Tuesday, August 24, 2021

"Despair in the Empire of Graveyards"

Saigon, 1975
"Despair in the Empire of Graveyards"
Or Gilbert and Sullivan Come to Afghanistan, 
Depending on Your Perspective
by Fred Reed

"Forty-six years ago in a previous comedy I was in Saigon, recently having been evacuated from Phnom Penh in an Air America - CIA - Caribou carrying, in addition to me, several ARVN junior officers and perhaps a dozen BUFEs (Big Ugly F***ing Elephants, the ceramic pachyderms much beloved of GIs). America had already embarked on its currently standard policy of forcing small countries into wars and then leaving them in the lurch. In Cambodia this led to the reign of Pol Pot, the ghastly torture operation at Toul Sleng, and a million or so dead. In the unending fight for democracy, casualties are inevitable.

At the time Saigon was tense because Ban Me Thuot had fallen and the NVA roared down Route One toward Saigon. To anyone with the brains of a doorknob, the American adventure in Vietnam was coming to an end, but the embassy was studiedly unconcerned. Embassies do not have the brains of a doorknob, but are keenly aware of public relations. Acknowledging the inescapable is not their way. As usual, Washington would rather lie than breathe, and did. As in Cambodia, so in Nam, and so later in Afghanistan.

Apparently a genius at State realized that a lot of gringo expats lived in Nam - the number six thousand comes to mind, but may be wrong - and that six thousand hostages taken when Saigon fell would be bad PR. So the embassy in Kabul - Saigon, I meant to say, Saigon -quietly announced that expats could fly out on military aircraft from Ton Son Nhut. They didn’t, or at least many didn’t. The NVA continued its rush toward Saigon.

The expats didn’t fly out because they had Vietnamese wives and families and were not going to leave them, period. These wives may not have had the trappings of pieces of paper and stamps and maybe snippets of ribbon. These things do not seem important in Asian war zones. But the expats regarded them as wives. Period. The family went, or nobody did. Period.

The embassy didn’t understand this because embassies are staffed by people from Princeton with names like Derek who wear pink shirts and don’t know where they are. The ambassador is usually a political appointee being rewarded for campaign contributions and probably doesn’t speak the language as few gringos spikka da Pushto or Vietnamese or Farsi or Khmer. For example, nobody at all in the embassy in Cambodia spoke Khmer. The rank and file of State are better suited to a high-end Rotarian barbecue than a Third World city teeming with strange people in funny clothes eating God knows what horrible things in winding frightening alleys. And so the State people could not understand why an American would marry one “of them,” as in the embassy I once heard a gringa put it. It was a good question. Why would a man marry a pretty, sleek, smart, self-reliant woman who wanted family and children? It was a great mystery.

The Taliban - NVA, I mean - NVA kept coming closer. A PR disaster loomed. Meanwhile the PR apparatus insisted that the sky wasn’t really falling even as it did and no, no, no the US had not gotten its sit-down royally kicked by a ratpack of rice-propelled paddy maggots, as GIs described the opposition. Many in government seemed to believe this. This was an early instance, to be repeated in another part of Asia, of inventing a fairyland world and then trying to move into it.

Finally State faced reality, a novel concept. It allowed quietly that expats and their families could fly out, military. It was getting late, but better than nothing.

The comedic value of this goat rope grew, becoming more amusing by the hour. I was trying to get a young Vietnamese woman out as she had worked for the embassy and we suspected things might not go well with her under the NVA. Call her Linda. Linda and I took the bus to Tan Son Nhut. The Viet gate guards gave her a hard time, envying her for getting out while they could not, but we got in. I was going to tell the State people that we were married but that while I was in Can Tho, by then in VC hands, see, the marriage papers had slipped from my carrying case. This was obvious bullshit, but I guessed that if I made a huge issue of it they would bend rather than get in a megillah with a reporter, no matter how unimportant.

We found ourselves in a long line of expats with their families leading to the door of a Quonset hut, inside of which a State official was checking papers. Some of the expats had around them what appeared to be small villages of in-laws, brothers of wives, sisters, everything but the family dog. An official with a bull horn told us to write down all their names and the relationships on clipboards being passed around. Tran Thi Tuyet Lan, sister, for example.

Then a genius at the embassy or Foggy Bottom realized that something resembling a third of Viet Nam was about to come out, listed as in-laws. Policy changed, at least in Washington which was as usual blankly ignorant of reality on the ground. At Tan Son Nhut this meant telling men that they had to leave parts of their families behind, which they weren’t going to do. This would not look good above the fold in the Washington Post. Dozens of Americans taken captive because the State Department "would not let their families out.” All was confusion because the US had spent years telling itself that the disaster couldn’t happen. What to do?

American ingenuity kicked in. At the Quonset hut the guy with the bullhorn announced, “From now on, all mothers-in-law are mothers, all brothers-in-law are brothers. Change your forms.” All along the line, magic markers went through “in-law.” This meant that some women had two mothers, but this under the circumstances seemed a minor biological quibble. The guy with the bull horn was at most three feet from the guy in the Quonset hut who was certifying papers as valid. He solemnly looked at the papers with their strike-through’s, certified them as correct, and that was that. A field expedient.

Hours and hours went by. Night came. Tempers frayed. Nobody seemed to have planned how actually to get these people out. Nobody seemed to have planned anything. Finally a 130 howled in. This was the Lockheed C-130 Hercules, a four-engine turboprop cargo bird and a magnificent plane. It taxied over. The engines did not shut down. The prop wash was strong and hot. The tail ramp dropped. The waiting mob were rushed aboard without ceremony. There were no seats in the dark cavern of the fuselage. That would have required planning, which no one in Washington had thought of. The air reeked of burned aviation kerosene. We squatted on the cargo deck while an Air Force guy with a bullhorn warned, “Keep the kids’ hands out of the expansion slots, you’ll lose them.”

The real-world Air Force didn’t have people named Derek in pink shirts and if you told it all rules off, get the job done, it did. Ramp up, fast taxi, takeoff run, tight corkscrewing climb with the engines running at power I didn’t know they had. The NVA and VC were now very close due to incompetent planning (have I mentioned incompetent planning?) and might have SAM-7s so it wasn’t a good idea to fly over territory they now controlled. Cutting and running from a stupid war run by generals as clueless as they were careerist, with Saigon spinning below, seen through open doors amid tightly packed peasants going they had little idea where. Days later when we got to San Fran on a chartered airliner, hundreds of refugees were dumped into the main concourse, no immigrations, customs, or paperwork.

And now we have done it all over again in Kabul, complete with helicopters over the embassy and a panicked evacuation undertaken way too late and sudden concern for turncoat Afghans who made the mistake of working for the US. There is talk of importing 20,000 Afghan refugees to America. I find it amusing that many conservatives, who thought the war was peaches because it was about democracy and niceness and American values, now object to importing people their dimwitted enthusiasms put in line to be killed. Use and discard. Countries and people.

There was the now-traditional underestimation of the speed of the insurgent advance, the predictable deprecation of the “good” Afghans for not fighting with sufficient enthusiasm for the Empire: If they didn’t care enough to defend their country, Biden would say with earnest cluelessness, what could we do?”

So why did this happen? Why another rush to the exit as the world laughs? Which the world is doing. In a sentence, because if you do something stupid and it doesn’t work, it probably won’t work when you do it again.

The psychological explanation is slightly more complex. Vietnam is a good example. America invaded a country of another race, utterly different culture, practicing religions GIs had never heard of, speaking a language virtually no Americans spoke, a country exceedingly sick of being invaded by foreigners, most of them white. in Afghanistan the designated evil was terrorism, in in Viet Nam communism, but the choice of evils doesn’t matter. You have to tell the rubes at home something noble sounding.

Then the Americans did as they always do, training the ARVN, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, to fight the communists to impose democracy, which the Viets had not asked them to do. But when you ask some Viets (Bodes, Laos, Iraqis, Afghans) to fight other Viets (Bodes, etc.) to kill their own people for the benefit of the invaders, they are not greatly charmed. With a predictability that makes sunrise seem chancy, they desert, fight lackadaisically, with officers charging the US pay for soldiers who do not exist, and probably go over to the other side en masse when the collapse comes. Which latter the Afghan army just did. Duh, as the kids say.

The speed of the Taliban advance took Americans by surprise because officers are liars and had been hiding the deplorable state of the “Afghan” army, its numbers, morale, degree of training, and phenomenal rates of desertion. Often the American officer corps thinks that if it can just have a little more time, they can win, so lying is a part of the war effort. Biden bought into this, announcing that the Afghan army vastly outnumbered the Taliban and was better armed and trained and the insurgents couldn’t possibly do what they proceeded to do.

Another reason is that the American style of war recruits its enemies. Soldiers are not the Boy Scout defenders of civilization that so many like to imagine. They kill a lot of civilians, many tens of thousands in the bombing of cities such as Baghdad and Hanoi. Ground troops come to detest the natives whom they designate gooks, zipperheads, sand ni**ers, camel jockeys, and the like. They commit war crimes that, when discovered, are called “isolated incidents,” when in fact they are common.

Fragmentation bombs produce such things as a little girl crying with her belly torn open and intestines falling out while her mother goes stark raving bugf**k mad watching her daughter bleed to death and she can do nothing about it. But it is for democracy and American values, and anyway the ragheads breed like flies, and besides, CNN won’t air it. Today drone strikes hit weddings and other gatherings. When you kill people in a village, the young men join the insurgents, wanting revenge. When a few thousands were killed in Nine-Eleven, Americans exploded in rage. Three thousand is a small fraction of the numbers killed in, say, the attack on Baghdad. The Iraqi soldiers killed in a hopeless attempt to defeat the Americans were sons, fathers, husbands, brothers of other Iraqis. How much love do we think it engendered in Iraqis? This seems not to occur to Washington.

Militaries at bottom are amoral. Afghans know of the torture operations at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Americans seem to dismiss such things as minor. They are not. Afghans seeing Moslems lying in pools of blood at Abu Ghraib, or being paraded around naked in hoods, are going to want to kill someone. Guess who.

American wars last a long time because no one has an incentive to end them. American casualties are low, especially now with the killing mostly done from the air against peasants with no defenses. No important American ever gets killed. American wars are all class wars, with the dying being done by blue-collar suckers from Kansas or the deep South, not by Bush II, Hillary, the other Clinton, Bolton, Bannon, Obama, Blinken, Biden, Cheney, Kamala, Trump, and the rest of those not required to fight. The US public has little idea of what goes on in its wars because the corporate media hide them. the Pentagon having learned that the media are their worst enemy, not the Taliban. It would not surprise me if one unfettered camera crew, filming the corpses and mutilated children and devastation, could force an end to such a war.

Americans are not heartless but calculatedly uninformed. Wars are also extremely profitable for those who provide the bombs, fuel, vehicles, and so on. If the US loses a war, the contracts stop, and equally if it wins. Keeping it going for decades provides a steady revenue stream. What’s not to like?

Finally, or as much as I am going to worry about, there is the 1955 Syndrome, the engrained belief that America is all powerful. This is arrogance and self-delusion. In the Pentagon you encounter a mandatory can-do attitude a belief that the US military is indomitable, the best trained, armed, and led force in this or any nearby galaxy. In one sense this is necessary: You can’t tell the Marines that they are mediocre light infantry or sailors that their aircraft are rapidly obsolescing, their ships sitting ducks in a changing military world, and that the whole military enterprise is rotted by social engineering, profiteering, and careerism.

But look around: The US has failed to intimidate North Korea, chase the Chinese out of its islands in the South China Sea, retrieve the Crimea from Russia, can’t intimidate Iran, just got run out of Afghanistan, remains mired in Iraq and Syria, failed to block Nordstream II despite a desperate effort, and couldn’t keep Turkey from buying the S-400. The Pentagon plans for the wars it wants to fight, not the wars it does fight. The most dangerous weapons of the modern world are not nukes, but the Ak-47, the RPG, and the IED. Figure it out.

And now the US comes home, leaving Afghanistan in ruins for decades. Use and discard."
A US military helicopter flying above the 
US embassy in Kabul on August 15, 2021.

Monday, August 23, 2021

"US Now Bankrupt; Avoid Being A Debit Slave As Inflation War Will Crush The Economy"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, PM 8/23/21:
"US Now Bankrupt; Avoid Being A Debit Slave 
As Inflation War Will Crush The Economy"

Musical Interlude: Logos, “Cheminement”

Full screen recommended.
Logos, “Cheminement”

"A Look to the Deep Heavens"

Full screen recommended.
"The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D"

"The Most Precious Gift..."

“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.”
- Walter Anderson

Chet Raymo, "Why We Need Poets"

"Why We Need Poets"
by Chet Raymo

"The poet Jane Hirshfield referred in a poem to the number of atoms it takes to make a butterfly. Ten to the 24th power, I think she said. I thought I'd check it out. A typical butterfly might weigh about half a gram. The exact ratio of elements I don't know, but mostly hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. Let's assume an atomic weight of ten for a typical atom; that is, an atom with ten nuclear particles (Hydrogen=1, carbon= 12, oxygen=16, and so on). A proton or neutron has a weight of about 1.6 X 10-24 grams. About 3 X 1022 atoms in a butterfly.

If I'm remembering Hirshfield's reference correctly (and I may not be), we are off by one or two orders of magnitude. No matter. It's a very big number. You want to make a butterfly? You will need 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms. And every one in exactly the right place.

Now consider the miracle of metamorphosis. The caterpillar builds a chrysalis. Wraps itself up in its closet. And there, in the privacy of its self-sufficiency, it rearranges those arrangements of atoms. The caterpillar's six stumpy front feet are turned into the butterfly's slender legs. Four wings develop, as do reproductive organs. Chewing mouthparts become adapted for sucking. A crawling, insatiable, leaf-eater is transformed into a winged, sex-obsessed nectar sipper.

This is why we need poets. It's one thing to count atoms, or draw diagrams of the 22 amino acids, or suss out their sequence on the long chains that are the proteins. Or read out the genome that controls the machinery that turns a creeping leaf-cruncher into a winged angel. But all that biochemistry, as wonderful as it is, leaves the essential mystery intact. The hum. The unceasing hum that is life. The inextinguishable continuity. Sing, poets. Sing your hosannas."

"Each Of Us..."

“Each of us inevitable; Each of us limitless -
each of us with his or her right upon the earth;
Each of us allowed the eternal purports of the earth;
Each of us here as divinely as any is here.”
- Walt Whitman
"We all know that something is eternal. And it ain't houses and it ain't names, and it ain't earth, and it ain't even the stars... everybody knows in their bones that something is eternal, and that something has to do with human beings. All the greatest people ever lived have been telling us that for five thousand years and yet you'd be surprised how people are always losing hold of it. There's something way down deep that's eternal about every human being."
- Thornton Wilder

The Poet: Mary Oliver, "I Worried"

"The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter"

Full screen recommended.
"The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later 
This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter"
by Epic Economist

"Have you already started to notice that store shelves are getting increasingly emptier? Have you realized that some basic items have become impossible to find? If so, you're definitely not alone. All across America, consumers are having to deal with shortages of food staples and a series of other everyday items as the supply chains crisis is only getting worse. At this point, it seems that we can only hope for things not to escalate any further, otherwise, we might see people fighting over a can of beans and a pack of toilet paper just as we seen during the waves of panic-buying last year.

But, sadly, the truth is that global supply chains are now under more strain than ever before, and industry executives have been warning in recent days that consumers haven't yet seen the worst of this crisis. In the coming holiday season, things may get much more complicated. Even though people are trying to keep a positive mindset that things will eventually get better, many events are unfolding all over the world right now that are likely to dramatically aggravate supply chain problems, and result in shipping delays and even more shortages.

At this point, several local news outlets are already reporting massive shortages in their local areas, although the mainstream media hasn't covered the national shortages that are happening everywhere in the country just yet. Whether they are trying not to spread panic and unleash a panic-buying frenzy again or they are deliberately choosing not to tell people the truth, the reality is that many people can’t find some of their favorite and essential items since the health crisis started.

All across the country, the shortage of workers is making it harder for retailers to unload containers, transport their products and restock their shelves so that customers can find what they want and need. Therefore, there's no end in sight for the current shortages, particularly because the Delta variant has been spreading across Asian ports, which are key to global trade. In China, after one worker was detected with the virus, authorities decided to shut down one of the busiest port terminals in the entire world “indefinitely”.

Meanwhile, another major factor supply chains are having to deal with is a historic global shipping container shortage. The demand for shipping containers is outstripping the supply by such a great scale that global shipping container rates soared to levels we have never seen before. In the US, companies are paying up to $32,000 for a single container coming from China. And once those containers arrive on our coast and get delivered at ports, there aren’t enough port workers to unload them all. For that reason, it's been taking months for products that are made in China to get to our stores. And some of them may never arrive at all. That's the case of any product that might contain a computer chip.

Now that the holiday season is right at the corner, due to the series of supply chain bottlenecks, many in the retail industry are anticipating complete and utter chaos. In a recent study conducted by Reuters, nearly a dozen suppliers and retailers of everything from toys to computer equipment in the United States and Europe were surveyed. They found that all of the companies expect "weeks-long delays in holiday inventory due to shipping bottlenecks, including a global container shortage and the recent outbreak-related closure of the southern Chinese port of Yantian, which serves manufacturers near Shenzhen".

Even if nothing else goes wrong, it could take years for supply chains to normalize, and considering how fast things are changing, another devastating crisis can suddenly erupt and take us back to square one. As inventory levels continue to go down, prices are going up to compensate. However, several economists are becoming increasingly more alarmed as the price hikes have hit food staples all over the world.

Unrest is something that always follows when acute food price hikes happen, and in face of the growing social tensions we've been witnessing all over the globe, this sustained increase in prices for basic staples is making some governments extremely nervous, including America's. Despite insisting that all of this will be "transitory", consumers have started to realize that our leaders' concept of "transitory" is actually translated into years of high inflation and economic pain for millions of people. When the masses become aware of the fact that most politicians in Washington and policymakers with the Federal Reserve don't seem to know what they're doing, this country will start to see some definitive changes."

The Daily "Near You?"

Blue River, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"The Final Blowout Sale"

"The Final Blowout Sale"
by Jeff Thomas

"Increasingly, both Europeans and North Americans whom I meet are expressing their concern that the social structure of their countries appears to be breaking down. Americans and Canadians speak of people of who, for making an off-handed comment that could possibly be interpreted as racist, can lose their livelihoods as a result. In the UK, it’s worse, with people being sentenced to prison for publicly denouncing rapes of children by Muslims in UK cities.

In the US, some universities now have "non-white-only" days, when Caucasian students and faculty are banned from school grounds. (Those who do attend have at times been harassed, threatened and even physically attacked in the new racist anti-white trend.)

The quest for illogical "diversity" is arising in a host of surprising contexts. For example, in applications for air traffic control positions, applicants are given five times more points for seemingly irrelevant "qualifications," such as "having played team sports in high school" or for "having been unemployed for more than three years," than for being pilots. This, in spite of the fact that air traffic control is not about diversity, it’s about knowing how to get planes full of people to land safely.

A teenager who is caught smoking marijuana can be jailed for it, but, worse, under Civil Asset Forfeiture, if he brings marijuana home, his family can have their house, cars and bank accounts confiscated under the suspicion that they "may" be drug traffickers. However, bankers, who embezzle hundreds of millions, simply pay a fine, which is then charged to shareholders.

As one American said to me recently, "It’s as though everything I was taught about truth, reason and morality as a child has been turned upside down." And that’s exactly right.

Historically, whenever an empire is in decline, as it reaches the latter stages, truth, reason and morality become casualties. As government leaders come to realize that the damage that they’ve visited upon their countries has gone way too far and that a collapse will occur, they make a last-ditch effort to keep the game going a little longer – to milk the system for a final year or two.

Concurrently, some people begin to twig onto the fact that the government itself is the problem and they begin to seek accountability. At such a time, the only tool a government has is to attempt to re-invent truth – to feed the media with a false narrative in order to wipe out their own tracks. And the closer a nation is to the crisis stage, the more re-invention is necessary, until virtually all information is patently false.

Reason: In order for false information to be effective, reason must also be broken down. Any existing perceptions are to be turned on their heads. Those who were previously perceived as the contributors and creators are vilified as evil. Those who have previously been regarded as ne’er-do-wells are presented as victims and even heroes.

Morals: And, as truth and reason are decimated, any population begins to lose focus on its inherent morality. Even the most basic moral concepts, such as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," become abandoned, since, in a world where truth and reason are becoming corrupted, a people will begin to understand that their sense of personal responsibility and their sense of humanity are no longer attributes, but liabilities. At best, these traits may diminish a citizen’s well-being and, at worst, he can be ostracized or even jailed for defending moral principles that have been discarded.

But, it should be said, that this is nothing new. In Rome, in the fourth century, in Spain in the sixteenth century, and, in fact, whenever an empire has begun the latter stages of decline, the deterioration listed above has taken place. The pattern is always the same.

This brings to mind a lesson I learned in my youth. I’d been sent to a private school in the city. On the main shopping street there was a very large department store (In the UK, think: Marks & Spencer; in the US, think: Macy’s). Periodically, there would be sales on goods. But, once a year, a Final Closeout Sale would be held. Prices were far lower than the cost to manufacture the goods and this would be the one and only time in the year when extreme bargains were to be had.

The sale was always held in the basement, which was devoid of the attractive displays upstairs. Instead, plain steel clothing racks and bare wooden bins held the clothing that would be on sale.

On the day of the sale, the doors would be opened and a flood of women would rush into the store and hurry down the stairs. Women would seek out the racks and bins where clothing their size had been displayed. In a very short time, clothing was torn from racks. The cellophane was torn from the Items in the bins and the women tried to grab as many items as would fit them. Amazingly, many of them took off their outer clothing and went from rack to bin in their underwear, trying on clothing.

At times, the competition for acquisition became somewhat frenzied and women would physically fight over a garment, sometimes tearing it to pieces. By day’s end, the clothing that hadn’t been bought was strewn everywhere and the floor was covered in garments that had been trampled.

At the time, such behavior by individuals was anathema to me and I attempted to understand why (otherwise normal) people would, as a group, abandon their sense of personal responsibility to others and their sense of humanity. Clearly, the very notion that the event represented a "last chance" of some sort was sufficient to cause, at least a portion of the population, to discard all responsibility.

And, of course, the same is true for nations. Throughout history, whenever an empire has entered its decline, the people, whether they understand the events or not, feel in their gut that a "Final Closeout Sale" is coming and their traditional values often fall by the wayside. In the jurisdictions mentioned above, if we can go by voting, roughly half of each population not only tolerates the loss of truth, reason and morality, they revel in it. Indeed, those who promote the "newthink" tend to be positively obsessive, to the point of not only forcing it on all others, but doing so violently in many instances.

Just as in 1789 in France, or 1917 in Russia, we would be unwise to be present at the time of a national Final Closeout Sale, as it would unquestionably pose a very real threat to anyone whose prime values remain intact. Worse, in the aftermath, we’d be highly likely to see the emergence of a Robespierre or a Lenin, assuring a coming era of persecution for the retention of prime values.

In any era when socio-political or economic upheaval is soon to occur, those who survive the debacle tend to be those who watch carefully for the warning signs and make changes in their lives and/or geographic locations in the hope of avoiding becoming a casualty.

Those who continue to value truth, reason and morality, and wish to avoid having them replaced by mindless violent chaos, might wish to pointedly be absent from the scene when the Final Blowout Sale gets underway."

"From Fake Boom to Ka-Boom!"

"From Fake Boom to Ka-Boom!"
by Bill Bonner

POITOU, FRANCE – "Whew… We were distracted last week by the collapse of the elite’s 20-year fraud in Afghanistan. Alert readers noticed that it caused us to amend our outlook… our forecast for coming events. Let’s take a look at it, so we’re all on the same page.

Here it is in shorthand: (Fake) Boom… Bust… Re-Boom… Ka-Boom… Kabul!

Fake Boom: Yes, we’re only in the boom stage now… But it’s a fake boom… like the fake “stability” in Afghanistan that disappeared in a matter of hours last weekend. The Washington Post reported on Friday that: "With prices creeping up, more Americans are turning to dollar stores." What kind of boom forces people to cut corners?

A fake one. One where only some people profit and most people struggle. One that skews wealth towards the rich. The Institute for Policy Studies elaborates: "The world’s billionaires have seen their wealth surge by over $5.5 trillion since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, a gain of over 68 percent. The world’s 2,690 global billionaires saw their combined wealth rise from $8 trillion on March 18, 2020 to $13.5 trillion as of July 31, 2021, drawing on data from Forbes.

Global billionaire total wealth has increased more over the past 17 months of the pandemic than it did in the 15 years prior to the pandemic. Between 2006 and 2020, global billionaire wealth increased from $2.65 trillion to $8 trillion, a gain of $5.35 trillion."

Billionaires have reaped an unseemly windfall at a time when millions have lost their lives and livelihoods. The pandemic has supercharged existing global inequalities, with the wealthy profiteering from the shuttering of the main street economies around the world. The boom is phony. It doesn’t make things better; it makes them worse – more bad investments… more inequality… more zombies… bigger deficits… more debt… more lies…

Two Choices: What next? Choose one of two possibilities:

1) The economy strengthens and the Federal Reserve thinks it’s safe to stop printing money…
2) The economy weakens and the Federal Reserve keeps the presses rolling.

In either case, the stock market’s reaction is probably the same: a selloff or a crash. In the first scenario, it sells off in anticipation of tighter credit. In the second, it sells off because the last round of easy credit clearly didn’t work. But you never know what will set it off. Or when. It doesn’t have to be a direct financial crisis. It could be something that demoralizes investors for other reasons. The fall of Kabul, for example.

Spreading Rot: It is now clear to everyone that the U.S. Empire is not what it used to be. By every measure – money, power, prestige, life expectancy, you name it – America has declined since 1999. And trusting America’s elite is clearly not always a prudent move. Donald Trump promised to reverse the slide with his “Make America Great Again” slogan. That failed spectacularly. Then, Biden offered another slogan: “America Is Back.” But, like gangrene working its way up an infected leg, the rot continues to spread.

The next crisis point comes when the stock market falls. Then comes the bust. Left alone, it would do what all busts do – eliminate the bad debt… wipe out the zombies… correct mistakes and separate fools from their money. The nation would normally enter a bad recession/depression… and then get back on its feet, on firmer, more solid ground.

One Final Fling: But that won’t happen. Instead, the next financial crisis will bring on the same flimflam response as the last three – a new “surge” of spending, stimmy, and debt… Fools and their money will get a chance for a final fling together.

Yes… that’s the re-boom ahead. Prices will rise… The stock market may hit more new highs as the feds promise huge budget deficits and boondoggles for everybody. But rising prices will not be confined to capital markets. They’ll rise in the dollar stores, too. People will have more money to spend… but prices will rise faster than incomes. This new souped-up “stimulus” program will have no better success than the previous ones. More zombified than ever, by fake money and real debt, the economy will slow. And this “stagflation” will bring more discontent… more spending… and more inflation.

Ka-Boom! Now, we will be ready for the climax – Ka-Boom!… a mess of rising prices, crashes, bankruptcies, taxes, strikes, and crime… Think Venezuela. The feds will try desperately to hold their fake economy together. But they will not dare to do the one thing that might reestablish its integrity – stop the money-printing.

By then, everything will depend on more money. Prices will be rising fast; people will need more and more cash to keep up with them. ATMs will run out. Clerks will have to mark up prices every month… then every week. Stock prices will gyrate wildly; but they, too, will have a hard time keeping up with the declining value of the dollar. Bonds will be wiped out.

Politicians will promise more bailouts… more solutions… more scapegoats… as civil society gets the heebie jeebies. Extremists, left and right, will come up with “solutions” – and gain big followings. By then, everybody will see the problem… but nobody will be able to stop it.

Final Stage: The elite said we could spend, spend, spend until inflation showed up. But then, it will be too late to change course. The police and the soldiers will need to be paid. Businesses will need to be subsidized. Old people will need pensions, poor people will need food, and sick people will need medicines. What kind of hard-hearted sourpuss could turn off the printing presses, when so many people need more money?

Waiting for consumer prices to rise sharply is like counting on the fire alarm to tell you when dinner is ready. By the time you turn off the printing press, the economy is burnt to a cinder.

Chaos. Corruption. Crime. In the final stage, we reach – Kabul! And those who trusted the U.S. government for their safety and prosperity will be ruined."

"How It Really Is"

Jim Kunstler, "Throwdowns and Showdowns"

"Throwdowns and Showdowns"
by Jim Kunstler

"Notice, there are two sets of hostages in this phase of what looks like an engineered US collapse: the thousands of stranded Americans who can’t get out of Afghanistan thanks to the history-rockin’ ineptitude of “Joe Biden,” Tony Blinken, and General Mark Milley, and the millions of We-the-People back home whose minds are hostage to the narratives concocted in a shadowland of sinister governance. Welcome to a week of throwdowns and showdowns, a force majeure of mind change.

A strange paralysis in the Pentagon has prevented the use of US power to clear an escape corridor to Kabul’s airport and establish order in the facility - this, after the tactically mystifying decision to abandon the US Bagram military airfield, a good twenty miles outside of festering Kabul, and surrounded by more easily-securable empty desert. Britain and France managed to get their nationals out last week, only to be rebuked by American brass for “making us look bad.” That helped, I’m sure.

And then how long can the stranded Americans even stay hidden and alive? They have to eat. Either they come out of their hidey-holes and get to some market, or they would (theoretically) have to send some Afghani servants to fetch them supplies, But, what Afghani in his right mind would want to be caught in service to the Americans by the Taliban? That quandary must have a pretty short time-horizon on it. Standing by to see how it works out…

Next in this week’s throwdown parade is the FDA’s imminent approval of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, without any of the usual extensive trials. How does that even happen, with an efficacy rate of 39 percent maximum and a runaway train of vicious side effects ranging from brain and heart damage to infertility? The so-called mRNA “vaccines” are also implicated in the ongoing mutation of the disease, producing a cavalcade of variants. Is that, perhaps, on-purpose, to keep the pandemic going, preventing it from burning-out?

Covid-19 is an expedient device for exercising the most severe control over the daily life of Americans, and it is being used liberally once again in the “blue” cities to make ordinary business as difficult as possible even unto shut-down and ruin. FDA approval will further enable the mandatory “vaccination” of school-children, government workers, and corporate employees. About half the country still refuses to get jabbed. You are about to see them go hard-core when the FDA makes its move.

The shadow cabal behind “Joe Biden” will, accordingly, destroy what is left of public education as millions of parents withdraw their kids from the system. You will then see the rapid assembly of home-schooling networks that aggregate informally into small private academies - and, of course, the biggest losers will be the minorities who lack the cultural mojo to home-school. Well done, “Joe Biden” and the FDA! While you’re at, why not destroy Higher Ed, too? (That sound you’ll hear is plywood getting nailed up on the windows of countless insolvent small colleges.)

The school revolt will only be one part of a greater uproar against the confabulated hysteria of Covid-19. Throwdown will lead to showdown as the alienation of We-the-People from a tyrannical rogue government bangs the crisis gong. Next up: the release of the Arizona election audit’s preliminary findings. Rumor is that they show the grossest possible, and probably criminal, mismanagement of the balloting, pointing to a conclusion that “Joe Biden” did not win that state’s election. Additional rumor has it that the ballots carried hidden, traceable serial numbers, or something like that, showing conclusively how the paper vote was rigged. Rachel Mddow’s nightmare - “They have the ballots!!!” - comes true… a wake-up for the Woked-up.

As predicted here, John Durham is back in the news. The captive news media - that is, the mainstream orgs owned by the Intel Community - put stories out last week that the RussiaGate special prosecutor has actually made some trips to the grand jury. That implies some kind of criminal prosecution. Their spin was that he had only netted a few small-fry, characters mostly outside government such as Igor Danchenko of the Brookings Institution, said to be the chief source for Christopher Steele’s nefarious “dossier.” Don’t believe it. Durham is going for the sharks and whales: Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, John Brennan, Bruce and Nellie Ohr… and, really, how can James Comey be excluded from that gang, since he was running it?

This week marks the beginning of the Deep State’s hard time. Its narratives are shredding. Its mind-control measures are slip-sliding away. Half the country has been onto their game for years, and the other half is about to feel their heads explode as a corrective reality elbows into the scene. That is, the real-and-only reality, not the one confabulated backstage for you by skulking quislings. See how you’ve been played? They have taken your country. Maybe you should start caring about that."

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 8/23/21"

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 8/23/21"
"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will
do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
- John Maynard Keynes
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates

CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
August 22nd to 24th, Updated Daily
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: credit, equity valuation, funding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United States, other advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts
Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...
Oh yeah...

Gregory Mannarino, "AM/PM 8/23/21"

"Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
Your guide:
Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/23/21:
"Critical, Must Know Now Updates"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 8/23/21:

“Bank If America And Morgan Stanley Warn 

On The Stock Market And Economy”


"What Downtown Portland Looks Like in 2021"

Full screen recommended.
"What Downtown Portland Looks Like in 2021"
by Travelwithchris

"Downtown Portland looks very different in 2021! Today we will be exploring the city of Portland, Oregon! A city located in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. This city like many other major cities in the United States is facing a huge homeless problem and quite frankly it is getting out of hand! The streets of Downtown Portland are starting to look like Skid Row in Los Angeles, California and that is extremely sad to see! In this video you will see first hand what I’m talking about! I hope you guys enjoy this video!"

"The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter"

"The Shortages Are Going To Get Worse Later 
This Year As Global Supply Chains Increasingly Falter"
by Michael Snyder

"Have you noticed that it is a lot harder to get certain things these days? Just recently, someone in my local area was surprised when her appointment to get the windshield on her vehicle fixed was canceled because it wasn’t possible to get a replacement windshield. This was a windshield for a very common vehicle, and normally that wouldn’t be a problem at all. But these are not normal times. Thanks to several factors that I will detail in this article, global supply chains are now under more strain than we have ever seen in the post-World War II era, and unfortunately it appears that things are going to get even worse as we approach the holiday season.

I know that most of you probably don’t want to hear that the shortages that we are experiencing now are going to get worse. So you may be tempted to stop reading this article now because you don’t want to see the bad news. But it is imperative that you understand what is ahead, and so I urge you to keep reading.

Let’s take this one step at a time. Right now, local news outlets all over the country are doing stories about the shortages in their local areas. Here is one example… "Have you recently gone to the grocery store and found some of the shelves empty? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people can’t find some of their favorite and essential items since the pandemic started."

As that article points out, the stores are trying to order the products that they need. They just can’t get them.  This is happening all across the United States, and as a result the inventory to sales ratio for U.S. retailers has been pushed to the lowest level on record… "In April, May, and June, the inventory-sales ratio of around 1.08 – or about 33 days’ supply – was at the lowest point in the data going back to 1992. In the years before the pandemic, the overall ratio was around 1.5, providing 45 days of supply."

So why is this happening? Well, the truth is that there are several contributing factors, and one of them is fear of COVID. When a single worker recently tested positive for COVID, China shut down one of the busiest port terminals in the entire world “indefinitely”…"One of the world’s busiest ports partially closed this week after an employee tested positive for Covid-19. The closure raises fears of new disruptions to world trade that could slow the global economy’s recovery. Meishan, a key terminal at China’s Ningbo-Zhoushan port, closed indefinitely Wednesday after a 34-year old worker tested positive for Covid-19. A member of the board of the Ningbo Port Group Company- which operates the port- also resigned Wednesday, citing personal reasons, reported China’s Securities Daily."

This wouldn’t be such a problem if we had not become so dependent on goods from China. Other nations are severely overreacting to outbreaks of COVID as well, and this is making it harder and harder to move goods around the world on an efficient basis.

Another major factor that we are dealing with is a historic global shipping container shortage. The demand for shipping containers greatly exceeds the supply, and this has pushed global shipping container rates to levels we have never seen before. And once shipping containers are delivered to U.S. ports, there isn’t enough port workers to unload them all. It can now literally take months for products that are made in China to get to the U.S. retailers that originally ordered them.

Of course if those products contain computer chips, they may never arrive at all. The global shortage of computer chips is deeply affecting thousands of other industries. For instance, it is being estimated that the global auto industry will produce 7.1 million fewer vehicles this year because of the chip shortage… "VW’s main plant in Wolfsburg is only going to be running on its early shift after summer break due to the lack of supply, Bloomberg reported this morning.

Its plant in Wolfsburg is the “world’s biggest car plant” and employs about 60,000 people. Audi is also pausing production temporarily, extending its summer break by one week, the report notes. Global shortages of semiconductors could wind up cutting worldwide production of autos this year by about 7.1 million vehicles, Bloomberg predicted this morning."

Now we are moving into the holiday season, and many in the retail industry are anticipating a complete and utter disaster… "Reuters surveyed nearly a dozen suppliers and retailers of everything from toys to computer equipment in the United States and Europe. All expect weeks-long delays in holiday inventory due to shipping bottlenecks, including a global container shortage and the recent COVID-related closure of the southern Chinese port of Yantian, which serves manufacturers near Shenzhen.

One executive that was interviewed by Reuters said that we are heading for “a major, major mess”… “It’s going to be a major, major mess,” said Isaac Larian, chief executive of Los Angeles-based MGA Entertainment Inc, which sells LOL Surprise, Bratz, Little Tikes and other toy brands to Amazon, Walmart and Target."

And another executive openly admitted that it is “too late” to save Christmas… “It’s too late for Christmas,” said Thompson, founder of Washington-based Plugable Technologies."

This is what the immediate future of the U.S. economy looks like even if nothing else goes wrong. So what is going to happen if another major crisis suddenly erupts in the middle of all this?

As inventories get tighter and tighter, prices are rising to compensate. One area that I am particularly interested in is the price of food. According to the FAO, the global price of food is 31 percent higher than it was a year ago… "Whether at supermarkets, corner stores, or open-air markets, prices for food have been surging in much of the world, forcing families to make tough decisions about their diets. Meat is often the first to go, ceding space to less expensive proteins such as dairy, eggs, or beans. In some households, a glass of milk has become a luxury reserved only for children; fresh fruit, once deemed a necessity, is now a treat."

Food prices in July were up 31% from the same month last year, according to an index compiled by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. Have global paychecks risen 31 percent over the past year to keep up? No way. As a result, many are having a much harder time buying the food that they need and more people are going hungry. Needless to say, this is setting the stage for the sort of global crisis that I have been warning about.

There was so much optimism during the first half of 2021, but now everyone is starting to realize which way all the needles are pointing. Very choppy seas are ahead, and those at the helm do not seem to know what they are doing."

Sunday, August 22, 2021

"America's Central Banks Are Bracing For An Apocalyptic Endgame As The Everything Bubble Bursts"

Full screen recommended.
"America's Central Banks Are Bracing For An 
Apocalyptic Endgame As The Everything Bubble Bursts"
by Epic Economist

"The US central bank is leading us to the greatest financial disaster in the history of the world, but most people don't even imagine how devastating will be the future that awaits us. In a recent article, the financial expert and founder of Matterhorn Asset Management and Gold Switzerland, Egon von Greyerz, has described how the Federal Reserve has cursed the United States of America by debasing the value of our currency. The downfall of our Republic has started exactly 50 years ago, when central bankers and Nixon decided to turn all real assets, including gold, into worthless paper, creating the perfect setup for an irreversible financial catastrophe. That decision came at a cost that Nixon probably wasn't anticipating: since 1971, after hundreds of trillions of artificial dollars started to be injected into the economy and financial markets, the dollar has seen its value collapse by 98 percent. Many other leaders throughout history have done what Nixon did, and if he'd known this before, he would have realized that no currency has ever survived to this sort of monetary policy.

When will they ever learn? Apparently, the answer is never. History can only teach lessons for those who are willing to listen. The story repeats itself because our leaders insist to make the same mistakes. Under these policies, every single currency throughout history has been debased until it has reached zero value, as von Greyerz outlines. The fact that since the 1960s the US government has increased the federal debt by the trillions every year is a clear sign of chronic disease and that something is terminally broken in our system. The big problem is that as opposed to other countries who faced a similar decay, because of the size of the US economy and the reserve currency status of the dollar, the consequences are remarkably deeper and much more threatening. We are now witnessing the growth of the most splendid financial bubble ever recorded. But at this point, it is not just central banks blowing bubbles, the whole world has become a bubble.

As the derivatives bubble explodes, or rather implodes, in the next few years, more and more money will be printed by central banks in a futile attempt to save the financial system. What they fail to realize is that the more they add money into the system, the bigger the imbalances get. Against this backdrop, it becomes impossible to fight the growth of asset bubbles and inflation. We're faded to a never-ending cycle of debt, booms, and busts. According to von Greyerz, our current monetary system will collapse at some point between 2025 and 2030, marking the end of a major economic era. When a hyperinflationary central bank endgame starts -- which will be followed by a depressionary implosion -- the deterioration will happen very quickly. Investors won't have time to run for the exits, and American workers will see their life savings gone with the wind. That's why wealth protection should be a top priority for anyone living in these troubled times.

In several of our previous videos, we have been reporting the warnings of several economists, market watchers, financial analysts, and veteran investors who have been telling us that we're in the middle of the biggest financial bubble in all history. And it's time to learn with History that such speculative bubbles always pop – there is no exception. Every speculative bubble mania regardless of its alleged "uniqueness" ends up bursting. Investors try to convince themselves that "it's different this time," but no bubble has ever "reached a permanently high plateau" and then remained on the plateau for years. And what is our central bank doing right now? It is adding more fuel to a range of already overly-inflated bubbles, including housing, stocks, and bonds.

The situation has gotten so out of hand that, according to updated estimates, the US government spends $875 million every hour in 2021 and, up until now, a staggering number of $1.7 billion were spent between central banks and the US government to prevent a stock market crash and an economic disaster. But things are getting increasingly unsustainable and one single systemic failure can lead to the simultaneous explosion of all asset bubbles. It's time to face the truth: This time will not be different. And central banks are about to trigger an apocalyptic endgame that will mark the end of an era."

Musical Interlude: Relaxation Ambient Music, "Space Ambient Music for Stress Relief, Dreaming"

Full screen recommended.
Relaxation Ambient Music,
"Space Ambient Music for Stress Relief, Dreaming"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"This wide, sharp telescopic view reveals galaxies scattered beyond the stars and faint dust nebulae of the Milky Way at the northern boundary of the high-flying constellation Pegasus. Prominent at the upper right is NGC 7331.
A mere 50 million light-years away, the large spiral is one of the brighter galaxies not included in Charles Messier's famous 18th century catalog. The disturbed looking group of galaxies at the lower left is well-known as Stephan's Quintet. About 300 million light-years distant, the quintet dramatically illustrates a multiple galaxy collision, its powerful, ongoing interactions posed for a brief cosmic snapshot. On the sky, the quintet and NGC 7331 are separated by about half a degree."

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/22/21: "Markets, A Look Ahead - Keeping You Way Ahead Of The Curve"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/22/21:
"Markets, A Look Ahead -
 Keeping You Way Ahead Of The Curve"

"Be The Person..."

"We are fast moving into something, we are fast flung into something like asteroids cast into space by the death of a planet, we the people of earth are cast into space like burning asteroids and if we wish not to disintegrate into nothingness we must begin to now hold onto only the things that matter while letting go of all that doesn't. For when all of our dust and ice deteriorates into the cosmos we will be left only with ourselves and nothing else. So if you want to be there in the end, today is the day to start holding onto your children, holding onto your loved ones; onto those who share your soul. Harbor and anchor into your heart justice, truth, courage, bravery, belief, a firm vision, a steadfast and sound mind. Be the person of meaningful and valuable thoughts. Don't look to the left, don't look to the right; we simply don't have the time. Never be afraid of fear."
- C. JoyBell C.

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