Monday, January 16, 2023

"Inflation & the Tricks of the Trade"

"Inflation & the Tricks of the Trade"
By Martin Armstrong

"Our inflation models came in at 32% for 2022. This does not include things like paper clips to bring down the entire average. This number is the basic core inflation that consists of food, energy, and transportation. We do not include housing values which rose about 11% in 2022, but because that is the national average, it understands places such as Texas and Flordia and over states California and areas such as Chicago.

Our index attempts to reflect the national core inflation of things that most people use. The largest increase was obvious fuel between gasoline and diesel used in trucking and homes averaging 65%+, eggs were up nearly 50%, flour rose by 25%, cooking oil 23%, Butter was up 35%, Chicken by 14%, and Rice by 18%. The more things you throw in, the lower the inflation rate. The national average rise in rental rates was 7.8%, in Florida it was 8.5%, and in NYC 1.5% when controlled.
Click image for larger size.
If we broaden the list to include rents and coffee, which was up 15%, we can bring it down to about 27%. The Fed broaden the scope so widely that the rate come down to about 7%. The more you include, the lower the inflation rate. The object is to reduce government spending which is indexed to the CPI."
Click image for larger size.
"Inflation is totally out of control! The US Government
 is completely gaslighting America about this problem."

"Economic Market Snapshot 1/16/23"

"Economic Market Snapshot 1/16/23"
Market Data Center, Live Updates:
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it. 
You and I are not in the Big Club."
- George Carlin
Your guide:
Gregory Mannarino, 1/9/23:
"Alert! Currency Devaluation On A Grand Scale, 
Be Ready For It"
Comments here:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
Financial Stress Index

"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Job cuts and much more.
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words. Any I know anyway...
And now... The End Game...

"The Mainstream Media Admits That We Are Facing 'The Worst Food Crisis In Modern History'”

"The Mainstream Media Admits That We Are 
Facing 'The Worst Food Crisis In Modern History'”
By Michael Snyder

"People on the other side of the planet are dropping dead from starvation right now, but most people don’t even realize that this is happening. Unfortunately, most people just assume that everything is fine and dandy. If you are one of those people that believe that everything is just wonderful, I would encourage you to pay close attention to the details that I am about to share with you. Global hunger is rapidly spreading, and that is because global food supplies have been getting tighter and tighter. If current trends continue, we could potentially be facing a nightmare scenario before this calendar year is over.

Pakistan is not one of the poorest nations in the world, but the lack of affordable food is starting to cause panic inside that country. The following comes from Time Magazine…"Last Saturday in Mirpur Khas, a city in Pakistan’s Sindh province, hundreds of people lined up for hours outside a park to buy subsidized wheat flour, offered for 65 rupees a kilogram instead of the current, inflated rate of about 140 to 160 rupees. When a few trucks arrived, the crowd surged forward, leaving several injured. One man, Harsingh Kolhi, who was there to bring a five kg bag of flour home for his wife and children, was crushed and killed in the chaos."

We are seeing similar things happen all over the planet. Just because you still may have enough food to eat doesn’t mean that everybody else is okay. In fact, things have already gotten so bad that even CNN is admitting that we are facing “the worst food crisis in modern history”…"Yet the world is still in the grips of the worst food crisis in modern history, as Russia’s war in Ukraine shakes global agricultural systems already grappling with the effects of extreme weather and the pandemic. Market conditions may have improved in recent months, but experts do not expect imminent relief."

That means more pain for vulnerable communities already struggling with hunger. It also boosts the risk of starvation and famine in countries such as Somalia, which is contending with what the United Nations describes as a “catastrophic” food emergency.

Sadly, it isn’t just in Somalia where the food crisis has reached “catastrophic” proportions. According to Reuters, the entire continent is now dealing with the worst food crisis that Africa “has ever seen”…"Across Africa, from east to west, people are experiencing a food crisis that is bigger and more complex than the continent has ever seen, say diplomats and humanitarian workers."

Please go back and read that statement again. Do you remember all those years when Sally Struthers was begging us to feed the starving children in Africa? Well, the truth is that conditions are now far worse than when she was making those commercials.

At one hospital in Somalia, grieving mothers are regularly bringing in very young children that have literally starved to death“Sometimes mothers bring us dead children,” said Farhia Moahmud Jama, head nurse at the pediatric emergency unit. “And they don’t know they’re dead.” Weakened by hunger, camp residents are vulnerable to disease and people are dying due to a lack of food, said Nadifa Hussein Mohamed, who managed the camp where Isak’s family initially stayed. “Maybe the whole world is hungry and donors are bankrupt, I don’t know,” she said. “But we’re calling out for help, and we do not see relief.”

UN officials are doing what they can to help, but the truth is that they are being absolutely overwhelmed by the scope of this crisis. Over the past 12 months, the number of Africans that are dealing with “acute food insecurity” has absolutely exploded…"The number of East Africans experiencing acute food insecurity – when a lack of food puts lives or livelihoods in immediate danger – has spiked by 60% in just the last year, and by nearly 40% in West Africa, according to the World Food Program (WFP)."

Sadly, a lot of Americans are simply not going to care about what is going on over there as long as we have enough food over here. Of course food supplies continue to get tighter on our side of the planet as well. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, our corn harvest this year was the smallest in 15 years…"Last year was a bad year for corn — the latest US Department of Agriculture (USDA) report shows drought conditions and extreme weather wreaked havoc on croplands.

USDA unexpectedly slashed its outlook for domestic corn production amid a severe drought across the western farm belt. Farmers in Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas were forced to abandon drought-plagued fields. The agency estimated farmers harvested 79.2 million acres, a decline of 1.6 million acres versus the previous estimate — the smallest acres harvest since 2008." That wouldn’t be so bad if our population was still the same size that it was back in 2008.

Other harvests have been extremely disappointing too, and that is one of the factors that has been steadily driving up food prices. At this point, the average U.S. household is spending 72 more dollars on food per month than it was at this same time a year ago…"As inflation continues to decimate the budgets of American families, the December report from Moody’s Analytics showed that families are spending an estimated $72 more on food per month than they were a year ago."

That figure is pulled out of a report that says the typical US household is shelling out $371 on goods and services more than they were a year ago. In particular, the price of eggs has gone completely nuts. I recently came across an article about one small business owner that is now paying three times as much for eggs as she once did…"It just seems like the cost of everything is going up these days and that includes egg prices, which are affecting local businesses. “We used to buy 15 dozen eggs from Sam’s for 23 dollars. They are now 68 dollars,” said Cindy Gutierrez, the owner of Creative Cakes. “Now it’s about 63-ish for 15 dozen and it’s also hard to get 15 dozen,” said Caitlyn Wallace, the owner of Catie Pies."

The prices for eggs have surged three times their original price. According to the consumer price index, egg prices increased by 10% in October 2022 and that increase has continued to rise. This is causing a domino effect for restaurants, businesses, and bakeries who use eggs. Economic conditions are changing so rapidly now, and nothing will ever be quite the same again.

As we move forward, the widespread use of “beetleburgers” is one of the “solutions” that the global elite are starting to push…"Beetleburgers could soon be helping to feed the world, according to new research. The creepy crawlers’ larvae — better known as mealworms — could act as a meat alternative to alleviate hunger worldwide. The process uses a fraction of the land and water and emits a smaller carbon footprint in comparison of traditional farming. To make this a reality, French biotech company Ynsect is planning a global network of insect farms, including nurseries and slaughterhouses. A pilot plant has already been been set up at Dole in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comte region of France."

Doesn’t that sound yummy? Of course these “beetleburgers” will just be a drop in the bucket. No matter what the global elite try, they will not be able to stop “the worst food crisis in modern history” from getting a whole lot worse. So I would encourage you to stock up while you still can. Global food supplies are getting a little bit tighter with each passing day, and I have a feeling that 2023 will have lots of “unexpected surprises” for all of us."
And just what will they do to you, Good Citizen?

"How It Really Is"


"Empty Shelves Everywhere At Target! This Is Crazy! - What's Coming!?"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, 1/16/23:
"Empty Shelves Everywhere At Target! 
This Is Crazy! - What's Coming!?"
"In today's vlog we are at Target, and are noticing empty shelves everywhere! We are also noticing ridiculous price increases, and a major food shortage! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
Comments here:
The party's over Good Citizen, and coming soon to a store near you,
  and everywhere. What will you do then? What will happen to you?

"What We Can Learn From The French Revolution: The Vendée"

"What We Can Learn From The French Revolution:
The Vendée"
By John Wilder

“There was nothing spooky about the French Revolution. People lopped off with the heads of thousands of aristocrats and carted them away in straw baskets, then turned the blades on themselves and killed thousands more. Just another segment of Western History.” – Kolchak, "The Night Stalker"

"The French Revolution was the first major Leftist revolution in the world. The ideology of the Revolution was stunning in its scope. Not only was every single structure of the country to be changed, but even its history. Nothing was sacred – especially the churches and clergy. Notre Dame was renamed the Temple of Reason, though recently it was a really hot tourist attraction.

Additionally, something as simple as the calendar wasn’t exempt. 1792 was proclaimed as year one. Each day was 10 hours long. Each hour was 100 minutes long. And each minute was 100 seconds long. Of course, the week wasn’t spared – each month consisted of three 10 day weeks. Yeah, they renamed the days of the week, too, and managed to eliminate both Friday and Saturday. Bogus.

The names of the months were changed, too. There were still 12, since the French could not figure out how to change the amount of time it took for the world to revolve around the Sun. My favorite French month? Ventôse, or the “month of wind” which lasted between February 19 to March 20. The Ventôse Decrees (I assume issued during this “month”) legalized confiscation of everything counterrevolutionaries owned and redistribution to “needy” people. One would assume that the leadership was just as “needy” as the Biden family.

This was also the time when the Republic decided that the old way of measuring things needed to be chucked, too. So out went feet and gallons and pounds and in came meters and liters and kilograms. So, if you ever hear me talk about communist units, well, here’s the reason. The metric system was just another part of the Leftists attempting to subvert all of history.

Oh, and they pulled down statues, too. It’s as if there’s something familiar with what I’m seeing with the woke crowd in the United States. Hmm. Whatever could it be?

Regardless, there are some other events that happened during the French Revolution that are less known. The item that’s the subject of today’s post? The Vendée. The Vendée is an area of France. The French have lots of names for these areas, many of which sound like Joe Biden clearing his throat before a speech. Let’s just stick with area or region, that’s close enough.

Not long after the French Revolution, the people running France realized that they were surrounded by hostile countries that were headed by Kings. When King Louis XVI was guillotined in 1793, the people who ran the French Republic were pretty freaked out and worried that they were going to be invaded by groups of Kings that weren’t fond of the whole, “kill your leader because it’s Tuesday” concept.

That’s when they decided to have a general draft to build a French army with 300,000 new additional recruits. Many areas fought back against this draft, since, outside of Paris, the whole, “kill the King, destroy religion, and start a war” policy of the Commies in charge of Paris wasn’t especially popular.

One area, though, was really good at fighting back. The Vendée. It’s on the western shore of France, and is notable for making that invisible rope that French mimes use as the primary regional product. Like I said, they fought back well – they wanted to be left alone and to reopen their churches. The army that was formed, the “Catholic and Royal Army” was initially very successful for several months in spring and summer of 1793.

From a military viewpoint, they were very successful, at first. Early in May they captured over 5,000 Republican troops. They asked them to leave and promise not to fight against them anymore. And then released the Republican troops. This may have been a mistake. Again, through May and June they kept winning, capturing lots of Republican cannons, powder and supplies. Until they lost. The Republicans captured quite a few folks from the Vendée Army. And shot them or put them in boats and drowned them.

By October of 1793, the Committee of Public Safety in Paris decided that the solution to the Vendée was complete physical destruction. After the defeat of the Vendée army in December, the revenge started. The Republicans were not shy about what they wanted. When one commander asked what he should do about women and children, the response was simple, “if it was necessary, to pass them all by the sword”. The women were of particular interest, since they would be carrying anti-revolutionary babies. Yeah. Dark.

The Vendée folks paroled their prisoners. The Leftists? Murdered them. For the people in the Vendée, it got worse. Some people from the Vendée got together with the British and the British funded and supplied a really lame invasion of France. It failed. Spectacularly. The French might not like each other, but one thing was for certain – the French, I mean, all the French, hate the British. This didn’t help the Vendée with the rest of the French. Public relations level? Disaster.

The Vendée had about 800,000 folks living in it prior to the French Revolution. The Leftists killed, for the sake of ideological reasons, between (best sources I can find) 250,000 to 400,000. This is about 1.5% of the population of France at that time. That’s proportionately like losing half the population of Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, New Jersey, or Virginia.

This proves, once again, that the only people that the French can beat in a war is the French. It also proves, once again, that when Leftists run a country, the first priority of business is to kill their own people who aren’t on board with the Left. Regardless, this didn’t stop the people from the Vendée. They kept fighting, and were even a thorn in the side of Napoleon in 1814.

The Vend̩e made me think of the United States today. It is easy to see the parallels Рthe full attack on every value. The attempt to destroy everything from the past is in full force now. The removal of the statues is part of the playbook. The vilification of the values and heritage people? Also part of the playbook.

Where is the Vendée in the United States? Oklahoma? Ohio? Missouri? It is clear that the values of the Left do not match values of many. What happens when a line is crossed? When the gun confiscation comes in? If the Vendée acts alone, it fails. If it’s not alone? It wins. You are not alone. Nor is Oklahoma, or Missouri, or Ohio, or Texas, or Idaho. This isn’t 1793, and we don’t cotton to the metric system. Me? I’ll never accept the metric system because I don’t want a foreign ruler."

Jim Kunstler, "Against the Tide"

"Against the Tide"
by Jim Kunstler

“These days, when they say something is ‘very unlikely,’ that is wokecabulary for, ‘it’s almost certainly true’.” - Jeff Childers (the Coffee with Covid blog)

"So many calamities, quandaries, and mysteries swirl in the zeitgeist these days that life in the USA feels like swimming against a rising tide of poisoned guacamole. Nothing has been able to stop that green spewage from the political Left, especially as it desecrates our very language to turn everything up, down, and everything inside, outside. You end up drowning the consensus about reality under the muck. Now, there are political forces opposing all this deliberate malice and deceit and they will need something like a fire-hose to clean the joint up.

The outstanding feature of this political illness is the utter lack of accountability for gross insults against the public interest - that is, things that really matter. As Congresswoman Ilhan Omar once put it so obliquely, “some people did some things.” Yes, people are at the bottom of all this mischief against the country and none of them have had to answer for any of it yet. Will it matter if they do? It may not correct all the disasters of recent past years, but it may prevent more disasters ahead as the nation struggles with epic changes to the business model for running everything in this land. Some people will have to do a lot of things to straighten out our agenda.

Everyone is aware by now that the new Congress is assembling several committees to attempt just that. One is the panel on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. That’s an excellent name for it because the officials running the engines of state have carried out a war against the people. It is, after all, supposed to be a government of, by, and for the people, not a government against the people. Where to even start?

Former US attorney and chief-of-staff to the SecDef, Kash Patel, had a good idea: start with the latest insult to the country. Haul in the newly-appointed special counsel assigned to the “Joe Biden” purloined document scandal. His name is Robert Hur. He was a top aide to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein at the height of RussiaGate, and liaison to the Robert Mueller operation. Mr. Hur participated in filing falsified warrants based on Steele Dossier nonsense to the FISA court. He should have been accountable for that. He’s not fit to serve as any sort of legal arbiter in a national scandal. He was not appointed to shed any light on the issue, but to bury it under a load of procedural horse-shit, in particular, the dodge that questions about “ongoing investigations” can’t be answered. Let’s disarm that weapon from the get-go. And why not appoint Mr. Patel chief counsel to the Weaponization of Government Committee?

Another person who must answer right away is CDC Director Rochelle Walensky because her agency is still aggressively pushing mRNA shots strongly implicated in causing injury and death among the American people. There are no more obvious weapons against the people than these deadly products retailed by Pfizer and Moderna. The government’s “vaccination” crusade has to stop ASAP. Not one more dose of the stuff should be given to anybody. An audit needs to be run on the CDC’s data base to determine exactly how it was manipulated to hide the facts about “vaccine” injuries and deaths.

The public should also hear why Ms. Walensky’s CDC promoted “incentive payments” to hospitals for each patient who died testing positive for Covid-19 (not necessarily from Covid-19). The payments per patient ranged wildly, state by state from $18,000 (NJ) to $471,000 (WVa). Why was that? The payments amounted to a bonanza for hospital administrators, who were incentivized to let people die on ventilators.

The Weaponization of Government Committee might also subpoena FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf and his two predecessors during the Covid-19 event, Janet Woodcock and Stephen Hahn. The country needs to hear what they knew about the operation that produced the “vaccines” with such astonishing speed - as if these products were somehow in development before Covid-19 even appeared on the scene. They also need to answer about the shenanigans behind the following: the fudged and expedited “vaccine” trials; the demonization and virtual outlawing of existing safe and effective FDA-approved drugs for early treatment, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and other meds; the promotion of toxic remdesivir as a primary therapy for C-19; and the initiation and extension (for three years) of an emergency use authorization that shielded the drug companies from liability while injuries and deaths mounted.

Obviously, there are many other channels of inquiry waiting to be explored in the government’s war against the people, especially the lingering questions about election interference and the official censorship of news. The excellent writer who goes by Sundance at The Last Refuge website made some capital suggestions for going forward with these inquiries: one is to rely primarily on witness testimony rather than on documents that federal officials will surely do everything possible to hide. Don’t turn this into a futile battle over the docs. Let’s just hear what the people-in-charge have to say. Secondly - and this may be hard for many angry, injured people to swallow - immunize witnesses against prosecution, to give them no incentive to hide what they know, what actions they carried out, and who told them to do it. Give them this immunity, Sundance wrote, in the interest of maximum transparency - because punishment of these characters is less important than showing the people of this country how far off the rails we have gone. It may not be optimally satisfying, but it’s an argument worth pondering."


“Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!
No sense have they of ills to come, nor care beyond today.”
- Thomas Gray,
“Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College”

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than 
sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Martin Luther King Day 2023"

Have a safe, happy and thoughtful holiday folks.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

"20 Signs That Middle Class Families Are Being Wiped Out"

Full screen recommended.
"20 Signs That Middle Class Families Are Being Wiped Out"
by Epic Economist

"We have one of the fastest declining middle-classes in the entire globe. That's right, amongst developed nations, we're only behind Japan. And that's quite controversial considering that the United States is the top economic superpower of the world. It doesn't help that the living expenses are now costing more than ever before while credit conditions haven't been this tight in almost 15 years. Today, middle-income Americans suffer from issues that would be unimaginable to the middle class of the 70s, 80s, or 90s. We can barely afford our homes.

Our children have to take on insane levels of debt if they want to go to college. Finding a job that supports middle-class life has become a hurdle. We're more indebted than at any other moment in history. And a job loss or unexpected health expense can push us right down the income ladder. The truth is that it's never been harder to be a part of the middle-class in America. And once you get there, the problems do not stop coming.

It's hard to admit, but today's middle class is looking a lot like the working and lower classes of past generations. If a middle-class American from the 1980s traveled to the future and saw what 2023's middle-class families look like, without a doubt, they would be shocked. Back then, the average college student paid $9,438 in tuition to get a degree. Now, students are having to pay almost $30,000 to be able to get their degree. The median home price was $47,200 in 1980. Today, if you want your dream home, you'll have to disburse $385,000. While a new car would cost you $7,000 at that time, we just hit a new record for the price of a new car last month: $49,507!

The cost of living has ballooned, but wages have not. And that's contributing to the historic decline of what once was one of the greatest middle classes on the planet. People from other nations used to look up to us and our way of living. But by now, all they can see is that we're struggling to afford even the most basic necessities. The middle class has already shrunk by 11%, falling from 61% of the U.S. population to just 50%, and one of the main contributors to that was the Great Recession, which led many people to lose their jobs, their homes, and their comfortable lifestyles almost overnight.

With another recession gaining steam, the future is looking very scary. Economic uncertainty continues to spread across the nation, and the warnings that say this may be the worse downturn we have ever witnessed are incredibly chilling. No matter what happens, the middle class is in danger, and it is likely to be disproportionally impacted by the coming crisis. We will continue to watch it disintegrating right in front of us as our economy breaks down on a systemic level. We're headed to a tumultuous year, and the reckoning day starts now. That's why in today's video, we decided to gather 20 signs that show the U.S. middle class is falling to pieces all around us."

"It’s Your Story to Tell"

Full screen recommended,
Dan, iAllegedly 1/15/23:
"It’s Your Story to Tell"
"I got so much mail that I need to share with you all the great stories that people have sent me over the last couple of weeks. It’s mail bag time."
Comments here:

"My Warning To America: Time Is Running Out; Massive Retail Closures Continue"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 1/15/23:
"My Warning To America: Time Is Running Out; 
Massive Retail Closures Continue"
"My warning to America is to prepare now, do not rely on hope as we are heading into a massive economic collapse in which millions of people will be wiped out. Time is of the essence, prepare with security, food, water, gold and silver, get into better physical shape, and most of all get in the best spiritual shape you can and walk close to God."
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: Chuck Wild, Liquid Mind, “Dream Ten”

Chuck Wild, Liquid Mind, “Dream Ten”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“It is the largest and most complex star forming region in the entire galactic neighborhood. Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small satellite galaxy orbiting our Milky Way galaxy, the region's spidery appearance is responsible for its popular name, the Tarantula nebula. This tarantula, however, is about 1,000 light-years across. Were it placed at the distance of Milky Way's Orion Nebula, only 1,500 light-years distant and the nearest stellar nursery to Earth, it would appear to cover about 30 degrees (60 full moons) on the sky. Intriguing details of the nebula are visible in the below image shown in scientific colors. 
The spindly arms of the Tarantula nebula surround NGC 2070, a star cluster that contains some of the brightest, most massive stars known, visible in blue on the right. Since massive stars live fast and die young, it is not so surprising that the cosmic Tarantula also lies near the site of the closest recent supernova.”

"The Level Of Intelligence..."

"If man were relieved of all superstition, and all prejudice, and had replaced these with a keen sensitivity to his real environment, and moreover had achieved a level of communication so simplified that one syllable could express his every thought, then he would have achieved the level of intelligence already achieved by his dog."
  - Robert Brault

“In Denial, On the Road to Extinction?”

"When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard,"
 I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"
 - Sydney Harris

“In Denial, On the Road to Extinction?”
by Robert Jensen

"Put simply: We're in trouble, on all fronts, and the trouble is wider and deeper than most of us have been willing to acknowledge. We should struggle to build a road on which we can walk through those troubles - if such a road is possible - but I doubt it's going to look like any path we had previously envisioned, nor is it likely to lead anywhere close to where most of us thought we were going.

I have been talking about multiple crises without naming them in detail. As I have been speaking, I suspect you all have been cataloging them for yourself. For me, they are political (the absence of meaningful democracy in large-scale political units such as the modern nation-state), economic (the brutal inequalities that exist internal to all capitalist systems and between countries in a world dominated by that predatory capitalism), and ecological (the unsustainable nature of our systems and the lifestyles that arise from them). Beyond that, I am most disturbed by a cultural and spiritual crisis, a condition that goes to the core of how we understand what it means to be human.

Add all this up and it's pretty clear: We're in trouble. Big trouble. Based on my political activism and my general sense of the state of the world, I have come to the following conclusions about political and cultural change in my society:

• It's almost certain that no significant political change will happen in the United States because the culture is not ready to face these questions. That suggests this is a time not to propose all-encompassing solutions but to sharpen our analysis in ongoing conversation about these crises. As activists we should continue to act, but there also is a time and place to analyze.

• It's probable that no mass movements will emerge in the United States that will force leaders and institutions to face these questions. Many believe that until conditions in the First World get dramatically worse, most people will be stuck in the inertia created by privilege. That suggests that this is a time to expand our connections with like-minded people and create small-scale institutions and networks that can react quickly when political conditions change.

• It's plausible that the systems in place cannot be changed peacefully and that forces set in motion by patriarchy, white supremacy, nationalism and capitalism cannot be reversed without serious ruptures. That suggests that as we plan political strategies for the best-case scenarios, we not forget to prepare ourselves for something much worse.

• Finally, it's worth considering the possibility that our species - the human with the big brain - is an evolutionary dead end. I say that not to be depressing but, again, to be realistic. If that's the case, it doesn't mean we should give up. No matter how much time we humans have left on the planet, we can do what is possible to make that time meaningful.

Realistically, we need to get on a new road if we want there to be a future. The old future, the road we imagined we could travel, is gone - it is part of the delusion. Unless one accepts an irrational technological fundamentalism (the idea that we will always be able to find high-energy/advanced-technology fixes for problems), there are no easy solutions to these ecological and human problems. The solutions, if there are to be any, will come through a significant shift in how we live and a dramatic downscaling of the level at which we live. I say "if" because there is no guarantee that there are solutions. History does not owe us a chance to correct our mistakes just because we may want such a chance.

I think this argues for a joyful embrace of the truly awful place we find ourselves. That may seem counterintuitive, perhaps even a bit psychotic. Invoking joy in response to awful circumstances? For me, this is simply to recognize who I am and where I live. I am part of that species out of context, saddled with the mistakes of human history and no small number of my own tragic errors, but still alive in the world. I am aware of my limits but eager to test them. I try to retain an intellectual humility, the awareness that I may be wrong, while knowing I must act in the world even though I can't be certain. Whatever the case and whatever is possible, I want to be as fully alive as possible, which means struggling joyfully as part of movements that search for the road to a more just and sustainable world.

In this quest, I am often tired and afraid. To borrow a phrase from my friend Jim Koplin, I live daily with "a profound sense of grief." And yet every day that I can remember in recent years - in the period during which I have come to this analysis - I have experienced some kind of joy. Often that joy comes with the awareness that I live in a creation that I can never comprehend, that the complexity of the world dwarfs me. That does not lead me to fear my insignificance, but sends me off in an endlessly fascinating search for the significant.To put it in a bumper-sticker phrase for contemporary pop culture, "The world sucks/it's great to be alive."

Free Download: R.D. Laing: "The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness"

"The Divided Self: 
An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness"
by R.D. Laing

"Ronald David Laing (7 October 1927 – 23 August 1989), usually cited as R. D. Laing, was a Scottish psychiatrist who wrote extensively on mental illness – in particular, the experience of psychosis. Laing's views on the causes and treatment of serious mental dysfunction, greatly influenced by existential philosophy, ran counter to the psychiatric orthodoxy of the day by taking the expressed feelings of the individual patient or client as valid descriptions of lived experience rather than simply as symptoms of some separate or underlying disorder. Laing was associated with the anti-psychiatry movement, although he rejected the label. Politically, he was regarded as a thinker of the New Left.”

"First published in 1960, this watershed work aimed to make madness comprehensible, and in doing so revolutionized the way we perceive mental illness. Using case studies of patients he had worked with, psychiatrist R. D. Laing argued that psychosis is not a medical condition but an outcome of the 'divided self', or the tension between the two personas within us: one our authentic, private identity, and the other the false, 'sane' self that we present to the world.”

Freely download “The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness”,
by R.D. Laing, here:
"Insights Of R.D. Laing"

"Decades ago, psychiatrist R.D. Laing developed three rules by which he believed a pathological family (one suffering from abuse, alcoholism, etc.) can keep its pathology hidden from even its own family members. Adherence to these three rules allows perpetrators, victims, and observers to maintain the fantasy that they are all one big, happy family. The rules are: 
Rule A: Don't talk about the problems and abject conditions; 
Rule A1: Rule A does not exist; 
Rule A2: Do not discuss the existence or nonexistence of Rules A, A1, and/or A2."

“From the moment of birth, when the stone-age baby confronts the twentieth-century mother, the baby is subjected to these forces of violence, called love, as its mother and father have been, and their parents and their parents before them. These forces are mainly concerned with destroying most of its potentialities. This enterprise is on the whole successful.”

“Children do not give up their innate imagination, curiosity, dreaminess easily. You have to love them to get them to do that.”

“We are all murderers and prostitutes - no matter to what culture, society, class, nation one belongs, no matter how normal, moral, or mature, one takes oneself to be.”

“Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.”

“We are bemused and crazed creatures, strangers to our true selves, to one another, and to the spiritual and material world - mad, even, from an ideal standpoint we can glimpse but not adopt.”

"Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent.”

"Let This Darkness Be a Bell Tower: Rilke’s Timeless Spell for Living Through Difficult Times"

"Let This Darkness Be a Bell Tower: 
Rilke’s Timeless Spell for Living Through Difficult Times"
By Maria Popova

There are times in life when the firmament of our being seems to collapse, taking all the light with it, swallowing all color and sound into a silent scream of darkness. It rarely looks that way from the inside, but these are always times of profound transformation and recalibration - the darkness is not terminal but primordial; in it, a new self is being born, not with a Big Bang but with a whisper. Our task, then, is only to listen. What we hear becomes new light.

A century ago, Rainer Maria Rilke (December 4, 1875–December 29, 1926) extended a timeless invitation to listening for the light in his poem “Let This Darkness Be a Bell Tower,” translated by Joanna Macy and Anita Barrows in their altogether indispensable book "In Praise of Mortality: Selections from Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus" (public library).

I read it here accompanied by another patron saint of turning darkness into light - Bach, and his Cello Suite No. 5 in C Minor, performed by Colin Carr:

"Let This Darkness Be A Bell Tower"

"Quiet friend who has come so far,
feel how your breathing makes more space around you.
Let this darkness be a bell tower
and you the bell. As you ring,
what batters you becomes your strength.

Move back and forth into the change.
What is it like, such intensity of pain?
If the drink is bitter, turn yourself to wine.

In this uncontainable night,
be the mystery at the crossroads of your senses,
the meaning discovered there.
And if the world has ceased to hear you,
say to the silent earth: I flow.
To the rushing water, speak: I am."

The Daily "Near You?"

Holly, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Douglas Macgregor, "Major Escalation By Russians!"

Full screen recommended.
Douglas Macgregor, 1/15/23:
"Major Escalation By Russians!
 Each Missile Costs Around 6-7 Million Dollars"
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"Yet Now..."

“Yet now, as he roared across the night sky toward an unknown destiny, he found himself facing that bleak and ultimate question which so few men can answer to their satisfaction. What have I done with my life, he asked himself, that the world will be poorer if I leave it?”
- Arthur C. Clarke, “Glide Path”