Monday, July 19, 2021

"Bank Meltdown Is Coming As Latest Data Reveals Something Is Terminally Broken In The US Bank System"

Full screen recommended.
"Bank Meltdown Is Coming As Latest Data Reveals 
Something Is Terminally Broken In The US Bank System"
by Epic Economist

"A remarkable and yet concerning development in the banking sector is signaling the financial system is in big trouble. Severe imbalances between the volume of loans and deposits in all four of the U.S. biggest banks are indicating that the overflow of liquidity issued and pumped into the system by the Federal Reserve over the past 12 months is triggering operational problems for banks and setting the economy up for failure. The loan-to-deposit ratio is a measure of how much money printed by the central bank enters the bank system and how much money is created by private entities, the first being responsible for bad inflation - higher prices for assets and goods, lower growth - and the second by good inflation - boosting economic growth with real money.

The largest US bank, JPMorgan, just released its latest earnings report in which it exposed that in the second quarter its total deposits went up by a staggering 23% year-over-year, to $2.3 trillion. On the other hand, the total amount of loans issued by the bank remained flat, at $1.04 trillion. This means that more printed money is making into the financial system than real money is getting out and going into circulation across the economy. Moreover, the report highlighted that this is the second time in history that in the first quarter, JPMorgan recorded 100% more deposits than loans. In other words, the ratio of loans to deposits is now 50%. The last time such sharp imbalances between the volume of loans and deposits occurred was just before the Lehman crisis, so this is a very alarming situation financial analysts have been closely watching.

However, for Bank of America, this epic divergence is even worse: Deposits hit a new all-time high of $1.91 trillion, despite the fact that the bank's loans have continuously shrunk at a very alarming, deleveraging pace and are sitting now at $927 billion, roughly $100 billion below their level just before the Lehman crisis. That is to say, Bank of America recorded zero loan growth for the past 12 years, while the bank's deposits have doubled. The same has happened to Citigroup and even Wells Fargo. Simply put, for the past 12 years, only unbacked money was put into circulation.

There are two major implications resultant from the collapsing loan-to-deposit ratio. The first is that this ratio is a closely watched metric that measures how much lending a bank is doing when compared to its capacity to lend. The second is actually the most fundamental question in modern fractional reserve banking: "what comes first, loans or deposits"? Put it another way, do private, commercial banks create the money in circulation by first lending it out, or is the central bank the only one responsible for money creation? Deposits are coming first because the money supply has exponentially grown in the past year, and everyone knew that eventually, this money would flood financial markets while also pushing the price of assets, goods, and services to sky-highs. For evidence, just note the recent explosion in consumer prices that readjusted inflation expectations to the highest in 13 years. In essence, the recent loan and deposit data mean that the conventional process of deposit creation via loans is terminally broken.

In sum, banks won't have another alternative rather than issuing a massive amount of loans to offset the massive amount of liquidity injected by the Fed into the financial system. Most importantly, once banks release this huge lending effort the inflation provoked by the Fed's policies will show its worse effects. Another critical reason why this data is so relevant is that the continued loan destruction is a sign of looming deflation, meaning that prices will stay up while growth will remain flat, so the inflation fueled by the Fed won't serve its purpose of actually stimulating the economy. But even though everyone has been warning the Fed about the flaws of the current policies, it is very likely that once a deflationary period starts to occur, the government will launch another major reflationary mega stimulus, which will also fail to stimulate benign inflation and keep fueling asset and price bubbles across the financial markets and the economy for another 3 to 6 months, in case they haven't already burst.

Needless to say, this helicopter money will and once again fail to create benign economic inflation, and every additional liquidity injection will only push us one step closer to uncontrolled asset price hyperinflation as soon as those trillions in newly created printed dollars start flowing right back into the financial market again. We're on the verge of a new era of painful price hikes and a stagnant economy, and we will be incredibly lucky if a catastrophic financial crisis doesn't burst in that process."

Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Resonance Blue"

Deuter, "Resonance Blue"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Two stars within our own Milky Way galaxy anchor the foreground of this cosmic snapshot. Beyond them lie the galaxies of the Hydra Cluster. In fact, while the spiky foreground stars are hundreds of light-years distant, the Hydra Cluster galaxies are over 100 million light-years away.
Three large galaxies near the cluster center, two yellow ellipticals (NGC 3311, NGC 3309) and one prominent blue spiral (NGC 3312), are the dominant galaxies, each about 150,000 light-years in diameter. An intriguing overlapping galaxy pair cataloged as NGC 3314 is just above and left of NGC 3312. Also known as Abell 1060, the Hydra galaxy cluster is one of three large galaxy clusters within 200 million light-years of the Milky Way. In the nearby universe, galaxies are gravitationally bound into clusters which themselves are loosely bound into superclusters that in turn are seen to align over even larger scales. At a distance of 100 million light-years this picture would be about 1.3 million light-years across."

"No Special Hurry..."

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too, but there will be no special hurry."
- Ernest Hemingway, "A Farewell To Arms"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 7/19/21: "Morgan Stanley Warns On The Market. Cost Of Living SURGING On Runaway Inflation"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 7/19/21:
"Morgan Stanley Warns On The Market. 
Cost Of Living SURGING On Runaway Inflation"

"Dow sinks 726 points for worst day in over 3 months 
amid escalating worries about COVID's delta variant."

"A Question of Timing"

"A Question of Timing"
by Jeff Thomas

"France, 1788. Russia, 1916. Germany, 1937."

"These dates have something in common. In France in 1788, political conditions had been getting questionable, but there was no apparent need to panic. That came the following year, with the sudden outbreak of the French Revolution. From that point on, it was dangerous even to go out in the streets of Paris. So many people had become enraged, that even if you were not a member of the aristocracy, you could easily become collateral damage. And so, it would have been wise if, in 1788, you had decided to pack your bags and remove yourself from the epicentre of what was developing.

Similarly, in 1916, Russia was at war with the Germans, and the populace was becoming increasingly vocal about the state of the economy. Yet, even the czar believed that the people simply had to accept the situation and muddle through. A year later, soldiers were deserting, a host of political wannabes were vying for power and anyone who simply wanted to be left alone to run his own life was now afraid to go out on the streets.

And of course, in Germany, prior to Kristallnacht in November of 1938, all the warnings were there that the country was beginning to unravel, but virtually everyone assumed that, somehow, things would be all right. A year later, Germany was at war with five nations and had invaded three others. People were being rounded up, imprisoned and/or shot. Those who sought to get out of Germany found that they were no longer allowed to do so.

And history is full of similar cases. In hindsight, the warning signs have always been there: an increasingly autocratic government, increasingly volatile and irrational political struggles, mounting debt, increased taxation, a declining economy and the removal of basic freedoms "for the greater good."

In 1929, if you lived in the US, you might have just paid $2,735 for a new Packard Custom 8 Roadster – a means of showing off your recent gains in the stock market. A year later, you might well have offered it for sale for only $100, as, for all your previous price offers, there were no takers. And you, like they, had been wiped out in the crash, and $100 meant the difference between eating and not eating.

In 1958, you might have been enjoying a daiquiri at El Floridita in Havana and joking to friends about ‘las barbudas’ – the tiny rebel force hiding in the Sierra Madre. A year later, the joking had ended and private businesses like El Floridita had been nationalized by the new government.

For millennia, the playbook has been the same. Countries that had been wonderful to live in, began to deteriorate from within, and the great majority of residents had failed to read the tea leaves – the warning signs that, in the future, conditions were not going to get better; they were going to get worse. But why should this be so?

Well, in 1787, in the midst of the Scottish Enlightenment that gave rise to Adam Smith, economist and historian Alexander Tytler is credited as having said: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

He further noted that the latter stages of any such decline are marked, first, by complacency, then by apathy. The final stage is invariably one of bondage.

In some cases of collapse, the country is taken over by an outside force, but invariably, as stated above, the rot always starts from within. It’s simply human nature for the majority of any population, when passing through challenging times, to fall prey to promises that, somehow, a change in the form of government can and will result in the elimination of problematic conditions.

But how do those who make such claims sell their ideas? Do they suggest that everyone should work harder and practice a greater level of abnegation? Well, no. Although such people may exist and may even become outspoken, they are, historically, never the individuals whom the majority of the population follow. Invariably, the majority (having become complacent and pathetic), choose those who promise to take from one group and share the spoils amongst those who are less productive.

As illogical as this promise is, most people, even if they doubt the reality of the claim, tend to think, "Well, it couldn’t be any worse. I might get something, so let’s give it a try." A very simple case in point is the Bahamas election of 1967, in which Bahamians elected their first ‘man of the people’ as their premier. Under his rhetoric of ‘Bahamas for Bahamians,’ he promised the large underclass of Bahamians that he would take the top jobs away from the British bankers and other business leaders and that the spoils would go to the average Bahamian.

Of particular interest were the luxury vehicles driven by successful businessmen. Bahamians in their thousands imagined that the senior staff in banks would be fired, that they themselves would be given the jobs… and the fancy Jaguar Saloons. And that did happen to some extent. Those who were loyal to Prime Minister Lynden Pindling did move up to management positions overnight – positions for which they were not qualified. Not surprisingly, they were unable to learn decades of knowledge overnight. They subsequently either lost their new jobs, or the banks lost business on a massive scale.

And the Jaguars? Well, it turned out that there were thousands of Bahamians for every Jaguar that existed, and for 99.9%, there would be no previously imagined spoils. Instead, their lives soon headed south in the coming months and years, as wealth flowed away from the Bahamas, most of it never to return.

In other countries the details have often been quite a bit more complex, but the scenario and the outcome have been the same. Once the warning signs begin to appear, it’s important to remember that, historically, the process never reverses itself. An apathetic population is not one that will suddenly decide to roll up its sleeves and get the country, once again, on a productive footing. Invariably, the population jumps on the toboggan of empty promises and rides it downhill until it reaches the economic bottom.

And so, circumventing such a situation becomes a question of timing. When it becomes clear that the telltale signs are reappearing once again, those who are wise will acknowledge that the sands are running out and it’s time to move on. The signs tend to be the same in any locale, in any era. They’re quite easy to see. The difficult part is choosing to make an exit whilst it’s still easy to do so."

The Daily "Near You?"

Overland Park, Kansas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Human Life..."

"Human life is thus only a perpetual illusion; men deceive and flatter each other. No one speaks of us in our presence as he does of us in our absence. Human society is founded on mutual deceit; few friendships would endure if each knew what his friend said of him in his absence, although he then spoke in sincerity and without passion. Man is then only disguise, falsehood, and hypocrisy, both in himself and in regard to others. He does not wish any one to tell him the truth; he avoids telling it to others, and all these dispositions, so removed from justice and reason, have a natural root in his heart."
- Blaise Pascal

The Poet: Anne Sexton, "Courage"


"It is in the small things we see it.
The child's first step,
as awesome as an earthquake.
The first time you rode a bike,
wallowing up the sidewalk.
The first spanking when your heart
went on a journey all alone.
When they called you crybaby
or poor or fatty or crazy
and made you into an alien,
you drank their acid
and concealed it.

if you faced the death of bombs and bullets
you did not do it with a banner,
you did it with only a hat to
cover your heart.
You did not fondle the weakness inside you
though it was there.
Your courage was a small coal
that you kept swallowing.
If your buddy saved you
and died himself in so doing,
then his courage was not courage,
it was love; love as simple as shaving soap.

if you have endured a great despair,
then you did it alone,
getting a transfusion from the fire,
picking the scabs off your heart,
then wringing it out like a sock.
Next, my kinsman, you powdered your sorrow,
you gave it a back rub
and then you covered it with a blanket
and after it had slept a while
it woke to the wings of the roses
and was transformed.

when you face old age and its natural conclusion
your courage will still be shown in the little ways,
each spring will be a sword you'll sharpen,
those you love will live in a fever of love,
and you'll bargain with the calendar
and at the last moment
when death opens the back door
you'll put on your carpet slippers
and stride out."

~ Anne Sexton

"Freedom Day"

"Freedom Day"
By Bill Bonner

DUBLIN, IRELAND – "A heatwave has arrived in Ireland. “Another hot one,” said our neighbor on Sunday, wiping his brow. It was the hottest day of the summer, with the temperature reaching 78 degrees. “I hope it ends soon,” he continued.

Disaster Day: Meanwhile… today is “Freedom Day” in England. COVID-19 cases are soaring. Nevertheless, the country has decided to throw off its winter masks of fear and repentance… and return to full summer normality. “If we don’t do it now, we have to ask ourselves, when will we ever do it?” said Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the move. Naturally, the usual killjoys are out in force, warning that “it’s not going to be freedom day; it’s going to be disaster day.”

Disaster day, we reckon, will come in its own good time… but not as a result of freedom… or the COVID-19 bug. After all, dying is no disaster; we all have to do it, sooner or later. Whether lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and shelter-in-place orders make it sooner or later is unclear. Some studies suggest that by lowering GDP, the lockdowns et al. may actually have shortened more lives than they prolonged. We don’t know. We only know that we don’t like other people telling us what to do.

On the Move: And today, we’re on the move… enjoying our freedom, while we can. We’re setting sail for the continent. In a few minutes, we’ll drive aboard the ferry for the trip to France… where we will visit a son, who lives in Paris… see old friends… and take care of business, as necessary. The crossing – an overnight cruise – is usually agreeable… unless the seas are rough. Then, it is miserable.

We recall an early crossing when the children were young. The ship had left port and headed out into the English Channel… this time sailing from Cherbourg in France to Dublin. It was our first trip to Ireland. Smooth sailing at first, we all sat down in the restaurant for an evening meal Then, as we got out into the Atlantic, the waves got bigger. We all began to feel a little uneasy. Still, we decided to act “normal”… and go on with our dinner as usual. We were halfway through the main course… trying to keep up a pleasant conversation… when one of the boys suddenly threw up on the table. No problem. The restaurant staff were used to this kind of thing. The table was quickly put in order… and our son went to lie down in the cabin.

Crisis “Contained”: Minutes later, another geyser exploded… Again, the mess was cleaned up… and another child went off to the cabin with his mother. Dad stayed at the table with the remaining two children. It looked for a while as though the crisis was “contained.” But the further out in the Atlantic we went, the rougher the seas became. “A storm coming in,” was the waiter’s nonchalant analysis.

But the stalwarts remaining at the table continued eating, pretending that nature had endowed them with sea legs. We ordered another glass of wine, hoping that would make us more relaxed. And then… another vomit. It was time to give up on dinner. Now, all were sick, except our youngest… then, about 8 years old. He continued to eat heartily… and then settled into the ship’s theatre to watch a movie. The rest of us, however, lay in our bunks… feeling nauseous, but trying not to be violently ill. And so the evening passed.

And when the morning came, like seaborne travelers throughout the ages, we looked out and rejoiced. Land! Terra firma. Ireland. We arrived safely and quickly recovered our good humor.

U-Turn: This time, however, we are going the other way, from Dublin to Cherbourg, passing by the south coast of England. And while England opens up, France recently announced that it would require a “sanitary pass” – including data on your vaccination status and COVID-19 test result(s) – for access to restaurants, bars, movie theaters, and almost every sort of collective entertainment, as well as hospitals and shopping centers. This set off a wave of protests over the weekend.

“We’re Free French!” proclaimed the banners. “I packed my bag already,” said a handwritten sign in the window of a bistro. “I’m ready to go to prison. No Sanitary Pass.” So loud was the ruckus that the French government seems to have backed off. A rumor… or news?... A report this morning told us that the pass will only be required for public buildings.

Even More Abnormal: Emmanuel Macron (French president) and Christine Lagarde (head of the European Central Bank) have said that they intend to react to the present crisis – such as it is – not just by trying to bring things back to normal, but to make them even more abnormal. That is, they say they aim to use the crisis to change the way people live. They will “transform” the economy, so as to make people behave the way they want them to.

Citizens will get the vaccine, whether they need it or not. They will drive electric cars and eat only vegetable protein. They will get their money directly from the central bank, so the authorities can control it. They will address each other as “Comrade” and wear face masks for life… even at home. Most importantly, they will do as they are told… whether it makes any sense or not."

"The Counter-truths Unspin"

"The Counter-truths Unspin"
by Jim Kunstler

"Back in the day, LSD trips were mostly a matter of personal choice. Today, though, all you have to do is wake up somewhere between Montauk and the Farallon Islands and your senses are overwhelmed with hallucinations. The public used to depend on newspapers and TV networks to suss out reality, but that filter is long gone, replaced by a relentless “narrative” machine, and all it does is spin out one technicolor whopper after another.

The trouble is: narrative is not the truth. Generally, it’s the opposite of the truth. It’s manufactured counter-truth. The more narrative you spin, the faster you must spin off new supporting narrative to conceal the untruth of your previous narrative - until the national hive mind is lit up in unreality where nothing makes sense and the very language that separates humanity from the rough beasts becomes a social poison. And is “Joe Biden” not the perfect gibbering epitome of this mess, a ghost in the narrative machine, beckoning us into chaos?

America is on a bad trip. The country has lost its way psychologically. Two things will be required to bring it out of the fugue state it tripped into five years ago: some significant shocks to the system and the passage of time. Those shocks are in the offing and the “Joe Biden” regime - meaning Barack Obama and his wing-people who run things - are looking more and more desperate as auguries manifest.

Their current tactical hustle is to amp up paranoia over the receding Covid-19 episode. It looks like an attempt to smokescreen the emerging evidence of massive and widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and the growing eagerness of a few other states besides Arizona to mount audits of what went on last November 3rd. The supposed surge in new Covid cases is really just a tiny blip, considering it comes off a baseline of close to zero cases in many places. 11,140 so far have died from Covid vaccinations, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Last week 2,092 deaths from vaccinations were added versus 1,918 deaths from the virus. Countries with the highest vaccination rates are showing the most new Covid cases.

Yet, it’s looking like the idea is to set up the unvaxed for blame as “Joe Biden’s” legitimacy dissolves and the country finds itself in a political crisis because there’s nothing in the constitution that provides for removing a president elected fraudulently, even if the nation is crumbling around him. Vaccine disinformation is killing people, Mr. “B” warned last week. CBS 60-Minutes led its Sunday night show with more Covid scare stories. The message is everywhere that you must get vaxed-up, and, if you don’t, there may be severe penalties. Those likely to opt out of a vax are exactly those people who distrust what the government tells them, meaning probably people who did not vote for the current occupant of the White House. As it happens, though, the number of people who distrust government is expanding even beyond that demographic.

The regime must know that evidence of massive voting fraud and the loss of political legitimacy will coincide with a financial train wreck that looks to be chugging out of the station this very morning with all asset indexes tanking as I write. There are even fresh reports of an asteroid heading directly towards Washington DC this week. (So said Devin Nunez, ranking member on the Senate Intel Committee, over the weekend.) The asteroid is the long-rumored return from deep space of Special Prosecutor John Durham with some interesting announcements concerning the most poisonous narrative of this era: the RussiaGate collusion hoax finally revealed as a seditious conspiracy by high government officials in the Department of Justice and the Intel agencies. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Obama and his wing-people turned up in that mix. Won’t that be a nice accessory to “Joe Biden’s” presidential flame-out? And won’t that be just the ripe moment for China to move against Taiwan? Lawkes a’mighty… feets don’t desert me now!

The turmoil could get pretty hairy by summer’s end. Money will be flooding the system with the predictable loss of money’s legitimacy, at the same time that a massive debt repudiation gets under way. Hyperinflation and debt default at the same time? Sounds improbable, I know, since the former means too much money and the latter means money is disappearing like crazy. What it really means is that everything gets repriced rapidly and violently, and not necessarily in US dollars. Banks will not like this one teensy weensy bit.

All this will certainly lead to a lot of people suddenly going hungry, because that’s how going hungry works - it only takes a couple of days of not eating. Goodness knows what will be happening the streets then. These are the sort of shocks we’re facing. Things get very real, elbowing out the hallucinations. The long, strange trip sputters out. And then begins the long hard job of finding a way to live that actually makes sense. Hint: it’s smaller, slower, closer to home, and in many ways better."

"How It Really Is"

"Economic Market Snapshot PM 7/19/21"

"Economic Market Snapshot PM 7/19/21"
"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will
do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
- John Maynard Keynes
"Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
Your guide:
Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/19/21:
And Stocks Poised To Dive At The Open"
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates

CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
July 17th to 20th, Updated Daily
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: credit, equity valuation, funding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United States, other advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts
Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...
Oh yeah...

Must Watch! Greg Hunter, "Vax Wars are Global – Gerald Celente"

Must Watch!
"Vax Wars are Global – Gerald Celente"
By Greg Hunter’s

"Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, boldly predicted back in April, “We are going to start seeing a big anti-vax movement.” He was spot on, and now says the “Vax War” is about to get more intense, and there is nowhere to hide from it. Celente explains, “What people have to understand is this is global. We made this forecast almost a year ago. We said, as we were watching the Covid war, that they were going to try to end it with the vaccines. We have had a number of covers on ‘The Trends Journal’ showing the vax wars and the vaccines right next to Biden’s head. There are three groups that run and own the United States. The Military Industrial Complex, The Banksters, and The ‘Drug Lords’ also called Big Pharma. We gave billions of dollars of our money to invent this ‘warped’ speed drug that has not been approved by the FDA, and it’s a gene therapy drug. We have been writing about this constantly and how they have been saying since April that you are going to have to get a booster shoot, and by the way, you will probably need one every year. The big issue here that most Americans are missing is this is global. The drug dealers, the Banksters and the Military Industrial Complex are in charge of the world.”

Celente says the pressure will continue to be pushed and coerced upon the so-called “unvaccinated” even though it is, in fact, an experimental human drug trial. No one will mention the fact that half the country already has natural immunity, according to Dr. Marty Makary at Johns Hopkins University. With death and injuries from fully vaccinated people going higher by the thousands every week, there are no facts that will sway the pro-vax crowd. Celente says, “The facts don’t count. If you show the facts, it’s misinformation if you put out facts. It’s a conspiracy theory when you put out facts, and in the United Soviet States of America, you are not allowed to put facts on any social media because they will ban you. You are not allowed to say anything to disagree with the government or the (so-called) ‘health experts.’”

Celente sees a huge trend in politics emerging and explains, “There are going to be new parties: anti-vax, anti-establishment, anti-tax and anti-immigration. The parties that unite under that will be the winning parties. They have to unite under that.”

Celente says, “The whole damn system is corrupt.” Celente does not have high hopes for the election fraud being uncovered to actually do anything because the system is so corrupt.

Celente also talks about the U.S. economy and that it should have tanked long ago, and the powers keep propping it up. He also comments on gold, silver, Bitcoin and why New York City and many other cities are not coming back.

Celente says people will have to “unite to protect liberty and freedom,” and predicts it’s going to be a long fight."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One
 with Gerald Celente, publisher of The Trends Journal. 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

"What Is Hope?"

"What Is Hope?"

"What is hope? It is the pre-sentiment that imagination is more real and reality is less real than it looks. It is the hunch that the overwhelming brutality of facts that oppress and repress us is not the last word. It is the suspicion that reality is more complex than the realists want us to believe.

That the frontiers of the possible are not determined by the limits of the actual; and in a miraculous and unexplained way, life is opening creative events which will light the way to freedom and resurrection. But the two - suffering and hope - must live from each other. Suffering without hope produces resentment and despair. But hope without suffering creates illusions, naïveté and drunkenness.

So let us plant dates even though we who plant them will never eat them. We must live by the love of what we will never see. That is the secret discipline. It is the refusal to let our creative act be dissolved away by our need for immediate sense experience, and it is a struggled commitment to the future of our grandchildren. Such disciplined hope is what has given prophets, revolutionaries and saints the courage to die for the future they envisage. They make their own bodies the seed of their highest hope." 

- Ruben Alves

"If You Knew..."

"If you had one last breath - what would you say? If you had one hour to use your limbs before you would lose the use of them forever - would you sit there on the coach? If you knew that you wouldn't see tomorrow who would you make amends with? If you knew you had only an hour left on this earth - what would be so pressing that you just had to do it, say it, or see it? Well there is something that I can guarantee - that one day you will have one day, one hour and one breath left. Just make sure that before that day that you have said, done and experienced everything that you dream of doing now. Do it now - that is what today is for. So pick up the phone and call an old friend that you have fallen out of touch with. Get out and run a mile and use your body and sweat. Seek out someone in your life to say you're sorry to. Seek someone In your life that you need to thank. Seek someone in your life that you need to express your feelings of love to. Then when that day comes you will be ok with it all."
- John A. Passaro

Good advice... you never know.
And so, "ejection fraction 20". "When that day comes..."

Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Endless Horizon"

Full screen recommended.
Deuter, "Endless Horizon"

"Buyer's Strike In America: Explosive Inflation Leads To Record Collapse In Home, Car Purchase Plans"

Full screen recommended.
"Buyer's Strike In America: Explosive Inflation Leads
 To Record Collapse In Home, Car Purchase Plans"
by Epic Economist

"Soaring prices are severely impacting both corporations and consumers, and the U.S. inflation rate is raising major concerns in the financial sector. Recently, even the Bank of America openly admitted that the Federal Reserve is wrong - we are not facing a period of transitory inflation, but heading an unprecedented era of higher prices of everything. Deutsche Bank analysts also seem to agree, recently the bank warned that "policymakers will face the most challenging years since the Volcker/Reagan period in the 1980s". But all of these warnings did not spook the Fed into conceding that the economic deterioration caused by high inflation and lower purchasing power isn't transitory. According to several economists, the reason why policymakers do not acknowledge the long-term consequences of inflation is because they're considering such higher wages will be permanent - and higher wages are equal to higher purchasing power. However, these assumptions are terribly wrong. Companies paying higher wages for their employees are likely to hike prices even more, so although workers may be earning a little more, their purchasing power is still compromised.

Government stimulus checks will soon expire, and those who were still collecting them will have to live within their means once again. With that in mind, economists decided to analyze how rising prices will affect the economy over the next 6 months, and to do so, they started looking into Americans' buying intentions as measured by the Conference Board. What they found was truly concerning. Across the 3 major categories - homes, vehicles, and major household appliances - buying intentions have cratered so deeply that it amounted to the biggest one-month drop in intentions to purchase appliances, homes, and cars. This means that prices are soaring so rapidly while consumers' purchasing power dwindles that people simply will not be able to afford the goods they need in order to "stimulate" the economy as the Fed has planned. In short, their strategy to artificially boost consumers' demand was an epic fail.

But what is making economists even more concerned is that the chief economist and former director of Consumer Sentiment Surveys at the University of Michigan, Richard Curtin recently said that "rather than job creation, halting and reversing an accelerating inflation rate has now become a top concern." Curtin explained that "inflation has put added pressure on living standards, especially on lower and middle-income households, and caused the postponement of large discretionary purchases, especially among upper-income households". It gets even worse because as the UMich director noted, "consumers’ complaints about rising prices on homes, vehicles, and household durables has reached an all-time record". Simply put, due to skyrocketing prices, America is going on a buyers' strike!

When the Fed finally admits the proportions of this crisis, it might be too late and the US economy will already be suffering a very painful hard-landing, and you can rest assured that policymakers' last trace of credibility will be erased. For those expecting wage hikes to be permanent, unfortunately, we have some bad news: employers are well-aware that the extended unemployment benefits will expire in September, and that will result in a wave of millions of currently unemployed workers rushing back into the labor force, which means companies will be able to sharply lower wages. Most employers are offering one-time bonuses instead of raising base pay, and regardless of the pressures to keep higher wages, they can use the damages caused by the recession to justify the pay cuts. In October, when everything reverses, the government will no longer be a better-paying competitor to the US private sector, and workers will undoubtedly see their earnings declining.

Adding that to the rampant costs faced by several industries, this type of inflation makes long-term planning difficult for companies, and it ultimately causes consumer spending to significantly drop, dragging the economy down. In the coming months, all of those manufacturers and retailers who got used to hot demand and sharply hiked their prices will have to face a difficult choice: either send prices right back down, or sell far fewer goods and services. In essence, this move to higher inflation is extremely very disruptive to the economy, to planning by households and businesses, and to spending patterns. The persistent inflation crisis is what is being triggered right now by the fiscal and monetary stimulus and by the temporary inflation spikes, and the more the Fed chooses to ignore the seriousness of this issue, the worse it gets. But one thing is certain: six months from now, we will be too deep into this crisis and it will be too late to reverse it. The US economy will be far more damaged and the imbalances caused by the current policies will already have spiraled out of control."

"A Look to the Heavens"

“The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic.
The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic dark dust lanes. The magnificent emission region, the Orion Nebula (aka M42), lies at the upper right. Immediately to its left is a prominent bluish reflection nebula sometimes called the Running Man. Pervasive tendrils of glowing hydrogen gas are easily traced throughout the region.”

The Universe


Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/18/21: "Markets, A Look Ahead: Are Stocks About To Fall?"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/18/21:
"Markets, A Look Ahead: Are Stocks About To Fall?"

"Stimulus is Ending - Here are New Grant Programs Available Now"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, IAllegedly, AM 7/18/21:
"Stimulus is Ending - 
Here are New Grant Programs Available Now"
"As Stimulus ends you need to look for other ways to get money for your business. Here are other grant programs that you can take advantage of. Use these resources to get needed funds for you personally and for your business #Grants #Stimulus"

The Daily "Near You?"

Janesville, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

“7 Best Shakespeare Insults”

“7 Best Shakespeare Insults”
by The Huffington Post

"You should be women and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so." Shakespeare employs this biting insult in "Macbeth" to establish the complete and utter repulsiveness of the three witches. Their "withered and wild" features cause Macbeth and Banquo to question if the sisters are even human beings.

"Methinks thou art a general offence, and every man should beat thee. I think thou wast created for men to breathe themselves upon you." In "All's Well That Ends Well," Lafeu hits infamous liar and coward Porolles with this blunt put-down after being finally fed up with his antics. Although, knowing Porolles and his mischievous ways, he probably deserved the jab.

"I must tell you friendly in your ear, sell when you can, you are not for all markets." Beggars can't be choosers is the modern way of getting this point across, but Shakespeare's version is far more biting. "As You Like It" showcases Shakespeare's gift of saying the meanest of things in the most eloquent ways in this insult Rosalind doles out to Phebe.

"Thou art a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy worsted-stocking knave; a lily-liver'd, action-taking, whoreson, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way." Possibly the most elaborate jab he has ever written, Shakespeare pulls out all the stops in "King Lear" when the Earl of Kent replies to Oswald's innocent question of, "What dost thou know me for?" with nearly every insult in the book. And if that verbal attack wasn't enough to put Oswald down, the Earl of Kent proceeds to physically beat him!

"I'll beat thee, but I should infect my hands." In Shakespeare's "Timon of Athens," protagonist Timon and his least favorite dinner companion, Apemantus, insult each other to no end in a verbal smack-down that lasts half of the scene. While Apemantus tries to rally with comebacks as cruel as, "A plague on thee! Thou are too bad to curse," it seems Timon reigns supreme with this precise one-liner.

"Away, you cut-purse rascal! you filthy bung, away! By this wine, I'll thrust my knife in your mouldy chaps, an you play the saucy cuttle with me. Away, you bottle-ale rascal! you basket-hilt stale juggler, you!" This put-down was said by prostitute Doll Tearsheet, who was notorious for having a sharp tongue, to Pistol in Act II of "Henry IV Part II."

"Thou art a boil, a plague sore, an embossed carbuncle in my corrupted blood." King Lear calls his daughter, Regan, these terrible names only to revoke his insult and promise not to punish her. Regardless of how fast he apologizes to her for his spiteful words, it's still a grade-A insult.”

Paulo Coelho, "The Good Fight"

"The Good Fight"
by Paulo Coelho

"In 1986, I went for the first and only time on the pilgrimage known as the Way to Santiago, an experience I described in my first book. We had just finished walking up a small hill, a village appeared on the horizon, and it was then that my guide, whom I shall call Petrus (although that was not his name), said to me: "We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body. Many times in our lives we see our dreams shattered and our desires frustrated, but we have to continue dreaming. If we don’t, our soul dies.

The Good Fight is the one we fight because our heart asks it of us. The Good Fight is the one that’s fought in the name of our dreams. When we are young our dreams first explode inside us with all of their force, we are very courageous, but we haven’t yet learned how to fight. With great effort, we learn how to fight, but by then we no longer have the courage to go into combat. So we turn against ourselves and do battle within. We become our own worst enemy. We say that our dreams were childish, or too difficult to realize, or the result or our not having known enough about life. We kill our dreams because we are afraid to Fight the Good Fight.

The first symptom of the process of killing our dreams is lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid to Fight the Good Fight…

The second symptom of the death of our dreams lies in our certainties. Because we don’t want to see life as a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves as wise and fair and correct in asking so little of life. We look beyond the walls of our day-to-day existence, and we hear the sound of lances breaking, we smell the dust and the sweat, and we see the great defeats and the fire in the eyes of the warriors. But we never see the delight, the immense delight in the hearts of those engaged in the battle. For them, neither victory nor defeat is important; what’s important is only that they are Fighting the Good Fight.

And, finally, the third symptom of the passing of our dreams is peace. Life becomes a Sunday afternoon; we ask for nothing grand, and we cease to demand anything more than we are willing to give. In that state we think of ourselves as being mature; we put aside the fantasies of our youth, and we seek personal and professional achievement. We are surprised when people our age say that they still want this or that out of life. But really, deep in our hearts, we know that what has happened is that we have renounced the battle for our dreams - we have refused to Fight the Good Fight.

When we renounce our dreams and find peace, we go through a period of tranquility. But the dead dreams begin to rot within us and to infect our entire being. We become cruel to those around us, and then we begin to direct this cruelty against ourselves. What we sought to avoid in combat - disappointment and defeat - came upon us because of our cowardice. And one day, the dead, spoiled dreams make it difficult to breath, and we actually seek death. It’s death that frees us from our certainties, from our work, and from that terrible peace of Sunday afternoons."

"All Of The Available Data..."

"All of the available data show that the typical American citizen has
 about as much interest in the life of the mind as does your average armadillo."
- Morris Berman

"How It Really Is"


“The Financial System Is A Fraud - Prepare Or Get Wiped Out; Inflation Apocalypse”

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, AM 7/18/21:
“The Financial System Is A Fraud - 
Prepare Or Get Wiped Out; Inflation Apocalypse”

"The Image That Comes To Mind..."

"The image that comes to mind is a boxing ring. There are times when... you just want that bell to ring, but you're the one who's losing. The one who's winning doesn't have that feeling. Do you have the energy and strength to face life? Life can ask more of you than you are willing to give. And then you say, 'Life is not something that should have been. I'm not going to play the game. I'm going to meditate. I'm going to call "out". There are three positions possible. One is the up-to-it, and facing the game and playing through. The second is saying, Absolutely not. I don't want to stay in this dogfight. That's the absolute out. The third position is the one that says, This is mixed of good and evil. I'm on the side of the good. I accept the world with corrections. And may [the world] be the way I like it. And it's good for me and my friends. There are the only three positions."
- Joseph Campbell

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Musical Interlude: Sarah Mclachlan, "In The Arms Of An Angel"

Sarah Mclachlan, "In The Arms Of An Angel"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"What's happening to this spiral galaxy? Although details remain uncertain, it surely has to do with an ongoing battle with its smaller galactic neighbor. The featured galaxy is labelled UGC 1810 by itself, but together with its collisional partner is known as Arp 273. 
The overall shape of the UGC 1810 - in particular its blue outer ring - is likely a result of wild and violent gravitational interactions. This ring's blue color is caused by massive stars that are blue hot and have formed only in the past few million years. The inner galaxy appears older, redder, and threaded with cool filamentary dust. A few bright stars appear well in the foreground, unrelated to UGC 1810, while several galaxies are visible well in the background. Arp 273 lies about 300 million light years away toward the constellation of Andromeda. Quite likely, UGC 1810 will devour its galactic sidekick over the next billion years and settle into a classic spiral form."

Kahlil Gibran, “The Farewell”

“The Farewell”

“Farewell to you and the youth I have spent with you.
It was but yesterday we met in a dream.
You have sung to me in my aloneness,
and I of your longings have built a tower in the sky.
But now our sleep has fled and our dream is over,
and it is no longer dawn.
The noontide is upon us and our half waking has turned to fuller day,
and we must part.
If in the twilight of memory we should meet once more,
we shall speak again together and you shall sing to me a deeper song.
And if our hands should meet in another dream
we shall build another tower in the sky.”

- Kahlil Gibran, “The Prophet”