Monday, July 1, 2024

"Even With Good People..."

"'Cause even with good people, even with people that 
you can kinda trust, if the truth is inconvenient,
and if the truth doesn't, like, fit, they don't believe it."
- Marie Adler

don Miguel Ruiz, “The Power of Doubt”

“The Power of Doubt”
by don Miguel Ruiz

“Have you ever asked yourself if something you heard was actually true? Have you ever wondered if someone was lying to you, or worse yet, have you ever wondered, “Am I lying to myself?” Do you believe those voices in your head that are giving you opinions? Do you tend to believe other people’s opinions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will understand when being skeptical is a good thing.

Right now, you’re delivering a message to yourself and to everyone around you. You’re always delivering messages, and you’re always receiving messages from one mind to another mind. But the most important messages are the ones you deliver to yourself. What are those messages? The word is a force you cannot see, but you can see the manifestation of that force, the expression of the word, which is your own life. The way to measure the impeccability of your word is to ask yourself: Am I happy or am I suffering? If you’re suffering, it’s because you’re telling yourself a story that isn’t true, but you believe it.

When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you like what you see, or do you judge your body and use the word to tell yourself lies? If you believe that you are not attractive enough, then you believe a lie, and you are using the word against yourself, against the truth.

Is it really true that you are too heavy or too thin? Is it really true that you are not beautiful? If you’re telling yourself: “I’m fat. I’m ugly. I’m old. I’m not good enough. I’ll never make it,” then be skeptical. Don’t believe yourself, because none of these messages come from truth, from life. These messages are distorted; they’re nothing but lies. The truth is, there are no ugly people. There’s no universal book of law where any of these judgments are true. Every judgment is just an opinion - it’s just a point of view - and that point of view wasn’t there when you were born.

Everything you think about yourself, everything you believe about yourself, is because you learned it. You learned the opinions from Mom, Dad, siblings and society. They sent all those images of how a body should look; they expressed all those opinions about the way you are, the way you are not, the way you should be. They delivered a message, and you agreed with that message. And now you think so many things about what you are, but are they the truth?

What is the truth and what is the lie? Humans believe so many lies because we aren’t aware. We ignore the truth or we just don’t see the truth. When we are educated, we accumulate a lot of knowledge, and all that knowledge is just like a wall of fog that doesn’t allow us to perceive the truth, what really is. We only see what we want to see; we only hear what we want to hear. Our belief system is just like a mirror that only shows us what we believe.

In our development, as we grow throughout our lives, the structure of our beliefs becomes very complicated, and we make it even more complicated because we make the assumption that what we believe is the absolute truth. We never stop to consider that our beliefs are only a relative truth that’s always going to be distorted by all the knowledge we have stored in our memory. As children, we are innocent; we believe almost everything that we learn, but everything that we learn isn’t true. We put our faith in lies, we give them power, and soon those lies are ruling our lives.

Just imagine becoming the way you used to be as a very young child, before you understood the meaning of any word, before opinions took over your mind. The real you is loving, joyful and free. The real you is just like a flower, just like the wind, just like the ocean, just like the sun. There is nothing to justify, nothing to believe. You have no mission except to enjoy life. You are here just to be, for no reason. Then the only thing you need to be is the real you. Be happiness. Be love. Be yourself. That’s wisdom. It’s the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness.

But first you have to unlearn a lot, and you only have one tool to do this. That tool is doubt. Being skeptical is an important part of recovering what you really are because it uses the power of doubt to break all those spells you’ve been under. Whenever you hear a message from yourself, or from someone else, simply ask: Is it really true? With the power of doubt, you challenge every message you deliver and receive. You challenge every belief that rules your life. Then you challenge all the beliefs that rule society, until you break the spell of all the lies and superstitions that control your world.

Once you recover all the power you invested in lies, you can see what is real; you can feel what is real. Even though lies still exist, you no longer believe them. You don’t believe everything anymore, but you can see, and what you can see is the truth. The truth doesn’t need you to believe it. The truth simply is, and it survives – believe it or not. Lies need you to believe them. If you don’t believe lies, they don’t survive your skepticism, and they simply disappear.

Centuries ago, people believed that the earth was flat. Some said that elephants were supporting the earth, and that made them feel safe. The belief that the earth was flat was considered the truth, and almost everybody agreed, but did that make it true? It was nothing but a superstition, and I can assure you that we still live in a world of superstition. The question is: Are we aware of it?

Wherever you go, you will hear all kinds of opinions and stories from other people. You will find great storytellers wanting to tell you what you should do with your life: “You should do this, you should do that, you should do whatever.” Don’t believe them. Be skeptical, but learn to listen and then make your choices. Be responsible for every choice you make in your life. This is your life; it’s nobody else’s life, and you will find that it’s nobody else’s business what you do with your life.

For centuries, there have been prophets who predicted big catastrophes in the world. Not that long ago, there were people who predicted that in the year 2000 all the computers would fail and society as we know it would disappear. The day arrived, and what happened? Nothing happened. Thousands of years ago, just like today, there were prophets who were waiting for the end of the world. At that time, a great master said: “There will be many false prophets who claim to be speaking the word of God. Don’t believe.” You see, being skeptical is nothing new. Doubt takes you behind the words and helps you to discern the truth from lies. And this is a good thing.”

The Daily "Near You?"

Greenville, South Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Wars And Rumors Of War: The Middle East"

Full screen recommended.
Scott Ritter, 7/1/24
"Israel Will Be Torn Apart In Destruction 
After Threatening To Go Nuclear With Hezbollah"
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Full screen recommended.
Hindustan Times, 7/1/24
"Nasrallah’s Military On Par With US & Russia? 
Bombshell Claim On Hezbollah’s Rocket Prowess"
"As tensions heighten between Israel and Lebanon-based Hezbollah, a former Israeli military official has made a big revelation on Hezbollah's rocket prowess. Ram Aminach, the former economic advisor to the Israeli Chief of Staff, described Hezbollah as one of the five top superpowers in terms of the number of rockets it possesses. He further highlighted that Israel cannot confront Hezbollah without facing the entire Lebanon."
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Free Download: Friedrich A. Hayek, "The Road to Serfdom"

"Friedrich A. Hayek, in "The Road to Serfdom" writes: “In order to achieve their ends the planners must create power – power over men wielded by other men – of a magnitude never before known. Their success will depend on the extent to which they achieve such power. Democracy is an obstacle to this suppression of freedom which centralized direction of economic activity requires. Hence, arises the clash between planning and democracy.

Many socialists have the tragic illusion that by depriving private individuals of the power they possess in an individualist system, and transferring this power to society, they thereby extinguish power. What they overlook is that by concentrating power so that it can be used in the service of a single plan it is not merely transformed, but infinitely heightened…

In the hands of private individuals, what is called economic power can be an instrument of coercion, but it is never control over the life of the person. But when economic power is centralized as an instrument of political power it creates a degree of dependence scarcely distinguishable for slavery.”
Freely download "The Road to Serfdom", by Friedrich A. Hayek, here:

John Wilder, "Chevron And The Fall Of The Deep State"

"Chevron And The Fall Of The Deep State"
by John Wilder

"I know that the event of last week in the media was the debate. I’ll agree, it was pretty significant, significant enough that I stayed up even later to chat about it with The Mrs., who gets up really early. How early?

JW: Tonight’s debate was thermonuclear.
The Mrs.: You mean yesterday’s debate. Oh, wait, you haven’t slept, so for you it’s still yesterday.

Whatever timeframe you’re using, a really, really big thing happened on Friday. Let me explain, I’m a trained professional. Let’s go back in time a bit. Back in 1938, the Congress passed a law establishing a thing called the “Code of Federal Regulations” act. That act required all federal regulations to be put in a single source, which is now called the CFR. Note that I didn’t say a single book, since the CFR pages totaled 188,343 in 2021.

That’s not a typographical error. There are nearly 200,000 pages of federal regulations. They say that ignorance of the law is no excuse, but I’m pretty sure that there is no sane human that could read and retain that insane level of regulation, except for Alex Trebek, and he is, alas, no more.

Now, there are several groups that really love that level of regulation:Lawyers, who build careers on understanding them,

ͦ Big Business, to keep out small-fry competition that can’t afford lawyers to interpret the rules to keep them out of trouble,
ͦ the Antifa® fascists, who are the people who really get bent out of shape if your lawn is 0.05” higher than the regulations say, and
ͦ They exist to write regulations, so they just want to write more.

This is an unholy combination. Regulations are based on law. The Congress of the United States passes a bill, and the President of the United States signs it, and, a law is created. I learned that on Schoolhouse Rock™ when that damn bill just wanted to be a law.

Laws, however, almost always constrain human activities. In some cases, like murder, a law can be a net social benefit, at least when the courts actually enforce the law equally and without favor. But murder is simple when compared to some of the federal laws on the books. I could get into the details, but it’s a federal crime:

ͦ to wash your fish at a faucet if it’s not a fish-washing faucet,
ͦ to let your pet make a noise that scares wildlife in a national park,
ͦ to sell onion rings that resemble onion rings, but made with diced onion,
ͦ to skydive drunk, and,
ͦ sell wine with a brand name including the word “zombie”.

Yes. This was made the force of law, that unelected regulators could make up whatever they wanted and put you in jail if you didn’t do what they made up last week. This was based on the “Chevron Deference” – a court decision that effectively let the Executive Branch make regulations, enforce them, and courts had to bow to their interpretation. It’s been the rule for 40 years.

But the most pernicious part of this is that it feeds into the same mindset that the GloboLeftElite has relied on for years. They want to take an existing law and pound and beat it to meet whatever they believe this Tuesday. For example, there was a requirement that industries stop pollutants from going into the air.

That makes sense. I could argue that it doesn’t need to occur at a national level and that states could regulate it and that might make it un-Constitutional, but, whatever. The law is there. It’s been there forever. The regulations meant to enforce the law when it came out made sense – spewing methyl-ethyl-death across the elementary playground might not be a great idea. On the other hand, maybe it would have made our children strong enough to work in the mines.

But that same law, written decades ago, was interpreted to mean that sweet, sweet carbon dioxide, you know, plant food, is now a pollutant. Why? Because the GloboLeftElite knows that gives them more control, and because it now fits with the Narrative of the Moment despite the original law being signed into law in 1963 and last amended in 1990.

Since CO2 wasn’t on the list of evil things in 1963 or in 1990, having the EPA to suddenly decide it was evil is just regulators making things up. The Supreme Court said, “No, you can’t do this. You have to pass a law. And no, the President can’t just say so.” The Chevron™ Deferral effectively allowed the Executive branch of government be also the Legislative and Judicial. This is extremely dangerous.

92% plus of people in Washington D.C. voted Biden. If regulations can be made willie-nillie without congress even having to pass a law, well, it will be members of the GloboLeftistElite that will write them. And, remember, these folks live to do one thing: write regulations.

One of the worst regulators at fault is the ATF®, who can’t even decide what a gun is. They’re in trouble on the rules they made up on “ghost guns” and pistol braces, and even the definition of who can sell guns without needing an ATF license. Make no mistake, this is a shattering blow for the Deep State, who wants to make regulations with the force of federal law, without there even having to be a federal law change in the first place.

Why does the GloboLeftElite and the GloboLeft hate this? Because all of their termites that have burrowed into the Fed.Gov are now less useful, and they actually have to follow the rules to make their changes. And that’s the sand the GloboLeftElite will have in their panties. They have to pass a law. They can’t make their regulatory changes in the dark of the night by unelected bureaucrats who reliably only vote for more government.

And, no, I won’t be waiting up for The Mrs. to get up so we can discuss this post. I’ll probably just sneak into bed while she gently snores beside me. Hey, wait, is there a federal regulation about snoring? I’ll bet there is... Also – this is what winning looks like. Enjoy this one."

"How It Really Is"

Dan, I Allegedly, "What is Your Privacy Worth?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, AM 7/1/24
"What is Your Privacy Worth?"
"What would you do to save a few bucks? Would you let your insurance
 company follow all of your driving to save money? Our privacy is being eroded."
Comments here:

Adventures With Danno, "Massive Holiday Sale At Meijer! $1.99/lb Hamburger!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, AM 7/1/24
"Massive Holiday Sale At Meijer! $1.99/lb Hamburger!"
Comments here:
"Wait, How Much Have Groceries Gone Up?" (Excerpt)
By Jeffrey Tucker

Excerpt: "The most startling moment in the CNN debate last week between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was not from the candidates. It was from moderator Jake Tapper, who said with a straight face as if it were just the science that grocery prices were up by 20 percent since President Biden was elected.

Millions were watching. Intuition tells me that millions of people were stunned and thought to themselves or said out loud: no way. Truly, is there a single living soul in America who lives on a budget, watches their spending, and who believes that their grocery bills are only up by 20 percent in three years? Well, as it turns out, Mr. Tapper could have cited the leading authority on that statistic. It’s the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as reported by the Federal Reserve. The precise number is 20.8 percent.

The trouble is that this fits with no one’s experiences. People on social media are posting receipts showing grocery prices up by anywhere between two and 10 times that rate. In one viral video that offered receipts, a man bought 45 items (he says a full month of groceries) two years ago for $145. WalMart’s software allows him to reorder that now. He tried it just as a test. The new price: $414. That’s an increase in two years of 185 percent! If we stretch that to three years assuming no inflation in the first, that’s an annualized increase of 61 percent. Over two years, it’s 92.5 percent. Adding in some inflation in the first year, we can round it to 100 percent annualized, which is hyperinflation by any measure.

Commentators offered corrections that this is just one person’s experience. Maybe there was one item in there that went up vastly in price, changing the entire basket. All that is true. However, I tried looking at a few items that I bought in 2021 and found price increases of 54 percent. That’s just one item but a very normal one: lemon juice.

When all the anecdotal evidence points one way and all the official data points another way, we’ve got a problem. The distance between real experience and the official data is gigantic. And it raises the eternal problem first articulated by Chico Marx: “Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes?”
Full article is here:

Gregory Mannarino, "Economic Collapse Continues To Worsen, Faster!"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/1/24
"Economic Collapse Continues To Worsen, Faster!"
Comments here:
Gregory Mannarino, PM 7/1/24
"We Are In A 'Maximum Saturation Event', 
And The Next Phase Is Much Worse"
Comments here:
Full screen recommended.
LifeWorthLiving, 6/30/24
"Doug Casey: 'Worse Than 1929-1946...'" 
Doug Casey, best-selling author, discusses what is going to be a 
"Greater Depression", where lower living standards will affect the populace. 
Comments here:

"Economic Market Snapshot 7/1/24"

Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it. 
You and I are not in the Big Club."
- George Carlin
Market Data Center, Live Updates:
Comprehensive, essential truth.
Financial Stress Index

"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Job cuts and much more.
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words. Any I know anyway...
And now... The End Game...

Bill Bonner, "Beyond the Herald's Cry"

President Ronald Reagan and Japanese Emperor Hirohito
 share a toast at the Imperial Palace

"Beyond the Herald's Cry"
In a country the size of the US, ‘the people’ are far too
 remote from Washington to have any real influence on it. 
That’s why state governments tend to do less harm than the federales.
by Bill Bonner

"The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage."
- Emperor Hirohito, after Hiroshima

"The situation last week did not develop to Joe Biden’s advantage. But what did anyone expect? Put an old man at a podium; he’s likely to dodder a bit. And so what? Biden was never more than a figurehead anyway. His only real role was as a ‘dog in the manger,’ making sure no one else, who might disrupt the scammy system, got to sit in the Oval Office.

But last week’s debate was another one for the record books. America is already in the grip of the biggest, most costly experiment in monetary history... destined to prove, once again, that the authorities can’t be trusted with the power to ‘print’ money. Using this fake money, they pushed interest rates down to the lowest levels in five thousand years, well below zero... and crippled the economy with $100 trillion in debt.

Included in that figure is $35 trillion of US government debt; this was Miracle Gro for the feds, allowing them to get way too big for their britches... and setting the US up for perpetual war and bankruptcy. And now, Joe Biden, has had his Big Reveal. They opened the door and no one was home.

Inside Job: On the weekend, Americans were still reeling from the discovery that their President... the man with the nuclear codes... is senile. And as we guessed last month, the insiders are scurrying around to find a replacement.

Let us pause to draw breath. White House honchos must have known that their man was not up to the job. They must have known that he would stand at the podium as an elderly mouth breather and make a fool of himself. They must have known that he couldn’t put together a coherent thought... that he would be confused and hopeless, standing in front of fifty million spectators... and make a laughing stock of himself and of the USA.

Why did they do that? Why subject him to humiliation and scorn? Could they not have known... not have anticipated what would happen? Or did they set him up? Was the idea that he would make it so obvious that he was not going to be the actual president for another six months - let alone for 4 more years - that even he, through the accumulated fog of four-score years, could see that it was time to take himself off the stage?

There’s no shame in getting old. That’s the way it works. And it wouldn’t be the first time a mental defective was in the White House. In October, 1919, Woodrow Wilson was on the toilet when he had a stroke. He fell over and hit his head. Thereafter, he was absent... unable to think or speak clearly. For the next year and a half, his wife and personal physician covered for him. They claimed he was fine... recovering from the flu, or from ‘nervous exhaustion.’ The nation was probably better off without him, anyway. Life went on as before.

Astrologer in Chief: Later, Ronald Reagan was getting a little doddery in his second term. His wife, Nancy, turned to her astrologer, Joan Quigley, to help the president on key policy issues. Chief of Staff, Donald Regan, claimed that “every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House Chief of Staff was cleared in advance” by Quigley. 

Wilson had disgraced the nation with his meddling in Latin America. Then, after running for re-election as the man who ‘kept us out of war,’ he sent US troops to Europe, where more than one hundred thousand of them died. But the effect of it on the average citizen was probably modest. And Reagan’s team - famously minus our friend David Stockman - went on to ignore Reagan’s ‘small government’ promise altogether, and more than doubled US debt.

In both cases, what the voters had asked for had nothing to do with it. And today, the problem is not that Biden is a cut-out... a puppet for the ruling elite. The problem is that the whole system is counterfeit. Democracy only works on a small scale. “Beyond the herald’s cry,” as Aristotle put it, the elites take over. In a country the size of the US, ‘the people’ are far too remote from Washington to have any real influence on it. That’s why state governments - with the exception of the biggest ones - tend to do less harm than the federales.

Before 1971, the ‘power of the purse’ gave citizens some residual control over their government. Taxes are something that ‘the people’ understand. And a politician who raised taxes risked his career. But after the feds switched to fake, credit-based money, the insiders could print money and borrow it themselves - spending without having to raise taxes. Then, the situation did not necessarily develop to our advantage."

Jim Kunstler, "Surprise, Surprise!"

"Surprise, Surprise!"
by Jim Kunstler

“Joe Biden is the walking embodiment of the exhausted American Establishment. 
More and more people have simply lost their faith in our Ruling Class. 
You could scarcely have a more potent symbol of its impotence.”
- Rod Dreher  

"Just before the weekend, a political prairie fire raced across a nation buffaloed, blind-sided, and buried deeply in bullshit, and the little critters who inhabit the landscape are still running around with their fur smoldering. What a surprise that “Joe Biden,” the mentally-disabled pretend-president, fell apart in the debate spotlight for all to see, like Captain Queeg in his fateful witness chair, or William Jennings Bryan at the Scopes trial (1925), or the 'Wizard of Oz' when little Toto drew the curtain back - a brutal revelation of stark truth about how things actually are.

Since his hiding-in-the-basement campaign in 2020 “Joe Biden’s” Party of Chaos has pretended that he is fit and alert for the job and now all of sudden they pretend to be shocked to see how far gone in the head he really is. The bullshit shovelers of the mainstream news media were especially rocked, not by the truth of the situation per se, but at being unmasked as the contemptible, confabulating tools that they’ve become. The New York Times wheeled around on a dime from their servile lionizing of the presidential hologram they helped create to its editorial board abjectly yelling for him to drop out and get gone. They were joined instantly by a long list of other opinion-shapers, campaign donors, political celebs, and Beltway players.

Right after the debate, First lady Dr. Jill led a cheerleading session before a roomful of partisans that went beyond cringeworthy into uncharted territory of mortification. (“You were great, Joe! You answered all the questions!”). By the time the entourage moved to a pre-planned event at a nearby Atlanta Waffle House, “JB” had gone full-on zombie. If all that was intended to be reassuring, the effect was the opposite. Someone handed the blank-faced old grifter a milkshake and they beat it out of there.

The Bidens flew off to the Hamptons Saturday to milk the showbiz cows and hedge-funders for a campaign that might not still exist. “Everyone paid in advance, so it could be an opportunity to encourage him to drop out,” an invited guest told a New York Post reporter. “I wanted to go and see the train wreck” another donor said. “I’d rather choose someone from a phone book than have Biden.” That was generally the tone among the woke-gay-communist echelons all over the land - surprisingly vehement, considering that just forty-eight hours before they were all in on re-election. Some could probably see their lucrative hustles whirling around the drain, and others might fret about just how far and wide prosecutions under a Trump Attorney General might loom.

“JB” and his family circle attempted to regroup over the weekend at Camp David where first son, Hunter (“the smartest man I know,” the president often says), led the buoying-up session, perhaps mindful of the many bank accounts set up by his lawyers in the name of Biden family members (including little grandchildren) for receipt of influence-peddling revenue gathered sedulously from entities abroad during “Joe Biden’s” post-veep high-earning years. The family emerged from that meet-up triumphantly, ready to forget the one bad evening and jump back into the election game.

Next, the biggest Dem dawgs - Obama, Schumer, Pelosi - stepped up with fulsome support for “Joe Biden” continuing to steer the party’s war canoe straight over Niagara Falls on November 5th. What possesses them? Misguided love for the monster they created? Fear of being called out as traitorous liars? Desperation to preserve the gigantic racketeering operation of the party they lead, with consideration for their big cuts of the action? Or are they just determined to complete the job of wrecking our country?

And where was She-Whose-Turn-It-Is, HRC, the only possible replacement candidate with name-recognition and no ruined state hanging over her as is the case with Newsom, Pritzker, and Whitmer (California, Illinois, Michigan)? Mrs. Clinton has so far stayed out of it, laying low, probably thinking that the party poohbahs will eventually have to come around to seeing she’s the obvious viable alternative. Since the Clinton Foundation bought and paid for the DNC some time ago, she might be able to get the nominating machinery lined up in her direction. There are myriad problems, for sure, with many state election laws that discourage switching-out a nominee who has already captured a winning share of party convention delegates - but Norm Eisen, Marc Elias, and the Lawfare gang are already tasked to that set of problems now that their work is done cobbling together all those janky court cases to hamstring Mr. Trump.

We enter high summer with countless consequential things afoot. A grand new momentum is expressing itself throughout Western Civ against the Globalist insanity. Sunday, Marine LePen’s National Rally (RN) thrashed President Macron’s En Marche (EM) party, a shock equal to the “Joe Biden” debate fiasco here. British elections follow Thursday July 4, with PM Rishi Sunak sucking wind and Nigel Farage’s Reform UK Party ascending rapidly. Sunday July 7 France’s runoff election happens. A widened war threatens the Middle East as Iran and Turkey line up with Hezbollah in Lebanon against Israel. Ukraine cries for a negotiated settlement with no help from our own State Department. ISIS terrorists (among many other dangerous cadres) circulate on-the-loose around the USA, ready and able to perp atrocities.

Still hanging over the “Joe Biden” crisis - and it is a crisis - is the question as to how somebody no longer capable of leading a party in an election can also be capable of leading the executive branch of the USA as Commander-in-Chief. That quandary has been shoved aside for the moment but it still lurks ominously in the background."

Greg Hunter, "Very Hard Times are Coming"

"Very Hard Times are Coming"
by Greg Hunter’s 

"Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war cycle and plunging financial economic cycle. This week, Nenner’s war cycle “turned straight up” and his economic cycle “turned straight down.” The next big conflict is not going to be in Ukraine or Taiwan–just yet. On Saturday, this headline: “Iran Threatens Israel With ‘Obliterating War’ If It Attacks Lebanon.” Nenner says all hell is about to break loose. Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran and Turkey are key players in an escalating war with Israel. Nenner, who lives on the border with Lebanon in Northern Israel, interviewed with USAW just after a barrage of 100 rockets hit near his location. Nenner reports, “The children here have not gone to school for a year, and we are under rocket fire day and night. It is a very strange situation. What I don’t understand is the Arab resistance, led by Iran, did not see what happened in Gaza. If this really goes, Lebanon is going to disappear from the map. 

How do I know these things? I know these things because I work with several governments in the world. In the 1960’s, there was a war, and half of Cypress ended up Turkish and half of Cypress is Greek. Turkey never accepted that. Israel is using airfields in Cypress. If this really gets going, Turkey is going to take over Cypress because they support Hamas (and Hezbollah). Turkey will invade Cypress, and this will lead to a war between Greece and Turkey. Of course, Iran is going to be involved also. Big boats are heading to Israel, so America is going to be involved. Russia has its ideas too. I don’t think Americans have any clue what is going on there, and they have no background. They are only busy with trying to win the Election, and it’s going to lead to catastrophe. If there is a war, Turkey is going to be involved, Cypress is going to be involved, NATO is going to be involved, and it is going to be much more serious than people think.”

Nenner says, “We are already in the next big war cycle.” Nenner still thinks China is going to be a big problem and says, “I would say if the world is busy with all this nonsense, then this is a time for China to take Taiwan over. The war cycle is extra up, so we have to be very careful. A lot of my wealthy clients are busy trying to get visas to Caribbean islands. I know many wealthy people busy trying to get visas and trying to get out of America. This is what is going on below the surface, and most small investors don’t know what is going on. They are worried about a nuke strike or terrorists blowing stuff up left and right because they came through the border. This is a very dangerous situation. They are not leaving right now, but they are preparing now. The war cycle has turned up, and it is going to be extra dangerous from the 3rd of July on.”

Nenner says his big clients are also leaving the cities and buying houses in rural locations. Nenner told me this is a trend that has been going on for about 5 years, but it has picked up speed in the last year and a half.

Nenner says his economic cycles have turned straight down. In NYC, Nenner points out, “I have very wealthy clients that just got out of commercial real estate with a 67% loss. I also know the banks, they are holding all these bad loans. The banks have US bonds coming to maturity that they have lost a fortune on. So, the banks, especially the regional banks, are going to be in big trouble. The regional banks are very weak. A lot is burning below the surface, which nobody tells you about.”

Nenner still likes gold, but it’s going to consolidate here. Inflation is getting ready to take off again, and Nenner says, “Layoffs are coming soon. Very hard times are coming.” There is much more in the 38-minute interview."

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One 
with renowned cycle analyst and financial expert Charles Nenner.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Atmospheres"

Full screen recommended.
"Relax, find yourself in enchanted and blissful serenity..."
Deuter, "Atmospheres"

00:00​ ⋄ Uno
05:45​ ⋄ Deux
11:58​ ⋄ Drei
18:27​ ⋄ Four
25:15​ ⋄ Cinque
31:58​ ⋄ Sei
36:33​ ⋄ Sieben
42:22​ ⋄ Huit
50:55​ ⋄ Nine
57:27​ ⋄ Dieci

"A Look to the Heavens"

“The Pelican Nebula is changing. The entire nebula, officially designated IC 5070, is divided from the larger North America Nebula by a molecular cloud filled with dark dust. The Pelican, however, is particularly interesting because it is an unusually active mix of star formation and evolving gas clouds.
The featured picture was processed to bring out two main colors, red and blue, with the red dominated by light emitted by interstellar hydrogen. Ultraviolet light emitted by young energetic stars is slowly transforming cold gas in the nebula to hot gas, with the advancing boundary between the two, known as an ionization front, visible in bright red across the image center. Particularly dense tentacles of cold gas remain. Millions of years from now this nebula might no longer be known as the Pelican, as the balance and placement of stars and gas will surely leave something that appears completely different.”
"In a universe devoid of life, any life at all would be immensely meaningful. We ARE that meaning. "And what we see, "says the poet Mary Oliver, "is the world that cannot cherish us, but which we cherish." As though life itself is the great, universal, unrequited love of all time. But there is even more to this. Deep mystery. We are the universe aware of itself. We let the miracle get lost in distractions. On a planet so rich with living companions, much of humanity sentences itself to solitary confinement. Late at night, I used to lie in my boat listening to radio calls from ships to families ashore. There was only one conversation, and it boils down to, "I love you and I miss you: come home safe." Connections make us individuals. Ironic, isn't it? The more connected, the more unique our life becomes."
- Carl Safina

Chet Raymo, "Lessons"

by Chet Raymo

"There is a four-line poem by Yeats, called "Gratitude to the Unknown Instructors":

"What they undertook to do
They brought to pass;
All things hang like a drop of dew
Upon a blade of grass."

Like so many of the short poems of Yeats, it is hard to know what the poet had in mind, who exactly were the unknown instructors, and if unknown how could they instruct. But as I opened my volume of "The Poems" this morning, at random, as in the old days people opened the Bible and pointed a finger at a random passage seeking advice or instruction, this is the poem that presented itself. Unsuperstitious person that I am, it seemed somehow apropos, since outside the window, in a thick Irish mist, every blade of grass has its hanging drop.

Those pendant drops, the bejeweled porches of the spider webs, the rose petals cupping their glistening dew - all of that seems terribly important here, now, in the silent mist. There is not much good to say about getting old, but certainly one advantage of the gathering years is the falling away of ego and ambition, the felt need to be always busy, the exhausting practice of accumulation. Who were the instructors who tried to teach me the practice of simplicity when I was young - the poets and the saints, the buddhas who were content to sit beneath the bo tree while the rest of us scurried here and there? I scurried, and I'm not sorry I did, but I must have tucked their lessons into the back of my mind, a cache of wisdom to be opened at my leisure.

Whatever it was they sought to teach has come to pass. All things hang like a drop of dew upon a blade of grass."

"I Know Why You Did It..."

“Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance, and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. They were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic, you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.”
– "V", speech to London

Jeremiah Babe, "There Is No Going Back To Normal, 2008 Will Look Like Good Times"

Jeremiah Babe, 6/30/24
"There Is No Going Back To Normal, 
2008 Will Look Like Good Times"
Comments here:

"Is America Becoming Fascist? Government Spies Are Watching You From Some Of The Least Expected Private Companies"

"Is America Becoming Fascist? Government Spies Are 
Watching You From Some Of The Least Expected Private Companies"
Companies are getting rich by contracting with the 
government to keep tabs on your movements and actions 24/7.
by Leo Hohmann

"In fascist America, many of the corporations we do business with on a daily basis are in fact acting as secret agents of the government. Facebook, Istagram, Google-YouTube, TikTok, etc., are all working with the government at every level. Your education data, your health data, your financial data, almost all of it can be requisitioned by the government at a moment’s notice and it will be turned over.

But some companies are turning over your personal data where you would least expect it. Remember, the very definition of fascism is when the private sector corporations are colluding with government agencies to oppress the people. Keep that in mind as we look at a shocking story that broke over the weekend that impacts almost every American.

The Daily Mail, citing an article in Forbes magazine, has a shocking story about FedEx using AI-powered cameras installed on its trucks to serve as the watchful eyes of police departments nationwide. The private postal-delivery firm has partnered with a $4 billion surveillance startup company based in Georgia called Flock Safety, Forbes reported:
"FedEx’s Secretive Police Force Is Helping 
Cops Build An AI Car Surveillance Network"

"Forbes has learned the shipping and business services company is using AI tools made by Flock Safety, a $4 billion car surveillance startup, to monitor its distribution and cargo facilities across the United States. As part of the deal, FedEx is providing its Flock surveillance feeds to law enforcement, an arrangement that Flock has with at least four multi-billion dollar private companies. But publicly available documents reveal that some local police departments are also sharing their Flock feeds with FedEx - a rare instance of a private company availing itself of a police surveillance apparatus."
Comments here:

Flock specializes in automated license plate recognition and video surveillance, and already has a fleet of around 40,000 cameras spanning 4,000 cities across 40 states. FedEx has teamed up with the company to monitor its facilities across the U.S., but under the deal it is also sharing its Flock surveillance feeds with law enforcement. And it is believed to be one of four multi-billion-dollar private companies with this type of arrangement. Critics liken the move to rolling out a mass surveillance network – as it emerged that some local police departments are also sharing their Flock feeds with FedEx.

Jay Stanley, a policy analyst with the ACLU, told the Virginian Pilot: “There's a simple principle that we've always had in this country, which is that the government doesn't get to watch everybody all the time just in case somebody commits a crime.” He adds that, “The United States is not China. But these cameras are being deployed with such density that it's like GPS-tracking everyone.

In response to Forbes' report that FedEx was part of Flock's nationwide surveillance system, he told the outlet: “It raises questions about why a private company…would have privileged access to data that normally is only available to law enforcement.” He went on to describe it as “profoundly disconcerting.” Flock Safety's cameras are used to track vehicles by their license plates, as well as the make, model, and color of their cars. Other identifying characteristics are also monitored, such as dents and even bumper stickers.

Lisa Femia, staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, warned that FedEx's participation is open to abuse because private firms are not subject to the same transparency laws as police. This, she told Forbes, could “leave the public in the dark, while at the same time expanding a sort of mass surveillance network.” The Shelby County Sheriff's Office in Tennessee confirmed its partnership with Flock in an email to Forbes, stating: “We share reads from our Flock license plate readers with FedEx in the same manner we share the data with other law enforcement agencies, locally, regionally, and nationally.” He also confirmed his department had access to FedEx’s Flock feeds.

So, in essence, FedEx is an arm of the government. More accurately, it’s the eyes and ears of the government. Treat it accordingly. If you’re able to install a gate across your driveway that would require them to leave packages there, do it. If not, make sure all garage doors, blinds, etc., are closed whenever you are expecting a delivery from this company."
"Flock", good name. Herding the sheeple...