Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Bill Bonner, "The Way of Empire"

(The English fleet in pursuit of the Spanish Armada during the abortive attempt by Spain to invade England in 1588. From “The Sunday at Home: A Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading, 1888”. Published in London by the Religious Tract Society. Source: Getty)

"The Way of Empire"
Lessons from Spain's spectacular downfall.
by Bill Bonner

"The government in Spain, short of revenue for its expensive imperial projects, increased the fiscal burden and manipulated the coinage, triggering inflation and further damaging the Spanish economy." ~ Christopher Storrs

Youghal, Ireland - "Inflation and war…war and inflation. Evil and stupid. Fool and knave. They follow patterns too.

You send a beautiful armada to deal with the English. It is so impressive, its huge oak ships rising out of the water… as much as 150 ft. long and 50 ft wide, with as many as 60 cannon poking out of its portals. Flags flying. Three tall masts and billowing grand sails. They were the magnificent aircraft carriers of their day; each one took 2 years and 2,000 stout trees to build. Named after saints…carrying a priest onboard for daily services…and adorned with a golden lion wearing a crown (for the royal vessels) – could there be any doubt who ruled the sea? You hold a sacred mass…the Pope himself blessed the fleet. Surely it is an Invincible Armada! And then, whaddya know…it sinks.

Spain – part of the Habsburg Empire – was the first empire on which the sun never set. It had the Philippines in the East… Central and South America in the West…and in Europe, it was the hegemon…the indispensable nation of its time.

So, when English terrorists began attacking Spanish ships, Philip II decided to take forceful, resolute action. His was the leading empire of the time…with the largest military budget in the world…and the 16th century equivalent of a reserve currency. That is, Spain was getting boatloads of gold and silver from the New World, thereby stimulating the Old World economy with newly minted money. Does any of this sound familiar? Alert readers will notice two important themes.

The Money: First, inflation. Or, more broadly, the Dutch Disease….commonly understood as the paradox that happens when good luck – finding billions in gold and silver that could be easily stolen – turns your economy into a sh*thole.

We usually think of gold as a protection against inflation. In this instance it was the cause of it. Typically, gold protects against inflation because it is so hard to get. You have to find it, and mine it…so it is very difficult to add to your money supply. And since gold is priced on the open market – like everything else – the quantity of it available as money tends to increase in line with everything else…at a rate more or less even with GDP growth. If supplies fall short, the price of the gold rises and miners are inspired to work harder. If there is ‘too much’ gold, on the other hand, the price of it tends to fall…and miners become unprofitable.

It was just a quirk of larceny and stroke of luck that the Spanish found so much above-ground gold and silver in the hands of the Aztec and Inca and were able to seize it and send it back to Spain. The adventurer, Pizarro, captured the Inca chief, Atahualpa, for example. The conquistador demanded a room full of gold for his release. The Inca dutifully filled the room…but Pizarro killed him anyway.

This increase in the Spanish money supply had one immediate effect – it made Spain rich – and one secondary effect…it caused inflation that made Spain poor.

Spain was still rich in July 1588, when the big fleet assembled and sailed north towards the English Channel. With 137 ships…including the great galleons and Atlantic-class caravels…it was intended to escort barges full of soldiers, horses, food and weapons from Flanders across the Channel for an invasion of England.

This was more or less the same naval force that had won the battle of Lepanto in 1571, a crucial battle of Christian Europe against the infidels of the Muslim world. And it was fought in the old-fashioned way…with sword, knife, musket and pistol. This was the battle the Armada of Philip II was prepared to fight again. Which brings us to our second theme: the surprising, and largely unwelcome, twists of war.

The Guns - The surprise to the Invincible Armada was that the English didn’t fight like the Ottomans. Or the Romans or Greeks before them. The Battle of Gravelines was not just another infantry battle, based on floating platforms moved by galley slaves.

Unnoticed by most of the rest of the world, the English had made technical progress. Their ships were smaller, swifter, but with less firepower. They had already proven effective in the hands of English privateers – terrorists! – such as Sir Francis Drake. They came at the enemy from windward. This left their prey heeled over with their underbellies (below the waterline) and rudders exposed.

Rather than come alongside, throw over grappling hooks and try to board the ship, the English just tried to sink it (or, better yet…knock down its masts and destroy its rudder so it was helpless). In this, they were successful. First, they broke up the Spanish formation off Calais by sending fireships in among the moored vessels. The Spanish panicked, cut anchors and dispersed the fleet.

Then, at the Battle of Gravelines, the following day, the two fleets faced off. The Spanish executed the maneuver that they had used with such success at Lepanto. They fired their cannon once…and prepared to board the enemy ships. They could only fire once because their cannons were not set up to be reloaded – not in the heat of battle. The English, meanwhile, kept their distance…and continued to blast away. By the time they had run out of ammunition, they had damaged and/or sunk so many of the Armada vessels that the battle was effectively won.

The End: The Armada was vincible, after all. The wind, then, blew from the south, and gave the Spaniards an escape route…to the north. The surviving vessels, many in rough shape, tried to sail around Scotland and Ireland so as to rejoin the Iberian peninsula without encountering English warships. Alas, many ran aground in Ireland, where their ships were stripped and sailors were killed mercilessly. Others died from cold, hunger and disease. (They were not prepared for a long ocean voyage.) Few made it back to Spain.

And while war did its damage, the new money did even more. It set off a now-familiar pattern of actions and reactions. The conquistadores grabbed huge new quantities of gold and silver. This increase in the basic money supply caused prices in Spain and Portugal to rise 500% over the next 150 years. Rising prices – along with higher interest rates – forced the Spanish emperor to borrow more and more money just to keep his expensive empire in business. It also provided a substitute for real output on the Iberian peninsula. The Spanish and Portuguese had money. They could buy things; they didn’t need to make them. ‘Let others sweat,’ they may have said to each other. ‘We conquer.’

But by neglecting their own commerce and manufactures, the Spanish and Portuguese set themselves up for a Big Loss. By the time the Invincible Armada set sail, the flow of new money from the colonies was already on the decline. After the battle of Gravelines, Spanish power sank too…and never recovered. Then, the Spaniards could neither conquer nor sweat. War and inflation had condemned them to 4 centuries of marginal, sh*thole status."

Gregory Mannarino, "It's Really Over, The FED Has Now Completely Weaponized Their System Against Us"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 3/20/24
"It's Really Over, The FED Has Now 
Completely Weaponized Their System Against Us"
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Dan, I Allegedly, "Homeowner Arrested Trying to Evict Squatters"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, AM 3/20/24
"Homeowner Arrested Trying to Evict Squatters"
"The problem is getting much worse. Squatters are taking over real estate across the country. One woman in Florida was kicked out of her own home and arrested for trying to kick the squatters out. What’s next for real estate?"
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Gregory Mannarino, "Be Ready! Which Wall St. Bank Is Most Likely To Fail? Here It Is..."

Your guide...
Gregory Mannarino, AM 3/20/24
"Be Ready! Which Wall St. Bank Is
 Most Likely To Fail? Here It Is..."
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“Too Much Rain Will Kill Ya”
by Bruce Krasting

"My first week on Wall Street was in August of 1973. I was newbie to NYC. My office was on the south side of 100 Wall, on the second floor, looking out over Front Street. There was a tremendous thunderstorm one afternoon. I looked out the window as the street filled with water. The flood poured into a street gutter and overwhelmed it. With the gutter flooded, the rats were drowning. They came out of every hole. In twenty minutes, 500 came out of the one gutter I was watching. The rain stopped and the flooding abated. The rats on the street followed the receding water back into their holes. A memorable first impression of life in the financial district."

Adventures With Danno, "Stocking Up At Sam's Club!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, AM 3/20/24
"Stocking Up At Sam's Club!"
"In today's vlog, we are at Sam's Club and are finding some great deals on many items. Grab your notepad as these are items everyone should be buying here in 2024!"
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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal, 3/19/24"

Strong language alert!
Gerald Celente, 3/19/24
"I Will Kill Italian Goyim Celente! 
He Is A Warrior For The Prince Of Peace!"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times."
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"World War III Prelude, 3/19/24"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 3/19/24
"Alert! It's Starting! 2,000 French Troops To Ukraine; 
Nuclear Plant Attacked; Polish Nuclear F-35s"
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These psychopaths are simply determined to get us all killed...

Bill Bonner, "Decline and Fall"

"Decline and Fall"
The eternal cycles of growth and depression…
bull and bear…war and peace...
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland - "We connect the dots. Like seeing constellations in the night sky – Orion’s Belt, the Big Dipper, Las Tres Marias – some are obvious. Others are harder to see, with faint stars…far in the distance. But always, there are patterns… growth and depression…bull and bear…war and peace. Decline and fall. Some of them are very long patterns. Our friend, Chad Champion: "Since the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the U.S. has lived through 3,000 percent inflation. A dollar equivalent back then is worth about 3.2 cents today! And to make the situation worse, the “over-population” of money has reached unprecedented levels since 2008. The Fed’s balance sheet has exploded. It went from just under $1 trillion before the Panic of 2008 to just under $9 trillion after the pandemic."

Rome wasn’t built in a day. And it will take a long time, we presume, to bring America to its knees. But the two parties – the stupid party and the evil party – are doing their best, coming up with programs that combine the worst of both. Here’s another friend, Jeffrey Tucker, explaining what happened in the crisis of 2020: "As for 2020, that was a disaster for the ages, the single worst policy decisions by the Fed in its entire history.

In the course of a few days, the Fed eliminated reserve requirements, introduced a huge range of new lending systems, bought every dollar of debt that the Treasury could create, and, over two years, unleashed the terror of $6.5 trillion on a demoralized public that was initially excited for the benevolence. That charity turned to dust once the inflation started. Now, it’s all gone, and we’re dealing with three straight years of real declines in median family incomes."

Power and Wealth - There’s another age-old pattern. As a nation/state/empire ages its ruling elites sit at the pinnacle of power and wealth. No matter which direction they look, it’s downhill. They become fearful…everything is a threat – a virus, a bear market, Russia, China…the future itself.

One of the funniest things to happen last week was that the free thinkers in Congress voted overwhelmingly to ban TikTok. One of the reasons given was that lawmakers thought the app was ‘dumbing down America’s youth.’ Really? Not Facebook. Not the New York Times. Not Paul Krugman. Not Morning Joe. Not the US Congress. Not the public schools. Not the parents who let their children waste their time with electronic gadgets. Neither Biden nor Trump. Nope.

Typical of a late-stage, degenerate empire, members of Congress are eager to protect themselves from anything new. Another claim made against TikTok is that it may collect data that could be used against us. What data? Where is it kept? What do they do with it? How would it be used against us? What damage could a Chinese-owned app do that our own insipid media cannot? The politicians have no idea, but they’d send troops to TikTokLand…if they knew where to find it.

‘Throw the Bums Out’ - Still another pattern: over time, ruling elites are prone to becoming corrupt and incompetent (stupid and evil). They favor war and inflation, partly as a way to keep the future from happening and partly as a way to continue to transfer more wealth and power to themselves. The increased supply of war and inflation leads to a decline in their value. Eventually, the elites cannot win a war (e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Ukraine)…nor control inflation.

In theory, a democracy is supposed to solve the problem of decay at the top. The voters are supposed to ‘throw the bums out,’ and elect new, more vigorous leaders. But where are these new leaders? In smallish communities, democracy seems to work. But in practice, in a large government, the political parties, Congress, the administration, the press, Wall Street, powerful donors, lobbyists, organized special interests, and the firepower industry all lock arms to block change. You end up with geriatric leaders and disastrous policies.

Blow Up -  Who really wants a rematch between Biden and Trump? We all know who they are…what they are…and what they will do. And what they won’t do. And neither of them, neither the fool or the knave, will face up to the most obvious crisis in America’s history…or avoid it in the most obvious way.

Here’s Bloomberg: "Rogoff Says Biden, Trump Favor ‘Blowing Up’ US Debt." Harvard University economics professor Kenneth Rogoff said both President Joe Biden and his predecessor and challenger Donald Trump risk sending US debt levels into dangerous territory as Washington fails to grasp that the era of ultra-low interest rates won’t come back. “Biden’s speech suggested blowing up the debt... We have really no idea what Donald Trump will do, but that’s what he did last time he was president — good guess he will do it again,” Rogoff said, referring to widening fiscal deficits when Trump was president 2017-21."

Since the last major financial crisis – 2008-2009 – the feds have added a staggering $25 trillion in new debt. And they’re on course to add another $16 trillion according to their own budget projections – over the next 10 years. If they don’t change course soon….there will be Hell to pay. What that Hell will look like, we will discover along with everyone else. But it is sure to include more inflation and more war. Stay tuned."

Musical Interlude: 2002, "A Gift of Life"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "A Gift of Life"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“This colorful skyscape features the dusty, reddish glow of Sharpless catalog emission region Sh2-155, the Cave Nebula. About 2,400 light-years away, the scene lies along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus.
Astronomical explorations of the region reveal that it has formed at the boundary of the massive Cepheus B molecular cloud and the hot, young, blue stars of the Cepheus OB 3 association. The bright rim of ionized hydrogen gas is energized by the radiation from the hot stars, dominated by the bright blue O-type star above picture center. Radiation driven ionization fronts are likely triggering collapsing cores and new star formation within. Appropriately sized for a stellar nursery, the cosmic cave is over 10 light-years across.”

"And Never, Never To Forget..."

"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget."


“Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so?
Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live.
Before they know it, time runs out.”
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
“How small a portion of our life it is that we really enjoy. In youth we are looking forward to things that are to come; in old age, we are looking backwards to things that are gone past; in manhood, although we appear indeed to be more occupied in things that are present, yet even that is too often absorbed in vague determinations to be vastly happy on some future day, when we have time.”
- Charles Caleb Colton, “Lacon”
“The problem is, you believe you have time.”
- Buddha

The Poet: David Whyte, "The Opening of Eyes"

"The Opening of Eyes"

"That day I saw beneath dark clouds
The passing light over the water,
And I heard the voice of the world speak out.
I knew then as I have before,
Life is no passing memory of what has been,
Nor the remaining pages of a great book
Waiting to be read.
It is the opening of eyes long closed.
It is the vision of far off things,
Seen for the silence they hold.
It is the heart after years of secret conversing
Speaking out loud in the clear air.
It is Moses in the desert fallen to his knees
Before the lit bush.
It is the man throwing away his shoes
As if to enter heaven and finding himself astonished,
Opened at last,
Fallen in love
With Solid Ground."

~ David Whyte

Free Download: Henry Miller, "Tropic of Cancer"

“The monstrous thing is not that men have created roses out of this dung heap, but that, for some reason or other, they should want roses. For some reason or other man looks for the miracle, and to accomplish it he will wade through blood. He will debauch himself with ideas, he will reduce himself to a shadow if for only one second of his life he can close his eyes to the hideousness of reality. Everything is endured – disgrace, humiliation, poverty, war, crime, ennui – in the belief that overnight something will occur, a miracle, which will render life tolerable. And all the while a meter is running inside and there is no hand that can reach in there and shut it off.

All the while someone is eating the bread of life and drinking the wine, some dirty fat cockroach of a priest who hides away in the cellar guzzling it, while up above in the light of the street a phantom host touches the lips and the blood is pale as water. And out of the endless torment and misery no miracle comes forth, no microscopic vestige of relief. Only ideas, pale, attenuated ideas which have to be fattened by slaughter; ideas which come forth like bile, like the guts of a pig when the carcass is ripped open.

Somehow the realization that nothing was to be hoped for had a salutary effect upon me. For weeks and months, for years, in fact, all my life I had been looking forward to something happening, some intrinsic event that would alter my life, and now suddenly, inspired by the absolute hopelessness of everything, I felt relieved, felt as though a great burden had been lifted from my shoulders. At dawn I parted company with the young Hindu, after touching him for a few francs, enough for a room. Walking toward Montparnasse I decided to let myself drift with the tide, to make not the least resistance to fate, no matter in what form it presented itself. 

Nothing that had happened to me thus far had been sufficient to destroy me; nothing had been destroyed except my illusions. I myself was intact. The world was intact. Tomorrow there might be a revolution, a plague, an earthquake; tomorrow there might not be left a single soul to whom one could turn for sympathy, for aid, for faith. It seemed to me that the great calamity had already manifested itself, that I could be no more truly alone than at this very moment. I made up my mind that I would hold on to nothing, that I would expect nothing, that henceforth I would live as an animal, a beast of prey, a rover, a plunderer. Even if war were declared, and it were my lot to go, I would grab the bayonet and plunge it, plunge it up to the hilt. And if rape were the order of the day then rape I would, and with a vengeance.

At this very moment, in the quiet dawn of a new day, was not the earth giddy with crime and distress? Had one single element of man’s nature been altered, vitally, fundamentally altered, by the incessant march of history? By what he calls the better part of his nature, man has been betrayed, that is all. At the extreme limits of his spiritual being man finds himself again naked as a savage. When he finds God, as it were, he has been picked clean: he is a skeleton. One must burrow into life again in order to put on flesh. The word must become flesh; the soul thirsts. 

On whatever crumb my eye fastens, I will pounce and devour. If to live is the paramount thing, then I will live, even if I must become a cannibal. Heretofore I have been trying to save my precious hide, trying to preserve the few pieces of meat that hid my bones. I am done with that. I have reached the limits of endurance. My back is to the wall; I can retreat no further. As far as history goes I am dead. If there is something beyond I shall have to bounce back. I have found God, but he is insufficient. I am only spiritually dead. Physically I am alive. Morally I am free. The world which I have departed is a menagerie. The dawn is breaking on a new world, a jungle world in which the lean spirits roam with sharp claws. If I am a hyena I am a lean and hungry one: I go forth to fatten myself.”
- Henry Miller, "Tropic of Cancer"

Freely download "Tropic of Cancer", by Henry Miller, here:

"That's How Life Works..."

"Never, ever forget that nothing in this life is free. Life demands payment in some form for your "right" to express yourself, to condemn and abuse the evil surrounding us. Expect to pay... it will come for you, they will come for you, regardless. Knowing that, give them Hell itself every chance you can. Expect no mercy, and give none. That's how life works. Be ready to pay for what you do, or be a coward, pretend you don't see, don't know, and cry bitter tears over how terrible things are, over how you let them become."
- Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

The Daily "Near You?"

Burnley, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by!

Judge Napolitano, "Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: The Israeli Government is Criminal"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 3/19/24
"Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: The Israeli Government is Criminal"
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"Israel is Evil personified. Israel is Evil embodied."
- Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter, "Geopolitics 3/19/24"

Full screen recommended.
Scott Ritter, 3/19/24
"Israel Economy Faces Irreversible Collapse 
as World and Arab Nations Turn Their Backs"
"This video delves into the current economic situation in Israel, analyzing the profound challenges the country is facing. We explore the reasons behind the potential collapse of Israel's economy, including the decline in support from the international community and Arab countries, along with the lack of support for the Palestinian people. The video also includes an analysis of the impact of this situation on Israel's future economic and political landscape, as well as the potential consequences for the broader region."
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Full screen recommended.
OpenmindedThinker Show, 3/19/24
"Malaysia Blows Hot; Announces Plan If Israel 
Invades Gaza's Rafah Next Week; Netanyahu Loses Again!"
Comments here:
Scott Ritter, 3/19/24
"Russia has Destroyed the U.S. Military
 and Putin is Exposing the Truth"
"Former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter explains how Putin's interview on Tucker Carlson exposed waning U.S. supremacy in all fields military and political, showing millions of people in the West that Russia is ready to assume global leadership."
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"A Hammer Blow..."

"Do as little harm to others as you can; make any sacrifice for your true friends; be responsible for yourself and ask nothing of others; and grab all the fun you can. Don't give much thought to yesterday, don't worry about tomorrow, live in the moment, and trust that your existence has meaning even when the world seems to be all blind chance and chaos. When life lands a hammer blow in your face, do your best to respond to the hammer as if it had been a cream pie."
- Dean Koontz

Dan, I Allegedly, "AM/PM 3/19/24"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly AM 3/19/24
"Why More Stores Are Doomed"
"We're diving deep into the storm brewing in the retail sector, spurring more bankruptcies and shaking the very foundation of traditional retail. The store chain Joann fabrics just filed for bankruptcy, and now we find an apartment building that’s sold for less than the construction cost."
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Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly PM 3/19/24
"It's a Car Buyer's Paradise!"
"We just got the Edmunds report on the state of the used car industry. Not only has negative equity gone through the roof, but people cannot afford the cars that they’ve purchased."
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"How It Really Is"

Oh, it's not just the young. Look around, everywhere,
everyone has their face jammed into a phone...
Several generations of idiots actually...
Full screen recommended.

"I Know Why You Did It"

“Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance, and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. They were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic, you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.” – "V" speech to London

"When We Can No Longer Tell the Truth "

"When We Can No Longer Tell the Truth"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"When we can no longer tell the truth because the truth will bring the whole rotten, fragile status quo down in a heap of broken promises and lies, we've reached the perfection of dysfunction. You know the one essential guideline to leadership in a doomed dysfunctional system: when it gets serious, you have to lie. In other words, the status quo's secular goddess is TINA - there is no alternative to lying, because the truth will bring the whole corrupt structure tumbling down.

This core dynamic of dysfunction is scale-invariant, meaning that hiding the truth is the core dynamic in dysfunctional relationships, households, communities, enterprises, cities, corporations, states, alliances, nations and empires: when the truth cannot be told because it threatens the power structure of the status quo, that status quo is doomed.

Lies, half-truths and cover-ups are all manifestations of fatal weakness. What lies, half-truths and cover-ups communicate is: we can no longer fix our real problems, and rather than let this truth out, we must mask it behind lies and phony reassurances.

Truth is power, lies are weakness. All we get now are lies, statistics designed to mislead and phony reassurances that the status quo is stable and permanent. The truth is powerful because it is the core dynamic of solving problems. Lies, gamed statistics and false reassurances are fatal because they doom any sincere efforts to fix what's broken before the system reaches the point of no return.

We are already past the point of no return. The expediency of lies has already doomed us.

Honest accounts of hugely successful corporations that implode share one key trait: in every case, managers were pressured to hide the truth from top management, which then hid the truth from investors and clients. is the key dynamic in failed oligarchies as well: if telling the truth gets you sent to Siberia (or worse), then nobody with any instinct for self-preservation will tell the truth. If obscuring the truth saves one's job, then that's what people do. That this dooms the organization is secondary to immediate self-preservation.

A distorted sense of loyalty to the family, community, company, institution, agency or nation furthers lying as the solution to unsavory problems. Daddy a drunk? Hide the bottle. Church a hotbed of adultery and thieving? Maintain the facade of holiness at all costs. Company products are failing? Put some lipstick on the pig. The statistical truth doesn't support the party's happy story? Distort the stats until they do what's needed. The agency failed to fulfill its prime directive? Blame the managerial failure on a scapegoat.

Pathological liars and cheats rely on self-preservation and misplaced loyalty to mask their own failure and corruption. A hint here, a comment there, and voila, a culture of lying is created and incentivized.

Obscuring the truth is the ultimate short-term expediency. Now that it's serious, we have to lie. We'll start telling the truth later, we say, after everything's stabilized, we hope. But lying insures nothing can ever be truly stabilized, so there will never be a point at which the system is strong enough and stable enough to survive the truth.

We are now an empire of lies. The status quo,politically, socially and economically, depends on lies, half-truths, scapegoats and cover-ups for its very survival. Any truth that escapes the prison of lies endangers the entire rotten edifice.

In an empire of lies, leaders say what people want to hear. This wins the support of the masses, who would rather hear false reassurances that require no sacrifices, no difficult trade-offs, no hard choices, no discipline. The empire of lies is doomed. Lies are weakness, and they prohibit any real solutions. Truth is power, but we can no longer tolerate the truth because it frightens us. Our weakness is systemic and fatal."

"Choose Life"

"Choose Life"
by Nicholas Creed

"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable."
- H. L. Mencken

"This Substack has deconstructed many agendas and narratives that are aimed at the demoralization, maiming, sterilization, polarization, and depopulation of humanity. The tone of these articles has ranged from idealistic, to hopium, to practicality and controlling what is controllable.

Joost A.M. Meerloo, ["The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing"] - wrote: “We believe that it has been demonstrated that the Government can search its own soul and the soul of an individual whose relationship to his government is in question with full protection of the rights and interests of both. We believe that loyalty and security can be examined within the framework of the traditional and inviolable principles of American justice.

In these beautiful phrases lie hidden all the ominous beginnings of totalitarian thought control. The government that searches the soul of any thinking individual can always find a case against him, because doubt, ambivalence, and groping are traits common to all men. We cannot measure anybody's dependability on the basis of his thoughts and feelings as they appear to us. In the first place, we can never know what lies behind a seemingly loyal facade. In the second place, the man whose search for truth leads him to explore many heretical points of view can be the most loyal in his actions. His very exploration may well lead him to the considered judgment that underlies true loyalty. What counts in any man is the consistency and integrity of his behaviour, and his courage in taking a stand, not his conformity to official dogma..”

It is critical that we remind ourselves of why we resist. Why we persist. What we value. Who we love. Where we focus our energy. When we are able to catch ourselves before the downward spiral. How we manage to manage and enjoy life.

This is a message for those of us that continue to choose life, speaking out and acting out against the globalist death cult - in all of its insidious forms.

We will not be made to feel ashamed of procreating and having strong family bonds, held together with unconditional love and support.

We reject measuring our lives in carbon output.

We will preserve history, in spite of relentless memory holing.

We shall teach untold new generations how to think critically, and how to see through propaganda.

The resistance art of our time may be censored, suppressed, and criminalized - yet it shall never be entirely erased.

We will always do what is right, even when it is more popular to do what is wrong.

We cherish our connection to nature. We will spend time in the planet’s forests, mountains, drylands, freshwater resources, and oceans, whenever and wherever we please. We reject Agenda 2030’s sustainable development goals for the United Nations to centrally manage all of earth’s resources. Everything is for everyone.

We will not be propagandized into believing that farming and fishing is ‘ecocide’. We support farmers protesting against EU tyranny.

Agenda 2030 is not real. It is conceptual. It is the vision of a minority. Our families are real. Our friends are real. Our lives are sacred. We are the majority.

Our pain and suffering is temporary. Our will is unbreakable. Our love for life and humanity is incorruptible.

We choose to resist all forms of dystopia and totalitarian societies. We will persist in curating the future we want and the future we deserve. A future that is free from serfdom, unshackled from censorship, liberated from fear, and expunged of eugenics.

In spite of the years we have already lost, knowing of the years yet to be fought ahead, expecting countless false flags, faked pandemics, engineered wars, manufactured crises and chaos - we choose life."

Adventures With Danno, "Stocking Up At Meijer!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, AM 3/19/24
"Stocking Up At Meijer!"
"In today's vlog, we are stocking up on grocery items at Meijer! I take you shopping with me as we check all the different sale prices and ways to save money this week. With early Easter deals and many others, you don't want to miss these sales."
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Meanwhile, elsewhere...
Full screen recommended.
Travelling with Russell, 3/19/24
"I Visited a Russian Food Distribution Center"
"What does a Russian Food Distribution Center look like inside? Come behind the scenes at the Pyaterochka Food Distribtion Center in Pololsk, Russia. See what it takes to get food from the truck to the shelf in the fascinating behind the scenes tour."
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Gregory Mannarino, "Situation Critical: Final Warning! Get Your Cash Out Of The Smaller/Regional Banks Now!"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 3/19/24
"Situation Critical: Final Warning! 
Get Your Cash Out Of The Smaller/Regional Banks Now!"
Comments here:
Gregory Mannarino, PM 3/19/24
"Hundreds Of Banks Are Going To Fail! 
Which Ones Are They?"
Comments here:

Monday, March 18, 2024

"I Can See It All Very Clearly..."

"There are a multitude of fuses affixed to dozens of powder-kegs and little kids with matches are on the loose. I don’t know which of the fuses will be lit and which powder-keg will blow, but someone is bound to do something stupid, and then all hell will break loose. It could happen at any time. One military miscue. One assassination. One violent act that stirs the world. And the dominoes will topple, setting off fireworks not seen on this planet since 1939 – 1945. I can see it all very clearly."
- Jim Quinn

Canadian Prepper, "Oh $%#&! Israel Panic Buying; Ukraine Collapses; Prepare To Lose Everything!"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 3/18/24
"Oh $%#&! Israel Panic Buying; 
Ukraine Collapses; Prepare To Lose Everything!"
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Inner Light"

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2002, "Inner Light"
"This song is from our album, "The Emerald Way". The Emerald Way refers to that moment in life when a pivotal choice must be made – to choose the way that is customary and expected of us – or to head down the overgrown hidden path leading to the unknown." 

"A Look to the Heavens"

“About 70 million light-years distant, gorgeous spiral galaxy NGC 289 is larger than our own Milky Way. Seen nearly face-on, its bright core and colorful central disk give way to remarkably faint, bluish spiral arms. The extensive arms sweep well over 100 thousand light-years from the galaxy's center.
At the lower right in this sharp, telescopic galaxy portrait the main spiral arm seems to encounter a small, fuzzy elliptical companion galaxy interacting with enormous NGC 289. Of course spiky stars are in the foreground of the scene. They lie within the Milky Way toward the southern constellation Sculptor.”

"Everybody Is A Genius..."


"30 Signs That The Middle Class Is Falling Apart"

Full screen recommended.
Epic Economist, 3/18/24
"30 Signs That The Middle Class Is Falling Apart"
"Uncover the bitter truth surrounding the fate of the middle class in the United States through these 30 eye-opening statistics. From income stagnation to rising economic challenges, prepare to witness the many factors that have been plaguing and swallowing the backbone of America's workforce today."
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Full screen recommended.
Michael Bordenaro, 3/18/24
"Fast Food and Retail Apocalypse! 
Stores Closing By The Hundreds!"
"You can't go a single day anymore without hearing about how great this economy is going with low unemployment a high stock market in a robust real estate market. But if you just dig one layer deeper you'll see that there are hundreds of fast food and retailers closing all across the country. Is that really a sign of a strong economy?"
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The Daily "Near You?"

Perryville, Arkansas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Jeremiah Babe, "America Is One Step Closer To Collapse"

Jeremiah Babe, 3/18/24
"America Is One Step Closer To Collapse"
"America is going to see much more chaos and unrest as the economy slows. Austin Texas one of the hottest housing markets in America has cooled way down does this mean something bigger?"
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"I understand that fear is my friend, but not always. Never turn your back on Fear. It should always be in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed. My father taught me that, along with a few other things that have kept my life interesting."
- Hunter S. Thompson
"I was as afraid as the next man in my time and maybe more so. But with the years, fear had come to be regarded as a form of stupidity to be classed with overdrafts, acquiring a venereal disease or eating candies. Fear is a child's vice and while I loved to feel it approach, as one does with any vice, it was not for grown men, and the only thing to be afraid of was the presence of true and imminent danger in a form that you should be aware of and not be a fool if you were responsible for others." 
- Ernest Hemingway, "True at First Light"

Bill Bonner, "Evil and Stupid"

"Evil and Stupid"
America's two party system,
 and the predictable crisis to which it leads...
by Bill Bonner

“We have two parties here, and only two. One is the evil party, and the other is the stupid party…I’m very proud to be a member of the stupid party…Occasionally, the two parties get together to do something that’s both evil and stupid. That’s called bipartisanship.”
- M.S. Evans

Youghal, Ireland - "No new dots today. So, let’s make sure we see how the old ones connect. Friday, we looked at how stocks have become very expensive. We live in an Age of Bubbles. 1999, 2008, 2021…and now, just three years later…a new bubble – this time, concentrated in the Magnificent 7, big tech stocks. But some things always happen. Bubbles always pop. And it probably won’t be long before the AI bubble pops. Then, people who were hoping to get rich quick, thanks to the spiffy new technology, will get poorer, in a hurry, thanks to the very old boom-bust cycle.

And here’s something else that always happens: when the cost of credit goes up, bankruptcies go up too. This year, with interest rates substantially higher than they were a few years ago, bankruptcy lawyers are back in high clover. Here’s the Financial Times: "Debt defaults at highest rate since global financial crisis, S&P reveals. "This year’s tally of corporate defaults stands at 29 – the highest year-to-date count since the 36 recorded during the same period in 2009, according to the rating agency."

Bubble, Bubble: In the financial crisis of ’09, the Bernanke Fed stepped in, pushed interest rates down, saved many big debtors – including some of the biggest banks on Wall Street – and trimmed billings for the bankruptcy bar. That didn’t have to happen. It was a mistake; Bernanke panicked and set the stage for an even bigger crisis later. The lowest interest rates in history encouraged almost everyone to go deeper into debt. And no one went farther down that rathole than the US government – adding $25 trillion in new debt since 2009.

And now, the Federal government itself is in over its head…and the Fed is in no position to rescue borrowers or stock market investors with more debt. This is new. And important. In 2000, and again in 2008, the Fed boosted stocks by lowering its key lending rate by 500 basis points…and ‘printing’ up the money to cover deficits. But that was before the inflation bogeyman was on the loose. Today, the Fed can’t get away with that kind of stunt. Bond buyers will see more inflation coming; they’ll sell bonds…forcing up interest rates, making it even more expensive for the feds to borrow.

When you are already $35 trillion in debt…and counting on adding another $16 trillion over the next 10 years…higher interest rates are not what you want to read about in the morning news. Even at 5%, the interest cost could be $2.5 trillion per year. That, in turn, would force the feds to borrow (and print) even more to cover the interest expense. That is when we’d see another thing that always happens. When you have to borrow more and more money, just to keep up with the interest payments on previous debt…you are doomed. The Fed will be very reluctant to get into that situation. It will not want to ‘print’ more money just to keep stock prices or a few high profile businesses from going bust.

A Predictable Crisis: So far, it hasn’t had to take action. Inflation rates seem to be moderating and interest rates are coming down. The vigilantes (who are supposed to punish federal borrowing by demanding higher interest rates) have been on a long break too. They “‘snooze, as Treasury bonds shrug off vast borrowing,” says the Financial Times.

But the feds are set to borrow an amount equal to more than 5% of GDP every year for the next 10 years. That is not something that has to happen; but it is something that will happen. And even those numbers depend on clear sailing, with no troublesome storms. In the event of a recession (almost guaranteed), the feds will borrow and spend more.

Yes, dear reader, the US faces ‘the most predictable crisis ever,’ as debt increases faster than GDP. You can see it coming from a mile away. The obvious thing to do is to avoid the disaster by bringing the rate of debt growth down. And the obvious way to do that is to balance the federal budget. But this is one thing that the evil party and the stupid party agree on: nothing can be allowed to interfere with America’s rendezvous with bankruptcy.

You might wonder: how come the richest country in the world…near the peak of its power and wealth…can’t pay its own bills? Why does it have to pass the cost along to future generations…who have no say in the matter? We’ll save that question for tomorrow. For now, we connect two important dots. The quantity of US Treasury debt is soaring. The demand for it depends on the interest rate. And somewhere along the line, the bond vigilantes are likely to hear an alarm go off. Torsten Slok at Apollo Global Management: “…a really weak auction could wake [them] up.” Who knows what will happen; but real interest rates will probably go up."

"How It Really Is"


Dan, I Allegedly, "Last Chance with the IRS"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 3/18/24
"Last Chance with the IRS"
"The IRS is issued a warning and they are giving people a week to fix the ERC problem or you will have to pay massive penalties. Plus, there is going to be real problems when it comes to real estate. Big changes ahead."
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"World War III Update, 3/18/24"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 3/18/24
"Alert! US Emergency Deployment, 
NATO Full Nuclear Drills Near Russia; Putin Goes Off; Israel Panics"
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Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 3/18/24
"Alastair Crooke: The Resistance to Israel is Ready"
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Full screen recommended.
Scott Ritter, 3/18/24
"Putin Is Re-elected, Ukraine Is Done, NATO Is Done"
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