Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"The Financial System Has Reached The End" (Excerpt)

"The Financial System Has Reached The End"
by Egon von Greyerz

Excerpt: "The world is now witnessing the end of a currency and financial system which the Chinese already forecast in 1971 after Nixon closed the gold window. Again, remember von Mises words: “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion.” History tells us that we have now reached the point of no return. So denying history at this point will not just be very costly but will lead to a total destruction of investors’ wealth.

Politicians Lie Without Fail: History never lies but politicians do without fail. In a fake system based on false values, lying is considered to be an essential part of political survival. Let’s just look at Nixons ignorant and irresponsible statements of August 15, 1971 when he took away the gold backing of the dollar and thus all currencies. Later on we will show how clearsighted the Chinese leaders were about the destiny of the US and its economy.
So there we have tricky Dick’s lies. The suspension of the convertibility of the dollar in 1971 is still in effect 52 years later. As the dollar has declined by almost 99% since 1971, the “strength of the economy” is also declining fast although using fiat money as the measure hides the truth. And now to the last lie: “Your dollar will be worth as much tomorrow”. Yes, you are almost right Dick! It is still worth today a whole 1% of the value when you closed the gold window.

The political system is clearly a farce. You have to lie to be elected and you have to lie to stay in power. That is what the gullible voters expect. The sad result is that they will always be cheated.

China Forecast The Consequences Already In 1971: So in 1971 after Nixon closed the gold window, China in its official news media the People’s Daily made the statements below:
Clearly the Chinese understood the consequences of the disastrous US decision which would destroy the Western currency system as they said: "Seriousness of the US economic crisis and decay and decline of the capitalist system. Mark the collapse of the monetary system with the US dollar as its prop. Nixon’s policy cannot extricate the US from financial and economic crisis."

I am quite certain that the US administration at the time ridiculed China’s official statement. As most Western governments, they showed their arrogance and complete ignorance of history. How right the Chinese were. But the road to perdition is not immediate and we have seen over 50 years the clear “decline of the capitalist system”. The end of the current system is unlikely to be far away. Interestingly it seems that a Communist non-democratic system is much more clairvoyant than a so called Western democracy. There is clearly an advantage not always having to buy votes."
Full, highly recommended article is here:

Greg Hunter, "Confetti Dollar End of Ponzi Scheme"

"Confetti Dollar End of Ponzi Scheme"
by Greg Hunter’s

"Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter says the recent underreported announcement by the UBS CEO Sergio Ermotti in Switzerland that his bank might need a “rescue” is yet another sign on the short road to the end of the global Ponzi scheme backed by the US dollar reserve currency. Holter points out, “You’ve got a sick bank (Credit Suisse) that is being bailed out by another bank (UBS) that may turn out to be sick. My question is who is going to bail out these central banks? You have got the Fed with a $9 trillion balance sheet. The last time, the Fed went from $900 billion to $9 trillion. Can the Fed now go from $9 trillion to $90 trillion? Who is going to bail out the Fed? Who is going to bail out the US Treasury? Who is going to bail out the Bank of England, the ECB or the Bank of Japan? These central banks have completely blown up their balance sheet and have no ability to save anything. My question is who is going to save them?”

Can’t they cut interest rates again like they did in 2009? Holter says, “If they cut interest rates from here, you would see the dollar absolutely crash. The only reason the dollar has not crashed is interest rates have basically gone from 0% to 5%. They have done that in a year and a half which is the fastest increase in interest rates in all of history.”

So, rate cuts will devalue the dollar. Can you pay trillions of dollars borrowed in Treasury Bond back in confetti dollars? Holter says, “Yes, you absolutely can pay back your debt in confetti. It’s been done many, many times before as currencies get lost. The US Treasury can certainly pay back in dollars, confetti dollars that certainly will have no purchasing power. What that does is it shuts the credit spigot off to the biggest debtor in the world. The biggest debtor in the world is the US Treasury. They owe more than any other entity anywhere. I have long said this is going to be a credit event. People are not going to buy Treasuries and be paid back in monkey money. The world is going to shun dollars and shun US Treasuries. In short, confetti dollars are going to shut the credit markets down. Then, it’s game over because everything runs on credit. The financial markets run on credit, and the real economy runs on credit. If there is no credit, nothing works.”

Holter is not surprised by the recent rise in gold. He also says “watch silver, it is being suppressed because if silver rises uncontrollably, it will be like pulling the silver pin in the gold grenade.” There is much more in the 40-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes one-on-one 
with financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter. 

Gregory Mannarino, "Be Ready For The Biggest Bank Bailout Of All Time!"

Gregory Mannarino, 11/29/23
"Be Ready For The Biggest Bank Bailout Of All Time!"
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Canadian Prepper, "Alert! Russia/Finland Border Closes In 48 Hours! Nuclear Carrier And Iran Stand Off; Korea On Brink!"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 11/28/23
"Alert! Russia/Finland Border Closes In 48 Hours! 
Nuclear Carrier And Iran Stand Off; Korea On Brink!"
Comments here:

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Jeremiah Babe, "Financial Insanity Will Destroy American Households"

Jeremiah Babe, 11/28/23
"Financial Insanity Will Destroy American Households,
 Consumers Keep Spending With Borrowed Money"
Comments here:

Gerald Celente, "Political D***heads In Charge, We C*** Say The Other Word"

Strong language alert!
Gerald Celente, Trends Journal 11/28/23
"Political D***heads In Charge, 
We C*** Say The Other Word"
'The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times.
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Musical Interlude: 2002, "Breathing Light"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "Breathing Light"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“What are those red clouds surrounding the Andromeda galaxy? This galaxy, M31, is often imaged by planet Earth-based astronomers. As the nearest large spiral galaxy, it is a familiar sight with dark dust lanes, bright yellowish core, and spiral arms traced by clouds of bright blue stars.
A mosaic of well-exposed broad and narrow-band image data, this colorful portrait of our neighboring island universe offers strikingly unfamiliar features though, faint reddish clouds of glowing ionized hydrogen gas in the same wide field of view. These ionized hydrogen clouds surely lie in the foreground of the scene, well within our Milky Way Galaxy. They are likely associated with the pervasive, dusty interstellar cirrus clouds scattered hundreds of light-years above our own galactic plane.”

Chet Raymo, “Retreat From Reason”

“Retreat From Reason”
by Chet Raymo

“Is there a flight from reason in the United States? Everywhere we look, science is under attack. In government. In the schools. In the churches. We are offered faith-based substitutes. The “Left Behind” series of apocalyptic novels outsells everything else on the shelves. People are more interested in astrology than astronomy. Intelligent design is championed at the highest levels of government. Alternative medicine - faith healing, homeopathy, energy therapies, New Age healing, and the like - is more popular than ever. Scripture and revelation are embraced as more reliable sources of knowledge than anything we might learn empirically.

We are entering, it seems, a new Dark Age. For a substantial number of our fellow citizens, it's as if the Enlightenment never happened.

Let me take you back to the Hellenistic city of Alexandria, at the mouth of the Nile River in Egypt, in the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C. Alexandria was then the seat of a magnificent flowering of mathematical and scientific thought. The city welcomed all comers - Eratosthenes from Cyrene, Aristarchus from Samos, Archimedes from Sicily, Apollonius from Rhodes, Hipparchus from Nicaea, Galen from Pergamon, and so on - the only requirement being an inquisitive mind and a bent for explaining the world in terms that made no reference to the gods. Geography and astronomy became mathematical sciences. Eratosthenes measured the size of the Earth. Aristarchus deduced the sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon.

These spectacular achievements get no more than passing mention in textbooks of Western Civilization. We learn in school about the Golden Age of Greece and the glory that was Rome, Sophocles and Ovid, the Parthenon and the Pantheon, triremes and aqueducts, but very little of the invention of scientific thinking in the white city at the mouth of the Nile.

Alexandria was built on a ribbon of land between Lake Mareotis and the Mediterranean Sea. It was graced with forums, temples, marketplaces, palaces, a double harbor with a famous lighthouse, quays, warehouses, and, prominently, a museum ("place of the muses"), and the famous library over which Eratosthenes presided. The museum and library were together the equivalent of a great modern university. It was the dream of the first rulers of Alexandria - the Ptolemys - that the library would possess a copy of every book in the known world, and within a century hundreds of thousands of scrolls were collected within its walls. By the middle of the first century B.C. Diodorus of Sicily could say that Alexandria was "the first city of the civilized world, certainly far ahead of all the rest in elegance and extent and riches and luxury."

In his book "The Greeks and the Irrational", the scholar E. R. Dodds was thinking of the Greek culture of Alexandria when he wrote: "Despite its lack of political freedom, the society of the third century B.C. was in many ways the nearest approach to an 'open' society that the world had yet seen, and nearer than any that would be seen again until modern times." It was a society confident of its powers. Aristotle had asked his fellow citizens to recognize a divine spark within themselves: the intellect. Men and women who exercise reason can live like gods, he said. For Zeno, the human intellect was not merely akin to God, it is God, a portion of the divine substance. Temples are superfluous, he said; God's true temple is the human intellect.

Of this supreme confidence in rational thought, the Alexandrians created a new empirical, mathematical way of knowing. But the seeds of irrationality were also there, embedded in popular culture, or perhaps embedded in the human soul. Soon enough, supernaturalism returned. Astrology and magical healing replaced astronomy and medicine. Cults flourished, rationalists were scapegoated, and scientific culture began to decline.

The old dualisms - mind and matter, God and nature, soul and body - which the rationalists had striven to overcome, reasserted themselves with fresh vigor. Dodds calls it "the return of the irrational." He writes: "As the intellectuals withdrew further into a world of their own, the popular mind was left increasingly defenseless. . .and left without guidance, a growing number relapsed with a sigh of relief into the pleasures and comforts of the primitive. . . better the rigid determinism of the astrological Fate than the terrifying burden of daily responsibility."

Harvard historian of science Gerald Holton sees a similarity between Dodds' description of the decline of Greek culture and the resurgence of anti-science in our own time. Once again, astrology, magical healing, and other kinds of superstitious thinking are in ascendancy. Once again, cults flourish and rationalists are scapegoated.

The Greek experience shows that movements to delegitimize science are always present, says Holton, ready to bend civilization their way by the glorification of folk belief, violence, mystification, and the rabid ideologies of ethnic and nationalistic passions. Dodds calls it "the fear of freedom - the unconscious flight from the heavy burden of individual choice which an open society lays upon its members."

Science can only prosper in a free and open society, in an atmosphere of rational skepticism where traditional patterns of thought are challenged and subjected to critical scrutiny. Science will only flourish when a people have confidence in the power of the human intellect to make sense of the world."

"What Is The Joy About?"

“There are meaningful warnings which history gives a threatened or perishing society. Such are, for instance, the decadence of art, or a lack of great statesmen. There are open and evident warnings, too. The center of your democracy and of your culture is left without electric power for a few hours only, and all of a sudden crowds of American citizens start looting and creating havoc. The smooth surface film must be very thin, then, the social system quite unstable and unhealthy. But the fight for our planet, physical and spiritual, a fight of cosmic proportions, is not a vague matter of the future; it has already started. The forces of Evil have begun their offensive; you can feel their pressure, and yet your screens and publications are full of prescribed smiles and raised glasses. What is the joy about?”
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Epic Economist, "15 Secrets You Didn't Know About Walmart"

Full screen recommended.
Epic Economist, 11/28/23
"15 Secrets You Didn't Know About Walmart"

"Welcome to an eye-opening journey through the hidden world of Walmart! In this revealing video, we peel back the layers and uncover 15 secrets lurking behind the scenes of the world's retail giant. From fascinating company practices to surprising behind-the-scenes operations, get ready to explore the untold stories that Walmart has kept hidden for years.

Ever wondered what happens beyond the aisles? Curious about the mysteries behind Walmart’s success? Ready to discover the secrets they never wanted you to know? Join us as we delve deep into the unknown and shed light on the secrets that have remained under wraps. From their business strategies to intriguing anecdotes, each revelation will leave you astonished and more informed about the inner workings of this retail powerhouse."
Comments here:
Adventures with Danno, 11/28/23
"Why Is Walmart Doing This? Is This Crazy, Or Genius!?"
"Many changes have happened recently with Walmarts all around the U.S. We are noticing that these changes seem to be hurting the shopping experience more than helping. We discuss why the main objective might not be what you think."
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The Daily "Near You?"

Harare, Zimbabwe. Thanks for stopping by!

"Fate. Luck. Chance."

“That is life, isn’t it? Fate. Luck. Chance. A long series of what-if’s that lead from one moment to the next, time never pausing for you to catch your breath, to make sense of the cards that have been handed to you. And all you can do is play your cards and hope for the best, because in the end, it all comes back to those three basics. Fate. Luck. Chance.”
- Kelseyleigh Reber

“Unless, of course, there’s no such thing as chance… in which case, we should either - optimistically - get up and cheer, because if everything is planned in advance, then we all have a meaning and are spared the terror of knowing ourselves to be random, without a why; or else, of course, we might - as pessimists - give up right here and now, understanding the futility of thought-decision-action, since nothing we think makes any difference anyway, things will be as they will. Where, then, is optimism? In fate or in chaos?”
- Salman Rushdie

"One Step Away From the Biggest Oil Shock in History"

"One Step Away From the Biggest Oil Shock in History"
by Nick Giambruno

"The Strait of Hormuz is a narrow strip of water that links the Persian Gulf to the rest of the world. It’s the world’s single-most important energy corridor, and there’s no alternative route. Five of the world’s top 10 oil-producing countries—Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait - border the Persian Gulf, as does Qatar, the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter. The Strait of Hormuz is their only sea route to the open ocean… and world markets. At its narrowest point, the space available for shipping lanes is just 3.2 kilometers wide.

According to the US Energy Information Administration, more than 40% of global oil exports (around 21 million barrels) transit the Strait daily. That’s more than $1.5 billion worth of oil every day. And that’s not considering the immense amount of LNG - about 33% of the world’s daily LNG exports - and other goods transiting the Strait.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of the Strait of Hormuz to the global economy. If someone were to disrupt the Strait, it would cause immediate global economic chaos as energy prices skyrocket. Thanks to its commanding geography and expertise in unconventional and asymmetric warfare, Iran can shut down the Strait, and there’s not much anyone can do about it. It’s Iran’s geopolitical trump card.

Analysts believe it would take weeks for the US military to reopen it, but nobody really knows if it would ultimately be successful. The Millennium Challenge 2002 war game suggests it wouldn’t be. Military strategists have known about this situation for decades. But no one has found a realistic way to neutralize Iran’s power over the Strait. Iran has been crystal clear that it will close the Strait in the case Israel or the US attacks it. In other words, Iran holds a knife to the throat of the global economy.

The US has sought to overthrow the Iranian government since the 1979 Revolution - for over 40 years. Iran’s control over the Strait of Hormuz has always served as a big deterrent to US regime change ambitions and invasion plans. Now, Iran and the US are headed toward a confrontation that will almost certainly disrupt the Strait.

The potential outbreak of an enormous regional war in the Middle East, with the prospect of the destruction of Israel and the collapse of the petrodollar system, could force the US to act against Iran this time. If war breaks out between the US and Iran - an increasingly likely outcome - I have no doubt that Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz. To call that a severe oil supply disruption would be a major understatement.

Consider this…During the first oil shock in 1973, about 5 million barrels were removed from the global oil market. Daily global oil production was approximately 56 million barrels per day at the time, which means about 9% of the supply vanished.

Oil prices roughly quadrupled. During the second oil shock in 1979, about 4 million barrels were removed from the global oil market. Daily global oil production was approximately 67 million barrels per day at the time, which means about 6% of the supply vanished.

Oil prices nearly tripled. During the third oil shock in 1990, about 4.3 million barrels were removed from the global oil market. Daily global oil production was approximately 66 million barrels per day at the time, which means about 7% of the supply vanished. Oil prices more than doubled.

If Iran were to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, it would remove a whopping 21 million barrels of oil from the global market. Today, global oil production is approximately 94 million barrels per day, which means about 22% of the worldwide oil supply could disappear. As we can see in the chart below, it would be the largest oil supply shock the world has ever seen… by far.

If war with Iran proceeds and Tehran closes the Strait of Hormuz, I think the effect on the price of oil will be at least as severe as it was during the 1973 oil shock, which saw oil prices go up 4x. A similar move today could see oil prices above $300 a barrel. However, I consider that a conservative estimate because closing the Strait of Hormuz would cause a much larger supply shock than the 1973 OPEC oil embargo. I think the market doesn’t appreciate how close we are to a war with Iran and the implications of it. The oil price has barely moved despite the imminent danger to supplies.

We haven’t returned to pre-2014 levels yet, let alone the 2008 peak of over $140 per barrel. But this anomaly in the oil market is a blessing because it’s handing us a golden opportunity with oil stocks. I’m certainly not cheering for war. I despise war, which is the health of the State. Regardless, a big war is highly likely, with significant implications that would be foolish to ignore."

"How It Really Is"


Bill Bonner, "Revolt of the Masses II"

"Revolt of the Masses II"
The empire's edges tear and fray in
 a fiery clash of cultures and ideas...
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland - "A rhythmic chant…savages bedaubed with paint…feathers in their hair…and scalps at their waists…They dance wildly around a fire, as if under the spell of a demon…or a god. Perhaps they are celebrating the capture of new slaves…perhaps they are preparing their captives for a feast…at which, they are the main course…Or maybe they are just celebrating a change in the seasons….making a plea for rain…an appeal to the stars…the forces of nature over which they have no control…But wait…these savages are us…

We are looking at ourselves. Perhaps not as we would like to be. Certainly not as the elite would want us to be. But we are not clay…to be molded by 21st century policy makers and influencers. Instead, we were shaped by millions of years of trial and error…and fired in a white-hot oven of episodic disaster – famine, war, drought, flood, cold and pestilence. The results – the cracked pots – are all around us.

Hooligans and Miscreants: Last week, here in Ireland, we saw the mischief we humans get up to, from time to time. The Washington Examiner. "Irish police have arrested 34 people for participating in riots that broke out after an Algerian-born immigrant stabbed five people, including three children."

Prosecuting those who broke the law, including the Algerian immigrant who stabbed five people, should have been the end of the matter. But the Irish government is sensitive about the fact that their immigration policies, which have led to almost 20% of the country’s population being foreign-born, are unpopular. The pace of mass migration has been particularly dramatic in Ireland, with almost half of all migrants in the country entering in just the past five years.

The rioters are easily dismissed as hooligans and miscreants. But is that all there is to it? Is it just about immigration? Does anger increase, until the riff-raff erupts…or the ‘deplorables’ vote for Geert Wilders or Donald Trump? That’s what the press and the politicians tell us. In the simpleminded approach of the propaganda press, immigration = good; those who oppose it = bad.

Unmentionable Origins: The Financial Times, a reliable mouthpiece for the global elite, was quick to see the challenge. In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders won a solid victory by running for Prime Minister with an anti-immigrant message. His “victory is a warning for Europe,” says the FT. A warning of what? The FT: "…a political earthquake…[Wilders’] success will embolden other anti-immigration, Eurosceptic populists who are hoping for big gains in European parliamentary elections in June…" That is, politicians might begin to care what the masses really think!

The Prime Minister of Ireland (Taoiseach), however, hopes they don’t think at all. He intends to use the riot as an opportunity to crack down on ‘hate speech.’ Rather than address the problem, he proposes to make it unlawful to say anything about it.

Already, the press here in Ireland goes to great lengths to avoid mentioning that the person who set off the Dublin riots was an immigrant. Here, as in the US and most of Europe, the elites in the government as well as those in the media, regard it as unthinkable that immigrants could pose a problem. Giving his immigration status would be like reporting that he was overweight or liked chocolate pudding – totally irrelevant.

But immigration is a problem. And not the only one. The Western Elites have created a very uncomfortable and unsustainable world. Their governments spew out ‘printing press money’ and are almost all going broke – rapidly building up more debt than they can service, let alone pay. They are also setting much of the rest of the world against them – the “Global South,” the BRICS – with their financial sanctions and high-handed military policies. Their ‘green agenda’ too, along with immigration, debt and petty-fogging regulation, almost guarantee that younger generations of native-born citizens will not enjoy the same freedom and prosperity as their parents.

The Frayed Edges of Empire: We count on our civilized elite to guide us away from our primitive instincts to a more enlightened world. And we expect our democracies to enable the wisdom of the masses to (eventually) express itself. But what if politicians were beholden to big money lobbyists rather than the voters who elect them? And what if they were just rigging the system to suit themselves and their sponsors?

Since WWII, ‘The West’ led the world. The West was led by America. And America was led by its elites. While pretending to do good, these elites actually did very well for themselves. The rich got richer and richer. By contrast, since what the French call the “the 30 glorious years” – the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s – the working classes have made little material progress.

Insisting on obedience, the elites stirred up wars and caused misery at the edges of the empire. Nicaragua, Honduras, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, Israel – the wars seemed endless and senseless. Millions of people died. While millions more refugees – immigrants – sought a better life in Europe and America.

Western elites – particularly in the US – profited by selling firepower to keep the wars going. Then, a tide of immigrants lowered wage costs…leading to higher profits for elite capitalists. They own the assembly lines; they don’t work on them. The new immigrants competed for jobs – but not with the elite, whose jobs at the top were generally safe from foreign competition.

New refugees needed housing too. But they didn’t put the rich out on the streets; they competed for housing mainly in the marginal neighborhoods, not the good ones. And finally, immigrants vote, as soon as they are able. And whom do they vote for? Do we have to ask? Yes, they vote for the elites who favor further immigration. But wait. This is not just about immigration. It’s about the Revolt of the Masses. Stay tuned…"

Dan, I Allegedly, "Wendies Out Of Business? Ransomware Attacks - No Water or Money Access?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, AM 11/28/23
"Wendies Out Of Business? 
Ransomware Attacks - No Water or Money Access?"
"The financial world is reeling from ransomware attacks, with critical infrastructure and companies like Loan Care and Fidelity National falling victim. Plus, the looming threat of more businesses closing their doors by the end of 2023 With this economy, we are seeing businesses that have been around for decades closing. Insiders tell all."
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Jim Kunstler, "An Alt Christmas Carol"

"An Alt Christmas Carol"
by Jim Kunstler

“You can start being normal and stop being 
unhinged anytime you want. Try it. I dare you.” 
- Aimee Terese on X

"The White House, Christmas Eve, 2023. Imagine the painfully lugubrious scene…“Joe Biden” rattles around in the upstairs “residence” like a BB in a packing crate. Nobody is around besides a few secret service agents, so still at their posts they might as well be statuary. The Big Guy is all alone. His spouse, Dr. Jill, had enough of pretend caretaking quite a while ago, and flew off to Oprah’s place in Santa Barbara for counseling and commiseration. Hunter is Gawd-knows-where doing Gawd-knows-what.

“JB” shuffles out of the residence kitchen, where he just demolished a half gallon of Ben & Jerry’s Americone Dream® ice cream, against his doctor’s orders. His gall bladder writhes in revolt, sending a distress signal up the vagus nerve to the shriveled hypothalamus in his brain. A jumbled fugue of emotions - rage, fear, sexual arousal - quickens his step as he navigates by dead reckoning to the executive bedroom where he hurries to bed and falls into leaden slumber - only to be awakened by a cacophony of ringing bells. His eyelids roll open like shades in the windows of a skid row hotel room. Plangent moaning resounds as a mist emerges through the bedroom door and resolves into a mysterious figure garbed in the raiment of the Ku Klux Klan.

“Joe Biden” shrinks under the luxury Boll & Branch signature duvet - acquired when the agriculture minister of Ukraine slipped him an envelope stuffed with 100 hryvnia notes. The spirit wails something that resembles the old Confederate anthem Eatin’ Goober Peas.

“Who are you spirit?” the quaking president asks.

“Why, I am your old pard from the Senate,” the ghost of Robert Byrd declares, removing the pointed hood to reveal his leonine head of hair and scowling face. “Why have you thrown our sacred borders wide open, suh? I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels.”

“Y-y-you don’t uh-uh-understand,” “JB” says, his childhood stutter returning. “They are muh-muh-migrants from oppression and vuh-vuh-very fine people.”

“Fine people, my ass,” the former Senator from West Virginia cries and clears the dust of the sepulcher from his throat. “I will send three spirits to you this night as a review of what has been and what shall become, so beware….” And with that the spirit returns to mist and slips back out through the keyhole. . . .

“Joe Biden” is shocked from slumber again as an attractive blond female ghost floats through the bedroom window.

“Don’t I know you?” he asks.

“Cad! That is the very line you used to pick me up on spring break in Nassau, 1966,” says “JB’s” first wife, Neilia Hunter. “Shall I show you the meretricious spectacle you made of our family after that truck driver on Limestone Road ended my life and your little daughter’s too!”

“No-o-o-o-o,” the president moans, but is magically transported to the Wilmington Hospital room where his banged-up boys, Beau and Hunter, are recovering from their injuries. A TV crew is present as “JB” emotes for the camera, a cruel victim of fate, he blubbers, who will yet conquer his grief and go on to forty years of electoral victories and the sedulous gathering of tribute from “donors” far and wide to soften the blow of his loss. The room dims….

He wakes up startled to a thunderation of rap music. An African American giant sits on a gilded throne with a 40 oz bottle of Colt 45 in one huge hand and a little glass pipe smoldering at his lips. “JB” isn’t sure who this is.

“Is that you, Corn Pop?” he asks.

“Corn Pop, my ass. Don’t you remember me, George Floyd?”

“Oh, that boy who -”

“Boy…!” the ghost fumes. “Get yo’ cracker ass out da bed, right now, and put your limp little privileged paw in my hand!” Suddenly they are transported on a cold wind to the concrete apron of the colossal obelisk behind the White House.

“Didn’t you tell congressman Clyburn you was gonna rename this thing the George Floyd monument?

“Wuh-whu-well it was a suh-suh-suggestion, not a promise -”

“Suggestion, my ass,” the ghost snorts and cuffs “JB” upside his head. “I’m the baby-daddy of this country now. You best see that it get done!”

“Joe Biden” awakens yet again as more cold wind bearing the fetid odor of swamp blows through the still-opened window. He is yet muttering “yu-yuh-yuh-yessir, yessir,” when a shrouded, hooded figure materializes in the gloom.

“You are… Cuh-Cuh-Christmas Future,” “Joe Biden” says.

“You’re catching on,” says the ghost, holding out his fleshless, bony hand. “Come!”

They are transported to the hearing room of a House committee. Hunter Biden sits at the witness table, tears streaking his face, apparently in mid testimony. “And then my dad says to Mr. Zlochevsky, ‘one-million? C’mon man, I’ve got a beach house to renovate’...and Mister Z says, ‘okay I give you one-point-five-mil’...and my dad cracks up laughing...‘that won’t even cover the area rugs I ordered from Iran’ he says. . . .”

Suddenly the room vaporizes and “Joe Biden” stands next to the inaugural dais on the US Capitol’s west-facing front. Tucker Carlson has just stepped away after being sworn in as vice president and the massive, gold-headed, once-and-future president lumbers up to the Chief Justice, placing his hand on a Bible.

“Oh, n-n-n-no-o-o-o-o...” “JB” wails and wakes up in the presidential bed, panting and sweating.

“Are you all right sir?” A marine standing at his bedside says.

“I had a terrible dream. Trump got back in.”

“That was no dream, sir. You’ve been in a coma since just before Christmas last year when you stroked out on ice cream. It’s Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Welcome back to reality, sir.”

“Reality?” “Joe Biden” says. “We make our own reality.”

“Not anymore, sir,” the lance corporal says.

“Tell me, son, please! Did I manage to pardon my family? And myself?”

“Uh, well, sir, you were in a coma. Anyway, your attorneys wish to see you now...”
Freely download "A Christmas Carol", by Charles Dickens, here:

Adventures with Danno, "Stock Up On These Deals At Meijer!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, AM 11/28/23
"Stock Up On These Deals At Meijer!"
"My shopping vlog showing different grocery sale prices at Meijer, including hamburger, chicken, turkey, coffee, deli meats, and many other deals. Stock up on these deals before they're gone. Get your notepad ready as I take you shopping with me to find the best prices at Meijer!"
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Gregory Mannarino, "Alert! Dozens Of Banks File To Shut Down - Is Yours Next?"

Your guide...
Gregory Mannarino, 11/28/23
"Alert! Dozens Of Banks File To Shut Down - Is Yours Next?"
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Monday, November 27, 2023

Canadian Prepper, "Alert! Emergency Shutdown, Huge Cyberattack!"

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Canadian Prepper, 11/27/23
"Alert! Emergency Shutdown, Huge Cyberattack; 
NATO/Finland Preparing Insane Blockade Of Russia!"
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Scott Ritter, "Lebanon Will Enter If Israel Doesn't Listen!"

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Scott Ritter, 11/27/23
"Lebanon Will Enter If Israel Doesn't Listen! 
Palestine Has Played The Right Cards"
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Jeremiah Babe, "Talking To A Zombie While Shopping At Ross; People Hate Their Job; New Home Prices Collapse"

Jeremiah Babe, 11/27/23
"Talking To A Zombie While Shopping At Ross;
 People Hate Their Job; New Home Prices Collapse"
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Musical Interlude: Walter Murphy, "A Fifth of Beethoven"

Walter Murphy, "A Fifth of Beethoven"

"Peak Focus Soft House Study Music with Beta Isochronic Tones"

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"Peak Focus Soft House Study Music 
with Beta Isochronic Tones"
by Jason Lewis

Headphones Are Not Required
"What does this track do? A soft house upbeat study music mix with beta wave isochronic tones. Part of my peak focus for complex tasks series.Designed to produce a deep focus mental state while studying or working. This session stimulates Beta, SMR and Alpha, alternating in 2 minute increments to help keep the user relaxed and engaged. Note: SMR (sensorimotor rhythm) relates to the frequency range between 12 – 15Hz. It’s associated with sensory processing and motor control. Stimulating this can result in relaxed focus and improved attention. This session is meant to speed up the brain while keeping the left hemisphere dominant (good for attention, concentration and reducing emotional response and hyperactivity). ADD and similar disorders are often characterized by “slow-wave” EEG patterns, particularly in the left frontal region. As such, this session stimulates the left brain hemisphere with Beta frequencies and the right with SMR.

Can it be used to help with studying and if so, when should you listen to it? Yes, it can be helpful to use while studying, and if you read through the many comments about this track, you’ll see that many people have successfully used it for studying. You can either listen to it while you are studying, to get your brain into a good mental state when you need it. Or if you are someone that gets a bit distracted by music while studying, listen to it just before you begin.

How Loud Should The Volume Be? There is varying advice and opinions on the impact of volume with brainwave entrainment, with some saying the louder it is the more impact it has. From my own experience, my advice is to play it at a volume level you feel comfortable with. The main thing to consider is that it should be loud enough to hear the repetitive isochronic tones, so you don’t want it so quiet you can hardly hear them. But you also don’t want it so loud that its uncomfortable for you. Somewhere in the middle is my recommendation.

Use this session in the morning or afternoon, to train your brain for better cognition, such as clearer and faster thinking. You can either sit somewhere quiet and comfortable with your eyes closed and give your brain a nice workout, or you can also listen to this while doing an activity that requires a boost in concentration, like studying.

How long should you listen for to get a good effect? It takes around 6 minutes for your brainwaves to fall in step with the tones and become entrained. It then takes time to be guided along the frequency range used in the track. Listening to about half way through is the minimum in my opinion, but 30 minutes is the optimum and preferred length to listen for.

• Drink some water – Make sure you are well hydrated before listening to brainwave entrainment.
WHY? Your brain is made up of around 75% water, so it needs plenty of water to function well. When you stimulate your brain in this way, you’re increasing electrical activity and blood flow in the brain and giving your brain a good workout, so it can be a good idea to drink before listening, so that your brain can fire on all cylinders.

• It is not recommended to listen to this while driving or operating machinery.
WHY? Brainwave entrainment involves a process of stimulating your brainwaves and changing your mental state. While this is safe to do and use in normal situations, it can sometimes zone you out during the track, as you focus in on the sound of the tones. This could result in you being distracted temporarily, which is not a good thing while you’re driving or operating machinery. Some people also experience tingling and other sensations from the stimulation. While that might feel quite nice sitting in a comfortable chair at home, it could cause you to be distracted while driving and result in an accident.

• It is not recommended to listen to this while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or any mind altering substance.
WHY? When your brain is under the influence of drugs or alcohol it’s not operating to it’s full capacity, and you react differently to stimulation and situations, compared to when you are sober. So as a precaution and because I don’t know how you will react in that situation, I recommend you do not use it in that situation.

• Who should NOT listen to this audio? Those who should not listen to this video/audio include: Those who are prone to or have had seizures, epilepsy, pregnant or wear a pacemaker should NOT listen to this video/audio.
WHY? There is insufficient research data in this area, so as a precaution, if you are among the categories listed above, I would recommend you consult a doctor or medical professional before listening to this video/audio.”
Whether you want to know it or not we're all in the fight of our lives, for our lives. Some of you reading this will not survive, and I may not either, so I for one will take any edge I can get, and so should you. This works, I suggest you use it.
- CP

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Sharpless 115 stands just north and west of Deneb, the alpha star of Cygnus the Swan in planet Earth's skies. Noted in the 1959 catalog by astronomer Stewart Sharpless (as Sh2-115) the faint but lovely emission nebula lies along the edge of one of the outer Milky Way's giant molecular clouds, about 7,500 light-years away. 
 Click image for larger size.
Shining with the light of ionized atoms of hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen in this Hubble palette color composite image, the nebular glow is powered by hot stars in star cluster Berkeley 90. The cluster stars are likely only 100 million years old or so and are still embedded in Sharpless 115. But the stars' strong winds and radiation have cleared away much of their dusty, natal cloud. At the emission nebula's estimated distance, this cosmic close-up spans just under 100 light-years.”

Paulo Coelho, "Heaven and Hell"

"Heaven and Hell"
by Paulo Coelho

"A man, his horse and his dog were traveling down a road. When they were passing by a gigantic tree, a bolt of lightning struck and they all fell dead on the spot. But the man did not realize that he had already left this world, so he went on walking with his two animals; sometimes the dead take time to understand their new condition…

The journey was very long, uphill, the sun was strong and they were covered in sweat and very thirsty. They were desperately in need of water. At a bend in the road they spotted a magnificent gateway, all in marble, which led to a square paved with blocks of gold and with a fountain in the center that spouted forth crystalline water. The traveler went up to the man guarding the gate.

“Good morning. What is this beautiful place?” “This is heaven.” “How good to have reached heaven, we’re ever so thirsty.” “You can come in and drink all you want.” “My horse and my dog are thirsty too.” “So sorry, but animals aren’t allowed in here.”

The man was very disappointed because his thirst was great, but he could not drink alone; he thanked the man and went on his way. After traveling a lot, they arrived exhausted at a farm whose entrance was marked with an old doorway that opened onto a tree-lined dirt road.

A man was lying down in the shadow of one of the trees, his head covered with a hat, perhaps asleep. “Good morning,” said the traveler. “We are very thirsty – me, my horse and my dog.” “There is a spring over in those stones,” said the man, pointing to the spot. “Drink as much as you like.” The man, the horse and the dog went to the spring and quenched their thirst. Then the traveler went back to thank the man.

“By the way, what’s this place called?” “Heaven.” “Heaven? But the guard at the marble gate back there said that was heaven!” “That’s not heaven, that’s hell.” The traveler was puzzled. “You’ve got to stop this! All this false information must cause enormous confusion!” The man smiled: “Not at all. As a matter of fact they do us a great favor. Because over there stay all those who are even capable of abandoning their best friends…”

The Poet: William Stafford, "The Gift"

"The Gift"

"Time wants to show you a different country. It's the one
that your life conceals, the one waiting outside
when curtains are drawn, the one Grandmother hinted at
in her crochet design, the one almost found
over at the edge of the music, after the sermon.

It's the way life is, and you have it, a few years given.
You get killed now and then, violated
in various ways. (And sometimes it's turn about.)
You get tired of that. Long-suffering, you wait
and pray, and maybe good things come - maybe
the hurt slackens and you hardly feel it any more.
You have a breath without pain. It is called happiness.

It's a balance, the taking and passing along,
the composting of where you've been and how people
and weather treated you. It's a country where
you already are, bringing where you have been.
Time offers this gift in its millions of ways,
turning the world, moving the air, calling,
every morning, "Here, take it, it's yours."

- William Stafford

The Daily "Near You?"

Kingston, Jamaica. Thanks for stopping by!

"World War III Prelude: Update 11/27/23"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 11/27/23
"Alastair Crooke (fmr British Diplomat):
 Is Israel Losing the War?"
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Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 11/27/23
Col. Douglas Macgregor, 
"Examining the Ethical Gray Areas in Modern Warfare"
"On October 7th, a major mishap occurred that can arguably be traced back to an over-dependence on technology. Rather than relying on traditional military presence and old-fashioned human reliance, the incident saw an overuse of surveillance techniques. This shift towards a reliance on technology in warfare brings into focus the potential perils associated with it.

One of the most poignant parts of our discussion focused on the Israeli conflict with Hamas. The controversy surrounding the strategic choices Israel faces emphasizes the complexities inherent in ethical warfare. Balancing potential gains against potential losses, the conversation spotlights the consequences of various strategies, including some incredibly contentious ones. 

Interestingly, the discourse is not just confined to contemporary events. We delved into history, examining the standoff between Teddy Roosevelt and John D. Rockefeller over oil fields in the Middle East. This historical episode underscores the moral lines that ought not to be crossed, irrespective of perceived necessity. Rockefeller’s ruthless plan to seize oil fields and Roosevelt's subsequent refusal presents a moral lesson for all times. Roosevelt’s stance is a stark reminder that vengeance, however tempting, is not the answer to conflicts. 

Drawing parallels between historical and current events, the podcast emphasizes the need for Israelis, and indeed everyone, to recognize the moral lines that should not be crossed, even in times of conflict and warfare. The case of Teddy Roosevelt and John D. Rockefeller serves as a mirror, reflecting back the ethical questions we must all ask ourselves as we navigate this era of technological warfare.

To conclude, the episode does not merely dwell on the dilemmas but also calls for introspection and action. It is a wake-up call for us to re-evaluate our reliance on technology in warfare, urging us to reassess the ethical implications of our choices. The podcast episode underscores that in the quest for victory, we must not lose sight of our humanity. It urges us to remember that while technology can give us an edge in warfare, it should not be allowed to blur the ethical boundaries that underpin our moral compass."
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Scott Ritter, 11/27/23
"IDF Are Panicked Conscripts, They Suck, 
They Can't Fight A Real Military Like Hamas"
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Scott Ritter, 11/27/23
"100,000 Hezbollah Missiles Will Blow Up Israel's 
Iron Dome If Gaza Conflict Escalates"
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"How It Really Is, And Will Be"