Wednesday, February 14, 2024

"A Toast to Those Who Fight"

"A Toast to Those Who Fight"
by Robert W. Malone, MD, MS

"I have been in this battle against evil in the US government and, for that matter the world, since spring of 2021. The truth is that I didn’t recognize the enemy early on. First I thought the problem was one of poorly designed drug development processes gone awry, and then a public health emergency response gone awry. Then I thought it was also about medical freedom and freedom from a weaponization of public mandates - including vaccines, masks, lock-downs, social distancing, mandates, vaccine passports, etc. But still I persisting in viewing the problem through the lens of a focal point, that of a singular set of “problems” to be fixed. Despite all the evidence to the contrary. Yet - deep in my heart, I knew that this fight is all about future generations and their legacy.

As I began to really wake up to what the world was facing, I began to feel an unease. This fight is bigger than I could have dreamed of early on, and it has been planned for a very long time.

I have now come to realize that “we” are in a fight against evil. That our educational system have became corrupted with socialist/Marxist ideologies, regulatory capture has turned our republic - our representative democracy- into a shell of itself, and the various deep/administrative states have come to dominate our government to the point where we live in a system of inverse totalitarianism. So many of our children have been brain washed by social media and the socialist teachings of an controlled educational system.

But we are lucky, in that some parents are managing to raise children who are aware of what is going on - and wish to change things for the better. They are the hopes of the future.

The problem being that global fascists - that is the worlds’ largest transnational corporations, are quite willing to take advantage of these foolish ideologies. Liberal democrats and socialists have become one in the same. Progressives see themselves as full on Marxists and are proud of it. The culture of victimhood has become the rallying cry of the new left or shall I more properly say, “far-left”.

Those of us who are patriots, who believe in exceptionalism, of Americanism and the benefits of meritocracy- which include capitalism- have been branded as being part of an evil empire. This is part of an ongoing psychological and propaganda war, and it is what is actually evil.

I have come to embrace the term “constitutional conservative” - as being the closest to how I have come to view the nirvana of America that once was and can be again. I believe that by returning to our constitutional roots, we can recapture the American spirit. American greatness. It is the traditional values, Judeo-Christian values, that keep us as both individuals and as a culture healthy and of pure mind.

As the globalists - the opportunists, who view the world through the lens of wealth for the elite few, are very willing to use any trick in the book to silence those of us who fight against the tyrants. That includes paying chaos agents, particularly on social media. Each day, these paid assets write horrific things about those of us fighting for our freedoms; it is clearly their mission is to divide and conquer. So, as you read hit pieces about the very organizations and people working to preserve our freedoms and way of life - know that these are planned attacks. These are paid chaos agents.

Our fight is not just medical freedom, it is about freedom. I have written extensively about all of this in the past. Including the censorship, propaganda and psywar being waged against all of us. I will continue to write about it. It is the fight of our lives, for our lives and for our children’s lives.

This week, I received about 30 abstracts from people who are willing to spend their own coin to travel to DC to speak at Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing. I have been organizing, collating and sorting these abstracts. I am overwhelmed with how much passion there is in those who fight and who question why. But here is my truth:

I salute those who are in the fight with me. Those organizations who are hanging tough. The people around me, who work hard to continue to change the system from within and from outside. So many people working to bring sanity to the world. So…

• I salute those who have donated money, resources, time and energy to fight for our freedoms.
• I salute those who have organized events, protests, conferences and the like.
• I salute those who have just shown up to protest and who volunteer.
• I salute those freedom fighters who are artists including musicians.
• I salute those who have written essays, news articles and scientific papers.
• And I salute those who have run for office, which is a thankless task.
• I salute those who have just the act of having an open mind and spreading the word amongst friends.

So many of us are doing what we can. It all matters. We are all heroes. I am thankful to be in the trenches with such great men and women. God bless everyone."
Highly recommended:

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Gerald Celente, "Netanyahu's Total Victory Equals Total Genocide"

Strong language alert!
Gerald Celente, 2/13/24
"Netanyahu's Total Victory Equals Total Genocide"
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times."
Comments here:

Jeremiah Babe, "Markets Rocked, Inflation Crisis Gets Worse"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 2/13/24
"Markets Rocked, Inflation Crisis Gets Worse; 
Home Sales Crushed, Now Is The Worst Time To Buy A Home"
Comments here:

Adventures With Danno, "Massive Food Recall That Affects Millions!"

Adventures With Danno, PM 2/13/24
"Massive Food Recall That Affects Millions!"
"A massive food recall expands out to thousands of products and many different supermarkets, including Walmart, Costco, Whole Foods Market, Albertsons, Safeway, Trader Joe's and many more!"
Comments here:

Epic Economist, "It's Over! The Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out - It's More Than What You Think"

Full screen recommended.
Epic Economist, 2/13/24
"It's Over! The Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out - 
It's More Than What You Think"
"The American middle class, once a symbol of the American dream, is facing unprecedented challenges today. In this eye-opening video, we delve into the harsh reality of how the middle class is being wiped out, struggling to make ends meet amidst soaring costs and stagnant wages. From skyrocketing housing prices to mounting debt and diminishing savings, the middle class is feeling the squeeze like never before."
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, "Oltremare"

Ludovico Einaudi, "Oltremare"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“It's the bubble versus the cloud. NGC 7635, the Bubble Nebula, is being pushed out by the stellar wind of massive central star BD+602522. Next door, though, lives a giant molecular cloud, visible to the right. At this place in space, an irresistible force meets an immovable object in an interesting way.
The cloud is able to contain the expansion of the bubble gas, but gets blasted by the hot radiation from the bubble's central star. The radiation heats up dense regions of the molecular cloud causing it to glow. The Bubble Nebula, pictured above in scientifically mapped colors to bring up contrast, is about 10 light-years across and part of a much larger complex of stars and shells. The Bubble Nebula can be seen with a small telescope towards the constellation of the Queen of Aethiopia (Cassiopeia).”

"The Reality Of Life..."

"Despite my firm convictions, I have been always a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth."
- Malcolm X

Chet Raymo, “The Sea Grows Old In It”

“The Sea Grows Old In It”
by Chet Raymo

“The poet, like the electric [lightning] rod, must reach from a point nearer to the sky than all surrounding objects down to the earth, and down to the dark wet soil, or neither is of use. The poet must not only converse with pure thought, but he must demonstrate it almost to the senses. His words must be pictures, his verses must be spheres and cubes, to be seen, and smelled and handled.” 
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Ah, Mr. Emerson. This seems about as good a description of poetry as one is likely to find. I love the image. Not a hand reaching up to grasp the hand of Zeus, the hurler of bolts, but merely a pointed rod that reaches higher than any surrounding objects. A pen-point, scratching the firmament. Not a conductor reaching down to the earth, but deeper, into the wet inkpot of the soul.

Not lofty thoughts, airy philosophies, gnostic arcana. Rather, ideas that come wrapped in the stuff of the senses. Ideas that must be unwrapped the way you’d peel an orange, or pry open an oyster, or stir up from the bottom of a bowl of soup. The electric fire of the heavens captured and stored in the Leyden jar of physical self.

Take, for example, Marianne Moore’s “The Fish”, a poem that has been endlessly analyzed without ever giving up its secrets. Anyone who stands on that rocky shore with the poet, looking into the wave-washed chasm - the sea as fluid as breath, as hard as a chisel- takes away a lesson as profound as any one might learn in school, perhaps without being able to articulate exactly what the lesson is. The experience is simply there, to be seen, smelled, handled, in the weave and wave of animal bodies, in the intricate rhyme and syllabication of the poem. Truth- crow-blue, ink-bespattered, hatcheted, defiant.

I’d go further. I’d say that Emerson’s description of poetry can be equally applied to science, or to any human attempt to attract the spark of Zeus. One must lift one’s rod beyond the scratch and tumble of the everyday, while keeping its foot buried in the dark wet soil of lived experience.”
“The Fish”

“Wade through black jade.
Of the crow-blue mussel-shells, one keeps
adjusting the ash-heaps;
opening and shutting itself like an injured fan.
The barnacles which encrust the side of the wave,
cannot hide there for the submerged shafts of the sun,
split like spun glass,
move themselves with spotlight swiftness into the crevices -
in and out, illuminating
The turquoise sea of bodies.

The water drives a wedge of iron through the iron edge of the cliff;
whereupon the stars, pink rice-grains, ink-
bespattered jelly fish, crabs like green lilies,
and submarine toadstools, slide each on the other.

All external marks of abuse are present on this defiant edifice -
all the physical features of accident -
lack of cornice, dynamite grooves, burns, and hatchet strokes,
these things stand out on it;
the chasm-side is dead.
Repeated evidence has proved that it can live
on what can not revive its youth.
The sea grows old in it."
- Marianne Moore

"Promise Me..."


"What You Know..."

"Reputation is what other people know about you.
Honor is what you know about yourself."
- Lois McMaster

The Daily "Near You?"

Richmond Hill, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"The Poet: Czeslaw Milosz, “A Song On The End Of The World”

“A Song On The End Of The World”

“On the day the world ends
A bee circles a clover,
A fisherman mends a glimmering net.
Happy porpoises jump in the sea,
By the rainspout young sparrows are playing
And the snake is gold-skinned as it should always be.

On the day the world ends
Women walk through the fields under their umbrellas,
A drunkard grows sleepy at the edge of a lawn,
Vegetable peddlers shout in the street
And a yellow-sailed boat comes nearer the island,
The voice of a violin lasts in the air
And leads into a starry night.

And those who expected lightning and thunder
Are disappointed.
And those who expected signs and archangels’ trumps
Do not believe it is happening now.
As long as the sun and the moon are above,
As long as the bumblebee visits a rose,
As long as rosy infants are born
No one believes it is happening now.

Only a white-haired old man, who would be a prophet
Yet is not a prophet, for he’s much too busy,
Repeats while he binds his tomatoes:
There will be no other end of the world,
There will be no other end of the world.”

~ Czeslaw Milosz

"How Stress Affects Your Cholesterol Level: Everything You Wanted to Know"

"How Stress Affects Your Cholesterol Level:
Everything You Wanted to Know"
by Karen Reed

"You’ve heard all about how high cholesterol levels are causing ill health. More importantly, you’ve heard about how bad cholesterol is causing ill health. It affects your arteries and blood flow, putting your heart under more pressure to perform properly. Those with high cholesterol levels are more at risk of stroke, heart attacks, and heart disease.

Cholesterol has long been linked to the food we eat. There are certain foods that we’re recommended to stay away from and others that we should get more off to promote good cholesterol levels and help protect the arteries. Did you know that it’s not just food that affects the cholesterol levels? Stress has been linked to high cholesterol. In fact, some studies now show that stress is worse than the food we eat for cholesterol levels and ill health.

The problem is that stress is a silent killer. We don’t realize that our cortisol levels are up and causing these problems until it’s too late in some cases. It’s important to reduce our stress levels to keep our cholesterol levels down. Here’s a look at just how stress causes high cholesterol and what you can do about it.
What Exactly Is Cholesterol? Before you start looking at stress and how it affects to high cholesterol levels, you need to know more about it. What exactly is it and what does it do?

There are two types of cholesterol: good and bad. The bad cholesterol is known as LDL cholesterol, and you shouldn’t have any more than 100mg/dL of this type in your body. Good cholesterol is HDL, and you should have at least 60mg/dL. A good level of total cholesterol, according to physicians, is 200mg/dL and this can be made up of both good and bad. Considering you shouldn’t have more that 100mg/dL of the bad stuff, you want at least 100mg/dL of the good stuff. The more good cholesterol you have, the better it is for you. Good cholesterol can keep the bad stuff at bay and under control.

What exactly is cholesterol? It’s a fatty substance that is only found in animal products. It is naturally produced by your body, but can also be added to food. The body will make more cholesterol due to trans and saturated fats being added through food. Both types of cholesterol will enter the arteries and build up. The good stuff builds up as a lining to the arteries, protecting them from damage. The lining is soft and makes it easier for the blood to flow through the veins.

On the other hand, bad cholesterol blocks the arteries. It creates a friction layer that stops the blood flowing freely. The heart and brain don’t get the blood that they both need and clogs can appear in the arteries. You’re at a higher risk of suffering various health problems, including stroke and heart disease, because of your high bad cholesterol levels.

There are various types of people more at risk for having high cholesterol levels. There are certainly genetic factors involved, but there are also lifestyle factors. One of those is stress levels, especially in those who are overweight, smoke or have other health problems.
Stress and the Unhealthy Lifestyle: One of the reasons found for the stress and high cholesterol link is bad lifestyle habits. Those who are stressed are more likely to follow less healthy habits in other areas of their life. They’re less likely to exercise and more likely to eat bad food. After all, saturated and trans fat foods tend to be the comfort foods – those that people crave to try to boost their endorphin and serotonin levels.

People who are stressed will look for ways to counter their cortisol levels, and that is usually through unhealthy methods. People are more likely to drink or smoke, which puts other strains on their body. The body isn’t able to produce the good cholesterol and is encouraged to create bad cholesterol. This reason is highly common in men. It is men who tend to deal with stress the worst, possibly due to misconceptions that relaxation techniques are for women. They also tend to have higher stressful jobs than women, since many men are in higher positions of power and authority. Men tend to be in more leadership roles, which means more responsibility and decision making. It may not seem fair, but that’s just a common view.

How the Body Reacts to Stress Causes High Cholesterol Levels: Another study found that people who suffer from high levels of stress have higher bad cholesterol due to the high levels of triglycerides. The triglycerides are the components that encourage the boost of bad cholesterol levels, causing major health problems. It doesn’t matter what your diet is like, although the unhealthier diet will put you more at risk.

The study researchers considered the reasons for the higher triglycerides. While the exact reason isn’t known, the theory is that it is due to the stress hormone cortisol. This is common is people who suffer long term stress, and leads to the release of adrenaline in the body.

Adrenaline is the body’s “flight or fight” response and helps to deal with the stress levels. It pushes people into making decisions and keeps them alert and active when they desperately need to be. Many people in trauma incidents report that they don’t know how they kept going. The adrenaline pushed them forward until they were given a chance to relax. That was when their bodies shut down, and they had the chance to allow the trauma to affect them. Adrenaline can certainly have benefits, but it causes the increase in triglycerides. This then triggers the high levels of bad cholesterol, which can later affect the body in other ways.

Stress Can Cause “Stickiness” in the Arteries: Another study has found that the arteries can be “sticky” due to high-stress levels. This may or may not be linked to high cholesterol levels. It could be a problem on its own that makes it look like someone has high cholesterol levels.

Stress makes the muscles spasm. This affects the arteries, which causes problems with the blood flow. The platelets in people with high-stress levels are commonly “sticky.” They cling to the artery walls and create bumps and friction for the blood flow. The blood is more likely to clog, and other health problems arise. The constriction of the arteries certainly doesn’t help things. When the arteries constrict, the area for the blood flow gets smaller, and it causes the blood flow to slow down. Mixed with the stickiness or high cholesterol problems, the blood gets stuck and clogs. It’s harder for the heart and brain to get the blood that they both need.

Stress causes many other health problems and affects the body in more ways that we currently know or understand. It is possible that stress isn’t just a factor for high cholesterol but makes high cholesterol worse for the health.
Reducing Stress to Prolong Life: Many scientists now recommend not focusing on reducing cholesterol as much as reducing stress. Cholesterol gained a bad rep for a long time, including good cholesterol. It’s taken time for the medical world to realize that not all cholesterol is bad and there are other factors that cause many of the same risks. One of those is the high-stress levels. It’s important to keep them to a minimum so the whole body can work effectively and we can prolong out lives.

The tricky thing is finding a way to reduce stress levels. Understandably reducing stress isn’t always easy and people can end up even more stressed because they’re trying to reduce it. Think about how you feel when you’re struggling to sleep because of stress. You get more worked up, which releases more cortisol and more adrenaline into the body. It’s harder to get to sleep, and this cycle continues until you find a way actually to reduce the stress.

Meditation and exercise are often considered the best ways to reduce stress. Yoga is a popular option since it combines the two together in many ways. You get to become one with yourself, focus on your breathing, and tone your body at the same time.

Both meditation and exercise help to release more happy hormones into your body. The right chemicals help to reduce the levels of cortisol in your body. You’ll have less adrenaline keeping you awake and fewer triglycerides causing your bad cholesterol production to increase.

It will be tempting to reach for a glass or two (or even a bottle) of wine to deal with stress. Smoking is tempting, along with binge watching a TV series while you struggle to sleep. You want to look for healthier ways to handle your stress. The negative ways will just cause more problems for your health.
Long Term vs. Short Term Stress and Cholesterol: If you have the odd day where you feel like you’re at the end of your tether, don’t worry about it too much. It’s not the short-term stress that causes the increase in cholesterol levels. The studies show that those who suffer long term stress are the ones who are most likely to see all the negative side effects.

Sure, stress isn’t good for you, but it is also a normal part of living. There are times that adrenaline and cortisol are needed. They can keep you going when you run out of energy or when going through trauma.

Those who suffer long term stress will have prolonged cortisol and adrenaline levels. Those hormones will be much higher than they need to be and in the body for much longer. They cause a range of health problems when around for long periods of time, including high blood pressure, insomnia, and even Type II diabetes. It shouldn’t be surprising that high cholesterol levels are also a problem.

Healthy eating is an important lifestyle choice. Not only will it help to reduce the foods that cause cholesterol production but it can also reduce the cortisol release. Healthy foods protect the body, supply energy, and help to boost the production of happy hormones, which help to reduce the stress hormones.

When you suffer from long term stress, you will want to look for ways to eliminate the reason for stress as much as possible. I know this isn’t always going to be easy. You may enjoy your career, but there will be times that you struggle to cope with all the demand your job throws at you. It’s not like you can just pick and choose. However, if there is a way that you can reduce the stuff you do that causes stress, such as delegation, then you want to do it where you can.

Long term high-stress levels may not cause immediate problems. There are links to issues years down the line because of the stress levels that you have felt at some point in your life. This issue is linked more with long term stress, but some bouts of short-term stress can also be a problem.

Stress Isn’t the Only Culprit: It is important to note that stress isn’t the only reason we suffer from high cholesterol levels. While it’s a silent killer and common, there are many other reasons your cholesterol levels could be high. Diet is certainly a factor, but so are genetics and other lifestyle choices that you make. The place you work or the chemicals that you inhale from where you live can also cause cholesterol levels to increase.

This is something that scientists are still trying to understand. We have come a long way since believing that all cholesterol was bad. Now we know that some cholesterol is good, and we want it to our bodies, but we need to make sure that it is good. While stress isn’t the only culprit, it is one of the main reasons for high cholesterol levels and other health problems. It’s best to keep the stress levels at bay as much as possible.”
Full screen recommended.
Soothing Relaxation,
 "Beautiful Relaxing Music for Stress Relief"
"Beautiful relaxing music for stress relief, composed by Peder B. Helland. This instrumental music ("The Hidden Valley") works well as sleep music, ambient study music, meditation music or relaxation music."

"That's Where It All Begins..."

"That's where it all begins. That's where we all get screwed big time as we grow up. They tell us to think, but they don't really mean it. They only want us to think within the boundaries they define. The moment you start thinking for yourself - really thinking - so many things stop making any sense. And if you keep thinking, the whole world just falls apart. Nothing makes sense anymore. All rules, traditions, expectations - they all start looking so fake, so made up. You want to just get rid of all this stuff and make things right. But the moment you say it, they tell you to shut up and be respectful. And eventually you understand that nobody wants you to really think for yourself."
- Ray N. Kuili, "Awakening"

"Chaos Reigns In The Streets Of America As An Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes The Nation"

"Chaos Reigns In The Streets Of America
 As An Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes The Nation"
by Michael Snyder

"If you were hoping that the United States would become a lawless society, you have now gotten your wish. Some of the numbers that I am about to share with you are just mind blowing. For example, I had no idea that police in New York City were injured by criminals thousands of times last year. All over the nation, law enforcement is losing control and violent criminals are getting the upper hand. We have never seen anything quite like this before, and I am entirely convinced that this crime wave is only going to get worse as economic conditions deteriorate. Even in our capital city, crime is completely and utterly out of control. If you can believe it, the number of carjackings in Washington D.C. was up 97.9 percent last year…

"Residents of the District of Columbia paid the sixth-highest amount on car insurance when compared to the 50 states in 2023 with an average annual full-coverage rate of $2,756 last year – which amounts to nearly $230 a month, according to a report by Insurify. The report found that Washington, D.C., residents’ car insurance premiums were 37% higher than the national average, which was $2,019 for a full-coverage policy, as national auto insurance rates increased by 24% last year.

Police data show carjackings in the nation’s capital spiked by 97.9% in 2023 with 958 reported carjackings last year compared to 484 in 2022, with motor vehicle theft up 82% from 3,756 in 2022 to 6,829 in 2023. Vehicle theft in the greater Washington-Maryland-Virginia area also rose by 68% last year, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau."

Vehicle theft is even worse in some areas along the west coast. In Oakland, approximately one out of every 30 residents had a vehicle stolen from them in 2023…"Robberies grew 38% last year in Oakland, according to police data. Burglaries increased 23%. Motor vehicle theft jumped 44%. Roughly one of every 30 Oakland residents had a car stolen last year, according to a San Francisco Chronicle analysis."

On Tuesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced he was taking action, deploying 120 California Highway Patrol officers to Oakland and the surrounding area to conduct a law enforcement surge operation. The aim: to crack down on crime, including vehicle theft, retail theft and violent crime. Gavin Newsom wants to run for president at some point, and so he doesn’t want to look soft on crime. Unfortunately for him, it is way too late for that.

Other west coast cities are also experiencing unprecedented crime waves. In Seattle, one restaurant has actually been broken into five times in the last six months…"The sound of crashing glass has become too familiar at Sandia, a Mexican restaurant in Seattle’s Laurelhurst neighborhood on NE 45th Street. “As of today, now we have been broken into five times,” said Nathan Yeager, the owner. In the surveillance video provided to KING 5, you can see criminals break the front door with a crowbar, climb over the counter, steal money from the till, and then sneak around while looking in every door for something to take."

There is no way that I would open a small business in Seattle. Or Portland. Or Oakland. Or San Francisco. Or Los Angeles. Of course I could say the exact same thing about many cities on the east coast as well. In New York City, police officers “are getting beaten at a record-setting pace”…"City cops are getting beaten at a record-setting pace - a disturbing and dangerous trend fueled by radical protests, an influx of criminal migrants, bail reform, anti-cop rhetoric and soft-on-crime prosecutors, experts told The Post. The number of cops hurt by suspects surged 20% in 2022, when 4,724 uniformed officers suffered injuries in attacks, compared to 3,933 in 2021. But the law enforcement nightmare grew worse last year, when 4,077 cops were hurt by suspects in just the first nine months of 2023 - on pace for a record-breaking 5,436 injuries, the latest NYPD stats show."

At this stage in our societal collapse, the criminals are not even afraid to attack the cops. It is so difficult to be a police officer these days. They literally put their lives on the line for us every single day. Of course the Biden administration has made the national crime wave significantly worse by allowing millions upon millions of migrants to come pouring over the southern border. In fact, we just learned that police in the Big Apple have arrested a “very, very violent” migrant that shot a tourist in the leg “after opening fire in Times Square”…"A teenager gunman burst into tears as he was hauled away in handcuffs for allegedly shooting a tourist in the leg after opening fire in Times Square. Jesus Alejandro Rivas-Figueroa, 15, a migrant from Venezuela, was arrested by US Marshals in Yonkers after a nearly day-long manhunt. NYPD Deputy Chief of Detectives Jason Savino called him a ‘very, very violent’ suspect who recklessly fired a ‘very large’ .45 caliber handgun in a crowded area of New York City."

Needless to say, our wide open borders have also made it easy for cartels to transport drugs all over the country. Earlier today, I came across an article that explained that drugs that are produced in Mexico have been flooding the state of Montana…"Illegal drugs have long flowed from Mexico to the more remote parts of the U.S. But with the rise of fentanyl, cartel associates have pushed more aggressively into Montana, where pills can be sold for 20 times the price they get in urban centers closer to the border, state and federal law enforcement officials said.

Cartels have been particularly focusing on Indian reservations throughout Montana, and one state lawmaker says that it seems like “fentanyl is raining on our reservation”…"On some reservations, cartel associates have formed relationships with Indigenous women as a way of establishing themselves within communities to sell drugs, law enforcement officials and tribal leaders said. More frequently, traffickers lure Native Americans into becoming dealers by giving away an initial supply of drugs and turning them into addicts indebted to the cartels. “Right now it’s as if fentanyl is raining on our reservation,” said Marvin Weatherwax, Jr., who serves on the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council and represents the 15th district in the Montana House of Representatives."

There is nowhere that you can go in the U.S. to completely escape all of this. From coast to coast, our society is literally coming apart at the seams. In Alabama, thieves recently stole an entire 200-foot tall radio tower…"A landscaper in Jasper, Alabama, was doing a property cleanup when the crew discovered that a 200-foot radio tower was missing. Brett Elmore, general manager of WJLX, said that every piece of equipment at the radio tower’s site had been stolen and the wires cut out.

“This is going to get out eventually, so I might as well make it public before it does,” Elmore wrote on Facebook. “I have heard of thieves in this area stealing anything, but this one takes the cake. This morning, my bush hog crew went down to a tower site we have … when [they] arrived, he called and notified me that not only was my building vandalized, but my TWO HUNDRED FOOT TOWER WAS GONE!” the radio manager wrote."

If things are this bad now, what will our society look like once millions upon millions of people in this country become extremely desperate? You might want to think about that, because we really are right on the brink of an extremely apocalyptic chapter in human history. But most people don’t want to think about such things. Most people just want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that everything is okay.

It can be so easy to ignore what is really going on in the world and tune in to the alternate reality that television creates for us. Did you know that a 30 second commercial during this year’s Super Bowl cost 7 million dollars? After sitting in front of the television for a few hours, you may be tempted to buy into the fictional reality that they are trying to sell you. But the truth is that life in America is not good right now, and the crime in our streets is only going to intensify during the months and years ahead."

"How It Really Is"

The best little whorehouse, well, anywhere...

Bill Bonner, "The Farmers Revolt"

"The Farmers Revolt"
All across Europe the natives are getting restless...
by Bill Bonner

Paris, France - "The natives are getting restless. Driving through France, you see road signs turned upside down. We didn’t know what to make of it. “That’s the farmers,” a friend informed us. “They’re turning the signs upside down because they say the whole system of farm regulations is upside down.”

Bloomberg: "Farmers’ Revolt Threatens Election Year Upsets Around the World." "Eric Foucault is driving his hulking green tractor more slowly than he can walk. Shouting into his mobile phone above the cacophony of engines and horns, the farmer from south of Paris is one of 200 others clogging up the highway into the French capital. Foucault and his fellow protesters are restless, their list of grievances long: soaring costs, increasing bureaucracy, new European Union regulations in its Green Deal and imports diluting their markets. “He who sows misery reaps anger,” says one of their placards."

France isn’t the only country where the feds are planting misery. The Guardian: "Thousands of tractors block Berlin…An estimated 30,000 protesters, including farmers supported by a wide range of representatives from other industries from fishing to gastronomy to logistics, blocked the streets around the government quarter on Monday with their vehicles, including lorries and forklift trucks, and even children’s toy tractors."

The Cost of Government: As we saw yesterday, ‘inflation’ takes several forms. There’s monetary inflation, fiscal inflation, and regulatory inflation. Choose your poison. Either way, the ‘inflation’ is a cost of government; prices are higher than they would be otherwise because of some government policy. The more policies, the higher the prices.

Joseph Tainter proposes that the rise and fall of civilizations traces an arc of inflation. Inevitably, a society faces challenges. Its elites find solutions…which inevitably lead to more wealth and power for the elite themselves. Each ‘solution’ imposes some form of cost, aka inflation – via taxes, regulations, controls, government spending or money-printing. Finally, the costs become so great that the society sinks into ‘the swamp.’

This implies that the cost of government is actually a lot higher than you think – and eventually, fatal. And you can’t measure it only by adding up consumer prices and taxes. Look at countries that have had large, ambitious governments – the Soviet Union, North Korea, or Hitlerian Germany. (In 1945, nearly half of Germany’s entire GDP was devoted to its military and firepower industries.) People in these countries do not necessarily suffer from rising consumer prices; prices are typically controlled, along with everything else. But they always suffer. And usually from a form of state-imposed shrinkflation, where the availability and quality of goods and services shrinks…until there is little left. And then, it is just a matter of time (perhaps a long time) before the system fails completely.

Pretending to Pay: In the Soviet Union people used to say ‘we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.’ The ‘work’ – directed as it was by the deciders – was largely useless. Taxi drivers, for example, were paid on the basis of how many miles they drove each day. They soon developed a scam…jacking up the rear of the taxi, they idled the motor as the wheels turned and the odometer spun around. Then, they took the ration of gas that they hadn’t used, by not picking up passengers and not taking them where they wanted to go, and sold it on the black market. But when they got paid, they discovered that other parts of the economy had been similarly corrupted; there was nothing much to buy.

To reduce this to a memorable axiom: the larger the government, the poorer the people. And it’s not just the farmers who are up in arms. Here’s the latest from France. The Western Journal: "Nationalist and populist movements are making great strides across Europe – even in France, where the once-thought-powerless right-wing National Rally party is surging in the polls. While the next presidential election in France is still three years away, a new poll shows National Rally's Marine Le Pen is leading and could win the 2027 race."

In Pakistan, voters just sent the political establishment a warning: “It is now evident that there is much anger against the establishment’s open and constant interference in civilian matters - interference which has only grown over the years because there has been no firm political consensus against it,” Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper wrote in a post-election editorial.

In Argentina, Mr. Milei, the most audacious of the reformers, tries to undo 70 years of policy mistakes. The OCRegister: "As Milei proved in Argentina, far-left status quos can’t last forever and can be defeated."

Straw Poll: In America, voters face a grim choice – between a geriatric hack…and a political grifter; what can they do? Dan Denning reports: Watched the Super Bowl last night with family and friends...the ads are always a big deal. The three ads everyone remembered:

1. A State Farm ad with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
2. An ad about Jesus ...showing people who are traditionally enemies/adversaries washing one another's feet.
3. And RFK, Jr. for President as an Independent using the theme song and images from JFK's campaign (evocative of all the Camelot nostalgia).

Quick straw poll of a traditionally conservative family had three members saying they'd vote for RFK, Jr. over either Trump or Biden. What’s next? Will someone really ‘drain the swamp?’ Or, will we drown in it?"
"The Collapse Of Complex Societies"
"Political disintegration is a persistent feature of world history. "The Collapse of Complex Societies," though written by an archaeologist, will therefore strike a chord throughout the social sciences. Any explanation of societal collapse carries lessons not just for the study of ancient societies, but for the members of all such societies in both the present and future. Dr. Tainter describes nearly two dozen cases of collapse and reviews more than 2000 years of explanations. He then develops a new and far-reaching theory that accounts for collapse among diverse kinds of societies, evaluating his model and clarifying the processes of disintegration by detailed studies of the Roman, Mayan and Chacoan collapses."
Freely download “The Collapse of Complex Societies” here;

"The Dark Years Are Here"

"The Dark Years Are Here" (Excerpt)
by Egon von Greyerz

Excerpt: "A Global Monetary & Commodity Inferno Of Nuclear Proportions: When the sh-t hits the global fan, it often does it at the optimal time for the maximum amount of damage and with the worst kind of sh-t to soil the world. For years I have been clear that the world is reaching the end of an economic, financial and monetary era which will affect mankind catastrophically for decades.

The world will obviously blame Putin for the catastrophe which will hit every corner of our planet. But we must remember that neither Putin nor Covid is the reason for the economic cataclysm that we are now approaching. These events are catalysts which will have a major effect because they are hitting a gigantic debt bubble of a magnitude that has never been seen before in history. And it obviously takes very little to prick this epic bubble.

What is unequivocal is that all currencies will finish the 100+ year fall to ZERO in the next few years. It is also crystal clear that all the asset bubbles – stocks, bonds and property – will implode at the same time leading to a long and deep depression.

We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. So as is often typical for the end of an economic era, the catalyst is totally unexpected and worse than anyone could have forecast."
Related, highly recommended:

Greg Hunter, "$2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen"

"$2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen – 
Egon von Greyerz"
By Greg Hunter’s

"There is sufficiency in the world 
for Man's need but not for his greed." 
Mahatma Gandhi

"Egon von Greyerz (EvG) stores gold for clients at the biggest private gold vault in the world buried deep in the Swiss Alps. EvG is a financial and precious metals expert. EvG is a former Swiss banker and an expert in risk. He says the risk in the global markets has never been this high.

EvG explains, “Credit has increased dramatically through derivatives. All instruments being issued now by banks, pension funds, stock funds, it’s all synthetic. There is no real underlying payments in anything almost. Therefore, my estimate for derivatives would be at least $2 quadrillion, and I think that is probably conservative. Then, we have debt on top of that of $300 trillion, and we also have a couple hundred trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities. So, we are talking about $2.5 quadrillion, and that’s with a global GDP of $80 trillion. So, there is a disaster waiting to happen, and especially because all this created money has created no value whatsoever. I always knew this would collapse, and it’s taken longer than I expected, but I think we are at the end of a major era. 

These derivatives, at some point in the coming few years, will actually turn into debt. Central banks will have to cover all the outstanding liabilities of the commercial banks as we are seeing now with Credit Suisse, Bank of England and etc. This is going to happen across the board. Whether it’s called derivatives or called debt, as far as I am concerned, it’s the same thing. It will have the same effect on the world financial system, which will be disastrous, of course.”

EvG says the derivative markets were simply a way for financial institutions to carry debt and not show it on their balance sheets. In the end, everything will balance out. EvG goes on to say, “Nobody can repay the debt, and they can’t even pay interest. So, therefore, when the debt implodes, so will the assets that were financed by this debt. So, both sides of the balance sheet have to come down. Whether it comes down by 50%, 75% or 90%, I don’t know. All I think about is risk, and the financial system will not survive in its present form. Central banks only use one kind of medicine, and that is more printed money. Now, you are getting negative returns on printed money. So, that is not going to save anything. 

Sadly we are looking at a situation when this system will start to implode. The rich are still rich, but the poor are really poor. Overall in the UK, Germany and most European countries, people don’t have enough money to live. This is a human disaster already. With food costs going up 25% and energy going up the same and gasoline, interest rates and rents, people don’t have enough money, and that is happening now. It’s a human disaster of mega proportions. It’s so sad, and governments will have no chance of doing anything about it. The risk is increasing exponentially,  and it is going to get worse.” There is much more in the 43-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management, which can be found on

Gregory Mannarno, "Epic Warning From JP Morgan! 'People Will Lose Their Homes, Spending Power, Security'"

Gregory Mannarno, AM 2/13/24
"Epic Warning From JP Morgan! 
'People Will Lose Their Homes, Spending Power, Security'"
Comments here:
Gregory Mannarino, PM 2/13/24
"Blow Up! Stock Market Crates As Bonds Sell Off Big Time"
Comments here:

Dan, I Allegedly, "You Owe WHAT Now?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, 2/13/24
"You Owe WHAT Now?"
"We are seeing seniors that are becoming homeless, because they have been paid too much Social Security. It is making people homeless to where they cannot pay for essentials."
Comments here: