Monday, August 19, 2024

Free Download: "Forty Centuries of Failure: Price Controls, Debasement and Tyranny"

"Forty Centuries of Failure: 
Price Controls, Debasement and Tyranny"
by Mark E. Jeftovic

Excerpt: "It hasn’t worked once, so why would a politician go all-in on price controls now? August 15th was the anniversary of the infamous “Nixon Shock”, when excessive spending and trade deficits had governments on the ropes, as prices climbed relentlessly, inflation soared into the double digits, while economic growth stalled. In 1971 of that year, Nixon “temporarily” suspended convertibility of the US dollar for gold (still in effect), while simultaneously proclaiming a 90-day freeze on all wages and prices across the United States.

The stagflationary 70’s also saw Trudeau the 1st enact “The Anti-Inflation Act of 1975”, with his infamous “6 and 5” measures (a 6% cap on wage increases with a 5% cap on prices was supposed to put 1% back into the pocket of the peasants).

None of this worked, and as the lumpenpublic were mulched by higher prices and growing government, gold served as a barometer to it all – soaring from $35/oz at the time of the Nixon Shock to $850/oz in 1980 (that all-time high still won’t be exceeded in inflation adjusted terms until gold cracks about $2,580).

It took Paul Volcker to get inflation under control with double-digit interest rates – (when the news came that he had been elevated from President of the New York Fed under Gerald Ford to Chairman by Jimmy Carter, Volcker’s wife burst into tears).

Today, 50 years later with a monetary regime that makes the 70’s look austere, double-digit interest rates are simply not an option – we’ve just seen a 5-sigma event nearly blow up the global monetary system from the BoJ nudging interest rates from the zero bound to 25bps. With an unprecedented levels of monetary expansion and debt levels somewhere beyond nosebleed elevations, policy-makers and central bankers are trapped.

This is why we’re seeing a resurgence in popular rhetoric around the idea of price controls – everywhere from Jagmeet Singh here in Canada, who blames grocery store CEOs for inflation, to Dem nominee and incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris, channeling him with promises of food price controls as part of her election campaign.

The definitive chronicle of price controls throughout recorded history comes to us by way of Robert L. Schuettinger and Eammon F. Butler’s “Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls” – or “How Not to Fight Inflation“. I could not for the life of me find my hard copy, but during the depths of the Global Financial Crisis, The Mises Institute saw the value in republishing it

“By special arrangement with the authors, the Mises Institute is thrilled to bring back this popular guide to ridiculous economic policy from the ancient world to modern times. This outstanding history illustrates the utter futility of fighting the market process through legislation. It always uses despotic measures to yield socially catastrophic results.”

It starts as far back as Urakagina of Lagash, a King of Sumeria in around 2350BC who came to power and overturned wage and price controls held in place by an unnamed line of despotic predecessors: “He began his rule by ending the burdens of excessive government regulations over the economy, including controls on wages and prices…"

An historian of this period tells us that from Urakagina, "We have one of the most precious and revealing documents in the history of man and his perennial and unrelenting struggle for freedom from tyranny and oppression." This document records a sweeping reform of a whole series of prevalent abuses, most of which could be traced to a ubiquitous and obnoxious bureaucracy …it is in this document that we find the word ‘freedom’ used for the first time in man’s recorded history; the word is ‘amargi’.“ It is somewhat telling to find that the word “freedom” was seemingly coined to describe the end of price controls."
Full article is here:

Freely download  “Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls” 
– or “How Not to Fight Inflation“ here:

Jim Kunstler, "Let The DNC Frolics Begin"

"Let The DNC Frolics Begin"
by Jim Kunstler

“We head to Chicago on a wave of euphoria, exuberance,
exultation, excitement and even, you might say, ecstasy.” 
- Maureen Dowd, The New York Times

"Looking a little insurrection-ish at Chicago’s United Center all of a sudden as Illinois Governor Jabba the Pritzker orders a wall built around the perimeter to protect the Democratic Party from its very own basket of deplorables - the pro-Hamas, Antifa/BLM nose-ring-for-lunch bunch - with the state’s National Guard “on standby.” The New York Post and other news sources report 100,000 anti-Israel protesters migrating there to liven-up a convention that also has the potential to go off-script inside the arena - since the script was written by a handful of party mandarins, with the gamed consent of the convened delegates, who might be a little ticked off about the deal.

What the party needs most this week is a plausible aura that it is firmly in control of events, having pulled off coup-after-coup on its own rank-and-file. Most recently, Pelosi & friends passed the black spot to “Joe Biden.” (The easy way or the hard way.) He took the hint and dropped out. But then, how exactly did Veep Kamala get plugged into his slot? Five minutes prior, they were, like, yccchhhh, her? And then, two seconds later, somebody arranged a pre-convention Zoom call “virtual vote” of the delegates - like a Las Vegas David Copperfield magic trick - followed by “certification!” (By whom? Answer: the certifiers.) Badda bing, badda bang! Their “democracy” got rolled.

So, you can imagine that things might fly out of control in exact proportion to the Mandarins’ desperate need to seem legitimately in control - when they are just a clique of scared-stiff tyrants running scams on their own people - and the result looks like the Democrats’ certified metamorphosis into the Party of Chaos.

Why scared-stiff? Because of a long list of serious crimes against the American people over the past decade, various treasons committed under color-of-law, for which they fear prosecution and punishment if the wrong person gets elected.

Just in the normal course of things in Chicago, local ABC-7 News reports, “At least 23 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city” over the pre-convention weekend. You have to wonder whether this ordinary background lawlessness will wash over into the political turmoil certain to roil the streets. Lootin’, anyone? Businesses in the downtown “Loop” district have boarded up their windows. As if a measly sheet of plywood can keep them out.

I happened to be at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, more in the role of a larval journalist than an activist, but right there in the action. I drove to Chicago from upstate New York with my college pal Bill Murphy in his beater Rambler - the car with reclining seats you could sleep on! (We did, in various parking lots.) Prior to the event, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, JFK’s brother, an avowed anti-war candidate, marched methodically through the primaries collecting delegates, giving hope to the vast Baby Boomer college demographic that he would end the stupid war in Vietnam and the military draft with it. When he got shot in the head at the Ambassador Hotel June 5, the night he won the California primary, everything changed.

The then-mandarins of the party looked to cram in the pro-war veep Hubert Humphrey to run against Richard Nixon. Left on the battlefield were two anti-war knights, Minnesota Senator Eugene (“Clean Gene”) McCarthy, a cranky poet without much fight in him, and George McGovern, a not-quite-ready-for-prime-time prairie socialist from the nowhere state of South Dakota. You might be amazed to hear that the mainstream media of the day was against the war, and pretty hostile to the political establishment that ran things from President Lyndon Johnson on down to Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago - with the CIA and FBI lurking darkly in their shadows, busy assassinating folks. Walter Cronkite had a shit-fit on-the-air watching Mayor Daley’s thugs push around network journalists (esp. Dan Rather) working the convention floor. The party emerged from the convention in a very bad odor. Humphrey lost in November.

Daley and his police were a rough bunch, and treated the hippie mobs in Grant Park and down on Michigan Avenue quite harshly, with tear gas and billy-clubs. The National Guard was poised visibly on the roof of the Art Institute with rifles trained down at the hippies below. Things got pretty yeasty. It’s a wonder nobody got killed. The party went ahead and nominated Humphrey with ruthless efficiency. In the end, the 1968 convention riots were an act of futility. The ’68 convention was the public debut of the organism that we call the blob today - the Deep State in action. And it was the twinkling-out of hippie idealism. The Vietnam War ran another seven years until it ended ignominiously under Gerald Ford, followed by disco, inflation, and the offshoring of US industry.

This time around, the news media has been fully absorbed into the blob, doing all its bidding, like the blob’s personal Chat GPT, while the blob itself has grown to be a larger and more potent governing entity than the flimsy scaffold of elected officials who front for it. But the Democratic Party has faltered badly in its years’ long efforts to cover for the blob, mainly by lying to the American people about everything. Running “Joe Biden” in 2020 was a dishonest act of desperation that only worked with a rigged election and then prosecuting anyone who attempted to complain. The party knew that “JB” was a mental phantom four years ago, and they had the effrontery to try running him again in ’24, until ol’ “Joe” made it impossible with his demented public behavior.

They also know that Kamala Harris is an empty vessel with a drinking problem, but they’ve desperately pulled out all the stops to make her appear legitimate. Her performance the past three weeks has not exactly been reassuring. Her running mate, Governor Walz, comes off straight-up insane. Why would they now not attempt to dump them with the same bad faith they installed them?

Gawd knows what mayhem might rock the streets outside the United Center. Recent years of degenerate USA life have produced a youth cohort with a staggering rate of mental illness. You’ve already seen plenty of how dark Antifa can get with its murderous trans cadres itching for action. But you’ve also got to wonder how the formal speeches by the party nabobs will go over? Might there be any booing of the elite? How will the crowd greet Mrs. Pelosi, the party’s consiglieri who arranged things as they are now? What on earth can Hillary Clinton say about the nominee she openly loathes? Will Bill Clinton, painted as a sexual predator by the Me-Too caucus, get a love-bath or a cold-shoulder? How false will the party’s unity seem? Will surprise motions arise from the floor to change-up the pre-scripted program? There are many more ways for things to go wrong this week than the simple dynamics that were in-play fifty-six years ago in Chicago."
And how could we forget this, courtesy of the DNC?
10/19/16 - "Madonna is pledging to perform oral sex on voters who cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton. The pop queen, known for her shocking antics, made the remark Tuesday while opening for comedian Amy Schumer in New York. “If you vote for Hillary Clinton,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison Square Garden, “I will give you a blow job.” “And I’m good,” the 58-year-old “Like a Virgin” singer, an outspoken supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, said to cheers from the audience. “I’m not a tool. I take my time,” Madonna boasted."
And somewhere, Willie Brown smiles and marvels at it all...

Bill Bonner, "Stupid Is As Stupid Does"

"Stupid Is As Stupid Does"
Everyone with any brains at all must be able to see that the 
costs always end up on the least expert, least informed, 
least protected group in the country - the public.
by Bill Bonner

"Keep your eye on one thing and one thing only: how much
 the Government is spending, because that is the true tax."
- Milton Friedman

Poitou, France - "The last few days have brought the usual election-year claptrap. On Thursday, the press began warming up the audience for Kamala Harris, who was supposed to release her first important proposals. CBS: "Harris is expected to announce that she will make tackling inflation a "Day One" priority, as well as outline a plan to lower costs for middle class families, take on corporate-price gouging and an overall focus on lowering costs for Americans, according to details shared by Harris-Walz campaign officials."

Bloomberg: "Harris to Propose $25,000 Assistance for First-Time Homeowners." "Vice President Kamala Harris will propose offering as much as $25,000 for first-time homeowners as part of an economic policy rollout Friday, a tacit acknowledgment that voter angst over rising housing costs poses one of the biggest political challenges to her presidential campaign."

When the proposals finally appeared, they were a tired-out mixture of price controls, an ’innovation fund’ and debt forgiveness. The cost of these giveaways, says Ms. Harris, will be paid by taxes on the rich and powerful. These, of course, are the same elites who control the Democratic Party, Congress, and the tax system.

So, more than likely, the expense will not be met by higher taxes, but instead be added to the national debt... and eventually paid by the people whose costs Ms. Harris claims to be bringing down. Already on the books are $35 trillion in bribes, boondoggles and balderdash; why not add a few billion more?

Meanwhile, Donald Trump continues to offer his own nonsense. The Donald: “A tariff is a tax on a foreign country, that’s the way it is, whether you like it or not. A lot of people like to say, ‘Oh, it’s a tax on us.’ No, no, no…It’s a tax on a country that’s ripping us off and stealing our jobs. And it’s a tax that doesn’t affect our country.”

The Trump Administration hit China with tariffs back in 2018. Then, the Biden Team kept them in place. How did they work out? USA Today: "The Tax Foundation analysis found the tariffs together add up to $79 billion, which theoretically leads to an additional $625 in taxes for the average U.S. household. The Tax Foundation also argues the tariffs have had an overall negative impact on the US economy, by raising prices, and reducing output and employment."

But Mr. Trump is now proposing more of them. He even claimed that he would do away with the income tax - replacing it with taxes on imports. The Peterson Institute looked carefully: "The costs from Trump’s proposed new tariffs will be nearly five times those caused by the Trump tariff shocks through late 2019, generating additional costs to consumers from this channel alone of about $500bn per year... The average hit to a middle-income household would be $1,700 a year. The poorest 50 per cent of households, who tend to spend a bigger proportion of their earnings, will see their disposable income dented by an average of 3.5 per cent."

All of this just makes us wonder: is it the candidates who are stupid... the voters... or both? When the government spends money, somebody has got to pay for it. Everybody wants to believe that someone else will pick up the tab - the rich, corporations, foreigners. But everyone with any brains at all must be able to see that the costs always end up on the least expert, least informed, least protected group in the country - the public, especially the part of the public that hasn’t been born yet.

Neither candidate suggests doing the one and only thing that will actually reduce costs for middle class families - cutting back on the government itself. Instead, both propose new programs to expand its reach. It’s a scam. And they’re both in on it."

"The Passing of American Exceptionalism: How We Became Like All the Other Nations"

"The Passing of American Exceptionalism: 
How We Became Like All the Other Nations"
By Paul Rosenberg

"Once upon a time there really was an American exceptionalism and America was a light unto the world. That exceptionalism was a long way from perfect (looking for perfection in a mass of humans is silly), but it was legitimate.

Alas, that was long ago. People who say that American exceptionalism still exists may have good intentions, but they don’t understand what it was. Others, with less noble intentions, promote the idea to whip up support. Telling people to praise themselves is always a big seller.

Exceptional Means “Not Like the Others”: A Bible passage that has always stuck in my mind is I Samuel, Chapter 8. In it, the Israelites, then living in a tribal anarchy, go to Samuel the prophet and tell him to appoint a king for them. Samuel warns them profusely not to ask this (“Your king will take your children away, take your crops, you’ll cry out for relief,” and so on), but they wouldn’t listen. “No!” they said, “We will have a king over us and be like the other nations.” In other words, they threw away their exceptionalism and became like everyone else.

This is what happened to the United States - it became just like Britain and France and Germany. It became like all the nations ‘round about. And that’s the precise opposite of “exceptional.”

Thinking about this directly and not through the rose-colored lenses of flattering political talk, we see this:The Dutch and the Brits created central banking, and the US followed right along.The Germans created social welfare, and the US followed right along.They tax income; we tax income.They regulate private commerce; we regulate private commerce.They built massive armies and conducted foreign wars; the US did the same and now exceeds them all. We could, of course, extend this list for many pages. Any difference between the US and the rest of the “developed nations” is now minimal.

Americans like to claim people like Patrick Henry and Sam Adams as their great founders, but what those men believed no longer matters in American life… nor does the founding philosophy of John Locke. The US is now like the nations ‘round about - and that, by definition, means that it is not exceptional.

It Was Exceptional at the Beginning: As I say, once upon a time, America was exceptional. It was wildly different from the other nations. The uppity American commoners claimed that their rights were above kings and parliaments. The other nations said that they were spitting on both tradition and order, and that they were crazy.

Here’s how Thomas Jefferson saw the fruits of his revolution: "All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them …"

In Jefferson’s time, Americans faced no direct taxation (income tax, sales tax, etc.) and no armies of bureaucrats. That changed a long time ago, however, and Americans are now saddled just like everyone else… and saddled far worse than they would have been under the old English system.

George Washington said this in his farewell address: "Nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded…"

The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Nowadays, we have almost nothing but the above. In fact, entangling alliances are looked to as the essential guarantor of safety. So we have exactly the opposite of exceptionalism, and precisely the opposite of what George Washington wanted.

What Washington and the others believed was that the United States would be different - that it would be a haven for actual freedom in the world. Here’s Washington again: "I had always hoped that this land might become a safe and agreeable Asylum to the virtuous and persecuted part of mankind, to whatever nation they might belong."

And here’s Sam Adams, writing in 1770: "This little part of the world - a land, until recently happy in its obscurity - the asylum, to which patriots were accustomed to make their peaceful retreat." These men were creating something separate, something apart, something radically different from the usual machinery of government.

How It Happened: American exceptionalism failed steadily. Some of the key moments were these:

1790: Alexander Hamilton’s bank and his ripoff of the revolutionary war soldiers. Hamilton trashed the monetary system prescribed in the Constitution (silver and gold coin) and replaced it with a massively manipulable bank. He sold this plan by corrupting a great number of congressmen, enriching them through a massive ripoff of Revolutionary War soldiers. It was a large, dirty affair.

1798: The Alien and Sedition Acts. In the name of national security, the Federalists, under Hamilton’s influence, gave the president power to deport anyone he wished (after he first branded them as “dangerous”) and restricted any speech that criticized the government.

Because of these laws and other political manipulations, the election of 1800 - in which Thomas Jefferson was elected - was called a “second American revolution.” (One of Jefferson’s first acts as president was to pardon people in jail from the Sedition Act.) To illustrate the depth of this change, here’s what Alexander Hamilton said during the election: "If Mr. Pinckney [Jefferson’s opponent] is not elected, a revolution will be the consequence, and within four years I will lose my head or be the leader of a triumphant army."

1850-1865: I’m not going to go through details on the Civil War, but it’s crucial to understand that all three branches of the national government supported slavery until the end of the war. Furthermore, slavery ended peacefully for England, France, and the rest of the West. Only in the US was there a dreadful war.

1898: The Spanish-American War. This is when the US went Big Military.

1913: The life the old republic was squeezed out in 1913. The ban on direct taxation was removed, the power of the states to control Washington, DC was handed to political parties, and the dollar was handed to a banking cartel.

Bringing Democracy to the World? It’s very odd to hear people try to tie American exceptionalism to “bringing democracy to the world,” since that was no part of the American difference at all. The American founders were crystal clear that they were building a republic, not a democracy. Here’s John Adams on the subject: "Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."

Once, but Not Now: The original American exceptionalism was about individual self-determination. It was clearly not about cradle-to-grave control, administered by two interlocked cabals in the capital city. Once, America was truly different: People lived as they wished and barely saw the government. They had rights that government couldn’t touch, not just in propaganda, but in real life. Now, America is the same as all the other nations and government is God. Personal sovereignty has been outlawed.

There are still a few currents from the early days running through American hearts, and I pray that they continue. But to pretend that American exceptionalism exists on any level beyond that is mere propaganda… catchy lies that encourage us to praise ourselves."

"What Would 'Kamalanomics' Do To The U.S. Economy?"

"What Would 'Kamalanomics' Do To The U.S. Economy?"
by Michael Snyder

"She should have just kept her mouth shut about the economy. I know that sounds harsh, but it is true. The best chance that Kamala Harris had of winning was to stand for nothing. I am being completely serious. For the first few weeks of her campaign, she was being showered with positive coverage by the mainstream media even though she had not come forward with any serious policy proposals. She could have probably continued doing that all the way to election day in November, but now she has ruined her campaign by telling us what she actually plans to do if she becomes president. As you will see below, even the mainstream media hates her economic plan.

Right now, 59 percent of Americans believe that we are already in a recession. Most of us detest what has happened to the economy, and so Harris should not be talking about this if she plans to win. Unfortunately for her, that is precisely what she has been doing. For example, she uttered a soundbite during one recent speech that will be played millions of times between now and election day…“A loaf of bread costs 50% more today than before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%.” Why would she say something like this? Does she actually want people not to vote for her?

Now that the government has created the cost of living crisis, Harris plans to fix it by imposing price controls. Needless to say, that idea went over like a dud…"Harris announced Wednesday that she would institute a “federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries” as president in an attempt to stop “big corporations” from taking advantage of consumers, and outlets like the Washington Post, CNN, and Newsweek published reports shredding the idea.

“Whether the Harris proposal wins over voters remains to be seen, but if sound economic analysis still matters, it won’t,” the liberal-leaning Washington Post editorial board wrote on Friday.

The Washington Post editorial board actually compared her plan to the failed price controls that President Nixon imposed in the 1970s…"The Post’s editorial board took Harris to task on the idea, stating it’s not even clear what her plan is. “Ms. Harris says she’ll target companies that make ‘excessive’ profits, whatever that means.” It also expressed relief that the plan was getting pummeled out of the gate. Thankfully, this gambit by Ms. Harris has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon’s failed price controls from the 1970s.”

In a different piece, a Washington Post columnist named Catherine Rampell stated that it is “hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is”…"It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Some far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat. (There’s a reason narrower “price gouging” laws that exist in some U.S. states are rarely invoked.) At worst, it might accidentally raise prices."

And to close out her article, Rampell actually suggested that Harris is acting like a “communist”…"If your opponent claims you’re a “communist,” maybe don’t start with an economic agenda that can (accurately) be labeled as federal price controls."

This is the Washington Post! I can’t remember the last time the Washington Post criticized a Democratic candidate for president this harshly! Harris is not a serious candidate, and so she should stop trying to be one. Just smile and wave at the cameras. A lot of voters will like that. There is no way that Harris is going to win over voters with her ideas, because her ideas are terrible.

On Saturday, Elon Musk retweeted an outstanding post by Robert Sterling that summarizes what widespread price controls would do to our food industry. Because Sterling’s social media post is so good, I have reproduced the entire thing below

"1. The government announces that grocery retailers aren’t allowed to raise prices.

2. Grocery stores, which operate on 1-2% net margins, can’t survive if their suppliers raise prices. So the government announces that food producers (Kraft Heinz, ConAgra, Tyson, Hormel, et. al.) also aren’t allowed to raise prices.

3. Not all grocery stores are created equal. Stores in lower-income areas make less money than those in higher-income areas, as the former disproportionately sell lower-margin prepackaged foods (“center of the store”) instead of higher-margin fresh products like meat (“perimeter of the store”). Because stores in lower-income areas aren’t able to cover overhead (remember, even if their wholesale costs are fixed, their labor, utilities, insurance, and other operating expenses aren’t fixed… yet), grocery chains start to shut them down. Food deserts in rural areas and in low-income urban areas alike become worse.

4. Meanwhile, margins for food producers are also quickly eroding. Their primary costs (ingredients, energy, and labor) aren’t fixed, and their shrinking gross profits leave less cash flow available to cover overhead, maintain facilities, and reinvest in additional production capacity.

5. Grocery chains, which have finite shelf space, start to repurpose their stores (those they didn’t have to shut down, I should say) to sell more non-price-controlled items—everything from nutrition supplements to kitchenware to apparel—and less price-controlled food products. Your local Kroger or Safeway starts to look and feel more like a Walmart.

6. Food producers stop making products with lower margins. Grocery chain start competing with each other to secure inventory. Since they can’t compete by offering stronger prices (remember, producers aren’t allowed to raise prices here, and, even if they could, grocery chains no longer have the gross profit to bear price increases), they compete on things like payment terms.

7. Small grocery chains start to shut down entirely, or get sold to larger chains like Kroger. In addition to not being able to cover fixed costs, a major reason for this is because they can no longer reliably secure delivery of products, due to producers prioritizing sales to larger customers, which are able to leverage their stronger balance sheets to offer superior payment terms.

8. Smaller food producers—which typically sell via distributors, rather than directly to grocery chains—start to go out of business. Because these producers have an additional step their value chains, and because they have lower volumes over which to spread their fixed costs, their cost structure is inherently disadvantaged compared to major food producers. When grocery stores aren’t able to raise prices, cutting product costs becomes all the more important, and deprioritizing purchases from smaller producers is an easy way to do so.

9. As supply chains break down, lines start to form outside grocery stores every morning. Cities assign police officers to patrol store parking lots, and food producers draft contingency plans to assign armed escorts to delivery trucks.

10. The federal government announces a program to issue block grants for states to purchase and operate shuttered grocery stores. The USDA also seizes closed-down production facilities.

11. The government announces that prices for all key food costs—corn, wheat, cattle, energy, etc.—are also now fixed, to stop “profiteers” from gouging the now-government-operated food industry.

12. Shockingly, the government struggles to operate one of the most complex industries on the planet. The entire food supply chain starts imploding.

13. Communism, mass starvation, and the end of America quickly ensue."

I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Harris also wants to distort the housing market with all sorts of crazy government interference. The following comes from CNN

• Up to $25,000 in down-payment support for first-time homebuyers.
• To provide a $10,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers.
• Tax incentives for builders that build starter homes sold to first-time buyers.
• An expansion of a tax incentive for building affordable rental housing.
• A new $40 billion innovation fund to spur innovative housing construction.
• To repurpose some federal land for affordable housing.
• A ban on algorithm-driven price-setting tools for landlords to set rents.
• To remove tax benefits for investors who buy large numbers of single-family rental homes.

All of that sounds expensive. Harris also wants to cut taxes for lower-income workers and families with children…"Harris’ campaign said Friday morning that she’s in favor of permanently expanding the Child Tax Credit to up to $3,600 per child and cutting taxes for lower-income workers without children by $1,500. Families with newborns would be eligible for a $6,000 tax credit under the Harris plan."

This is one thing that Harris is being widely praised for, because everybody likes lower taxes. Copying Donald Trump’s idea, Harris is proposing that there should be no tax on tips. She is also promising to pay off student loan debt and some medical bills. Basically, she is promising lots and lots of freebies. But how in the world is she going to pay for all of this? We are already $35 trillion dollars in debt. Needless to say, Harris never intends to actually implement most of this stuff.

Back in 2021, the Biden administration promised to construct 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. So far, the grand total that they have actually built is just eight…"As WaPo reported, Biden-Harris has long vowed to build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations in the United States by 2030. In 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act included $7.5 billion to build 500,000 public charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) nationwide. This was an effort to encourage people to switch to clean energy, as they wrote rules to force them to switch. As Reason reported in December, not one charger funded by the program had yet come online. Six months later, the number of functional charging stations ticked to eight."

Politicians make all sorts of promises. But delivering on them is another matter entirely. Are U.S. voters buying what Kamala Harris is selling? According to the latest numbers from Rasmussen, Donald Trump still has a narrow lead…"Former President Donald Trump continues to lead Vice President Kamala Harris, although the Democrat has slightly narrowed the margin.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a two-way matchup, 49% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 45% would vote for Harris. Three percent (3%) say they’d vote for some other candidate and two percent (2%) are undecided. These findings are just slightly changed from a week ago, when Trump led by five points, with 49% to Harris’s 44%."

This has already been such a chaotic election season, and I am expecting much more chaos during the months ahead. It appears that this is a race that is going to go down to the wire, and at this point both sides are fully expecting to win. If Kamala Harris ultimately loses, it is going to feel like the end of the world for many on the left, and we will witness a temper tantrum of absolutely epic proportions."

And somewhere Willie Brown must be chuckling,
remembering Kamala's best talent was not political thinking...

"Economic Market Snapshot 8/19/24"

"Economic Market Snapshot 8/19/24"
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
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You and I are not in the Big Club."
- George Carlin
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Comprehensive, essential truth.
Financial Stress Index

"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Job cuts and much more.
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words. Any I know anyway...
And now... The End Game...

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Canadian Prepper, "Warning: We're Running Out Of Time! Quit F@%@ing Around!"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 8/18/24
"Warning: We're Running Out Of Time! 
Quit F@%@ing Around!"
Comments here:

Jeremiah Babe, "Drunk Driver Almost Blows Up Gas Station - We Witnessed A Miracle"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 8/18/24
"Drunk Driver Almost Blows Up Gas Station - 
We Witnessed A Miracle"
Comments here:

The Atlantis Report, "They’re Now Staging A Banking Collapse"

Full screen recommended.
by The Atlantis Report, 8/18/24
"They’re Now Staging A Banking Collapse, 
Why Did Warren Buffett Sell $50B in Stocks?"

"Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the financial world about big stock sell-offs by well-known investors, including Warren Buffett. Often called the "Oracle of Omaha" because of his exceptional investing skills, Buffett's actions in the stock market are closely followed and considered as signs of wider economic trends. The news that Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway, sold off over $50 billion in stocks has caused a lot of discussion in the investment community, leading to speculation about the reasons behind these decisions and what they might mean for the global economy.

In the last several months, Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, has sold over $50 billion worth of stocks, including massive chunks of Bank of America and Apple shares.

Warren Buffett's recent stock sales are significant not only because of the sheer volume but also because of the companies involved. In May, Buffett sold $21 billion worth of Apple stock, and later, in December, he sold another $28.7 billion of other stocks. This follows a sale of $2.3 billion worth of Bank of America stock earlier in the year. Combined, these sales surpass $50 billion, a staggering amount that has left many financial analysts and investors scratching their heads.

Buffett is not alone in his massive stock sell-off. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, the largest bank in the world, sold $140 million worth of his own stock in the bank. This is notable as it is the first time in his 18-year tenure that he has sold such a significant portion of his holdings. Other high-profile CEOs and founders, including Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and members of the Walton family, have also been selling off large amounts of stock."
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Musical Interlude: "Watch Two Strangers Make Beautiful Music Together In A Paris Train Station"

"Watch Two Strangers Make Beautiful Music 
Together In A Paris Train Station"
Proof that music really is a universal language.
by Chloe Fox

"Music just makes everything better- even traveling through a busy and crowded train station. Which is precisely why French train company SNCF decided to put pianos smack dab in the middle of select train stations. The pianos- which are known as “À vous de jouer” pianos, or "It’s your turn to play"- are free for anyone to use, and lucky travelers in March of this year were treated to a real show when two complete strangers improvised a beautiful piece together.
Full screen recommended.
One man had just sat down at the piano and started playing what sounds like "Una Mattina" by Ludovico Einaudi when the second man, in the white shirt, approaches and observes admiringly. At the 1:10 mark, the second man jumps in, augmenting the original music. The two men barely look at each other as their composition grows, but more and more travelers stop to watch as it becomes obvious something beautiful is unfolding. The men really hit their stride around the 2:50 mark, then shake things up again around the 4:30 mark, at which point the entire train station seems to have stopped in awe of them. After their big finale, they finish with nothing more than some shy shrugs and a high-five, proving once again that music is not only universal, but truly magical."

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Grand design spiral galaxy Messier 99 looks majestic on a truly cosmic scale. This recently processed full galaxy portrait stretches over 70,000 light-years across M99. The sharp view is a combination of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared image data from the Hubble Space Telescope.
About 50 million light-years distant toward the well-groomed constellation Coma Bernices, the face-on spiral is a member of the nearby Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Also cataloged as NGC 4254, a close encounter with another Virgo cluster member has likely influenced the shape of its well-defined, blue spiral arms."
"Everything passes away - suffering, pain, blood, hunger, pestilence. The sword will pass away too, but the stars will still remain when the shadows of our presence and our deeds have vanished from the earth. There is no man who does not know that. Why, then, will we not turn our eyes towards the stars? Why?"
- Mikhail Bulgakov, "The White Guard"


"The people of today have no nobility. They do not even know what it means to be noble of heart. There is no strength of character; there is only emotion. We live in a worldwide society of emotion-based actions, emotion-based thinking, emotion-based words. People do things because they feel like it, they think things ruled by their emotions to think it and they say things because in that moment it's what they are feeling. Character does, thinks and says from a place of core identity and truth. "This is my truth, thus I will do it, think it, speak it." Nobility means strength of character, a word of honor, immovability and mind over matter. The feelings and emotions of a noble person do not merely come and go with the tides; they are there in the first place because they wouldn't have been there if it were not already decided upon. That is nobility."
- C. JoyBell C.


“People are often unreasonable,
Illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind,
People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful,
You will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
People may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
Someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
Others may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
People will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
And it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
It is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway."

- Mother Teresa

"There's Some Good In The World..."

"It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till."
- J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Lord of the Rings”

Sam: "It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end it's only a passing thing, this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines it'll shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something even if you were too small to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand, I know now folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?
Sam: That there's some good in the world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."
- Samwise Gamgee,
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"

"11 Things Everyone Needs You to Know"

"11 Things Everyone Needs You to Know"
by Marc

"A silhouette of a human being stands before you. Perhaps an old friend. Perhaps a neighbor. Perhaps a perfect stranger, like me. Here are 11 things we all need you to keep in mind…

1. You never really know how much the people around you are hurting. You could be standing next to someone who is completely broken inside and you wouldn’t even know it. So never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have. And remember that there are two ways to spread light in this world: You can either be a flame of hope, or a mirror that reflects it. Be one of the two every chance you get.

2. The most important trip you will likely take in life is meeting others half way. You will achieve far more by working with people, rather than against them. Giving someone else a voice, and showing them that their ideas matter, will have a long-lasting, positive impact on the both of you.

3. Relationships don’t create happiness, they reflect it. Happiness is an inside job. Relationships are simply the mirrors of your happiness; they reflect it and help you celebrate it. They are mirrors because they are a perfect reflection of your thoughts and beliefs. To reflect means to encourage you when you feel weak and challenge you when you feel strong, thereby returning you to your center. And to celebrate is to share the natural ease and joy of living from your center – of living in the now with clarity.

4. Compassion comes back around. The son who tends to his chronically ill mother, ignoring his own exhaustion; the neighbor who gives a helping hand, even as his own needs go unanswered; the one who donates a couple dollars to someone in need, even if she has to break her last five dollar bill to do it. Maybe you don’t hear the names of these unsung heroes in the news, but surely the universe hears their names and treats them accordingly.

5. Timing is everything. There is a time for silence, a time to let go and allow your friends to launch themselves into their own destiny, and a time to cheer for their victories, or help them pick up the pieces, when it’s all over.

6. Actions are the loudest form of communication. What you do speaks so loud that others will have a hard time hearing what you say. So practice what you preach or don’t preach at all – walk the talk. And remember that there is often a major gap between what someone says and what they do. Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

7. A healthy relationship keeps the doors and windows open. Plenty of air is circulating and no one feels trapped. Relationships thrive in this environment. Keep your doors and windows open. If a person is meant to be in your life, all the open doors and windows in the world won’t make them leave.

8. People are more what they keep silent than what they say. Pay attention to their quiet gestures. If you cannot understand someone’s silence, you will have a hard time understanding their words.

9. What others say and do is often based entirely on their own self-reflection. When you have people speaking to you who are angry and upset, and you nevertheless remain very present and continue to treat them with kindness and respect, you place yourself in a position of great power You become a means for the situation to be graciously diffused and healed. A Zen teacher once said, “When somebody backs themselves into a corner, look the other way until they get themselves out; and then act as though it never happened.” Allowing people to save face in this way, and not reminding them of what they already know is not their most intelligent behavior, is an act of great kindness. This is possible when we realize that people behave in such ways because they are in a place of great suffering. People react to their own thoughts and feelings and their behavior often has nothing directly to do with you.

10. Sincerity is giving without expectation. Good character and true friendship is all about how a person nurtures another person who is vulnerable and can give nothing in return. So when you have been through tough times and come out the other side, look around you. The people still standing beside you are your true friends.

11. Not every relationship is meant to last forever. Some people aren’t meant to stay in your life. Some people are just passing through to bring you something – perhaps a lesson you need to learn, or memory that makes you smile years later. When the time comes, it’s okay to let go and move on with your life."

The Poet: Maya Angelou, “Alone”


“Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home,
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone.
I came up with one thing
And I don't believe I'm wrong,
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone,
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.

There are some millionaires
With money they can't use,
Their wives run round like banshees,
Their children sing the blues.
They've got expensive doctors
To cure their hearts of stone,
But nobody,
No, nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone,
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Now if you listen closely
I'll tell you what I know...
Storm clouds are gathering,
The wind is gonna blow.
The race of man is suffering,
And I can hear the moan,
'Cause nobody,
But nobody,
Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone,
Nobody, but nobody,
Can make it out here alone.” 

- Maya Angelou

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Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Thanks for stopping by!