.

In fact, the entire Democratic Party and its Deep State intel blob partners have melted down into a desperate mob of political criminals frantic to evade accounting for their acts. So then, setting the world on fire is all they have left, a fitting act of revenge for a faction thwarted in its mad drive to merely wreck the United States for the sake of “social justice” and “equity.”

The Democrats of 2024 made exactly the same mistake that their predecessors, the Jacobins, made in France back in 1794: they just couldn’t tell when they’d gone too far with their insults against the public interest and common decency. Their insults derived from the age-old human impulse to demolish society due to life being unfair, later codified in Marxian doctrine, and then made into a play-book by Saul Alinisky (with annotations by Antonio Gramsci, Richard Cloward, and Frances Fox Piven).

As the French Revolution ground on and on, by 1793 the Jacobins gained control of the Committee of Public Safety which actually carried out policy, while endless quarrels occupied the National Convention - the then-current legislative body. The Jacobins’ policy was insane, just as the policy of open borders, lawfare, war, censorship, pharma-terrorism, climate hustles, and drag queens in the schools is insane under our modern Jacobins, the Democrats. (Notice the Democrats’ constant invoking of “safety” and “safe spaces” as a similar rhetorical device for justifying their deeds and cowing the public.)

The Committee of Public Safety sought to remake French society by turning its cultural norms upside-down and by killing as many of its political opponents as possible. Thus, the Reign of Terror when, for a whole year, heads rolled and rolled off the guillotine in the Place de Concorde, usually without benefit of a trial. The ghoulish extravaganza of gore and death grossed-out those in the country who had not lost their minds.

One night in July 1794, as the Jacobin boss, Robespierre, took to the rostrum in the Convention for the umpteenth time to denounce his enemies and announce new death sentences, members in the chamber commenced throwing food at him. That was the turning point, and it turned so hard and fast that France was amazed. Within forty-eight hours, Robespierre and many of his cohorts got beheaded under the “national razor,” and that was the end of Jacobinism and all its insane measures to wreck what was left of society after five years of revolution.

Our Democratic Party Jacobins have been harder to defeat because government these days is vastly larger and more complex, and the equivalent of the Committee of Public Safety is now a huge network of cadres toiling in scores of federal agencies and associated NGOs financed by those agencies (or by their billionaire henchmen such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Reid Hoffman). Insane as they are, many public officials understand their culpability for the treasons and insults of recent years. They live in fear of prosecution and, short of that, of losing their cushy sinecures in the colossal bureaucracy that is bankrupting us.

There are many in our country today who are also not insane, just as in France circa 1794. This is actually the chief appeal of Mr. Trump, though he often expresses it clumsily, coming, as he does, from the rough and exacting world of property development, which is full of rough people in rough building trades using rough language. Secondarily, Mr. Trump represents leadership - the sheer idea that an actual person should be an executive-in-charge of a national polity - and it appears that a majority of the people in this land are finally sick of a faceless blob ruling madly from the shadows. Thirdly, Mr. Trump has become a national father figure, a titanic offense to a party run by women with daddy issues and to their Marxist allies dogmatically bent on destroying the family (along with every other institution). As it happens, countries need fathers, both actual and symbolic. What a surprise!

In the mad effort to evade judgment for their acts, the Democrats and their blob cadres are either trying to kill Mr. Trump directly, or are looking the other way while other nefarious parties attempt the wicked business. So far, no cigar. Who knows what they’ll try next: a surface-to-air missile at his airplane...a directed-energy weapon...a poisoned cheeseburger...?

The candidate himself seems a little tinged these days with the same aura of dauntless resignation that was seen in Martin Luther King and the first Bobby Kennedy in 1968 - who both went about their business trying to rescue our country from war and wickedness despite the threats against them. Many upright, intelligent, bold figures stand with and behind Mr. Trump this time, people capable and willing to pick up the flag in the event it becomes necessary. Do not fear.

Meanwhile, you have to also wonder: what on earth possessed the Democrats to maneuver Kamala Harris into this race? Everyone in the party and the blob must know she doesn’t have an agile mind - beyond some ability for reciting parboiled slogans - nor much acquaintance with the workings of the world besides her dwindled wiles in political amour, and that she may actually have a drinking problem. She is left, finally with no one to cheerlead for her but the harpies on The View and the degenerates on CNN and The New York Times who all know the score but are too invested in years of their own mendacity to even attempt to come clean.

Chatter arises that the awaited “October surprise” will involve “Joe Biden” resigning from office to make way for Kamala to become the First Woman President just before election day, affording her, supposedly, a magisterial prestige in the final leg of the race. Don’t bet on that. When he resigns, “JB” loses his power of the pardon. If he exercises it on the eve of resignation and lets son Hunter, brothers James, Frank, and other family members (including himself) off the hook for their global money-grubbing exploits, it will only besmirch Ms. Harris by association. He has to hang in office until after Nov 6, no matter how the election turns, and then he can pardon what left of his brains out.

Before we even get to that point, all you have to worry about are unaccountable government factotums doing something over in Russia that will make Mr. Putin want to turn the USA into an ashtray."

Thursday, September 26, 2024

"Lookout Don't Look Up"

"Lookout Don't Look Up"
Phone addiction is the most powerful drug on earth.
by Nicholas Creed

"Is the art of conversation dying or dead almost those born since 2000? Does that age cohort favour emojis and digital communication over face to face human interaction and verbal dialogue? I ask these questions both rhetorically and tongue-in-cheek, because we all know the answer. I feel like I am surrounded by zombies. I am surrounded by zombies. I’ve ranted about this kind of thing before, here, here, and here.

Today I re-examine ‘smart’ dumb phone addiction through the lens of a pedestrian in mortal peril, a driver who sees 99.9% of motorists playing on their phones or watching videos in Bangkok, and as a quietly despairing man from a bygone era that values meaningful human connection. I must be old-fashioned. I was born in 1984 and now I am living through Eric Blair aka George Orwell’s Nineteen eighty four. I have yet to turn forty years old, yet I may be called a ‘boomer’ simply by virtue of my principles and how I cling onto being human, acting human, rejecting the merging of man and machine, and quite literally detesting my own phone.

I leave my little blue screen at home most of the time. Mrs. Creed is never without hers; alas I do encourage her to spend less time on her Instagram story and more time on our story in the land of the living, within the magical, spontaneous, unpredictable realm of reality.

There are a handful of friends who I can rely on for punctuality to appear at a convened meeting point at the allotted time. It is liberating being without that little device that craves attention - even with zero anti-social media apps installed, no email account apps, *no Substack app*, no food delivery apps - only Telegram and Signal messaging - I can make do with those on my laptop desktop alone.

I was pleasantly surprised a few weeks back when I met a friend in the park for some outdoor exercise at the open-air gym, when he was despondent to my calls and messages. I reluctantly brought my phone in its little faraday cage pouch and fished it out upon arrival to check if he was nearby. He turned up and proudly announced that he’d left his phone at home, inspired by observing me having done the same so often. It was checkmate with me in the NPC crosshairs on that occasion. Nay bother. Going ‘phoneless’ is catching on. Long may it continue.

Last night I braved thunder and lightning in a torrential classic Bangkok monsoon season downpour to make a run to the local minimart. There are rarely any pavements (‘sidewalks’ in American English) around Bangkok’s little ‘Sois’ (roads). As I toddled home, I hugged the right side of the road on the final corner of the home stretch, only to be almost wiped out of the game.

A food delivery driver tore around the corner towards me, one hand on his motorcycle handlebar, the other hand holding his phone as he slouched forwards checking the map direction on his blue screen. I breathed in and darted further still into the walls atop the drains. He missed me by millimeters. I shouted in Thai “concentrate!” - to which I received an angry glare. Sorry for existing, and being in your way as you multi-tasked your journey one-handed in zero-visibility heavy rain at highspeed, Mr. Motorcyclist.

I see these near-misses daily around my neigbourhood - for the most part these motorcyclists seem to have developed an extra-sensory perception via peripheral vision that allows them to remain glued to their phones as they swerve around oncoming traffic and pedestrians. Although I know from the daily death tolls on the roads involving motorcycles and pick-up trucks, that many souls are not so ‘lucky’. It really is a concrete jungle out there.

As my car’s engine idles in the dreaded Bangkok gridlocked traffic from time to time, I look around from side to side, and what do I see? Everyone is on their phone, almost all motorists are wearing a facemask, often alone in their cars, and motorcyclists are often playing games or watching YouTube videos; if they are not otherwise mesmerised by the infinite scroll of drivel via Facebook.

When the traffic lights turn green, invariably it warrants a beep of my horn to pull the driver in front of me out of their phone-induced stupor, so that they may drive forwards, whilst they ambidextrously continue tapping away on their screens, putting their automatic drive vehicles into gear.

Frightening. Insane. Normalized. The brief reprieves from being - I like to think - sane, in an insane and abnormal society, come via the rare glances of acknowledgement from fellow humans who are socially self-aware of their surroundings, and fully conscious. What a rare, beautiful sight it is to behold, truly. Especially on the public transport links - Bangkok’s underground mass rapid transit (MRT) trains, or the over-ground ‘Skytrain’ system.

It reminds me of that scene in the film "I Am Legend" when Will Smith’s character discovers the mutated humans underground all huddled together in silence:
Yet within the silent, huddled, phone scrolling of the public transport trains in Bangkok, I yearn to find just one person who is phoneless, without earphones, without an Ipad or device in their palms. It is extremely rare. If our eyes meet but for a moment, we might exchange a knowing smile as we glance around at the other automaton passengers. It makes for good people watching at least.

What a waste of the inherently natural beauty that used to radiate from Thai women. They just do not look up anymore. They are also still often masked. Hidden away from the world, sinking into the digital, all consuming, attention sapping succubus demon of the blue screen. Unquestionably addicted. Hopelessly dependent on their bastion of truth propaganda, spewing out attention-span diminishing ten second clips of nonsense.

I am so glad to not be a single man in this landscape which is devoid of feeling, numbed by always being connected to the internet, yet entirely disconnected from the sense of self, surroundings, and from life itself.

I met an interesting bloke at the sports hall in the local park. He has a unique job where his role comes in between physiotherapy and doctor’s rehabilitative duties for people who have suffered devastating physical injuries, often from car accidents. I can’t recall the job title, but it is something ‘activated’. He helps people to ‘get activated’ through a type of Swedish massage and stretching exercises. He ranted about phone addiction.

He casually said: “Basically, babies are born now, they learn to walk, then that’s it really. They do not progress beyond the ability to walk in terms of their physical development. The walk turns into a shuffle with poor posture. Most infants are given an Ipad by the age of two years old here. Then they are cognitively and physically stunted in terms of development.”

We mused on how across the sports centre halls of the local park - Pickle Ball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Basketball, and Volleyball - the children are absent. Teenagers are nowhere to be seen. The age demographic for the most part is 30 years old and up. We agreed, nostalgically, how our childhoods in England were spent climbing trees, building rope-swings, playing football, and generally being outdoors as much as possible.

“Piss off Creed you cringeworthy Boomer!” - I hear some youngster shout from the backrow…

As a teenager at the turn of the millennium on new year’s eve 1999, I was at a house party with the entire high school year of pupils. It was wild. I drank myself stupid and ended up throwing up all over my friend’s parent’s pretty flowerbed in their neatly trimmed suburbia garden. I was somewhat mortified. I featured heavily in Monday morning’s gossip stories around the school. It faded away. Only to be replaced by some other drunken teenager falling down some stairs or into a bush at the next week’s house party.

Nowadays, teenagers cannot afford to make such mistakes - even though such errors can be a coming of age rite of passage. Not necessarily involving alcohol, but general moments of great embarrassment when you want the ground to swallow you up and memory hole the incident.
Nowadays, a teenager would be subject to intense ‘cyber bullying’ if they put one foot wrong at a party. It would be remixed into a funky video clip to a whacky soundtrack and might go viral, if they are very unfortunate. I wonder what teenaged house parties are like now. Do they sit around on their phones showing each other videos and messaging the person sat beside them? Do some people play up to the camera phones for attention, or choregraph a little dance for TikTok?

“Shut up Creed you stupid Boomer!”

As a child, I would call my friends by landline and ask “are you playing out today?” Then we would ‘knock-on’ our friend’s front door, and off we went to explore the great outdoors, tearing around on our BMX bikes, with the only danger we put ourselves in owing to our own non-stop laughter, and perhaps foolishly cycling together side by side in a row on a main road.

Although we weren’t chased by nefarious government officials from clandestine programs like in the show Stranger Things, we once experienced a bicycle chase from a group of much older boys after we replaced the huge log on their rope-swing with a twig, just for a laugh. I am sure they would have beaten us to a pulp if they had caught up with us - a lucky, narrow escape.
That’ll do it for glimpsing into my misspent well-spent, character building youth. We were free once upon a time. Carefree, adventurous, explorative, and curious about the big wide world."

Lookout Phone Parody Video I don’t know who to give credit for this final parody clip. Fellow Substacker TriTorch sent me a link to it (I hope he recommences his writing again when the time is right). If I can persuade Mrs. Creed to add a Thai voiceover to the video, I bet my inbox will be inundated by Thais asking where they can order it…

As TriTorch said to me in a direct message which I am sure he won’t mind me quoting verbatim: "They're (phones) highly weaponized poison aimed directly at mankind. Worse than drugs because the vector of attack makes so much sense ("well my son has to have his cell phone in class, what if there's an emergency") <--- there's so much evil built into that mantra it's practically inconceivable (we went on just fine for 200 years without cell phones in classrooms, but whatever eases the parents' minds paves the path to our ruin).

"Israel-Hezbollah War: Hezbollah Holds The Edge Over Israel In Ground Invasion"

Full screen recommended.
WION, 9/26/24
"Israel-Hezbollah War: Hezbollah Holds 
The Edge Over Israel In Ground Invasion"
"If Israel decides to attack Lebanon via a ground operation, experts believe it won’t that easy and straightforward for IDF. Rather Hezbollah will hold the edge due to a variety of reasons ranging from terrain, tunnels, asymmetric warfare, and guerilla warfare, among others."
Comments here:

Just For One Day"

"Just For One Day"
by Paul Rosenberg

'Most people fail to appreciate the fresh opportunity that each day brings them. Their programming requires them to snort derisively at any positive description of humanity. After all, the systems of this world are built upon the assumption that mankind is weak, stupid, and generally inadequate to a moral existence. As a result, most people have become addicted to bad news.

Nonetheless every day is a fresh start, a situation created by nature itself. So, please consider this: What if, just once, you got out of bed and imagined that you were a fresh being in the universe? And more than that, a good, creative, potent being. What if you imagined yourself free of obligations and intimidations, charting a fresh course? What if you looked at your life as if it were beginning anew?

Is it an intolerable thought that you should put aside your well-groomed fears, wake up to a blank slate, and hold that position for just one day? And if we can’t allow ourselves this one productive entertainment, what has happened to us?

You Don’t Actually Suck: Our opinions of ourselves are usually out of touch with reality. To prove that, you need only to slow down, clear your mind, and answer a few questions:

Can you remember a moment from your childhood when someone was notably kind or loving toward you? You have at least one, yes? So, in detail, what was it like and how did you feel?

Can you remember a time you stood up for someone who was being unfairly insulted or abused? What exactly did you do, and how did it make you feel?

Can you remember a time when you did something because it was right, even though you knew you’d suffer for it? How did it feel to push through the fear and do it?

Have you ever done something out of nothing but simple, honest benevolence? How did that feel?

Did you answer these questions? Did you relive the experiences a little? You see, you don’t actually suck. You’ve merely been made to believe so… by people and systems who profit from your bad opinion of yourself.

What’s Life For? You are alive, and this life you possess doesn’t have a preset direction; it’s you who choose where to direct it. Our lives have the meaning we give them, and we give them meaning through exercises of will.

You have immense capabilities, but only you can choose to use them. If you spend your entire life reacting to darkness and threat, you’ll never learn to be a potent being. Instead, you’ll stay in a tight little shell, talking about everything bad that happens in the world and seeking more and more bad news because it justifies your shell. Does that sound like a good way to spend a life?

When? Ever? So, when do we pull away from the carnival of bad news? When do we lift up our eyes and consider the radical possibility that we have good things in us? When do we consider our virtues and abilities… and start using them as a first choice?

For most people the answer is “never.” Not once in a complete human lifetime. And that’s tragic. In fact, it’s premature death. Most people aren’t specifically choosing this of course – it’s a choice thrust upon them – but it ends with them never living by their own light. Instead, they find a “doesn’t hurt too badly” groove and plod along until they tip into a grave.

But what if we picked a day and chose to live as if we were wonderful? If you’re so deeply terrified that that will lead to doom, make it your day off or a vacation day. Get up and spend that day as if you were a luminous being. Flatly pretend if you must, but do it for a day. Is that really so evil a concept that you can’t allow it to exist? So, when is it that we choose to wake up and be wonderful, just for one day?

Pick One: Every tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to be wonderful. So pick a day and wake up to a blank slate. Turn away from the knee-jerk objections that ram their way into your mind; they can have the other 364 days. Try being wonderful. Pull out your calendar, pick a month and day, circle it, and then do it. You might like it."

Robin Williams, "Greatest Speech in Movie History"

Full screen recommended.
Robin Williams, 
"Greatest Speech in Movie History"

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind VI, "Spirit"

Full screen recommended.
Liquid Mind VI, "Spirit"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Is this one galaxy or two? The jumble of stars, gas, and dust that is NGC 520 is now thought to incorporate the remains of two separate disk galaxies. A defining component of NGC 520 - as seen in great detail in the featured image from the Hubble Space Telescope - is its band of intricately interlaced dust running vertically down the spine of the colliding galaxies. A similar looking collision might be expected in a few billion years when our disk Milky Way Galaxy to collides with our large-disk galactic neighbor Andromeda (M31). 

The collision that defines NGC 520 started about 300 million years ago. Also known as Arp 157, NGC 520 lies about 100 million light years distant, spans about 100 thousand light years, and can be seen with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Fish (Pisces). Although the speeds of stars in NGC 520 are fast, the distances are so vast that the battling pair will surely not change its shape noticeably during our lifetimes."

"I'd Still Swim..."

If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was
a thousand miles away, I'd still swim. And I’d despise the one who gave up.”
- Abraham Maslow

The Poet: W.H. Auden, "September 1, 1939"

"September 1, 1939"

under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out
wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame."

- W.H. Auden
"On September 1, 1939, the German army under Adolf Hitler launched an invasion of Poland that triggered the start of World War II (though by 1939 Japan and China were already at war). The battle for Poland only lasted about a month before a Nazi victory. But the invasion plunged the world into a war that would continue for almost six years and claim the lives of tens of millions of people."
And here we are, on the brink of a nuclear World War III with Russia,
 having learned... nothing...

"This Is Bad! Homeless In The Middle Of The Desert! People Are Becoming More Desperate!"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 9/26/24
"This Is Bad! Homeless In The Middle Of The Desert!
 People Are Becoming More Desperate!"
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The Daily "Near You?"

Pearland, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Noli Timere: The Important Thing Is to Not Be Afraid”

"Noli Timere:
The Important Thing Is to Not Be Afraid”
by Ryan Holiday

"While Seamus Heaney, the world-famous Irish poet and Nobel Prize Winner, was being rushed to the operating room he sent a single text message to his wife with just two words: "Noli Timere." This Latin phrase when translated to English means 'Be not afraid.' Heaney passed away not long after.

There was no virtue more important to the Stoics than courage, particularly in times of stress or crisis. In scary times, it’s easy to be scared. Events can escalate at any moment. There is uncertainty. You could lose your job. Then your house and your car. Something could even happen with your kids. Of course we’re going to feel something when things are shaky like that. How could we not?

Even the Stoics, who were supposedly masters of their emotions, admitted that we are going to have natural reactions to the things that are out of our control. You’re going to feel cold if someone dumps a bucket of water on you. Your heart is going to race if something jumps out from behind a corner. These are things the Stoics openly discussed.

They had a word for these immediate, pre-cognitive impressions of things: phantasiai. No amount of training or wisdom, Seneca said, can prevent us from having these reactions. What mattered to them, and what is urgently needed today in a world of unlimited breaking news about pandemics or collapsing stock markets or military conflicts, was what you did after that reaction. What mattered is what came next.

There is a wonderful quote from Faulkner about this very idea. “Be scared,” he wrote. “You can’t help that. But don’t be afraid.” A scare is a temporary rush of a feeling. Being afraid is an ongoing process. Fear is a state of being. The alertness that comes from being startled might even help you. It wakes you up. It puts your body in motion. It’s what saves prey from the tiger or the tiger from the hunter. But fear and worry and anxiety? Being afraid? That’s not fight or flight. That’s paralysis. That only makes things worse.

Especially right now. Especially in a world that requires solutions to the many problems we face. They’re certainly not going to solve themselves. And inaction (or the wrong action) may make them worse, it might put you in even more danger. An inability to learn, adapt, to embrace change will too.

There is a Hebrew prayer which dates back to the early 1800s: כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאוד והעיקר לא לפחד כלל. “The world is a narrow bridge, and the important thing is not to be afraid.” The wisdom of that expression has sustained the Jewish people through incredible adversity and terrible tragedies. It was even turned into a popular song that was broadcast to troops and citizens alike during the Yom Kippur War. It’s a reminder: Yes, things are dicey, and it’s easy to be scared if you look down instead of forward. Fear will not help.

What does help? TrainingCourage. Discipline. Commitment. Calm. But mainly, that courage thing – which the Stoics held up as the most essential virtue. One of my favorite explanations of this idea comes from the Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. “It’s not like astronauts are braver than other people,” he says. “We’re just, you know, meticulously prepared…” Think about someone like John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, whose heart rate never went above a 100 beats per minute the entire mission. That’s what preparation does for you.

Astronauts face all sorts of difficult, high stakes situations in space – where the margin for error is tiny. In fact, on Chris’ first spacewalk his left eye went blind. Then his other eye teared up and went blind too. In complete darkness, he had to find his way back if he wanted to survive. He would later say that the key in such situations is to remind oneself that “there are six things that I could do right now, all of which will help make things better. And it’s worth remembering, too, there’s no problem so bad that you can’t make it worse also.” That’s the difference between scared and afraid. One prevents you from making things better, it may make them worse.

After the stock market crash in October 1929, America faced a horrendous economic crisis that lasted ten years. Banks failed. Investors were wiped out. Unemployment was some 20 percent. Herbert Hoover, who’d only been in office barely six months when the market collapsed, tried and failed repeatedly for the next 3.5 years to stem the tide. FDR, who succeeded him, would have never denied that things were dangerous and that this was scary. Of course it was. He was scared. How could he not be? Yet what he counseled the people in his now-legendary first inaugural address in 1933 was that fear was a choice, it was the real enemy to be fought. Because it would only make the situation worse. It would destroy the remaining banks. It would turn people against each other. It would prevent the implementation of cooperative solutions.

And today, whether the biggest problem you face is a new coronavirus pandemic or the impending total economic and social collapse and it's implications – or maybe it’s both those things plus a faltering marriage or a cancer diagnosis or a lawsuit – you have to know what the real plague to avoid is.

This life we’re living – this world we inhabit – is a scary place. If you peer over the side of a narrow bridge, you can lose the heart to continue. You freeze up. You sit down. You don’t make good decisions. You don’t see or think clearly.

The important thing is that we are not afraid. That we don’t overthink things. That we don’t get distracted with the worst-case scenario on top of the worst-case scenario on top of the collision of two other worst-case scenarios. Because that doesn’t help us with what’s right in front of us right now. It doesn’t help us put one foot in front of the other, whether it’s on a spacewalk or a tough business call. It doesn’t help us slow our heart rate down whether we’re re-entering the earth’s atmosphere or watching a plummeting stock portfolio. It doesn’t help us remember that we’ve trained for this, that there is a playbook for how to proceed.

Remember, Marcus Aurelius himself faced a deadly, dangerous pandemic. His people were panicked. His doctors were baffled. His staff and his advisors were conflicted. His economy plunged. The plague spanned fifteen years of his reign with a mortality rate of between 2-3%. Marcus would have been scared – how could he not have been? But he didn’t let that rattle him. He didn’t freeze. He didn’t relinquish his ability to lead. He got to work.

“Don’t let your imagination be crushed by life as a whole,” he wrote to himself, as it was happening. “Don’t try to picture everything bad that could possibly happen. Stick with the situation at hand, and ask, ‘Why is this so unbearable? Why can’t I endure it?’ You’ll be embarrassed to answer.” The crisis could have crippled him. But instead he stood up. He not only endured it, but he was a hero. He saved lives. He prevented panic from turning the battle into a rout.

Which is what we must do today and always, whatever we’re facing. We can’t give into fear. We have to repeat to ourselves over and over again: It’s OK to be scared, just don’t be afraid. We repeat: The world is a narrow bridge and I will not be afraid.

We have to focus on the six things, as Chris Hadfield might say, that we can do to make it better. And we can’t forget that there are plenty of things we can do to make things worse. Foremost among them, giving into fear and making mistakes. Rather, we have to keep going. Now is the time for everyone to show courage, like the thousands of generations who have come before us. Because time marches in only one direction – forward.”

The Universe

"Life is not what you see, but what you've projected. It's not what you've felt, but what you've decided. It's not what you've experienced, but how you've remembered it. It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed. And it's not who's appeared, but who you've summoned. And this should serve you well until you find what you already have."
- The Universe

“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”

"Fentanyl America On Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia"

Full screen recommended, if you can stand it.
Narcotropolis, 9/26/24
"Fentanyl America On Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia"
Comments here:
Nationwide, 150,000 fentanyl overdoses in the last 12 months...
Ray Charles, "America The Beautiful"

Gregory Mannarino, "Live! The Worst Depression Of All Time Is Not Far Off"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/26/24
"Live! The Worst Depression Of
 All Time Is Not Far Off!"
Comments here:

"How It Really Is"

Greg Hunter, "UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis"

"UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis"
by Greg Hunter's

"Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has been warning of plans by the United Nations for total tyrannical control of your life. This past weekend at UN headquarters in New York City, all countries sealed the deal to hand over your freedoms to these demonic monsters. Newman explains, ” This is probably the most important story of the decade. Every world leader was there. Joe Biden was there. Almost every world leader on the planet was there. Every president, king and dictator were all there, and they are all signing what the UN calls the “Pact for the Future.” This, in their own words, is going to morph the United Nations into the “UN 2.0.” When you read the text of this agreement that was adopted by every government on earth, every government agreed to this, and they said they are going to strengthen the UN. They want the Secretary General of the UN to explore how he will take over everything during a complex global shock. They want every nation in the world to be under the authority of the International Court of Justice. They want international cooperation on taxes. They want to tax high net worth individuals. The list of things in here is absolutely mind blowing. This was adopted by every government in the world. Don’t take my word for it, read the article yourself and see if I am not telling the truth. They are turbo charging the UN. .Every area of your life is going to be affected by this agreement. Until this was approved, there was not a peep from the fake media in the United States.”

How will the UN take control? The World Economic Forum brought up where this was going in 2023. They talked about a ‘polycrisis’ where you would have multiple crises or one polycrisis that would basically upend society and require a total transformation. Where we are headed if these evil doers are not stopped is an economic crisis, a geopolitical crisis, possibly including a major conflict or war, a pandemic or health crisis of some sort with the World Health Organization (WHO), and a whole bunch of other simultaneous crises such as a cyber pandemic.”

If this is enacted, Newman says that the Secretary General of the UN would end up being a global dictator. Some good news is 26 Republican governors say they will not comply with this agreement. Newman says when more people learn about the agreement, that would never pass as a treaty, the more pushback is going to be generated. The Lying Legacy Media lied by omission again on this important story that will affect everyone on the planet. Newman thinks this is too stupid to be stupid. Newman says, “I asked people at the summit why is the American media not covering this? The only thing I can think of is there was a decision made at a high level that they did not want the American people to get wind of this because if they figure out what we are doing, there will be an outcry that you have never heard before.”

Where does President Trump fit in to all of this? Newman contends, “They were able to dupe Trump on a couple of things like Warp Speed and the MCA, but they absolutely despise this man on what he did on the globalist front. This creation of this global economic, political and religious system is the top priority. Everything else are parts of the big picture which is creating this one world system. All of this is to move us to this one world economic, political and religious system. Trump got us out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement to deindustrialize America. Trump gets out of UNESCO, the UN education agency entirely focused on brainwashing your kids to be good global citizens in a one world totalitarian religious, political and economic order. When Trump was in office, he was a one-man wrecking ball to this global governance. Newman thinks this is a big reason why Trump is dodging assassination attempts.

Newman contends the Deep State wants people to give up and give into evil tyrannical control. Newman says, “The Deep State wants to unleash all the chaos and crime they can to have crises on many fronts. The former head of the CDC is talking about a Bird Flu that would kill 20% to 50% of the people that it infects. Then, combine that with a collapsing dollar, a collapsing stock market and a World War III. Imagine the terror this would cause in people, and then the evil doers come in and say we can make all this stop. All you have to do is have your leaders sign on the dotted line.”

In closing, Newman quotes Psalms 2 of the Bible, “‘The kings of the earth and the rulers are taking counsel together or conspiring together against the Lord and His anointed.’ That’s exactly what they are doing. But here’s the really good news. ‘He who sits in heaven laughs. The Lord holds them in derision. He will speak to them in His wrath and terrify them in His fury’. God is not concerned in the slightest. He is laughing at them. You don’t want to be on the wrong side of that.” There is much more in the 40-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumbleas he goes One-on-One with hard-hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of and author of the runaway best-selling new book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death.”

For Newman’s breakdown on the major freedom killing

Judge Napolitano, "Scott Ritter: Israel Suicidal for Invading Lebanon"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 9/26/24
"Scott Ritter: Israel Suicidal for Invading Lebanon"
Comments here:

Travelling with Russell, "The Future of Russian High Speed Trains in 2024"

Meanwhile, in a sane civilized society...
Full screen recommended.
Travelling with Russell, 9/26/24
"The Future of Russian High Speed Trains in 2024"
"Moscow Transport recently unveiled the ‘Bely Krechet’ (‘White Gyrfalcon’) a new future high-speed train that will run between Moscow and St. Petersburg at speeds of up to 400 km/h. Discover with me what the future of Russian high-speed trains will look like."
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Dan, I Allegedly, "Would You Pay This?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 9/26/24
"Would You Pay This?"
"Would you pay $2,500 for a wedding invite? Join me, Dan from IAllegedly, as we dive into the outrageous world of wedding bills that leave guests footing the bill for the big day! Jack's story from the UK will blow your mind - imagine being asked to cover your "fair share" for the venue, food, and more, only to be slapped with extra charges for drinks and staff tips! It's insane, right?"
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Bill Bonner, "Gunning Up"

Guernica, Pablo Picasso

"Gunning Up"
From the corner of our eyes... we see more than just financial
 threats. All over the world, nations are ‘gunning up.’ 
Our guess is that they will soon be gunning for each other.
by Bill Bonner

"Bomb, bomb, bomb...
Bomb, bomb Iran."
- Based on "Barbara-Ann" by The Regents,
and used by Sen. John McCain and others.

"We keep watch on the money. But from the corner of our eyes... we see more than just financial threats. All over the world, nations are ‘gunning up.’ Our guess is that they will soon be gunning for each other. So, today... we go back to the roots of our newsletter industry... to the days when intrepid writers provided ideas and opinions that mainstream media didn’t want to publish and the public didn’t want to hear.

Patrick Maitland, the 17th Earl of Lauderdale, was a pioneer in the newsletter genre. In 1937, he established the Fleet Street Letter in London. Then, when Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from the Munich Conference with Hitler, he announced that there would be ‘peace in our time.’ And the newspapers and radio stations spread the good news. But Maitland wasn’t so sure. He set out for Europe to talk to other sources. And when he came back, he had a distinctly different message. Peace was a comforting illusion, he told readers; brace yourselves... gird your loins... for war.

We regret that today we bring a similar message. War is coming. Get ready for WWForever. First, let’s check with public sources. Then, we’ll tell you what we think is going on. Bloomberg tells us that the Ukraine war has already ‘escalated’: "Putin Is Already Escalating His War on the West."

Biden shouldn’t worry about giving Ukraine long-range missiles when Russia is upping its sabotage in Western Europe and aid to terrorists in the Middle East. Since the war in Ukraine started, avoiding escalation - a leap into a larger, more globally consuming conflict - has been US President Joe Biden’s abiding preoccupation. But nearly three years in, the reality is that the war has already sprawled and escalated, just not quite in the ways many observers might expect.

And here’s Reuters: "China 'firmly supports' Lebanon in safeguarding its security." "China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib on Monday that China firmly supported Lebanon in safeguarding its sovereignty and security and strongly condemned violations after Israel's large scale airstrike.

Israel's military said it launched airstrikes against Hezbollah sites in Lebanon on Monday, which Lebanese authorities said had killed 492 people and sent tens of thousands fleeing Wang said no matter how the situation changes, China would continue to stand on the "side of justice and on the side of Arab brothers, including Lebanon."

On one side is ‘the West’ - NATO/Europeanized nations led by the US, with frontiers in the Ukraine and Israel. On the other side, the Muslim, Asian, Slavic and African bloc is slowly congealing. Giving the two sides a quick up and down glance, we see that the West has the wealth and technology. The East has more people...more output…and faster economic growth. Broadly, the West has the edge in firepower. The East leads in manpower.

The mainstream media serves up the ‘news’ in a form that the public finds easiest to swallow. So, the West is portrayed as fighting for ‘freedom and democracy’ against the evildoers of the East. But even Donald Trump is not that simpleminded. LA Times: "Trump claims Ukraine is 'dead' and dismisses its defense against Putin's invasion, touts prowess of Russia. Trump painted Ukraine as a country in ruins outside its capital, Kyiv, short on soldiers and losing population to war deaths and neighboring countries. He questioned whether the country has any bargaining chips left to negotiate an end to the war.

"Any deal - the worst deal - would’ve been better than what we have now," Trump said. "If they made a bad deal it would’ve been much better. They would’ve given up a little bit and everybody would be living and every building would be built and every tower would be aging for another 2,000 years.” This led a group calling itself Republicans Against Trump to denounce him as a ‘despicable traitor.’ But Trump is like a badly-written novel. Almost everything he says is foolish or fiction; but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some truth in it.

The average Ukrainian probably would have been a lot better off if Zelensky had settled up with Putin back in May 2022, when both were reportedly ready to end the war. So would the average Russian and the average American. But UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson flew to Kiev. His mission? To stop the peace talks. The West didn’t want the war to stop. Why not? More to come..."

Musical Interlude: George Harrison, "What Is Life"

George Harrison, "What Is Life"

"Martin Armstrong Says Prepare for World War 3"

Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network, 9/25/24
"Martin Armstrong Says Prepare for World War 3"
"Kerry Lutz sits down with renowned economist and financial analyst Martin Armstrong to discuss pressing global economic issues and their future implications. Armstrong shares his thoughts on inflation, the debt crisis, and central bank policies, explaining how these factors are influencing the global financial landscape. He also delves into geopolitical risks and the chances of the Neocons starting World War 3 before Trump is elected. Martin's unique perspective on how current tensions between major world powers could affect global markets and currencies and how it will affect you."
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