Thursday, February 16, 2023

Bill Bonner, "American Hegemon"

"American Hegemon"
War, inflation and other familiar signs on the road to ruin...
By Bill Bonner and Joel Bowman

Buenos Aires, Argentina - "For the past 30 years, the American hegemonic project has proved both unsustainably expensive and strategically illusory." ~ The 2018 "National Defense Strategy: Continuity and Competition"

"We arrived in Buenos Aires this morning. Population: 3 million. Temperature: about 75 degrees. Inflation rate: 99%/yr. How can you live well when prices double every 12 months? We’re going to find out.

Meanwhile, we’re working our way through recent headlines, trying to see where we might be headed. We believe they point to a ‘cluster’ of catastrophes… financial, economic, political and social. The money disaster is obvious. Americans owe too much money, in debts contracted at very low interest rates. As rates rise – which they must, both in response to and opposition to inflation – trillions of dollars’ worth of debt will have to be written off or inflated away. The other disasters are less obvious. It’s one of those that we look at today.

Top Dogs: Empires don’t act like normal countries. They are the alpha male of nations. Or, as Madeleine Albright put it, they are the “indispensable nation.” Like the lead dog on a sled team, they dominate other dogs – by force – and fight off rivals. But as they age, they become vulnerable. It is just a matter of time before the pack turns on them.

Empires age too. They ‘over-stretch.’ They get involved in too many battles...and spend too much money. Then, war and inflation, like age and infirmity, do their work…As reported yesterday, the best recent advice on the war in the Ukraine came from an unlikely source: Mr. Donald Trump. It was he who proposed (before the Deep State insiders got him back on the leash) that the US leave NATO…and it was he who just followed up by suggesting that we should say ‘no’ to requests for more military aid to the Ukraine.

Alas, Mr. Trump is as unreliable to his friends as to his enemies. Now, he claims he saved NATO: “I hope everyone is able to remember that it was me, as President of the United States, that got delinquent NATO members to start paying their dues, which amounted to hundreds of billions of dollars,” Trump wrote in a statement released Monday. “There would be no NATO if I didn’t act strongly and swiftly.”

So, let us leave Mr. Trump and turn to more constant sources. George Washington in his 1796 farewell address warned against ‘foreign entanglements:” "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence... the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."

Words of Warning: But an empire needs to act like an empire. After conquering its own Southern States, it took on Spain…and then Germany…and then Japan…and then the Soviet Union…and then…and then… In his farewell address, in 1961, Dwight Eisenhower warned against where this would lead: "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Taking their wealth and liberties for granted, Americans fell asleep…and the Deep State (along with the entire class of elite…which Antonio Gramsci called the ‘hegemon’) grew. Now it is unstoppable.

Meanwhile, since the time of Peter the Great, in the 17th century, Russia has periodically tried to join the family of European nations. By most accounts, this is what Vladimir Putin desired as well.

Know Thy Enemy’s Enemy: But the hegemon had other ideas. The US/EU/NATO party was already underway in Europe, and the Russians weren’t invited. Instead of leaving NATO, the US strengthened it. And when war broke out, NATO formed up on the side of The Ukraine (though the Ukraine was not a treaty member). This left Russia to seek allies elsewhere. It is finding them, in Africa…and in Latin America. Most ominously, it is creating a potent new coalition…with the natural resources of Russia and Iran, the human resources of India, and the financial and technical resources of China. They are already sharing energy and raw materials, a rival currency and a new financial clearing system.

What will the future bring? We’ve read no more of tomorrow’s headlines than you have. But it looks like America’s wars and sanctions may be breeding the next lead dog. Empires have to die somehow. Inflation and war are time-tested ways to kill them."

Joel’s Note: "If you want to know how the world ends, with a whimper or a bang, you can do worse than examine the situation on the ground here, down at the “fin del mundo.” As Bill mentioned above, inflation is running at a red-hot 99% in Argentina. Here’s the chart, from Bloomberg:
Citizens of orderly, developed nations – with “puny” inflation rates of, say, 6... 8... or even 10%... – want to know: what does 99% inflation mean, practically? How does one run a business... save for retirement... protect one’s wealth from the ravages of money printing?Answer: With great difficulty... stealth... cunning... and a well-honed sense of humor.

First, every business owner keeps (at least) two sets of books: one for the government’s eyes, one for the actual accounts. A friend went through the corporate tax laws here some years ago; if a company was to pay all it owed, officially, its tax bill would amount to something like 120% of earnings. Not even the Argentine government itself expects its citizens to pay that much.

Second, folks get out of the peso, any way they can. The government is strict about capital controls, allowing Argentines only a small allowance (about US$200) of foreign currency purchases per month. So people exchange on the widely-used black market, where, because of the premium on highly sought-after dollars, the unofficial rate is about double what the official rate is. (The official rate this morning was 191 pesos to US$1; unofficially, it’s 374:1) From a local site,…
Money exchanging “cuevas” (literally “caves”) are dotted all over the city. They’re “illegal,” but nobody pays attention to the laws anyway. It’s not uncommon to see police officers moonlighting, in uniform, as security guards out front of the exchange houses. (The cuevas pay them in USD, while the government only pays in pesos, so it’s really a no-brainer.)

Third, when and where they can, locals buy real assets. For some, that means farm land. For others, it’s gold or apartments in the city or even building materials. (A pallet of bricks will still be a pallet of bricks a year from now... while a thousand pesos will only be worth five-hundred, at most.) In recent years, younger people have sought refuge in cryptos, with widely varying degrees of success.

And finally, the porteƱos have a sense of humor and perspective as to what’s really important in life... The subject of inflation came up over dinner last night, at a packed restaurant (Lo de Jesus is a neighborhood favorite, frequented by locals and gringos alike). We were entertaining an old friend, visiting from California. “You wouldn’t think the economy was in the tank,” he remarked. “This place is packed!” “That’s because everyone is getting rid of their pesos as quickly as possible.” “What, by eating them?” “And drinking them, too.” We pointed to the table next to us... and the half a dozen dead malbec soldiers in front of a jovial group of about the same size. “Better six bottles today than three in a year’s time.”

"Please Don't Fall For This"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, 2/16/23:
"Please Don't Fall For This"
"We got the retail sales numbers. Everyone is jumping up and down because January was a hot month. Restaurants sales were up only because they raised prices because of inflation."
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"How It Really Is"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, 2/16/23:
"Extremely High Prices At Kroger!
 This Is Concerning! What's Coming!?"
Comments here:

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Canadian Prepper, "Breaking! Nuke Bombers By UK; Lavrov: "Point Of No Return"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 2/15/23:
"Breaking! Nuke Bombers By UK;
 Lavrov: "Point Of No Return"
Comments here:

"California Is Getting Crazy, Time To Say Goodbye; Retail Sales Jump As Consumers Go Broke"

Jeremiah Babe, 2/15/23:
"California Is Getting Crazy, Time To Say Goodbye; 
Retail Sales Jump As Consumers Go Broke"
Comments here:

"Bankers And Tech Executives Know The Collapse Of Society Is Coming And Feverishly Prepare For It"

Full screen recommended.
"Bankers And Tech Executives Know The Collapse 
Of Society Is Coming And Feverishly Prepare For It"
by Epic Economist

"While the general population is too busy working to the bone day after day just to be able to afford to live in an increasingly expensive and chaotic world, banks and tech executives are spending millions upon millions of dollars to quit this mundane narrative and disappear without a trace before a major meltdown begins. Sources confirmed that discussions about the collapse of society have become very popular at Silicon Valley and Wall Street, and as we will show you in this video, having a plan to escape seems to be a new priority among the tech elite as the threat of nuclear conflicts and falling economies continues to rise. Many big names in the financial world are explicitly warning about the real risk of ‘doomsday scenarios’ actually happening in a near future. Ladies and gentlemen, all of this mean that the ultra-wealthy know something that the rest of us don’t, and they are feverishly getting prepared for it.

What possible disruption could be coming for J.P. Morgan Chase’s global head of macro quantitative and derivatives research to publicly warn that the next financial crisis is going to result in social unrest that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen in decades? During an interview with CNBC, Marko Kolanovic alerted that the combination of severe stock market volatility and ineffective central bank actions is likely to provoke the eruption of multiple civil conflicts that could push our society to the brink in no time.

The expert notes that the forces that have transformed markets in the last decade, namely the rise of computerized trading and passive investing, are setting up conditions for brutal moves in the stock market at the end of this cycle. “There will be very rapid, sharp declines in asset values with sharp increases in market volatility,” Kolanovic told CNBC. Prior to 2020, previous flash crashes occurred during a backdrop of a U.S. economic expansion; but the new market hasn’t been tested in the throes of a recession, he highlights.

“Suddenly, every pension fund in the U.S. will be severely underfunded, retail investors will panic and sell, while individuals stop spending,” the banker continued. And the world's wealthiest are among those cautious of a coming calamity. When everything starts to fall apart, it’s safe to say that the elite won’t stick around for the day of reckoning.

According to Forbes’ Jim Dobson, lots of billionaires have private planes "ready to depart at a moment's notice." They also own motorcycles, weaponry, and generators. On top of that, a Bloomberg article makes some additional revelations. The paper reports that over the past two years seven “Silicon Valley entrepreneurs” have purchased survival bunkers from a company in Texas and shipped them to locations in New Zealand, where they’re buried 11 feet underground.

Survival comes at a price. Although these bunkers have been designed to withstand a nuclear blast or nature’s worst, they are a far cry from what most people might expect an underground shelter to look like. There are cinemas, swimming pools with water slides, spas, lounges, gyms, and indoor shooting ranges to keep occupants entertained. Last year, the average asking price for a bunker that could house up to 75 occupants was $4.5 million. So anyone outside the top 1 percent of income earners wouldn’t stand a chance to make it into those facilities.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of us don’t have the money to buy a luxury survival bunker or to fly to New Zealand on a private jet. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it can buy a pretty good escape plan."

Judge Napolitano, "Col. Doug Macgregor - Ukraine, Ammunition, Tanks & the Russian Offensive"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 2/15/23:
"Col. Doug Macgregor - 
Ukraine, Ammunition, Tanks & the Russian Offensive"
Comments here:

Gerald Celente, "America: Private Armies, War Crimes, Cover Ups"

Gerald Celente, 2/15/23:
"America: Private Armies, War Crimes, Cover Ups"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times."
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"When We Can No Longer Tell the Truth "

"When We Can No Longer Tell the Truth"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"When we can no longer tell the truth because the truth will bring the whole rotten, fragile status quo down in a heap of broken promises and lies, we've reached the perfection of dysfunction. You know the one essential guideline to leadership in a doomed dysfunctional system: when it gets serious, you have to lie. In other words, the status quo's secular goddess is TINA - there is no alternative to lying, because the truth will bring the whole corrupt structure tumbling down.

This core dynamic of dysfunction is scale-invariant, meaning that hiding the truth is the core dynamic in dysfunctional relationships, households, communities, enterprises, cities, corporations, states, alliances, nations and empires: when the truth cannot be told because it threatens the power structure of the status quo, that status quo is doomed.

Lies, half-truths and cover-ups are all manifestations of fatal weakness. What lies, half-truths and cover-ups communicate is: we can no longer fix our real problems, and rather than let this truth out, we must mask it behind lies and phony reassurances.

Truth is power, lies are weakness. All we get now are lies, statistics designed to mislead and phony reassurances that the status quo is stable and permanent. The truth is powerful because it is the core dynamic of solving problems. Lies, gamed statistics and false reassurances are fatal because they doom any sincere efforts to fix what's broken before the system reaches the point of no return.

We are already past the point of no return. The expediency of lies has already doomed us.

Honest accounts of hugely successful corporations that implode share one key trait: in every case, managers were pressured to hide the truth from top management, which then hid the truth from investors and clients. is the key dynamic in failed oligarchies as well: if telling the truth gets you sent to Siberia (or worse), then nobody with any instinct for self-preservation will tell the truth. If obscuring the truth saves one's job, then that's what people do. That this dooms the organization is secondary to immediate self-preservation.

A distorted sense of loyalty to the family, community, company, institution, agency or nation furthers lying as the  solution to unsavory problems. Daddy a drunk? Hide the bottle. Church a hotbed of adultery and thieving? Maintain the facade of holiness at all costs. Company products are failing? Put some lipstick on the pig. The statistical truth doesn't support the party's happy story? Distort the stats until they do what's needed. The agency failed to fulfill its prime directive? Blame the managerial failure on a scapegoat.

Pathological liars and cheats rely on self-preservation and misplaced loyalty to mask their own failure and corruption. A hint here, a comment there, and voila, a culture of lying is created and incentivized.

Obscuring the truth is the ultimate short-term expediency. Now that it's serious, we have to lie. We'll start telling the truth later, we say, after everything's stabilized, we hope. But lying insures nothing can ever be truly stabilized, so there will never be a point at which the system is strong enough and stable enough to survive the truth.

We are now an empire of lies. The status quo,politically, socially and economically, depends on lies, half-truths, scapegoats and cover-ups for its very survival. Any truth that escapes the prison of lies endangers the entire rotten edifice.

In an empire of lies, leaders say what people want to hear. This wins the support of the masses, who would rather hear false reassurances that require no sacrifices, no difficult trade-offs, no hard choices, no discipline. The empire of lies is doomed. Lies are weakness, and they prohibit any real solutions. Truth is power, but we can no longer tolerate the truth because it frightens us. Our weakness is systemic and fatal."

"Figuring Forward in an Uncertain Universe"

"Figuring Forward in an Uncertain Universe"
by Maria Popova

"We make things and seed them into the world, never fully knowing - often never knowing at all - whom they will reach and how they will blossom in other hearts, how their meaning will unfold in contexts we never imagined. (W.S. Merwin captured this poignantly in the final lines of his gorgeous poem “Berryman.”)

Today I offer something a little apart from the usual, or sidelong rather, amid these unusual times: A couple of days ago, I received a moving note from a woman who had read "Figuring" and found herself revisiting the final page - it was helping her, she said, live through the terror and confusion of these uncertain times. I figured I’d share that page - which comes after 544 others (here are the first), tracing centuries of human loves and losses, trials and triumphs, that gave us some of the crowning achievements of our civilization - in case it helps anyone else.

Click image for larger size.

Meanwhile, someplace in the world, somebody is making love and another a poem. Elsewhere in the universe, a star manyfold the mass of our third-rate sun is living out its final moments in a wild spin before collapsing into a black hole, its exhale bending spacetime itself into a well of nothingness that can swallow every atom that ever touched us and every datum we ever produced, every poem and statue and symphony we’ve ever known - an entropic spectacle insentient to questions of blame and mercy, devoid of why.

In four billion years, our own star will follow its fate, collapsing into a white dwarf. We exist only by chance, after all. The Voyager will still be sailing into the interstellar shorelessness on the wings of the “heavenly breezes” Kepler had once imagined, carrying Beethoven on a golden disc crafted by a symphonic civilization that long ago made love and war and mathematics on a distant blue dot.

But until that day comes, nothing once created ever fully leaves us. Seeds are planted and come abloom generations, centuries, civilizations later, migrating across coteries and countries and continents. Meanwhile, people live and people die - in peace as war rages on, in poverty and disrepute as latent fame awaits, with much that never meets its more, in shipwrecked love.

I will die.

You will die.

The atoms that huddled for a cosmic blink around the shadow of a self will return to the seas that made us. What will survive of us are shoreless seeds and stardust."

Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Atmospheres"

Deuter, "Atmospheres"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Light-years across, this suggestive shape known as the Seahorse Nebula appears in silhouette against a rich, luminous background of stars. Seen toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus, the dusty, obscuring clouds are part of a Milky Way molecular cloud some 1,200 light-years distant. 
Click image for larger size.
It is also listed as Barnard 150 (B150), one of 182 dark markings of the sky cataloged in the early 20th century by astronomer E. E. Barnard. Packs of low mass stars are forming within, but their collapsing cores are only visible at long infrared wavelengths. Still, the colorful stars of Cepheus add to this pretty, galactic skyscape."

"French Historian: World War III Has Already Begun"

"French Historian: World War III Has Already Begun"
by Paul Joseph Watson

"A French historian who accurately predicted the fall of the Soviet Union over a decade in advance says that World War III has already begun as a result of the conflict in Ukraine. The comments were made by Emmanuel Todd, one of France’s leading intellectuals, during an interview with the Le Figaro newspaper. “It is evident that the conflict, initially a limited territorial war, has evolved into a global economic confrontation between the whole West on one side, and Russia, backed by China, on the other. It has become a world war,” Todd said. Todd added that “the resistance of the Russian economy is pushing the U.S. imperial system toward the abyss” and that Biden must “hurry” to rescue a “fragile” America.

According to the historian, U.S. control of the world financial system is at risk because the Russian economy’s resistance to sanctions is pushing “the American imperial system” toward the precipice,” with Russia still able to rely on China for monetary backing. Todd says America “cannot withdraw from the conflict, they cannot let go,” because it has no exit strategy and the stakes are too high. “This is why we are now in an endless war, in a confrontation whose outcome must be the collapse of one or the other,” said the intellectual.

Todd is a widely respected figure, having accurately predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union 14 years before it happened. As we highlighted last month, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church cautioned that any attempt to “destroy Russia” by “madmen” trying to impose their values will lead to “the end of the world.” “We pray to the Lord so that he enlightens those madmen and helps them understand that any desire to destroy Russia will mean the end of the world,” said Patriarch Kirill.

Elon Musk also recently warned that “most are oblivious to the danger” of a new global conflict. Donald Trump also recently cautioned, “We’re on the brink of World War 3,” and in a campaign video last week asserted, “If I were president, the Russia Ukraine war would never have happened… never in a million years.”

"Get The Hell Out Of There" - Ohio's Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On" (Excerpt)

"Get The Hell Out Of There" - 
Ohio's Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On"
by Tyler Durden

Excerpt: Update (1300ET): "During a press conference, the NTSB referenced a video from Salem, Ohio, about 20 miles from East Palestine which shows sparks and flames emitting from beneath the train. The apparent structural issue with the train was captured on a security camera when it was travelling through Salem. According to Michael Graham, board member on the NTSB, two videos they had obtained were indicative of mechanical issues attributed to the rail car axles which likely led to the derailment.

The second video obtained from when the train was passing through Salem was recorded by a processing plant nearby a hotbox detector which scans the temperature of the axles as trains pass by. According to Graham, the wayside defect detector reading resulted in an alarm alerting the crew of a mechanical issue shortly before the derailment in East Palestine. Consequently, that alert forced the train to execute an emergency brake application which may have been the cause of the derailment. Presently, the NTSB is reviewing the trains data and audio recordings in order to examine the cause of the derailment and which hotbox detector indicated a mechanical error preceding the accident. The NTSB is expected to issue a preliminary report on its findings within 30 days.

While the US government is dispensing millions of dollars in resources to treat balloons as an existential crisis, a small town in Ohio finds itself engulfed in what actually looks like the apocalypse. Perhaps by design, all of the drama surrounding violations of US airspace by Chinese spy initiatives has done well to keep what is becoming one of the worst environmental disasters in recent memory from getting any headlines.

The chaos began early last week when a train of more than 100 cars derailed in East Palestine, Ohio near the state’s border with Pennsylvania with roughly 5,000 residents. The accident launched fifty of those hundred freight cars from the tracks. Twenty of the freight cars on the train were carrying hazardous materials, ten of which were derailed. While the accident had no fatalities, of those ten cars, five contained pressurized vinyl chloride, a highly flammable carcinogenic gas.

In order to address the volatile scenario around the crash site, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency executed its plan of venting the toxic gas with a controlled burn in order to evade an uncontrolled explosion which presented the risk of catastrophic damage. “Within the last two hours, a drastic temperature change has taken place in a rail car, and there is now the potential of a catastrophic tanker failure which could cause an explosion with the potential of deadly shrapnel traveling up to a mile,” Gov. Mike DeWine warned in statement explaining the decision to take action to avert widespread devastation.

However, that operation sent large plumes of smoke containing vinyl chloride, phosgene, hydrogen chloride, and other gases into the air as the flames from the controlled burn raged on for days. Phosgene in particular is a highly toxic gas that can cause vomiting and respiratory issues. The toxicity of phosgene gas is so potent that it was previously used as a chemical weapon during the First World War."
Full, truly terrifying article with videos is here:

Bill Bonner, "Just Say No"

"Just Say No"
"No" to inflation... "No" to war... 
and "No" to the elite's self-serving agenda...
by Bill Bonner

Dublin, Ireland - "We are on our way to South America. We’re going to check up on the farm. But we have a hidden agenda…stay tuned. Meanwhile, inflation did not cooperate last month. CNBC: "Inflation is higher than expected at 6.4%, with the 'most important' measure remaining elevated. Core inflation, which is the price of all items on the index except for food and energy, went up slightly to 0.4%, compared with 0.3% in December. Since food and energy prices are volatile, core inflation is seen as a better indicator of overall inflation trends." The figure for January inflation (including food and energy) was 0.5%. Annualize it, and you get inflation over 7%. Some things are more easily reversed than others.

Real Prices, Real People: Once you mix cement and water, you can’t unmix them; it’s going to harden in whatever shape you leave it. And once you blow up a major piece of foreign infrastructure, you can’t un-blow it up. All you can do is to say you’re sorry and try to make amends. Likewise, when inflation gets going, there’s no going back. Some prices go up and down. Some go only one way. Salaries, for example, tend to only go up. And once risen, they give businesses a new cost structure. So, consumer prices can’t go back down either.

Despite the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ valiant efforts (taking food out of the ‘core’ inflation reading), when you go to the supermarket, you still have to pay higher prices. Joel reported over the weekend, for example, that the cost of a Super Bowl party rose at a double digit rate last year. That was not seasonally adjusted nor hedonically enhanced. That was a real number…paid by real people.

Also very real is the cost of groceries, generally…which rose at a 10.1% rate last month. People have to eat. And they have to live somewhere. Here’s USA Today on housing inflation: "…housing costs – which make up 40% of the index – rose 0.7% for the month and increased 7.9% from a year ago."

Just Say “No”: But wait…why do we have inflation? It’s a choice, right? Policymakers choose it as a way of financing their spending. And a single word would stop it – no. As in ‘no more money printing…no more ultra low interest rates…no more budget deficits.’ Presto…as if waving a magic wand, price increases would halt. And yet, there it is. Plenty of inflation. And a shortage of ‘no’s.

And war…we have that too, even though the same two-letter word would stop it. Just say the word – ‘no’ – and war would be over. Without continued support from Americans, Ukrainians and Russians would come to terms quickly, drink vodka shots together, and dance like Cossacks.

We left off yesterday wondering what the elite want. And now we have our answer. They want ‘yes.’ They control the Deep State. The Deep State controls the empire. And of all the blah-blah claptrap coming out of the White House, Congress and the bureaucracy…millions of words flowing like toxic waste from a chemical plant…one of the simplest words of all – no – is missing.

Why? Why no no’s? The answer is obvious. The elite don’t want no. An honest republic minds its own business. But the US elite run an empire. And the empire’s game is war…funded by inflation. War, because that’s what empires do, either protecting their frontiers…or expanding them. And inflation? Because, that’s how they keep the money flowing. And war and inflation? That’s how an empire destroys itself."

"Anyone Who Isn't Confused..."

"Anyone who isn't confused really doesn't understand the situation."
- Edward R. Murrow

"Gut Check"

"Gut Check"
By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins

"What does it mean to be a free man anymore? Am I truly free when the money I pay in taxes goes to support the excesses of a profligate, overreaching, and immoral government? Am I truly free when the scum that make the rules do not abide by them? Am I not free then to ignore the rules?  Am I truly free when some cowardly dimwit at the grocery store looks askance at me for not wearing a filthy rag over my face? I know he is having an internal debate about whether he should confront me.

My hope is always that he decides in the negative, as I have had just about enough of this crap. Now, the highest court in the land has turned a blind eye to the egregious theft of the Presidency itself. Marxists across the nation are celebrating the final nail in the coffin of the American Republic. Democrats held it. “Conservatives” have hammered it home. The outward forms of ordered liberty are dead and there is no recourse for the redress of grievances. It is time for every patriot to face the situation, without illusion or reservation.

If we would recover our liberty, then we must look inward and assess our own desires, motives, and abilities. A time of choosing is upon each and every one of us. What do we owe and to whom do we owe it. What follows is an attempt to answer those questions for myself and myself alone. Others of a similar spirit may take what they wish from it and leave the rest.

The Indefensible Nation: What do I owe to my country? Its central government is thoroughly and irredeemably corrupt. It is bankrupt both fiscally and morally. As of this writing, its judiciary has shown itself incapable of defending the Republic against the depredations of leftist rabble. The tentacles of its bureaucracy reach into the lives and wallets of the productive class “eating out the substance of the people” exactly as Jefferson warned. Yet still, with the stench of corruption and theft pervading the country, this government  assumes my loyalty.

What, pray tell, has it done to deserve it? Mobs of the indoctrinated expect that we should all just “get over it” and “come together to heal” as if the gangrenous clot of necrotic tissue that is the political culture of this nation will ever heal. Our rulers, our media, and half our “countrymen” piss down our backs and still insist it’s raining. The fealty of helots is what the Lords of Washington expect. They will not get it from me.

The loyalty of free men is reserved for a government of equals, not an aristocracy of reptiles. The latter is what we suffer now. The former we once possessed, but it lies now in the dust of history. The outward form and function remain, but the spirit of liberty, which animated it, has gone. The ties by which free men bind themselves voluntarily to any form of government have long since been sundered by the actions of those who have chosen to rule rather than govern. I will not suffer those ties to become shackles.

Since my forbears bequeathed to me a form of government that no longer exists, I am released from further obligation to the abomination that has replaced it. My loyalty, like my liberty, belongs to me and me alone. It is mine to give or to withdraw as I see fit. I owe the rulers of this land nothing: not life, not liberty, not the pursuit of my own happiness. These things are mine from my first breath to my last gasp. They cannot be abrogated, regulated, or terminated by the denizens of a distant city who presume to know what is best for me. These…people (I do not have the words for the contempt I feel for them) have polluted our forms of government, destroying what they can, dismantling what they cannot.

Everywhere is grift and graft. They have taken nearly everything, yet they still want more. They want my body shackled, my spirit humbled, and my mind enslaved. They try to steal the very breath from my body with their filthy rags. They have trampled upon my God-given rights, indoctrinated my children, accused me, threatened me, and silenced me. Now they have stolen even my choice from me. This government and its leftist appendages have betrayed my trust and half my fellow citizens treat me and mine with undisguised contempt. My loyalty to them and to their government is at an end.

The Shenandoah Syndrome: What then, am I to do personally in the face of this betrayal?  My mind often comes back to the old Jimmy Stewart movie “Shenandoah.” In it, Stewart plays the patriarch of a family trying to stay out of Lincoln’s War. He hopes to keep his family intact and neutral in the conflict. He wants no part of it and sees no reason why he, or his sons, should choose sides in a war that is, in his view, peripheral to the concerns of his family and the life they have built. It is only when rape, murder, plunder and the other accouterments of war destroy the precarious balance he has maintained, that Stewart realizes that the choice has been made for him.

I know that, in the end, what is happening in this nation will come to blood. I know too, that I and mine cannot hope to be left untouched while the nation tears itself apart. My one hope is that, by virtue of where we call home, we will see the tenor and scope of the destruction before it touches our lives directly. Perhaps that small grace will allow us additional time to prepare, though I believe I have done all that common sense demands and limited resources allow in that regard.

What remains to be done is the taking an intensely personal inventory. Will I fight, run, or hide? Will I be able to lead and defend my family when the crunch comes? Would I be willing to leave them behind to engage in some broader defense of my own and other’s liberty? Do I wait for the storm or go to meet it? At 60 years of age, am I even mentally or physically capable of such an effort? My fervent wish is to be left alone to live a peaceful life. I know many like me wish the same, but Jimmy Stewart was just an actor, and my “Shenandoah” a bucolic dream. The fight will be forced upon us all. The choices we make will define us. In Lincoln’s words, “No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation.”

The Refining Fire: I am a peacetime veteran. I served a three-year hitch in the eighties, half that time with the 2nd Ranger Bn. in Ft. Lewis, Washington and half with a line infantry company. I do not count myself among the many chest-thumpers who are overly certain of their own intestinal fortitude and are not afraid to expound upon their warrior attributes in any number of internet outlets. In my limited experience, those who talk the most usually run the fastest. I do not include in that company those who have seen war and its desolation first hand and who now seek to educate and guide those of us who have not. I’m talking about the posers who crow about “taking back the country,” and explain in detail their future exploits in the battle for freedom.

Personally, I am certain of only a few things:  I know what it is like to exit an aircraft more door bundle than man and land in a heap in the Alaskan snow. I know how dark it gets in an equatorial jungle and what it’s like to sit in the rain for days on end. I know what trench foot looks and feels like. To my everlasting embarrassment, I know the feeling of waking up with my own .45 (in the hands of a very angry platoon sergeant) staring me in the face because I fell asleep guarding a pallet of live ammo.

I know what it is like to catch multiple fragments of a 7.62 mm ricochet in the face due to the negligence of a range safety officer and the stupidity of a member of my M60 crew. I know that face and scalp wounds bleed a lot. These are some of the things I know, but they are the experiences of long ago and comparing them to the trials of actual combat would be like comparing regular roulette to the Russian variety.

I do not think I lack personal courage, but the simple fact is that I know what I do not know, and anyone who has not been in a fight like the one coming can say no different. Any man who claims a virtue not yet tested by the fight we face is a liar and a fool. As a young man, I would have welcomed the test. Now, decades on, I ponder the depth of my commitment, the strength of my arm, and the clearness of my mind. Is the man I am now fit for the fight? Only the fight itself will reveal the truth of it. I simply do not know how I will behave when the shooting starts and to claim otherwise is the height of hubris. At the least, I hope that this old man will give good account for blessings received while on this good earth.

Hope: No good thing ever achieved by man remains unsullied by the grasping hands of those who seek to exploit it. So it is with these United States. Time, trials, the certainties of fallen human nature, and the machinations of the unprincipled have accomplished what they always accomplish. This nation will crumble and the ensuing chaos will engulf us all to one degree or another. Something good, either a restoration of the old or the institution of the new, will rise from the blood and ashes. I pray that I do not love this life so much that I would live it as a slave or be unwilling to expend it for the sake of those to come. That, at least, is my hope."
 "A man who does not have something for 
which he is willing to die is not fit to live."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

The Daily "Near You?"

Blue River, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"The Illusion Of Freedom..."

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” - Frank Zappa

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.” - George Orwell, "1984"

"The False Choice Society"

"The False Choice Society"
by The Zman

"The false dichotomy, sometimes called the false choice, is one of the most popular rhetoric tricks used in liberal democracy. The point is to frame the debate in such a way as to either avoid some unpleasant topic or narrow the scope to the benefit of one party in the debate. “We either do X or we allow this terrible thing to continue” is an effective way to compel action. After all, everyone knows that doing nothing in never an acceptable action. Only monsters choose that option.

It is fair to say that our political system is built upon the false choice. Every election we are asked to choose between the two offerings put forward by the parties. In most cases, one option is ridiculous. That is why over 90% of incumbents win reelection. In races with real competition, the options put forward are nearly identical. Both parties offer up a plank of wood spouting whatever slogans are popular at the moment. The voters select between two robots programmed by the same people.

The reason this is a false choice is there is at least one other option. The voters could stage a boycott of the election. Maybe demand some reforms as a condition of rejoining the charade of democracy. Of course, the voters could riot at the polling stations, hurl the voting machines into the river and burn the ballots. They could vote for a third party candidate as a protest. Picking from one of the two options offered up from the uniparty is a false choice, because there are other options.

Of course, people do not select the other options because they are constantly reminded that those are all bad options. No rational person votes third-party. Even the most cynical critics of democracy say the third party option is a waste of time. Similarly, boycotts are dismissed as pointless. Rebellion, of course, is dismissed out of hand, despite the fact the country was literally founded on rebellion. The one thing everyone seems to agree upon is you have no choice but to pick from the two parties.

Another example of where the false choice is the foundation of liberal democracy is in the current Covid panic. The reason the rulers took a wrecking ball to society is they were sure they had just two options. It was either the wrecking ball or do nothing and we all know that doing nothing is never an option. They had to do something, and all of the choices were bad, so they happily went with the bad option. When you eliminate the best option, you are always left with the worst options.

The false choice plays out in more subtle ways too. Unwilling to leave well enough alone, the rulers are now trying to impose a vaccine passport. The idea is to require this for travel or to attend public gatherings. Given that liberal democracy looks a lot like fascism, businesses and banks are making noises about requiring the vaccine in order to have a job or use the financial system. You can get the vaccine, the choice is yours, but you may not be able live in society.

People are rightly upset about this turn of events. House broken conservatives are banging on about how the vaccine passport if just like when their grandparents made the Jews wear gold stars. The point of the yes/no debate on the vaccine passport is to distract from the real problem. The people in charge of public health are incompetent and have turned a minor public health problem into a disaster. Worse yet, they seem to take some pleasure in being incompetent at it.

Not so long ago, proof of vaccination was a common requirement for travel. People were given a card that showed their vaccinations. This was before computers when the people in charge were somewhat competent at their jobs. People went along with it because they understood it was for public health. They could trust the people in charge enough to go along with it. The people who cured things like polio and smallpox were proud of it and the policies that made it possible.

Today, of course, no one trusts anyone. There can be no public pride in collective accomplishment because we have accomplished nothing, other than putting men in dresses and desecrating some statues. This is why half the public is skeptical of the vaccine and the passport business. Instead of dealing with that reality, we choose to have a debate about the passport itself. The false choice here is whether to get the vaccine or not. Whether to have a proof of vaccine or not.

The promise of democracy is that public policy is no longer set according to the narrow interests of a small ruling class. Instead, the marketplace of democracy will set the priorities and select the polices based on majority will. In reality, democracy is a mass delusion where the public debates pointless issues and selects from identical options, all in order to avoid facing reality. Say what you will about aristocracy, at least everyone knows who is in charge and who is to blame.

The Covid hysteria underscores how the false choice society staggers on through inertia and dumb luck. Faced with a real crisis, the current regime would collapse in a pile, with the people bickering with one another over how best to celebrate the pile once the dust settles. The false choice society is a society built on lies the people tell one another in order to avoid reality. The trouble is reality is the thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it."

Judge Napolitano, "Ukraine, Ammunition, Tanks & the Russian Offensive - Col. Doug Macgregor"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 2/15/23:
"Ukraine, Ammunition, Tanks & the Russian Offensive 
- Col. Doug Macgregor"
Comments here:
Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 2/14/23:
"Alert: Nuke Warships Deploy; Moldova Closes Airspace; 
NORAD/Alaska/Washington DEFCON"
Comments here:
"There are a multitude of fuses affixed to dozens of powder-kegs and little kids with matches are on the loose. I don’t know which of the fuses will be lit and which powder-keg will blow, but someone is bound to do something stupid, and then all hell will break loose. It could happen at any time. One military miscue. One assassination. One violent act that stirs the world. And the dominoes will topple, setting off fireworks not seen on this planet since 1939 – 1945. I can see it all very clearly."
- Jim Quinn

"Palestine, Ohio Train Wreck: It’s The Dioxin" (Excerpt)

"Palestine, Ohio Train Wreck: It’s The Dioxin"
by Eric F. Coppolino

Excerpt: "It's not just what was in the tanker cars. It's what happens when they burn and combine. This may be the largest dioxin plume in world history. I know of no more serious release, ever. Most coverage of the train wreck in Palestine, Ohio is missing one word: dioxin. There were reportedly 14 tanker cars full of vinyl chloride, a precursor to polyvinyl chloride - that is, vinyl. Burning vinyl is the most serious source of dioxin in the environment - whether from trash incinerators, house fires or chemical spills.

While vinyl chloride is a precursor chemical to making PVC, any time chlorinated compounds burn there will be dioxins created. And dioxin is a manufacturing byproduct of any manufacturing process involving chlorine, from “disinfectants” to the bleaching of paper. There was plenty of dioxin in those tanker cars before they caught fire.

This mess of 14 tanker cars (really, many more, but 14 had vinyl chloride) was then set on fire by the government, apparently to make it easier to clear the railroad tracks. This was the worst possible decision. It has turned many, many miles into what should be no-man’s land. But I have not heard of one single test for dioxin being done.

Note that dioxin goes by several other names, including TCDD, and is sometimes abbreviated “2,3,7,8.” Dibenzofurans, or furans for short, are identical in their toxicity but are spoken about less often. Many other chemicals, such as PCBs, are “dioxin-like compounds.”
Watershed map - where the toxins could go.

This Affects A Very Large Region Of The Country: This is not a local issue. This massive plume will spread far and wide, and is being blown by the prevailing winds across Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York State, toward the population centers of the northeastern U.S. And via land and water, the toxins can spread in many directions, via water, soil movement and air (since the prevailing winds are only an average). And the contamination is so serious that even soil tracking will spread significant amounts."
Full, truly terrifying article here:

"How It Really Is"


"Do You Believe Any of This?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, 2/15/23:
"Do You Believe Any of This?"
"We are seeing so many crazy things right now when it comes to inflation, and what will happen next. The Fed is out of options and they’re going to have to continue to raise interest rate. Everything will be more expensive."
Comments here:

"Empty Shelves Everywhere At Dollar Tree! Shrinkflation Concerns!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, 215/23:
"Empty Shelves Everywhere At Dollar Tree! 
Shrinkflation Concerns!"
Comments here: