Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Col. Douglas Macgregor, "We Are Moving Towards Armageddon"

Col. Douglas Macgregor, Straight Calls AM 10/24/23
"We Are Moving Towards Armageddon"
"Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current 
geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world."
Comments here:
Col. Douglas Macgregor, Straight Calls PM 10/24/23
"Last Hope Destroyed! 
What's Happening In the Middle East is Shocking"
"Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current 
geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world."
Comments here:

Dan, I Allegedly, "AM/PM 10/24/23"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, AM 10/24/23
"Get Ready to Pay Per Mile"
"Is it fair for 17 states to charge you a highway use fee per mile? In today's video, we discuss this controversial topic and explore how these fees could impact the average driver. We also touch on fuel-efficient cars, EVs, and the real estate market. It’s called a highway use fee. It’s insane."
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Dan, I Allegedly PM 10/24/23
"She Faked Cancer to Get Your Money"
"We have all have known someone that has been sick. Could you imagine someone that faked a cancer diagnosis just to get sympathy and your money? That is the lowest level of depravity. Plus, we cover the Alaska airlines pilot that tried to take out 83 people."
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"Gregory Mannarino, AM/PM 10/24/23"

"It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it. 
You and I are not in the Big Club."
- George Carlin
Gregory Mannarino, AM 10/24/23
"Alert! Expect Bond Market Instability To Get Much Worse. 
Liquidity Crisis Also Worsening"
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Gregory Mannarino, PM 10/24/23
"Credit Defaults SURGE As Liquidity Crisis Worsens!"
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"Walmart Sends Warning That HUGE Price Increases Are Coming At The End Of 2023"

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The Atlantis Report, AM 10/24/23
"Walmart Sends Warning That HUGE Price
 Increases Are Coming At The End Of 2023"
"As we approach the end of 2023, a stark warning looms over the American retail landscape. Walmart, one of the nation's retail giants, is sounding the alarm bells as it anticipates significant price increases in the months ahead. Walmart CFO John David Rainey has issued a warning that prices are going to keep going up, especially as we approach the end of the year. He said, “We’re assuming that this year is going to be somewhat anomalous… Still feeling the effects of higher prices.” In this climate of uncertainty and mounting financial pressures, Walmart's cautionary note serves as a stark reminder that the economic challenges of 2023 are far from over."
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"Adventures With Danno, 10/24/23"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, 10/24/23
"Stocking Up At Meijer! 
Produce, Meat, Cheese, Canned Goods & Coffee!"
"In today's vlog, we are at Meijer and are stocking up on some of the good deals on meat, produce, canned goods, and coffee! We take you grocery shopping with us as we try to find the best sales on groceries. It's getting rough out here as prices continue to soar in supermarkets all around the country!"
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Monday, October 23, 2023

"When The Credit Cards Get Shut Off The Trouble Begins - Who Is Making The Payments?"

Jeremiah Babe, 10/23/23
"When The Credit Cards Get Shut Off 
The Trouble Begins - Who Is Making The Payments?"
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Musical Interlude: Yanni, "To The One Who Knows"

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Yanni, "To The One Who Knows"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“This colorful skyscape features the dusty, reddish glow of Sharpless catalog emission region Sh2-155, the Cave Nebula. About 2,400 light-years away, the scene lies along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus.
Astronomical explorations of the region reveal that it has formed at the boundary of the massive Cepheus B molecular cloud and the hot, young, blue stars of the Cepheus OB 3 association. The bright rim of ionized hydrogen gas is energized by the radiation from the hot stars, dominated by the bright blue O-type star above picture center. Radiation driven ionization fronts are likely triggering collapsing cores and new star formation within. Appropriately sized for a stellar nursery, the cosmic cave is over 10 light-years across.”



"Luddites Were Right, You Know…

"Luddites Were Right, You Know…"
By Chris Black

"The term “Luddite” originated in the early 19th century and refers to a movement of English textile workers who protested against the increased use of machines in their industry. The term “neo-Luddite” was later applied to those who similarly oppose technology for similar reasons, but in a contemporary context.

Everywhere you go, you see people with their faces in their phones. Constantly, constantly, constantly. At the bus stop. On the train. In the driver’s seats of their moving cars. Their kid makes a bit of noise at the restaurant table? Shove the iPad in their face.

Boomerisms aside, it really can’t be overstated how f**ked up this is, and not because “people don’t interact” anymore. It’s actually much worse than that… Nobody ever allows themselves even a moment of peace inside their own heads. The real insidiousness of the smartphone is that it encourages you to constantly consume content, endlessly, never ever stopping. It’s common for people to spend their entire day with earphones in, listening to podcasts and watching Tiktoks literally constantly.

Our brains did not evolve to be bombarded with constant microbursts of hyper real stimulation this way. Attention spans are getting measurably shorter. Reaction times are getting longer. None of this sh*t is good for your brain.

Everyone always says, “Well, what about TV and the radio?” Inherently limited and fundamentally different because of the fact that they’re pre-programmed and don’t act as “magic mirrors” of you and your personal inputs into them. Your smartphone is designed to learn everything about you so that it can be as addictive as possible and maximize the amount of data it squeezes out of you. Nothing about TV or the radio - or even Web 1.0 internet - ever came anywhere close to this.

Even so, we have known for decades that TV is horrible for your brain on account of many of the same mechanisms that affect attention span and cognitive development. So imagine how much worse the smartphone is. Unfathomably worse. We already know it’s worse, but we won’t know exactly how much worse it is until at least another decade, when the younger Zoomers and Gen Alphas are a few years into adulthood after an upbringing that revolved around Web 2.0.

Millennials were lucky enough not to take the full brunt of the experience. We got our first taste as we came of age instead of growing up being marinated in it. The saddest part is that the only reason any of this even caught on or is the least bit operable is because of the fact that it hijacks the mechanisms that make us feel satisfied and good. We didn’t evolve to handle this level of stimulation, but BOY do we respond to it. It’s so excessive that it’s impossible for some people to resist. So there are no f**king brakes.

You have to cast The Ring into the fire or it totally consumes you. That’s the reality for most people. And that, my friends, is just sick.

Look at your screen usage on your phone and tell me I’m wrong, how you totally don’t need it and can stop whenever you want. You are no better than a crack head, and you won’t realize that until you actually do try to stop for real. It’s unprecedented in human history to think this way. We are truly in uncharted waters here. Just wait until the sensory overload most people are bathing in all day, every day becomes fully automated instead of just partially automated like it is now."


"Acceptance is a crucial step forward for those who prefer the idea of living this life over simply existing within it. Accept all that you've said and what you've done, because you cannot change your past. Accept the idea of the unknown, because the future is the unknown waiting patiently to reveal itself. Accept the person you have become thus far in your journey, because you are the only person who will be there with you when you finish it. Do all of this so that you may never find yourself having to accept regret that haunts you at two a.m., leaving you sweaty and broken hearted. All you have is this minute; not this hour, or this day, or this year. Live in this minute so that you won't get stuck simply existing with your guilty past, or with nothing but anxiety for the future."
- Margaret E. Rise

Jeff Thomas, "Trapping Wild Pigs"

"Trapping Wild Pigs"
by Jeff Thomas

"Most of us would like to assume that we’re smarter than pigs, but are we? Let’s have a look. Pigs are pretty intelligent mammals, and forest-dwelling wild pigs are known to be especially wily. However, there’s a traditional method for trapping them. First, find a small clearing in the forest and put some corn on the ground. After you leave, the pigs will find it. They’ll also return the next day to see if there’s more.

Replace the corn every day. Once they’ve become dependent on the free food, erect a section of fence down one side of the clearing. When they get used to the fence, they’ll begin to eat the corn again. Then you erect another side of the fence.Continue until you have all four sides of the fence up, with a gate in the final side. Then, when the pigs enter the pen to feed, you close the gate.

At first, the pigs will run around, trying to escape. But if you toss in more corn, they’ll eventually calm down and go back to eating. You can then smile at the herd of pigs you’ve caught and say to yourself that this is why humans are smarter than pigs. But unfortunately, that’s not always so. In fact, the description above is the essence of trapping humans into collectivism.

Collectivism begins when a government starts offering free stuff to the population. At first, it’s something simple like free education or food stamps for the poor. But soon, political leaders talk increasingly of "entitlements" – a wonderful concept that by its very name suggests that this is something that’s owed to you, and if other politicians don’t support the idea, then they’re denying you your rights.

Once the idea of free stuff has become the norm and, more importantly, when the populace has come to depend upon it as a significant part of their "diet," more free stuff is offered. It matters little whether the new entitlements are welfare, healthcare, free college, or a guaranteed basic wage. What’s important is that the herd come to rely on the entitlements. Then, it’s time to erect the fence.

Naturally, in order to expand the volume of free stuff, greater taxation will be required. And of course, some rights will have to be sacrificed. And just like the pigs, all that’s really necessary to get humans to comply is to make the increase in fencing gradual. People focus more on the corn than the fence. Once they’re substantially dependent, it’s time to shut the gate.

What this looks like in collectivism is that new restrictions come into play that restrict freedoms. You may be told that you cannot expatriate without paying a large penalty. You may be told that your bank deposit may be confiscated in an emergency situation. You may even be told that the government has the right to deny you the freedom to congregate, or even to go to work, for whatever trumped-up reason.

And of course, that’s the point at which the pigs run around, hoping to escape the new restrictions. But more entitlements are offered, and in the end, the entitlements are accepted as being more valuable than the freedom of self-determination.

Even at this point, most people will remain compliant. But there’s a final stage: The corn ration is "temporarily" cut due to fiscal problems. Then it’s cut again… and again. The freedoms are gone for good and the entitlements are then slowly removed. This is how it’s possible to begin with a very prosperous country, such as Argentina, Venezuela or the US, and convert it into an impoverished collectivist state. It’s a gradual process and the pattern plays out the same way time and again. It succeeds because human nature remains the same. Collectivism eventually degrades into uniform poverty for 95% of the population, with a small elite who live like kings.

After World War II, the Western world was flying high. There was tremendous prosperity and opportunity for everyone. The system was not totally free market, but enough so that anyone who wished to work hard and take responsibility for himself had the opportunity to prosper. But very early – in the 1960s – The Great Society became the byword for government-provided largesse for all those who were in need – free stuff for those who were disadvantaged in one way or another.

Most Americans, who were then flush with prosperity, were only too happy to share with those who were less fortunate. Unfortunately, they got suckered into the idea that, rather than give voluntarily on an individual basis, they’d entrust their government to become the distributor of largesse, and to pay for it through taxation. Big mistake. From that point on, all that was necessary was to keep redefining who was disadvantaged and to then provide more free stuff.

Few people were aware that the first sections of fence were being erected. But today, it may be easier to understand that the fence has been completed and the gate is closing. It may still be possible to make a hasty exit, but we shall find very few people dashing for the gate. After all, to expatriate to another country would mean leaving all that free stuff – all that security.

At this point, the idea of foraging in the forest looks doubtful. Those who have forgotten how to rely on themselves will understandably fear making an exit. They’ll not only have to change their dependency habits; they’ll have to think for themselves in future. But make no mistake about it – what we’re witnessing today in what was formerly the Free World is a transition into collectivism. It will be a combination of corporatism and socialism, with the remnants of capitalism. The overall will be collectivism.

The gate is closing, and as stated above, some members of the herd will cause a fuss as they watch the gate closing. There will be some confusion and civil unrest, but in the end, the great majority will settle down once again to their corn. Only a few will have both the insight and temerity necessary to make a dash for the gate as it’s now closing.

This was true in Argentina when the government was still generous with the largesse, and it was true in Venezuela when the entitlements were at their peak. It is now true of the US as the final transition into collectivism begins. Rather than make the dash for the gate, the great majority will instead look down at their feed and say, "This is still the best country in the world," and continue eating the corn."

The Daily "Near You?"

Burney, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"World War III Update 10/23/23"

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Firstpost, 10/23/23
"Israel Raids Gaza as Full-Blown Invasion Looms "
Comments here:
Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Straight Calls 10/23/23
"Updates: Israel - Gaza; Russia - Ukraine"
"Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current
 geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world."
Comments here:
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 10/23/23
"Ray McGovern: Blinken Goes Berserk"
"Blinken dons mantel of legendary ‘invulnerable’ warrior Berserk, binding US to Israelis' offensive plans for Gaza. To Face the Nation: No ceasefire; No bombing pause. US “is focused on how best to achieve the results that they seek in military operations”.
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"Impending Doom: 22 Devastating Consequences That 
Will Happen If Israel Launches Full Assault Against Gaza"

"As Israel stands ready to launch an all-out ground assault on Gaza, the nations of China, Russia and Iran are readying a mutual military defense. By attacking Gaza, Israel will set off a series of events that will almost certainly lead to Israel firing nuclear weapons first, followed by nuclear retaliations from Iran and Russia, likely destroying Israel as we know it today.

Meanwhile, US aircraft carriers - currently "sitting ducks" - may be struck by nuclear hypersonic missiles, destroying them outright. This chain reaction will then lead to the collapse of the dollar and the fall of the US empire. Force majeure will be in effect everywhere as global supply chains collapse and global famine accelerates. And yet, amazingly, far too many people in America are falling for the current psyop and begging for their own destruction. Today's Brighteon Broadcast News episode explains exactly why."
View video here:

Dan, I Allegedly, "What Do You Want To Call It?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly AM 10/23/23
"What Do You Want To Call It?"
"Economic downturn, recession, or the next depression? What do you want to call the state that our economy is in right now? I believe that we are in a recession right now and we’re only going to go deeper into a Depression."
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Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly PM 10/23/23
"The Repo Man is Coming for You"
"The subprime auto market is completely upside down. We have the highest percentage of people that are 60 days behind on their auto payments. These cars will be out for repossession soon."
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Free Download: Jack London, "The Iron Heel"

"I know nothing that I may say can influence you. You have no souls to be influenced. You are spineless, flaccid things. You pompously call yourselves Republicans and Democrats. You are lick-spittlers and panderers, the creatures of the Plutocracy." 
- Jack London
Freely download "The Iron Heel", by Jack London, here:

Read online The Project Gutenberg eBook 
of "The Iron Heel", by Jack London, here:

"How It Really Is"

Yeah, Joe, the right track straight to Hell...
"That's why they call it the American Dream.
Because you have to be asleep to believe it."
- George Carlin

Jim Kunstler, "Halloween Parable"

The Dead Rise on John Street
"Halloween Parable"
by Jim Kunstler

"You might have noticed that the massive investment in Halloween yard shrines by families growing broke in America reflects the ghoulish convergence of malevolent events undermining and overtaking what used to be normal life in this land. Nothing is normal anymore. The groaning mummies, howling werewolves, and shrieking skeletons are trying to tell us something.

The message might be: detach from reality long enough and death comes creeping ’round your door. You see where consensual madness has gotten us? Believe enough things that are not true and nemesis comes roaring in, all fangs and claws, to gleefully shred you. So. Maybe it’s time to stop believing things that are not true.

Start with the first principle of US life in our time: that anything goes and nothing matters. This proposition has ruled for as long as most of us can remember. Consequence was exiled on Main Street so you can get away with anything now - until you discover that, somehow, everything is broken. Your livelihood is broken. Your community is broken. Your household is broken. Your car is broken. Your children are broken. Your health is broken. Your faith is broken. Your country is broken.

Here’s a first principle worth considering: court death and it will oblige you. Granted, there is a certain libido for nonexistence in the human psyche because life is so hard sometimes that you yearn to be relieved of it. But not everyone in America seeks to walk that way. Probably fewer than half of us. So why do we allow that other half to drag us to the bone orchard? Do you see what it means to get your mind right when times get hard and the path is uncertain?

Everybody knows that a ghoul was installed in the now-haunted White House. And everybody knows that the method of his installation was a fraud, a gigantic falsehood. The catch is that the fewer than half of us liked it that way, they celebrated it, did a victory dance, and then rubbed it in with prosecutions against the rest of us who saw exactly what happened and didn’t like it. They acted like it didn’t matter what you saw.

They tried to control the transmission of ideas and sentiment about these matters by placing half the CIA and the FBI on Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Nice try, but only cads and fools think that you can stuff reality in a black box, lock it up, and throw away the key. Reality has Houdini-like powers to escape because reality is true magic. Reality is the ultimate super-power. Reality is not some asshole in a spandex suit with a cape and a mask. Reality is the white light that reveals the world.

Reality is telling us that the war project in Ukraine started by the neocon pseudopod of our Deep State blob is not working out. The fiasco could not be more rank. Instead of weakening Russia, it crippled the USA. V. Putin is not the enemy of Western Civ, he’s one of its last remaining defenders. Was it not in everyone’s interest that for seventy-five years Ukraine existed as an inert borderland, making trouble for nobody, itself especially? Could we not respect that reality and leave it alone?

Reality is telling us that Israel refuses to be massacred out of existence. Israel will defend itself with us or without us. It’s possible they’ll manage it intelligently. You might ask: will we defend ourselves against the same antagonist that wants to wipe all of Western Civ off the face of the earth, us included? Notice that your own will to survive is being subverted by useful idiots while warrior cadres of mysterious origin pour across the Mexican border. Everyone knows it’s a clear and present danger and who will move to stop the invasion? Do we have to wait for a catastrophe?

Who is “Joe Biden” working for? Wouldn’t you like to know? Not much is left of him in mind or body, though he made a fortune in a short span of years for doing effectively nothing but retailing his favor before landing so uncannily in the seat of power. The truth about it is all over the place now and might provoke constitutional procedures that will induce the de-platforming he likely deserves. All that is going to unspool now whether The New York Times pays attention to it or not, and no matter what the fewer than half of us want to pretend about the evil legerdemain that put him where he is.

The extended festival of ghouls and dancing skeletons comes to an end in a week with the Day of the Dead, also known as All Saints Day. That is your cue to stop celebrating wickedness for its own sake. Remember, we are the living. While we are here, we have an obligation to those who come after us. The dead can take care of themselves. It is possible to have faith in ourselves. Even as the days grow shorter, the people of this land can gather in the remaining light instead of worshipping the darkness. A new season will be upon us soon. Hark, the herald angels sing!"

"Mt. Debtmore"

"Mt. Debtmore"
On the road to inflation, bankruptcy and military humiliation...
by Bill Bonner and Joel Bowman

Youghal, Ireland - "Argentines went to the polls on Sunday. At stake was an historic question: can a democratic government ever voluntarily, peacefully reduce its own power…can the ‘political caste’ ever be brought to heel? Laws and regulations are added; seldom are they taken away. Reagan said he was ‘against Big Government.’ Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ pledge at least suggested he might put in a drainpipe. Neither followed through. And as far as we know, it has never happened. Individual liberty has never increased in a democracy. But that’s what Javier Milei, candidate for the presidency, is promising to do. And fans say he is crazy enough to actually do it.

But Milei suffered a setback yesterday. The LA Times: "Economy Minister Sergio Massa took the lead Sunday in Argentina’s presidential election against right-wing populist Javier Milei who has pledged to drastically overhaul the state. But a runoff next month appeared probable. With 86% of the votes counted, Massa had 36.2%, and Milei 30.3%." Our correspondent, on the scene, has more below.

Mt. Debtmore: Meanwhile, the rich men north of Richmond grow richer and more powerful by the day. And deeper in debt. Distracted by two emergencies…one in the Ukraine, the other in Israel…you can’t expect them to have much time left over to consider their own situation. Debt is piling up at a terrific rate. It was only a few weeks ago that US federal debt passed the $33 trillion mark. Now it has sped past $33.5 trillion…$40 trillion can’t be too far off. Markets Insider:

"The US debt mountain is growing so fast the government could soon be spending more on interest payments than on defense The idea that interest payments could soon surpass defense spending could be a source of concern for policymakers, with President Joe Biden pledging Monday to ask Congress for over $100 billion worth of funding to support both Israel and Ukraine. Debt has emerged as a major concern for Wall Street this year, with lawmakers reaching an 11th-hour deal to raise the government borrowing limit back in May and Treasury bonds currently suffering a rout that ranks amongst the worst sell-offs in market history." Interest payments exceeding ‘defense’ spending?

Adapt or Die: Here, we would like to introduce an idea. Wars are won with firepower, not slogans and propaganda. But technology moves fast. AI and drones, for example, require new tactics and new military hardware. A smaller, younger military can adapt more quickly. Even at brute force applications, overspending on firepower can be a mistake. Firepower costs money; debt builds up. The more you spend, the less money you have left for innovation and growth. Then, you end up paying so much for past firepower (debt service…retired generals…veterans’ benefits…legacy hardware maintenance) that you have less current firepower available to throw at an enemy.

No time to worry about that now! We have a huge industry that sells firepower – not just to the US, but to foreign governments too. The weapons suppliers have so many members of Congress in their pockets, they barely have room for their car keys.

How can you ‘tighten’ a family budget when the house is full of freeloaders? And for all the talk of ‘tightening’ at the Fed, it is worth noting that monetary policy has never actually gotten very restrictive. The key, after inflation interest rate on 10-year US bonds is only 1% – the difference between 10-year yield and the CPI. That is loose, not tight. Traditionally a borrower could expect a real return on his money of 2%-4%.

Banana Republicanism: Meanwhile, the Fed is supposed to be reducing the money supply by letting its holdings of bonds expire. So far, this has taken the Fed’s balance sheet from $8.9 trillion down to $7.9 trillion. Not very impressive, and not when you consider that it was under $1 trillion just 15 years ago. Also, worth noting, the feds have switched the engine of inflation from monetary policy to fiscal policy. Interest rates have gone up…but deficits have gone up too. Since 2020, they’ve grown among the banana leaves.

This year, for example, is a year with a great economy – both Janet Yellen and Joe Biden so say. And yet, the Biden Team is asking for another $100 billion for Israel and the Ukraine. Already, the feds are running a deficit that will reach up to $2 trillion this year. That’s 4% of GDP – in year of full employment and positive GDP growth…a sh*thole country level…not a level for a responsible, mature, honest nation. The European Union, for example, specifically forbade deficits of more than 3% of GDP.

Deficits need to be financed. Currently, investors are willing to provide the money. They’re not used to getting 5% – guaranteed – on their savings. Even we are taking advantage of these short-term interest rates while we wait for the ‘other shoe’ to drop. Then, inflation rates will go back up…and investors will want an even higher rate of interest, forcing the feds to ‘print’ more money. And so… we march along…towards the classic denouement for a great empire – inflation, bankruptcy and military humiliation. Stay tuned."

Joel’s Note: “Mas Massa, por favor!” So declared the will of the people in yesterday’s general election, here in the downside-up world of Argentina. Yes, dear reader, democracy is living down to its reputation at the world’s end, proving once again that individual ignorance cannot be multiplied into collective wisdom.

The results, as noted above, saw the left-wing candidate, Sergio Massa (36%), take the lead over the libertarian candidate, Javier Milei (30%). Conservative candidate, Patricia Bullrich, came in third (23%). But as none gained the 45% necessary for an outright victory (or won by a clear, 10 point margin), the country will again head to the polls next month, with a runoff between the two top contenders.

For those readers just joining us, Sergio Massa is the current minister of the economy. You might expect, given yesterday’s result, that he must be doing a half decent job managing the nation’s finances. You would be wrong. Officially, inflation down here on the Pampas is running at an eye-watering 138% annually. That’s about 12-14%...per month. J.P. Morgan reckons it’ll hit 200% by year’s end. And Steve Hanke, professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, thinks it’s already 221%, which would make it the third highest rate in the world.

With numbers this large, it’s hard to tell exactly what the rate is. But any way you measure it... except, apparently, at the voting booth... it’s a disaster. “Dollarization is the only cure for the economic destruction caused by Peronist policies,” says Professor Hanke, who helped design and implement dollarization policies in both Montenegro (1999) and Ecuador (2001).

Professor Hanke has worked closely with Emilio Ocampo, Javier Milei’s dollarization guru, to lay out a plan for how this might be achieved in Argentina. Only, Milei will have to actually win the election in order to implement such a plan. Srs. Massa and Milei have less than a month to persuade Bullrich’s voters to come over to their side. The election will be held on November 19. To Singapore or Venezuela? We shall see..."

"The US Economy Is Staring At A Complete Economic Meltdown"

Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report, 10/23/23
"The US Economy Is Staring 
At A Complete Economic Meltdown"
"Economic experts around the world are sounding the alarms, warning that a recession is looming on the horizon in 2023. The Global Economy has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years,and the signals pointing towards an upcoming economic downturn have grown increasingly concerning. Geopolitical tensions, energy market imbalances, persistently high inflation and rising interest rates are the key factors at play. It has been reported that economists are divided on what are the odds of the United States facing a recession in the next 12 months. 48 Percent of economists believe that a depression is likely, and 70 percent of consumers believe that it is inevitable. This will have drastic effects on the broader economy and affect every American household."
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Strike, 10/22/23
"US Banks Just FIRED 20,000 Employees - Banks Collapse"
"In recent news, it has come to light that the five largest banks in America have quietly fired a staggering 20,000 employees. This downsizing trend within the big banks has been happening discreetly, with the possibility of further layoffs looming on the horizon. If we examine the actions of these five banks, we will find that they have collectively cut approximately 20,000 jobs this year alone. Among these banks, Wells Fargo takes the lead as the main perpetrator, having cut around 11,000 jobs, amounting to about 5% of their workforce, in the current year.

What is particularly surprising is that these layoffs went unnoticed by the public and were barely covered by the media. Most people were expecting a smooth transition, unaware of the impending job cuts. Despite this, it is essential to maintain belief in the potential for a soft dish landing. The banks' primary objective remains to achieve a soft landing, and I have not stated otherwise.

The obvious question arises: why would five of the largest banks in America quietly lay off 20,000 employees? The answer lies in their preparations for an upcoming impact. These banks, well-aware of what lies ahead, anticipate a storm that could surpass the magnitude of the previous financial crisis. This perspective is not merely an opinion, but rather a careful examination of the data, facts, consumer behavior, the state of the economy, and the global context. The present times differ significantly from what was experienced in 2008. In this video, I will delve into the specifics to shed light on the current situation."
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"Unprecedented US Fiscal Doom Loop Getting Worse"
By Quoth The Raven

Excerpt: "US Fiscal Doom Loop Getting Worse: In our view, the biggest elephant in the room is the US Fiscal Doom Loop. To refresh: US Government spending is out of control, and there appears to be very little political will to stop it. As the chart below shows, Government spending is up 14% yoy and tax receipts are down 7% yoy.  Fiscal year ended September 2023 is projected to have a deficit of over $2 Billion (or roughly 8% of GDP). In the past, deficits of this magnitude only materialized during significant downturns like the bursting of the Dotcom Bubble, the 2008 GFC and the COVID crisis. It is unprecedented to have deficits of this magnitude with the economy and employment being relatively strong."
Full article is here:

Adventures With Danno, "Outrageous Price Increases At Big Lots!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, AM 10/23/23
"Outrageous Price Increases At Big Lots! 
Multiple Food Items Are Too Expensive!"
"In today's vlog, we are at Big Lots and noticing very high price increases on multiple food items. It's getting harder and harder to find good deals on food as prices seem to have reached ridiculous levels all around the world!"
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"Economic Market Snapshot 10/23/23"

"Economic Market Snapshot 10/23/23"
Market Data Center, Live Updates:
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it. 
You and I are not in the Big Club."
- George Carlin
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Financial Stress Index

"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Job cuts and much more.
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words. Any I know anyway...
And now... The End Game...

Canadian Prepper, "Emergency Update: US Government Warning"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 10/22/23
"Emergency Update: US Government Warning;
 Israel Nuclear Submarines; Iran Primes Ballistic Missiles"
"Lloyd Austin just gave everyone a major warning. War with Iran is coming."

Sunday, October 22, 2023

"WW3 Middle East Update 10/22/23"

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DCM Global, 10/22/23
"Erdogan Strikes Deal with HAMAS Leader! 
Turkish Army Prepares to Enter Gaza! Israel's Harsh Response"
"Erdogan's meeting with Hamas leader shocked the world! Turkey, which reached an agreement with the Hamas leader on Gaza, has chosen its side in the Israeli war. The US and Israeli presidents reacted harshly. Tensions are rising in Gaza. HAMAS called on Muslim countries to unite for jihad. Turkey gave Israel 24 hours to stop the attacks. It was stated that the necessary action will be taken at the end of the time. It was announced that HAMAS leader was contacted for the health and food needs of the citizens in Gaza. Tensions are rising between Turkey and Israel. The Turkish navy continues to show its power to the world by conducting war drills in the Mediterranean. Erdogan has declared a Navtex and demanded the withdrawal of the US aircraft carrier Gerald! The US showed its strength and never withdrew! After Russia's Ballistic Missile threat, the whole world is discussing the possibility of World War 3 starting. Israel's strike on EGYPT military base has alarmed the Middle East countries! 1,500 soldiers in the Israeli Army resign, but Netenyahu continues operations!"
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Turkey... 525,000 active military with 1.5 million reserves, who Scott Ritter calls, "ferocious fighters." An excellent Navy and air force, thousands of modern tanks and artillery pieces, and thousands of missiles including those needed to sweep the Israeli air force from the sky. Israel is advised to consider it's options wisely...
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Hindustan Times, 10/22/23
"'Out Of Control': Iran Returns Fire After Israel 
Threatens Attack, Watch Tehran's Gaza Warning"
"Iran has warned Israel of things getting “out of control” if Tel Aviv doesn’t stop pounding Gaza ahead of an expected ground offensive. “I would like to warn the United States and the Israeli regime that if they do not immediately stop the crime against humanity and genocide in Gaza, anything is possible at any moment and the region will go out of control,” Iranian Foreign Minister said during a joint statement with his South African counterpart."
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Should a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah erupt remember that Hezbollah has 100,000 very well trained and armed professional soldiers, and 150,000 missiles capable of striking all of Israel.

Jeremiah Babe, "Society Will Only Get Worse; Financial WW3 Is Here, Wake Up; We Are Going To See Crazy Events Soon"

Jeremiah Babe, 10/22/23
"Society Will Only Get Worse; Financial WW3 Is Here, 
Wake Up; We Are Going To See Crazy Events Soon"
Comments here"

Canadian Prepper, "Warning! If You Haven't Done This You're Stupid"

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Canadian Prepper, 10/22/23
"Warning! If You Haven't Done This You're Stupid"
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"Shocked! I Can't Believe The Mistake Israel Just Made"

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Scott Ritter, 10/22/23
"Shocked! I Can't Believe The Mistake Israel Just Made"
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Musical Interlude: 2002, "Believe"

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2002, "Believe"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Massive stars, abrasive winds, mountains of dust, and energetic light sculpt one of the largest and most picturesque regions of star formation in the Local Group of Galaxies. Known as N11, the region is visible on the upper right of many images of its home galaxy, the Milky Way neighbor known as the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC).
The above image was taken for scientific purposes by the Hubble Space Telescope and reprocessed for artistry by an amateur to win the Hubble’s Hidden Treasures competition. Although the section imaged above is known as NGC 1763, the entire N11 emission nebula is second in LMC size only to 30 Doradus. Studying the stars in N11 has shown that it actually houses three successive generations of star formation. Compact globules of dark dust housing emerging young stars are also visible around the image.”