Sunday, February 20, 2022

"The $2.3 Quadrillion Global Timebomb"

"The $2.3 Quadrillion Global Timebomb"
By Egon von Greyerz

"Credit Suisse is hours from collapse and the consequences could be a systemic failure of the financial system. Disappointingly, my dream last night stopped there. So unfortunately I didn’t experience what actually happened.

As I warned previously in an article on Archegos and Credit Suisse, investment banks have created a timebomb with the $1.5 quadrillion derivatives monster. A few years ago, the BIS (Bank of International Settlement) in Basel reduced the $1.5 quadrillion to $600 trillion with a pen stroke. But the real gross figure was still $1.5q at the time. According to my sources, the real figure today is probably over $2 quadrillion. A major part of the outstanding derivatives are OTC (over the counter) and hidden in off balance sheet special purpose vehicles.

Leveraged Assets Just Go Up In Smoke: The $30 billion in Archegos derivatives that went up in smoke over a weekend is just the tip of the iceberg. The hedge fund Archegos lost everything and the normal uber-leveraged players Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Nomura etc lost at least $30 billion. These investment banks are making casino bets that they can’t afford to lose. What their boards and top management don’t realize or understand is that the traders, supported by easily manipulated risk managers, are betting the bank on a daily basis.

Most of these ludicrously high bets are in the derivatives market. The management doesn’t understand how they work or what the risks are and the account managers and traders can bet billions on a daily basis with no skin in the game but massive potential upside if nothing goes wrong.

Deutsche Bank – Derivatives 600X Equity: But we are now entering an era when things will go wrong. The leverage is just too high and the bets totally out of proportion to the equity. Just take the notorious Deutsche Bank (DB) that has outstanding derivatives of €37 trillion against total equity of €62 billion. Thus the derivatives position is 600X the equity. Or to put it in a different way, the equity is 0.17% of the outstanding derivatives. So a loss of 0.2% on the derivatives will wipe the share capital and the bank out!

Now the DB risk managers will argue that the net derivatives position is just a fraction of the €37 trillion at €20 billion. That is of course nonsense as we saw with Archegos when a few banks let $30 billion over a weekend. Derivatives can only be netted down on the basis that counterparties pay up. But in a real systemic crisis, counterparties will disappear and gross exposure will remain gross. So all that netting doesn’t stand up to real scrutiny. But it is typical for today’s casino banking world when depositors, shareholders and governments take all the downside risk and the management all the upside.

So let us look at the global risk picture in the financial system:
The $2.3 quadrillion above is what the world is exposed to when this timebomb explodes. That is the total sum of global debt, derivatives and unfunded liabilities. When all the dominos start falling, and no one can meet their obligations, this is what governments are left to finance. Yes, they will print this money and much more as deficits mount exponentially due to collapsing currencies. But the MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) clowns will then find out that printed money rightfully has ZERO value.

If these clowns studied history they would learn that MMT has never worked. Just check the Roman Empire 180-280 AD, France in the early 18th century, or the Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Argentina and Venezuela in the 19th and 20th centuries.

So when Fiat money dies, how much gold is required to repair the damage? If we look at the cube below with all the gold ever produced in history, we see that it is 198,000 tonnes valued at $11 trillion.
Below the cube the total central bank and investment gold is shown. This amounts to 77,000 tonnes or $4.3 trillion. That sum represents 0.2% of the total debt and liabilities of $2.3 quadrillion as shown in the Timebomb.

The $4.3 trillion gold value is at a gold price of $1,750 per ounce. This minuscule 0.2% of liabilities obviously is far too small to support global debt. A 20% gold backing of total liabilities would be a minimum. That would be 100X the current 0.2% or a gold price of $175,000.

I am not forecasting this level or saying that it is likely to happen. All I am doing is looking at the total risk that the world is facing and relating it to the only money that will survive. Also, measuring the gold price in dollars serves no purpose because when/if this scenario happens, the dollar will be worthless and the gold price measured in worthless dollars at infinity."
Let's see... all these transactions were bought on margin, and of course generated fat commissions for these psychopaths. If the value drops 20% margin calls are automatically issued, and the buyer is required to pay the difference within 24 hours to bring the value back to the maintenance margin. This is why the FED is in a desperate "inflate or die" mode of buying everything in sight. If they don't, an explosively cascading tsunami of margin calls will bankrupt everything, everything... What's the total of 20% margin calls on $2.3 QUADRILLION? - CP

"This Very Moment..."

“Hope is always about the future. And it isn’t always good news. Sometimes, hope can imprison us with belief or expectation that something will happen in the future to change our lives. Similarly hopelessness isn’t always about despair. Hopelessness can bring us right into this very moment and answer all of life’s most difficult questions. Who am I? Where am I? What does this mean? And what now?”
- Daniel Gottlieb


by Anniina Jokinen

“This site combines several sites first created in 1996 to provide a starting point for students and enthusiasts of English Literature. Nothing replaces a quality library, but hopefully this site will help fill the needs of those who have not access to one. Many works from Medieval, Renaissance, Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries can be found here.

The site started in early 1996. I remember looking for essays to spark an idea for a survey class I was taking at the time. It seemed that finding study materials online was prohibitively difficult and time-consuming - there was no all-encompassing site which could have assisted me in my search. I started the site as a public service, because I myself had to waste so much time as a student, trying to find anything useful or interesting. There were only a handful of sites back then (read: Internet Dark Ages) and I could spend hours on search engines, looking for just a few things. I realized I must not be the only one in the predicament and started a simple one-page site of links to Middle English Literature. That page was soon followed by a Renaissance site.

Gradually it became obvious that the number of resources was ungainly for such a simple design. It was then that the multi-page “Medlit” and “Renlit” pages were created, around July 1996. That structure is still the same today. In September 1996, I started creating the “Sevenlit” site, launched in November. I realized the need to somehow unite all three sites, and that led to the creation of Luminarium. I chose the name, which is Latin for “lantern,” because I wanted the site to be a beacon of light in the darkness. It was also befitting for a site containing authors considered “luminaries” of English literature.

I wanted the site to be a multimedia experience in the periods. I find it easier to visualize what I am reading when there is a small illustration or a tidbit about the background of the author or his work. The music and art of the period serve to complement one’s rational experience of the site with the emotional. There are people who write to me who seem to think that if something has a beautiful wrapping, it cannot possibly have scholarly insides. But I do not see why something scholarly cannot at the same time be attractive. It is that marriage of form and function, so celebrated during the Renaissance, for which my site strives.”
This is a unique source of endless wonder, a treasure, for those who
love the English language. You’ll spend many enjoyable hours here…
- CP

“The Web Gallery of Art”

“The Web Gallery of Art”

“The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism, Romanticism and Realism periods (1100-1850), currently containing over 52,800 reproductions. It was started in 1996 as a topical site of the Renaissance art, originated in the Italian city-states of the 14th century and spread to other countries in the 15th and 16th centuries. Intending to present Renaissance art as comprehensively as possible, the scope of the collection was later extended to show its Medieval roots as well as its evolution to Baroque and Rococo via Mannerism. More recently the periods of Neoclassicism and Romanticism were also included.

The collection has some of the characteristics of a virtual museum. The experience of the visitors is enhanced by guided tours helping to understand the artistic and historical relationship between different works and artists, by period music of choice in the background and a free postcard service. At the same time the collection serves the visitors’ need for a site where various information on art, artists and history can be found together with corresponding pictorial illustrations. Although not a conventional one, the collection is a searchable database supplemented by a glossary containing articles on art terms, relevant historical events, personages, cities, museums and churches.

The Web Gallery of Art is intended to be a free resource of art history primarily for students and teachers. It is a private initiative not related to any museums or art institutions, and not supported financially by any state or corporate sponsors. However, we do our utmost, using authentic literature and advice from professionals, to ensure the quality and authenticity of the content.

We are convinced that such a collection of digital reproductions, containing a balanced mixture of interlinked visual and textual information, can serve multiple purposes. On one hand it can simply be a source of artistic enjoyment; a convenient alternative to visiting a distant museum, or an incentive to do just that. On the other hand, it can serve as a tool for public education both in schools and at home.”

"Internet Sacred Text Archive"

“About Sacred Texts”

“All ancient books which have once been called sacred by man, will have their lasting place in the history of mankind, and those who possess the courage, the perseverance, and the self-denial of the true miner, and of the true scholar, will find even in the darkest and dustiest shafts what they are seeking for, - real nuggets of thought, and precious jewels of faith and hope.”
- Max Müller, "Introduction to the Upanishads" Vol. II.

“This site is a freely available archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, where possible, in the original language. This site has no particular agenda other than promoting religious tolerance and scholarship. Views expressed at this site are solely those of specific authors, and are not endorsed by sacred-texts. Sacred-texts is not sponsored by any religious group or organzation.

Sacred texts went live on March 9th, 1999. The traffic started to increase when sacred-texts was listed at Yahoo! under ‘Society and Religion|Texts’. In its first year of operation sacred-texts had about a quarter million hits. By 2004, it was receiving well over a quarter million hits per day.

Today, site traffic often exceeds a million hits a day. Sacred texts is one of the top 20,000 sites on the web based on site traffic, consistently one of the top 10,000 sites in Australia, the US and India, and is one of the top 5 most visited general religion sites (source:

The texts presented here are either original scans from books and articles clearly in the public domain, material which has been presented elsewhere on the Internet, or material included under fair use conditions in printed anthologies.

Many of the texts included here were originally posted in ftp archives or on bulletin boards before the growth of the World Wide Web and have been lost. In some cases, the texts were posted in such a form as to make them unusable by non-technically oriented users. Some of these texts were on the web at some point but have completely disappeared because the site they were posted on has closed. Thus the need for an archive which organizes this material in a persistent location.

From the start, we have had a special focus on remedying the under-representation of traditional cultures on the Internet. The site has one of the largest collections of transcriptions of complete books on Native American, Pacific, African, Asian and other traditional people’s religion, spiritual practices, mythology and folklore. While many of these pre-20th century books are flawed due to orientalist or colonialist biases, they are also eye-witness accounts by reliable observers, typically at the moment of contact. These texts are crucial to the study of tribal traditions, and in many cases, the only link with the past. Locked up in academic libraries for decades, sacred-texts has made them freely accessible anywhere in the world.

We have scanned hundreds of books which have all been made freely accessible to the world. A comprehensive bibliography of the texts scanned at sacred texts is available here.

We welcome email regarding typographical or factual errors in any file at sacred-texts. Please write us if you spot an error; include the URL and a few lines of context so we can pin down the location. While all due care has been taken in the reproduction of the texts here, none of the texts or translations here are represented to be sanctioned by any particular religious body or institution. We welcome advice as to errors of fact or transcription.

Some of the material here may be copyrighted. It is our hope that the copyright holders may allow these texts to be posted here in the public interest. If you are the copyright holder of record of a text which you believe has been archived at this site in error, please contact us at the email address listed at the bottom of this page. We have made a good-faith effort to determine the provenance of each text and apologize if we have posted a text in error. Note: If you are requesting the removal of a file, you must be the copyright holder of the file, and you must specify the exact URL of the file.”
Fascinating, an absolute treasure trove! Enjoy!

"All It Takes..."

“Not knowing you can’t do something
is sometimes all it takes to do it.”
- Ally Carter

"How It Really Is"


"Is The Red Horse Getting Ready To Ride In Ukraine?"

"Is The Red Horse Getting Ready To Ride In Ukraine?"
by Michael Snyder

"It has become exceedingly clear that there will be war in Ukraine. In fact, some would argue that the war has already begun. On Wednesday evening, widespread artillery bombardment of Donetsk and Luhansk started, and it hasn’t stopped since. It is being called “the most intense artillery bombardment for years”, and it should be making front page headlines all over the globe. According to one diplomatic source, “everyone and everything” is being targeted…

A diplomatic source with years of experience of the conflict described Friday’s shelling in east Ukraine as the most intense since major combat there ended with a 2015 ceasefire. “They are shooting – everyone and everything,” said the source.

It is also being reported that mobile phone service is down throughout Donetsk and Luhansk. Needless to say, a communications disruption often occurs just before an invasion.

Of course all of this is happening as accusations of “false flag attacks” continue to fly back and forth. When the vehicle of a top separatist leader exploded in Donetsk, western media sources immediately labeled it as a “false flag operation” by the Russians, while the Russians immediately blamed pro-Ukrainian forces… "An explosion has rocked the pro-Russian separatist capital Donetsk in eastern Ukraine in what appears to be the start of Putin’s long-awaited false flag operation. A Russian invasion of the country is expected to follow."

Russian media claim the explosion was a car bomb which was intended to assassinate a top Russian separatist official – who was unhurt – and it came hours after Putin’s allies in the breakaway regions announced they would evacuate 700,000 civilians over fears of an attack by Kiev.

And just a day after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that the Russians could launch a “false flag” attack using chemical weapons, the Russians were claiming that an attack on chlorine tanks was foiled by separatist forces… "Earlier in the day, rebel forces claimed to have thwarted a ‘sabotage’ attack earlier in the day by Ukrainian forces, including Polish nationals, on chlorine tanks. The US had warned just the day before that rebels might stage a faked chemical weapons attack."

It certainly appears that somebody out there is trying really hard to create a pretext for war.

As the shelling continues hour after hour, leaders in Donetsk and Luhansk have decided to evacuate large numbers of their own citizens to Russia… "Ukrainian forces and the pro-Russian separatists they’re fighting in the country’s east reported a second day of increased shelling on Friday, as the leaders of the rebels’ self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics accused the Ukrainian government of planning an imminent attack. The rebel administrations in the two breakaway regions announced plans to evacuate thousands of civilians into neighboring Russia." In fact, Donetsk alone plans to evacuate up to 700,000 civilians to Russian territory. The only reason why you would do such a thing is if you believe that a full-scale war is imminent.

And we have also just learned that Vladimir Putin has decided to call up his military reserves…" Putin signed a decree to mobilize his reserve last night as more than half his army is committed to Ukraine and the west has warned thousands will die if he unleashes a planned bloodbath."

This is beyond serious. War is in the air, and the Wall Street Journal is reporting that U.S. officials expect a Russian invasion “in the next few days”… "U.S. officials say they expect a Russian attack on Ukraine in the next few days that could involve a broad combination of jet fighters, tanks, ballistic missiles and cyberattacks, with the ultimate intention of rendering the country’s leadership powerless. These officials said prospects for averting war now appear very dim, while adding that the Biden administration will continue to try to keep open the window for diplomacy."

Needless to say, other such predictions by U.S. officials have not exactly been accurate… “However, US officials caution they do not know if Putin has made a final decision to invade and note he may delay action or not order it at all,” CNN notes. And importantly, “Earlier assessments forecasting military action by Russia this week did not bear out.”

But what we do know is that Donetsk and Luhansk are being relentlessly pummeled by Ukrainian forces right now. Just a little while ago, we learned that there has been “a massive gas pipeline explosion” near the city of Luhansk itself… "In the overnight hours local time a massive gas pipeline explosion is being reported, with a fire raging at the site. Early unconfirmed reports suggest the powerful explosion rocked a part of the pipeline in the pro-Russian separatist region, in or near the city of Luhansk."

And there are numerous reports that Ukrainian ground forces have now engaged separatist ground forces at various points along the front. If the Ukrainians begin taking large chunks of territory from the separatists, I think that the Russians are going to feel compelled to act. And once the Russians intervene, Joe Biden and other western leaders will finally have the “Russian invasion” that they have been relentlessly warning us about.

On Friday, Biden insisted that the Russians are about to make a major move… "In a televised speech today, Biden said: “We have reason to believe the Russian forces are planning to and intend to attack Ukraine in the coming week, in the coming days."

Joe Biden sure seems quite confident that war is coming. Of course Biden is not exactly all there mentally or physically these days. It takes a strong president to keep the national security apparatus and the military industrial complex at bay. And Biden is definitely not a strong president.

Now our warmongers are about to get what they want, and soon we will cross a line that will make it impossible to have peace with Russia. We do not want to be in a perpetual state of war with Russia, because it will likely end in the sort of horrifying conflict that I have been warning about for years. But most Americans do not understand what is at stake. Most Americans just assume that our leaders are competent and that everything will work out okay somehow. Sadly, everything is not going to be okay, and our world is about to be plunged into a nightmarish conflict that will not have any winners."
Related, highly recommended:

"New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart – Martin Armstrong"

"New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart
 – Martin Armstrong"
By Greg Hunter’s

"Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity is falling apart, and the globalists are becoming increasingly “desperate.” Armstrong explains, “They are basically desperate at this stage. I don’t think they anticipated the amount of resistance that they are getting. It’s not just with the truckers in Canada, but this is starting everywhere. There has been an awful lot of resistance consistently that the press does not cover in virtually every city throughout Europe.

They never step out and talk to the people because we are too stupid to actually have an opinion. They know better. This is what Klause Schwab (top globalist at the World Economic Forum) does. He is far more sophisticated than people realize. He has methodically gone out and created his young global leaders. He is basically sticking people in government positions that are loyal to him. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is one of them. They think communism is a step up, and the last time this was attempted, it led to the death of 200 million people. 

This is absurd. You are not allowed to think freely. That’s what communism really is. You don’t realize this whole thing we are going through right now is the same thing. This is cancel culture. Someone said something I don’t like, and that was 20 years ago, so cancel them. This is exactly what took place in communism. You are destroying the right to speak freely.”

The so-called “Great Reset” is all about control and tyranny. Armstrong says, “Just look at Canada. Trudeau is one of Klaus Schwab’s young global leaders. The worst countries have leaders that have graduated from his school. Make everybody comply, and if they don’t, crush them to the ground.”

The only good news is, according to Armstrong and his “Socrates” computer analysis, this is “not going to work out well for the globalists pushing communism.” Armstrong says, “With Karl Marx, at the time, people owned nothing. Schwab is saying, ‘You will own nothing and you will be happy.’ This is absurd because what you are doing is creating a fake image. Schwab is saying I am going to relieve you of all your debt. That is a front because the government has gone to the point of no return. What you have to understand here is it is really the government that has to default. What I have said is, look, governments are going to have to default because this is no longer sustainable.”

Armstrong predicted last year, “The financial system has come to an end.” Armstrong says you can expect much higher inflation and much higher interest rates by the end of 2022.

Armstrong also talks in detail about the following subjects: Russia, Ukraine, the push for war, a cycle of mass human die-off just getting started, along with gold, silver, and what the common man needs to stock up on and a lot more. (There is much more in the 1 hour and 8-minute interview.)"

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, author of “Manipulating the World Economy,” which has 70 fresh new pages in the 5th edition of this very popular book.

"The Test..."

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald

"We Can Only Choose..."

"Our world is not safe. It is a toxic swamp populated by predators and parasites. The odds are stacked against us from the moment of conception. We survive only because we fight the elements, hunger, disease, each other. And, although civilization promises us safe harbor, that promise is a fairy tale. Only the storm is real. It comes for each of us. And we cannot win. We can only choose how we will suffer our defeat. We can meekly take our beatings, and die like lemmings, finding solace in the belief that we shall one day inherit the earth. Or, we can plunge into the chaos with eyes wide open, taking comfort instead from the bruises, scars, and broken bones which prove that we fought to live and die as gods."
 - J.K. Franko, "Life for Life"
"The worst part is wondering how you'll find the strength tomorrow to go on doing what you did today and have been doing for much too long, where you'll find the strength for all that stupid running around, those projects that come to nothing, those attempts to escape from crushing necessity, which always founder and serve only to convince you one more time that destiny is implacable, that every night will find you down and out, crushed by the dread of more and more sordid and insecure tomorrows. And maybe it's treacherous old age coming on, threatening the worst. Not much music left inside us for life to dance to. Our youth has gone to the ends of the earth to die in the silence of the truth. And where, I ask you, can a man escape to, when he hasn't enough madness left inside him? The truth is an endless death agony. The truth is death. You have to choose: death or lies. I've never been able to kill myself."
- Louis-Ferdinand Celineo
"In the movie 'The Lion in Winter', when the sons, in the dungeon, think they hear Henry coming down the stairs to kill them:
Richard: "He's here! He'll get no satisfaction out of us! Don't let him see you beg! Take it like a man!"
Geoffrey: "You chivalric fool! As if the way one falls down matters!"
Richard:  "Well, when the fall is all that's left, it matters a great deal." 

"Mass Psychosis - How An Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill"

Full screen recommended.
"Mass Psychosis -
How An Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill"
by After Skool

"In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century. This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?"

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Through the Rainbow"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "Through the Rainbow"


"A Look to the Heavens"

"Some spiral galaxies are seen nearly sideways. Most bright stars in spiral galaxies swirl around the center in a disk, and seen from the side, this disk can appear quite thin. Some spiral galaxies appear even thinner than NGC 3717, which is actually seen tilted just a bit. Spiral galaxies form disks because the original gas collided with itself and cooled as it fell inward. Planets may orbit in disks for similar reasons.
The featured image by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a light-colored central bulge composed of older stars beyond filaments of orbiting dark brown dust. NGC 3717 spans about 100,000 light years and lies about 60 million light years away toward the constellation of the Water Snake (Hydra)."

Chet Raymo, “Strange”

by Chet Raymo

“In a review in the “New York Times” Book Review, Daniel Handler writes: “And strange? Well, let’s get this straight: All great books are strange. Every lasting work of literature since the very weird “Beowulf” has been strange, not only because it grapples with the strangeness around us, but also because the effect of originality is startling, making even the oldest books feel like brand new stories.”

Strange: Out-of-the-ordinary, unusual, curious. “The strangeness around us,” says Handler. There is a paradox here. What could be less strange than the world around us? It is the same world that was here yesterday, and the day before that. More to the point: It is a world ruled by law. Inviolable causal bonds. That’s what makes science possible.

And yet, and yet. I walk wary. Strangeness lurks on ever side. Strangeness leaps out of every pebble in the path, every wildflower, every spider web flung between weedy stalks. In the midst of the utterly ordinary the extraordinary abounds. Nothing is so commonplace as to be common. The strangeness of the world, as in literature, has its source in the head, in the convoluted interaction of mind with world. Strange, that we should be here, strangers in a strange land, pilgrims on our own yellow brick roads where nothing is ordinary because everything is perceived through the filter of a unique consciousness.

And strange? Well, let’s get this straight. I hope never to lose the capacity to see the strangeness in the familiar, the curious in the everyday, the exception in the unexceptional. 
“I do not expect a miracle, 
or an accident, 
to set the sight on fire...” 

wrote Silvia Plath. Just being here is enough. Just being here is surpassing strange.”

The Poet: Robert Bly, "Things to Think"

"Things to Think"

"Think in ways you've never thought before.
If the phone rings, think of it as carrying a message
Larger than anything you've ever heard,
Vaster than a hundred lines of Yeats.

Think that someone may bring a bear to your door,
Maybe wounded and deranged; or think that a moose
Has risen out of the lake, and he's carrying on his antlers
A child of your own whom you've never seen.

When someone knocks on the door,
Think that he's about
To give you something large: tell you you're forgiven,
Or that it's not necessary to work all the time,
Or that it's been decided that if you lie down no one will die."

- Robert Bly, “Morning Poems”

"The Chief Obstacle..."

"The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race."
- Don Marquis

"The Winter Of Our Discontent: Hubris Is Ascendent"

"The Winter Of Our Discontent: Hubris Is Ascendent"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"We're constantly assured everything's on the mend but this trying-too-hard marketing has the opposite effect: it confirms everything's unraveling. We're told inflation is transitory (you mean like terminal cancer is "transitory"?), the economy is opening up and growing smartly.

None of this is remotely persuasive. OK, we get it: the pandemic shutdown crushed supply chains and demand, and then trillions of dollars, yen, yuan and euros of monetary and fiscal stimulus boosted pent-up demand which then snarled creaky supply chains. Inflation is transitory because the effects of this massive stimulus is temporary and the global supply snarls will all be unkinked shortly.

But this happy story only accounts for a thin wafer of global supply issues. Yes, a few items may be restored to low-cost production and shipping, but all this rah-rah ignores the primary dynamics: all the cheap, easy-to-get resources have been extracted and consumed, and labor costs, crushed for the past 45 years, have reversed: after being stripmined by capital for the past 45 years, labor is now demanding some modest restoration of decades of diminished purchasing power, not just in the U.S. but in China and other production nodes in global supply chains.

Capital's screams of agony are laughable, as the top tier of capital has added trillions in wealth at the expense of the bottom 99.5%. The wealth of the few has metastasized into hyper-wealth - $100 million yachts and villas barely scratch the surface of the billions gained by gaming financialization and the Federal Reserve's financial fentanyl.

Although nobody benefiting from the Fed's financial fentanyl seems to have noticed, hyper-wealth has extinguished democracy and destabilized the economy and society. With trillions gushing into the wealthiest families and corporate insiders, "democracy" has been reduced to an invitation-only auction of political favors.

If you didn't get your desired favors, then increase your bid. Big Pharma, the "defense" (heh) industry, Higher Education, Big Ag, Big Tech, et al. are all willing to pony up millions in bribes--oops, I mean "donations" -  to multi-millionaire politicos profiting from insider trading (cough, Pelosi, cough). Revolving doors ensure the right people get fat speaking fees, cushy do-nothing slots in philanthro-capitalist foundations, etc.

The decay caused by hyper-wealth is systemic: the moral decay of a thoroughly corrupted "leadership," a sham facade of "democracy" (vote for whomever you want, the ownership of power doesn't change), an economy dominated by profiteering cartels and quasi-monopolies, a class system in which privilege is hidden in plain sight, a society of haves who have broken the rungs of the social-mobility ladder, leaving the have-nots unaffordable housing, unaffordable higher education, unaffordable healthcare, unaffordable childcare, etc., all to be paid out of wages that have lost purchasing power for decades and continue to lose ground as "transitory" inflation is embedded in essentials and fripperies alike.

Meanwhile, back in the wintry real world, everyone facing a dime in higher costs is jacking up their price by a dollar. "Inflation" is a handy cover for jacking up prices just to see how much the panic-hoarding, desperate consumer will pay: hmm, a used truck costs more than a new truck cost two years ago? I'll take it! A mattress-in-a-box has doubled in price? I'll take it! A fast-food burger is now 50% more? Give me four, and charge it to my credit card.

Oh, but wait - everything is being fixed by speculative bubbles that enrich everyone who bought assets long ago. That's obviously a solution that benefits everyone, right? So the newly enriched can buy overvalued assets from other newly enriched, all funded by the Fed's financial fentanyl.

Yes, it's time to distribute victorious wreaths to the purveyors and profiteers of financial fentanyl. Hubris is ascendent just before the fall."

"Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures."

“Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent”

"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;
And now, instead of mounting barbed steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.
But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks,
Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass;
I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;
I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deformed, unfinish'd, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity:
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams,
To set my brother Clarence and the king
In deadly hate the one against the other:
And if King Edward be as true and just
As I am subtle, false and treacherous,
This day should Clarence closely be mew'd up,
About a prophecy, which says that 'G'
Of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be.
Dive, thoughts, down to my soul: here
Clarence comes."

- William Shakespeare, "Richard III"

The Daily "Near You?"

West Friendship, Maryland, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"It Becomes Sad..."

"Why does truth carry such a dreadful face? Why does subjugation carry
such a happy mask? It becomes sad when people understand that they
can lead a better life as long as they bow their heads, ignoring the truth."
- Lionel Suggs

"Worldwide Economic Chaos - There is Still Time to Prepare Now"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, PM 2/19/22:
"Worldwide Economic Chaos - 
There is Still Time to Prepare Now"
"It is time to prepare now for the worldwide Economic chaos. There are all the signs that trouble is coming. Get money and food ready while you can."

"Do You Believe..."

“Do you believe,’ said Candide, ‘that men have always massacred each other as they do today, that they have always been liars, cheats, traitors, ingrates, brigands, idiots, thieves, scoundrels, gluttons, drunkards, misers, envious, ambitious, bloody-minded, calumniators, debauchees, fanatics, hypocrites, and fools?"
“Do you believe,” said Martin, “that hawks have always eaten pigeons when they have found them?”
- Voltaire

"Trampling the Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes the Great Awakening"

"Trampling the Truckers –
 The Great Reset Becomes the Great Awakening"
by Tom Luongo

"There are few words to describe the depth of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s depravity. I’m not going to even try. This is a person, because no real man would ever govern like him, so thoroughly ill-prepared for its job it doesn’t even know how to properly read from the prepared script. 

It was all fun and games making Trudeau/Hitler memes until yesterday when Trudeau’s enforcers on horseback trampled an old woman. Because a man with any sense of decency does not send men on horseback into a crowd. The only thing worse than are the people commenting on this saying some variation of ‘well, she deserved it.’

Yes, she could have gone home.
Yes, she could have gotten the clot-shot.
Yes, she could have just complied with whatever Justin Trudeau told her what her morality was.

But Trudeau could have chosen differently as well. As opposed to acting like a scared little boy worried about facing public ridicule, he could have sacked up and met with the protestors. Instead, he did what all boy-emperors have ever done, he chose violence and intimidation.

Those who blame the victims are worse than Justin Trudeau. They will never admit it, even to themselves, but their belief in the state as moral arbiter is shaken to its foundation when things like this happen. So they bluster about playing stupid games, win stupid prizes. Empathy? Who needs that in Davos’ Brave New World. Those against the protests have their reasons, none of them, however, are morally justified. Because if you allow the state, an immoral construction at its core, to define your morality, you will forever hving to justify tyranny to remain on the side of the angels.

Blaming the victim is the easiest thing to do. How many rapists have claimed “she had it coming?” How many abusers every day blame the people they abuse because they are too ashamed to admit they are in the wrong?

We Are All Unclean Now: The part of the Great Reset pertaining to COVID-19 was always about amplifying the divisions between people. To create a new religion around it. Its sacrament is the vaccine. Its Lord’s prayer is demonizing ivermectin and trusting the science. Its vestment is the mask. Its “amen,” is “in the name of public health.”

It has led to such dehumanizing that those who do not comply with the high priests now deserve their fate. Mario Draghi in Italy declared the unvaccinated to no longer be a part of Italian society.

"Are they going to have to sew a yellow 
syringe onto their clothes now?"
- Tom Luongo (Mr. Ungovernable) (@TFL1728) February 16, 2022

And, in a way, sadly, Trudeau’s supporters are correct. One always has the choice to accept the abuse if the alternative is death. That woman didn’t go to Parliament Square with that choice in mind because, she, sadly, still believed in the religion of the State as a subordinate partner with the people in shaping society. Those final illusions were trampled fully in the eyes of millions around the world.

Politically, there is no going back for Justin Trudeau. He, along with his supporters, will hide behind their ‘cope’ and refuse to accept the responsibility for their actions. The Ottawa police are doing the same thing, putting out disinformation about trying to trip the horses and harm the policemen. At this point those still on the job in Ottawa made a choice as well, to side with tyrants and embrace their own inner one. Many of them will enjoy finally getting to mete out the violence that festers in their souls, after all, it’s why many of them became cops in the first place. Those who still have their humanity are now deciding whether to go along or walk away. If they go along they will lose what’s left of their humanity just like men did during World War II. And their true face has been revealed.

No Zeal for More Tyranny: Now, as bad as things are in Canada, In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, tried to follow Trudeau’s script to quell protests in Wellington. And from all reports there, her efforts have failed completely. She convened a meeting of essentially the national security council on Thursday. We have no solid reports of what went down. Therefore, the silence about the outcome of that meeting speaks volumes. The military weren’t willing to get involved, just like what happened to Trudeau in Canada.

Moreover, New Zealand’s police commissioner Andrew Coster came out with a public statement saying negotiation was the path forward, something Arden has rejected out of hand, just like Trudeau, both reading from Davos’ script. Coster said negotiations and de-escalation were the only safe ways to resolve the protest and he would continue to talk to the protesters. Police say there are about 800 protesters but numbers could rise over the weekend. Coster said any forceful police action would risk injuries to the public and could turn a largely peaceful protest violent, and could increase the number of protesters.

Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly tried to hold the line against Trudeau’s megalomania earlier this week. That resulted in him resigning, presumably because he wouldn’t give the order to roust up the protestors and beat heads, and a more pliant enforcer put in his place. The result is what we’re witnessing now in Ottawa.

Look at the police drag this guy between the trucks so an officer can knee him as as hard as he can. None of the other cops seem to care about his behavior as he quickly checks to see if any Canadian saw him:
- bu/ac (@buperac) February 19, 2022

The casual obscenity in this clip is the newscasters’ commentary about police restoring order. The reality is that Ardern and Trudeau are both hanging on by a thread because public opinion already turned against them. The only thing propping Trudeau up at this point is the shock at the speed he has escalated events. That shock will wear off very soon. If parliament doesn’t act to limit/censure or simply get rid of this guy, Canadians will have a much bigger problem on their hands. Too many Canadians are still asking, “Is this Canada?” When they should be stating, “This is not Canada.” Stop asking for permission to feel outraged and feel the outrage.

In New Zealand, the veil of authority for Arden is thinner thanks to Trudeau’s mistakes in Ottawa. No doubt they are seeing the same things we are and want no part of it. The knives will come out for Ardern quickly if she doesn’t back down. I say all the time, spooks start civil wars, militaries end them. In Canada, the civil war there is just beginning. What we’ve not seen in New Zealand means it’s likely over before anyone even realized they were in one.

The Great Reset rests on tyrants like Justin Trudeau to win through fear, intimidation and the banal corruption of weak people to support them. With each image of peaceful people being trampled under the bootheel of Canadian stormtroopers, more people awaken from the slumber of the comfortable lie the government protects us from chaos.

That’s what the State is folks, violence. Always has been. This is why Klaus Schwab and his minions like Trudeau, Ardern and others will fail. There is no law these people recognize. There is no restraint on their behavior they feel is justified for their holy cause. The sooner we accept that, like many of the truckers who organized this protest, the sooner we can all begin bridging the divide. I’ll leave the last word for Viva Frei.

"I have spent 12 days live streaming from Ottawa.
 I did not see one shred of violence until the police showed up."
- Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) February 18, 2022

- Thomas Jefferson

"How It Really Is"


"Banks Prepare For Cyberattacks; Your Money Is At Risk; Stocks Will Crash"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 2/19/22:
"Banks Prepare For Cyberattacks; 
Your Money Is At Risk; Stocks Will Crash"

Live: Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa, Canada, Day 23

Live: Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa, Canada, Day 23
Full screen recommended.
Complete Totalitarianism

"You Lost $500,000!"

"You Lost $500,000!"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"The happy story that's been ceaselessly promoted for 45 years is that financialization and globalization have been wunnerful for all of us, boosting wealth and saving a small fortune as the cost of products fell. This is a remarkable distortion of reality. The fact is your household lost $500,000 in earnings and gained essentially nothing in supposed "cost savings." You might want to read that again.

The facts are presented in a study by the RAND Corporation: "Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018." It reveals that $50 trillion in earnings has been transferred to the Financial Aristocracy from the bottom 90% of American households over the past 45 years.

B-b-but wait, didn't we all save a fortune on cheap jeans and TVs? No, you lost on that, too, as every product was junkified by globalization (more on that in a minute). Let's start by defining financialization and globalization. Financialization is the reaping of profits not by creating value by producing goods and services but by exploiting credit and leverage to reap unearned profits.

Financial Gimmicks: Here are two examples. Borrow $1 billion and then use this to do a leveraged buyout (LBO) of a $10 billion company. Break the company's divisions into separate companies and sell them off or take them public via an IPO (initial public offering). Make $10 billion in pure profit from breaking up a company and selling its pieces, all from $1 billion in borrowed money. Note that this LBO didn't generate any gains in productivity or any new goods and services, nor did it create any new jobs. All it did was greatly enrich a few financiers and Wall Street banks.

Here's another example. Borrow $1 billion and use the money to buy back the shares of the corporation. The market value of the company's shares rise from $10 billion to $15 billion. The top management exercises its immense hoard of stock options and skims billions of dollars in profits. Note also that this stock buyback didn't generate any gains in productivity or any new goods and services, nor did it create any new jobs. All it did was greatly enrich a few at the top of the heap.

This is the financialization of the U.S. economy in a nutshell. Financial games using other people's money and leverage make the big money. Producing goods and services that create jobs is for losers.

Globalization: Globalization is the process of moving production of goods and services overseas to reap the gains of cheap labor, no environmental standards, corrupt politicians and the junkification of goods and services. Globalization is the process of exposing much of America's labor force to one billion new workers who will work for next to nothing since they have no other means of earning cash.

Developing nations have limited means to enforce environmental regulations, so they are the convenient and cheap dumping grounds for global corporations maximizing profits by dumping toxic waste in landfills, rivers, etc. Should there be any spot of bother, comparatively low-cost bribes and payoffs to corrupt leaders insure the labor and land will continue to be exploited without any problems with labor unions, environmental standards, etc.

Globalization also means making the product look nice but strip out all quality as needless expense. Thin the paint so the steel rusts out in months, use the shoddiest materials so the veneer peels off, the screws snap, the commodity chip fails, taking the motherboard and entire appliance down with it, and so on, in an endless and oh-so-profitable parade of junkification. Well-paid shills tally up all the "savings" generated by junkification but they never look at the immense losses in utility and durability.

The Costs of Junkification:  An appliance that cost $500 and lasted 20 years without any repair is far less expensive over the 20 year lifespan than a $400 appliance that fails in 4 years and can't be repaired, or the repair costs almost as much as a new appliance. The hapless consumer of junkified goods ends up paying $2,500 over the 20 years for poorly made junk that falls apart in a few years or mysteriously fails as cheap electronic components blink off.

In other words, I was being extremely charitable in granting $137.13 gains to each household in 45 years of globalization. In reality, each household lost thousands of dollars in utility and durability. No wealthy financier funds research into how much each American household lost in utility and durability because the financiers who fund their philanthro-capitalist foundations all made their fortunes by stripmining financialization and/or junkifying goods and services and establishing monopolies and cartels to exterminate any competition. (Cough, Gates Foundation, cough.)

The well-paid shills tout the $100 savings but ignore the $2,000 in costs added by the collapse of quality and durability. Who makes out when consumers have to buy five appliances over 20 years instead of one? The shareholders of the financialized, globalized corporation, that's who. And since the top 10% of households own roughly 90% of all corporate shares and bonds (and the top 0.1% own 40%), the gains are highly concentrated in the top.

$500,000 of Lost Household Income: If the labor force had retained its 1975 share of the economy's income, each household would have $500,000 more in income than they ended up with in the fully financialized, globalized, junkified economy we're stuck with.

Let's do the math: $50 trillion divided by 100 million households (the bottom 90% of households) is $500,000. Divide $500,000 by 45 years and that's $11,110 a year for 45 years. We can quibble about inflation and purchasing power and so on, but however you reckon it, $500,000 stripped from every household is a lot of money when we're talking about 100 million households.

Next time you're on hold with a junkified Corporate America or government service, and the next time your globalized, junkified device fails, ponder all the costs of financialization and globalization that have yet to be tallied.

Ponder what a clawback of the $50 trillion might entail, and the immense benefits of returning to producing quality goods and services by completely unwinding financialization and globalization. We could completely unwind financialization and globalization if we chose to. I explain how in my new book "Global Crisis, National Renewal: A (Revolutionary) Grand Strategy for the United States."
"Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/18/22"
By Greg Hunter’s

"The Biden/Obama Administration wants more people to be jabbed with a worthless CV19 vax. That was revealed by a Project Veritas hidden camera sting on top FDA official Christopher Cole. Cole admitted that the injections were “a recurring fountain of revenue.” So, it’s not about helping to cure people or science. It’s all about making money, forcing and coercing dangerous crap on the public while enriching drug companies and government hacks. Thanks, Project Veritas, once again.

It’s official, complements of the Durham investigation. The Trump Campaign was spied on just like President Trump has long charged. Hillary, the CIA, FBI, DOJ and many others were involved. This makes the Watergate Break-in look like a squirt gun fight. Leslie Stahl mocked President Trump in a 60 Minutes interview just before the 2020 election. Stahl, her producers and top management at CBS should all be fired for being a propaganda mouthpiece for the Deep State CCP backed Democrat Party. Stahl is a fool and is now in hiding for her awful work. Trump gets the last laugh on the hack Stahl. For a real laugh, listen to the actual audio of the Stahl/Trump exchange about the spying lip-synced by comedian Rachele Maria.

As Rob Kirby recently said, all the global problems are tied to unpayable debt and massive money creation. The Canadian truckers are at the tip of the spear for freedom. There is much more than vax mandates at stake as Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò lays it all out in a 6:50 video. This is Freedom against the New World Order or good vs. evil.

The Fed is trapped. It can do two things and only two. It can keep it all going, print money and embrace the growing inflation or it can raise interest rates, stop the money printing and crash the economy and all the markets. In an election year with a failing Democrat Administration, what do you think they will do? History is the key. Greg Hunter will explain as he goes back to 1979."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/18/22: