Friday, July 29, 2022

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind VI, "Spirit"

Full screen recommended.
Liquid Mind VI, "Spirit"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation Pegasus and you can find this expanse of Milky Way stars and distant galaxies. Centered on NGC 7814, the pretty field of view would almost be covered by a full moon. NGC 7814 is sometimes called the Little Sombrero for its resemblance to the brighter more famous M104, the Sombrero Galaxy.
Both Sombrero and Little Sombrero are spiral galaxies seen edge-on, and both have extensive central bulges cut by a thinner disk with dust lanes in silhouette. In fact, NGC 7814 is some 40 million light-years away and an estimated 60,000 light-years across. That actually makes the Little Sombrero about the same physical size as its better known namesake, appearing to be smaller and fainter only because it is farther away. A very faint dwarf galaxy, potentially a satellite of NGC 7814, is revealed in the deep exposure just below the Little Sombrero.”

The Poet: W.H. Auden, "September 1, 1939"

"September 1, 1939"

under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out
wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame."

- W.H. Auden
"On September 1, 1939, the German army under Adolf Hitler launched an invasion of Poland that triggered the start of World War II (though by 1939 Japan and China were already at war). The battle for Poland only lasted about a month before a Nazi victory. But the invasion plunged the world into a war that would continue for almost six years and claim the lives of tens of millions of people."
And here we are, on the brink of a nuclear World War III,
 having learned... nothing...

"Despite My Firm Convictions..."

"Despite my firm convictions, I have been always a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth."
- Malcolm X

"People Have No Idea What's Coming And They're Too Broke To Prepare For It"

Jeremiah Babe, 7/29/22:
"People Have No Idea What's Coming And 
They're Too Broke To Prepare For It"
Comments here:

Gregory Mannarino, "The 10-Year Yield Continues To Free-Fall; Mortgage Rates Crater"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 7/29/22:
"The 10-Year Yield Continues To Free-Fall;
 Mortgage Rates Crater"
Comments here:

"The Day America Dies"

"The Day America Dies"
by Bonner Private Research

"Our founder, Bill Bonner, has given out only three major warnings during his half-century career. This is his fourth. It may be his most important. We’ve organized this presentation so Bill’s warning can reach a wider audience. You may see it elsewhere on the Internet. or even YouTube. And some of our colleagues in the publishing industry have asked if they can share it with their readers.

As one of our long-standing or current readers, you’ll be familiar with the key points in this message. But for many, these ideas and forecast will come as a shock. Why? For our kids, it will be a very different America What Bill sees now could be the worst crisis ever to hit the US…a combination of incompetence…out-of-control inflation…a stock market crash…a wipeout in the bond market…under-investment in the industries that we depend on…along with a horrendous power outage – followed by riots and revolution.

Bill’s presentation is called "The Day America Dies." He’s organized it into 16 chapters designed to introduce unaware Americans to the threats they face to their wealth and liberty. He also introduces new readers to some our basic strategies for preserving and protecting what you have. We believe that many Americans are unaware of the serious threats they face in the coming years. And if all we do is make them aware of some of those threats, we think it’s worth the effort. Being aware is an important the first step.

Feel free to watch the presentation if you like. Or share it with someone you think could benefit from it. We wanted to make you aware of its existence before it reaches a wider audience. And explain why we decided it was so important to release it now."

Please view "The Day America Dies", by Bill Bonner, here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Hawkins, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Why Does The United States Just Keep Getting Hit By One Historic Nightmare After Another?"

"Why Does The United States Just Keep Getting
Hit By One Historic Nightmare After Another?"
by Michael Snyder

"Have you become numb to all the bad news yet? Almost every single day, something really horrible seems to happen in the United States. It is just one thing after another and it has been that way for months. It is as if we are in the midst of some sort of a “perfect storm” that never seems to end. In all my years of writing, I have never seen anything like this. There is so much bad news happening right now that it is literally impossible to keep up with it all. Events are starting to accelerate at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and I am extremely concerned about what the remainder of 2022 will look like.

For months, I have been writing extensively about the endless drought in the western half of the nation. We are being told that it is the worst multi-year megadrought that the region has experienced in 1,200 years, and it just keeps getting worse and worse.

Meanwhile, we are witnessing absolutely unprecedented flooding in the eastern half of the United States. For example, some parts of Kentucky were just pummeled by more than 10 inches of rain in a 24 hour period…"Heavy rain poured down across eastern Kentucky late Wednesday into Thursday, triggering flash flooding that caused mudslides, washed away homes and roadways and promoted a flash flood emergency. The deluge produced more than 10 inches over a 24-hour period in the hardest-hit areas and came only days after another disastrous flood inundated the St. Louis area."

In some areas, it literally looks like a tsunami has just come through. One local meteorologist admitted that he does not “have the words” to describe the incredible devastation that has taken place…"Chris Bailey, WKYT’s chief meteorologist said: ‘I don’t have the words to describe the amount of devastation daylight will uncover across eastern Kentucky. "This is likely to go down as one of the worst flash flood events to ever hit the state."

Governor Andy Beshear is telling us that this was “one of the worst and most devastating events in Kentucky’s history”, and he isn’t sure why such bad things keep happening to his state…"Beshear described this as “one of the worst and most devastating events in Kentucky’s history” during the press conference. Beshear said the state was in the middle of an ongoing natural disaster and warned of the possibility for more rain to fall through Thursday night. Damage assessment and restoration were likely to continue for several days, but the dangerous flooding was hindering first responders’ ability to rescue residents, as well as allow utility workers to get power restored.

“I wish I could tell you why we keep getting hit here in Kentucky,” Beshear said. “I wish I could tell you why areas, where people may not have that much, continue to get hit and lose everything. I can’t give you the why, but I know what we do in response to it. And the answer is everything we can. These are our people. Let’s make sure we help them out.”

Of course this disaster in Kentucky came just one day after one of the worst flooding events in the history of the state of Missouri. We are being told that we just witnessed “the wettest day ever for St. Louis”, and in some areas of the city the water actually got more than 8 feet deep…"One person died when a car in St. Louis was found covered in more than 8 feet (2.4 meters) of water. Several puppies drowned when a building became flooded at Stray Paws Adoptables, a stray dog rescue operation in St. Peters, a St. Louis suburb. Firefighters in boats rescued other dogs from the building.

Damage across the region was widespread after a massive downpour dropped more than 12 inches (30 centimeters) of rain in parts of St. Charles County and up to 10 inches (25 centimeters) elsewhere in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Most of the rain fell in a few hours shortly after midnight." I really wish that we could take all of that water and give it to ranchers and farmers in the western half of the country, because the endless drought is absolutely crushing them.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is now dealing with two major simultaneous pandemics for the first time in my entire life. Despite everything that health officials have tried, the first pandemic is still raging, and now another frightening disease is spreading like wildfire. This current monkeypox outbreak began in Europe, but this week the U.S. officially became the world leader in confirmed cases…"With more than 18,000 cases worldwide, the monkeypox outbreak is now a global public health emergency, the World Health Organization declared this week. And the U.S. has recorded more monkeypox cases since the beginning of the year than any other country, according to the most recent statistics."

The number of confirmed cases continues to rise at an exponential rate, and this is one disease that you definitely do not want to get. Many victims have described experiencing absolutely excruciating pain once skin sores start developing, and one man that has had both COVID and monkeypox is telling us that monkeypox is “100 times worse”.

On top of everything that I have already discussed, we just got confirmation that the U.S. economy has plunged into a recession…"The U.S. economy contracted for the second straight quarter from April to June, hitting a widely accepted rule of thumb for a recession, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported Thursday. Gross domestic product fell 0.9% at an annualized pace for the period, according to the advance estimate. That follows a 1.6% decline in the first quarter and was worse than the Dow Jones estimate for a gain of 0.3%."

Of course Joe Biden will never admit that a recession has now started. According to him, everything is just great…"Biden noted that ‘both Chairman Powell and many of the significant banking personnel and economists say we’re not in a recession.’ ‘Businesses are investing in American in record rates,’ Biden boasted.

But everyone can see what is happening to the economy, and we are being warned that we must endure some “short-term pain” in order to get inflation under control… “We have to endure the short-term pain in the economy in order to get inflation back under control,” said Tara Sinclair, a senior fellow at the Indeed Hiring Lab. She compared the Fed hiking interest rates and tightening monetary policy to a medical treatment that might require patients to undergo something painful in order to have longer-term health. “Then, going forward, we can have a much more stable environment where we know prices are going to be growing about 2 percent per year, we have more certainty about that, we have a better sense of demand and supply coming together. That’s a better working environment for the economy as a whole, and businesses want that kind of certainty.”

Without a doubt, we desperately need to do something about inflation because it is absolutely eviscerating those at the bottom of the economic food chain. For example, just consider the plight of one woman that was recently interviewed by CNN…"For 17 years, Ana Duran worked full time as a travel counselor. Late last year she lost that job, shortly before seeing the price of eggs rise to $7.99 a dozen and the price of a single avocado rise to $2.99 at her local store. In June, it cost her $94 to fill up her gas tank, instead of the $50 it cost her last year. Duran has been receiving unemployment benefits and working part-time as a caregiver for a resident at a senior center. To make ends meet, she’s also been selling her own gold jewelry and crushing aluminum cans to recycle for extra cash."

Unfortunately, what the Fed is trying to do isn’t going to work. The inflation rate will likely stabilize, but we aren’t going back to a low inflation environment. However, dramatically raising interest rates will definitely crash the housing market. Ultimately, we are going to get to enjoy 1970s-style inflation and a repeat of the housing crash of 2008 all at the same time. Won’t that be fun?

A historic economic meltdown of epic proportions has begun, and it is going to get a whole lot worse. We seem to be in the midst of some sort of a “perfect storm” with no end in sight. So why is this happening to us? Why does the United States just keep getting hit by one historic nightmare after another? We appear to have entered an ominous new chapter in our history, and I believe that events will accelerate even more during the difficult months that are ahead of us."

"Few Things..."

"If your view of the world is that people use reason for their important decisions, you are setting yourself up for a life of frustration and confusion. You’ll find yourself continually debating people and never winning except in your own mind. Few things are as destructive and limiting as a worldview that assumes people are mostly rational."
- Scott Adams

Bill Bonner, "Economic Shrinkage"

"Economic Shrinkage"
Latest GDP figures throw cold water 
on hopes of a robust recovery.
by Bill Bonner

Baltimore, Maryland - "You already know our major hypothesis. It’s “inflate or die.” Once an economy has gotten used to big doses of cheap money (artificially low interest rates… deficits… quantitative easing, etc)… trying to go back to normal monetary policies is painful. It’s like a man who has gotten immensely fat by eating 10 cream pies a day. Cut down on the pies and he’ll need a new pair of pants. So too will an economy. Yesterday came more news that the US economy is shrinking. The Wall Street Journal reports: "U.S. Economy Shrank Last Quarter." "The U.S. economy shrank for a second quarter in a row - a common definition of recession - as businesses trimmed their inventories, the housing market buckled under rising interest rates, and high inflation took steam out of consumer spending."

High Calorie Fiat Diet: There is some immutable law of the universe that tells us that over-doing it brings unhappy consequences. Cream pies cause problems – diabetes, high blood pressure… and of course, obesity itself. So, too, did the Fed’s high-calorie credit diet inevitably lead to the doctor’s office. “Too much,” came the diagnosis. “Cut back,” came the prescription.

And so it came to pass, after creating the problem itself, denying there was a problem… and then insisting that it would pass on its own, that the Fed began a campaign to moderate its intake of cream pies. On Wednesday, it took another 0.75% slice off the table.

It’s either more or less. Fat or slim. Inflate or die. But what we are wondering about today is the space in between. Does the Bubble Epoch have to die completely? Couldn’t it be just a little dead? Suppose the economy were to shilly-shally around… neither expanding nor contracting… indefinitely? And couldn’t stocks resume the course they have taken for the last 40 years – dipping now and then, but then recovering upward momentum? Why can’t Apple become a $5 trillion corporation?

Since the Fed began its diet program, stocks lost as much as 20% of their weight. Bonds slimmed down. Mortgage refinancers cinched up their belts. Recently, commodities and energy fell too. Maybe that’s enough?

Peak Delusion: Investors were jubilant this week. They think inflation may have ‘peaked.’ After all, didn’t the inflation come from Putin’s war… from supply chain disruptions… and stimmie checks? And aren’t those things all, well, transitory? And isn’t the inflation they caused working its way through the system? Like a bad meal, it will soon be gone. And then the Fed will not need anymore 0.75% rate hikes. Instead, it can begin to ease off. The damage from higher mortgage rates… and higher lending rates, generally… will be contained.

We are just reciting what we believe to be the main line of talk on Wall Street. We don’t believe it ourselves. Because, the creampie-eating fatso analogy quickly breaks down. A man may slim down a little, or a lot. If he does, he doesn’t have to remodel his bathroom, get remarried or order a new dining room chair. Life goes on, much as it did before.

But when the Fed decides to ‘slim down’ the economy… the pie store goes belly up! Debtors can’t repay their loans… so their creditors go broke. Businesses can’t afford to pay so many employees – so unemployment goes up. Stocks, bonds, and cryptos – that looked like big winners just 6 months ago – are suddenly revealed as Ponzi schemes, doomed from the very get-go.

Near Zero Interest: In a healthy economy, people barely notice the Fed. Its manipulations are slight. Its errors are small. It stays out of the way. That’s the way it was until the 1990s, when Alan Greenspan began backstopping Wall Street. Later, after the mortgage crisis of 2008, the Fed intervened on a scale never before seen in the US. Interest rates were pushed down to near-zero… and left there for more than 10 years. In a single month in 2020, the Fed added more new money than had been ‘printed’ in the preceding 100 years. And now, the whole economy has an almost insatiable appetite for more credit from the Fed.

It’s a monster. Either inflate it. Or kill it. But why does it have to die? Couldn’t it be just a little more normal? A little less obese? Couldn’t it die just a little bit? And then, come back to life? Hmmm… we’ll have to think about that over the weekend…Stay tuned."

"How It Really Is"


"Fed Rate Hike to Unleash Avalanche of Home Foreclosures and Market Drops"

"Fed Rate Hike to Unleash Avalanche of 
Home Foreclosures and Market Drops"
by Mike Adams

"Wednesday the Fed hiked the interbank lending rate by 75 basis points (0.75%), which will lead to retail loan rates rising across the board. This is all part of the Fed’s attempt to reel in rising inflation, which the dishonest government claims is at around 9% but the rest of the world already understands to be closer to 20%.

Thus, raising interest rates by 0.75% isn’t going to halt inflation. Prices of food, fuel and consumer goods are going to continue to rise dramatically in the months ahead. The rate raise, however, will cause sharp drops in the housing market, since housing is strongly dependent on mortgage loans which are highly sensitive to interest rates. Because home loans are often 30-year loans, even a small increase in loan rates can result in dramatic increases in monthly payments, pricing many people out of the homes they could afford just six months ago. The net effect will be falling home sales and decreasing values of real estate, combined with large increases in mortgage defaults.

Foreclosure starts are now up 440% year over year: According to’s reporting on the Black Knight Mortgage Monitor Report, us foreclosure “starts” (i.e. new foreclosures) have risen 440% from last year (June 2022 vs June 2021). July numbers aren’t yet reported, but it is near certain they will also show large increases in foreclosures.

Retail auto sales are down slightly, although much of that may be attributable to lack of supply rather than reduced demand. However, as interest rates rise, people are increasingly priced out of the automobiles they wish to purchase. As the UK Daily Mail reports, a shocking number of Americans are now paying $1,000 a month on a car loan payment:

 The percentage of people taking out new car loans and paying $1,000 in monthly payments has almost doubled from 7% to 12.7% over the last 12 months.
 Average monthly payments on new car loans are at a record high of $686.
 Used car market sees average monthly payments at $554, up 12% year-on-year.
 Pandemic supply-chain problems are partly to blame with the shortage of new cars leading to price hikes on the forecourt.
 Monthly interest payments also shot up after the Federal Reserve raised rates.

Gold and silver will likely drop a bit more as people unload assets to meet margin calls in the stock market, but in the long run, precious metals look poised to skyrocket as the dollar’s real world value plunges and inflation spirals out of control.

The Fed will likely soon stop raising rates and will start lowering them, indicating a total surrender to inflation and the eventual collapse of the fiat currency. It seems likely that this will be the last rate raise of 2022, or potentially the second to last. The Fed is already indicating they plan to start lowering rates in 2023, and many financial analysts believe the Fed will almost certainly accelerate that action to late 2022 as the economic carnage in the real estate industry becomes too messy to ignore.

Ultimately, the Fed will capitulate and abandon any real goal of tackling inflation. They will keep printing money and lowering interest rates while inflation spirals out of control, leading to an end game scenario where food and fuel prices lead to nationwide riots while the dollar collapses in real world value.

On top of this, China, Russia, India and other BRICS nations are rolling out a new global reserve currency that will make the petro dollar obsolete, immediately making global dollar dominance a thing of the past. This will cause dollars to come flooding back to America as other nations dump the hyperinflated dollar and embrace the commodities-backed, gold-backed, energy-backed BRICS reserve currency. 

Before long, America will be a collapsed Third World nation with mass homelessness, starvation, destitution and lawlessness, with a collapsing fiat currency, a corrupt illegitimate government regime and a captured corporate media that now sees its only job as covering up the crimes of the regime in power… the same regime that holds political prisoners in jail without due process, runs depopulation vaccine propaganda campaigns and purges the military of Christians and patriots so they can unleash the military against We the People in a domestic genocidal war. (That’s what is coming if we don’t change course…) This is when you will thank God for the preparedness activities that you pursued in advance."

Get full details on all this and more in today’s
 Situation Update podcast via

Discover more information-packaged podcasts,
 raw intel reports and interviews each day:

"Massive Price Increases At Aldi! This Is Getting Ridiculous!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 7/29/22:
"Massive Price Increases At Aldi! This Is Getting Ridiculous!"
"In today's vlog we are at Aldi, and are noticing massive price increases on most products! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
Comments here:

"When is a Recession Not a Recession? The Collapse Has Started"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 7/29/22:
"When is a Recession Not a Recession?
 The Collapse Has Started"
"It’s official! We are in a recession. You can rename it anything you want, but the results will be equal the same thing. Businesses are suffering, people are being laid off, people have no extra money and there is no hope to fix this anytime soon #Recession"
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"Buckle Up, Cupcake"
by Addison Wiggin

“Today,” writes Garett Baldwin in the newly minted Agora Uncensored, “6,307 public companies trade on public U.S. markets.” Roughly 29% of these stocks don’t turn a profit. Seriously. Not a penny of profits. 1,941 companies have negative gross margins.” What happens now, when these unprofitable companies have to pay up an additional 75 basis points on all their new debt moving forward? “The answer is a significantly negative impact on their balance sheets.” Or, to put it more bluntly, these companies are in the tanker. Further, the United States has officially entered a recession, as this chart from reveals:

And when "these companies are in the tanker" and declare bankruptcy, as they must and will, what do you think will happen to your job, Good Citizen? You and many millions others?

Gregory Mannarino, "Alert! Central Bank Warns On "Market Panic", Says "Will Kill The Panic" If Need Be"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/29/22:
"Alert! Central Bank Warns On "Market Panic", 
Says "Will Kill The Panic" If Need Be"
Comments here:

Jim Kunstler, "Playing Chicken with the Fates"

"Playing Chicken with the Fates"
by Jim Kunstler

"Who is surprised that he US government’s war on the American people is not going any better than its sponsored war in Ukraine? The only thing the government is really good at is covering up its crimes, which mainly requires them to do nothing - don’t investigate anything, don’t furnish documents to anyone, don’t answer official letters, slow-walk every required action, and otherwise dodge, duck, deny, deflect, and dissemble.

Now, even that game-plan is falling apart. Some senior officials in the FBI turned whistleblower this week, perhaps desperate to preserve their self-respect, and finally cleared up one of the great mystifications of our time, namely: How is it that the Hunter Biden laptop, stuffed with incriminating memoranda of bribery, treason, and diverse felonies, and in the FBI’s possession for two-and-a-half years now, just sat gathering dust in some sub-sub-basement cubby-hole - while “Joe Biden,” the putative president (or, more likely, the enigmatic claque behind him) was allowed to carry out a demolition of America’s economy and culture?

The answer is one Brian Auten, FBI Senior Analyst, who engineered a scheme to label Hunter’s laptop “Russian disinformation,” which allowed FBI Director Christopher Wray to throw a switch that turned off any further inquiry in the matter beginning in August before the 2020 presidential election. In turn, other senior FBI officials had all the documents pertaining to the decision process on that matter locked up in a special file that would never see the light of day. Auten’s action led to the release of a letter signed by “fifty former intelligence officials” labeling the laptop as a Russian disinfo op - which became the basis for social media to conspire to censor any discussion of the laptop and its contents. And so it was that a political puppet deeply in the pay of foreign interests, got shoehorned into the White House. Well, that and widespread election fraud.

Turns out that Agent Brian Auten was also involved in favorably vetting the Steele Dossier when it was used to justify FISA court warrants against figures in Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, part of the RussiaGate operation that disordered and disabled President Trump’s entire four-year term. Well now you know. Perhaps Special Counsel John Durham knows this, too. (If he didn’t before, he must now.) Eventually, Mr. Auten will have to answer for all this, maybe after the mid-term elections. We must imagine that he will implicate many other familiar figures in the process who were on-the-scene at the time, including Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and James Comey, comfortably sitting on the sidelines lo these many years enjoying their book royalties and cable news salaries.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, says he will hold hearings about this. When? The Senate is scheduled to be in recess August 6 to September 6 for politicking back home. Maybe after that Senator Grassley will actually produce his whistleblowers in open session - unlike the 2019 first impeachment of Donald Trump, in which chief whistleblower CIA agent Eric Ciaramella, amazingly, never made an appearance. That will be refreshing.

It would also be nice to hear from FBI Director Wray. Did he approve of the decision to label Hunter’s laptop “disnformation?” Was he familiar with the contents of the laptop, the emails between Hunter and his business associates and agents of the CCP? Did Mr. Wray happen to examine any of the pornographic videos of orgies with Hunter’s stable of Russian whores plus the crack-smoking? Did Mr. Wray wonder whether equally bad or worse material was in the hands of Uncle Xi’s regime? Did it occur to Mr. Wray that all this might compromise “the Big Guy” in the Oval Office?

It also would be edifying to hear from Mr. Wray’s boss, Attorney General Merrick Garland. During his 20 months on-the-job, has he ever inquired of his FBI what’s up with that Hunter Biden laptop? Was he acquainted with the contents. Half the country has seen the videos of Hunter cavorting naked in hotel rooms and lighting up the crystal meth, but not Mr. Garland? There’s rumored-to-be more depraved material on the laptop involving minors that even conscientious auditors outside of government have seen and deemed too atrocious to release. (Copies of Hunter’s hard-drive are in possession of many people outside government.)

I hope Senator Grassley also calls Lisa Monaco, the Deputy Attorney General, now at Mr. Garland’s right hand, who was formerly President Barack Obama’s White House Homeland Security Advisor - a fancy way of describing her role in weaponizing the apparatus of the security state against the Democratic Party’s political opponents. Lisa Monaco’s current role is the DOJ Fixer - the person who makes sure that federal law enforcement does nothing about the crimes carried out by Mr. Obama, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and many other now well-known names in the RussiaGate cosmos, as well as continuing to squelch any inquiry on the Biden family’s criminal operations.

All of this is going to blow open, of course, and all at the same time that two other big things blow up: 1) the realization that the government lied about everything in the Covid-19 story, including especially covering-up the harmful effects of their vaunted mRNA shots, and 2) deepening US economic chaos, including the implosion of markets, derivatives, banks, and the US dollar.

Some observers say that “Joe Biden” has nothing left except to shove the USA into a hot war. Kind of looks like he’s trying - sending US Special Forces to Ukraine’s border, and all. I don’t think he’ll dare cross that line, though. To me, it’s more likely that our government will summon, shall we say, a special sort of doctor from the Intel Community to administer a permanent sleeping med to the Big Guy. Did you see how bug-eyed he was on video the other day? Didn’t even blink for the longest time. Looks like he badly needs sleep… a big sleep… the biggest sleep there is. Wait for it."

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/29/22"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/29/22"
By Greg Hunter’s

“Died Unexpectedly” is fast becoming the new term to try and cover up all the deaths from the bioweapon “vaccines.” Now, bloggers are keeping track of stories where deaths are unexplained, mysterious or simply died without any reason whatsoever each and every week. This “died unexpectedly” phenomenon is being called a propaganda campaign by legacy media to cover up the alarming deaths that many think are coming from the vaxed, such as three perfectly healthy Canadian doctors who dropped dead one week after the hospital they worked at required a fourth CV19 injection. The hospital denied the shots had anything to do with the “unexpected deaths.” No way they can keep this propaganda up as we are just getting started with the vax injection carnage. According to one top UK Doctor, “Everybody who has an mRNA injection will die in 3 to 5 years even if they have had only one injection.” Could Ivermectin be the drug that buys years of time when taken routinely?

Russia is turning up the heat in Ukraine and turning off the natural gas to Europe. Fresh attacks are happing around Kyiv as the war grinds on and Ukraine’s army gets decimated. Forget the propaganda where you are told Russia is losing. It’s not. Russia is winning. Ukraine is having their tails handed to them. Meanwhile, the gas is being cut back to 20% of capacity in the Nord Stream #1 pipeline by Russia. They say it’s maintenance, but no matter what you call it, it’s killing off business in Germany and Europe, and it’s not even winter yet. Europe has taken poison and is expecting Russia to die. Can EU banks stay solvent if many cannot pay their loans back?

The Biden/Obama Administration is saying the USA is NOT in recession, but the facts say otherwise. In economic textbooks, two quarters in a row of negative growth is a recession. It was just reported that the second quarter has shown a -.9% downturn in GDP. That spells RECESSION - period the end, and Biden owns it. That did not stop the Fed from raising a key interest rate by .75% to fight inflation. The Fed can either fight inflation and kill the economy or let interest rates remain low and kill the U.S. dollar. It is that simple. It looks like, for now, the dollar lives."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about these 
stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 7/29/22:

"How It Really Is"

"I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. 
The world will have a generation of idiots."
- Albert Einstein

"You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public”
- Scott Adams

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Canadian Prepper, "New York Warning, "Get Your Bugout Bag Ready" "New York is preparing its citizens. US Navy prepping to fight the Chinese"

Canadian Prepper, 7/28/22:
"New York Warning, "Get Your Bugout Bag Ready"
"New York is preparing its citizens. US Navy prepping to fight the Chinese"
Comments here:

Gerald Celente, "Stock Market: It's Officially 'Dragflation,' Economy Down, Inflation Up"

Strong language alert!
Gerald Celente, 7/28/22:
"Stock Market: It's Officially 'Dragflation,' 
Economy Down, Inflation Up"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times."
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: Simon & Garfunkel, “The Boxer”

Simon & Garfunkel, “The Boxer”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“A now famous picture from the Hubble Space Telescope featured Pillars of Creation, star forming columns of cold gas and dust light-years long inside M16, the Eagle Nebula. This false-color composite image views the nearby stellar nursery using data from the Herschel Space Observatory's panoramic exploration of interstellar clouds along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy. Herschel's far infrared detectors record the emission from the region's cold dust directly.
The famous pillars are included near the center of the scene. While the central group of hot young stars is not apparent at these infrared wavelengths, the stars' radiation and winds carve the shapes within the interstellar clouds. Scattered white spots are denser knots of gas and dust, clumps of material collapsing to form new stars. The Eagle Nebula is some 6,500 light-years distant, an easy target for binoculars or small telescopes in a nebula rich part of the sky toward the split constellation Serpens Cauda (the tail of the snake).”

They Don’t Always Do That...”

"When people pile up debts they will find difficult and perhaps even impossible to repay, they are saying several things at once. They are obviously saying that they want more than they can immediately afford. They are saying, less obviously, that their present wants are so important that, to satisfy them, it is worth some future difficulty. But in making that bargain they are implying that when the future difficulty arrives, they’ll figure it out. They don’t always do that.”
– Michael Lewis, “Boomerang”

Gregory Mannarino, "Sh!t$how: Economy Freefalls And Stocks Rally! A New $280 BILLION Dollar Stimulus Plan For The Rich!"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 7/28/22:
"Sh!t$how: Economy Freefalls And Stocks Rally! 
A New $280 BILLION Dollar Stimulus Plan For The Rich!"
Comments here:

"Danger! Markets Juiced With Free Money As Economy Crashes! Homebuilders Have No Buyers"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 7/28/22:
"Danger! Markets Juiced With Free Money As 
Economy Crashes! Homebuilders Have No Buyers"
Comments here:

"Recession!!!"; "A Literal Depression Is Already Here"

by Brian Maher

"It is (un)official - the United States economy has descended into recession. Government data, this morning released, revealed that second-quarter GDP contracted at a 0.9% annualized pace. This, after first-quarter GDP contracted at a 1.6% annualized pace. A recession is generally defined as two consecutive quarters of economic contraction. And so there you are.

Experts being experts, most polled economists had projected second-quarter growth - if only minimal growth. Not for the first time we wonder: How can a humble, disreputable publication as ours continually cough out a truer forecast than a body of professional economists? Yet it makes no nevermind.

Of course, the American economy has not officially entered recession. The preliminary verdict will only be affirmed if the National Bureau of Economic Research stamps it valid. And these gentlemen and ladies of the jury often deliberate for months and months - at times longer - before pronouncing verdict. The administration has already voiced a loud objection. They retort that the economy is not in recession at all, that the prosecutor’s case is riddled through with holes.

For example, defense counsel Janet Yellen vaults from her seat to plead that: "Most economists and most Americans have a similar definition of recession - substantial job losses and mass layoffs, businesses shutting down, private-sector activity slowing considerably, family budgets under immense strain. In sum, a broad-based weakening of our economy. That is not what we’re seeing right now when you look at the economy. Job creation is continuing; household finances remain strong. Consumers are spending and businesses are growing.

Co-counsel Jerome Powell then rises to claim: "I do not think the U.S. is currently in a recession and the reason is there are just too many areas of the economy that are performing too well.

Lead counsel Joseph Biden… upon snapping to after a lengthy snooze… and wiping the drool from his necktie… mumbles that: "Coming off of last year’s historic economic growth - and regaining all the private-sector jobs lost during the pandemic crisis - it’s no surprise that the economy is slowing down as the Federal Reserve acts to bring down inflation. But even as we face historic global challenges, we are on the right path and we will come through this transition stronger and more secure… We're not coming into recession, in my view… I don't think we're going to - God willing - I don't think we're going to see a recession."

Just so. Perhaps there is even some justice here. An economy is a delirium of activity, some pulling this way, some pushing that way. Deciphering the signal from the noise and channeling rival information through the proper filters is complex business. The defense may possibly hang the jury. They may even earn an acquittal from the NBER. Yet we wonder if the defense team would cling to the conventional definition of recession if… perhaps… Donald Trump was president.

We merely raise the question in the spirit of open inquiry. It is an election year of course. And recession generally proves fatal for the incumbent party - justly or unjustly. The Democratic Party is the incumbent party. And so they are hot to have the recessionary charges dismissed. Yet what if the third quarter’s gross domestic product reveals further contraction? Will they heave up the identical defense?

Peter Boockvar, of the Bleakley Advisory Group: "I think it’s still just a game of semantics. The trajectory of the economy is clearly lower, whether we’re going to define it as [a recession] or not. If anything, the third quarter is going to show further weakness. So you could have three quarters in a row of contraction for GDP. Does that technically mean we’re in a recession?" It would likely require a crackerjack attorney, a real Philadelphia lawyer, to convince a jury in that case.

Yet bad news for Main Street is often fantastic news for Wall Street. Today furnished additional evidence. The stock market was in joyful spirits today, the three major indexes up and away. That is because recession means the Federal Reserve hawks will be doves sooner than later. That is, the worse things are… the better things are…

Below, Jeffrey Tucker presents the prosecution’s case that the economy is in fact in recession today. Moreover, that it is in a literal depression with little relief in prospect. Read on for the indictment."
"A Literal Depression Is Already Here"
By Jeffrey Tucker

"It’s been amusing, or tragic, to see the White House this week doing its dance. They’ve been preparing the way to deny, deny, deny the recession that today’s second-quarter GDP numbers indicated. Doesn’t matter that our conditions will likely qualify by any definition of the term you read in a textbook. These people are shameless. They invent their own reality, in accord with post-structuralist thinking. Or I could put it in plainer terms: They are lying.

The White House says that even with two consecutive quarters of negative output, we are not in recession. That’s because the labor markets look strong. But that is pretty twisted because it only looks at the unemployment rate, which doesn’t count those who are out of the workforce. In labor participation, right now millions have gone missing, just having given up on life and personal ambition. That’s the truly chilling part of all of this.

We are not just in recession but depression and this is not just about economics. It’s about the human spirit itself. Hope has been drained away, and you can see it in the data or you can see it in the faces of those around you. The lockdowns were catastrophic enough but they were followed by brutal mandates, educational losses, cultural destruction plus an enormous devaluation of the currency that has already drained away 14% of the purchasing power of the dollar.

Let us have a look at consumer confidence surveys as measured by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which has been tracking it since the 1960s. It has fallen off a cliff. I can’t even see how the line could be more vertical.
Confidence has never been this low in anyone’s record. But let’s zoom in a bit closer to see how things went. It crashed after lockdowns and then made some effort toward restoration. Do you remember those days? You remember thinking: Maybe these people are not utterly and completely sadistically insane? Maybe the Biden administration will see the light and restore basic social and market functioning? That did not happen. It got worse. Much worse. Now our present times give new meaning to the word “worse." 
So yes, there is every reason to reject the term “recession.” Let’s bring back the word “depression.” That was the common term for a fall in economic conditions before World War II. It was changed only after the war to make the word less ugly as if to say we will never go back to that. The word-game thing has been going on for a very long time.

A drill down into the labor market problem produces some terrifying realities. Hotels cannot find workers. Restaurants are cutting hours because they cannot find servers. Airline flights are being canceled because many pilots and flight attendants just left. We’ve never seen this odd combination of high consumer demand, resources available to spend yet physical bodies in grave shortage actually to do what is necessary.

What these times have unearthed is an already existing corruption in the American labor markets. There are far too many people out there with high educational credentials and absolutely no skills and no market for those skills. And yet these people have set their reservation wage so high that they are unwilling to do anything that someone is willing to pay for.

This worked out well for many people for a very long time as corporations fattened up their administrative apparatus and every company built out a massive back office, dedicated mainly to compliance and paper pushing. As technology improved and their jobs became ever easier, they worked less and less. After a while, it just seemed like money would flow forever even if millions only pretended to work.

My prediction is that these back-office jobs will be gradually gutted over the coming several years. And these people will have a very difficult time being repurposed in a labor market that wants actual workers rather than PJ-clad zoomers. They will not downgrade their expectations. It will come as a devastating shock to millions of people who had come to believe that they could get money for nothing forever.

Be clear on the following. The labor shortage is not in administration or management or people who have learned to be in the right place at the right time and watch the money flow in. The labor shortage is for people willing to cook the food, change the sheets, transport the goods, make the software, fix the code, stack the dishes and so on. In other words, people who actually do stuff will be in high demand but at low prices.

Looking back, the widespread appearance of books on bullshit jobs, boss hatred, work dissatisfaction and an overall explosion in labor-related litigation were all signs of a coming crisis. All they needed to explode was some one thing to introduce an element of chaos.

The same could be said of government debt, congressional spending, Federal Reserve money creation and so on. The U.S. as a country has lived off its capital accumulated in the 1980s for a very long time, while president after president has squandered it on wars, welfare and wild sprees of payoffs to special interests.

After decades of this nonsense, it truly seemed like nothing could break the system. Crazy theories began to circulate, such as “Modern Monetary Theory,” which speculated that the central bank could print all the money it wanted without any real consequences on the value of money or the stability of the economy. That has turned out not to be true, as the devaluation is taking place at a record pace right now.

What remarkable times! The experts are left sputtering. The ruling class lies with impunity. Everyone contradicts everyone else. And everyone seems to be out of ideas on how to fix things or even cover it up anymore. This is the whole reason for the wild political drama on Capitol Hill today: The only way to distract people from the national catastrophe is political persecution. They have a convenient voodoo doll in the person of Donald Trump, who often seems like he was sent by central casting to be their preferred enemy.

For years now, we kept thinking things would get better, that someone would save us from the emerging hell, that cooler heads would prevail and that someone in charge would rediscover wisdom and truth. That is not happening. We’ve got a population today that is drowning its troubles in substances while the way of life we once knew is being stolen from us piece by piece. A temporary recession may be the least of our worries."

"We Are Going To See Energy Prices Go Absolutely Nuts This Winter As We Face A Global Economic Crisis"

Full screen recommended.
"We Are Going To See Energy Prices Go Absolutely 
Nuts This Winter As We Face A Global Economic Crisis"
by Epic Economist

"The United States is facing a historic energy supply shortage, and a total cut-off of Russian gas is threatening to create a severe energy crunch that will have enormous consequences for the entire world. But even before the Russia and Ukraine crisis broke out, the whole planet was already moving towards a major energy crisis, and now we’re being told that countless people in the western world will experience a really cold and harsh winter, and confront some of the most expensive prices in history.

Russia is weaponizing energy supplies in retaliation for western sanctions. On Monday, Moscow announced another supply cut to the European Union, triggering panic in western markets over potentially severe gas shortages heading into winter, according to US officials. European officials argue that it is only a matter of time before Putin decides to cut off nat gas supplies completely. Last Wednesday, an energy rationing plan for the member states of the European Union was introduced. The plan sets a target for the 27 member states to reduce their gas demand by 15%. However, experts argue that this plan won’t be easy to enforce, and even if all of the member states meet their goals it still won’t be enough if the Russians stop the flow of gas entirely.

That leaves America in a very critical position. The U.S. has already been ramping up natural gas exports to Europe in an effort to ease the disruptions caused by this crisis, but that is shrinking In fact, one U.S. official has openly admitted that this will result in a dramatic increase in energy prices in the coming months. In some markets, new rate hikes are simply shocking. For instance, in New Hampshire, Eversource is raising its energy supply rate by about 50% on Aug. 1. “With customers using, on average, 25% more energy in the summer, a typical customer could expect to see a $70 monthly increase,” the utility said. On top of that, the energy service rate for New Hampshire Electric Co-op will go up 77%, Liberty Utilities will jump 100% and Eversource’s rate will rise by 112%.

This means that the rest of the country will soon face similar rate hikes. Needless to say, many Americans aren’t ready to see their power bill soar into the stratosphere. Looking ahead, authorities expect conditions to deteriorate even further, especially considering that the U.S. is already in a recession. The IMF is actually warning that the entire world could soon follow, noting that risks keep piling up. In a report released last week, the International Monetary Fund lowered its world economic forecast as it predicted major slowdowns in the three biggest economies: the United States, China, and Europe.

Unfortunately, there isn’t any short-term help on the horizon, and if we continue on this same path the new global energy crisis is just going to get worse and worse. By the winter, the global energy supply shortage may have evolved into a global energy nightmare of unprecedented proportions. So let’s enjoy this relatively quiet summer while we still can because all evidence is suggesting that a very dark winter is coming."

Musical Interlude: George Harrison, "What Is Life"

Full screen recommended.
George Harrison, "What Is Life"

"Sometimes you will never know the value of 
a moment until it becomes a memory."
- Dr. Seuss

"A Look to the Heavens"

“This shock wave plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Moving toward to bottom of this beautifully detailed color composite, the thin, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge on. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its narrow appearance suggests its popular name, the Pencil Nebula.
About 5 light-years long and a mere 800 light-years away, the Pencil Nebula is only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela remnant itself is around 100 light-years in diameter and is the expanding debris cloud of a star that was seen to explode about 11,000 years ago. Initially, the shock wave was moving at millions of kilometers per hour but has slowed considerably, sweeping up surrounding interstellar gas.”

"Any Life At All..."

"In a universe devoid of life, any life at all would be immensely meaningful. We ARE that meaning. "And what we see, "says the poet Mary Oliver, "is the world that cannot cherish us, but which we cherish." As though life itself is the great, universal, unrequited love of all time. But there is even more to this. Deep mystery. We are the universe aware of itself. We let the miracle get lost in distractions. On a planet so rich with living companions, much of humanity sentences itself to solitary confinement. Late at night, I used to lie in my boat listening to radio calls from ships to families ashore. There was only one conversation, and it boils down to, "I love you and I miss you: come home safe." Connections make us individuals. Ironic, isn't it? The more connected, the more unique our life becomes."
- Carl Safinao

The Poet: Stephen Levine, "Half Life"

"Half Life"

 "We walk through half our life
as if it were a fever dream,
barely touching the ground,
our eyes half open,
our heart half closed.
Not half knowing who we are,
we watch the ghost of us drift
from room to room,
through friends and lovers
never quite as real as advertised.
Not saying half we mean
or meaning half we say,
we dream ourselves
from birth to birth
seeking some true self.
Until the fever breaks
and the heart can not abide
a moment longer
as the rest of us awakens,
summoned from the dream,
not half caring for anything but love."

- Stephen Levine