Friday, July 28, 2023

“9 Short Quotes That Changed My Life and Why”

“9 Short Quotes That Changed My Life and Why”
by Ryan Holiday

“Like a lot of people, I try to collect words to live by. Most of these words come from reading, but also from conversations, from teachers, and from everyday life. As Seneca, the philosopher and playwright, so eloquently put it: “We should hunt out the helpful pieces of teaching and the spirited and noble-minded sayings which are capable of immediate practical application – not far-fetched or archaic expressions or extravagant metaphors and figures of speech – and learn them so well that words become works.”

In my commonplace book, I keep these little sayings under the heading “Life.” That is, things that help me live better, more meaningfully, and with happiness and honesty. Below are 9 sayings, what they mean, and how they changed my life. Perhaps they will strike you and be of service. Hopefully the words might become works for you too.
“If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” 
- Nassim Taleb
This little epigram from Nassim Taleb has been a driving force in my life. It fuels my writing, but mostly it has fueled difficult personal decisions. A few years ago, I was in the middle of a difficult personal situation in which my financial incentives were not necessarily aligned with the right thing. Speaking out would cost me money. I actually emailed Nassim. I asked: “What does ‘saying’ entail? To the person? To the public? At what cost? And how do you know where/when ego might be the influencing factor in determining where you decide to go on that public/private spectrum?” His response was simple: If it harms the collective, you speak up until it no longer does. There’s another line in Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar.‘ Caesar, having returned from the conquest of Gaul, is reminded to tread lightly when speaking to the senators. He replies, “Have I accomplished so much in battle, but now I’m afraid to tell some old men the truth?” That is what I think about with Nassim’s quote. What’s the point of working hard and being successful if it means biting your tongue (or declining to act) when you see something unfair or untoward? What do you care what everyone else thinks?
“It can have meaning if it changes you for the better.” 
- Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl, who was imprisoned and survived three separate Nazi concentration camps, lost his wife, his parents, job, his home and the manuscript that his entire life’s work had gone into. Yet, he emerged from this horrific nightmare convinced that life was not meaningless and that suffering was not without purpose. His work in psychology – now known as logotherapy – is reminiscent of the Stoics: We don’t control what happens to us, only how we respond. Nothing deprives us of this ability to respond, even if only in the slightest way, even if that response is only acceptance. In bad moments, I think of this line. It reminds me that I can change for the better because of it and find meaning in everything – even if my “suffering” pales in comparison to what others have gone through.
“Thou knowest this man’s fall; 
but thou knowest not his wrassling.”
 - James Baldwin
As James Baldwin reflected on the death of his father, a man who he loved and hated, he realized that he only saw the man’s outsides. Yes, he had his problems but hidden behind those external manifestations was his own unique internal struggle which no other person is ever able to fully comprehend. The same is true for everyone – your parents, your boss, the person behind you in line. We can see their flaws but not their struggles. If we can focus on this, we’ll have so much more patience and so much less anger and resentment. It reminds me of another line that means a lot to me from Pascal: “To understand is to forgive.” You don’t have to fully understand or know, but it does help to try.
“This is not your responsibility, but it is your problem.” 
- Cheryl Strayed
Though I came to Cheryl Strayed late, the impact has been significant. In the letter this quote came from, she was speaking to someone who had something unfair done to them. But you see, life is unfair. Just because you should not have to deal with something doesn’t change whether you in fact need to. It reminds me of something my parents told me when I was learning to drive: It doesn’t matter that you had the right of way if you end up dying in an accident. Deal with the situation at hand, even if you don’t want to, even if someone else should have to, because you’re the one that’s being affected by it. End of story. Her quote is the best articulation I’ve found of that fact.
“Dogs bark at what they cannot understand.”
- Heraclitus
People are going to criticize you. They are going to resist or resent what you try to do. You’re going to face obstacles and a lot of those obstacles will be other human beings. Heraclitus is explaining why. People don’t like change. They don’t like to be confused. It’s also a fact that doing new things means forcing change and confusion on other people. So, if you’re looking for an explanation for all the barking you’re hearing, there it is. Let it go, keep working, do your job. My other favorite line from Heraclitus is: “Character is fate.” Who you are and what you stand for will determine who you are and what you do. Surely character makes ignoring the barking a bit easier.
“Life is short – the fruit of this life is a 
good character and acts for the common good.” 
- Marcus Aurelius
Marcus wrote this line at some point during the Antonine Plague – a global pandemic spanning the entirety of his reign. He could have fled Rome. Most people of means did. No one would have faulted him if he did too. Instead, Marcus stayed and braved the deadliest plague of Rome’s 900-year history. And we know that he didn’t even consider choosing his safety and fleeing over his responsibility and staying. He wrote repeatedly about the Stoic concept of sympatheia - the idea that all things are mutually woven together, that we were made for each other, that we are all one. 

It’s one of the lesser-known Stoic concepts because it’s easier to only think and care about the people immediately around you. It’s tempting to get consumed by your own problems. It’s natural to assume you have more in common and the same interests as the people who look like you or live like you do. But that is an insidious lie – one responsible for monstrous inhumanity and needless pain. When other people suffer, we suffer. When the world suffers, we suffer. What’s bad for the hive is bad for the bee, Marcus said. When we take actions, we have to always think: What would happen if everyone did this? What are the costs of my decisions for other people? What risks am I externalizing? Is this really what a person with good character and a concern for others would do? You have to care about others. It’s sometimes the hardest thing to do, but it’s the only thing that counts. As Heraclitus (one of Marcus’ favorites) said, character is fate. It’s the fruit of this life.
“Happiness does not come from the seeking,
 it is never ours by right.” 
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt was a remarkable woman. Her father killed himself. Her mother was verbally abusive. Her husband repeatedly betrayed her – even up to the moment he died. Yet she slowly but steadily became one of the most influential and important people in the world. I think you could argue that happiness and meaning came from this journey too. Her line here is reminiscent of something explained by both Aristotle and Viktor Frankl – happiness is not pursued, it ensues. It is the result of principles and the fulfillment of our potential. It is also transitory – we get glimpses of it. We don’t have it forever and we must continually re-engage with it. Whatever quote you need to understand this truth, use it. Because it will get you through bad times and to very good ones.
“You could leave life right now.
 Let that determine what you do and say and think.” 
- Marcus Aurelius
If there is better advice than this, it has yet to be written. For many civilizations, the first time that their citizens realize just how vulnerable they are is when they find out they’ve been conquered, or are at the mercy of some cruel tyrant, or some uncontainable disease. It’s when somebody famous – like Tom Hanks or Marcus Aurelius – falls ill that they get serious. The result of this delayed awakening is a critical realization: We are mortal and fragile, and fate can inflict horrible things on our tiny, powerless bodies. There is no amount of fleeing or quarantining we can do to insulate ourselves from the reality of human existence: memento mori – thou art mortal. No one, no country, no planet is as safe or as special as we like to think we are. We are all at the mercy of enormous events outside our control. You can go at any moment, Marcus was constantly reminding himself with each of the events swirling around him. He made sure this fact shaped every choice and action and thought.
“Some lack the fickleness to live as they wish
 and just live as they have begun.” 
- Seneca
After beginning with Seneca, let’s end with him. Inertia is a powerful force. The status quo – even if self-created – is comforting. So people find themselves on certain paths in life and cannot conceive of changing them, even if such a change would result in more personal happiness. We think that fickleness is a negative trait, but if it pushes you to be better and find and explore new, better things, it certainly isn’t. I’ve always been a proponent of dropping out, of quitting paths that have gotten stale. Seneca’s quote has helped me with that and I actually have it framed next to my desk so that I might look at it each day. It’s a constant reminder: Why am I still doing this? Is it for the right reasons? Or is it just because it’s been that way for a while?
The power of these quotes is that they say a lot with a little. They help guide us through the complexity of life with their unswerving directness. They make us better, keep us centered, give us something to rest on – a kind of backstop to prevent backsliding. That’s what these 9 quotes have done for me in my life. Borrow them or dig into history or religion or philosophy to find some to add to your own commonplace book. And then turn those words… into works.”

The Daily "Near You?"

Susanville, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/28/23"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/28/23"
We Live in a Wilderness of Lies, Compromise & Corruption
by Greg Hunter’s

"If you don’t think we live in a wilderness of lies, compromise and corruption, you are not seeing what is going on in our nation’s capitol this week. More charges for President Donald Trump, while obvious charges for disgraced FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried are dropped by the DOJ. There is sworn testimony from IRS whistleblowers who say President Biden took millions of dollars in bribes while his bagman son cut a sweetheart deal to keep him and the entire Biden family out of jail. It’s not just the Bidens avoiding justice, but all of the Washington D.C. swamp on the take and covering up their crimes. If the Bidens go down, they all go down, and this includes both Democrats and Republicans of the Deep State uniparty.

More lies each and every week as the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) tells us that it is now “common” for 18-year old college athletes in top physical condition to suddenly fall down with a heart attack. Yet another lie to cover up disabling and murdering CV19 injection victims. It is “common” when you consider the CV19 so-called “vaccine” was, in fact, a bioweapon. I wonder if Labron James is still happy with the CV19 bioweapon/vax he pushed on the public now that his son has a career threatening heart problem at the ripe old age of 18? Will Jamie Foxx speak out about his vax injury? Will the LLM and Hollywood finally blow the whistle now they know they are going to be replaced with artificial intelligence (AI)? SAG (Screen Actors Guild) and AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) were required to get the CV19 injections, and now, two short years later, AI is being introduced to replace them. I am sure with deaths and injuries mounting from the CV19 clot shots this is all just a coincidence—NOT.

The Federal Reserve has, once again, raised a key interest rate another .25%. The pundits keep telling us it’s “one and done,” but that was several rate increases ago. Is the Fed going to now start cutting interest rates or is Fed Head Jay Powell going to keep rates high to defend the U.S. dollar from a new currency coming out next month from the BRICS? I would not count on cuts anytime soon. By the way, the 30-year mortgage is now more than 7%, and at the beginning of 2022, it was half that amount." There is much more in the 53-minute newscast.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about these 
stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 7/28/23:


Knowing can be a curse on a person’s life. I’d traded in a pack of lies for a pack of truth, and I didn’t know which one was heavier. Which one took the most strength to carry around? It was a ridiculous question, though, because once you know the truth, you can’t ever go back and pick up your suitcase of lies. Heavier or not, the truth is yours now.”
- Sue Monk Kidd

Bill Bonner, "WTF Happened in 1971?"

Hard to believe it was all downhill after…this.
"WTF Happened in 1971?"
Flimflam fiat, shrinking wages, ballooning obesity 
and the great "we think; they sweat" delusion...
by Bill Bonner

“I don’t believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government, that is, we can’t take it violently out of the hands of government, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can’t stop.”
– F.A. Hayek 1984

"As David Ignatius matured, his own world grew more and more remote from working class America. Private schools…elite colleges, connections (his father was Secretary of the Navy) and on to the 4th Estate – the Washington Post. And now he’s a cheerleader for the Deep State and its Empire. We’re looking for an explanation. Why? Why now? Why have Ignatius and his ilk turned against ‘The People’ they are meant to serve? Today, we give you the most obvious reason: it paid.

“When the money goes, everything goes,” is one of our favorite dicta, here at Bonner Private Research. Prices…values…retirement funds…wages – everything is calibrated in money. And when the money is fake, everything begins to wobble.

Flimflam Fiat: America’s money went fake in 1971, just as Mr. Ignatius became an adult. Since then, almost every measure you use shows a nation headed downhill – faster and faster…towards a brick wall. A marvelous website, entitled “WTF Happened in 1971” lays it out. Everything from earnings to GDP to childhood obesity – America’s decline is illustrated in one damning chart after another.

In 1972, after going up together for 30 years, productivity and hourly compensation parted ways – productivity kept rising, but wages slumped. In real terms, the typical man earns little more than he did half a century ago. By our measure – comparing the time it takes him to buy an average house and an average car – he is much poorer.

In 1970, you could buy an average house for about $25,000 – or about 2 1/2 years of income. Another way to look at it: it took about 18,000 hours of work at the minimum wage to buy a house in 1970. Today, it will take you more than 50,000.

In 1970 a new car cost about $3,500. At the average wage, $4/hour, it took about 900 hours on the job to buy one. Today, the average car sells for $48,000…which, at an average wage of $30/hour, takes a man 1,600 hours to earn (forgetting taxes, medical insurance and other costs).

In 1971, the wages for “The People” and earnings for the elites also parted company. While most people earn little more than they did 50 years ago, earnings for the top 5% have gone up 80%. And the top 1%, now earn five times as much as they did back then.

Whereas the top 1% got about 40% of all income in 1970, the total reaches to nearly 70% today.

Money is Time: The working man has his time. The elites have their assets. Comparing the two, from 1880 to 1971, the S&P 500 stocks generally sold for the equivalent of about 30 hours of labor by the average employee. After 1971, the value of time went way down…so that now it takes about 120 hours of work to buy the S&P 500. In other words, the asset holder has gotten 4 times richer. Or looking at it from ‘The People’s’ point of view, the non-asset owning working stiff has lost 75% of his relative wealth.

WTF happened in 1971? They changed the dollar into a pure-paper currency! Since then, the dollar, along with other major currencies, has lost somewhere between 90% and 100% of its value.

Meanwhile debt grew – in real terms. In 1971, US debt was about $370 billion....or nearly 25% of GDP; today, it is over $32 trillion, which is around 130% of GDP. US federal budgets were generally in balance before 1971 – except for times of depression or war. The US budget deficit for 1970 was just $26 billion. Over the last 12 months, by contrast, the feds have spent $2.4 trillion more than they took in.

Before 1971, US trade balances – same story. Generally, outgo and income met up regularly. But after 1971, they rarely even laid eyes on each other. Year after year, the deficits added up…until last year, when a new record was reached. The Wall Street Journal: "US Trade Deficit Hit Record In 2022." "The U.S. trade deficit for all of 2022 rose 12.2% to $948.1 billion, the widest gap on record, as the U.S. continued to depend heavily on imports from other countries to meet domestic demand. Exports also rose last year as global demand for U.S.-made products picked up. A U.S. dollar rally last year drove up the cost of U.S. goods and helped widen the annual deficit."

Don’t Sweat It: After 1971, the dollar was America’s number one export. We sent dollars overseas. The foreigners sent us TVs, autos, computer chips, blue jeans and everything we wanted. And as long as the US was able to ‘print’ money, rather than having to earn it, its economy, its markets, its politics and its society became further and further detached from reality. “They sweat; we think,” was a popular, flattering delusion.

But can thinking ever really be separated from sweating? Probably not. As the elites stopped perspiring, they also stopped thinking. And they were soon in fantasyland…where they thought they could ‘print’ their way to wealth and borrow their way to prosperity. The Fed dropped its key lending rate below zero and kept it there for the most part of 13 years…the Trump and Biden administrations handed out trillions of dollars’ worth of nonsensical ‘stimmie’ checks to goose up US GDP…and since 1999, the federal government added $27 trillion to the national debt.

And as we saw yesterday, David Ignatius, chief propagandist at the Washington Post, thinks the same sort of magic policies will work overseas as well as at home. Getting hundreds of thousands of people killed in the Ukraine…at a cost of trillions of dollars…was worth it, he believes, because it delivered a ‘strategic windfall’ to the US Empire.

But wait. There’s more. We’ve seen how the 1971 dollar switcheroo perverted our economy, our markets, our politics and our society. We’ve seen how the fake money made the rich richer and the poor, relatively, poorer…and how the mainstream media turned into a toady press, merely interpreting and reinforcing the elites’ messaging. But there’s more to the story, isn’t there? Tune in Monday…and we’ll look at the Green Transition..and how that helps explain how and why ‘The People’ have been kicked in the shins."

"If I Only Had More Evidence"

"If I Only Had More Evidence"
by KanekoaTheGreat

"Rep. James Comer says six banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family, alleging their involvement in money laundering, human trafficking, and tax fraud. The American banks also raised concerns about wire transfers received by the Bidens from foreign state-owned entities, notably from the Chinese government, allegedly for the purpose of money laundering and tax evasion. The foreign wires were found to be directed towards Biden's business associates before being funneled through 20 shell companies associated with the Bidens. Subsequently, the funds were distributed among various Biden family members. 

SARs are vital documents that financial institutions must file with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) when they suspect any cases of money laundering or fraudulent activities. Rep. Comer highlighted one specific SAR linked to a $3 million wire from China to Biden's business partner, Rob Walker. This money was received in an inactive account that had maintained a $50,000 balance for ten years before the significant wire transaction from China. Within just 24 hours of receiving the wire, Walker initiated incremental payments to several Biden shell companies, eventually disbursing funds to four different Biden family members. Comer explained that concealing the source of money through the use of shell companies to deceive the IRS is considered money laundering and racketeering. He noted that if the funds were intended for legitimate purposes, they could have been wired directly to Hunter Biden, but instead, they were routed through business partners and various companies with no clear legitimate purpose.

Senator Ted Cruz asked, "So the Chinese Communist government was sending the money?" Rep. Comer replied, "Yes." "If Hunter Biden was doing something legitimate for China, they could have just wired the money to Hunter Biden, but they didn't," he explained. "They sent it to a company called Robinson Walker. Then they wired it to a company called Owasco. Then they wired it to another company called Bohai. These companies don't do anything with the money." Senator Cruz responded, "It's just a bucket to pour the water in, then a bucket to pour it into somewhere else?" Rep Comer said, "That's exactly what it is and it was organized. This is like organized crime." 

When the corporate media foolishly asks where is the evidence that the Bidens committed crimes? American banks have submitted hundreds of suspicious activity reports on the Biden family, alleging their involvement in human trafficking, money laundering, and tax fraud. Congressional investigators have obtained bank account records and wire transfer statements on twenty shell companies owned by the Bidens, which were allegedly used for laundering illegally obtained money from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan as unregistered foreign agents. 

This evidence is supported by hundreds of thousands of emails, tens of thousands of text messages, photographs, audio recordings, calendar statements, and ten years of data from Hunter Biden's laptop, which the FBI took into its possession in 2019. @MarcoPolo501c3 published a comprehensive "Report on the Biden Laptop," documenting 459 alleged crimes involving the Biden family and their associates, including 140 business crimes, 191 sex crimes, and 128 drug crimes. A $1,000 reward is offered for any verifiable corrections, but thus far, no crimes have been disputed. In addition, credible IRS whistleblowers have accused the Justice Department of obstructing the Hunter Biden investigation by blocking felony charges, search warrants, and interviews while preventing any investigation of the President and his family. 

Furthermore, just yesterday, a judge highlighted an unprecedented lenient deal offered by the Justice Department to Hunter Biden, which would result in no felony charges or jail time for tax fraud and lying on a gun form. This DOJ deal would have also granted protection to the First Son from any future prosecution related to illegally obtained money from foreign nations as an unregistered foreign agent.

What is more corrosive and destructive to our nation than a politicized Justice Department that applies different legal standards depending on whether one's last name is Trump or Biden?"
Hat tip to Robert W Malone MD, MS for this material.

"How It Really Is"


"Shopping Adventure To Aldi! Trying New Products & Saving Money!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno 7/28/23
"Shopping Adventure To Aldi! 
Trying New Products & Saving Money!"
"In today's vlog, we are at Aldi on a shopping adventure to find the best deals possible for everyone and try some new food items! We break down prices on when is the best time to buy and take advantage of the savings!"
Comments here:

"End Of The Line"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly 7/28/23
"End Of The Line"
"With the latest interest rate increase, this is truly the end of the line. Real estate is going to be dramatically affected by this. People are having a very difficult time borrowing money. Interest rates are only going up from here."
Comments here:

"Looking Forward"

"Looking Forward"
by Jeff Thomas

"Since its inception, International Man has offered prognostications about what the future will bring – economically, politically and socially. The principle writers of the publication have been at this for decades. Each one began by studying world economics and politics in order to make the best choices as to where to live, where to invest, where to store wealth, etc. Over the years, each one got better at researching, better at reading the signs and, ultimately, better at predicting future events.

But, today, we’re approaching a worldwide crisis point and the study that we undertook decades ago has become important for literally hundreds of millions of people who, whether they realize it or not, will soon be impacted by events in a major way.

The foremost concern for readers of this publication is that the world’s leading governments have become decidedly fascist and are rapidly heading in a totalitarian direction. There are a number of facets to this development, all of them disturbing: The elimination of personal privacy, the creation of capital controls, confiscation of wealth, the conversion to electronic banking as the sole form of currency, international taxation standards and the creation of a police state. (There are many, many more facets, but these few tend to be at the core of concern.)

We can expect to see all of these concerns come closer to reality in the near future. The events that bring them about will increase in both frequency and magnitude as we get closer. (Historically, this is always the case, as governments that are in trouble race to get controls in place, as their continued ability to control events unravels.)

In these pages, we do our best to provide projections as to “where it’s all headed” and how it will affect the reader. In doing so, we generally discuss events that we believe will occur sometime soon (within a year or two). Often, we delay discussing events that we’ve anticipated many years previously, because they’d appear to most people as being so unlikely that their prediction would seem absurd.

However, we’re getting much closer to the crisis and, consequently, much of what once might have seemed absurd may now look quite possible to more people. But, even now, we tend to confine our prognostications to the international crisis itself. We rarely discuss what the world will look like after the market crashes have occurred, after the currencies have failed, after the governmental systems have broken down.

So, let’s have a snapshot look at what the overall landscape might look like after the dust has begun to settle. What will some of the greatest powers in the world look like in, say, five to ten years’ time?

To begin, we’ll assume that the more catastrophic events of economic collapse have taken place in the world and we’ll be observing the subsequent knock-on effects – the deterioration that would occur thereafter. Historically, any government that’s leading up to a collapse invariably tightens controls to the max, as it’s aware that, following a collapse, it will lose control, either entirely or in part.

Once markets have collapsed, we can expect a deflationary trend that governments will respond to by creating massive inflation, very possibly leading to hyperinflation. At some point, we can expect to see a collapse in currencies, as a result of the unsustainable debt load – the heroin that has kept them going for decades. This is particularly important with regard to the US, as the US presently possesses the world’s default currency. A collapse in the dollar will send other currencies into a tailspin.

Following a currency collapse, it will no longer be possible for governments to continue to expand their debt loads, as there will no longer be any takers. In addition, government income streams will be diminished. As businesses decline, the tax revenue will be greatly diminished. Whether they like it or not, for the first time in their careers, political leaders will be forced to cut costs, and cut them dramatically.

So, where will they cut? In the US, Social Security represents 15% of recurrent expenditure; Medicare and Medicaid represent another 15%; poverty entitlements are another 10% and a further 15% goes to “defense,” or more accurately, “foreign aggression.” Together, that’s 55%, yet, to diminish any of these (with the possible exception of foreign aggression) would make the blood of Americans boil.

Interest on national debt represents another 9%, but that would quickly be defaulted on. Next to be cut would be the “non-essentials” – the departments of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, Immigration, plus prisons, drug control, conservation and national parks. Cuts in each of these would cause less civil unrest than diminishing the “big four” that make up 55% of the budget.

They would likely keep funding for Homeland Security, the IRS, and the Capitol Police and, in fact, would be likely to increase funding for all three. (Bear in mind that the Capitol Police is unlike any other police force; it is a virtual army, designed to protect legislators within the beltway from what will soon be classified as “domestic terrorism.”)

Along the way, those states that are net receivers of largesse from the federal government will find their allowances cut dramatically. This will mean that, for state and city governments, roads, garbage collection and departments such as Fire and Motor Vehicles, will all receive cuts, along with state and city police departments. This latter move will not only result in increased lawlessness, but will result in police themselves becoming more lawless, or a law unto themselves, sometimes acting in sympathy with the public against the central government, sometimes acting with aggression towards the public.

But these cuts will only be the beginning, as they will be insufficient to address the shortfall. Confiscations of bank accounts will take place, but they too will be insufficient. Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid will eventually be put into effect, along with cuts in Social Security (primarily through inflation). For the over 50% of people who are presently recipients of these mainstays of collectivism, the cuts will quickly create anger, unrest, then riots.

As stated above, veterans (some 10% of the population) will be unceremoniously dumped. They will react by joining those who protest the cuts. Those still employed in the armed forces and Homeland Security will be torn as to whom to side with. (Remember, the invasion of ancient Rome by the barbarians was made possible when the mercenary Roman soldiers simply walked away.)

In total, what we’re looking at is a government that will no longer have the level of control to operate an effective tax collection service, capital controls, or outbound migration, let alone to continue to aggress against other nations. The U.S., more than any other nation, is therefore most greatly at risk of holding itself together following a collapse. As stated in The Art of War, by Sun Tzu in the fifth century BC, “Those who are waging war should get rid of all the domestic troubles before proceeding to attack the external foe.” Essential advice today, as it was then.

It’s clear there are some ominous social, political, cultural, and economic trends playing out right now. Many of which seem to point to an unfortunate decline of the West. As space here is limited, we can only offer a thumbnail sketch of these events; however, it’s not essential that we labor over the fine details of conditions that will exist after the collapses have taken place. A sketch suffices to allow us to plan our own agenda – to locate ourselves geographically away from the hot spots and shift our investments into those things that might be likely to be more depression-proof. And we can move whatever wealth we might have to jurisdictions where its safety is most assured. Those concerns are more urgent than ever and the time remaining is decidedly uncertain."

Jim Kunstler, "No Way Out"

"No Way Out"
by Jim Kunstler

"Of course, Hunter Biden’s fur-lined, gold-plated plea deal on firearm and tax charges got torn up this week by Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika, who discovered a sneakily hidden bit of legerdemain in it that would have left the First Son off-the-hook for any possible future charges such as a FARA rap for peddling his father’s influence to Ukraine, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and who knows how many other foreign governments for zillions of dollars.

One thing the legal fireworks on Wednesday seemed to indicate is that the weaponization of the DOJ does not extend to every last court in America, not even the one in the Biden family fiefdom known as Delaware. The hearing left the lead US attorney in the case, David Weiss, looking like a chump hung out to dry — trying to pretend that there were “ongoing investigations” in the case when he was actually working overtime to shut them down. It’s rumored that the rascally, discarded plea deal was cooked up by alpha blobette, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaca herself, the Blob’s consiglieri. Nice try, Sugar, but no cigar.

Lisa Monaco is in place, you see, as AG Merrick Garland’s puppeteer. For more than a decade Ms. Monaco has chiefly served as Barack Obama’s “fixer,” the clean-up gal who makes problems magically go away. The problem here is that sooner or later news will enter some legal channel that Mr. Obama was not unaware of all the grifting going on around his vice-president’s family, and might himself be inculpated as an accessory to acts of treason.

The former president suddenly has another new problem: the family’s onetime personal chef, Tafari Campbell, 43, was found dead around 10:00 o’clock Monday morning in the Edgartown Great Pond off the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard estate after a paddle-board accident. Mr. Tafari allegedly fell off the board and… thrashed a bit… then just disappeared… a hundred feet off-shore in eight feet of water, according to another paddle-boarder as yet unidentified who was either with Mr. Tafari or who happened to witness the accident around 7:45 Sunday evening July 23. Somebody, also unnamed, then made a 911 from the Obama house. Who was that? Early reports said that the Obamas were not home at the time.

A later report said that Mr. Obama might have been present at the estate that evening without Michelle. Was he Mr. Tafari’s paddle-board companion? Did he make the 911 call? Mr. Tafari was reportedly no longer in the Obama’s employ and was writing a book about his experiences as the first family’s cook. One reported morsel attributed to the book is that Barack and Michele Obama almost never had meals together. What else was in it? Possibly Mr. Tafari had a book deal. Has anyone located the editor and asked to see the manuscript or interviewed him/her/they about what’s in it? Mr. Tafari, who had videotaped his lap-swimming abilities previously, and was considered an able swimmer, was supposedly just visiting Martha’s Vineyard for the weekend. How did he get through the Obama’s Secret Service security to go paddle-boarding if the Obamas were out for the evening? Did he lug his own paddle-board to the scene, or borrow one from the Obama’s equipment shed? Who let him in there? My goodness, what a busy gal Lisa Monaco must be these days. So much that needs a good fixing!

Anyway, after the Delaware courtroom fracas Wednesday, Hunter had to fall back on pleading not guilty as a place-holder while his lawyers and the Feds go back to square one negotiating something Judge Noreika might accept, which, conceivably, might be no plea deal at all, considering the insults already proffered to her by both sides in the case. In the meantime, would it amuse you to learn that part of Hunter Biden’s pretrial release agreement stipulates that the First Son must make an earnest effort to search for employment? Do you know of some position in the real world (assuming there is a real world) where a person can show up for work with six secret service agents in tow? I didn’t think so. He’ll also be subject to periodic drug tests and is forbidden to indulge in alcohol. Good luck with that!

The chance that Hunter would actually go to trial, even on these rinky-dink tax and firearm charges, is about equal to the chance that Xi Jinping will serve a dim sum breakfast to the Biden family at Rehobeth Beach on Labor Day morning. But its looking like Judge Noreika will not let Hunter off-the-hook on the gargantuan hairball of potential influence peddling matters, which are the actual meat of the Biden family’s legal problems — and that means “Joe Biden” is not off-the-hook either. Which means he might have to resort to pardoning Hunter and possibly himself for as-yet-unfiled charges of bribery, money-laundering and other extremely serious violations. If that happens, it is the end of the pretense that “Joe Biden” is a reelection candidate.

But, while all this melodrama unspools, there is also the creeping hazard of impeachment ahead. The Speaker of the House himself suggested it days ago. Rep. James Comer’s House Oversight Committee has already assembled an impressive stack of bank records tracing the journeys of various multi-million-dollar payments through an unholy host of shell companies — for no particular services rendered — and is now rumored to be compiling records of previously hidden Biden family offshore bank accounts in places such as the Cayman Islands and Panama.

Biden Family foot-soldier Devon Archer is scheduled for a deposition this coming Monday, and since he was thrown under the bus by Hunter on a federal bond fraud rap a few years back, there is every expectation that he will unload a dumpster of ripe trouble on his former intimates. However, Monday is also the last day before the legislature’s summer recess, which means not much of anything may happen to advance any of these matters until early September — and then it is possible that all hell busts loose for the republic as we enter the traditional season of hurricanes and financial fiascos, not to mention what looks like a mounting acknowledgement that our Ukraine proxy war project has utterly failed… and this overhanging threat of impeachment hearings.

Podcaster Scott Adams spun out an elegantly macabre possible scenario about how this works out which is worth repeating here: The House moves to impeach… Joe Biden retaliates by threatening the entire Deep State Blob with revealing a whole lot of dark info on their dastardly secrets, their sexual proclivities and adventures (think: the Epstein client list), and other incriminating deets-and-receipts that would, theoretically, bring ruin to scores of political celebrities. In which case, the Blob just up and offs dumb-ass “Joe Biden,” using their cunning ways of arranging for him to die in his sleep… because, he was oldand it was his time…. Salutes to you, Scott, for that one! (And then, of course, there is all that follows that.)"

John Wilder, "Aliens: The Fakest Thing Ever?"

"Aliens: The Fakest Thing Ever?"
By John Wilder

“Crazy people can be very persuasive.” – The X-Files

"I’ve enjoyed Scott Adams for years – the first time I saw his strips were on office photocopypasta in the 1990s where his brand of humor really hit home with folks at the place I was working. So, he’s an awesome cartoonist, and very funny. We’d say things like, “Dilbert’s just like me!” but then realize that we were in color and three dimensional.

Adams also picked Trump as a walk-in winner in 2016 way ahead of the crowd, but was dead wrong on the ‘Rona and the Vaxx®, so he’s not an oracle or a cult leader. But he does have interesting thoughts and I like reading him, and his podcast, while not good as mine, seems to have attracted a slightly larger audience. So, when he tossed these Tweets® (or are they Xeets™ now??) up I thought I’d share them. Here are the rest:
I’ll admit, I’ve been fascinated by UFOs (the old name before they got fancy and started calling them UAPs) since I was a kid. I’ve been following the unfolding story since the “Tic-Tac®” videos came out in 2017 because any version of an answer for what was observed was interesting. Either the United States had amazing tech beyond anything, .gov is faking it, or it was something that fell into that big bucket of “aliens and demons and interdimensional beings – oh, my!”

Scott presents the idea that this subject is being brought up at the very moment that lots (and I mean a record number) of other things are brewing in the news:

• We live in a nation at the brink of civil conflict,
• White House Resident Joe Biden is facing a presidential scandal, with amazing evidence, that is the biggest since Watergate,
• We might be seeing a soft coup against Biden right now as the Left wants to jettison him for someone else,
• (Not anyone else, since no one wants Kamala),
• Adding a janitor at Mar-A-Largo© to the list of people who are indicted along with Trump because he helped move boxes (really),
• Hunter seems to have lost more cocaine,
• Prices for luxuries like food have jumped, and are set to jump again as the Ukraine Conflict enters day 5,000, and
• Payments for interest on the national debt are starting to be higher than Johnny Depp.

Is there something to distract us from?  Yup. Everything. Why?  Because that list above isn’t even close to being complete. This is the danger.  Scott describes it as a secret war, but I’m not sure that there are even two sides, since the FBI, CIA, and most other (but not all) organizations are tied back to supporting the Left.

So, is all this fake, the biggest and fakest thing ever? I don’t know.  It would make sense that it was.  The Soviets Russians seem to have their “it’s all a lie” face on and China’s doing, well, whatever it is that China does when no one’s watching.  Maybe hate-eating a box of Twinkies®?

And as we see all of the shiny, sparkly news going on, keep in mind the important things – your faith, your family, and your friends.  There’s a lot of news that we get that we simply cannot do anything with, that for many of us is nothing more than a signal of what’s going on in the greater world.

We need to come together, find like-minded folks who share your values, and be ready for the changes that are coming in the world, because if they’re using aliens to distract us, well, they must be very scared indeed.

Don’t let it make you fret, and certainly don’t let it control your mood. Because Scott is right from the standpoint that we have to keep living our lives, yet keep an eye out for the real story. So enjoy that kitten while you can – they grow up so fast."

Thursday, July 27, 2023

"Bombshell UFO Testimony w Dr. Steven Greer"

Redacted 7/27/23
Bombshell UFO Testimony w Dr. Steven Greer: 
"We have alien bodies and they are hiding it from you."
"On Wednesday, Congress held a hearing about UAP’s or “unidentified aerial phenomena.” This is government speak for UFO. During the hearing, U.S. intelligence official David Grusch, a whistleblower, testified under oath before Congress that the United States has the bodies of alien pilots who were recovered from crashed UFO’s. He also said that we have crashed craft and that he will give more details about that in separate closed-door hearings. We speak to physician and ufologist Steven Greer on the matter."
Comments here:
X Files, "They're Here Aren't They?"
Deepthroat: "Mr. Mulder, why are those like yourself, who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life on this Earth, not dissuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?"
Mulder: "Because... all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely dissuasive."
Deepthroat: "Precisely."
Mulder: "They're here aren't they?"
Deepthroat: "Mr. Mulder, they've been here for a long, long time."

Musical Interlude: 2002, "River Of Stars"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "River Of Stars"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"The small, northern constellation Triangulum harbors this magnificent face-on spiral galaxy, M33. Its popular names include the Pinwheel Galaxy or just the Triangulum Galaxy. M33 is over 50,000 light-years in diameter, third largest in the Local Group of galaxies after the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), and our own Milky Way. About 3 million light-years from the Milky Way, M33 is itself thought to be a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy and astronomers in these two galaxies would likely have spectacular views of each other's grand spiral star systems.
As for the view from planet Earth, this sharp image shows off M33's blue star clusters and pinkish star forming regions along the galaxy's loosely wound spiral arms. In fact, the cavernous NGC 604 is the brightest star forming region, seen here at about the 4 o'clock position from the galaxy center. Like M31, M33's population of well-measured variable stars have helped make this nearby spiral a cosmic yardstick for establishing the distance scale of the Universe."


“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”
- Emily Kimbrough

"Gerald Celente, 'Trends Journal' 7/27/23

Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal" 7/27/23
"Ukraine To Lose, Billions Wasted; 'Experts' Now Believe Celente"
"In today's TITN broadcast Gerald Celente exposes the hypocrisy of the experts of the Ukraine war, the end of the Wall Street rally, and the latest developments in Israel. The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times."
Comments here:

"The Biggest Retirement Crisis Of Our Lifetime Will Collapse The Standard Of Living In America"

Full screen recommended.
"The Biggest Retirement Crisis Of Our Lifetime 
Will Collapse The Standard Of Living In America"
by Epic Economist

"Think your standard of living is not the same as it used to be? You’re right about that. Americans have lost over a third of their purchasing power in the past decade, and the biggest share of that loss happened in the past three years. For millions of retirees, and workers reaching retirement age in 2023, inflation and the rising cost of living have been particularly detrimental. While many Gen Z, Millenial, and Gen X households were forced to downsize their life to make ends meet, older Americans – some of whom had already retired – are being forced to come back to the workforce as they can no longer afford their basic expenses. Even those who saved and did everything right throughout their working years face the risk of financial insecurity in retirement, especially as we march toward another recession. This problem is growing worse with each passing generation, and eventually, it will hit the lives of each and every one in the United States. Today, we compiled a series of facts and starts that expose the brutally honest truth about this worrying crisis, and why most people won’t be able to retire at 65.

The standard of living for Americans has fallen longer and more steeply over the past three years than at any time since the US government began recording this data in 2007. Since 1971, the U.S. dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power, with 35% of that loss happening between 2013 and 2023. For retirees, this situation has been a living nightmare. Data from the National Institute on Retirement Security reveals that 44% of older Americans who retired in the past three years have gone back to work due to a lack of savings.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics published figures showing the number of people in the labor force who are 75 and older grew 53.7% from 2012 to 2022 and is projected to grow 96.5% between 2023 and 2033. It’s such a dramatic increase that this is the only age group projected to increase its share of the workforce, from 8.9% in 2020 to nearly 14% in 2030.

The truth is that many seniors didn’t have the retirement savings they thought they have, and that’s because they’re not expecting the cost of living to rise so much so fast. About 61% of Americans aged 65 to 75 who came back to the labor force in recent years say they are not confident they will have enough money to cover basic monthly expenses if they stop working, NIRS data reveals. Meanwhile, 51% of consumers between 45 and 75 feel they do not have enough retirement savings to last their lifetime.

The institute estimates that 27 million people nearing retirement age will see a drop in their standard of living in retirement. The dream of retiring at the age of 65 will be just that for most Americans. Each generation is getting poorer than the one before as the U.S. middle class continues to shrink. With fewer good paying jobs around, planning for a secure financial future remains out of the reality of many people, who are struggling to make ends meet right now.

This means we will only have two choices and none of them are good: Either we or until we die or we risk facing poverty in our senior years, even after an entire lifetime dedicated to our jobs. At the end of the day, this is a reflection of the decay of the American economy, and a major proof that our retirement system desperately needs to be fixed."
Comments here:

"Interest Rates To The Highest Level In 20 Years! Gas Prices On The Rise!"

Adventures With Danno, PM 7/27/23
"Interest Rates To The Highest Level In 20 Years! 
Gas Prices On The Rise!"
The Fed has approved a hike that will send interest rates to the highest level in over 20 years. This is troubling as we see prices go up on everything, including gas! In an attempt to cool inflation, we can understand, but with all the other prices going up, some seem to think this will have little to no effect in making things better!"
Comments here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"You Can Never Tell..."

"You can never tell what people have inside them
until you start taking it away, one hope at a time."
- Gregory David Roberts

"The CBDCs Are Coming, And The Elite Plan To Use These 'Digital Currencies' To Enslave Humanity"

"The CBDCs Are Coming, And The Elite Plan To 
Use These 'Digital Currencies' To Enslave Humanity"
By Michael Snyder

"Central bank digital currencies are feverishly being developed all over the globe, and this is something that should deeply alarm all of us. For a moment, I would like for you to imagine a world where the government instantly knows whenever you buy or sell something. No transaction would ever be truly private, not even your most personal or embarrassing ones. In addition, your money would not be truly your own under such a system. Your access to the digital currency system would be a privilege which could potentially be suspended or revoked with the click of a mouse. All of a sudden you would not be able to buy or sell anything and you would become an outcast from society. Under no circumstances should any government ever be given such power.

Unfortunately, the CBDCs are coming, and they are going to radically change how commerce gets done. Here in the United States, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco has posted a job listing for a “Senior Crypto Architect” to work on the development of a digital dollar. U.S. Representative Warren Davidson is very upset about this, because he believes that a CBDC issued by the Federal Reserve would be the “financial equivalent of the Death Star”"The job description specified that the Federal Reserve seeks a technologist to “perform central bank digital currency (CBDC) research and development.” The expert will work to “ensure the Federal Reserve is well-positioned to design, develop, and implement technology to support a CBDC as may be required by the Board of Governors.”

Although the job listing shows that the Federal Reserve is only working on CBDC research, Rep. Davidson believes it is a sign of what is to come and described it as the “financial equivalent of the Death Star.” Davidson added that CBDC would turn money into a tool of coercion and control. Sadly, he is right on target.

Once “digital dollars” issued by the Federal Reserve become the dominant form of currency in our nation, whoever has power over that system would truly have an unprecedented “tool of coercion and control”. So we must not allow this to happen.

Sadly, CBDCs are now in development all around the world. For example, the UK has been moving toward the development of their own CBDC…"The de facto head of His Majesty’s Treasury announced this week that the Bank of England has begun consultations on implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that could usher in the globalist vision of a cashless society in which all transactions are traceable by the government.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt revealed that, as a part of his ‘Edinburgh Reforms’ of Britain’s financial services, the Bank of England will begin consultations on the design of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which would act as a digital version of the pound sterling."

Meanwhile, the EU is looking at creating a digital version of the euro. The following comes from the official website of the European Central Bank…"We are working with the national central banks of the euro area to investigate whether to introduce a digital euro. It would be a central bank digital currency, an electronic equivalent to cash. And it would complement banknotes and coins, giving people an additional choice about how to pay."

A CBDC is currently being tested in Brazil, and it turns out that it has hidden backdoor features that would actually allow the government “to freeze people’s funds and adjust their balances at will”…"Brazil, like most other masters, seeks to control the population with a central bank digital currency, or CBDC. Its pilot program made it possible for the ruling class to have complete control over the money of the slaves.

The new system contains hidden backdoor features allowing the Brazilian government to freeze people’s funds and adjust their balances at will. Even though these features are “hidden”, there is no secret as to why these sociopaths all so desperately need people to accept their enslavement through a CBDC scheme."

According to a blockchain developer by the name of Pedro Magalhaes, founder of the Web3 consulting firm Iora Labs, the ruling class will have access to every single slave’s bank account once they roll out the CBDC system. Magalhaes claimed that he reverse-engineered the code behind Brazil’s CBDC program, which led him to this shocking discovery.

And in Russia, the “digital ruble” is already here. Just a few days ago, Vladimir Putin signed “the digital ruble bill” into law…"Russia’s president Vladimir Putin signed the digital ruble bill into law today, allowing the country’s central bank to issue its own digital currency. The digital ruble, which the Bank of Russia has long been mulling over, will be used for payments along with other methods, according to the new amendments to Russia’s Civil Code. The digital ruble accounts will be managed by the central bank, the law says. The bill passed its third, final hearing on July 11 and had been waiting for the president to be signed.

Digital ruble is a CBDC project the Bank of Russia has been working on since 2020, when the Bank of Russia published its first analytical report on the topic. Later, the regulator updated the report including the feedback from Russian banks and other financial market participants. The regulator announced it stared piloting the system with a number of Russian banks in February 2022, shortly before the country started a war in Ukraine."

This was a historic development. So why did we barely hear anything about it in the news? Overall, it is being reported that 130 different countries are now interested in potentially developing their own CBDCs…"Out of 195 countries in the world, 130 nations are moving towards building their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)."

Wow. Our world is changing so rapidly now. Once a “digital currency” is introduced where you live, how will you keep your “digital wallet” safe? After all, someone could just steal your “digital wallet” and spend all of the “digital currency” that you have saved up.

Well, one German economist is warning that eventually we could see “digital wallets” actually get implanted under the skin…"A well-known German economist has revealed that central banks around the world are planning to introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the form of microchips implanted under the skin. This technology will enable complete government control over personal finances of its citizens.

“I was taught by a central banker [that] the CBDCs look like a small grain of rice that they want to put under your skin,” said Richard Werner in an interview with podcaster Ivor Cummins. Werner is known for developing the now commonly used bank practice of quantitative easing."

Let us hope that nothing like that happens any time soon. But we truly are living in unprecedented times, and they are only going to get crazier with each passing year. If we are going to object to the implementation of CBDCs, the time is now. Hopefully we can get a lot more people in the general population to wake up, because the clock is ticking."

"This Is Why NATO Hates Russia"

"This Is Why NATO Hates Russia"
By Stucky

"Just watch the first video… only 6 minutes … or at least skip through a few sections. Here is what you will see. White people. Lots of white people who are not fatfuks, tattooed, fags, free shitters or woke libtards. Did you know the Russian government passed a law last week criminalizing all transgender surgeries? Lots of white people who aren’t afraid or embarrassed to include GOD in their lives. An entire nation of normal white people who love, in this order; God, family, and country. I think America was once like this also but, it’s now such a distant memory I’m wondering if I just imagined the whole thing.

That’s why we have to destroy Russia, evil commie bastards… not to mention the trillions of dollars in natural resources buried beneath the soil in that enormous country. IOW, the claim by the USA!USA!USA! that we’re fighting for Ukrainian freedom and democracy is complete and utter bullshit. But, you already knew that.

These videos were posted today on Alexei Martanov’s website. The music and backdrop are simply beautiful and gorgeous. Even though I don’t understand the words the glory and majesty are easily felt. Hope you enjoy it… at least a little bit.

Here is a coda of this magnificent production of the opera, It gives the insight into modern Russian view of not just the Orthodox Christianity but into the view of “Soviets” into the spiritual world which was and remains very complex and is all about love. Add here immense production values and you get a spread at the Palace Square in St.Petersburg which provides the background to one of the incredible musical and religious experiences."
Full screen recommended.

You can see the whole thing here:
Full screen recommended."
Hat tip to Stucky and The Burning Platform for this material.

"How It Really Is"