Thursday, January 6, 2022

Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, “Gira Con Me Questa Notte”

Josh Groban, “Gira Con Me Questa Notte”

English Lyrics:
"Turn With Me Tonight"

"The world turns with me tonight.
Small steps that I make with you.
I follow your heart, and I follow the moon
So hidden far from me.

The world turns with us tonight,
Ah, if only far from here there existed
A place where to discover my heart,
To know if it can love you or not.

And it will turn, and it will turn,
My heart together with you,
And the earth will turn,
And my life will turn,
And one day, yes, it will understand.

It's you who turns with me tonight,
It's you who turns far from here.
But I know that you are my moon,
Something you show, something you don't.

There are blue streets in the sky
There are eyes, and the sky is already there
Yes, I believe they are the stars
Ah, if I could stop myself like this.

And it will turn, and it will turn,
My heart together with you.
And the earth will turn,
And my life will turn,
And one day, yes, it will understand.

Heart already far away,
Yes, you are the moon,
If only I could discover it in the sky.

And it will turn, and it will turn,
Yes it will turn, this heart of mine.
And the earth will turn,
And my life will turn,
And one day, yes, it will understand.
And one day, yes, it will understand you.”

"A Look to the Heavens"

 "These are galaxies of the Hercules Cluster, an archipelago of island universes a mere 500 million light-years away. Also known as Abell 2151, this cluster is loaded with gas and dust rich, star-forming spiral galaxies but has relatively few elliptical galaxies, which lack gas and dust and the associated newborn stars. The colors in this remarkably deep composite image clearly show the star forming galaxies with a blue tint and galaxies with older stellar populations with a yellowish cast. 

The sharp picture spans about 3/4 degree across the cluster center, corresponding to over 6 million light-years at the cluster's estimated distance. Diffraction spikes around brighter foreground stars in our own Milky Way galaxy are produced by the imaging telescope's mirror support vanes. In the cosmic vista many galaxies seem to be colliding or merging while others seem distorted - clear evidence that cluster galaxies commonly interact. In fact, the Hercules Cluster itself may be seen as the result of ongoing mergers of smaller galaxy clusters and is thought to be similar to young galaxy clusters in the much more distant, early Universe.”

“The Descent Of Man”

“The Descent Of Man”
Has Human intelligence been on an intellectual and
emotional decline since its peak thousands of years ago?
by Steve Connor

"Is the human species doomed to intellectual decline? Will our intelligence ebb away in centuries to come leaving our descendants incapable of using the technology their ancestors invented? In short: will Homo be left without his sapiens? This is the controversial hypothesis of a leading geneticist who believes that the immense capacity of the human brain to learn new tricks is under attack from an array of genetic mutations that have accumulated since people started living in cities a few thousand years ago.

Professor Gerald Crabtree, who heads a genetics laboratory at Stanford University in California, has put forward the iconoclastic idea that rather than getting cleverer, human intelligence peaked several thousand years ago and from then on there has been a slow decline in our intellectual and emotional abilities.

Although we are now surrounded by the technological and medical benefits of a scientific revolution, these have masked an underlying decline in brain power which is set to continue into the future leading to the ultimate dumbing-down of the human species, Professor Crabtree said. His argument is based on the fact that for more than 99 per cent of human evolutionary history, we have lived as hunter-gatherer communities surviving on our wits, leading to big-brained humans. Since the invention of agriculture and cities, however, natural selection on our intellect has effective stopped and mutations have accumulated in the critical "intelligence" genes.

"I would wager that if an average citizen from Athens of 1000BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions, with a good memory, a broad range of ideas and a clear-sighted view of important issues," Professor Crabtree said in a provocative paper published in the journal "Trends in Genetics". "Furthermore, I would guess that he or she would be among the most emotionally stable of our friends and colleagues. I would also make this wager for the ancient inhabitants of Africa, Asia, India or the Americas, of perhaps 2,000 to 6,000 years ago," Professor Crabtree says. "The basis for my wager comes from new developments in genetics, anthropology, and neurobiology that make a clear prediction that our intellectual and emotional abilities are genetically surprisingly fragile," he says.

A comparison of the genomes of parents and children has revealed that on average there are between 25 and 65 new mutations occurring in the DNA of each generation. Professor Crabtree says that this analysis predicts about 5,000 new mutations in the past 120 generations, which covers a span of about 3,000 years. Some of these mutations, he suggests, will occur within the 2,000 to 5,000 genes that are involved in human intellectual ability, for instance by building and mapping the billions of nerve cells of the brain or producing the dozens of chemical neurotransmitters that control the junctions between these brain cells.

Life as a hunter-gatherer was probably more intellectually demanding than widely supposed, he says. "A hunter-gatherer who did not correctly conceive a solution to providing food or shelter probably died, along with his or her progeny, whereas a modern Wall Street executive that made a similar conceptual mistake would receive a substantial bonus and be a more attractive mate," Professor Crabtree says.

However, other scientists remain skeptical. "At first sight this is a classic case of Arts Faculty science. Never mind the hypothesis, give me the data, and there aren't any," said Professor Steve Jones, a geneticist at University College London. "I could just as well argue that mutations have reduced our aggression, our depression and our penis length but no journal would publish that. Why do they publish this?" Professor Jones said. "I am an advocate of Gradgrind science - facts, facts and more facts; but we need ideas too, and this is an ideas paper although I have no idea how the idea could be tested," he said.
The Descent of Man:
• Hunter-gatherer man: The human brain and its immense capacity for knowledge evolved during this long period of prehistory when we battled against the elements
• Athenian man: The invention of agriculture less than 10,000 years ago and the subsequent rise of cities such as Athens relaxed the intensive natural selection of our "intelligence genes".
• Couch-potato man: As genetic mutations increase over future generations, are we doomed to watching soap-opera repeats without knowing how to use the TV remote control?
• iPad man: The fruits of science and technology enabled humans to rise above the constraints of nature and cushioned our fragile intellect from genetic mutations."

"The Extra Ounce..."

"Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can
reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the
extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even."
- Muhammad Ali

"Tell Yourself..."

“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”
- Louise Erdrich

The Daily "Near You?"

Camberwell, Southwark, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by!

"Economic Market Snapshot 1/6/22"

"Economic Market Snapshot 1/6/22"
Updated as available.
"The more I see of the moneyed classes, 
the more I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw

MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates
CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
Latest Market Analysis, Updated 1/6/22
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
Jan 6th to 7th 2022
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts

Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...

"Reality Avoidance"

"Reality Avoidance"
by Morris Berman

"It’s quite amazing how the news is endlessly about nonsense. Filler, is what I call it. Very little of this has anything to do with reality, which the Mainstream Media and the American people avoid like the plague. What then is real?

1. The empire is in decline; every day, life here gets a little bit worse; all our institutions are corrupt to varying degrees; and there is no turning this situation around.

2. A crucial factor in this decline and irreversibility is the low level of intelligence of the American people. Americans are not only dumb; they are positively antagonistic toward the life of the mind.

3. Relations of power and money determine practically everything. The 3 wealthiest Americans own as much as the bottom 50% of the population, and this tendency will get worse over time.

4. The value system of the country, and its citizens, is fundamentally wrong-headed. It amounts to little more than hustling, selfishness, narcissism, and a blatant disregard for anyone but oneself. There is a kind of cruelty, or violence, deep in the American soul; many foreign observers and writers have commented on this. Americans are bitter, depressed, and angry, and the country offers very little by way of community or empathy.

5. Along with this is the support of meaningless wars and imperial adventures on the part of most of the population. That we drone-murder unarmed civilians on a weekly basis is barely on the radar screen of the American mind. In essence, the nation has evolved into a genocidal war machine run by a plutocracy and cheered on by mindless millions.

Most Americans hide from these depressing, even horrific, realities by what passes for ‘the news’, but also by means of alcohol, opioids, TV, cellphones, suicide, prescription drugs, workaholism, and spectator sports, to name but a few. This stuffing of the Void is probably our primary activity. In a word, we are eating ourselves alive, and only a tiny fraction of the population recognizes this."

"The Economy/Market Look 'Healthy' Until They Have A Seizure & Collapse"

"The Economy/Market Look 'Healthy' 
Until They Have A Seizure & Collapse"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"Some readers occasionally make the point that I've been predicting a market crash for ten years and been dead-wrong for ten years. I'm all for mocking presumptuous pundits of either the tin-foil hat or mainstream variety, but that's not quite what I've been saying for 13 long, tedious years.

What I've been saying is that living on junk food and sugar-cocaine speedballs isn't "health" just because a handful of pills has dropped cholesterol readings to "healthy" levels. If we define "health" by a metric that is easily manipulated, then the illusion of "health" can be maintained right up until the supposedly "healthy" individual has a seizure and drops dead.

Since the 2008-2009 financial-coronary and emergency-intervention that revealed the abjectly poor health of the global financial system, central banks and states have jacked up stocks and other assets as the metric of a "healthy" economy. Just as banging down cholesterol doesn't actually make a chronically ill person subsisting on junk food, sugar and cocaine healthy, jacking stocks to new highs doesn't make the economy or financial system healthy. All it does is mask the decay of real health and amplify the eventual reckoning.

There are three dynamics at work in the artifice that ever-greater monetary and fiscal stimulus and jacked-up stock markets will restore the health of a decaying, sickly economy. One is that sugar-cocaine speedballs generate miraculous results at first: the manic rush of energy and the delusional confidence in god-like powers looks like robust health if viewed through a distorted lens that filters out all the hidden trade-offs and costs to depending on speedballs to function.

The second is the addiction to stimulus and manipulated metrics of "health" is unfailingly fatal. If the economy / market continue relying on sugar-cocaine speedballs to keep racing higher, the second-order consequences and distortions eventually trigger a seizure and collapse. (Please read "What Will Surprise Us in 2022" for an explanation of how addiction to stimulus triggers second-order consequences).

But going cold-turkey and stopping the speedball stimulus and manipulation of metrics will also trigger seizure and collapse. This is the downside of depending on feel-good stimulus and faking metrics of "health": once the artificial stimulus becomes the lifeblood, withdrawing it leads to collapse. Once ginned-up metrics are worshiped as "proof" of health, when the manipulation finally fails then all the confidence and trust in the metrics and those doing the manipulation is lost.

The third dynamic is the greater the initial buffers of wealth available, the longer the fake "health" can be propped up. Consider Japan's three decades of stagnation and largely hidden decay. Japan continues to hold vast overseas wealth and cultural cohesion, and these sources of wealth enable Japan's state and central bank to conjure trillions of yen out of thin air and trade the yen for natural gas to maintain the illusion of "health."

Less wealthy nations without central bank-issued "money" can only sustain the sugar-speedball illusion of "health" for a few years before reality intrudes and the artifice collapses.

The United States has burned virtually all of its social cohesion and trust in institutions in the past 13 years of sugar-cocaine speedball stimulus and artifice. All the sugar-cocaine speedball stimulus did was enrich the already-rich and impoverish everyone else, to the point that the top few collect 97% of all income generated by capital and own more wealth than the bottom 80%. This extreme distortion and inequality is tearing apart the economy, society and political order - all to keep 'the key metric of "health" - the stock market - soaring to new highs.

It's frustrating watching the doped-up wreck living on Cheetos, sugar and cocaine proclaiming how much energy he has and how his portfolio is soaring, as we all know his demise is inevitable. Just as the body keeps trying to compensate for the ravages of junk food, sugar and cocaine and re-establish homeostasis, the real-world economy staggers on as the people left behind by the sugar-cocaine wealth boost keep doing the real work of keeping the whole rotten edifice functioning.

But the efforts of all those keeping the real-world economy glued together can't put off the consequences of our total dependence on sugar-cocaine speedballs and the artifice of asset bubbles being "proof" of "health. The junkie living on speedballs keeps going right up until the moment they have a seizure and collapse. Right up until this sudden demise, the junkie insists they're healthy because "look at my low cholesterol reading."

The decay is hidden and gradual, but the collapse is sudden and irreversible.
So one index or asset or another hits a new high, wow, more proof everything is so robust and healthy, we never had it so good - right up to the seizure and collapse."

"How It Really Is"


Look around. What do you see?

"Dire Warnings? The Financial Crisis Is Already Here"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 1/6/22:
"Dire Warnings? The Financial Crisis Is Already Here"
"It seems that bad news spurs the stock market. 
We keep getting Dire Warnings about the economy. 
Trouble is coming they say. No, it's already here."

"Wall Street Banks Have an Alibi for their $11.23 Trillion in Emergency Repo Loans from the Fed – It’s a Doozy"

"Wall Street Banks Have an Alibi for their $11.23 Trillion
 in Emergency Repo Loans from the Fed – It’s a Doozy"
by Pam Martens and Russ Martens

"From September 17, 2019 through July 2, 2020, the trading units of the Wall Street megabanks (both domestic and foreign) took a cumulative total of $11.23 trillion in emergency repo loans from the Federal Reserve. The loans were conducted by one of the 12 regional Fed banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – which is literally owned by megabanks, including JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and others."
Please view this complete article here:

So, while you lose your jobs and homes, 
these psychopaths get $11.23 TRILLION in 9 months...
And don't hold your breath waiting for it, it's never coming...Why?
Strong language alert!
George Carlin, "The Big Club"l
"It's a Big Club and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the Big Club."

Gregory Mannarino, "Freefall - The Economy Continues To Meltdown"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 1/6/22:
"Freefall - The Economy Continues To Meltdown"

"How It Really Is"


"Stocking Up At Sam's Club! Buying What We Can!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 1/6/22:
"Stocking Up At Sam's Club! Buying What We Can!"
"In today's vlog we are stocking up at Sam's Club! With stores struggling to get in products we head to Sam's Club to stock up on some essential items, and check out some of their rising costs on items. We are buying what we can to save a few dollars, and take you along with us to see if they have any of the missing items everyone is looking for. Thank you so much for watching, and we'll see you in the next video!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

"IRS Is Watching You; FED About To Crash The Market; Assault On Small Business; Tax Target"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, PM 1/5/22:
"IRS Is Watching You; FED About To Crash The Market; 
Assault On Small Business; Tax Target"

"All Over America, An Unprecedented Shortage Of Workers Is Forcing Businesses To Shut Down"

Full screen recommended.
"All Over America, An Unprecedented Shortage
 Of Workers Is Forcing Businesses To Shut Down"
by Epic Economist

"In every corner of America, businesses are deeply struggling to find enough workers and resume normal operations. In the entire history of the United States, we have never seen such a persistent shortage of labor. With each passing day, more disruptions caused by this nationwide staffing shortfall are being reported. Most employers say that they have never experienced anything like this before. In fact, not very long ago, we had a chronic unemployment problem that stretched back for decades. Economists used to insist that our economy would never be able to generate enough jobs for everyone, but that turned out to be wrong. There are currently more than 10 million open positions all around the nation, and employers are scrambling to attract people back to the workforce.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.5 million Americans voluntarily left their jobs in November, which has pushed the quits rate to 3%, matching the high from September. The report also highlighted that workers in the hospitality industry had the highest quits rate, at 6.1%, and those in health care, transportation, warehouse, and utilities came just behind. "Workers continued to quit their jobs at a historic rate. The low-wage sectors directly impacted by the [health crisis] continued to be the source of much of the elevated quitting," explained Nick Bunker, the director of research at the Indeed Hiring Lab. Industry analysts expect this dynamic to persist during the whole year of 2022, especially considering the new wave of virus cases.

In recent months, the conditions in the labor market have become so critical that businesses closures related to severe staffing losses are being reported on an almost daily basis, with small businesses being particularly hard hit. Zoe Olson, the executive director of the Nebraska Restaurant Association, notes that the problem is a confluence of many factors: from workers’ health concerns to lack of child care amid the gathering restrictions, just to name a few. “It’s a perfect storm,” Olson said. And it’s affecting all sectors of the economy -- not only restaurants -- from suppliers to truck drivers, he added.

At this stage of the crisis, even some of the biggest corporations in the country can't find enough workers. Last month, many consumers were shocked to learn that Apple has closed every single one of their stores in New York. All around the nation, public-facing businesses are going through yet another wave of shutdowns as employers quit their jobs amid the worsening health crisis. What's even more worrying is that there are other institutions where a lack of workers can literally put the lives of thousands of people in danger. Right now, hospitals are severily struggling with a critical staff shortage, and many facilities had to permanently or temporarily halt some services.

With the number of available workers drastically reduced, many businesses are starting to come up with very creative alternatives to stay afloat. For instance, in California, some hotels are now utilizing robots. As the hospitality industry faces mounting pressure to provide attentive service, in Silicon Valley, robots are filling the gap left by workers. Even though that may sound strange, industry executives say that this is where things are headed now. And there are many advantages to using robots for everyday services. According to Cousins, the robot only needs to be trained once to be able to navigate the lobby and hallways, and it is even adapted to call for an elevator and press the destination floor. This trend is just the beginning. One CNN report estimated that by 2030, robots could have taken over 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world.

Perhaps that has been the plan of the elites all along. Unfortunately, when the economy starts sliding and people try to come back to these jobs, they won't be there anymore. Our world is rapidly becoming an extremely bizarre place, and it is safe to say that things will soon become even weirder. Those who are still waiting for things to come back to normal can stop waiting because it simply is not going to happen. As technology advances, our society will continue to be transformed at a breathtaking pace, and we must be ready to face a different world as global events accelerate even further as we hurtle through the early stages of 2022."

Gregory Mannarino, "One Two Punch! New 'IHU' Variant And The FED Hit Stocks, And This Will Happen"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 1/5/22:
"One Two Punch! New 'IHU' Variant And The FED
 Hit Stocks, And This Will Happen"

"Celente & The Judge: Loss of Constitutional Rights Underway, Fight for Freedom or Lose it Forever"

Full screen recommended.
"Celente & The Judge: Loss of Constitutional Rights Underway, 
Fight for Freedom or Lose it Forever"

Musical Interlude: Mike Oldfield, "Tubular Bells Finale"

Mike Oldfield, "Tubular Bells Finale"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"This gorgeous island universe lies about 85 million light-years distant in the southern constellation Fornax. Inhabited by young blue star clusters, the tightly wound spiral arms of NGC 1350 seem to join in a circle around the galaxy's large, bright nucleus, giving it the appearance of a cosmic eye. In fact, NGC 1350 is about 130,000 light-years across. That makes it as large or slightly larger than the Milky Way. 
For earth-based astronomers, NGC 1350 is seen on the outskirts of the Fornax cluster of galaxies, but its estimated distance suggests that it is not itself a cluster member. Of course, the bright spiky stars in the foreground of this telescopic field of view are members of our own spiral Milky Way galaxy."

“We Are All Like Elephants”

“We Are All Like Elephants”
by Marc Chernoff

"In many ways, our past experiences have conditioned us to believe that we are less capable than we are. All too often we let the rejections of our past dictate every move we make. We literally do not know ourselves to be any better than what some opinionated person or narrow circumstance once told us was true. Of course, an old rejection doesn’t mean we aren’t good enough; it just means some person or circumstance from our past failed to align with what we had to offer at the time. But somehow we don’t see it that way - we hit a mental barricade that stops us in our tracks.

This is one of the most common and damaging thought patterns we as human beings succumb to. Even though we intellectually know that we’re gradually growing stronger than we were in the past, our subconscious mind often forgets that our capabilities have grown. Let me give you a quick metaphorical example…

Zookeepers typically strap a thin metal chain to a grown elephant’s leg and then attach the other end to a small wooden peg that’s hammered into the ground. The 10-foot tall, 10,000-pound elephant could easily snap the chain, uproot the wooden peg and escape to freedom with minimal effort. But it doesn’t. In fact the elephant never even tries. The world’s most powerful land animal, which can uproot a big tree as easily as you could break a toothpick, remains defeated by a small wooden peg and a flimsy chain.

Why? Because when the elephant was a baby, its trainers used the exact same methods to domesticate it. A thin chain was strapped around its leg and the other end of the chain was tied to a wooden peg in the ground. At the time, the chain and peg were strong enough to restrain the baby elephant. When it tried to break away, the metal chain would pull it back. Sometimes, tempted by the world it could see in the distance, the elephant would pull harder. But the chain would not budge, and soon the baby elephant realized trying to escape was not possible. So it stopped trying.

And now that the elephant is all grown up, it sees the chain and the peg and it remembers what it learned as a baby - the chain and peg are impossible to escape. Of course this is no longer true, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that the 200-pound baby is now a 10,000-pound powerhouse. The elephant’s self-limiting thoughts and beliefs prevail.

If you think about it, we are all like elephants. We all have incredible power inside us. And certainly, we have our own chains and pegs - the self-limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold us back. Sometimes it’s a childhood experience or an old failure. Sometimes it’s something we were told when we were a little younger. The key thing to realize here is this: We need to learn from the past, but be ready to update what we learned based on how our circumstances have changed (as they constantly do).“

"When The Demons Come..."

"Here is a universal law: that when it comes to negative and positive, you will always thrive more powerfully in the positive if you have first been immersed in, and have heroically overcome, the polar opposite negative of that thing. To abide in the positive existence of something, without having known and overcome it's polar opposite - that is to be only a frame of the real structure. Easily toppled down and taken apart. True power is in the hands of the one who thrives in the positive, after having known and conquered the negative. Because when the demons come along, she will say to those demons: "I know you, I have owned you, but now you bow down to me."
- C. JoyBell C.

"The Economic Meltdown Worsens - The Fed Cannot Hold It Together"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, 1/5/22:
"The Economic Meltdown Worsens - 
The Fed Cannot Hold It Together"

"Things We Don't Want to Do: Outside the Comfort Zone"

"Things We Don't Want to Do:
Outside the Comfort Zone"
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM

"Doing things we don't want to do, or that scare us, creates flow in our lives and allows us to grow. Most of us have had the experience of tackling some dreaded task only to come out the other side feeling invigorated, filled with a new sense of confidence and strength. The funny thing is, most of the time when we do them, we come out on the other side changed and often wondering what we were so worried about or why it took us so long. We may even begin to look for other tasks we've been avoiding so that we can feel that same heady mix of excitement and completion.

Whether we avoid something because it scares us or bores us, or because we think it will force a change we're not ready for, putting it off only creates obstacles for us. On the other hand, facing the task at hand, no matter how onerous, creates flow in our lives and allows us to grow. The relief is palpable when we stand on the other side knowing that we did something even though it was hard or we didn't want to do it. On the other hand, when we cling to our comfort zone, never addressing the things we don't want to face, we cut ourselves off from flow and growth.

We all have at least one thing in our life that never seems to get done. Bringing that task to the top of the list and promising ourselves that we will do it as soon as possible is an act that could liberate a tremendous amount of energy in our lives. Whatever it is, we can allow ourselves to be fueled by the promise of the feelings of exhilaration and confidence that will be the natural result of doing it.”
Of course, some have different perspectives...
Very strong language alert!
 "In life you have to do a lot of things you don't ****ing want to do.
Many times, that's what the **** life is... one vile ****ing task after another.”
- “Al Swearengen”,
Ian McShane's character in “Deadwood”

The Poet: William Butler Yeats, "The Second Coming"

"The Second Coming"

"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

- William Butler Yeats, January 1919

"Our Dilemma..."

"Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time;
what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better. "
- Sydney J. Harris

The Daily "Near You?"

Wichita Falls, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!