Saturday, December 9, 2023

”The 5 Stages of Economic Collapse”

”The 5 Stages of Economic Collapse” 
by Dmitry Orlov

“Elizabeth Kübler-Ross defined the five stages of coming to terms with grief and tragedy as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, and applied it quite successfully to various forms of catastrophic personal loss, such as death of a loved one, sudden end to one’s career, and so forth. Several thinkers, notably James Howard Kunstler and, more recently John Michael Greer, have pointed out that the Kübler-Ross model is also quite terrifyingly accurate in reflecting the process by which society as a whole (or at least the informed and thinking parts of it) is reconciling itself to the inevitability of a discontinuous future, with our institutions and life support systems undermined by a combination of resource depletion, catastrophic climate change, and political impotence.

But so far, little has been said specifically about the finer structure of these discontinuities. Instead, there is to be found continuum of subjective judgments, ranging from “a severe and prolonged recession” (the prediction we most often read in the financial press), to Kunstler’s evocative but unscientific-sounding “clusterf**k,” to the ever-popular “Collapse of Western Civilization,” painted with an ever-wider brush-stroke.

For those of us who have already gone through all of the emotional stages of reconciling ourselves to the prospect of social and economic upheaval, it might be helpful to have a more precise terminology that goes beyond such emotionally charged phrases. Defining a taxonomy of collapses might prove to be more than just an intellectual exercise: based on our abilities and circumstances, some of us may be able to specifically plan for a certain stage of collapse as a temporary, or even permanent, stopping point.

Even if society at the current stage of socioeconomic complexity will no longer be possible, and even if, as Tainter points in his “Collapse of Complex Societies,” there are circumstances in which collapse happens to be the correct adaptive response, it need not automatically cause a population crash, with the survivors disbanding into solitary, feral humans dispersed in the wilderness and subsisting miserably. Collapse can be conceived of as an orderly, organized retreat rather than a rout.

For instance, the collapse of the Soviet Union – our most recent and my personal favorite example of an imperial collapse – did not reach the point of political disintegration of the republics that made it up, although some of them (Georgia, Moldova) did lose some territory to separatist movements. And although most of the economy shut down for a time, many institutions, including the military, public utilities, and public transportation, continued to function throughout. And although there was much social dislocation and suffering, society as a whole did not collapse, because most of the population did not lose access to food, housing, medicine, or any of the other survival necessities. The command-and-control structure of the Soviet economy largely decoupled the necessities of daily life from any element of market psychology, associating them instead with physical flows of energy and physical access to resources. Thus situation, as I argue in my forthcoming book, Reinventing Collapse, allowed the Soviet population to inadvertently achieve a greater level of collapse-preparedness than is currently possible in the United States.

Having given a lot of thought to both the differences and the similarities between the two superpowers – the one that has collapsed already, and the one that is collapsing as I write this – I feel ready to attempt a bold conjecture, and define five stages of collapse, to serve as mental milestones as we gauge our own collapse-preparedness and see what can be done to improve it.

Rather than tying each phase to a particular emotion, as in the Kübler-Ross model, the proposed taxonomy ties each of the five collapse stages to the breaching of a specific level of trust, or faith, in the status quo. Although each stage causes physical, observable changes in the environment, these can be gradual, while the mental flip is generally quite swift. It is something of a cultural universal that nobody (but a real fool) wants to be the last fool to believe in a lie.

Stages of Collapse:

Stage 1: Financial collapse. Faith in “business as usual” is lost. The future is no longer assumed resemble the past in any way that allows risk to be assessed and financial assets to be guaranteed. Financial institutions become insolvent; savings are wiped out, and access to capital is lost.

Stage 2: Commercial collapse. Faith that “the market shall provide” is lost. Money is devalued and/or becomes scarce, commodities are hoarded, import and retail chains break down, and widespread shortages of survival necessities become the norm.

Stage 3: Political collapse. Faith that “the government will take care of you” is lost. As official attempts to mitigate widespread loss of access to commercial sources of survival necessities fail to make a difference, the political establishment loses legitimacy and relevance.

Stage 4: Social collapse. Faith that “your people will take care of you” is lost. As local social institutions, be they charities, community leaders, or other groups that rush in to fill the power vacuum, run out of resources or fail through internal conflict.

Stage 5: Cultural collapse. Faith in the goodness of humanity is lost. People lose their capacity for “kindness, generosity, consideration, affection, honesty, hospitality, compassion, charity” (Turnbull, "The Mountain People"). Families disband and compete as individuals for scarce resources. The new motto becomes “May you die today so that I die tomorrow” (Solzhenitsyn, "The Gulag Archipelago"). There may even be some cannibalism.

Although many people imagine collapse to be a sort of elevator that goes to the sub-basement (our Stage 5) no matter which button you push, no such automatic mechanism can be discerned. Rather, driving us all to Stage 5 will require that a concerted effort be made at each of the intervening stages. That all the players seem poised to make just such an effort may give this collapse the form a classical tragedy – a conscious but inexorable march to perdition – rather than a farce (“Oops! Ah, here we are, Stage 5.” – “So, whom do we eat first?” – “Me! I am delicious!”) Let us sketch out this process.

Financial collapse, as we are are currently observing it, consists of two parts. One is that a part of the general population is forced to move, no longer able to afford the house they bought based on inflated assessments, forged income numbers, and foolish expectations of endless asset inflation. Since, technically, they should never have been allowed to buy these houses, and were only able to do so because of financial and political malfeasance, this is actually a healthy development. The second part consists of men in expensive suits tossing bundles of suddenly worthless paper up in the air, ripping out their remaining hair, and (some of us might uncharitably hope) setting themselves on fire on the steps of the Federal Reserve. They, to express it in their own vernacular, “f**ked up,” and so this is also just as it should be.

The government response to this could be to offer some helpful homilies about “the wages of sin” and to open a few soup kitchens and flop houses in a variety of locations including Wall Street. The message would be: “You former debt addicts and gamblers, as you say, ‘f****d up,’ and so this will really hurt for a long time. We will never let you anywhere near big money again. Get yourselves over to the soup kitchen, and bring your own bowl, because we don’t do dishes.” This would result in a stable Stage 1 collapse – the Second Great Depression.

However, this is unlikely, because in the US the government happens to be debt addict and gambler number one. As individuals, we may have been as virtuous as we wished, but the government will have still run up exorbitant debts on our behalf. Every level of government, from local municipalities and authorities, which need the financial markets to finance their public works and public services, to the federal government, which relies on foreign investment to finance its endless wars, is addicted to public debt. They know they cannot stop borrowing, and so they will do anything they can to keep the game going for as long as possible.

About the only thing the government currently seems it fit to do is extend further credit to those in trouble, by setting interest rates at far below inflation, by accepting worthless bits of paper as collateral and by pumping money into insolvent financial institutions. This has the effect of diluting the dollar, further undermining its value, and will, in due course, lead to hyperinflation, which is bad enough in any economy, but is especially serious for one dominated by imports. As imports dry up and the associated parts of the economy shut down, we pass Stage 2: Commercial Collapse.

As businesses shut down, storefronts are boarded up and the population is left largely penniless and dependent on FEMA and charity for survival, the government may consider what to do next. It could, for example, repatriate all foreign troops and set them to work on public works projects designed to directly help the population. It could promote local economic self-sufficiency, by establishing community-supported agriculture programs, erecting renewable energy systems, and organizing and training local self-defense forces to maintain law and order. The Army Corps of Engineers could be ordered to bulldoze buildings erected on former farmland around city centers, return the land to cultivation, and to construct high-density solar-heated housing in urban centers to resettle those who are displaced. In the interim, it could reduce homelessness by imposing a steep tax on vacant residential properties and funneling the proceeds into rent subsidies for the indigent. With plenty of luck, such measures may be able to reverse the trend, eventually providing for a restoration of pre-Stage 2 conditions.

This may or may not be a good plan, but in any case it is rather unrealistic, because the United States, being so deeply in debt, will be forced to accede to the wishes of its foreign creditors, who own a lot of national assets (land, buildings, and businesses) and who would rather see a dependent American population slaving away working off their debt than a self-sufficient one, conveniently forgetting that they have mortgaged their children’s futures to pay for military fiascos, big houses, big cars, and flat-screen television sets. Thus, a much more likely scenario is that the federal government (knowing who butters their bread) will remain subservient to foreign financial interests. It will impose austerity conditions, maintain law and order through draconian means, and aid in the construction of foreign-owned factory towns and plantations. As people start to think that having a government may not be such a good idea, conditions become ripe for Stage 3.

If Stage 1 collapse can be observed by watching television, observing Stage 2 might require a hike or a bicycle ride to the nearest population center, while Stage 3 collapse is more than likely to be visible directly through one’s own living-room window, which may or may not still have glass in it. After a significant amount of bloodletting, much of the country becomes a no-go zone for the remaining authorities. Foreign creditors decide that their debts might not be repaid after all, cut their losses and depart in haste. The rest of the world decides to act as if there is no such place as The United States – because “nobody goes there any more.” So as not to lose out on the entertainment value, the foreign press still prints sporadic fables about Americans who eat their young, much as they did about Russia following the Soviet collapse. A few brave American expatriates who still come back to visit bring back amazing stories of a different kind, but everyone considers them eccentric and perhaps a little bit crazy.

Stage 3 collapse can sometimes be avoided by the timely introduction of international peacekeepers and through the efforts of international humanitarian NGOs. In the aftermath of a Stage 2 collapse, domestic authorities are highly unlikely to have either the resources or the legitimacy, or even the will, to arrest the collapse the dynamic and reconstitute themselves in a way that the population would accept.

As stage 3 collapse runs its course, the power vacuum left by the now defunct federal, state and local government is filled by a variety of new power structures. Remnants of former law enforcement and military, urban gangs, ethnic mafias, religious cults and wealthy property owners all attempt to build their little empires on the ruins of the big one, fighting each other over territory and access to resources. This is the age of Big Men: charismatic leaders, rabble-rousers, ruthless Macchiavelian princes and war lords. In the luckier places, they find it to their common advantage to pool their resources and amalgamate into some sort of legitimate local government, while in the rest their jostling for power leads to a spiral of conflict and open war.

Stage 4 collapse occurs when society becomes so disordered and impoverished that it can no longer support the Big Men, who become smaller and smaller, and eventually fade from view. Society fragments into extended families and small tribes of a dozen or so families, who find it advantageous to band together for mutual support and defense. This is the form of society that has existed over some 98.5% of humanity’s existence as a biological species, and can be said to be the bedrock of human existence. Humans can exist at this level of organization for thousands, perhaps millions of years. Most mammalian species go extinct after just a few million years, but, for all we know, Homo Sapiens still have a million or two left.

If pre-collapse society is too atomized, alienated and individualistic to form cohesive extended families and tribes, or if its physical environment becomes so disordered and impoverished that hunger and starvation become widespread, then Stage 5 collapse becomes likely. At this stage, a simpler biological imperative takes over, to preserve the life of the breeding couples. Families disband, the old are abandoned to their own devices, and children are only cared for up to age 3. All social unity is destroyed, and even the couples may disband for a time, preferring to forage on their own and refusing to share food. This is the state of society described by the anthropologist Colin Turnbull in his book “The Mountain People.” If society prior to Stage 5 collapse can be said to be the historical norm for humans, Stage 5 collapse brings humanity to the verge of physical extinction.

As we can easily imagine, the default is cascaded failure: each stage of collapse can easily lead to the next, perhaps even overlapping it. In Russia, the process was arrested just past Stage 3: there was considerable trouble with ethnic mafias and even some warlordism, but government authority won out in the end. In my other writings, I go into a lot of detail in describing the exact conditions that inadvertently made Russian society relatively collapse-proof. Here, I will simply say that these ingredients are not currently present in the United States.

While attempting to arrest collapse at Stage 1 and Stage 2 would probably be a dangerous waste of energy, it is probably worth everyone’s while to dig in their heels at Stage 3, definitely at Stage 4, and it is quite simply a matter of physical survival to avoid Stage 5. In certain localities – those with high population densities, as well as those that contain dangerous nuclear and industrial installations – avoiding Stage 3 collapse is rather important, to the point of inviting foreign troops and governments in to maintain order and avoid disasters. Other localities may be able to prosper indefinitely at Stage 3, and even the most impoverished environments may be able to support a sparse population subsisting indefinitely at Stage 4.

Although it is possible to prepare directly for surviving Stage 5, this seems like an altogether demoralizing thing to attempt. Preparing to survive Stages 3 and 4 may seem somewhat more reasonable, while explicitly aiming for Stage 3 may be reasonable if you plan to become one of the Big Men. Be that as it may, I must leave such preparations as an exercise for the reader. My hope is that these definitions of specific stages of collapse will enable a more specific and fruitful discussion than the one currently dominated by such vague and ultimately nonsensical terms as “the collapse of Western civilization.”
Download "The Collapse of Complex Societies", 
by Joseph A. Tainter, here:

"We're Starting To Find Out What's Beneath The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We've All Been Taking For Granted"

"We're Starting To Find Out What's Beneath The Thin 
Veneer Of Civilization That We've All Been Taking For Granted"
By Michael Snyder

"Unlike so many people around the world, those of us that live in the United States were fortunate enough to grow up in a relatively civilized society. Unfortunately, we have turned our backs on the values that our forefathers handed down to us, and so now we are starting to find out what is beneath the thin veneer of civilization that we have all been taking for granted all these years.

Our society is absolutely teeming with predators, crime rates are soaring all over the nation, millions of Americans are afraid to leave their own homes, and hordes of drug addicts are literally pooping in the middle of our streets whenever they feel like it.

In some of our largest cities, highly organized groups of criminals are constantly invading homes. Of course when these thieves encounter a homeowner that is actually armed it can result in a deadly confrontation…"A homeowner shot and killed a home invasion suspect in Los Angeles early Saturday morning while a grandmother and toddler were in the house in the fifth such crime reported in the area in the space of 10 days.

Officers were called to a home in the Granada Hills section of the San Fernando Valley, north of Beverly Hills, around 5am on Saturday after someone reported a ‘hot prowl’ – a burglary where the homeowner is present. ‘The officers’ preliminary investigation determined that approximately three to four armed males in their 20s entered the home with the intent to burglarize the location,’ according to LAPD officials."

Once upon a time, Los Angeles was such a beautiful city. But now it is covered from one end to the other in filth, trash and drug paraphernalia. Imagine as a store owner coming to your store one morning to open shop and this is what greets you. Welcome to Los Angeles.— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 26, 2023

Of course much of this degradation is being fueled by drug addiction. We are in the midst of the worst drug crisis in the entire history of our country, and many addicts have made theft a lifestyle in order to fund their addictions. In addition to robbing homes, these addicts are constantly smashing into vehicles, and they are one of the biggest reasons why retail theft has soared to unprecedented heights

"New York City has led the US with the sharpest increase in the number of reported shoplifting incidents since before the pandemic, according to a study. The Big Apple saw a 64% increase in reported incidents of retail theft during the four-year period between mid-2019 and June of this year, while Los Angeles experienced a 61% surge in the same metric, according to the Council on Criminal Justice."

This is not what a civilized society looks like.

In Bellevue, Washington, so many vehicles are being stolen that the police are literally giving away steering wheel locks in a desperate attempt to bring auto theft down…"The Bellevue Police Department is giving away steering wheel locks Sunday, December 3 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bellevue Crossroads Substation. “The effort comes as auto thefts have been on the rise in Bellevue and across the region,” said BPD. BPD said Bellevue has had a 29% increase in car thefts in 2023 through October. BPD has seen a 762% and 730% increase in theft of Kias and Hyundais."

I honestly do not understand why people still want to live in these big cities. According to one recent survey, 40 percent of Americans are now “afraid to walk alone at night near their home”. Millions of Americans live in a constant state of fear because our nation is absolutely teeming with predators and drug addicts.

During his recent debate with Gavin Newsom, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pulled out the infamous “poop map” that shows reports of human feces on the streets of San Francisco…"During Thursday night’s debate between Gavin Newsom (D) and Ron DeSantis (R), the Florida governor busted out the San Francisco ‘poop map’ created by OpenTheBooks. The map, created in 2019, plotted nearly 120,000 case reports of human feces on the streets of San Francisco between 2011 and 2019 using the city’s open records portal and 311 call information posted by city officials."

Well, now that map has been updated, and despite everything officials have tried reports of human feces in the streets have been coming in faster than ever…It’s been updated… According to Adam Andrzejwski of OpenTheBooks, here it is in all it’s brown glory – only now it’s got an additional 125,506 cases in just three years – more than double the amount reported in the initial eight-year period.

This is our country now.

We live in a country where hordes of mindless drug addicts pull down their pants and defecate in the streets whenever they feel like it. And thanks to the open border policies of our leaders in Washington, more drug dealers and more drug addicts are pouring across our borders with each passing day. It is being reported that the foreign-born population in the U.S. has now reached a whopping 49.5 million people…"The nation’s foreign-born population has hit an unprecedented 49.5 million, the largest ever recorded in American history, under President Joe Biden. Analysis by Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) revealed that in October the foreign-born population reached almost 50 million, increasing by 4.5 million foreign-born residents since Biden took office in January 2021."

How do you think the drug cartels in Mexico make so much money? They make millions upon millions of dollars by selling drugs to us. And our leaders refuse to secure our borders year after year. It is infuriating.

We are literally committing national suicide, and the stage is set for an epic eruption of societal unrest in our major cities which will be so bad that it will shock the entire planet. Decades of incredibly bad decisions have brought us to this point, but even at this late hour our leaders continue to make some of the stupidest decisions imaginable."
Full screen recommended, if you can stomach it.
Drones R Eagles, 12/9/23
"Xylazine Horse Tranquilizer
 Epidemic In Philly On Kenzo Ave"
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Dan, I Allegedly, "No One Wants To Work"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly AM 12/9/23
"No One Wants To Work"
"We are told that the economy is unbelievable, the job market is absolutely amazing. But, we got a want ad that truly shows the state of the average worker. No one wants to work."
Comments here

"Israel - Palestine War Update, 12/9/23"

Full screen recommended.
Scott Ritter, 12/9/23
"Israel Will Never Beat Hamas"
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Full screen recommended.
Hindustan Times, 12/9/23
"Al Qassam's Deadly M-90 Rocket Dare For Israel;
 'Tel Aviv Will Be Burnt...'"
"Hamas' Al-Qassam brigades have released a new video flaunting M-90 rockets. The deadly multiple rocket launcher (MLR), M-90, can hold up to eight rockets at a time. The video is Hamas' show of strength and warning as Israel expands its operation in south Gaza. The footage was titled "Tel Aviv will be burned to the ground; Al-Quds will be liberated."
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Full screen recommended.
Hindustan Times, 12/9/23
"Hezbollah's 'Revenge' ATGM Attack On IDF; 
Israeli Army Barracks Gutted"
"A ferocious fight between Hezbollah and Israel is underway at the borders. The Lebanese group has launched ATGM attacks on Israeli army barracks near the border. In a video by Hezbollah, a loud boom can be heard after an ATGM is launched. The Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) can then be seen hitting the Israeli army barracks. The multi-floor barrack was razed to the ground in the ATGM attack. Hezbollah claims that IDF soldiers were present inside the barrack during the attack."
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Stipendium peccati mors est, Israel...

"Restaurant Service Bad, No Tip; $20 Hamburgers Is The New Normal; Prices Are Out Of Control"

Jeremiah Babe, 12/8/23
"Restaurant Service Bad, No Tip; 
$20 Hamburgers Is The New Normal; Prices Are Out Of Control"
Comments here:

Friday, December 8, 2023

"Scott Ritter: Hamas/Hezbollah - Israel War Update, 12/8/23"

Full screen recommended.
Judge Napolitano, 12/8/23
"Scott Ritter: Hamas/Hezbollah - 
Israel War Update, 12/8/23"
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Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Life”

Full screen recommended.
Ludovico Einaudi, “Life”
"What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
It is the little shadow which runs 
across the grass and loses itself in the sunset."
- Crowfoot, Blackfoot Warrior and Orator

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Two stars within our own Milky Way galaxy anchor the foreground of this cosmic snapshot. Beyond them lie the galaxies of the Hydra Cluster. In fact, while the spiky foreground stars are hundreds of light-years distant, the Hydra Cluster galaxies are over 100 million light-years away.
Three large galaxies near the cluster center, two yellow ellipticals (NGC 3311, NGC 3309) and one prominent blue spiral (NGC 3312), are the dominant galaxies, each about 150,000 light-years in diameter. An intriguing overlapping galaxy pair cataloged as NGC 3314 is just above and left of NGC 3312. Also known as Abell 1060, the Hydra galaxy cluster is one of three large galaxy clusters within 200 million light-years of the Milky Way. In the nearby universe, galaxies are gravitationally bound into clusters which themselves are loosely bound into superclusters that in turn are seen to align over even larger scales. At a distance of 100 million light-years this picture would be about 1.3 million light-years across."
"In this galaxy, there's a mathematical probability of 3 billion Earth-type planets. And in all of the universe, 2 trillion galaxies like this. And in all of that...and perhaps more, only one of each of us."
- "Dr. Leonard McCoy"

"Humanity Today..."

"Humanity today is like a waking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world. The mind seeks but cannot find the precise place and hour. We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life."
- Edward O. Wilson

The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Mysteries, Yes"

"Mysteries, Yes"

"Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous
to be understood.
How grass can be nourishing in the
mouths of the lambs.
How rivers and stones are forever
in allegiance with gravity
while we ourselves dream of rising.
How two hands touch and the bonds
will never be broken.
How people come, from delight or the
scars of damage,
to the comfort of a poem.
Let me keep my distance, always, from those
who think they have the answers.
Let me keep company always with those who say
"Look!" and laugh in astonishment,
and bow their heads."

~ Mary Oliver

The Daily "Near You?"

Fernley, Nevada, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"It Is Common To Assume..."

"It is common to assume that human progress affects everyone - that even the dullest man, in these bright days, knows more than any man of, say, the Eighteenth Century, and is far more civilized. This assumption is quite erroneous. The great masses of men, even in this inspired republic, are precisely where the mob was at the dawn of history. They are ignorant, they are dishonest, they are cowardly, they are ignoble. They know little if anything that is worth knowing, and there is not the slightest sign of a natural desire among them to increase their knowledge."
- H. L. Mencken, 1929
"It is extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut,
 with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it's just as well; 
and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes
 life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome."
-Joseph Conrad, "Lord Jim"

Bill Bonner, "When the Money Goes..."

"When the Money Goes..."
Hardship withdrawals, barbarians inside 
the gates and the burden of phony fiat.
by Bill Bonner

Baltimore, Maryland - "From ZeroHedge comes this update: 'More Americans Tapping Into Retirement Savings As 'Hardship' Withdrawals Rise.' "A new report from Fidelity, the nation's largest provider of 401(k) plans, reveals a troubling withdrawals and loans. The report shows that 2.3 percent of U.S. retirement plan participants took a hardship withdrawal in the third quarter of 2023, up from 1.8 percent in the third quarter of 2022.

Top reasons given for taking a hardship withdrawal were avoiding foreclosure or eviction and covering medical expenses. Besides hardship withdrawals, there was also an increase in the number of Americans taking loans from their retirement savings accounts, with this share growing from 2.4 percent in the third quarter of 2023 to 2.8 percent in the comparable period in the prior year.

Among employed Americans, 60 percent said their incomes haven't kept up with increases in household expenses due to inflation over the past 12 months, according to a new survey from Bankrate. That's up from 55 percent last year. Meanwhile, less than one-third (29 percent) said their pay has kept up with or exceeded inflation this year compared to 33 percent last year, and 11 percent say they don’t know."

Yesterday, through the eyes of former ambassador Jack Matlock, we looked at how US foreign policy changed dramatically from 1982 to today. After rolling along on a highway of high ideals and aspirations, the US took the low road exit towards bombing and bullying all over the world Today, we look at domestic policy.

Inside the Gates: The most notable change in our domestic situation is the one we follow almost daily. “When the money goes, everything goes,” we say here at BonnerPrivateResearch headquarters. We don’t pretend to have the cause and effect of it perfectly worked out; but the correlation is hard to miss.

In the space of the two periods – 1950-1980…and then 1980 to 2020 – we went from a nation that had real money, backed by gold (the actual change was made in 1968/1971…but it took a few years kick in) to a nation that relied upon paper money managed by a crew of bankers and economists. We were a nation of creditors…and became a nation of debtors. We made money – by selling goods and services; now, when we need an extra trillion, we just “print it” up. We went from a nation that ran a surplus in its national accounts, to one that pays $1 trillion per year just on the interest on its past deficits. We also went from being an export powerhouse to being a country with a trade deficit of nearly $1 trillion annually.

We saw yesterday that in 1955 we were on what Bishop Fulton Sheen called the “Way to Happiness.” The roadblocks and obstacles had been removed. No more war. No more deficits. Eisenhower had cut the defense budget; WWII debt was being paid off. And when France and England wanted the US to get involved in an ugly war in the Mideast, he told them that not only would Americans not participate; he said he’d cut off their military aid too. (The Suez war ended within hours.)

And for the next two and a half decades…millions of families found happiness in their own ways; with their higher wages, they could buy new automobiles…and new houses…and send their children to college.

That ‘70s Show: But those wage gains ended in the mid-70s. The reasons are widely debated, but our leading suspect is the post-1971 dollar. In 1971 the US Treasury changed the money system and things promptly began to get out of whack. A single dollar from 1955, for example, would be worth $11.48 today.

We have already served up this dish so often, our long-suffering Dear Readers are no-doubt gagging at the thought of another serving. So…we’ll rush along and settle into leather chairs for an after-dinner drink.

The most important feature of the new money system was that it favored debt over real wealth. Simply, it was easier to borrow money (often below the rate of inflation) than to make it honestly. Result? When Bishop Sheen saw the unencumbered roadway ahead as the ‘way to happiness’ in 1955, total US debt, even after WWII, was only $300 billion or 70% of GDP. Today, it’s almost $34 trillion; that’s 100 times more…and twice as much compared to GDP.

This debt, we remind ourselves, is the burden of yesterday’s expenses that yesterday’s public didn’t want to pay for. So now, tomorrow’s public gets the bill. And by our calculations, the annual interest alone represents about 15% of family income each year – a hefty price to pay for things you didn’t want and never will get. And it leads, inevitably, to an economy in which today’s workers are so burdened by the legacy rip-offs of the past…they can make little headway in the present.

Year after year, the burdens of the past accumulate…and become heavier and heavier. And it’s not just a matter of money itself. Laws, regulations, policy decisions – bought and paid for with fake money – distort and confuse the whole society. Bribery, corruption, incompetence, grift, waste and scam – the money that pays for them may be fake; but their effects are real…disastrous…and almost impossible to erase."

Scott Ritter, "Geopolitical Reality"

Full screen recommended.
Scott Ritter, 12/8/23
"Geopolitical Reality"
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"How It Really Is"


Jim Kunstler, "The New National Pastime: Blob-ball"

"The New National Pastime: Blob-ball"
by Jim Kunstler

“The similarities between the late 1980s USSR and present day USA are uncanny - the endless lies, the corruption, the hollowing out of institutions, the censorship, and the decrepit leadership that is despised by the public.” - Dr. Toby Rogers

"The blob ran a clever third down lawfare play deep in its own territory Thursday night, a sort of double-reverse statue of liberty counter-switcheroo in its game-plan to “save our democracy,” as it calls its agenda of suppressions, persecutions, swindles, bad trips, and mind-fucks laid on the sore-beset people of this land. Blob special prosecutor David C. Weiss finally managed to indict Hunter Biden on tax evasion charges so flagrant and obvious that all the ham sandwiches convicted for the Jan 6 “insurrection” watched in awe from their prison cells.

You understand, this was months after Mr. Weiss concocted a cream puff plea deal for the president’s beloved son that blew up embarrassingly in the Delaware federal court when Judge Maryellen Noreika discerned a lifetime get-out-of-jail-free clause buried deep in the document, at about the same time that two IRS whistleblowers revealed the malfeasant incompetence of Mr. Weiss’s initial five-year-long dawdling investigation that, oops, let the statute of limitations run out on many of the pending charges.

That fiasco was followed by Mr. Weiss and AG Merrick Garland contradicting each other in House testimony about who had investigative authority where in the federal court matrix. And finally, the tax evasion matters landed in the Biden-friendly Los Angeles federal district, where Hunter officially lives (when not hiding out in the Lincoln bedroom), emerging from a grand jury Thursday night as a bill for three felonies and six misdemeanors.

The indictment, a public document, contains some interesting particulars, such as Hunter attempting to write off as business expenses $683,212 in fees for the unspecified services of “various women” (much as the services rendered by Hunter’s Owasco PC shell company were never specified in million-dollar legal retainer agreements made with Chinese “clients”). The curious can consult the website, a.k.a. “Marco Polo” for a photographic record of Hunter B’s sex trafficking capers, such as:
Click image for larger size.
Of course, buried in this hairball of sleaze is another cute dodge that will permit Hunter to take a pass on his subpoenaed closed-door deposition scheduled for December 13th with Rep. James Comer’s House Oversight Committee on the grounds that he is under indictment and would only repeat his 5th Amendment rights ad infinitum. Smooth move, DOJ. While it confers a short-term field advantage to the DC blob, few will misunderstand that behind all of this procedural stagecraft is the somewhat greater matter of Hunter’s dad, President “Joe Biden,” being a paid agent of the Chinese Communist Party (and several other entities not favorably disposed to the USA’s national interests). That is: hanging over all this is the question of treason, attending the question of bribery, both being gold-standard impeachable offenses, and one them a capital crime.

That is the place to which all this rigmarole is tending, and so the pretense that “Joe Biden” is actually running for reelection grows more preposterous by the day. But it is just one of a thousand other things that the DC blob - i.e., our government - lies about incessantly to the peril of the people suffering its governance. What’s actually happening is that “Joe Biden,” our Flying Dutchman president, is barely clinging to office long enough to pardon his son and accomplices in the influence-peddling racket he ran at the center of which was “Joe Biden’s” strangely fortuitous blobular selection as Democratic Party nominee and subsequent “victory” by blatant fraud in the 2020 election. Some people knew the fix was in.

The pathetic thing about the Biden family business is that for all that trouble and all those jet plane rides, and tedious dinners with men reeking of too much cologne, and all the cozying up to foreign poohbahs and kissing their hirsute asses, shlepping the family brand from one sad-sack national capital to the next: Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Romania, the Biden clan only grossed about $25-million, maximum, over many years - which is to say about equal to one year’s salary-and-bonus of a mid-level shlub at the commodities desk of a hedge fund. I mean, when you consider the billions accumulated by the likes of Larry Fink at BlackRock, or Bezos at Amazon, or the obscene fortunes of the wonder boys at Google and Facebook.

Side note: Senator John Kennedy, usually witty and agile, had a go at FBI Director Christopher Wray this week in a Judiciary Committee session. Mr. Kennedy asked Mr. Wray how come, in the fall of 2020, with the election on, and The New York Post’s scoop on the existence of a Hunter Biden laptop, and the subsequent psy-op by 51 former intel maestros saying the laptop story was Russian disinfo - Mr. Kennedy asked, “Why didn’t the FBI just come out and say, hey, the laptop’s real?” Mr. Wray gave a bullshit answer of course… “an ongoing investigation, blah, blah….”

I have a better question that Senator Kennedy might put to Christopher Wray about this matter. In fact, the FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop hard-drive in its possession as early as December 2019, just as the first Trump impeachment trial commenced. Had they bothered at that time to examine its contents, and if not, why not? And if they had looked around inside and seen the multitudinous emails concerning Hunter Biden’s business dealings with other countries, Ukraine especially, and in particular with Mykola Zlochevsky’s Burisma company, why did Mr. Wray not alert President Trump’s attorneys that he was in possession of possibly exculpatory evidence regarding the president’s supposedly nefarious phone call to newly elected Ukraine President Zelensky that kicked off the impeachment? Huh? Just wondering."

Dan, I Allegedly, "ATM Scammers Steal Millions - Protect Your PIN Now!"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 12/8/23
"ATM Scammers Steal Millions - 
Protect Your PIN Now!"
The FBI just arrested a credit card scam ring. They stole over $8 million and made bogus debit cards once they got people’s account and PIN numbers.
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"Stocking Up At Kroger! Buying What We Can Afford! What's Coming?"

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Adventures With Danno, 12/8/23
"Stocking Up At Kroger! 
Buying What We Can Afford! What's Coming?"
In today's vlog, we are at Kroger and are stocking up on items we can afford. Grocery prices have gotten so expensive that we are only shopping the bargains to help save money. It's getting rough out here as many families are struggling to put food on the table!
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Thursday, December 7, 2023

Jeremiah Babe, "The Financial System Must Collapse; California Exodus; Subprime Car Loan Tsunami"

Jeremiah Babe, 12/7/23
"The Financial System Must Collapse; 
California Exodus; Subprime Car Loan Tsunami"
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Canadian Prepper, "Breaking: Article 99 Invoked; US Troops To Europe; White House Panics; Middle East Exploding"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 12/7/23
"Breaking: Article 99 Invoked; US Troops To Europe; 
White House Panics; Middle East Exploding"
Comments here:

"These Are Stressful Times! Food Prices Are Getting Beyond Ridiculous!"

Adventures With Danno, PM 12/7/23
"These Are Stressful Times! 
Food Prices Are Getting Beyond Ridiculous!"
"These are some stressful times as grocery prices are becoming unaffordable for a lot of people. Adding the holiday season as well doesn't help and many struggle to put food on the table!"
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Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Memories of an Angel"

Full screen recommended.
Deuter, "Memories of an Angel"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"What will become of our Sun? The first hint of our Sun's future was discovered inadvertently in 1764. At that time, Charles Messier was compiling a list of diffuse objects not to be confused with comets. The 27th object on Messier's list, now known as M27 or the Dumbbell Nebula, is a planetary nebula, one of the brightest planetary nebulae on the sky - and visible toward the constellation of the Fox (Vulpecula) with binoculars.
It takes light about 1000 years to reach us from M27, featured here in colors emitted by hydrogen and oxygen. We now know that in about 6 billion years, our Sun will shed its outer gases into a planetary nebula like M27, while its remaining center will become an X-ray hot white dwarf star. Understanding the physics and significance of M27 was well beyond 18th century science, though. Even today, many things remain mysterious about planetary nebulas, including how their intricate shapes are created."

"I'm Rightly Tired..."

“I'm rightly tired of the pain I hear and feel, boss. I'm tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a robin in the rain. Not never havin' no buddy to go on with or tell me where we's comin' from or goin' to or why. I'm tired of people bein' ugly to each other. It feels like pieces of glass in my head. I'm tired of all the times I've wanted to help and couldn't. I'm tired of bein' in the dark. Mostly it's the pain. There's too much. If I could end it, I would. But I can't.”
- Stephen King, "The Green Mile"

"This Hasn’t Happened Since 1933"

"This Hasn’t Happened Since 1933"
by Brian Maher

"The United States economy is enduring a phenomenon not witnessed since 1933 - during the hellsent deeps of the Great Depression. Is it a frightful omen of lean times… a straw swaying in the wind… a looming menace? We do not know. Yet we hazard it rates an inquiry. An inquiry, incidentally, the mainstream financial press will not afford it. What is it? Answer anon. Let us first direct our gaze briefly to Wall Street…

All Eyes Are on Friday: After a series of defeats, stocks rediscovered their courage today. Each of the major averages reclaimed lost earth. The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced 63 points. The S&P advanced 36 and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 193 points. Yet investors have their eyes on the morrow. That is when the Bureau of Labor (Misapplied) Statistics issues November’s unemployment data.

Explains CNBC: "Economists polled by Dow Jones expect that 190,000 jobs were added in November, a step up from the prior month. Investors are hoping for signs of cooling in the labor market, leaving the Federal Reserve comfortable with its decision to halt interest rate hikes. “The market has more than likely gotten ahead of itself in forecasting rate cuts for early next year,” said Alex McGrath, chief investment officer at NorthEnd Private Wealth. “The jobs number tomorrow could dump an ice bath on sentiment.” An ice bath indeed.

Meantime, gold yielded back $2.20 today. The 10-year Treasury yield slinked slightly forward to 4.129%… for what it is worth.

Oh My! Yet what phenomenon is the United States economy presently enduring that it has not endured since 1933? Here is the answer: The money supply - measured broadly - is contracting at a furious gait. The M2 money supply constitutes saving deposits, time deposits, certificates of deposit and money market funds. It has grown and grown for well past a century. It has endured some trembles, some slight contractions. Yet like the federal government of the United States… or its debts… it has expanded nearly inexorably. We instructed our minions to ransack the historical data.

This Hasn’t Happened Since 1933: They informed us that the M2 money supply has contracted by at least 2% - on an annualized basis - in six previous instances. These shrinkages transpired in the years 1878, 1893, 1921, 1931, 1932 and 1933. Each year coincided with economic frights of one sort or other. And now? We learn that the M2 contraction exceeds 2%. Here is the graphic evidence, courtesy of Reventure Consulting:
An Accelerating Contraction: What is more, the contraction rate is itself accelerating. Mr. Ryan McMaken of the Mises Institute: "Money-supply growth has now been negative for 12 months in a row. During October 2023, the downturn continued as YOY growth in the money supply was at -9.33%…With negative growth now falling near or below -10% for the eighth month in a row, money-supply contraction is the largest we’ve seen since the Great Depression. Prior to this year, at no other point for at least 60 years has the money supply fallen by more than 6% (YoY) in any month.

Money supply growth can often be a helpful measure of economic activity and an indicator of coming recessions. During periods of economic boom, money supply tends to grow quickly as commercial banks make more loans. Recessions, on the other hand, tend to be preceded by slowing rates of money supply growth."

Just so. Yet it is not so much the direction of travel that riles us. It is rather the pace of travel: "It should be noted that the money supply does not need to actually contract to signal a recession and the boom-bust cycle. As shown by Ludwig von Mises, recessions are often preceded by a mere slowing in money supply growth. But the drop into negative territory we’ve seen in recent months does help illustrate just how far and how rapidly money supply growth has fallen. That is generally a red flag for economic growth and employment. The fact that the money supply is shrinking at all is remarkable because the money supply in modern times almost never gets smaller."

We must agree. It is remarkable. M2 has nonetheless withdrawn 13% from its April 2022 summit - remarkably. Yet perhaps the foregoing analysis lacks… context.

One Gigantic Anomaly: We must consider that the monetary deliriums of 2020–21 were unique madnesses. They lack all precedent. We refer you once again to the above chart. And it is true. Never had the monetary sluice gates been flung so widely open. Never has a similar deluge washed over the nation. It is only natural - then - that money creation returns to some normal semblance once the crisis passed. Thus the vast contraction may less indicate contracting economic conditions… than merely illuminate the lunatic excesses of the pandemic period.

In this telling we are merely witnessing a normal corrective. The Federal Reserve has merely accelerated the normalization. It has undertaken heroic anti-inflation exertions since March 2022. They have diminished the supply of money. Yet the facts remain the facts. In each instance that the M2 money supply has contracted 2% or more - in 1878, 1893, 1921, 1931, 1932 and 1933 - the United States economy was in for heavy weather. And the M2 money is presently contracting more than 2%.

“The Year of Reckoning”: Will this time prove the exception? Will the United States economy hold against the weather? As stated at the onset… we do not know. We have raised false warning flags before. Often, in fact. We will not do it again. Yet Jim Rickards forecasts that 2024 will be “the year of reckoning.” He has cited many reasons why. Among them are: Credit contraction, rising bad debts, increasing jobless claims, collapsing commercial real estate markets, contracting world trade, inverted yield curves and many other reliable technical indicators.

As we are fond to say, climate is what a fellow can expect. Weather is what he actually gets. It is possible the weather holds. It is possible the Federal Reserve and fiscal authorities will blow away the storm systems. Yet it is likewise possible they will not. And the plunging money supply is one reason why…"

"Fellows, You Had Your Day..."

“Times goin' change again an' things too, and that great British Empire goin' change too, 'cause time ain't got nothin' to do with these empires. God don't like ugly, an' whenever these big great empires starts to get ugly with the thing they does the Almighty puts His hands down once an' for all. He tell them without talkin', fellows, you had your day.”
― George Lamming, "In the Castle of My Skin"

“Calf-deep in the soothing water I indulge myself in the wishful vision. I am not unaware of what such daydreams signify, dreams of becoming an unthinking savage, of taking the cold road back to the capital, of groping my way out to the ruins in the desert, of returning to the confinement of my cell, of seeking out the barbarians and offering myself to them to use as they wish. Without exception they are dreams of ends: dreams not of how to live but of how to die. And everyone, I know, in that walled town sinking now into darkness (I hear the two thin trumpet calls that announce the closing of the gates) is similarly preoccupied. What has made it impossible for us to live in time like fish in the water, like birds in air, like children? It is the fault of Empire!

Empire has created the time of history. Empire has located its existence not in the smooth recurrent spinning time of the cycle of the seasons but in the jagged time of rise and fall, of beginning and end, of catastrophe. Empire dooms itself to live in history and plot against history. One thought alone preoccupies the submerged mind of Empire: how not to end, how not to die, how to prolong its era. By day it pursues its enemies. It is cunning and ruthless, it sends its bloodhounds everywhere. By night it feeds on images of disaster: the sack of cities, the rape of populations, pyramids of bones, acres of desolation.

A mad vision yet a virulent one: I, wading in the ooze, am no less infected with it than the faithful Colonel Joll as he tracks the enemies of Empire through the boundless desert, sword unsheathed to cut down barbarian after barbarian until at last he finds and slays the one whose destiny it should be (or if not his then his son's or unborn grandson's) to climb the bronze gateway to the Summer Palace and topple the globe surmounted by the tiger rampant that symbolizes eternal domination, while his comrades below cheer and fire their muskets in the air.”
- J.M. Coetzee, "Waiting for the Barbarians"

"Gregory Mannarino, Trends Journal 12/7/23"

Strong language alert!
Gregory Mannarino, Trends Journal 12/7/23
"Pearl Harbor: When All Else Fails 
They Take You To War, Nothings Changed"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times."
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The Daily "Near You?"

Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"This Is Unbelievably Bad News For Banks"

Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report, 12/7/23
"This Is Unbelievably Bad News For Banks"
"Unrealized losses are the unspoken nightmare of the Banking sector. Analysts estimate that the securities portfolios of U.S. banks may be facing unrealized losses totaling at least $650 billion. The stakes are high; banks are in deep trouble, and there’s no saving in sight. Wolf Street recently reported that unrealized losses on securities held by banks had jumped by 22% to 684 Billion dollars in Q3. As per the latest quarterly bank data release from the FDIC, there has been a significant surge in unrealized losses within the financial landscape. Notably, unrealized losses on held-to-maturity securities saw a sharp increase of 81 billion dollars compared to the preceding quarter, reaching a total of 391 billion dollars. Simultaneously, unrealized losses on available-for-sale securities experienced a noteworthy uptick, rising by 45 billion dollars from the previous quarter to a total of 293 billion dollars."
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Judge Napolitano, "Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Ukraine Defeat, Gaza Slaughter: Where Is The Outrage?"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 12/7/23
"Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Ukraine Defeat, 
Gaza Slaughter: Where Is The Outrage?"
Comments here:

"A Very Short History Of The F-word"

"A Very Short History Of The F-word"
Today, the F-word is enjoying a renaissance the 
likes of which it hasn’t seen since, well, the Renaissance.
by Kevin Dickinson

"The first unambiguous use of the F-word comes from De Officiis, a treatise on moral conduct by Cicero. No, the Roman philosopher didn’t gift English its soon-to-be favorite obscenity. Rather, in 1528, an anonymous monk scrawled this parenthetical into the margins of a De Officiis manuscript: “O d f*ckin’ Abbot.”

It isn’t obvious whether the monk’s remark aimed to belittle the abbot or reference his less-than-celibate hobbies. Either way, it seems brazen to us today that a 16th-century monk would scribble such fresh language in a book like some edgelord middle schooler. And it was brazen, too, but not for the reasons you may think.

That lone “d” served as a stand-in for damned - as in “Oh, damned f*ckin’ abbot.” This bit of self-censorship reveals that in the Middle Ages, the unmentionable indecency wasn’t the F-word. It was flippantly evoking matters of religious significance. In fact, this medieval mindset still hangs on in our contemporary euphemisms for vulgar language, such as swearing, profanity, and curse words.

A century later, the roles would begin to reverse. One obscenity would transform into a PG-rated curse, while the other would ascend to become the naughtiest of naughty utterances. It’s all part of the weird and mysterious history of this infamous four-letter word.

Where did the F-word come from? Etymologists aren’t entirely sure where the word originated. It must have been in use for it to appear in our monk’s saucy marginalia, but if we push past 1528 and deeper into written history, things start to get blurry.

In 1503, for example, William Dunbar, a Scottish court poet and ordained priest, penned this dirty ditty: “He held fast, he kissed and fondled,/As with the feeling he was overcome;/It seemed from his manner he would have f*cked!/‘You break my heart, my bonny one.’” In the original Scots, Dunbar’s rhyme scheme was to pair chukkit (“fondled”) with fukkit (“f*cked”), showing the word had taken also root in English’s sister language.

Another early instance comes from a 1475 poem written in an English-Latin hybrid: “Non sunt in celi / quia fuccant uuiuys of heli.” Translation: “They [the monks] are not in heaven because they f*ck the wives of [the town of] Ely.”

The word certainly goes back further still and we see hints of its usage - and the more relaxed attitudes surrounding it - in the names of people and places. A favorite picnic spot could be labeled “F*ckinggrove” on the map and no one would think twice about it. And people from the 1200s signed documents with monikers such as “Henry F*ckbeggar” and “Simon F*ckbutter.” In fact, Chester County documents reveal that between September 1310 and May 1311, one “Roger F*ckebythenavele” was called to court three times before being “outlawed.” (Historians can only guess as to his crimes.)

From there, the etymological trail goes cold. People have proposed various theories regarding the word’s origin, some more absurd than others. One popular theory is that the word is an acronym for “fornicate under the command of the king.” But this idea supposes that everyone in Merrie England went around fornicating until the king commanded them to do it so often they had to coin a shorter term. Unlikely.

In "Nine Nasty Words: English in the Gutter," a book this article is greatly indebted to, linguist John McWhorter offers two more likely scenarios. The first is that our F-word comes from an Old English one now lost to us. Neither a gratifying nor surprising answer. As McWhorter points out, we only have about 34,000 Old English words, compared to the roughly 225,000 you’ll find in a standard desk dictionary. What’s more, the Old English texts that have survived are mostly official or religious documents.

Another possibility is that the word was on loan from another language. Various Germanic words have been floated as possible contenders, among them ficken (meaning “to make quick movements to and fro, or flick”). McWhorter suggests another candidate in the now obsolete Norwegian word fukka.

As this theory goes, the Vikings’ invasion of England wasn’t a hit-and-run operation. Many stayed and settled. They started farms, took English wives, and became part of the culture. Naturally, their word for such a common activity came with them and blended into the local vernacular. This theory may also explain Dunbar’s fukkit as the Vikings heavily settled Northumbria (a kingdom that once consisted of the North of England and south of Scotland).

“We will likely never be absolutely sure which of these origin stories is the right one,” McWhorter writes. “Overall, however, our word shall likely ever remain the mysterious little f*ck that it is, turning up off in a corner of the lexical firmament sometime after the Battle of Hastings.”

A big effing deal: Even after the 16th century, the English language doesn’t use the word much - in print at least. “In the 1500s and before, it was, to be sure, naughty,” McWhorter writes. “However, since the Renaissance, f*ck has been the subject of a grand cover-up, the lexical equivalent of the drunken uncle or the pornography collection, under which a word known well and even adored by most is barred from public presentation.”

For instance, the word didn’t appear in an English-language dictionary until 1966 when The Penguin Dictionary broke the taboo. The American Heritage Dictionary wouldn’t offer entry until 1969, and even then not without also printing a “clean” edition to compensate. A notable exception to this rule was Queen Anna’s New World of Words, an Italian-English dictionary printed by John Florio in 1611.

One reason for the word’s conspicuous absence has to do with the nature of the written word. For most of history, the majority of people could neither read nor write. Those who could were often the social elite, and they wrote for other elites. To further separate themselves from the bawdy riffraff, they coded their language to mark their status. One way to do that was to not use the obscene language associated with the lower classes - except maybe in omission, and always from the safe distance of the moral high ground.

As print and literacy became more widespread, these norms remained firmly entrenched. Most historical examples come to us from underground entertainment, such as folk songs, erotic comics, and pulpy literature. However, the social, cultural, and artistic aftershocks of the two World Wars began to slowly nudge profanity back into print. In the 1924 play "What Price Glory?" the soldiers swore like, well, soldiers, but without dropping a single F-bomb. Ernest Hemingway included damn in The Sun Also Rises (1926) but had to settle for the oblique muck in "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1940). And Norman Mailer famously substituted fug in "The Naked and the Dead" (1948).

The watershed moment wouldn’t come until 1960, with the obscenity trial of "Lady Chatterley’s Lover." D.H. Lawrence’s now-revered novel was initially banned or censored across the English-speaking world for its use of the word and explicit sexual descriptions. In the U.K., Penguin Books, the novel’s publisher, was brought to trial for violating the Obscene Publications Act 1959. The prosecution argued the novel would “deprave and corrupt” readers, but the jury found Penguin not guilty on account that such literature fell under the act’s public good provision. Other courts soon followed, and the novel is today viewed as a milestone in the counterculture movements that would usher in our more permissive social mores.

Evolution of the F-word: Since then, things seem to have come full circle. Once unutterable in polite society, the word has lost much of its stigma and can now be heard in the office, on TV, and even at the family dinner table (assuming the kids are playing in the other room). (Or not - CP)

As linguist Valerie Fridland points out, it is 28 times more common in literature today than when Lawrence wrote of Lady Chatterly’s illicit affair - to say nothing of its marquee status in titles. It’s the most tweeted cuss word by Americans, and in a truly stunning upset, it recently surpassed bloody as the favored obscenity among the British “This suggests that something has changed over the decades that has made such language less offensive, at least to a significant portion of the population,” Fridland writes. “And, even more than just an uptick in use, what is especially striking is how omnipresent even more offensive ‘bad’ words have become.”

A 2023 study looked at the word’s usage among British teens over several decades. It found that the word has undergone “delexicalization,” the process by which a word expands its range of contextual uses different from its original meaning. In this case, the word has become more functional than definitional. Much like that anonymous monk of yore, we use it today for that kick of expressive spice.

Fridland, who was not involved in the research, offers the example, “It’s f*cking hot in here.” This usage no longer carries any literal meaning. It’s there to amplify and emphasize just how hot it is. She writes: “By picking a word that has some shock value and takes a bit of verbal risk owing to its associated taboo use, it carries more impact. […] As swear words get put to work in less traditional/literal ways, their negative connotations are less likely to be the first thing that comes to mind upon hearing them.”

Even so, in some settings or groups, the word hasn’t completely lost its edge, and that’s for the best. We need words that give our expressions that emotional oomph and inform others just how disgusted, ecstatic, or angry we are. We need to be able to signal when our social hair is down or that we’re part of the in-group. And sometimes, we just need an easy way to distinguish the pastors from the shock jocks.

Should the day ever come when the word no longer fulfills these roles - hitting instead with all the impact of a “golly gee” - you can bet another one will step up to take its place. Until then, it will continue to evolve in our language in ever-resourceful and interesting ways."

"How It Really Is"



“But I couldn't respond. My culture had taught me all the wrong things well. So I lay completely still, and gave no reaction at all. But the soul has no culture. The soul has no nations. The soul has no color or accent or way of life. The soul is forever. The soul is one. And when the heart has its moment of truth and sorrow, the soul can't be stilled. I clenched my teeth against the stars. I closed my eyes. I surrendered to sleep. One of the reasons why we crave love, and seek it so desperately, is that love is the only cure for loneliness, and shame, and sorrow. But some feelings sink so deep into the heart that only loneliness can help you find them again. Some truths about yourself are so painful that only shame can help you live with them. And some things are just so sad that only your soul can do the crying for you.”
- Gregory David Roberts, "Shantaram"
"Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope.
Sometimes we cry with everything except tears.
In the end that’s all we have – to hold on tight until dawn.”

“For this is what we do. Put one foot forward and then the other. Lift our eyes to the snarl and smile of the world once more. Think. Act. Feel. Add our little consequence to the tides of good and evil that flood and drain the world. Drag our shadowed crosses into the hope of another night. Push our brave hearts into the promise of a new day. With love: the passionate search for truth other than our own. With longing: the pure, ineffable yearning to be saved. For so long as fate keeps waiting, we live on. God help us. God forgive us. We live on.”
- Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”
by Gregory David Roberts

“Crime and punishment, passion and loyalty, betrayal and redemption are only a few of the ingredients in “Shantaram,” a massive, over-the-top, mostly autobiographical novel. Shantaram is the name given Mr. Lindsay, or Linbaba, the larger-than-life hero. It means “man of God’s peace,” which is what the Indian people know of Lin. What they do not know is that prior to his arrival in Bombay he escaped from an Australian prison where he had begun serving a 19-year sentence. He served two years and leaped over the wall. He was imprisoned for a string of armed robberies performed to support his heroin addiction, which started when his marriage fell apart and he lost custody of his daughter. All of that is enough for several lifetimes, but for Greg Roberts, that’s only the beginning.

He arrives in Bombay with little money, an assumed name, false papers, an untellable past, and no plans for the future. Fortunately, he meets Prabaker right away, a sweet, smiling man who is a street guide. He takes to Lin immediately, eventually introducing him to his home village, where they end up living for six months. When they return to Bombay, they take up residence in a sprawling illegal slum of 25,000 people and Linbaba becomes the resident “doctor.” With a prison knowledge of first aid and whatever medicines he can cadge from doing trades with the local Mafia, he sets up a practice and is regarded as heaven-sent by these poor people who have nothing but illness, rat bites, dysentery, and anemia. He also meets Karla, an enigmatic Swiss-American woman, with whom he falls in love. Theirs is a complicated relationship, and Karla’s connections are murky from the outset.

Roberts is not reluctant to wax poetic; in fact, some of his prose is downright embarrassing. Throughout the novel, however, all 944 pages of it, every single sentence rings true. He is a tough guy with a tender heart, one capable of what is judged criminal behavior, but a basically decent, intelligent man who would never intentionally hurt anyone, especially anyone he knew. He is a magnet for trouble, a soldier of fortune, a picaresque hero: the rascal who lives by his wits in a corrupt society. His story is irresistible. Stay tuned for the prequel and the sequel.”
– Valerie Ryan

Freely read “Shantaram” online, by Gregory David Roberts, here:
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