Wednesday, January 20, 2021

"Monkey Business"

"Monkey Business"
By Bill Bonner

WEST RIVER, MARYLAND – "Today, the new president takes over. You’d think he would find it an easy job. He only has two major responsibilities to remember:

Protect citizens’ freedom.
Protect their wealth.

Everything else is detail… distraction… and (usually) delusion.

Blame Game: But the distractions are many… and the delusions are more common than houseflies. There’s still no wall keeping Mexicans out. But at least there’s a wall – chain link and razor wire – protecting the insiders in Washington from the outsiders in the rest of the country.

Some of our dear readers blame the Republicans for America’s sad state. Others blame the Democrats. But here at the Diary, we blame them both… and no one at all. Birds gotta fly. Fish gotta swim. And a degenerate empire has to find its way down from the peak, one stumble at a time. Each president has to take the fall assigned to him.Bush with his War on Terror. Obama with his Wall Street bailout. Trump with his spending increases, tax cuts, trade wars, COVID-19 checks, and other abominations.

Who’s to blame? Is the wolf to blame for eating sheep? Does he even know he’s a carnivore?And now, et tu, Biden? The new president is just a human. He is probably unaware that he’s supposed to destroy the empire. He just does what comes naturally. He listens to those around him – the other members of the Deep State elite. And they all agree. They have a list of priorities. Protecting citizens and their property is not even on it.

Falsified Economy: Their first priority is to keep the fake economy going. Stansberry Research’s Morning Market commentary reports: "Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Yellen warned lawmakers any delays or insufficient support in implementing Biden’s stimulus plans could lead to lasting economic damage."

A healthy economy hardly needs regular inputs of fake money. But we will cue you in… the U.S. economy is an imposter. Interest rates are fraudulent. Prices are phony. Output is depressed and perverted. Tesla is not really worth $800 billion. Wall Street honchos don’t really earn their executive millions. The federal government can’t really afford to send $2,000 checks to people who don’t deserve the money. The whole system is contrived… jacked up… and falsified. It is now like a married man with a second family… hidden away on the side. He’s gotta stick to his lies. And Yellen et al. have got to stick with their fake money.

The transformation happened over many years. Hardly noticed… rarely understood, it nevertheless turned the U.S. economy into something ghastly… grotesque and unnatural. Over the centuries, mankind learned that central planning, paper money, and prices set by bureaucrats always end in disaster.

But somehow, America’s economic elite forgot. It was as if they had forgotten how to walk upright without dragging their knuckles on the ground and grunting. And now, the simians are in control. Like those in the zoo, they swing from the bars and occasionally throw sh*t at the public.

Obvious Loss: But let’s look a little more closely at the fake economy… and where it is headed. We have seen how the fake dollar system, set up from 1968 to 1971, when the U.S. dollar was unpegged from gold, caused a pandemic of amnesia. People forgot how fake money worked. But the counterfeit money helped the elite shift the nation’s wealth from the 90% of the population on Main Street to the 10% on Wall Street. And the little guys had no idea what was going on. They thought the rich people were just lucky… or that their wealth would “trickle down” to everybody else.

Every president since Richard Nixon aided and abetted this bamboozle. Most people lost wealth. The loss in relative wealth is obvious: the Federal Reserve gives money to the rich, not to the middle classes. Less obvious is the loss of wealth in the whole fake economy.

Growing Output: When you can “print” money and manipulate interest rates… you foul the whole shebang. Savers don’t save. Businesses don’t invest in new factories and better-skilled labor. Investors turn to speculation. The whole economy becomes “financialized,” driven into a frenzy of “get it while you can,” rather than real wealth production.

These things drive down real output – the supply of goods and services that constitute real wealth. While GDP growth – the growth in the value of all the goods made and services provided – clocked in at 4-5% before the fake money did its damage… now, growth rates are barely half that. And if consumer price inflation were measured in the same way it was back in the good old days (prior to the 1990s revisions), today’s real rate of wealth increase (as measured by GDP) would be close to zero.

Then, the authorities claimed that more printing-press (i.e. fake) money would “stimulate” the economy to boost GDP growth. And by the 21st century, the presses were running hot. By the end of 2020, the Fed had added nearly $7 trillion in new money to the system – multiplying its balance sheet 10 times.

No Growth: Alas, real output did not increase. Instead, all of this “stimmy” spending (the War on Terror… Wall Street bailouts… Obamacare… Quantitative Easing… COVID-19 relief… the Paycheck Protection Program… Supplemental unemployment…) had the effect of making Americans poorer.

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said that if previous growth rates had been maintained, U.S. GDP would have increased by $20 trillion in the last decade, not just $10 trillion. If his estimate is right, American families each lost an average of about $100,000 in the last 10 years alone.

Our presidents – Bush, Obama, and Trump – all failed to stop the loss. All of them failed to do the job they were elected to do.

Bad Start: But what about the other major responsibility of the president of the United States? What about making sure Americans can go about their business without anyone bothering them? In this regard, too, the 21st century got off to a bad start… with George W. Bush’s “Patriot Act.” We’ll look at what this might mean tomorrow…"

“How Are Things Going, Joe?”

“You go up to a man, and you say, “How are things going, Joe?” and he says, “Oh fine, fine... couldn’t be better.” And you look into his eyes, and you see things really couldn’t be much worse. When you get right down to it, everybody’s having a perfectly lousy time of it, and I mean everybody. And the hell of it is, nothing seems to help much.”
- Kurt Vonnegut

"People are sad. People are broke. People are worried about money, people are worried that they're not enough and not amounting to anything and they don't feel good about themselves. People have rough times, and everybody's pretending it's not true, and we need to break that veneer."
- Eve Ensler

"Would You Choose Communism or Fascism?"

"Would You Choose Communism or Fascism?"
By Joe Jarvis

"In 1936, a young German journalist named Konrad Heidan wrote a book called, "Hitler: A Biography." In it, he described the street fighting between the communists and Nazis which characterized much of early 1930s Germany. But one interesting thing he mentioned about the paramilitary Nazi S.A. known as the Brownshirts or Stormtroopers, was that: “There were large numbers of Communists and Social Democrats among them; many of the storm troopers were called ‘beefsteaks - brown [outside] and red within. Jest were retailed such as the following: one S.A. man says to another: ‘In our storm troop there are three Nazis, but we shall soon have spewed them out.”

Some historians surmise that a lot of these young men just liked to fight - they didn’t really care much who they were fighting, or for what cause. They were angry at the establishment and for good reason. Germany was left in horrible shape by WWI and the disastrous monetary policies of the Weimar Republic. The people who felt left behind were going to express their rage in any way they could.

When the seat of German government, the Reichstag Building, was set aflame in 1933, the Nazis accused communist agitators of setting the fire. In reality, it’s likely that the Nazis burned the Reichstag themselves, and scapegoated the Communists to justify a brutal crackdown.

Before I go further, let me just say that the United States in 2021 is not the same as Germany in 1933. And even if the US was on a similar trajectory, we haven’t even seen the Weimar inflation yet, which would put us sometime around 1921. Prior to World War I, one US dollar was worth 4.2 German marks. But the Germans owed massive debts to pay back the other nations for the war. With no way to come up with the money, they simply printed more and more marks. By 1923, a single US dollar was worth 4.2 TRILLION marks.

Did you get your stimulus check yet? But that is also what is so concerning. All this unrest, and we haven’t even witnessed widespread economic devastation yet. It seems like only the beginning. People are angry. People have good reason to be angry, whether it is over unjust police killings, or a completely corrupt political process. People feel no agency or control over their own situation, or their government. And people want to take that control back.

But in Germany, if power hadn’t gone to the Nazis, it would have gone to the communists, funded by Soviet Russia which had a much higher death count than Nazi Germany. There comes a point where there is no political solution, no good party to throw your support behind, no collective action that can right the ship.

Take the absurd trillion dollar COVID “relief” bill that Congress passed before the holidays that handed out billions of dollars to foreign governments like Sudan, Vietnam, $33 million to Venezuela for “democracy programs,” $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies…

I was shocked to actually agree with AOC -  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - when she said, “This isn’t governance, this is hostage taking.” Well guess what, she voted for the bill anyway. The president also heavily criticized the bill… and then signed it into law. Call me crazy, but I thought politicians debasing the currency to hand out billions of dollars to foreign governments was a bigger assault on our country than a bunch of idiots rioting. If politicians aren’t afraid of being torn apart by an angry mob, is this even America?

And by the way, I also enjoyed watching the police precinct in Minneapolis burn this summer.  AOC, the queen Bolshevik herself, said around that time that protests are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Well as Congress cowered in fear from the people, that was a nice change from the people having to fear their government. Too bad they could face 10 years in prison under a national monuments protection executive order that Trump signed when protesters against police brutality were tearing down statues this past summer.

No meaningful change is coming to Washington, even if we could hold a free and fair election. Antifa and right-wingers will keep battling in the streets, likely only intensifying. We’ll see more Occupy Seattle CHAZ takeovers, police stations like the precinct in Minneapolis set on fire, and more violent protests surrounding government buildings.

Really ask yourself, and be realistic: what would it take for everything to settle down and go back to normal? Flipping the page on the calendar to reveal a new digit at the end of the year, shockingly, didn’t do the trick. This does not end well.

Keep in mind that the party of the woke-mobsters just took control of Congress and the Whitehouse. Higher taxes, more draconian COVID response, and more regulation is a given. But they could also wield enormous power to punish their political enemies. As much as I enjoy watching politicians cower in fear of the voters, whatever truly happened at the storming of the Capitol, it will be used as an excuse for increased government surveillance, new policing powers, more weapons regulations, controls on free speech, and who knows whatever else the Bolsheviks think up.

I never want to be alarmist, but if this isn’t a neon sign flashing that it is time to take action, I don’t know what is. And I don’t mean vote harder, or join the protests. Because clearly, this is not going away."

Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal: Big Tech In Control, No Free Speech"

Gerald Celente, 1/18/21:
"Trends Journal: Big Tech In Control, No Free Speech"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over hype and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in the increasingly turbulent times ahead."
As only Gerald can... lol

"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 1/20/21"

"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 1/20/21"
 Jan. 20, 2021 7:56 AM ET: 
The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 96,271,700 
people, according to official counts, including 24,311,264 Americans.
Globally at least 2,058,700 have died.

"The COVID Tracking Project"
Every day, our volunteers compile the latest numbers on tests, cases, 
hospitalizations, and patient outcomes from every US state and territory.

"Economic Market Snapshot PM 1/20/21"

"Economic Market Snapshot PM 1/20/21"
"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will
do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
- John Maynard Keynes
"Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
Gregory Mannarino, AM 1/20/21:
"Critical Updates: Stocks, The FED, Debt"
"The more I see of the monied classes, 
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates

CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
Daily Updates, Jan 19th to 21st
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: credit, equity valuation, funding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United States, other advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts

Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...
Oh yeah...

"How It Really Is"


"Oh Yeah..."

"When life hands you a lemon, say
"Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got?"
- Henry Rollins

The Poet: James Broughton, "Quit Your Addiction"

"Quit Your Addiction"

 "Quit your addiction
to sneer and complaint.
Try a little flaunt,
Call for comrades
who bolster your vim
and offer you risk.
Corral the crones,
Goose the nice nellies,
Hunt the bear that hugs
and the raven that quoths.
Stay up all night
to devise a new dawn..." 

- James Broughton,
 "Little Sermons of the Big Joy"

"Evil, I Think..."

"I told you once that I was searching for the nature of evil. I think I've come close to defining it: a lack of empathy. It's the one characteristic that connects all the defendants. A genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow man. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy." 
- G. M. Gilbert
"'Nuremberg Diary' is Gustave Gilbert's account of interviews he conducted during the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi leaders, including Hermann Göring, involved in World War II and the Holocaust. Gilbert, a fluent German speaker, served as a prison psychologist in Nuremberg, where he had close contact with those on trial. The text is the verbatim notes Gilbert took immediately after having conversations with the prisoners, information backed up by essays he asked them to write about themselves."

"17 Words That Changed My Life Forever"

"17 Words That Changed My Life Forever"
by Jerry Clark

“I remember several years back I heard something that changed my life forever. Up until that point I had been struggling through life – doing everything the hard way. I couldn’t figure out why my life wasn’t going the way I felt it should be. I saw some people going through life effortlessly and seemingly with less tension and frustration while I was wondering if I could ever straighten out the mess my life had turned out to be. I was behind on my dreams, my promises, and my bills. Then one day I was listening to a tape and the lady was talking about the power of having dreams and goals and all of the other stuff that those motivational speakers talk about. By that point I had listened to hundreds of such tapes, but it seemed as if nothing worked for me.

Probably the only reason I was listening to that one was because I had developed a habit of listening to cassette tapes while driving my car. The statement the lady said was simple and I think I had even heard it somewhere before but this time a light bulb went on in my head. I remember stopping the tape and rewinding it over and over again to hear the 17 words she said. I couldn’t believe it was so basic and simple. I was looking for something sophisticated and complicated. I thought I had to attend a $10,000 seminar. I didn’t know I could find it on a $10 tape program.

I’m taking the time to tell you all of this preliminary information because when I tell you the 17 words, I really want you to get it and get it NOW! Because if you get it NOW, your life will never be the same. You will be using the same principle that all who have became wealthy before you have used. Even those who became wealthy and can’t tell you how they did use this same principle without even being aware of what they are doing. Well, are you ready for the 17 words that made a powerful and positive impact on my life and on the life of tens of thousands of individuals who have achieved unimaginable success? Of course you are… Well, here they are…

For things to change, 
you must get a picture of what you want them to change to. 

Yes, it’s as simple as it sounds and as easy as it seems… Don’t try to make it any complicated than this because it will only frustrate you.

You must know exactly what you want and the more specific and clear you can get, the better. This is important because Human Beings are Teleological in nature… In other words, we move towards the pictures we constantly hold in our minds. Let me give you an example… Suppose you went to the store and bought a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle but it didn’t have a picture on the box of what the end result should look like.

Would you have a much harder time putting the picture together? Of course. You may eventually figure it out; however, the person who has a clear picture of what the end result should look like will be more than 100 times ahead of you. The question is are they 100 times ahead of you because their IQ is 100 times greater? Is it because they are 100 times better looking than you? Maybe it’s because they live 100 times closer to the person who created the puzzle? Ohh, I know – they were one of the first students to take the Evelyn Woods mind-expanding speed-reading and comprehension course right? If none of this is true then what is?

Yes, the person who had the clear and specific picture of what the outcome was supposed to be was simply operating in accordance to how our brain works. It moves towards the pictures we hold in our mind. It’s interesting because once you know exactly what it is you are moving towards, you seem to automatically know the steps to take or the necessary steps will soon become noticeable.

Your brain's subconscious mind, operating similar to a magnet, will start to attract in your direction the conditions, people, and circumstances that will help you move closer to the mental picture you maintain in your mind and it will repel all of those things that do not correlate to the picture you have in your mind. Therefore, the people who are clear and specific about what they want are using the powers of the Universe to assist them. This is, indeed, an awesome power. A person who knows how and uses this awesome power of the Universe to his or her advantage is a person who is working smart. A person who struggles every day trying to move closer to the success that they have no idea how it’s supposed to look is a person who is working hard.

Based on your observations over the years, do you think that most people are working hard or working smart? People who just work hard day in and day out without a clear picture of what they are moving towards are about as exciting as a tulip. Even though they may seem to be willing to work hard and put in the hours, they don’t seem to have much life in them. And people want to follow people who seem to have some life in them. If they want to find people who don’t seem to have much life in them, all they have to do is go to their job. People will follow people who look like they know where they are going and look like they are excited about the journey.

You must understand that your strength comes from knowing what you want. This will ignite the fire inside of you and enable you to borrow from the promise of the future so you can engage in the activities today that will move you closer and closer to what you want. It will enable you to go through the trials and tribulations that may be necessary so you can arrive at your destination. But remember the journey will be more important than the destination because in the journey you will become the person you require to become to finally arrive at your destination. So when you reach your destination, look at the person you have become and set a new destination so you can continue to grow and develop.

Whatever you do, just always remember that for things to change, you must get a picture of what you want them to change to. These are the "17 Words that Changed My Life Forever"… why not allow them to change yours too?”

"Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking - Isochronic Tones"

"Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking - 
Isochronic Tones"
"This session stimulates Beta, SMR and Alpha to train your 
brain for better cognition, such as clearer and faster thinking."
by Jason Lewis, "Mind Amend"

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Endless Horizon"

Deuter, "Endless Horizon"
Full screen suggested.

Absolutely beautiful...

"A Look to the Heavens"

"A gorgeous spiral galaxy some 100 million light-years distant, NGC 1309 lies on the banks of the constellation of the River (Eridanus). NGC 1309 spans about 30,000 light-years, making it about one third the size of our larger Milky Way galaxy. Bluish clusters of young stars and dust lanes are seen to trace out NGC 1309's spiral arms as they wind around an older yellowish star population at its core.
Not just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy, observations of NGC 1309's recent supernova and Cepheid variable stars contribute to the calibration of the expansion of the Universe. Still, after you get over this beautiful galaxy's grand design, check out the array of more distant background galaxies also recorded in this sharp, reprocessed, Hubble Space Telescope view.”

"It Is Our Fate..."

"Well, it is our fate to live in a time of crisis. To live in a time when all forms and values are being challenged. In other and more easy times, it was not, perhaps, necessary for the individual to confront himself with a clear question: What is it that you really believe? What is it that you really cherish? What is it for which you might, actually, in a showdown, be willing to die? I say, with all the reticence which such large, pathetic words evoke, that one cannot exist today as a person – one cannot exist in full consciousness – without having to have a showdown with one’s self, without having to define what it is that one lives by, without being clear in one’s mind what matters and what does not matter.” 
- Dorothy Thompson

"Be Ready For Stock Market Crash Just Like 1929 Crash!"

"Be Ready For Stock Market Crash Just Like 1929 Crash!"
by Epic Economist

"In spite of the ravaging economic collapse that emerged as a result of the effects of the health crisis, 2020 has ended with stock markets registering record-highs. The evident disconnection between Main Street and Wall Street is making financial strategists argue that the hysterical market speculation is inevitably going to lead to the burst of the epic stock market bubble. Although it is impossible to predict the exact time a crash will occur, by analyzing historical patterns, experts can see that it is coming, and the more the bubble continues to be inflated, the sharpest the stock market crash will be. That's what we're going to investigate in this video. 

2020 was one of the toughest years for the economy in all U.S. history. Nonetheless, the year ended with the S&P 500 up by 16%, which corresponds to a near-doubling of its average annual return since 1980. But considering that since the beginning of 1950, the S&P 500 has experienced 38 separate market corrections of at least 10%, it is possible to see a pattern of at least one sizable move lower in equities every 1.87 years. Which means that even though no one can tell for sure when a crash or correction will happen, how long it'll last, or how sharp the decline will be, it's always possible to see when one is coming. 

According to billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham, the long bull market run on Wall Street that has been developing since 2009 has now turned into a full-fledged epic bubble. Grantham mentioned that the 30% recovery of the benchmark S&P500 from the March 2020 lows might indicate that the bubble is likely to be inflated for longer than usual, but the unsustainable overvaluations won't last for much longer and soon the stock market bubble will burst. 

He advised that this is what investors should await from a late-stage bubble - "an accelerating, nearly vertical stage of unknowable length - but typically short". “Even if it is short, this stage at the end of a bubble is shockingly painful and full of career risk for bears,” he warned. The billionaire investor considers this as a late stage of a bubble because prices keep moving further away from the trend, at a sped-up pace and with a mounting speculative frenzy fuelling the growth of the bubble. 

Just as Grantham, several wealthy investors are already aware that a market bubble is here, or at least near. According to a new survey from E-Trade Financial, just 9% of millionaires surveyed think the market is nowhere near a bubble. As for the rest of the affluent investor group, 16% think we’re “fully in a bubble”, 46% in “somewhat of a bubble”, and 29% think the market is approaching one. Additionally, the survey revealed that market volatility is being considered as one of the most riskiest factors, with 18% of millionaires viewing it as the biggest portfolio threat.

The apparent inconsistency of continued bullishness at a time of rising bubble fears is defying every risk thrown at the markets, as experts continue to defend the path of least resistance is up. That is to say, the stock market bubble is predicted to still move much higher before the burst, but if the economy fails to catch up with record-breaking valuations, one of the world's top market experts, Mohamed El-Erian has warned that there will be "serious and widespread unintended consequences" if global output fails to return to pre-outbreak levels. 

He stated that there is "no doubt" that company valuations have become "massively disconnected" from the economy and that the enormous amount of stimulus money issued by governments and central banks is inflating shares instead of actually boosting the economy. Similarly, David Neuhauser, managing director of hedge fund Livermore Partners, has affirmed that Biden’s spending plan could reconstruct the same financial conditions witnessed in the run-up to the 1929 Wall Street crash. 

In other words, markets are inevitably headed to a crash, whether the pop happens as a consequence of the massive inflation or investor delirious speculation, historical patterns outline that the system is set to a correction. And bearing in mind that we're at highs much higher than what was recorded in previous crashes, we're about to watch the steepest market decline ever, which will trigger catastrophic consequences for both the economic and the financial sector. At this point, it's just a matter of time, and we're aren't exactly short in determinant factors that could suddenly explode and blow up the markets with them."

"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 1/19/21"

"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 1/19/21"
 Jan. 19, 2021 4:11 PM ET: 
The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 95,931,100 
people, according to official counts, including 24,249,722 Americans.
Globally at least 2,048,600 have died.

"The COVID Tracking Project"
Every day, our volunteers compile the latest numbers on tests, cases, 
hospitalizations, and patient outcomes from every US state and territory.

"Everything's Fine, There's Absolutely Nothing To See Here"

"Everything's Fine, 
There's Absolutely Nothing To See Here"
by Simon Black

"In the darkest corners of our human instincts lies a psychological phenomenon that is the result of millions of years of evolutionary biology. It’s called “tonic immobility”. And it refers to a form of paralysis that occurs when we’re terrified and facing extreme mental or emotional trauma. Tonic immobility is common in nature. Animals in the wild will often freeze in place when confronted by a predator; the idea is that making no movement, and doing absolutely nothing, increases their chances of survival because the threat will simply go away. But as anyone who has ever been on safari or seen a nature documentary knows, the danger seldom goes away on its own.

This instinct to ‘do nothing’ in the presence of danger runs very deep in our instincts; and it’s related to a cognitive quirk within our brains that psychologists call ‘normalcy bias’. We’ve discussed this before. Normalcy bias is what causes human beings to believe, even in the face of obvious perils, that everything is going to be just fine.

Humans are creatures of habit. We easily fall into routines - waking up, going to work, stopping by the coffee shop on the way, spending time with the family in the evening, etc. And those routines define ‘normal’ for each and every one of us.

When the routine is disrupted, we often have a difficult time coping - even with little things. If the bakery down the street is out of the croissant flavor that we order every morning on the way to work, we’re irritated by it and don’t want to break routine by trying something new. And major disruptions to our ‘normal’ are met by severe psychological backlash. Our brains simply refuse to acknowledge it.

This is normalcy bias. It’s one of the reasons why denial is the first stage of grief. We cannot accept the loss of a loved one who has been part of our routine - our brains won’t allow it. Or occasionally we might find out someone has passed, and our first reaction is, “But I just saw them last week!” Again, our brains have an extremely difficult time grasping the concept that our deeply entrenched ‘normal’ is about to change.

And that’s why, when faced with something obvious that threatens our ‘normal’, it’s common for us to instinctively do nothing. Our brains are hard wired to believe that the danger will resolve itself and everything will go back to ‘normal’. Many of us felt this way in 2020.

When the pandemic struck, it was terrifying. No one really understood anything about it; the media practically made it out to be a flesh-eating superbug that would vaporize everyone immediately. And in the face of this threat, it was easy for politicians to convince people to literally do absolutely nothing: stay home, and shelter in place. The idea was that if we waited long enough - if we froze in fear long enough - then the danger would pass. And people maintained a belief throughout the year that life would eventually return to normal, no matter how crazy the world became.

When we were locked down in our homes, we believed that life would return to normal.

When mostly peaceful protestors were rioting and raging in the streets, torching private businesses that had absolutely nothing to do with their cause, we believed that life would return to normal.

When angry Marxists political candidates raged that they want to confiscate private property and nationalize entire industries, we believed that life would return to normal.

Today there are literally tanks lining in the streets of Washington DC and attack helicopters roaming the skies. A new US President is set to be inaugurated tomorrow with more than 20,000 troops guarding him.

They have already announced sweeping legislative and policy changes, ranging from substantially higher taxes to Green New nonsense to debilitating business regulations that will likely frustrate an already weakened economy.

There is absolutely zero fiscal or monetary restraint in government; there’s hardly a single policy initiative that doesn’t carry at least a trillion dollar price tag.

No one cares about the national debt - which is set to reach $30 trillion within the next few months, or the fact that the central bank balance sheet will likely pass $10 trillion this year. Their solution to everything is to squash productivity and print money.

Yet still, countless people believe that life will return to normal. For them, part of their ‘normal’ is that America is safe, stable, and powerful… and always will be. Their brains simply cannot accept a reality in which the country they love so dearly has changed. And it’s not going back.

This is normalcy bias, and it compels countless people to do absolutely nothing in the face of obvious threats.

When you see a government racking up trillions of dollars a year in wasteful new debt, and a central bank printing trillions of dollars of new money, a rational person would take steps to preserve his/her savings.

When the Treasury Secretary states in black and white that the Social Security trust funds will run out of money in a few years, a rational person would take steps to safeguard his/her retirement.

When the nation has become so fractured in conflict that it takes tanks and 20,000+ troops to hold a ceremony in the capital, a rational person would create a Plan B and have some backup options. But normalcy bias makes us believe that everything is going to back to normal. So we freeze in place and do nothing. There are plenty of solutions to mitigate these threats. But the most important thing to do right now is overcome normalcy bias."

The Daily "Near You?"

Homedale, Idaho, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

The Poet: John O’Donohue, “In These Times”

“In These Times”

“In these times when anger
Is turned into anxiety,
And someone has stolen
The horizons and mountains,
Our small emperors on parade
Never expect our indifference
To disturb their nakedness.
They keep their heads down,
And their eyes gleam with reflection
From aluminum economic ground,
The media wraps everything
In a cellophane of sound,
And the ghost surface of the virtual
Overlays the breathing earth.
The industry of distraction 
Makes us forget
That we live in a universe.
We have become converts 
To the religion of stress
And its deity of progress;
That we may have courage 
To turn aside from it all
And come to kneel down before the poor,
To discover what we must do,
How to turn anxiety
Back into anger,
How to find our way home.”

~ John O’Donohue,
from “To Bless the Space Between Us”
“Do not lose heart. We were made for these times.” 
– Clarissa Pinkola Estes

"A Man of Distinction, So Refined"

"A Man of Distinction, So Refined"
By Bill Bonner

"The minute you walked in the joint
I could see you were a man of distinction,
A real big spender.
Good looking, so refined.
Say, wouldn’t you like to know what’s going on in my mind?"
- "Big Spender", by Shirley Bassey

WEST RIVER, MARYLAND – "Here’s the nation’s new go-to person for everything that concerns money. Reuters reports: "Janet Yellen, U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to run the Treasury Department, will tell the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday that the government must “act big” with its next coronavirus relief package. “I believe the benefits will far outweigh the costs, especially if we care about helping people who have been struggling for a very long time,” she said in the statement, which was obtained by Reuters.

Who are these people who have been struggling? American household income (thanks to the feds’ bailouts and giveaways) was at its highest point ever last year – with $1 trillion more in earnings than the year before. And we need not remind dear readers that the U.S. government is broke – with a $2 trillion deficit already on the books.

Acting Stupid: But acting “big” is rarely the same as acting smart. In this context, it means acting stupid. There are two important tasks for an American president. He is meant to protect Americans’ freedom and their wealth. Everything else is detail. But already, the incoming jefe is promising to squander more of both. (I’ll come back to how he will squander Americans’ freedom later in the week...) But hey… give the guy a chance. It’s his turn!

Donald Trump acted “big,” too. He set a record for wasting wealth – with the largest budget increases in history. He followed Barack Obama, who was no slouch at dissipation either; he added $8.5 trillion to the national debt during his eight-year term, a 73% increase. He also put in place the “Obamacare” plan, an open-ended “entitlement” that is sure to bankrupt the country as Americans grow older.

hen, of course, there was George W. Bush, whose “big” act was the wacky War on Terror. It will cost $7 trillion. (We’ll get to his “Patriot Act” later this week, when we look at the loss of freedom I alluded to above.)

Act Bigger: But Mr. Biden seems to want to act bigger than any president before him. That is, he wants to out-retard them all. This is not necessarily his fault. You get to Hell one step at a time. The road is well trod and he’s already far along. All he has to do is keep walking. One foot after the other. Left after right. A is followed by B… It doesn’t matter who does the hauling. The ankle bone is connected to the shin bone… And when you’ve got an aging, degenerate empire… led by an aging Deep State hack… what do you expect?

Permanent Stimulus: And, by the way, the American people will whoop and holler… lining up behind him like a yahoo mob going to watch an execution. Then, thanks to the hard work of the public schools and the mainstream media – two pillars of the Elite Establishment – the poor knuckleheads will gladly salute their own firing squad.

Look at this, reported by "Nearly two-thirds of Americans are on board with a progressive proposal – backed by some Massachusetts lawmakers – calling on the federal government to cut monthly $2,000 stimulus checks to Americans over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new poll shows.

Data for Progress, a progressive polling and advocacy group, asked 1,166 likely voters across the country last week if they’d support or oppose the idea of a “$2,000 per month direct cash payment to every person for the duration of the pandemic.”

Sixty-five percent of respondents say they’d support recurring $2,000 checks, an idea still advocated by Sens. Ed Markey and Bernie Sanders, who along with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris proposed a bill for monthly checks back in May. Forty-one percent of respondents “strongly support” the idea, while 24% “somewhat support” it."

Note that this is not a one-time “stimulus” of $2,000 they are calling for, but MONTHLY checks… a permanent stimulus plan. It would function as a kind of monetary pacemaker… giving consumers a jolt every month just to keep their greedy little hearts pumping.

Does anyone ask, “Where will the money come from?” Does anyone worry about the expanding federal deficits… or the tilting tower of debt? No? Why not? Because they don’t have to.

Something for Nothing: That is the wonderful magic of the post-1971 money system. It corrupts federal spending… It distorts and weakens the economy… And it also eats away at the brain.  The Federal Reserve has multiplied its balance sheet (the foundation of America’s money supply) by nearly 10 times so far this century. That is what paid (indirectly) for the War on Terror… Obama’s debt… the Wall Street boom… Trump’s tax cuts… and the COVID-19 “relief” boondoggles.

And now, brains all across the country are abuzz about the great things coming down the pike. “Something for nothing” is no longer a joke; it’s a fact of life. People expect to get a free lunch every day. And $2,000 a month will soon seem miserly."
Since you insist...
Shirley Bassey, "Big Spender"