Thursday, December 3, 2020

"How to Handle the Beast"

"How to Handle the Beast"
by David Cain

"The Beast showed up around Christmas last year, and stayed till April. During those months it was difficult to get anything done, or believe getting things done was a thing I could still do. You might know the Beast too. It has many forms. The Doom-Anxiety Beast. The Regret Beast. The Despair Beast. The Shame Beast. Psychologists have names for some of them.

Whatever the form, the Beast has certain characteristics. It saps your sense of agency and forward motion. It robs you of what might feel like your birthright: the basic ability to function to society’s standards. You lose the sense that you can steer the boat. The Beast may stay away for weeks or months or years. Then one Thursday afternoon, when one too many things goes wrong, it darkens your doorway again and you know that life might be different for a while.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s a good thing. Many of you do though. For what it’s worth, I’ll share what I’ve learned about tangling with the Beast.

As you already know, the Beast especially likes to visit during the holidays, or sometimes just after. It takes advantage of stress, isolation, and any sense of non-belonging you already feel. It wants to reduce you to a robotic pattern of habits and appetites. However, it can never quite steal that last bit of agency from you. There is always enough wriggle-space beneath it to do small, defiant things. This bit of space is what we will use to handle the Beast.

Assume your full height: Physically, I mean. The Beast can’t stop you from standing up straight, but it sure doesn’t want you to. It wants you to lower your head and drop your shoulders forward, especially in public – otherwise you might start to consider the possibility that you are in some way worthy, or even formidable. Upright posture doesn’t just symbolize resilience in the face of suffering, it creates the resilience. Be your full height. Return to it again and again.

Remember that the Beast is survivable: The Beast’s presence feels like you’ve been evicted from normal life, at least for now. Nothing is stable, and you can’t do what you need to do. It feels like you can’t possibly live at all until the Beast is gone.

Human history proves this is false. While the Beast can’t be ignored or destroyed, it can be lived with, and it has been. Human beings have cohabited with Beasts forever, often for years at a time. Life still happens during those years. Choices are still made, and good things are still accomplished.

What I’m trying to say is that taking action and finding meaning are possible even while the Beast is present. The conditions are different, but you still have agency. Life is still happening, and it still counts.

Discover the power of small acts of defiance: Whenever you feel the Beast sapping your will, do something – anything – that will improve your situation in even the smallest way. Straighten a crooked picture. Put all your stray pencils into a cup. The point isn’t so much to get things done, it’s to exercise the small bit agency you do have. One little act of defiance proves to both you and the Beast that it cannot clamp down on you completely. The earlier you do this in a day, the greater the effect.

Anything you do get done can weaken the Beast in a different way. By changing the state of things around you, you may be removing one of the Beast’s handholds, such as the laundry on your floor or the call you are not returning.

Lift things and clean: Physical exertion and cleaning up are the closest thing I’ve found to kryptonite for the Beast. A little of either can change a day’s trajectory, and remove more handholds.

Do a daily movement routine, even if it’s really easy. Even if it’s the equivalent of three pushups. Each one weakens the Beast, because it is an act against gravity. You are exercising your agency indirect opposition to the Beast’s inertia.

Get the house to a tidyish state if you can - a single room if you can’t - and keep it that way the best you’re able. Clutter is madness congealed.

Talk to people who know the Beast: Nothing has been as helpful for me as getting to know other people who know the Beast and are willing talk about it. There is tremendous relief to be found just describing your experience to someone:

“Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say “My heart is broken.”
- C.S. Lewis

The goal of talking is not to problem-solve, but to break the illusion that something has gone uniquely wrong for you.

Our species knows the Beast well, but we don’t talk about it much. I suppose that’s because it’s hard to win at the rat race and other public-facing status games when you admit you are suffering. But suffering less is more important."

"Tequila Bar In England Registers To Become A Church So It Can Re-Open"

"Tequila Bar In England Registers To 
Become A Church So It Can Re-Open"
by Tyler Durden

"It was just a couple days ago we wrote about one Staten Island bar finding a "creative" solution to the government shutdown by declaring itself an autonomous zone. Now, another bar in England is following suit with another "creative" solution: registering itself as a church. 400 Rabbits Tequila and Mezcal Cocktail Bar in Nottingham, England has rebranded itself as "The Church Of the Four Hundred Rabbits" and has officially filed a formal application for the bar to be used as a place of worship, according to the NY Post.

The owner, James Aspell, now needs people to sign up as his congregation in order for the application to go through.

Aspell wrote on Twitter: “With places of worship allowed to open in all tiers we thought f–k it let’s start a religion! Can’t be that hard can it! Congregation daily till late.” He said that despite the cynical tone of what he's doing, his business is truly struggling and that the hypocrisy of shutting down small businesses is disproportionately hurting bars. “This time of year it’s usually all guns blazing but instead I’m sat at home putting my Christmas decorations up,” he said.

Future customers - err - congregation members seem to love the idea. “The only reason I’d take up a religion. I’m in,” one wrote on Facebook. “The only religion I would get on board with,” another said. Of course, to truly curb all this nonsense, governments could just allow small businesses to open up with precautions. But given government's expertise in misuse of time, money and resources, we're sure that won't happen. "

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

“Homes Become ATMS; Banks Steal From You; Massive Job Cuts; Americans Addicted to Debt”

Jeremiah Babe,
“Homes Become ATMS; Banks Steal From You;
 Massive Job Cuts; Americans Addicted to Debt”

"Panic Buying Sweeps Across America As Fears Of Food Shortage Continues To Rise"

"Panic Buying Sweeps Across America As 
Fears Of Food Shortage Continues To Rise"
by Epic Economist

"The stockpiling tendency is intensifying as more than 40 states recorded a substantial spike in confirmed viral cases last week, lockdowns are looming, and a tough winter approaches. Store shelves in several states have been affected, and it appears that a "March 2.0" has just begun. A recent study has shown that over 80 million U.S. citizens already started to panic buy paper and cleaning products, as well as canned goods, and breakfast food.

Fearing a supply chain break flashback, people have been rushing into the grocery shops to avoid suffering from shortages during the holiday season. Giant food retailers that have previously affirmed to have prepared in advance for another wave of panicked consumer activity, now say that demand has been so high their chains are inevitably stressed. In this video, we report the effects of the stockpiling trend that has been clearing shelves all across the country and turning everyday essentials into cherishable commodities. 

All over the nation, people have been filling grocery carts to the brim in another round of panic buying boosted by the consequences of the latest surge in confirmed viral cases that led states to order the partial or total freeze of their economic activities. "Defensive purchasing" as some may define, is wiping everything out from the stores. Toilet paper, disinfectant, and groceries are flying off the shelves everywhere. 

When state governors threatened to enforce strict measures to control the virus, people started stockpiling a wide range of products. However, what was a threat before, now became a reality. As more than 40 states registered daily increases in viral cases this month, several governors acted to restrict social gatherings and non-essential business activity, and while the orders were being put into effect, many reports about panic buying started to pop on the news.

A Seattle worker disclosed to The Daily Beast that "people are stockpiling now not just because they're afraid of being stuck at home, but because they've seen everyone else buying it up and are afraid they won't be able to get any when they need it later”. He's right. That's how any behavior drove by fear works. While some impulsively react to the threat of harder days, the panic spreads to the observant others. Alarmed and frightened, they shortly start to react in order to protect themselves as well. And this damaging loop will likely to continue to extend, as case rates keep increasing and restrictions are being confirmed pretty much everywhere. 

Despite the efforts made by authorities and supply chain representatives to highlight that this second run is likely to be less severe because stores are more prepared, shoppers only believe in what they can see. Even though their attitude may cause the disruption they're fearing, consumers another imminent wave of shortages could come regardless of their increasingly defensive tendencies. 

When Walmart, the world’s biggest retailer started to report shortages in high-demand items, such as cleaning supplies, breakfast foods – and the most important commodity in any bathroom: toilet paper, warning signs were triggered amongst frightened customers. 

Target also communicated it would enforce purchase limits if consumers resume hoarding behavior. According to Anna Nagurney, shortages are a possibility if the sanitary outbreak “adversely affect the labor supply chain. Plus, winter weather can bring additional supply chain disruptions in terms of transportation,” she added.

All in all, panic purchases are understandable considering consumers remember the frustrations of going from store to store in the early months of the health crisis, looking for essentials that suddenly become scarce. "And that pattern will only intensify as the number of virus cases increase and the holidays approach," Nagurney said. 

A LendingTree survey has found that 86.7 million U.S. consumers have already begun stockpiling supplies for a potential winter wave of viral cases, with an additional 35% that affirmed to have plans to stockpile but haven't done so yet. 

In contrast, the effects of those massive purchases are seen not only on store shelves but on consumers' wallets - 27% of them have been accumulating credit card debt related to these purchasings, and most of them have been laid off or furloughed to the economic recession. Moreover, a recent analysis described how hoarding behavior might result in food waste.

Concerned about the dark winter ahead consumers might be unconsciously setting the stage for much more economic deterioration, as they spend more and increase their debt, rush into the unnecessary purchase of several products, which consequently creates a shortage, lead prices to skyrocket, while perpetuating a disruptive cycle of panic-driven purchases that don’t hurt anyone but themselves." 

"The Stasi Comes to America"

"The Stasi Comes to America"
by Brian Maher

"IS the tattle-tale the new American patriot? This Thanksgiving weekend, we hosted family members. One afternoon - having explored fully our own hamlet -a spirit of wanderlust seized them. Washington, D.C., some 25 miles distant, was the destination selected. We stepped into our waders, plugged our nostrils... and trekked into the foul, treacherous swamp.

Our travels concluded in upscale Georgetown and the splendid settings of its eponymous university… where we lolled among the “dreaming spires” of academia. Being Thanksgiving weekend, the snoozing campus was nearly as vacant as a congressman’s cranium… or a Joe Biden campaign rally.

All was silence. All was peace. We never passed within 100 feet of strangers. All, incidentally, wore surgical masks upon their faces. Your lawless editor did not. He had flouted the orders posted at the entranceway to cover his face. That is because the odds of catching or spreading the virus outdoors, in a thinly populated open space... likely approach zero. Do we speculate? No.

No Outdoor Transmission: Only one study... of over 7,000 studies... identified one solitary case of outdoor transmission. That study concluded: "There were virtually no cases that we could identify that took place in sort of everyday life outdoors."

Another group of German, British and American scientists arrived at this conclusion: "While it is not impossible, there is no evidence that COVID-19 has been transmitted when people walk past each other outdoors." Again, we did not pass within 100 feet of a stranger… much less walk past one.

But to proceed… After a long and healthy roam we had the exit in mind. We lit out in that direction, pausing to read a plaque nailed to a wall. That was when a sudden blast directly astern of us shattered the silence, the peaceful silence: “Sir, you are required to wear a mask at all times on this campus!”

If Only Looks Could Kill: We wheeled around... There stood a woman - masked, flummoxed, incensed - eyes blazing with the heat of a hundred suns, a thousand suns. We would be six feet under sod if eyes could murder. Hers had homicide in them. A moment or two of silence passed. Then, having stood up to evil, she resumed course and heading, building to flank speed.

Some 50-75 feet beyond our pathogenic influence, the schoolmarm glanced rearward. Did we heed orders? We had not. Of course… she risked greater odds of infection by stopping to accost the barbarian within the gates, the barefaced devil besieging Georgetown University. She might have simply passed on by.

We eventually executed a casual exit... and proceeded to menace the neighborhood beyond... maskless, reckless, Jack the Ripper running at large. (We cannot confirm it - but we believe we subsequently spotted her rolling around in her auto, alone, the mask still shielding her face. Against what we cannot say. But again, we cannot confirm the sighting). We were half-surprised the scold didn’t yell for the police. These days a fellow cannot be certain…

The Stasi Comes To America: Jim Rickards warns that the Stasi has descended upon American shores. The Stasi was former East Germany’s dreaded internal security force. These goons were constantly on the hunt for renegades. That is, dissidents who dared question Communist authority… who would not march in step. These dissidents were watched, bugged, trailed, harangued, questioned, drugged, slugged, clubbed and jugged.

The Stasi also relied upon snitches, snoops and tattle-tales - rats - to finger suspects. Jim: "The Stasi was notorious for running a ubiquitous surveillance network in which neighbor spied upon neighbor and co-workers spied on each other. There were rewards for reporting dissidents to the police and severe punishments for those who did not toe the party line."

If you do not believe it can happen in these United States, Jim says have another guess. Look to the Great Northwest: "If this kind of activity seems long ago and far away, think again. The policies of the Stasi are now being used in the United States. The State of Oregon is now under an extreme form of lockdown order imposed by Governor Kate Brown…

When some citizens refused to go along with her senseless plans, she said neighbors should spy on neighbors and call the police if they observe any behavior that does not conform to her orders. Apart from being bad public health policy, her orders are probably unconstitutional. Fortunately, many local sheriffs are refusing to enforce her orders and many citizens are ignoring them also. East Germans could not ignore the Stasi without grave consequences. Governor Kate Brown and her neo-Stasi approach are easier to ignore - so far."

“So far”... Will there come a time when the neo-Stasi approach is far more difficult to ignore? We must be alert to the possibility. But does the greater terror spring from our own fellow citizens?

“Delusional Psychosis”: Dr. Mark McDonald practices psychiatry within the state of California. From whom: "We don’t need a police force. We don’t need a secret Stasi to go after the neighbor that isn’t wearing his mask on a park bench. We have families who are willing to do that. We have office workers who will come by and mace you if you are not wearing a mask, and no one will come to your rescue. In fact, they’ll probably applaud it."

A “delusional psychosis” he labels it, grounded in a quaking fear that has: "Grown and become so entrenched that it has reached a state of what I would call delusional psychosis. A delusion is a fixed false belief that is contrary to reality."

Reality, Dr. McDonald? Less than one percent of the population accounts for over 90 percent of all the deaths, “which occur in people” over age 70, mostly over age 80, with at least two and a half to three comorbidities, according to the CDC. Other than that group of people, we really are not at risk of hospitalization or death in any meaningful way from this virus…

Yet Dr. McDonald’s greatest concern is that the hysteria is: "Going beyond fear, going beyond the crazy itself, to what I would call group control... What appears to me is a country which is using its own citizens as a de facto police force, very similar to communist China, that has a social point system in place where neighbor informs on neighbor, family informs on family."

A Citizen Stasi: America’s framers wrote in the First Amendment to wall off speech from government invasion. Yet today, “Big Tech” is the censor that polices speech. Facebook or Twitter cannot clap you into prison or stretch you out upon the rack. (Blogger can and will delete your blog. - CP) Yet they can tape your electronic mouth if they dislike your speech. Free speech under the First Amendment, yes. But free speech?

Similarly, do we need a Stasi if our own fellow citizens will knock us over the head for failing to wear a mask outdoors? Meantime, our neighbors can eye us through peepholes as diligently as any undercover agent. We have located an excellent candidate for this Stasi militia of citizens. You can find her prowling the grounds of Georgetown University...

Unmasked and Unrepentant,"

Gregory Mannarino, "Get Ready! The FED Us About To Open The Flood Gates"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 12/2/20:
"Get Ready! The FED Us About To Open The Flood Gates"

Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Sound of Invisible Waters"

Deuter, "Sound of Invisible Waters"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Large galaxies and faint nebulae highlight this deep image of the M81 Group of galaxies. First and foremost in the wide-angle 12-hour exposure is the grand design spiral galaxy M81, the largest galaxy visible in the image. M81 is gravitationally interacting with M82 just below it, a big galaxy with an unusual halo of filamentary red-glowing gas. 

Around the image many other galaxies from the M81 Group of galaxies can be seen. Together with other galaxy congregates including our Local Group of galaxies and the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, the M81 Group is part of the expansive Virgo Supercluster of Galaxies. This whole galaxy menagerie is seen through the faint glow of an Integrated Flux Nebula, a little studied complex of diffuse gas and dust clouds in our Milky Way Galaxy."

"Humanity Today..."

"Humanity today is like a waking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world. The mind seeks but cannot find the precise place and hour. We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life."
- Edward O. Wilson

Chet Raymo, "Away Above The Chimney Pots "

"Away Above The Chimney Pots"
by Chet Raymo

"So Oz finally became home; the imagined world became the actual world, as it does for us all, because the truth is that once we have left our childhood places and started out to make up our lives, armed only with what we have and are, we understand that the real secret of the ruby slippers is not that "there's no place like home", but rather that there is no longer any such place as home: except, of course, for the home we make, or the homes that are made for us, in Oz: which is anywhere, and everywhere, except the place from which we began. 

In the last paragraph of his delightful meditation on the film "The Wizard of Oz", Salman Rushdie, himself an immigrant to another land, takes gentle issue with the concluding cliche: "There's no place like home." If the net result of Dorothy's technicolor adventure is to end up where she began, in gray old Kansas, then what was the point? asks Rushdie.

Poor Dorothy, waking up in bed with Auntie Em and the others clustered around her, born again, so to speak, into the same old life. "It wasn't a dream, it was a place," she cries, piteously. "A real, truly live place! Doesn't anyone believe me?" She must begin her rebellion all over again.

Visitors here will have observed that I have reached a stage in life where I am prone to look back on the journey, reflect somewhat nostalgically upon the place I came from, and try to ascertain where it is I have ended up. It is clear that the destination was in part determined by where I began, as is true, I suppose, for all of us. We are armed, after all, only with "what we have and who we are." But it is clear too that having experienced the technicolor universe of the galaxies and the DNA, there is no going back to the dusty, gray dogmas of my youth. 

The Emerald City may indeed be over the rainbow, but it is still in the here and now. The Wizard's powers may not be supernatural, but his translucently turreted city sure beats Kansas. Science was my Yellow Brick Road. I'm still a "Kansas" boy, so to speak, but with no desire to be born again. For better or worse, home is here, now, in a universe of a grandeur of which I had no idea at the beginning, at a place along a Yellow Brick Road that reaches tantalizingly into the future, with no foreseeable terminus in an ultimate Oz." 

The Poet: James Baldwin, "Amen"


 "No, I don't feel death coming.
I feel death going:
having thrown up his hands,
for the moment.
I feel like I know him
better than I did.
Those arms held me,
for a while,
and, when we meet again,
there will be that secret knowledge
between us." 

- James Baldwin

The Daily "Near You?

Collinsville, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"The Ironic, The Tragic Thing..."

“One can fight evil but against stupidity one is helpless… I have accepted the fact, hard as it may be, that human beings are inclined to behave in ways that would make animals blush. The ironic, the tragic thing is that we often behave in ignoble fashion from what we consider the highest motives. The animal makes no excuse for killing his prey; the human animal, on the other hand, can invoke God’s blessing when massacring his fellow men. He forgets that God is not on his side but at his side.”

“There is no salvation in becoming adapted to a world which is crazy.”

- Henry Miller

"Doug Casey on America's Ideological Divide and What Comes Next"

"Doug Casey on America's Ideological Divide and What Comes Next"

"International Man: Throughout his presidential campaign, Joe Biden said that this would be a "dark winter" in the US. What would a Biden/Harris administration do next?

Doug Casey: When Joe Biden was in his basement, he must’ve watched Game of Thrones again and again. Biden thinks he’s John Snow saying, "Winter is coming." He’s right about that. But he’s no John Snow.

The government can definitely make it into a dark winter, indeed, so it’s interesting that he said that. The government can create huge economic destruction just by continuing their foolish lockdowns. But, as they say, "we can do more!" Biden wants more regulations. He wants more money printing. He’s said that he wants much higher taxes.

We can expect the economy to get a lot worse. Joe’s prediction about a dark winter is absolutely right from an economic point of view. And, even more important, from a personal freedom point of view. We’re going to have a lot more State control and less personal freedom. The COVID hysteria is a godsend for them.

What will Biden do if and when he’s sworn in? In addition to the things I just mentioned, he’ll try to clamp down on gun ownership. That, however, would likely be the red line. It could really set things off. Especially since something like 75% of Republicans, and even 25% of Democrats, think the election was rigged. It would serve to delegitimize the whole political process.

What will happen if he tries to confiscate people’s guns? Will members of the police and military actually do as they’re told? Most of them will, for lots of reasons, but mainly because they’re paid to do what they’re told, whether they agree with it or not. The chain of command still exists. And no cop wants to lose his job in today’s economic environment.

What will the gun owners do? Will they resist violently? Some will. And then what happens? Gun confiscation could be the spark that lights the flame in this country. That’s especially the case if they make Beto O’Rourke the gun czar.

International Man: Ideologically, the US is split. Half of Americans believe exactly what the politicians, media, and the "experts" tell them. On the other hand, there is a growing number of Americans that are skeptical and distrustful of the mainstream COVID narrative and the restrictions. How do you see this playing out in the months ahead?

Doug Casey: The temperature is rising in the pressure cooker. I’ve said before; it makes no sense at all to have two or more groups with radically different views of ethics - what’s right and wrong, and what should or shouldn’t be done - in the same political entity. One group or another is going to get control of the central government and will use it to make the other group as mad as hell. This is why countries split up.

Ideally, the US will split up peacefully the way Czechoslovakia did into two countries, or Yugoslavia into six countries, or the Soviet Union into 15 countries. But the last time we had a serious secession movement in the US was from 1861 to 1865. It didn’t end well.
Click image for larger size.

Let me repeat what I said since March about COVID. This virus is no more serious than the bird flu, swine flu, Asian flu, or the Hong Kong flu. It’s not even remotely as serious as the Spanish flu. It basically only affects people over 70 or those who have a major illness. And even then, the survival rate is very high. The average age of death from COVID is 78. Contracting it is no more than a trivial inconvenience for younger people. It’s perhaps the greatest mass hysteria in world history. There’s much more to say about this hysteria, and it all reflects badly on the authorities and the media. As well as the average American for acting like a sheep. The situation is accentuated by the fact that we have entered the Greater Depression. When the economic times get really tough, people feel they have little to lose, and, as Gerald Celente says, they "lose it."

A big near-term problem is that the forbearance of payment of rent and mortgage payments is slated to end about Jan 1. There will be a lot of people - about 12 million renters and four million homeowners - who aren't going to be able to make those payments. In addition to the fact that a lot of landlords and lenders are already under pressure because of the forbearance.
Although consequences will likely be pushed forward by another round of money from the Fed.

International Man: Is it possible that in an attempt to regulate and restrict the movement and lives of the population that the "masters of the universe" will overplay their hand?

Doug Casey: It’s very possible. They’re playing with a lit stick of dynamite. But when the "cadres" get control of the government, they’re extremely hard to dislodge. They’ll have not only the government’s moral force but its physical force - the army, the police, and the judicial system. 

Remember, the Bolsheviks were a tiny number of people, but once they captured the apparatus of the Russian State in 1917, it was all over. If the Marxist factions of the Democrat Party take over, they’ll prove very hard to evict from power. Here’s the question: is the average American who dislikes the collectivist Democrat Party willing to go into the streets the way BLM and Antifa did, and get violent?

I don't know. This is a witch's brew. It's much more serious than the average person thinks or even wants to think. The possibility isn’t mentioned in the media. I really don't see any way out of this, however. Serious violence is likely.

If there's going to be a confrontation, however, it's better that one occurs sooner rather than later from the point of view of the cultural conservatives. The longer it’s put off, the more people indoctrinated with every college and high school graduating class in what the Biden-Harris team are promoting.

And every year that goes by, there are more people recruited to work for the government who align against pro-freedom forces. Inevitably, the pot's going to boil over. It’s better to get it over with sooner rather than later. The only thing that can defuse the situation is a major war, probably with China, but that would be an even greater disaster."

"That's All We've Ever Had..."

- George Carlin

"Status Quo Ante"

"Status Quo Ante"
By Bill Bonner

“I f**king hate that guy.”
– Neera Tanden, nominee for the role of director of the Office of
Management and Budget in the Biden administration

WEST RIVER, MARYLAND – "When the reality TV star moved into the White House, we opined that the common narrative was phony. Mr. Trump pretended to represent “conservatives” against the “liberals.” But there was never anything conservative about The Donald. He spent the next four years proving it.

No Help to Give: Now, we have an equal and opposite scam. The Democrats no longer represent the working classes… the poor… the downtrodden… or the “victims” – women, minorities, cripples, half-wits, and so forth. Both political parties are controlled by two wings of the same group. They represent neither conservatives nor liberals. Instead, they represent themselves – a corrupt and degenerate American elite.

For proof… today, as promised, we take a look at the Biden team. Here’s MarketWatch: “Help is on the way,” says Biden as he introduces Yellen and more economic team members President-elect Joe Biden called times “tough” for millions of Americans as he introduced his economic team on Tuesday, but said its members would get to work to “create a recovery for all.”

We don’t have to remind our dear, long-suffering, readers that the feds have no help to give. Every penny they spend must come from the American people themselves. And since they know they will lose power if they raise taxes, all they can do is print more fake money – the very thing that is already destroying the real economy. So any “recovery” that happens will come in spite of the Biden team, not because of it.

Divisive Appointments: But real help is not on offer anyway. What is coming is another giant fraud… led by a team of hacks, has-beens, incompetents, know-nothings, and grifters.

Take Janet Yellen, for example. She is an academic economist with no apparent knowledge of how real economies or markets actually work. Here’s what Reuters reported on June 27, 2017: "U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said on Tuesday that she does not believe that there will be another financial crisis for at least as long as she lives, thanks largely to reforms of the banking system since the 2007-09 crash."

Ms. Yellen completely misunderstood the mortgage finance crisis. She believed it had nothing to do with the Federal Reserve’s fake money and fake interest rates. And she thought future crises could be avoided by changing bank regulations. Obviously, she has no idea what she is doing. But since she showed herself willing to go along with the elite’s flimflam… and finance it with printing-press money… she will have no trouble being approved by the Senate.

Assisting her (if approved) will be Neera Tanden at the Office of Management and Budget. Scheerpost’s Glenn Greenwald comments: "The announcement that Joe Biden intends to nominate Neera Tanden as his Director of the Office of Management and Budget – a critical position overseeing U.S. economic and regulatory policy – triggered a wide range of mockery, indignation and disgust from both the left and the right. That should not be surprising: though a thoroughly mediocre and ordinary D.C. swamp creature from the perspective of both ideology and competence, Tanden’s uniquely unhinged, venomous, corrupt and pathologically dishonest conduct as a Clinton Family and DNC apparatchik and President of the corporatist-and-despot-funded Center for American Progress (CAP) has earned her a list of enemies far longer and more impressive than her accomplishments."

But why appoint such a divisive person?

Diversity, Not Competence: Mr. Biden has pledged that his inner circle will be more “diverse.” “It will look,” he says, “like America itself.” There will be plenty of women, he assures us… and “people of color,” too. Ms. Tanden is a “two-fer”… Her parents are immigrants from India. She is also, by many accounts, not a very nice person. Perhaps that, too, should count as “diversity?” A diverse group inevitably includes a jerk or two. Ms. Tanden knows nothing about economics. That puts her squarely in the mainstream.

Besides, ignorance is a job requirement in a corrupt and hell-bent empire. Anyone with any real brains might try to turn the bus around… or, at least, slow it down.

Cecilia Rouse, Biden’s choice to head the Council of Economic Advisers, is another two-fer. Like Ms. Yellen, she is an academic economist well versed in school politics. And there’s Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo, who will join Ms. Yellen as deputy Treasury Secretary. He intends to remake the economy so that it gives “people a shot when they need it most.” He said that was a “lesson I learned from my parents.”

What the heck that means, in terms of economic policy, we have no idea. Like Tanden, Adeyemo is a lawyer, as innocent about free market economics as a tree toad about the Theory of Evolution.

Diversity – not competence – is the name of the game now.

Foolish Goal: But wait… Is this really diverse? Not a chance. Nearly half the voters pulled the lever for Donald Trump, but there will be no red hats in the group. A third of the population is obese. But there will be no really fat people in the Biden team. According to a poll conducted this summer, 56% of Americans believe the country is “racist.” Who represents the racists in the Biden bunch? Half the American population has an IQ below 100. While there will be plenty of dumbbells in the executive line-up… few will have IQs below the 100 mark.

“Diversity” is a foolish goal. Would Japanese restaurants serve better sushi if they had more Italian chefs? Would the Supreme Court function better with more retarded, dyslexic, psychopathic, and insane members? Why should we care if the pastry chef is a man or a woman? It’s the croissants we care about. Would we really want a “diversity” dentist to drill our teeth? Do we want blind bus drivers… illiterate editors… or midget basketball players – just for diversity’s sake?

A Cabal of Insiders: But “diversity” is just part of the scam. That is, by choosing women and “people of color,” Joe Biden is able to pretend that he represents the “victim” classes… without actually giving a damn about them. The “of color” tag is especially helpful in this regard. It allows people who have spent their whole lives on the fast track – best schools, best jobs, best parties – to pass as underdogs! Tanden and Adeyemo, for example, both went to Yale Law School.

The whole thing is a fraud. Mr. Biden’s hand-picked henchmen are all cut from the same crooked lumber – the smart, slim, rich, conniving Deep State elite. They all think the same thing. They will all want the same things, too – power and money.

Let’s look again at Ms. Tanden. Here’s TIME: "The embodiment of a Washington insider and personification of its nerdocracy […] A player in Democratic politics for decades – she started out by volunteering for Mike Dukakis’ 1988 presidential bid – Tanden’s Rolodex rivals almost everyone else’s. Her steel-trap brain seldom forgets a footnote or a slight. When her critics have dismissed the 50-year-old insider as a lightweight, they have been proven wrong in short order."

Right at Home: In years past, a new president brought a new team. With Reagan, for example, came his trusted Californians. Carter brought in new blood from the South. Even Donald Trump brought Scaramucci, Giuliani, and other reprobates from New York. But Mr. Biden’s team will need no U-Hauls. They’re already at home in Bethesda or McLean. And they’ve lived in The Swamp so long, they’ve developed webbed feet.

Today, we looked at Biden’s economic team. Tomorrow, we’ll look at his foreign policy team. Stay tuned…"

Musical Interlude: Two Steps From Hell, "Evergreen"

Two Steps From Hell, "Evergreen"

"How It REALLY Is"


This is no joke...

"Covid-19 Pandemic Update 12/2/20"

"COVID-19 Lockdowns: Liberty and Science" (Excerpt)

"The Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19) hit American shores - officially, anyway, there is significant evidence that it arrived earlier - in late January 2020. The American public was then told that a two-week shutdown of the economy would “flatten the curve,” relieving the pressure on hospital intensive care units and saving lives in the long run.

The average American, including conservatives, being people of good faith, complied, thinking that this was a common-sense measure that would save lives in the wake of a new and mysterious pandemic. But two things quickly happened: First, the goalposts moved. No longer was it enough to “flatten the curve.” Now we were to be locked down until there was a cure.  No longer was it enough to “flatten the curve.” Now we were to be locked down until there was a cure.

Even the cure was not enough for some figures like the lionized-by-liberals Dr. Anthony Fauci - we would continue to be locked down even after a vaccine had been rammed through the approvals process with limited testing. When would we be allowed out by our masters? No one could answer this. 

Second, there was an intensification of the authoritarian measures. Some states, aided by Big Tech, introduced “contact tracing” where people had to sign in with extensive personal information if they wanted to, for example, eat out at a restaurant. This was so that, in the event of infection with COVID-19, the state health department would be able to track and trace everyone you had contact with. 

What’s more, there was a financial incentive from the government to mark deaths as COVID-19 deaths when they were not. George Floyd, the man who died while being arrested by the Minneapolis Police Department, sparking riots over the summer of 2020, is officially a COVID-19 death because he died with COVID-19, despite not dying of COVID-19.

By the fall of 2020, the facts became clear: While COVID-19 was dangerous for select populations, it had an extremely low death rate among the young and healthy.  The generous or naive might say that the COVID-19 health measures are misguided attempts to protect the population. A more hard-nosed or cynical person likely thinks that these measures are a deliberate attempt to enact totalitarian measures leveraging public panic.

This, of course, would not be the first time the government and its toadies took advantage of such a panic, with the 9/11 attacks presenting a recent example of such.  We believe that COVID-19 measures are little more than a cynical power grab. We also believe that they have no basis in “the science” often breathlessly invoked by the toadies of this power grab." 

In this article, we will make a compelling case that there is nothing scientific about this attack on the individual civil liberties of Americans. As Canadian Dr. Roger Hodkinson, a top pathologist, virologist, and CEO of a biotech company manufacturing COVID tests said, “this (COVID-19) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Please view this complete and critically important article here:

"Market Fantasy Updates 12/2/20"

"Market Fantasy Updates 12/2/20"
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!○
"The more I see of the monied classes, 
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw

Wed, 12/02/2020 - 08:15: "Greed Is Back"
Updated live.
Daily Update (Dec.1st to Dec 4th)
And now... The End Game...

"Two Ways To Be Fooled..."

"There are two ways to be fooled. 
One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." 
- Soren Kierkegaard

Gregory Mannarino, "Into The Abyss: The US Economy In FULL ON MELTDOWN"

Gregory Mannarino, 
"Into The Abyss: The US Economy In FULL ON MELTDOWN"

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Sea of Dreams"

2002, "Sea of Dreams"

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

"Positive Covid Test? Ask This Question!"

"Positive Covid Test? Ask This Question!"
by Dr. Chris Martenson

"The lockdowns are based on surging "cases" which are based on positive PCR test results. However, what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean? I'll answer that and give you the answer to the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result. "What's the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?" Sounds wonky but it's actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load. Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever. The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high. Too high."

"After This New Wave Of Lockdowns, Most People Will Accept Any Solution As They Will Be So Desperate"

"After This New Wave Of Lockdowns, Most People
Will Accept Any Solution As They Will Be So Desperate"
by Epic Economist

"We are about to have another round of lockdowns amid what many have already pointed out as a "very, very dark winter". Hospitals are crowded, people are afraid and the state of our economy is oscillating between being very bad and rolling to the edge of a cliff. So far, national and global leaders’ response to the crisis doesn’t appear to have effectively helped to control the number of cases. 

In fact, we presented studies before showing that in countries where strict measures to bend the curb were adopted as opposed to countries that opted for more flexible measures similar rates in the number of cases, recoveries and casualties were observed. The idea of lockdowns might seem like a viable solution to protect people from contagion, but its effectiveness is being questioned by scientists and data analysts.

The side effects of widespread lockdowns only add to people's suffering. It all starts with the massive spread of fear. The mainstream media takes advantage of every possible loophole to explore this narrative and manipulate people to overreact to this situation. In this video, Epic Economist is going to do an epic analysis. We want to disclose how the effects of the crisis are driving millions to complete desperation - and yes, there is a very obscure reason behind it.

The elites continue to feed this catastrophe in order to make many of us hit our breaking points. Soon enough, millions will be unemployed, helpless, hungry, and homeless - in a state of complete despair. It is only when people have no more prospects that the real intentions of all marionettes of the establishment emerge and find the perfect cue to infiltrate our lives.

It's just sad to assume that all of this destruction is being caused in the name of money and power. They say all they want is to control the propagation of the virus. But why not do that through the use of efficient health safety instructions to workers? Is it just easier to shut down everything and lock everyone up? 

We have experienced the harsh collateral damages brought by business shutdowns before. In every wave of shutdowns, business activity is suddenly frozen, how are small business owners supposed to find ways to have enough revenue to pay for their staff, their rent, their operational costs? If it wasn't clear before, now it's pretty evident that this is the ultimate opportunity for big conglomerates to watch small business meltdown, and go bankrupt so that they can swallow them up while also annihilating the competition. 

The ones who absorb the impact of this chaotic freefall are us. 70 million unemployment claims were filed this year. According to Feeding America, 54 million people could go hungry by early next year. Food banks have witnessed a historic spike in demand. For every adult facing hunger, there are 4 food-insecure children.

On the other hand, with the memory of food shortages still fresh on their minds and moved by the anxiety of further supply chain disruptions, some have been wiping out store shelves in a phenomenon whose name couldn't be more appropriate - panic purchasing. Largely benefiting from this sudden hoarding behavior, major food retailers are readjusting prices for the growing demand. Knowing that they can soar prices by holding back inventory for a while, why wouldn't they do it?

In any case, these are the people who somehow can still afford food. At this stage of the crisis, millions can't. If they can't pay for their own food, how are they supposed to afford rent? With the expiration of federal assistance, those people have no source of income, thereby, in deep food and housing insecurity. 40 million are on the brink of eviction. 

They say we must stay at home, but at the same time, millions can lose their homes and no one is doing anything about it. Do you see the ambiguousness? This alarming economic suffering is a weapon on deviant hands. As Michael Snyder said “this is going to perfectly set the stage for the “solutions” that the elite plan to offer all of us in 2021. And once this “dark winter” finally ends, almost everybody will be absolutely desperate to return to their “normal” lives." So if you're wondering where this tortuous road will take us, maybe you should check one of our previous Great Reset videos, which expose the elite's dystopian quest for infinite money, and how they are willing to push us over the edge to get what they want. When we say things are about to get worse, it's because by now we can see that this is just the beginning."

“It’s Really Bad”

“It’s Really Bad”
by Brian Maher

"IT’S really bad"... “It” is the condition of small business in one populous American state - the garden state of New Jersey. 31% of its small businesses have remained shuttered since lockups began. In neighboring New York, the figure is 28%.

Combine the two thickly populated states...The lights are out, the machines are down and the cobwebs are up in nearly one-third of small businesses. That is, nearly one in three small businesses is dead - or in a deep coma. “It’s really bad,” laments Eileen Kean, New Jersey state director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses... “And without federal dollars coming into New Jersey, the Main Street stores and other establishments are not gonna make it through the winter.”

Meantime, New Jersey infections are ballooning. The state recently reported 4,669 cases in one day alone. Another lockdown is “on the table,” threatens the governor. Yet will food be on the table this winter… if the lockdown proceeds? Now swim the Hudson…

New York City May Not Recover Until 2025: In New York the outlook is grim; a winter of discontent is likely ahead... “It’s devastating how many restaurants have shuttered and jobs have been lost,” says Mr. Andrew Rigie, executive director of NYC Hospitality Alliances. “And with the infection rate rising and the looming threat of indoor dining closing again, many more will close unless the government provides adequate support to these small businesses.”

What will become of the owners? And the workers? Where will they turn? Mr. Mark Zandi is chief economist at Moody's Analytics. He hazards New York City may not recover until 2025. Why not? Because New York is not structurally designed for social distancing: "This is an event that struck right at the heart of New York's comparative advantages. Being globally oriented, being stacked up in skyscrapers and packed together in stadiums: the very thing that made New York the pandemic undermined New York, was upended by it." Meantime, Broadway remains dark.

Expect a New Recession Starting Now: Lest you think New York and New Jersey suffer exceptional casualty rates, please have another guess… About 30% of small businesses remain shut across the 50 states - on average. Can the next recession be far off as additional lockdowns menace? No, says Jim Rickards: "The economy was in a technical recession from February to July 2020. Then that recession ended and growth resumed from July to November 2020… Now, we’re heading into a second technical recession, which could become quite severe in the first quarter of 2021… The recessions are caused by the imposition of extreme lockdowns…" Most of the new Biden team favor lockdowns even though they don’t work. So, expect more lockdowns. And, expect a new recession starting now as the lockdowns are imposed.

Second-quarter GDP collapsed at an annualized 32% rate… in the dread depths of the pandemic. Can this economy endure another similar lacing? $4.8 Trillion of Lost GDP? The pandemic could steal between $3.2 trillion and $4.8 trillion from the economy over the course of two years. That is according to a freshly hatched USC study. This study likewise concluded that compulsory closings and partial reopenings could inflict a 22% GDP hemorrhaging in one year alone.

Here are additional findings: 54 million to 367 million workdays would be lost due to people getting sick or dying from COVID-19; 2 million to nearly 15 million workdays would be lost due to employees staying home to care for sick loved ones; Job losses could range from 14.7% to 23.8%, and in the worst-case, affect an estimated 36.5 million workers.

The angels and saints tremble at the prospect.Yet fear not - the cavalry is mounting up…

A Bipartisan Spending Bill: Senate “moderates” proposed a bipartisan $908 billion spending bill this morning. Our minions inform us that small businesses would receive some $300 billion of relief. $240 billion would go funneling to state and local governments. $180 billion would sustain the jobless. The remainder would wend its way into the coffers of the airlines and other segments of the transportation industry. At writing, neither party’s kingpins have blessed the plan.

Democrats are bucking for a $2 trillion package. Republicans, meantime, are out for a more modest $500 billion bill. But does the Treasury Department have $500 billion, $908 billion, or $2 trillion stowed away in its strongbox? It does not. The container is empty. The federal government must therefore go upon the borrow… again.

Spending and Debt: As we have written before: Governments incline naturally to spending, as governments incline naturally to roguery, crookery and rascality. Since taxation alone will not fund their sprees, governments incline naturally to debt. The United States government was dreadfully indebted before the pandemic. Now it is plunging deeper and deeper into debt... without the GDP gains to brunt the cost.

Meantime, present yields on its 10-year Treasury bond scrape along at a vanishing 0.93%. Yields on its 30-year Treasury - at 1.58% - run scarcely higher. That is, debt is nearly free. Given these rates…

The United States government can no more resist debt’s seductions than a cat can resist catnip, a bee can resist honey… or a moth can resist flame. The flame is drawing the United States in, surely, inexorably, relentlessly.

Total federal debt presently rises to a record $27 trillion... or 143% of GDP. Never has the ratio been higher. Today’s ratio outdoes the previous record of 121% from 1946 - after the United States emptied its pockets to scotch the Axis. Today it is emptying its pockets to scotch the virus. What is the fracturing point? We do not know. Yet do we wish to find out?

Unproductive Debt: As we have also argued before, here is the greatest defect of United States government de‌bt: It is largely unproductive. It is a millstone about the neck. The lion’s take of federal government borrowings goes to “social welfare” and to service existing de‌bt. That is, it goes largely to non-productive uses. It sedates and depresses - it does not stimulate. We must recall that today’s borrowing represents a claim upon the future, a theft of the future. The more we borrow to consume today… the less we will be able to consume tomorrow.

The Citizen Pays One Way or Another: Government claims no resources of its own. It collects them in one of two ways. It presses a pistol against the citizen’s ribs… and plunders his wallet. That is, it taxes him. Or it takes to the credit markets, empty cup in hand. But even if the government borrows, the pistol goes against the ribs. That is because the citizen must pay taxes to service the debt. And how - again - does the government haul in taxes?

Either way… the citizen pays. Here is our darkest fear: One day, soon or late, we will all be paying - and royally."

"Here Come the Hacks"

"Here Come the Hacks"
By Bill Bonner

"I’m working my a** off with the Christmas stuff that, you know, who gives
a f*** about Christmas stuff and decorations, but I need to do it, right?"
– Melania Trump

WEST RIVER, MARYLAND – "Continuing our “notes from a foreign country”… Driving from Miami to Maryland last week, we noticed the billboards. There were two major themes – God and Mammon. As for God, many were those that urged passers-by to get with the program. Some offered a simple, time-tested formula – “Jesus Saves.” Others were more specific: “Stop the Pain. Follow Christ.”

Multilingual Mammon: But for those who lacked faith in God, there were other saviors on offer. Hardly had we left the airport when a billboard announced, in Spanish: “Injured? Get the aggressive lawyer on your side.” A little further on, another Spanish language billboard suggested that America’s bosses might not be playing fair and square with their wetback employees: “They didn’t pay you? Fight back. Call Juan.”

After leaving the Miami area, the language changed to English. But the pitch was the same. “Injured? I got $795,000 for my client.” “Accident? Call Shimer & Partners. No check for you; you pay us nothing.” One billboard told victims to call “the sevens” – 777-7777. Across the road, they were advertising the nines – 999-9999.

You could get any kind of law firm you wanted. One was clearly Jewish. Another was WASPish. One was Hispanic. Another featured Black lawyers. One claimed to have scored $1.2 million for a client. Another featured an injury victim holding a check for $1.9 million. All the way up the east coast, the signs continued.

Holiday Humbug: What to make of it? In no other country in the world have we ever seen anything like it. But now, we are back at home… only a mile from where we were born. It is autumn. The leaves have almost all fallen to the ground. And this is not the season for pitbull lawyers. Yes, it’s December already. The holiday spirit is upon us.

And yet, many Americans – like the first lady – may be in a sour mood. There are still some 20 million people collecting unemployment benefits. The gap between rich and poor has widened; the stock market has soared while the economy has gone limp. The office parties have been canceled. We even dropped our own annual Christmas party – nobody would come. The CDC is telling people to stay home. And people go around with the holy rag on their faces… not so much to ward off evil spirits (the evidence, such as it is, is mixed) as to show their solidarity with the bien pensant mob.

Stick to the Script: And now, to make things worse – here come the hacks! Here at the Diary, we have no information you don’t have. Nor do we have any insights that you couldn’t find on your own. All we do is try to connect the dots. Dear readers write to tell us that we’ve missed this dot or that one… And surely, we have. Like the stars in the night sky, there are billions of them. What we try to do is take them in… as if they were a Seurat painting… not looking at the individual points of light, but at the pattern. We squint… and what we see, faintly, is a remarkable scene.

Yes, Dear Reader… you’ve probably caught on to our amor fati (love of fate) view of things. Nature has her patterns, her cycles, her birth announcements and eulogies… her buds and her dead leaves… And over the year, even the stars move.

Great empires must stick to the script, too. In our view, America’s time to take her bow was at the end of the 20th century. The American Empire should have been gracefully dismantled… with America re-entering the community of civilized nations. Instead, Mother Nature, with her magnificent sense of mischief, gave her the leaders she needed to make a fool of herself.

George W. Bush with his airhead “War Against Terror”… Barack Obama with his unaffordable medical care plan… Donald J. Trump with his trade wars… assassinations… tax cuts… and the biggest spending increases – and deficits – in history.

Downward Slide: But wait… What would you have to do to keep the empire on its downward track? Keep the foreign wars going – with a total empire spending bill of more than $1 trillion per year… Keep the gravy train rolling at home, too – bailouts, giveaways, “stimulus”… and add (if you’re able) fuller medical care coverage…Continue spending more than you collect in taxes… And keep printing fake money to pay for it all.

The Congressional Budget Office says we’re already headed for $100 trillion in deficits – it’s baked in the cake – over the next 30 years. What kind of a moronic leader would want to add to that? What kind of a fool would Americans elect to guide them into their final disaster? What does history need to carry on the work of Bush, Obama, and Trump?

Lifelong Deep Stater: You already have the answer: Joseph Biden! He’s been a Swamp critter… and card-carrying member of the Deep State… for nearly half a century, having signed on to every piece of crackpot legislation to come along. And soon, he’s bringing a whole team of some of Washington’s worst sleazeballs, hacks, has-beens, never-weres, and should-never-bes back into the White House. Let’s look at them more closely – tomorrow."

Gregory Mannarino, "New Record High For Stocks In The Middle Of A Full Blown Currency/Debt Crisis"

Gregory Mannarino,
"New Record High For Stocks In The Middle 
Of A Full Blown Currency/Debt Crisis"

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Zero Degrees Zero”

Liquid Mind, “Zero Degrees Zero”