Sunday, September 12, 2021

"They Are Creating The Biggest Witch Hunt In American History"

"They Are Creating The Biggest 
Witch Hunt In American History"
by Michael Snyder

"Prior to this pandemic, if you wanted to weed out all of the “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” from our society, how would you have done it? I suppose that sending everyone a questionnaire asking them what they believe would be one way to do it, but of course a lot of people would give false answers and many others would simply ignore the questionnaire. Social media profiles contain a wealth of information, but many “non-conformists” are not even on social media and digging through all of that data would take an extraordinary amount of time, money and energy. Up until just recently, there just hasn’t been an easy and efficient way to identify those that are not eager servants of the system.

But now the COVID vaccines have changed everything. These injections are the perfect litmus test, because “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” are pretty much the only ones that are refusing the shots at this point. This makes it exceptionally easy to divide American citizens into two categories, and it also gives authorities a perfect excuse to push all of those “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” to the fringes of society.

As I discussed yesterday, I was literally sick to my stomach as I pondered the implications of Biden’s tyrannical new decrees. Originally, Biden and other Democratic leaders were against any sort of vaccine mandates, but now I think that they have realized that mandates are a tool that they can use to fundamentally reshape our society. If you don’t understand where I am going with this, just keep reading, because it will become extremely clear by the end of this article.

Biden’s new decrees cover almost every major institution in our society. Just think about it. Any “major institution” is almost certainly going to be employing more than 100 people, and all such organizations are covered by Biden’s mandates. In addition to businesses of various sizes, we are also talking about colleges, schools, churches, non-profits, political entities, sports teams and charitable organizations.

Millions of Americans that are employed by such institutions could be forced to leave their positions if they refuse to comply with what Biden is demanding. And the rules that the Biden administration is coming up with will require the institutions to be the enforcers of these draconian new measures. Your bosses will be forced to make sure that you are submitting to the new rules, because if not they could be hit with massive fines.

In my last article I used the word “sickening” to describe what Biden is trying to do to all of us, but the truth is that word is not nearly strong enough. What we are facing is a complete and total national nightmare, and it isn’t going to end any time soon.

Biden’s new mandates are even stricter for employees of the federal government. Previously, employees of the federal government were at least given the option to undergo regular testing if they didn’t want to be vaccinated, but now that option is being taken away. So now millions of federal employees will have to choose between their principles and their careers. And considering the fact that so many of these people are barely providing for their families right now, a lot of really heartbreaking choices are going to have to be made.

Earlier today, I posted a video from a woman that works for the U.S. Treasury Department. After all these years, she publicly announced on social media that she is going to leave her job because of Biden’s new mandates. And countless others will follow her out the door. Biden’s new decrees will also force nearly everyone in the entire healthcare industry to either get vaccinated or give up their careers. What a horribly cruel thing to do.

Biden is essentially putting a gun to the heads of these people. So many of them spent an enormous amount of time, energy and money to get their educations, and now Biden is telling them that they have to sacrifice everything that they have worked for if they will not comply with his demands.

As I pointed out yesterday, healthcare workers won’t just be forced out of their current jobs. Because virtually every health care provider in the entire country accepts Medicaid and Medicare, those that refuse to comply will essentially be banned from the entire industry. At a time when a shortage of qualified workers is causing chaos throughout our economy, Biden’s tyrannical orders could force millions of Americans to suddenly lose their jobs. This is an incredibly foolish thing to do, and it could have very serious ramifications in the years ahead.

Sadly, it won’t just be a few people quitting their jobs. A poll that was just conducted discovered that 72 percent of unvaccinated Americans said that they would quit their current jobs rather than be vaccinated… "Many making this argument have cited a Washington Post-ABC News poll released over the weekend. It showed that just 18 percent unvaccinated people whose employers don’t currently have mandates said they would likely get vaccinated if their employer required it. About 7 in 10 (72 percent) said that, if they couldn’t get a medical or religious exemption, they would probably quit rather than submit to the requirement."

I don’t know what is going on behind the scenes, but it is my opinion that Kamala Harris has had a lot of influence in the recent decisions that Biden has been making. She has always had authoritarian tendencies, and if she ever becomes president that will truly be a catastrophic scenario.

Needless to say, Biden’s new mandates are going to cause great anxiety for millions upon millions of people, and a recent CNN poll found that the mood of the country was already heading in a very negative direction… "The new poll finds 69% of Americans say things in the country today are going badly, below the pandemic-era high of 77% reached in January just before President Joe Biden took office but well above the 60% who felt that way in a March CNN poll. And 62% say that economic conditions in the US are poor, up from 45% in April and nearly as high as the pandemic-era peak of 65% reached in May 2020."

My hope is that Republican governors will fight Biden’s new decrees with everything that they have got. Because the truth is that this is one of the most critical moments in U.S. history. Our most basic liberties and freedoms are under full assault, and we really are descending into full-blown tyranny. If Biden’s new mandates are not overturned by the courts, millions of Americans that love liberty and freedom could be forced from their jobs. It would truly be a witch hunt of unprecedented size and scope, and it would represent the greatest purge of “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” that any of us have ever witnessed."
But of course...

"Covid’s Willing Executioners"

"Covid’s Willing Executioners"
by Todd Hayen

"A few weeks ago, three friends on Facebook told me that they wished for my death. One of them I didn’t really know. He freaked out when I calmly suggested there were viable treatment options for those with Covid. He responded: “Stay out of my life!! I hope you get Covid and die!” The other two friends were people I knew in college 45 years ago, one was my freshman year roommate, and the other guy introduced me to my first wife. He suggested that I prove Darwin’s theory and perish from the virus, the other just basically said I deserved what was coming as a selfish unvaccinated science-denier.

Covid’s willing executioners. I know Facebook is certainly not the ideal place for reasonable discourse. As a psychologist, however, I do find it an interesting sample of a certain extreme way of thinking and behaving. I also believe my experience with “friends” wishing for my demise is not unusual amongst those on that side of the fence in this debate. At least not unusual in thought.

As we all know, Facebook is the place of no inhibition. However, that said, I do believe it is a grave concern that human beings can be manipulated into this dark manner of thinking and feeling. The operative word here is “manipulate.”

I do have faith, that for the most part, human beings have evolved from a cave mentality when confronting “other” in the culture. In cave days our psychology was programmed for survival, and it didn’t take much coercion to view members from another tribe that wandered into territory that was not their own to be immediately met with suspicion and fear. Today, many thousands of years later, I think it takes a bit of manipulation to view “other” as fatally dangerous - but not much coercion, so it seems.

In this regard it appears we have lost any scintilla of common sense. How can a government (or more likely an even higher organization of authority) convince the masses so easily that the unvaccinated are the mortal enemy with not a whiff of science in the argument? This clearly is a case of the emperor’s new clothes, but it isn’t going to take only a small innocent child’s exaltation that the emperor is naked to make everyone see what is true.

Why is this? I’m afraid it is human nature - at least a small part of human nature - that these days needs a little coercion to come out in full bloom. For me, as a psychologist, it is more proof that there is an organized agenda, a “psyop” if you will, driving this whole debacle. When humans are put into this sort of psychological environment, their reaction is very predictable.

A friend of mine, Dr. Mark McDonald, who is a prominent psychiatrist and has a very prestigious practice in California, told me this in a recent conversation: “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” has emerged as an expression of propaganda meant to provoke anger toward those who exercise medical choice in deferring or refusing the experimental vaccine. It is meant to isolate, shame, and humiliate anyone who will not agree to surrender medical autonomy to the state. It intentionally divides Americans against one another while simultaneously distracting attention from the medical reality of poor vaccine efficacy and vaccine harm. The expression is devoid of scientific meaning but full of coercive psychological power. It must be challenged."

Again, we see this idea of “coercive psychological power” come up in Dr. McDonald’s comment. Propaganda and the manipulation of the masses has been a key tenet in totalitarian regimes. Pitting person against person is of utmost importance to having control over the masses. Even in Orwell’s dystopian novel, "1984," the opposition to the state was created by the state to keep the masses distracted, or so it is implied.

I am reminded of the Stanford Prison Experiment as well as Milgram’s obedience studies at Yale. Milgram set up an experiment where a subject, someone who did not know the parameters of the experiment, was in control of administering an electric shock to the “learner” if he/she failed to answer certain questions correctly. The “learner” was also “in” on the experiment and in fact received no shocks. The authority figure egging on the subject was also, of course, “in” on the experiment and played the role of authority that the subject had to succumb to. “Just following orders” is the phrase that immediately comes to mind.

The current phenomenon regarding the persecution of the unvaccinated has some correlation with this experiment in that people, when pressured by the “mainstream authority or narrative,” tend to have little or no connection with a natural empathy toward the group identified as “other” (the unvaccinated). The subjects in Milgram’s experiment consistently detached from the learner’s pain and tended to dissociate from them as fellow humans. They ceased to see them as in the same tribe as themselves; they were quickly reclassified as “other.”

The difference in the results of this experiment and the current situation is that “other” (the “learner”) posed no threat to the subject in Milgram’s experiment. He or she was just disobedient to authority, i.e., was not doing correctly what authority demanded him/her to do.

Now, in our present situation, the vaccinated are convinced by authority that the unvaccinated are in fact a threat (as well as not being obedient to the parental agenda). Authority is doing this through any means available to them, and it makes no difference if these means have even the slightest scientific truth to them (they say of course it is all scientific, but with further scrutiny, it certainly is not).

We saw this early on with the mask compliance. Those wearing masks were identified as one particular tribe: the “good” tribe who possessed community values. Those not wearing masks, or complaining about them, were the other tribe: the bad tribe, who were selfish, stupid, and science deniers. (to paraphrase Orwell’s sheep in Animal Farm: “four legs good (mask), two legs bad (no masks)”). Now this effort of segregation and persecution has moved to the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. It is not the “right” science that will disintegrate this tribal conflict: it is a psycho-social issue, not a pragmatic objective one.

In a recent Charles Eisenstein article “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed” he states: "My point is that those in the scientific and medical community who dissent from the demonization of the unvaxxed contend not only with opposing scientific views, but with ancient, powerful psycho-social forces. They can debate the science all they want, but they are up against something much bigger."

Daniel Goldhagen’s book, "Hitler’s Willing Executioners" (from which this article’s title is derived) presents a thesis that the persecution of the Jews in Hitler’s Germany was not only an exercise of obedience to Hitler’s ideology but was the result of a long history of German antisemitism. This very well could be true, but in my opinion this historic antisemitism was only the hook which made it easier for Hitler to hang his ideology.

Today’s willing executioners do not need a history of racial discrimination to hang their hatred of anti-vaxxers, but instead rely on a simple identification of “other” (unvaccinated) and a hatred for those who “don’t care about me, or those that I love.” The key common denominator it seems is the common concept of caring for others before caring for yourself, which, ironically, is clearly not the true psychological operator in this situation. These people seem to care far more for themselves and their own safety (and their opinion) than they do for the rights and freedoms (and safety) of others - take the jab to save me, never mind you might die or get sick in the process.

So what we are actually experiencing is “normal” - normal from the perspective that human beings have the innate capability of being all sorts of ugly things, particularly when gathered in crowds: tribes.

If coerced and manipulated in a particular way, as has happened countless times in world history, they can become unconscious, irrational, nonempathetic, monsters. I will close with a paragraph from another excellent article by author CJ Hopkins (which can be found in its entirety on Off-Guardian’s website) “The Approaching Storm”: "Thus, their plan is to make our lives as miserable as possible, to segregate us, stigmatize us, demonize us, bully, and harass us, and pressure us to conform at every turn. They are not going to put us on the trains to the camps. GloboCap is not the Nazis. They need to maintain the simulation of democracy.

So, they need to transform us into an underclass of “anti-social conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxer disinformationists,” “white-supremacist election-result deniers,” “potentially violent domestic extremists,” and whatever other epithets they come up with, so that we can be painted as dangerously unhinged freaks and cast out of society in a way that makes it appear that we have cast out ourselves."

Hunker down."
Hat tip to The Burning Platform for this material.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

“Banks Will Report You To IRS; Consumer Bonanza Ending; Real Money Can’t be Printed; Danger Zone”

Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/11/21:
“Banks Will Report You To IRS; Consumer Bonanza Ending; 
Real Money Can’t be Printed; Danger Zone”

Musical Interlude: Peder B. Helland, "Deep Space"

Full screen recommended.
"Deep Space, Ambient Meditation 
and Sleep Music from Soothing Relaxation"
"Deep ambient music for meditation and sleep composed by Peder B. Helland. 
Turn the volume down and relax while you fly through space."

"A Look to the Heavens"

 “Large galaxies grow by eating small ones. Even our own galaxy practices galactic cannibalism, absorbing small galaxies that get too close and are captured by the Milky Way's gravity. In fact, the practice is common in the universe and illustrated by this striking pair of interacting galaxies from the banks of the southern constellation Eridanus, The River. 

Located over 50 million light years away, the large, distorted spiral NGC 1532 is seen locked in a gravitational struggle with dwarf galaxy NGC 1531 (right of center), a struggle the smaller galaxy will eventually lose. Seen edge-on, spiral NGC 1532 spans about 100,000 light-years. Nicely detailed in this sharp image, the NGC 1532/1531 pair is thought to be similar to the well-studied system of face-on spiral and small companion known as M51.”

Chet Raymo, “Universal Constants, Universal Consensus”

“Universal Constants, Universal Consensus”
by Chet Raymo

“I once received a book in the mail, as I sometimes do, for potential review on this blog, James Stein's “Cosmic Numbers: The Numbers That Define Our Universe”. I often write here about books I read, but I don't review. I did glance at Stein's book, however. It has an audience, but it's not for me; been there, done that. The subtitle is provocative, however. The idea that a dozen or so numbers "define the universe." That's a mind-blowing concept.

The gravitational constant. The speed of light. Absolute zero. Planck's constant. The Hubble constant. And so on. Familiar to every introductory physics student. Built into the very structure of the Earth. And every other earth in the universe.
Look again at the Hubble Ultra Deep Field photograph. above Those myriad of galaxies. Those yawning light-years. That infinitude of worlds. And, as far as we know, the fundamental constants are the same everywhere,

The human mind has thrown a net across the cosmos. And as we have brought the galaxies into our ken, so have we come to realize that we too are part and parcel of the fabric of cosmic space and time. Exceptional clarity. Impenetrable mystery.

So what do we make of the news so breathlessly reported in the media of neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light? This is surely a bit of heroic physics, pitting what we believe to be true against the refining fire of experience, but I wouldn't make too much of it yet. Tom suggested that perhaps the researchers unwittingly measured the distance from CERN in Switzerland to Gran Sasso in Italy with greater accuracy. That's the kind of whimsy the result calls for now. The real story- for the time being- is as an illustration of the way the engine of scientific knowing grinds inexorably toward consensus.”

"Like Butterflies..."

"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it's forever."
 - Carl Sagan

"Yet Now..."

“Yet now, as he roared across the night sky toward an unknown destiny, he found himself facing that bleak and ultimate question which so few men can answer to their satisfaction. What have I done with my life, he asked himself, that the world will be poorer if I leave it?”
- Arthur C. Clarke, “Glide Path”

Free Download: "The Poems Of Alfred, Lord Tennyson"

"The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are..."

- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Ulysses"
FREELY download, in PDF format, 
the poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Vestal, New York, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"20 Years Later"

"20 Years Later"
by Addison Wiggin

"Spending more than a few minutes on a cable news channel or streaming website is usually an exercise in tedium. But tuning in this week quickly became intolerable. The networks are commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. We’ve had an endless parade of survivors, retrospectives and regurgitated footage of the calamity taking up almost all of the available airtime. Coverage may be even more somber in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. You may remember 9/11 was a casus belli for invading the Central Asian nation - to punish the ruling Taliban for harboring al-Qaida - blamed for the attacks.

Those lingering memories of the burning towers are the reason Americans so readily backed U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. The words “9/11” were all the justification needed to keep the military there for the next 20 years. After two decades and over $2 trillion, U.S. troops are gone and the Taliban are back in control. But we wonder if anyone will be brave enough to utter the tough questions underlying the maudlin remembrances… or if they’ll be too “political” to ponder on such a somber occasion.

We’re not beholden to such patriotic impulses, so we don’t mind considering out loud why we were attacked. We can consider whether 20 years of military action in Afghanistan made us safer. And we can wonder if anyone will ever apologize for the military debacle and shameful retreat.

“Terribly, Terribly Wrong”: It’s not unprecedented. As Bill Bonner and I relate in Empire of Debt, Robert S. McNamara, secretary of defense from 1961 to 1968 - and the U.S. architect of the Vietnam War - admitted that what he had done was “terribly, terribly wrong.” Who would have thought a more terribly wrong war could drown out the misbegotten deeds of an earlier generation? How was it that a whole new generation would be duped into fighting an endless battle against an invisible global enemy?

As we’ve already heard many times recently, many of the soldiers returning home from Afghanistan were but wee toddlers or a gleam in their mother’s eye when the World Trade Towers fell. An argument could be made that the U.S. “had to do something,” lest more airliners become weapons of mass destruction. Just three months after the devastating hijacking, al-Qaida supposedly suborned a man into wearing explosive shoes onto an airplane.

McNamara’s justification for sending more and more troops into Vietnam was a lot more ethereal. The North Vietnamese never posed any real danger to the United States. Ho Chi Minh and his men were never going to seize Washington. So what is astonishing about McNamara’s mea culpa is not his admission that he made a colossal error - though that is extraordinary in itself and places him in a superior category to most public officials - but his candid record of how life-and-death decisions are made by supposedly intelligent and responsible governments.

Not Stupid, Just Absurd: In 1954 - just after the French had their croissants handed to them at Dien Bien Phu - President Dwight Eisenhower warned that the fall of French Indochina would give communists a foothold. As the ideology took root in one country, he said, it would spread to all the others… and soon all of Asia would be under red flags. This “domino theory,” as it became known, was so popular that it crossed political party lines. Today, the idea is about as fashionable as poodle skirts or brogues with spats… mostly because it doesn’t make a lick of sense.

How could anyone believe that a state — an abstract as well as physical thing — of 35 million people (in 1965) of various cultures, languages, religions, ethnic and racial groups, political preferences, modernization and sexual preferences living in a land of 127,000 square miles (about the size of New Mexico) including mountains, swamps, beaches, plains, jungle, hamlets and cities be understood as a small, 3-D object painted in two colors?

The idea was not stupid. It was just absurd. Einstein had said that things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler. America’s empire builders of the 1960s had gone too far. It was as if they had simplified the Old Testament as: “Jews kick butts in the Holy Land.” They had lost the nuances and details that made it interesting.

Dominoes Can Fall in Both Directions: Whether Laos or Cambodia would be affected by events in Vietnam, no one could say. But what they could say with complete assurance was that Vietnam was not a domino. If proximity caused nations to change their political systems, why hadn’t West Germany become like East Germany? Why did Switzerland keep its federal system when it was surrounded by centralized governments? And who ever heard of dominoes that fell only in one direction? If the presence of a communist South Vietnam might cause Thailand to topple toward communism, mightn’t the presence of Thailand on its border cause South Vietnam to topple toward constitutional monarchy?

Perhaps most importantly of all, if the people of Southeast Asia wanted to “go communist,” who were we to tell them not to? It was only because America presumed itself to be an empire that the question even came up. Empires are involved in constant warfare - the struggle to control vassal states on the periphery. Typically, they do so to maintain order throughout the empire, as well as to obtain new sources of tribute. But our answer presumes a logic that isn’t there. Empires fight for dominoes - not for any particular, logical reason, but merely because they are empires.

Questions Nobody Asked: Could not Vietnam have been independent, but neutral in the Cold War? Why did it matter anyway; Vietnam was still a primitive, mostly agricultural nation? Whichever side gained her allegiance, what did they gain? Nobody ever seemed to ask - either themselves or the other side.

In retrospect, it looks as though the whole conflict - or at least the bloodiest part - could have been avoided, simply by sitting down and exploring a few issues. But the lunkheads running U.S. foreign policy at the time did not even bother to ask. It was arrogance, no doubt, that prevented anyone from seriously considering conversation as an alternative to brute force. In the end, the United States was fighting an ideology - not an actual enemy. But the harder it fought, the more misery the Vietnamese people suffered… giving them a reason to embrace the opposite of whatever was causing them to suffer.

Lessons Not Learned: The 9/11 planners, at least, provided a more visceral enemy than the boogeyman that drove the Vietnam War - communism. Again, it’s easy to see how these mistakes were repeated in Afghanistan. Terrorism is a tactic, not a physical foe. Sure, we needed to go after the guys who planned 9/11. But did we need to overthrow the Taliban to achieve that goal?

Yes, said the American empire builders... who eagerly leapt at the chance to try once again to remake a country in their own image. The experiences in Afghanistan show that U.S. policymakers learned nothing they should have from the Vietnam War. In fact, policymakers tried so hard to prevent the Afghan war from becoming “another Vietnam” that they actually magnified the mistakes of the past. "Empire of Debt" explains how the Vietnam War helped put the United States on a path to ruin. The disaster in Afghanistan could seal the deal."

"14 Ways Official Reports Agreed With “Conspiracy Theorists” On 9/11"

"14 Ways Official Reports Agreed With
 “Conspiracy Theorists” On 9/11"
by OffG

"As part of our season marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 “terrorist attacks”, OffG is going to be highlighting some of the research papers and scientific studies done over the years. These studies have been key in pointing out logical flaws and impossible physics used to support the official narrative.

Our first paper is “Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction”, which was first published in 2008. Authored by five key names in the 9/11 truth movement, Steve Jones, Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, Anthony Szamboti and James Gourley, this paper collates all the statements from both FEMA and NIST that actually agree with the so-called “conspiracy theorists”, and highlights the holes in the official story. Holes that the government experts admit exist. We’ll post the 14 points summarized, and you may downoad the complete research paper at the link above.

1. WTC 7’S COLLAPSE IS UNRESOLVED: The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue.” FEMA, World Trade Center building performance study: Preliminary observations, and recommendations, Report FEMA 403, May 2002.

2. WTC 1&2 WITHSTOOD THE JET IMPACT, AS THEY WERE DESIGNED TO: The WTC towers had been designed to withstand the accidental impact of a Boeing 707 seeking to land at a nearby airport…” FEMA, World Trade Center building performance study: Preliminary observations, and recommendations, Report FEMA 403, May 2002. Both WTC 1 and WTC 2 were stable after the aircraft impact, standing for 102 min and 56 min, respectively. The global analyses with structural impact damage showed that both towers had considerable reserve capacity” “Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.

3. “PANCAKE THEORY” NOT SUPPORTED BY THE EVIDENCE: NIST’s findings do not support the “pancake theory” of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers… Thus, the floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon.” NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]

4. LOAD-BEARING STRUCTURES WERE NOWHERE NEAR THEIR LIMITS: The core of the building, which carried primarily gravity loads, was made up of a mixture of massive box columns made from three-story long plates, and heavy rolled wide-flange shapes […] The core columns were designed to carry the building gravity loads and were loaded to approximately 50% of their capacity before the aircraft impact….the exterior columns were loaded to only approximately 20% of their capacity before the aircraft impact” “The role of metallurgy in the NIST investigation of the World Trade Center towers collapse”, JOM vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 22-29, November 2007

Full screen recommended.
Q: “How could the WTC towers collapse in only 11 seconds (WTC 1) and 9 seconds (WTC 2) — speeds that approximate that of a ball dropped from similar height in a vacuum (with no air resistance)?”
A: …As documented in Section 6.14.4 of NIST NCSTAR 1, these collapse times show that: “… the structure below the level of collapse initiation offered minimal resistance to the falling building mass at and above the impact zone. The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the intact structure below to absorb that energy through energy of deformation. Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos”

NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]

6. TRUSSES PASSED FIRE ENDURANCE TESTS: “NIST contracted with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. to conduct tests to obtain information on the fire endurance of trusses like those in the WTC towers…. All four test specimens sustained the maximum design load for approximately 2 hours without collapsing…The Investigation Team was cautious about using these results directly in the formulation of collapse hypotheses. In addition to the scaling issues raised by the test results, the fires in the towers on September 11, and the resulting exposure of the floor systems, were substantially different from the conditions in the test furnaces. Nonetheless, the [empirical test] results established that this type of assembly was capable of sustaining a large gravity load, without collapsing, for a substantial period of time relative to the duration of the fires in any given location on September 11”

“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.

7. FIRES BURNT FOR A “SHORT DURATION”: The initial jet fuel fires themselves lasted at most a few minutes” […] “At any given location, the duration of [air, not steel] temperatures near 1,000 °C was about 15 min to 20 min. The rest of the time, the calculated temperatures were near 500 °C or below”.

“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.

8. FIRES WERE NOT HOT ENOUGH TO MELT STEEL: In no instance did NIST report that steel in the WTC towers melted due to the fires. The melting point of steel is about 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit). Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit). NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in the WTC towers (for example, see NCSTAR 1, figure 6-36)”

NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]

9. MOST OF THE WTC STEEL EVIDENCE WAS DESTROYED: “NIST possesses 236 structural steel elements from the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings. These pieces represent a small fraction of the enormous amount of steel examined at the various recovery yards where the debris was sent as the WTC site was cleared. It is estimated that roughly 0.25 percent to 0.5 percent of the 200,000 tons of steel used in the construction of the two towers was recovered. […] The lack of WTC 7 steel precludes tests on actual material from the structure…”

Federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster: Steel inventory and identification, NIST, September 2005.

10. UNEXPLAINED UNUSUALLY BRIGHT FLAMES AND GLOWING LIQUID PRESENT: An unusual flame is visible within this fire. In the upper photograph {Fig 9-44} a very bright flame, as opposed to the typical yellow or orange surrounding flames, which is generating a plume of white smoke, stands out”

“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.

“NIST reported (NCSTAR 1-5A) that just before 9:52 am, a bright spot appeared at the top of a window on the 80th floor of WTC 2, four windows removed from the east edge on the north face, followed by the flow of a glowing liquid. This flow lasted approximately four seconds before subsiding. Many such liquid flows were observed from near this location in the seven minutes leading up to the collapse of this tower”.

NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]

11. STEEL SHOWS EVIDENCE OF VERY HIGH TEMPERATURES AND SULFIDATION: Sample 1 (From WTC 7)… Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure […] Sample 2 (From WTC 1 or WTC 2)…The thinning of the steel occurred by high temperature corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and sulfidation […] The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified…A detailed study into the mechanisms of this phenomenon is needed…”

FEMA, World Trade Center building performance study: Preliminary observations, and recommendations, Report FEMA 403, May 2002.

12. NIST TWEAKED THEIR COMPUTER MODELS UNTIL THEY OBTAINED THE RESULTS THEY WANTED: The more severe case (which became Case B for WTC 1 and Case D for WTC 2) was used for the global analysis of each tower. Complete sets of simulations were then performed for Cases B and D. To the extent that the simulations deviated from the photographic evidence or eyewitness reports [e.g., complete collapse occurred], the investigators adjusted the input, but only within the range of physical reality. Thus, for instance…the pulling forces on the perimeter columns by the sagging floors were adjusted…”

“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.

13. NO EXPLANATION FOR THE TOTAL COLLAPSE OF THE BUILDINGS: This letter is in response to your April 12, 2007 request for correction…we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse”

CS Fletcher (NIST), “Response to request for correction”, Journal of 9/11 Studies, vol. 17, pp. 17-23, November 2007

14. NIST NEVER LOOKED FOR EXPLOSIVE RESIDUE: Q: Did the NIST investigation look for evidence of the WTC towers being brought down by controlled demolition? Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues?
A: NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel.

NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]

There you have it, the “official narrative” condemned with words from the authors’ own hands. Government experts admit that the twin towers were designed to withstand impacts from jets, and did so, and that the weight-bearing structures of WTC 1&2 were loaded to, at most 50% of their capacity before the impacts of the planes.

They admit that the fires burnt for only 15 minutes and that the trusses passed fire endurance tests eight times longer than that. They admit these fires were never hot enough to melt steel, and yet they admit there were unusually bright flames, molten metal and evidence of incredibly high temperatures and sulfidation of the steel.

They admit the evidence does not support the initial “pancake theory” of collapse and that they have no full explanation of the complete collapse of the twin towers, which they admit happened at near-freefall speed. They even admit that their explanation of WTC7’s collapse “has only a low probability of occurrence”.

They admit that despite this lack of explanation, and witness testimony of molten steel and explosions, they never tested the WTC steel for explosive residue.

And they admit the government removed and destroyed the vast majority of the steel evidence.

Does anything else really need to be said?"
Full screen recommended.

"Our Lives..."


"How It Really Is"


"Truth Gone Missing"
by Robert M. Hamburger

"This week marks 20 years since the September 11th terrorist attacks. The American People have never been told the truth of what happened that day and one need to look no further than Joe issuing an executive order directing the Department of Justice to conduct a “declassification review” of documents concerning the FBI investigation of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Joe said he told the Justice Department to err on the side of disclosure. Why not disclose all of it? Is an America that keeps secrets from its People an honorable nation or a despicable one?

These are some of questions I asked in the hours, days and weeks after, as well as the months and years since September 11. All remain unanswered.

• United States Air Traffic Control’s Standard Operating Procedure calls for fighter jets to be sent to intercept commercial aircraft that have lost communication for more than five minutes. After five minutes fighter jets are scrambled and they are able to intercept an airliner anywhere in the airspace of the lower 48 states within 14 minutes. What happened to Standard Operating Procedure on September 11 when not one - but four - jets disappeared for times all in excess of one hour? Four orders to stand down would have had to have been issued that morning. Who gave those orders?

• The Commander in Chief continued to read from a children’s book in an elementary school classroom in Florida for seven minutes after being informed of the second World Trade Tower strike. Leaders do not wait for their handlers to tell them what to do. Who was in charge of America that day?

• Why were members of the Bin Laden family allowed to fly out of the United States in the days after the attacks while all other aircraft was grounded?

• Trading of put options (betting a stock will decline) on American and United Airlines soared in the days before the attacks. Much of the trading was done through Deutsche Bundesbank investment subsidiary Alex Brown & Sons. The Executive Director (third ranking position) of the CIA on September 11 was Alvin Bernard “Buzzy” Krongard. Prior to joining the CIA Krongard was the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Alex Brown & Sons. Why has this case of securities fraud not been investigated with the same resources and fervor used to go after B. Madoff?

• The country’s spy agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, met with Osama Bin Laden when he was being treated for a kidney disorder in a Dubai hospital in months before the attacks. Why?

• Planes hit two World Trade Center towers on September 11 yet three towers fell. What caused WTC Tower 7 to collapse later that day? The story of Tower 7 is an asterisk and it ought not be.

• Why did we invade Iraq when 15 of the 19 alleged hijackers were Saudi nationals? Why did the war on terror become the war in Iraq which then became the war in Afghanistan? How is it possible for so many of my fellow Americans to not see through the military-industrial complex’s erroneous and detrimental narratives?

• When George and Dick testified to the 9/11 Commission they did so on the condition that they would only testify together, that they would not be placed under oath, and that there were to be no recordings made of the session. Why did the members of the 9/11 Commission agree to this? Why do our two top leaders not have to be accountable to those they are supposed to represent? Why were the two of them granted a privilege that would never be afforded to me or you? What did George and Dick say that day and why are the American People not privy to that information?
• In the photo above where is the plane wreckage? The official story says that the plane was so hot that it was eviscerated… yet the grass in front of the Pentagon is both green and unharmed… many of the Pentagon widows alongside the hole are intact… and unscathed books can even be seen in the offices of the Pentagon. I have had numerous moments that I refer to as right-before-my-very-eyes-moments when it comes to current events in the United States - when we are told that what seems to have happened did not happen. This one takes the cake.

Official stories from our government - JFK, Vietnam, NAFTA, 9/11, Covid vaxxies, Afghanistan, et al. - are blasphemous and insulting. Twenty years later I remember those who sadly lost their lives on yet another day when I lost more faith in my country’s government."

Friday, September 10, 2021

"Inflation Continues and Dire Stock Market Warnings"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly PM 9/10/21:
"Inflation Continues and Dire Stock Market Warnings"
"The Economy is in horrible shape. The producer price index was at record highs. The Dire warnings are now coming from Deutsche Bank and other wall street professional. Even the dogs don’t believe that this ends well. We went to dog Beach today ."

"Walmart Food Shelves Empty; Home Depot Lumber Scarce; Economy Collapsing Right Before Your Eyes"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/10/21:
"Walmart Food Shelves Empty; Home Depot Lumber Scarce; 
Economy Collapsing Right Before Your Eyes"

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 9/10/21"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 9/10/21"
By Greg Hunter’s

"The results are in, and the Arizona audit of Maricopa county shows massive fraud in a state Joe Biden “won” by just 12,000 votes. The big numbers include 173,000 missing votes and 96,000 so-called “Ghost” votes. Keep in mind, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors ignored subpoenas and did not hand over all the data asked for by the AZ legislature running the audit. Will Senator Mark Kelly be recalled? Will the 2020 Presidential Election in that state be decertified? All these questions will be answered in the not-to-distant future.

VP Joe Biden is attacking the unvaxed in a new Executive Order (EO) mandating vaccines or weekly CV19 tests. Some are already saying this EO is totally unconstitutional. What happened to the Democrat saying “My Body, My Choice? I guess when it comes to experimental vaccines, you get no choice.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote a letter this week to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and said the USA will stop paying its bills sometime in October if a new debt deal is not reached. In short: The USA is broke. I have never heard of a letter from the Treasury Secretary to Congress sounding this dire. It shows the economy and the finances of America are on very shaky ground. Prepare for rough sailing and hope for a deal."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about these
 stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 9/10/21.

After the Wrap-Up: Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn will be the guest for the “Saturday Night Post” 9/11/21. He is crisscrossing the country on the “Reawaken America Tour” and has the popular nonprofit site called General Flynn talks about the ongoing takeover of America by communists and globalists and much more eye opening information.

"The Six Largest Banks Warn Of A 2021 Stock Market Crash: Be Ready!"

Full screen recommended.
"The Six Largest Banks Warn Of A 2021 
Stock Market Crash: Be Ready!"
by Epic Economist

"Yesterday, U.S. stocks faced a small but extremely worrying decline - one that indicates that the current bull run can no longer be sustained and a crash seems closer than ever. The market slump is all over the news, and even big Wall Street institutions are flashing red alerts that the all-time high in stocks may not last for much longer and a significant correction is coming. Overvaluation has been worrying market veterans for months, but it has gotten to a point that a slight slip from record-highs could potentially bring the entire market down, which reflects how excess liquidity injected by the Federal Reserve via its Quantitative Easing program has created imbalances that simply can no longer be ignored. The Fed is now in a very tough position because rising inflation means that they have to start tapering bond purchases sooner than expected. But when billions upon billions of printed money stop flowing into the U.S. stock market, an epic collapse will follow. And the seven biggest Wall Street Banks are warning about growing risks in the market, with some of them expecting an imminent crash of up to 20%, while others expect the gradual burst of the stock market bubble.

It's important to highlight that those big financial institutions tend to be very cautious with their warnings not to spook investors and accidentally spark a sell-off that could result in a crash. Of course, they also have to be very careful with their words since they have millions of clients pouring money into their investments and any wrong turns would be equally damaging for the institutions themselves. But this also means that when they finally begin to sound the alarm for a potential "correction" is because the situation doesn't look good at all. With a booming consumer demand and several disruptions in global supply chains - including widespread shortages, labor shortages, delivery delays, low inventories of many consumer goods, and skyrocketing freight prices - inflation levels are looking very scary. In addition to all that, industry executives are stressing that problems in the supply chains are expected to last until 2022, while the UN just warned about a staggering increase in food prices that should also persist until 2022. This is to say that the Fed statements about a "transitory" period of inflation are about to be debunked. The economic rebound is at risk of being derailed by the fast growth of inflation, leaving the Fed no other option rather than initiate its tapering program.

At this point, unless the Fed unleashes another record burst of stock buybacks, which seems unlikely, the only thing holding the market together today is the continued risk appetite among retail investors. But these retail investors that are currently the support pillar that keeps the market stable will only stay in place for as long as easy money policies persist, according to JP Morgan. Data released by the bank found that the strength of the retail flow has pushed equities to near-record highs, pointing to an equity allocation of 46% now, only slightly below the post-Lehman crisis high of 47.6% seen in 2018.

All Wall Street banks know, and the Fed certainly knows too that even the smallest policy hiccup will trigger a furious response in Wall Street, because we already passed the point of no return, and the central bank cannot afford even the slightest drop in stocks without risking a full-blown meltdown and a stock market crash of epic proportions. While most central banks around the world have already started tapering, the Fed continues to postpone its chaotic fate. The European Central Bank announced yesterday that it will start tapering its asset purchases. The Bank of Japan, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, and the Reserve Bank of Australia also announced tapering plans. Amid the most excessively overstimulated economy and markets ever, the Fed continues to $120 billion a month. What is taking the Fed so long to do the same as the other central banks? Well... because it knows that when it starts to roll back bond purchases and raise interest rates, it will inevitably spark a stock market crash, a housing bubble burst, and the collapse of the bond market. This is how the Everything Bubble bursts, and this explosion is going to happen sooner than most people dare to imagine."

“This Vaccine Rollout Is a Nightmare”

“This Vaccine Rollout Is a Nightmare”
by Brian Maher

"Tyrannical. Dictatorial. Medical fascism. Unconscionably unconstitutional... These are some of the devil terms we have heard ascribed to Mr. Biden’s vaccine mandate, yesterday announced. We have heard other colorful descriptions... unsuitable for publication in our pristine, snow-driven pages. The president wagged his finger at the millions of unvaccinated Americans yesterday - and read them a severe lesson.

Here is our own James Howard Kunstler, in searing, scathing, sarcastic summary, giving the president a terrible razzing: "Ol’ White Joe was back on TV yesterday issuing threats to his countrypersons. We are in thrall to a pandemic disease, you understand, this organism called COVID-19 and some 80 million of us have not availed ourselves of the magical vaccine required to prevent the transmission of said organism. We must take the vaccine in order to protect the people who already got the vax - many of them more than one shot - from catching COVID-19.

Hold on now… you say they got multiple doses of the vax but they can still catch the disease? Yes, they can, evidently. OK… well… what kind of vax is it that doesn’t keep you from catching the disease? Oh, a most excellent vax! And you must take it, or lose your income, forfeit your useful position in this economy, give up all the normal routines of existing in a free society.

Then… this is no longer a free society? Oh, but it is… as long as you take as many vaxes as we can force you to take… and by the way, don’t badmouth the vaxes. We will find out and we will deal with you. We’ll come for you. We’ll take away your access to banking. We’ll sic federal agencies on your case. You will become a non-person, perhaps an unperson! There, that’ll fix you!"

Yesterday evening an interview with a hospital nurse drifted in over the transom. In it she blew a deafening whistle. She insisted upon anonymity for fear of retaliatory fire. Her accented voice gave the heavy impression of a Southern rearing, leading us to conclude she nurses in a state with a high reporting of cases - Texas perhaps, where anti-vaccine primitives are said to proliferate in abominable numbers.

This nurse insisted her hospital has not been overstretched by virus sufferers. She claims the greatest increase of cases she has witnessed are - in fact - vaccine casualties: “Blood clots, cardiac issues, neurological issues, balance issues, cognitive issues, aggressive behavior, encephalopathy.” We understand these are commonly documented vaccine aftereffects. Yet when this nurse challenges the physicians with clinical evidence, they pull a zipper across her lips: "I have not had one doctor acknowledge anything I’ve said… it’s completely dismissed. They will not acknowledge it, they will stop you mid-sentence… It’s an unwritten rule, you can’t talk about it. But it’s common knowledge among the staff."

Moreover, incoming patients are subjected to a notoriously faulty “PCR” test. It often gives a false positive reading. Those unfortunates who test positive are corralled in with known COVID sufferers — even if they manifest no symptoms whatsoever - where they are subjected to actual infection. They are often dosed with remdesivir, a supposed therapeutic. It is one of very few medicines the Food and Drug Administration has authorized to battle the virus - even though it has proved a poor combatant.

This nurse affirms the drug yields few positive results. It does… however… yield profound disorders of the heart and kidneys, which she has witnessed. It nonetheless prices at $520 the dose (a generic variant may go for less).  “This has been the standard medication since the beginning,” she claims, frustratingly.

Clinical studies - meantime - indicate the drug ivermectin packs far greater antiviral wallop. Yet it lacks the official imprimatur of the Food and Drug Administration. We mention, only in passing, that one dose of generic ivermectin goes for as little as $4.50. This whistletooting nurse concludes: "None of us is going to take these [vaccines] because we’ve seen what they’ve done to patients... I would go through [the initial phases] of COVID 10 times over, easily, compared with what I’ve seen with this vaccine rollout. The injuries and the loss of life, the loss of function… this is horrific. This vaccine rollout is a nightmare, and the media are completely not telling any truth about what is actually going on with these vaccines."

Is the evidence here presented of the anecdotal type? It is, yes. It is merely one account. Another nurse in another hospital may chirp different tunes altogether. Yet we have encountered similar murmurs from other sources… and we have come to believe there is justice in them. The vast majority of the vaccinated may suffer no aftereffects whatsoever, or merely slight aftereffects. We do not claim otherwise. Yet it offers small, small solace to the hundreds of thousands whom the vaccines have likely wrecked - some beyond salvage. And we believe, heart and soul, that each American is entitled to know.

Below, libertarian writer Jeffrey Tucker shows you how the media have perpetuated a thoroughly discredited falsehood about ivermectin, and why “we are truly living through the worst and most egregious ocean of untruth ever to wash over humanity.” Read on.
"The Hoax That Rocked the Media"
By Jeffrey Tucker

"I hope you do not mind a bit of anger in this letter. Right now, I’m really feeling it. I’m beyond fed up.

This week the entire English-speaking world was rocked with an amazing claim. The issue was the overcrowding of hospitals by people who had overdosed on ivermectin, the therapeutic sometimes mentioned in the context of COVID. Rolling Stone reported - the story is still there albeit with a shy correction - that gunshot victims were being turned away to treat people who had taken the drug. The article had all the perfect makings of a viral internet story. The story even ran with pictures of people standing in lines waiting to get to the hospital, but the picture had nothing to do with reality.

Yahoo, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Business Insider, The Hill, Newsweek, countless blue checkmarks, revered sources of medical information and so many more shared the story. Multiple millions saw it. It always had a spin: Look at these unvaccinated rubes out there taking medicine made for horses and ruining our medical system.

What idiots.

The source for the story was one person: Dr. Jason McElyea. It turned out, however, that it only took a bit of checking to discover that the whole thing was a hoax. The rural Oklahoma hospital said they experienced no such thing. Dr. McElyea hadn’t worked there in months. There wasn’t a shred of truth to the article. Still, it was shared many millions of times.

The story began with an Oklahoma news channel that quoted McElyea. On closer inspection, the story got worse: The doctor never even made such a claim. The local station ran the story anyway. And still Rolling Stone ran with it, and the story went viral long before anyone even bothered to check it out. It would have taken one quick phone call, and anyone could have done it.

No one did.

None of the people who shared the article on Twitter were banned or even dinged for spreading false information. None of the main “fact check” sites such as Snopes or has run stories about it. One would never know that it was one of the more viral pieces of fake news this year. A search for ivermectin on their sites reveals only sources that make exaggerated claims for the drug.

What’s behind this? The point is that the major media have a prevailing bias: People and especially Trump supporters are dumb as chickens. They don’t know what’s good for them. They should listen to Fauci. When they do not, they threaten public health in horrible ways. This fake story had all these elements and was therefore perfect. It didn’t matter that not one word was true.

Why This Matters: This isn’t about just this one story. You probably saw it at some point. Now you know it is fake. Probably tens of millions of people saw the story but only a fraction of them will ever know that the thing was entirely made up. They are all victims of a hoax and do not know it. None of the major figures out there who were pushing this claptrap has apologized.

This is about more than this one news item. It is about a story of American life that is flat-out wrong but is widely accepted and perpetuated by the press, and not just in this one instance. It is about nearly everything you read in the press even when the facts are not flat-out wrong, as they were in this instance. It is about the marketing of a much larger lie about who we are as a people.

In the last 18 months, and probably for much longer, this lie has done terrible things to the freedoms and rights we once took for granted.

They have lied about COVID risk, lied about case fatalities, lied by therapeutics, lied about vaccines, lied about the costs of lockdowns, lied about the devastation wrought by school and church closures, lied about masks and social distancing, lied about seasonality, lied about super-spreader events, lied about all the science, lied about the stimulus, lied about monetary policy and lied about the history of the virus.

What’s more, after 18 months, reporters all know this. They are aware of the alternative point of view. It is everywhere on Twitter… until it is banned. It is on Medium… until it is banned. It is on Facebook… until it is taken down. It is on LinkedIn… until the company blocks it. It is on websites… until the server company is forced to stop providing service.

We are truly living through the worst and most egregious ocean of untruth ever to wash over humanity. It happens daily, hourly, minute by minute. And there are ever fewer venues around even to call it out.

When they come after you, they don’t just take down your comments that contradict the official story. They delete your entire life. This is what happened to the greatest voice on the virus out there, Alex Berenson, who has been correct on so much from the beginning. He had a massive Twitter following until his entire account was blown away.

Now historians don’t even have access to his account to prove that he was right. I can’t look back and see what he was tweeting and when. For intellectuals and writers, this isn’t just about blocking some thoughts; it is about taking away their humanity and their main source of value to the world.

It is death.

With What Results? This is not an intellectual game. We are fighting for freedom itself, which is to say fighting for our lives. It’s bad enough how in this country the media have worked as handmaidens of despotism. But have a look at a country like Australia, where people are polite, sweet, well educated and rich.

Vast amounts of that whole nation have been turned into prison states with people beaten and arrested for leaving their homes. In Australian media, it's almost as bad, with only a few voices of dissent. I could go through a huge list of countries where this is true today. It’s beyond tragic.

What’s behind the complete betrayal of the ideal of freedom by the major media and Big Tech? In a word, careerism. Each person involved is choosing a paycheck over principle. They are putting their short-term interests above the interests of humanity. The case I mentioned above proves it. They know now that the story is totally false, and yet they refuse to revisit the issue and admit it. That alone is extremely telling.

What it tells me is: They cannot be trusted. It has become ever more difficult these days to get reliable information about anything. I’ve never had as much appreciation for independent voices and outlets as I have today. Indeed, our freedoms depend on them: your ability to know where to go to get good information and our ability to deliver it to you. This is not just a business model. This is civilization at stake."

Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/10/21: "INCREDIBLE! And Yet Another Major Bank WARNS On A "HARD" Stock Market Drop"

Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
Your guide:
Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/10/21:
"INCREDIBLE! And Yet Another Major Bank 
WARNS On A "HARD" Stock Market Drop"

Musical Interlude: 2002, “Children in Time”

Full screen recommended.
2002, “Children in Time”
"This song is from 2002's album 'This Moment Now.' Twenty years ago, Pamela and Randy lived for awhile in different parts of the country, and part of their staying in touch was a steady stream of hand-written love letters to each other. The music on this album reflects a love that transcends distance and time."