Sunday, October 15, 2023

"This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen"

"This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen"
by Mr. Fish

"I have been in urban warfare in El Salvador, Iraq, Gaza, Bosnia and Kosovo. Once you fight street by street, apartment block by apartment block, there is only one rule — kill anything that moves. The talk of safe zones, the reassurances of protecting civilians, the promises of “surgical” and “targeted” air strikes, the establishment of “safe” evacuation routes, the fatuous explanation that civilian dead were “caught in the crossfire,” the claim that the homes and apartment buildings bombed into rubble were the abode of terrorists or that errant Hamas rockets were responsible for the destruction of schools and medical clinics, is part of the rhetorical cover to carry out indiscriminate slaughter.

Gaza is such a small area - 25 miles in length and about 5 miles wide - and so densely populated that the only outcome of an Israeli ground and air assault is the mass death of those Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant calls “human animals” and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls “human beasts.” Israeli Knesset member Tally Gotliv suggested dropping “doomsday weapons” on Gaza, widely seen as a call for a nuclear strike. Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Friday dismissed calls to protect Palestinian civilians. “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible… this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true,” Herzog said. “They could’ve risen up, they could’ve fought against that evil regime that took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.” He added, “We will break their backbone.”

The demand by Israel that 1.1 million Palestinians - nearly half of Gaza’s population - evacuate northern Gaza, which will become a free fire zone, within 24 hours, ignores the fact that given the overcrowding and sealed borders there is no place for the displaced to go. The north includes Gaza City, the most densely populated part of the strip, with 750,000 residents. It also includes Gaza’s main hospital and the Jabalia and al-Shati refugee camps.

Israel, by employing its military machine against an occupied population that does not have mechanized units, an air force, navy, missiles, heavy artillery and command-and-control, not to mention a U.S. commitment to provide a $38 billion military aid package for Israel over the next decade, is not exercising “the right to defend itself.” This is not a war. It is the obliteration of civilians trapped for 16 years in the world’s largest concentration camp. Gaza is being leveled, flattened, destroyed, reduced to rubble. Hundreds of thousands of its impoverished residents will be killed, wounded or left homeless without food, fuel, water and medical help. Nearly 600 children are already dead.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has been forced to close 14 food distribution centers leaving half a million people without food relief. Gaza’s only power plant has run out of fuel. The United Nations says 12 of its staff have been killed by Israeli air strikes, 21 out of 22 UNRWA health facilities in Gaza have been damaged and hospitals lack basic medicines and supplies.

Israel, as it has in the past, will block the dissemination of independent reporting and images once some 360,000 soldiers launch a ground assault. It cut internet service in Gaza on Saturday. The brief glimpses of Israeli atrocities that make it out will be dismissed by Israeli leaders as anomalies or blamed on Hamas.

The West refuses to intervene, as 2.3 million people, including 1 million children, are deprived of food, fuel, electricity and water, see their schools and hospitals bombed and are butchered and rendered homeless by one of the most advanced military machines on the planet.

The gruesome images of Israelis gunned down by Hamas is the currency of death. It trades carnage for carnage, a macabre dance that Israel initiated with the massacres and ethnic cleansing that allowed for the creation of the Jewish state, followed by decades of dispossession and violence meted out to the Palestinians. The Israeli army, before the current assault, had killed 7,779 Palestinians in Gaza since 2000 including 1,741 children and 572 women, according to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem. This figure does not include Gazans who died due to drinking contaminated water or being denied access to medical treatment. Nor does it include the rising number of Gazan youth who, having lost all hope and struggling with deep depression, have committed suicide.

I spent seven years reporting on the conflict, four of them as the Middle East Bureau Chief of The New York Times. I stood over the bodies of Israeli victims of bus bombings in Jerusalem by Palestinian suicide-bombers. I saw rows of corpses, including children, in the corridors in Dar Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. I watched Israeli soldiers taunt small boys who in response threw rocks and were then callously shot in the Khan Younis refugee camp. I sheltered from bombs dropped by Israeli warplanes. I climbed over the rubble of demolished Palestinian homes and apartment blocks along the border with Egypt. I interviewed the bloodied and dazed survivors. I heard the soul crushing wails of mothers keening over the corpses of their children.

I arrived in Jerusalem in 1988. Israel was busy discrediting and marginalizing the secular, aristocratic Palestinian leadership of Faisel al-Husseini and driving Jordanian administrators from the occupied West Bank. This secular and moderate leadership was replaced by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Yasser Arafat. But Arafat, very likely poisoned by Israel, and the PLO were also ruthlessly pushed aside by Israel. The PLO was replaced by Hamas, which Israel openly fostered as a counterweight to the PLO.

The escalating savagery of Israel against the Palestinians is reflected in the escalating savagery of the Palestinians. The resistance groups are Israel’s doppelgängers. Israel believes that with the eradication of Hamas the Palestinians will become docile. But history has shown that once one Palestinian resistance movement is destroyed, a more virulent and radical one takes its place.

The killers feed off each other. I saw this in the ethnic wars in Bosnia. When religion and nationalism are used to sanctify murder there are no rules. It is a battle between light and dark, good and evil, God and Satan. Rational discourse is banished.

“The sleep of reason,” as Francisco Goya said, “brings forth monsters.”

The Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists and religious bigots in the current Israeli government need Hamas. Revenge is the psychological engine of war. Those targeted for slaughter are rendered inhuman. They are not worthy of empathy or justice. Pity and grief are felt exclusively for one’s own. Israel vows to eradicate a dehumanized mass that embodies absolute evil. The maimed and dead in Gaza, and the maimed and dead in Israeli towns and kibbutzim, are victims of the same dark lusts.

“From violence only violence is born,” Primo Levi writes, “following a pendular action that, as time goes by, rather than dying down, becomes more frenzied.”

The Biden administration has promised unconditional Israeli support and weapons shipments. The USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group has been deployed to the eastern Mediterranean Sea to “deter any actor” who might widen the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The carrier group includes the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford; its eight squadrons of attack and support aircraft; the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy; and the Arleigh-Burke class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney and USS Roosevelt, according to a Pentagon statement.

The U.S., as in the past, ignores the far greater death and destruction, as well as the illegal occupation, meted out by Israel to the Palestinians or the periodic military campaigns - this is the fifth major military assault by Israel on Gaza in 15 years - against civilians.

Israel says it recovered 1,500 bodies of Hamas fighters after the incursion. This is a number greater than the 1,300 Israeli victims. Nearly all the dead Hamas fighters, I suspect, were young men born inside the Gaza concentration camp who had never seen the outside of the open-air prison until they burst through the security barriers erected by Israel. If Hamas fighters possessed Israel’s technological arsenal of death, they would be able to do their killing more efficiently. But they do not. Their tactics are cruder versions of those Israel has used against them for decades.

I know this disease, the exaltation of race, religion and nation, the deification of the warrior, the martyr and violence, the celebration of victimhood. Holy warriors believe they alone possess virtue and courage, while their enemy is perfidious, cowardly and evil. They believe they alone have the right to revenge. Pain for pain. Blood for blood. Horror for horror. There is a fearsome symmetry to the madness, the abandonment of what it means to be humane and just. T.E. Lawrence calls this cycle of violence “the rings of sorrow.” Once these fires are lit they can easily become a conflagration.

Israeli tanks and soldiers, to thwart an attack by Hezbollah in support of the Palestinians, have been deployed to the border with Lebanon. The Israeli forces killed fighters from Hezbollah, as well as a Reuters journalist, which saw Hezbollah fire a salvo of rockets in retaliation. Israel’s National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir announced he would distribute 10,000 assault rifles to Israeli settlers, who have carried out murderous rampages in Palestinian villages in the West Bank. Israel has killed at least 51 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since Hamas launched its attack on October 7.

Psychologist Rollo May writes: "At the outset of every war…we hastily transform our enemy into the image of the daimonic; and then, since it is the devil we are fighting, we can shift onto a war footing without asking ourselves all the troublesome and spiritual questions that the war arouses. We no longer have to face the realization that those we are killing are persons like ourselves. The killing and torture, the more they endure, contaminate the perpetrators and the society that condones their actions. They sever the professional inquisitors and killers from the capacity to feel. They feed the death instinct. They expand the moral injury of war."

Israel taught the Palestinians to communicate in the primitive howl of hatred, war, death and annihilation. But it is not Israel’s assault on Gaza I fear most. It is the complicity of an international community that licenses Israel’s genocidal slaughter and accelerates a cycle of violence it may not be able to control."

"Darkness On The Edge Of Town"

"Darkness On The Edge Of Town"
by Jim Quinn

"Poor man wanna be rich,
Rich man wanna be king,
And a king ain’t satisfied
‘Til he rules everything...
"Badlands", Bruce Springsteen

"I know Springsteen has aged into a far-left establishment shill who fell for the Covid scam, got his jabs and boosters, and is now clearly vaxx injured, as he had to cancel his world tour because of “illness”. During the covid scamdemic he made his audiences prove they were vaxxed, and then had to cancel multiple concerts because band members tested positive for covid. He and Neil Young, the anti-establishment bad boys during the early 1970’s, are now a laughing-stock to any critical thinking person who didn’t buy the government and media propaganda about a non-lethal flu bug.

Be that as it may, Springsteen’s 1975 album – "Darkness on the Edge of Town" – is my favorite, probably because most of the songs are dark and angry, matching my personality. Times in this country were not good in 1975. A president resigned over Watergate. Inflation was raging due to central bank and government incompetence.

The OPEC oil embargo due to the U.S. support for Israel created supply shortages and long lines at gas stations across the badlands of America. It seems support for Israel hurting America has been a constant theme over the last 50 years. As a 12 year old kid, I remember waiting in those gas lines with my dad. There were no smart phones to kill the time, maybe just my latest edition of "Sports Illustrated" to read.
The four lines above from "Badlands" pretty much sum up how the world works and how it has always worked. Everyone on this earth has 80 to 100 years, if they are lucky, to make their mark. We know a virtuous decent person would just want to work hard, earn a fair wage, marry, raise honest upstanding children, teach them morals, be a benefit to their community, and leave the world a better place than when they entered. But we know the forces of evil will not allow this path for most people.

The American Dream was a glorious fantasy, to keep the masses sedated and malleable, as those behind the scenes, pulling the strings of society, as documented by Edward Bernays in his 1928 book "Propaganda", would never allow the dream to be realized by most.

“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” – James Truslow Adams – "The Epic of America ", 1931

The American Dream has always been a fallacy, with a brief period during the 1950s and 1960s where some of the poor were able to elevate their status to the middle class. Since the 1970s, the poor have gotten poorer, even though they have been convinced by their overlords they are richer through the use of seemingly limitless debt. Driving expensive sports cars and living in McMansions while up to your eyeballs in debt is not getting richer. Buying shit you don’t need with one of your ten credit cards, to keep up with the Joneses, while paying 24% interest on the balance is not getting richer. The only ones getting richer are the already rich bankers.
Strong language alert!
George Carlin, "The American Dream"
There are many rich men in this world, and they aren’t satisfied with those riches. They want to use their wealth to gain more wealth, power and control over others. Life is a game to many of these psychopaths, and they want to win at all costs. Millionaires want to be billionaires. Billionaires want to be the wealthiest billionaire. And these soulless greedy accumulators of wealth want to be king and rule everything. Gates and Soros are poster boys for Springsteen’s description. They do not want to build a better world. They want to remake the world, unleashing a darkness that will engulf and destroy the planet. These are evil men who have a vast army of equally evil men working to fulfill their satanic agenda.

The gathering gloom you are feeling is real. As most people go about their daily lives, rooting for their football teams, posting drivel on facebook and twitter, buying tickets to Taylor Swift’s concert movie, staring at their i-gadget prisons, and wondering why their standard of living keeps going down, psychopaths in suits are pushing the world toward World War 3. Time to get right with the lord and be prepared for the worst. There truly is a darkness on the edge of town and it is bearing down on us like a locomotive. The dream is real and it should be waking you up at night with a fear so real. Welcome to the badlands.
"Talk about a dream,
Try to make it real.
You wake up in the night
With a fear so real.
You spend your life waiting
For a moment that just don’t come,
Well, don’t waste your time waiting..."
Springsteen, "Badlands"
Hat tip to Jim Quinn and 
The Burning Platform for this material.

"How It Really Is"


Dan, I Allegedly, "What Are You Afraid Of?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly, AM 10/15/23
"What Are You Afraid Of?"
"There is a fear of everything. It’s called Panto phobia. People need to move forward and understand how bad the economy is, and that they need to take matters into their own hands. This is not just in their business life, but in their personal life. Plus,  Bank of America, once the golden child of the industry, is now facing troubling times. Their stock health, the future of their investors and the looming financial crisis is something we can't ignore."
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Gregory Mannarino, 10/15/23
"Markets, A Look Ahead: 'Endgame.' 
The Final Stage Has Begun"
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Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report, 10/15/23
"12 Fast Food Chains Are Shutting 
Down Restaurants Immediately"
"As the new year approaches, the fast food industry is undergoing a significant transformation with businesses reviewing their operations and making decisions about the sustainability of their outlets. Intense competition coupled with economic conditions force brands to adapt to changing market trends and close underperforming branches to safeguard future success. Here is a list of 12 fast food chains that are closing restaurants right now."
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Canadian Prepper, "Emergency Alert: Israeli Nuclear Facility Alert, Mass Evacuation; Iran Is Mobilizing; USA Going War"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper 10/14/23
"Emergency Alert: Israeli Nuclear Facility Alert, 
Mass Evacuation; Iran Is Mobilizing; USA Going War"
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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven”

Full screen recommended.
Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Namibia has some of the darkest nights visible from any continent. It is therefore home to some of the more spectacular skyscapes, a few of which have been captured in the below time-lapse video. We recommend watching this video at FULL SCREEN (1080p), with audio on. The night sky of Namibia is one of the best in the world, about the same quality of the deserts of Chile and Australia.
Full screen recommended. 
Visible at the movie start are unusual quiver trees perched before a deep starfield highlighted by the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. This bright band of stars and gas appears to pivot around the celestial south pole as our Earth rotates. The remains of camel thorn trees are then seen against a sky that includes a fuzzy patch on the far right that is the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small satellite galaxy to the Milky Way. A bright sunlight-reflecting satellite passes quickly overhead. Quiver trees appear again, now showing their unusual trunks, while the Small Magellanic Cloud becomes clearly visible in the background. Artificial lights illuminate a mist that surround camel thorn trees in Deadvlei. In the final sequence, natural Namibian stone arches are captured against the advancing shadows of the setting moon. This video incorporates over 16,000 images shot over two years, and won top honors among the 2012 Travel Photographer of the Year awards.”

"Man's Nature..."

"Man has one name, and many more than two natures. 
But the essential two are these:
that he shall strive to impose order on chaos, 
and that he shall strive to take advantage of chaos…
A third element of man's nature is this: 
that he shall not understand what he is doing."
- John Brunner

Chet Raymo, “Mortal Soul: The Great Silence”

“Mortal Soul: The Great Silence”
by Chet Raymo

“If there is one word that should not be uttered, it is the name of – no, I will not say it. Any name diminishes. In the face of whatever it is that is most mysterious, most holy, we are properly silent. It is appropriate, I think, to praise the creation, to make a joyful noise of thanksgiving for the sensate world. But praising the Creator is another thing altogether. When we make a big racket on His behalf we are more than likely addressing an idol in our own image. What was it that Pico Iyer said? “Silence is the tribute that we pay to holiness; we slip off words when we enter a sacred place, just as we slip off shoes.” The God of the mystics whispers sweet nothings, as lovers do.

In a diary entry for “M.”, near the end of his too-short life, Thomas Merton wrote: “I cannot have enough of the hours of silence when nothing happens. When the clouds go by. When the trees say nothing. When the birds sing. I am completely addicted to the realization that just being there is enough.” The natural world was for Merton the primary revelation. He listened. He felt a presence in his heart, an awareness of the ineffable Mystery that permeates creation. It was this that drew him to the mystical tradition of Christianity, especially to the Celtic tradition of creation spirituality. It was this that attracted him to Zen.

There come now and then, perhaps more frequently in late life than previously, those moments of being (as Virginia Woolf called them) when creation grabs us by the shoulders and gives us such a shake that it rattles our teeth, when love for the world simply knocks us flat. At those moments everything we have learned about the world – the invaluable and reliable knowledge of science- seems a pale intimation of what is. In Virginia Woolf’s novel “The Waves”, the elderly Bernard says: “How tired I am of stories, how tired I am of phrases that come down beautifully with all their feet on the ground! Also, how I distrust neat designs of life that are drawn upon half sheets of notepaper. I begin to long for some little language such as lovers use, broken words, inarticulate words, like the shuffling of feet on the pavement.”

In moments of soul-stirring epiphany, it is reassuring to feel beneath our feet a floor of reliable knowledge, the safe and sure edifice of empirical learning so painstakingly constructed by the likes of Aristarchus, Galileo, Darwin and Schrodinger. But at the same time we are humbled by our ignorance, and more ready than ever to say “I don’t know,” to enter at last the great silence. Erwin Chargaff, who contributed mightily to our understanding of DNA, wrote: “It is the sense of mystery that, in my opinion, drives the true scientist; the same blind force, blindly seeing, deafly hearing, unconsciously remembering, that drives the larva into the butterfly. If the scientist has not experienced, at least a few times in his life, this cold shudder down his spine, this confrontation with an immense invisible face whose breath moves him to tears, he is not a scientist.”

The whole thrust of the mystical tradition, the whole thrust of science, is toward the great silence- an awareness of our ignorance and a willingness to say “I don’t know.” A lifetime of learning brings one at last to the face of mystery. We live in a universe of more than 2 trillion galaxies. Perhaps the number of galaxies is infinite. And the universe is silent. Achingly, terrifyingly silent. Or, rather, the universe speaks a little language such as lovers use, broken words, inarticulate words, like the shuffling of feet on the pavement.”

The Poet: Robinson Jeffers, "We Are Those People"

"We Are Those People"

"I have abhorred the wars and despised the liars,
laughed at the frightened
And forecast victory; never one moment's doubt.
But now not far, over the backs of some crawling years, the next
Great war's column of dust and fire writhes
Up the sides of the sky: it becomes clear that we too may suffer
What others have, the brutal horror of defeat -
Or if not in the next, then in the next - therefore watch Germany
And read the future. We wish, of course, that our women
Would die like biting rats in the cellars,
our men like wolves on the mountain:
It will not be so. Our men will curse, cringe, obey;
Our women uncover themselves to the grinning victors
for bits of chocolate."
- Robinson Jeffers


"War does not determine who's right... only who's left."
- Bertrand Russell

"The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting
 each other - instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals."
- Edward Abbey

The Daily "Near You?"

Sand Springs, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Jeremiah Babe, "The Party Is Over, Consumers Reach Breaking Point"

Jeremiah Babe, 10/14/23
"The Party Is Over, Consumers Reach Breaking Point"
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"Ancient Solar Storm Discovered In Tree Rings Reveals 'Catastrophic' Event 14,000 Years Ago"

"Ancient Solar Storm Discovered In Tree Rings
Reveals 'Catastrophic' Event 14,000 Years Ago"
by Tyler Durden

"A new study, based on the analysis of growth rings in ancient trees, suggests that the most powerful solar storm on record slammed into Earth approximately 14,300 years ago. Should a storm of that intensity strike today, modern society would instantly collapse.

Researchers from the Collège de France, CEREGE, IMBE, Aix-Marseille University, and the University of Leeds published the new study in the Royal Society A journal. They measured radiocarbon levels in ancient trees preserved within the eroded banks of the Drouzet River near Gap, in the Southern French Alps, and found "tree trunks, which are subfossils – remains whose fossilization process is not complete – were sliced into tiny single tree-rings. Analysis of these individual rings identified an unprecedented spike in radiocarbon levels occurring precisely 14,300 years ago."

They said, "By comparing this radiocarbon spike with measurements of beryllium, a chemical element found in Greenland ice cores, the team proposes that the spike was caused by a massive solar storm that would have ejected huge volumes of energetic particles into Earth's atmosphere."

They said, "By comparing this radiocarbon spike with measurements of beryllium, a chemical element found in Greenland ice cores, the team proposes that the spike was caused by a massive solar storm that would have ejected huge volumes of energetic particles into Earth's atmosphere."

"Radiocarbon is constantly being produced in the upper atmosphere through a chain of reactions initiated by cosmic rays." Edouard Bard, lead author of the study, said in a statement. Bard said, "Recently, scientists have found that extreme solar events including solar flares and coronal mass ejections can also create short-term bursts of energetic particles which are preserved as huge spikes in radiocarbon production occurring over the course of just a single year." The researchers warned if "similar massive solar storms" slammed into Earth today, it would be "catastrophic for modern technological society, potentially wiping out telecommunications, satellite systems and electricity grids."

The study's co-author, Tim Heaton, a radiocarbon expert at the University of Leeds in England, explained, "Extreme solar storms could have huge impacts on Earth. Such super storms could permanently damage the transformers in our electricity grids, resulting in huge and widespread blackouts lasting months. They could also result in permanent damage to the satellites that we all rely on for navigation and telecommunication, leaving them unusable. They would also create severe radiation risks to astronauts."

Researchers said nine extreme solar storms - known as Miyake Events - have been identified over the last 15,000 years. The last known major solar storm fried telegraph machines in 1859 - has been called the "Carrington Event."

Solar Cycle 25 has been underway since April 2019 and might peak sometime in 2025. In December 2022, the total number of sunspots was at its highest in eight years, indicating solar activity has ramped up. Earlier this year, scientists observed twice as many sunspots -- red flags that solar maximum could be nearing.
Readers have been well-informed about what an 'X-class' flare could do to modern society: "The Next Big Geomagnetic Storm Poses An Astronomical Risk To Modern Man Digital Economy Disruption Possible As "Terminator Event" Suggests Strongest Sunspot Cycle On Record Imminent." Forget the climate change narrative pushed by corporate media. Focus on how to protect the grid from major solar storms...
The world needs to prepare for the next big solar storm. Remember, in 2016, former President Obama signed an executive order titled "Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events."

"How It Really Is"


Judge Napolitano, "Is Israel Committing War Crimes?"

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 10/14/23
"Is Israel Committing War Crimes? w/Matthew Hoh"
"Matthew Hoh is a former State Department official and Marine Corps commander who resigned in protest from his post in Afghanistan over US strategic policy and goals in Afghanistan in September 2009. Prior to his assignment in Afghanistan, Matthew served in Iraq, first in 2004–2005 in Salah ad-Din Province with a State Department reconstruction and governance team and then in 2006–2007 in Anbar Province as a Marine Corps company commander."
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Full screen recommended.
Associated Press, 10/14/23
"Bodies line up outside Gaza hospital as Israeli airstrikes continue. Dead bodies continue to pile up outside Gaza's largest hospital as the Israel-Hamas war enters its seventh day."
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Full screen recommended.
Democracy Now! 10/14/23
"Gaza’s Health System at a “Breaking Point”
 Amid Israeli Siege & Bombing"

"The World Health Organization warns Gaza’s healthcare system is at a “breaking point” under Israel’s unabated bombing of civilians, and its blockade of resources and medical supplies. The WHO also reports dozens of attacks on hospitals and ambulances. We speak with Dr. Zaher Sahloul, a physician specializing in disaster relief with the international medical nonprofit MedGlobal, which is supporting doctors in Gaza. He calls the situation there “beyond catastrophic” as the number of critically injured patients far outstrips available hospital beds. Sahloul says the U.S. must tell Israel to stop the “hell that is raining on Gaza.”
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"Global Economic Meltdown Coming As $500 Trillion Perfect Storm Approaches"

Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report, 10/14/23
"Global Economic Meltdown Coming
 As $500 Trillion Perfect Storm Approaches"
The secret giant that toppled the economy in 2008 is back for more blood, and no one knows it. If you have been watching this channel consistently for a while now, you most likely already know that the US is deep in a $33 trillion debt, and Americans have racked up a credit card debt of over $1 trillion. However, these figures are nothing compared to what you’re about to hear now. In December 2022, the International Swaps and Derivatives Organization announced that the Interest Rates Derivatives notional outstanding had hit an all-time high of $502.6 trillion, which is a staggering 80 percent of all derivatives in the world.
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Well, it's really about 5 times $500 trillion...
"$2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen 
– Egon von Greyerz"
by Greg Hunter’s

Egon von Greyerz (EvG) stores gold for clients at the biggest private gold vault in the world buried deep in the Swiss Alps. EvG is a financial and precious metals expert. EvG is a former Swiss banker and an expert in risk. He says the risk in the global markets has never been this high.

EvG explains, “Credit has increased dramatically through derivatives. All instruments being issued now by banks, pension funds, stock funds, it’s all synthetic. There is no real underlying payments in anything almost. Therefore, my estimate for derivatives would be at least $2 quadrillion, and I think that is probably conservative. Then, we have debt on top of that of $300 trillion, and we also have a couple hundred trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities. So, we are talking about $2.5 quadrillion, and that’s with a global GDP of $80 trillion. So, there is a disaster waiting to happen, and especially because all this created money has created no value whatsoever. 

I always knew this would collapse, and it’s taken longer than I expected, but I think we are at the end of a major era. These derivatives, at some point in the coming few years, will actually turn into debt. Central banks will have to cover all the outstanding liabilities of the commercial banks as we are seeing now with Credit Suisse, Bank of England and etc. This is going to happen across the board. Whether it’s called derivatives or called debt, as far as I am concerned, it’s the same thing. It will have the same effect on the world financial system, which will be disastrous, of course.”

EvG says the derivative markets were simply a way for financial institutions to carry debt and not show it on their balance sheets. In the end, everything will balance out. EvG goes on to say, “Nobody can repay the debt, and they can’t even pay interest. So, therefore, when the debt implodes, so will the assets that were financed by this debt. So, both sides of the balance sheet have to come down. Whether it comes down by 50%, 75% or 90%, I don’t know. All I think about is risk, and the financial system will not survive in its present form. 

Central banks only use one kind of medicine, and that is more printed money. Now, you are getting negative returns on printed money. So, that is not going to save anything. Sadly we are looking at a situation when this system will start to implode. The rich are still rich, but the poor are really poor. Overall in the UK, Germany and most European countries, people don’t have enough money to live. This is a human disaster already. With food costs going up 25% and energy going up the same and gasoline, interest rates and rents, people don’t have enough money, and that is happening now. It’s a human disaster of mega proportions. It’s so sad, and governments will have no chance of doing anything about it.”

In closing, EvG says, “This is why it is getting closer for implosion because the whole system can’t take this. The risk is increasing exponentially. So, I think people should be prepared.  Most asset markets have lost money, and it is going to get worse.” There is much more in the 43-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management, which can be found on

Dan, I Allegedly, "Uncovered: The Ugly Truth About Ford's Future"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly 10/14/23
"Uncovered: The Ugly Truth About Ford's Future"
"Is Ford heading for disaster? In this eye-opening video, we uncover the ugly truth about Ford's future and the challenges they face, from worker strikes to the rise of electric vehicles. But that's not all! We also discuss the state of the housing market, banks, and other current events that impact our lives."
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Adventures With Danno, "Kroger Deals You Should Be Buying Right Now!"

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"Kroger Deals You Should Be Buying Right Now!"
"Our walk through at Kroger as we show some awesome deals everyone should be buying right now before prices go up again! Turkey, Produce, Halloween Candy, Dairy, Baking goods, and many more deals!"
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Meanwhile, elsewhere...
Full screen recommended.
Travelling with Russell, 10/14/23
"Russian Typical (Inner City) Supermarket Tour: Miratog"
"What does a Russian typical Supermarket look like inside. The first Miratog store of the Miratorg agro-industrial holding was opened in 2010. To date, the retail network includes more than 120 stores and 30 branded burger joints, which are located in 9 regions of Russia."
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Friday, October 13, 2023

Jeremiah Babe, "There's No Going Back"

Jeremiah Babe, 10/13/23
"There's No Going Back,
 These Are Dangerous Times, Don't Be Complacent"
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Musical Interlude: Spirit Tribe Awakening, "Raise Positive Vibration"

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Spirit Tribe Awakening, "Raise Positive Vibration"
"Peaceful, empowering and soothing music and nature to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Supporting and empowering you on your life journey. 528Hz positive energy healing music with 417Hz Solfeggio frequency. These frequencies have a specific healing effect on your subconscious mind." Be kind to yourself, savor this extraordinarily beautiful video. Headphones recommended, not required.

"A Look to the Heavens"

“In one of the brightest parts of Milky Way lies a nebula where some of the oddest things occur. NGC 3372, known as the Great Nebula in Carina, is home to massive stars and changing nebulas. The Keyhole Nebula (NGC 3324), the bright structure just above the image center, houses several of these massive stars and has itself changed its appearance.
The entire Carina Nebula spans over 300 light years and lies about 7,500 light-years away in the constellation of Carina. Eta Carinae, the most energetic star in the nebula, was one of the brightest stars in the sky in the 1830s, but then faded dramatically. Eta Carinae is the brightest star near the image center, just left of the Keyhole Nebula. While Eta Carinae itself maybe on the verge of a supernova explosion, X-ray images indicate that much of the Great Carina Nebula has been a veritable supernova factory.”

Canadian Prepper, "Major Red Flags: Something Isn't Right Here..."

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Canadian Prepper, 10/13/23
"Major Red Flags: Something Isn't Right Here..."
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"It’s Hell on Earth and World Will Be Annihilated if We Don’t Find Peace, Warns Celente"

Stansberry Research, 10/13/23
"It’s Hell on Earth and World Will Be Annihilated
 if We Don’t Find Peace, Warns Celente"
“When all else fails, they take you to war,” says Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Journal online magazine. In today's episode, he calls for “every human being that believes in their God to stand up now and do something” as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict unfolds. “If we don't stop this now, if adults don't become adults, it's over,” he says. Gerald argues that given today's heightened geopolitical tensions, “World War III has already begun,” not to mention that the U.S. has been experiencing economic and political turmoil domestically. “The economy is ready to crash. You saw what was going on with the equality markets. The economy is failing. They’re getting people’s minds off with war,” he claims.
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Gregory Mannarino, "World Death Rate To Skyrocket"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 10/13/23
"World Death Rate To Skyrocket,
 Welcome To The New Debt Hyper-Cycle"
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"20 Foods To Stockpile For The Imminent Shortages"

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Epic Economist, 10/13/23 
"20 Foods To Stockpile For The Imminent Shortages"

"A devastating food crisis is rapidly spreading all around the globe, and it is only a matter of time until it hits the United States. Shortages are being aggravated by extreme weather, low fertilizer production, geopolitical conflicts, and supply chain disruptions. Our domestic food systems have never been so vulnerable to external events, and inflation is making the outlook even more worrying as basic grocery items continue to face huge price hikes. U.S. farmers have been reporting alarming crop losses, and it's clearly getting worse with each passing year. Now that we're seeing the economy and financial markets starting to break again, it's important to get ready for the chaos that is coming before things go south. Preparedness takes time and patience, and you'll realize that all the effort you put into this will pay off when the next black swan event hits and everyone starts panicking while you'll already have pretty much everything you need at home.

Today, we decided to compile several products that are key in any pantry, and survival scenario. From the simplest staples to the items people often forget about, this is the most complete list we've ever made on this subject. For instance, supplements are vital when food is scarce. They replace some of the nutrients you would have normally consumed in your regular diet and help to ward off disease. Every person's needs are different, so you may want to check with a doctor about which one is the best for you before you start stockpiling. Also, pay attention to the expiration date and don't ingest more than the recommended amount. 

Moreover, those who take preparedness to the next level always highlight the importance of stocking up on a variety of garden seeds. In 2020, when shortages rumors started to spread, people rushed to buy seeds which then made some varieties very hard to find for a long time. Like with everything else, building a seed stockpile takes time, and most importantly, dedication because at the end of the day, you'll need to learn how to plant them and how to take care of your garden. Seeds are the No. 1 step for you to become self-sufficient. Even though we can on everything we can from a store, most of the items we need will eventually run out, especially during a period of prolonged food shortages. For that reason, we must have a seed supply somewhere in our pantries to be able to grow some of our own food and have a survival plan without relying on the stores that always provided us with the staples we wanted. 

On top of that, many people often forget to add this essential product to their stockpiling list, but it is when you don't have it around, that you realize how important this leavening agent is for lots of recipes. From cakes to bread to muffins and more, baking powder can help you to transform humble ingredients in your pantry into delicious snacks, and dishes. It is very cheap and also easy to store, so don't forget to grab a few extra packs when you go shopping to stock it up for the longer term. At the end of the day, preparedness takes time and patience, and you'll realize that all the effort you put into this will pay off when the next black swan event hits and everyone starts panicking while you'll already have pretty much everything you need at home."
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The Daily "Near You?"

Arvada, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Jim Kunstler, "All This and World War, Too"

"All This and World War, Too"
by Jim Kunstler

“To all scholars who teach jihad… to all who teach and learn, 
this is a moment for the application of theories.” 
- Khaled Meshaal, former Hamas leader.

"It’s less than a week since the skies over the Negev Desert filled with something eerily like the flying monkeys of Oz upgraded to Hamas Road Warriors in motorized paragliders, kicking off that third world war we’ve been hearing about all our lives, and not at all the way we expected either, which was more Dr. Strangelove style, with the mushroom clouds billowing everywhere - though, who knows, it might come to that, too, before long.

This new catastrophe, quickly globalizing, makes the War in Ukraine seem as comfortable as an old sweater. For now, the question of intel failures must be put aside. There will be no official inquiries while US carrier fleets sail into position, and Hezbollah does a war dance on the northern frontier with Syria, and the Israelis struggle to strategize an extremely sticky hostage predicament, even as their air force blows up whole blocks of Gaza City.

Meanwhile, former Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal has called for a worldwide jihad this very day, Friday the 13th, as it happens, by which he means disruption within the entity known as Western Civ, where Jihad’s most dogged enemies dwell. For years, footloose emigres have been flooding into Europe and across America’s border with Mexico, mostly young men, hardly vetted, the sort of humans most likely to act-out warrior scripts in a zeitgeist gone sour, and I guess we’ll find out pretty soon whether some of them were sent to be activated against us.

The world is periodically subject to a mighty release of tensions. That’s why there are great wars. We’ve been well aware of these tensions building into the new millennium and now here it is. The elaborate systems we’ve allowed to evolve - our gigantic manufacturing and resource supply lines, the financial scaffold that has turned capital formation into a freak show of scams and wishes, the grotesque behemoth governments of a zillion regulatory impulses turning more tyrannically against their own citizens every day - all add up to a general condition of fantastic fragility. So, you see, a global release of tensions is liable to bust up a lot of those arrangements.

Western Civ has been expecting this for a while. All the years of clever work-arounds and kicking cans down the road tells you that. The big question is: can we carry on as before? And anyone with half a brain can see the answer is: probably not. That is, not enjoying the many comforts, conveniences, and luxuries we’ve grown used to, all of which hinge on our energy supplies, enough of which is centered in the Ummah of Islam so that when it is interrupted or cut-off, there goes the cushy life for us. (And let’s note that for many in Western Civ life has already and stealthily turned into a serious struggle lately).

So, whichever way these new events may go, things have changed. There will be more intense conflict over the remaining oil in the Middle East. Europe may finally discover that it does not relish being turned into one big mosque. And the USA is so lost in self mind-f**kery that we can’t even get our House of Representatives in order. The American students (and faculty!) cheerleading for Gaza’s Road Warrior executioners might represent the last stand of Woke derangement. This degenerate nonsense has run its course. It may dawn in our centers-of-learning - and every other collaborating institution - that we have more important things to think about than the etiquette around men who dress-up as women.

One naturally wonders what role the shadowy Globalists have played in the build-up to all this, and how things will go with them. I can imagine Europe plunged into political chaos that would lead to scenes like a mob riding Klaus Schwab out of his Swiss redoubt on a rail, and the German government falling, and Paris on fire, and street-fighting in Stockholm. Chaos is as chaos want to do. One thing seems certain: it’ll be a cold winter there for most everybody.

It’s probably safe to say that Mr. Zelensky will not be getting additional bowls of gruel out of Uncle Sam. No one is paying attention to Ukraine now, and that sudden neglect by the once-solicitous NATO alliance could go on indefinitely with wider conflict breaking out elsewhere - meaning that Russia will be left to methodically restore the status quo ante that allowed Ukraine to be a quiet backwater in Russia’s sphere of influence since the end of the previous world war, until our wicked and reckless neocons moved to wreck the joint.

China is the joker in the deck now. There’s plenty of chatter that China’s banking system is toast, with its new and large middle class left holding a giant bag of worthless securities and unsellable real estate, and that when they are sufficiently pissed-off that will be the last round-up for Uncle Xi and his CCP. But then, you can also easily imagine that gang thinking now is the optimum moment to try and grab Taiwan and its riches, with Western Civ all tied up elsewhere. I remind you of China’s “Four Wars” doctrine for bringing us down. There’s Ukraine, now Israel, there’s the internal war of Left versus Right throughout the West, and there’s the massive invasion of Europe and the USA of uninvited mutts. Four wars. The breaking point.

Yet to play out is America’s crisis of leadership. As supply lines break, and the flash mobs loot the luxury shops, and the illegal aliens stream in, and the price of everything goes up-up-up, and the truth about the Covid vaccines is finally grokked, even the dazed-and-confused American public might notice that the White House has become a zombie palace. Politics hates a vacuum and “Joe Biden” begins to look like a black hole that will suck the execrable deep state blob that surrounds him across the event horizon that opens to oblivion. I’d go so far to predict that well before the 2024 election, America will have a new chief executive and that it won’t be Kamala Harris. It could be someone in a uniform, though. Just sayin’. Everything is in flux."

Bill Bonner, "Hate Crimes IV"

"Hate Crimes IV"
Excess spending, futile meddling 
and always, always more war...
by Bill Bonner

"The American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians."
~ Osama bin Laden, explaining why it was okay to target civilians.

Poitou, France - "Our beat is money, not politics. The connection is obvious. Spending on public policy hate crime (aka ‘war’) is out of control. Dan reports that total public debt increased $274 billion – this last weekend. Total US debt crossed the $33 trillion mark a month ago; now it is headed to $34 trillion. A trillion here…a trillion there…pretty soon, you can expect bankruptcy, defaults, inflation, political chaos…and war.

Asset values, generally, will fall. Bonds will once again become “certificates of guaranteed confiscation.” And the US will…slowly, and then all of a sudden…sink into banana republic, sh*thole status. Is there any way to change course?

What You Pay For: As Milton Friedman put it, ‘you get what you pay for.’ And the biggest single item of discretionary federal spending pays for war. ‘Tis a pity, because Americans get little value from their wars. But rather than pull the plug on excess spending and futile meddling, America’s leaders – its elites – want more.

A border war between Russia and the Ukraine? A hundred billion US dollars…and weapons…are on their way. Another flare-up in the fight between Arabs and Jews? Send the Sixth Fleet…and see how it might get involved. What? We are running out of money? We’re bumping into a ‘debt ceiling?’ The US government faces a shutdown? This is no time to count pennies – this is war!

How do ‘hate crimes’ become public policy…and how do the elites benefit? (Dan reports that an ETF of America’s arms suppliers is up 6%...just this week). And how can an advanced, degenerate empire possibly turn away from inflation and war?

People are people. Sometimes good, sometimes bad; always subject to influence. From time to time they are bloody bastards. The job of the elite to restrain them. Statesmen help them see “both sides” of the conflict. Judges listen to witnesses for the prosecution as well as the defense. Priests remind them of the two choices waiting for them – Heaven and Hell. And a wise Council of Elders recalls the errors of the past, introduces question marks…and urges caution.

But when elites become corrupt and incompetent, when the elders drool and forget their own names, the question marks disappear. People take sides, usually without any knowledge of what is really going on.

A Time to Kill: On video screens all over the world, we see pictures of dead children. Surely there’s only one side to this story, as Karine Jean-Pierre says. The Palestinians are evil. No further discussion needed. “Finish them,” says Nikki Haley, apparently calling for genocide. “Eradicate them” say columnists and opinion mongers all over the West, seconding the motion.

But wait. So far this century, for every Jewish child who died at the hands of terrorists…at least 10 Palestinian children have been killed. Does it really make sense to add more? Is that the civilized thing to do?

“Every Hamas terrorist is a dead man,” Netanyahu said at a late-night briefing. “There is a time for war and a time for peace,” said opposition leader Benny Gantz. “Now is a time for war.” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant vowed to “wipe them off the face of the Earth.”

What about the collateral damage; surely it will include scores of children? Already, according to a group called Defense for Children, here’s the body count: "GAZA UPDATE: 447 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, according to the Ministry of Health. Nonstop Israeli airstrikes forced our field researcher to relocate his family four times yesterday & DCIP has been unable to confirm additional fatalities."

Isn’t that enough? Apparently not.

Putrid and Appalling: Osama bin Laden said it was okay to kill enemy civilians. The Allies killed 25,000 men, women and children in the bombing of Dresden in 1945. Harry Truman was responsible for another 200,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Who are the bad guys? How can you tell? Don’t ask. Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar threatened companies that choose the wrong side: "As this conflict unfolds, I remind businesses that my office maintains a list of companies that boycott Israel.” Jewish employers are threatening retaliation too. Fortune: "Bill Ackman wants Harvard to name the students blaming Israel for the Hamas attacks so that he and other CEOs don’t hire them by accident."

Some dear readers think we should throw away the question marks too. Many want a condemnation of Russia, China, Iran, Hamas…white supremacy…sexism…global warming deniers…vaccine doubters…and so on. But here at Bonner Private Research, our aim is not to shape the human clay…nor to judge it…but simply to observe it, and draw whatever lessons we can.

And what we notice is that societies lurch and stumble forward. Most of the time, people get along tolerably well - giving and getting amongst themselves. But once in a while, often stretched out over many decades, a conflict or creed festers…and then erupts, putrid and appalling. And then, caution, prudence, dignity, generosity, kindness, and solvency...all disappear. Not a pretty sight."

"How It Really Is"

Yeah...just wonderful.
Louis Armstrong, "What A Wonderful World"

"Money And Markets, 10/13/23"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 10/13/23
"Be Ready, Another False Flag Is Coming, And Soon"
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The Atlantis Report, 10/13/23
"Warning: The Stock Market Crash Is Coming..."
"The Alarms are going off in the stock market. There are echoes of the 1987 Crash. The one that sent shockwaves through to all financial markets. As the Black Monday unfolded, the Prices Skyrocketed, fortunes evaporated, and panic gripped the investors. We're now seeing unprecedented parallels with the previous crash with similar challenges coming our way. It includes a high market volatility with rapid price fluctuations and uncertainty. The price swings are becoming bigger and more frequent. The frequency of intraday swings of the S and P 500 has been extremely elevated. We are also seeing an unparalleled volatility in Treasury bond markets in October 2023. The share market's strength in the current year despite the slowing effects of higher interest rates is a combination that feels awfully similar to the Black Monday. So, Will history repeat itself? Well, It's a question that lingers, a specter that refuses to be ignored."
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Lena Petrova, CPA - Finance, Economics & Tax 10/13/23
"Banking Turmoil: U.S. Banks Post Massive Losses"
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Adventures With Danno, "Items At Aldi Everyone Should Be Buying!"

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Adventures With Danno, 10/13/23
"Items At Aldi Everyone Should Be Buying!"
"In today's vlog, we are at Aldi and are finding all kinds of their Aldi Saver Deals! As grocery prices continue to rise in most of our main supermarkets, Aldi has put together some pretty amazing sales that we should definitely take advantage of! We show you all of the savings, so get your notepad ready!"
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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Canadian Prepper, "Emergency Alert: UN Given 24 Hour Warning"

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Canadian Prepper, 10/12/23
"Emergency Alert: UN Given 24 Hour Warning
Iran Sends Tanks To Border; Syria Airport Bombed"
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Jeremiah Babe, "It's About To Get Very Painful, Inflation Will Only Go Up"

Jeremiah Babe, 10/12/23
"It's About To Get Very Painful, Inflation Will Only Go Up"
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Musical Interlude: 2002, “A Year And A Day

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2002, “A Year And A Day

"A Look to the Heavens"

"These cosmic clouds have blossomed 1,300 light-years away, in the fertile starfields of the constellation Cepheus. Called the Iris Nebula, NGC 7023 is not the only nebula to evoke the imagery of flowers. Still, this deep telescopic image shows off the Iris Nebula's range of colors and symmetries, embedded in surrounding fields of interstellar dust. 
Within the Iris itself, dusty nebular material surrounds a hot, young star. The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue, characteristic of dust grains reflecting starlight. Central filaments of the reflection nebula glow with a faint reddish photoluminesence as some dust grains effectively convert the star's invisible ultraviolet radiation to visible red light. Infrared observations indicate that this nebula contains complex carbon molecules known as PAHs. The dusty blue petals of the Iris Nebula span about six light-years."