Monday, August 28, 2023

Dan, I Allegedly, "This Will Pop the Bubble"

Fill screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly 8/28/23
"This Will Pop the Bubble"
"There is a dramatic shift in the real estate industry. We are seeing more and more Airbnb’s hit the market. These homes will be sold at a reduced price. There are more layoffs than people expected, and the economy is awaiting the fed's decision on if we’re going to go with her interest rate increase."
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"The AirBnB Bubble Popping Will Pop The Housing Bubble"
By Charles Hugh Smith

"This is how bubbles collapse: the "vital few" 4% sell at whatever the market will bear, pushing prices down, and the 64% awaken to the rapidly narrowing window for locking in bubble capital gains. Here's how we can tell if a speculative bubble is a bubble: everyone says it isn't a bubble - the market has reached a "permanently high plateau" because valuations are now fairly priced, etc.

Housing globally is in a bubble (See chart below) which we're constantly assured isn't a bubble. As I discussed yesterday ( The Problem Isn't a Housing Shortage, It's the Concentration of Ownership by the Wealthy), this bubble is fundamentally an artifact of central bank and government policies that enrich the already-rich, who were incentivized to outbid each other with low-cost credit to snap up "investment properties" with their "surplus capital" that generate more income and capital gains that cash, which until recently was "trash" due to near-zero savings yields.
Many wealthy families collect multiple properties via inheritance, as second (vacation) homes or as long-term rentals. This hoarding is (as I explained) the only possible result of policies that asymmetrically distribute credit, and thus income and capital gains, to the already-wealthy rather than to the not-yet-wealthy. This policy-driven hoarding / concentration of housing in the top 10% is one factor driving rents higher due to artificial scarcity--a scarcity created by central bank and government policies, not the "market."

(Regulations and bureaucratic friction that push the cost of new constriction to the moon are another factor, but that's a topic for another post. I also want to stipulate that I am not talking about people of modest means who acquired rental properties by scrimping and saving their earned income and making sacrifices for decades--a strategy that is part of Self-Reliance; I'm talking about the already-wealthy who are seeking to "maximize returns" on their unearned "surplus capital.")

A systemic driver of this bidding war for rental properties is the "AirBnB" model of monetizing individual properties to compete with hotels and resorts for lodging. This model is called short-term vacation rentals (STVR), and the already-rich have been pouring their wealth into STVRs for the past 15 years.
This has led to an artificial scarcity of housing in popular tourist destinations. It's not uncommon to visit tourist-magnet cities and see entire buildings with only a few lights on, as many units are owned by the wealthy and left empty, as rents are not as important as having a safe place to "park surplus capital." Thousands of other units have been pulled from the long-term rental market to reap the higher returns of STVRs.

Many cities and locales are finally pushing back against the housing hoarding of the global wealthy, taxing empty units and limiting and/or licensing STVRs.

As I explained yesterday, the flood of post-pandemic price-insensitive "revenge spending" pushed tourist lodging rates to the moon as resorts and STVRs competed on exploiting price-insensitive tourists.

What's often forgotten about real estate is prices are set on the margin. The Pareto Distribution is a handy tool for understanding how an entire neighborhood's home prices are re-set by a mere handful of sales.

The Pareto Distribution is often summarized as the 80/20 Rule. The 80/20 rule can be distilled down to 80% of 80% and 20% of 20% to the 64/4 Rule: the "vital few" 4% exert outsized influence over the 64% mass. So 4% of sales can re-set the valuation of 64% of all neighboring houses.

So 40 houses selling for around $450,000 will re-set the valuation of 1,000 nearby homes from $800,000 to $450,000. This is why an apparently modest number of fire sales of money-losing STVRs will dissolve the floor under bubble valuations.

The STVR bubble was entirely an artifact of 1) historically absurdly low mortgage rates and 2) post-pandemic price-insensitive "revenge spending". Both are over. There is no way the bottom 90% can afford homes at today's bubble valuations, so the pool of buyers is limited to the top 10% already-wealthy, whose appetite for owning "surplus capital" rentals vanishes once the lofty weekly rates and low vacancies reverse into high vacancies and collapsing rental rates.
The bottom 90% have tapped out their pandemic windfalls and their lines of credit. The erosion of the global economy will deflate bonuses, capital gains and all the other sources of the top 10% "wealth effect," and credit will tighten as risk aversion and higher rates turn the spigot of easy credit off for the already-wealthy.
The collapse of the STVR bubble will topple a line of dominoes as corporate owners will awaken from their fantasies and realize they better sell now to lock in their gains before they vanish. Wealthy households who "land-banked" properties for capital gains and places to park "surplus capital" will also awaken to the the need to lock in gains by selling.
This is how bubbles collapse: the "vital few" 4% sell at whatever the market will bear, pushing prices down, and the 64% awaken to the rapidly narrowing window for locking in bubble capital gains. This rush for the exits triggers a strike in buyers, who realize there is no way to know how low valuations will fall, and so waiting for a bottom makes much more sense that playing "catch the knife," i.e. buying as a bubble deflates, hoping you don't get burned by prices falling after overpaying."

Gregory Mannarino, "Economy In Collapse; Personal Bankruptcies Skyrocket!"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/28/23
"Economy In Collapse; Personal Bankruptcies Skyrocket!"
Comments here:
Gregory Mannarino, PM 8/28/23
"Get Un-Banked! A 'Quiet Revolution' Has Begun"
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Greg Hunter, "Civilization & Dollar Are Going To End"

"Civilization & Dollar Are Going To End"
by Greg Hunter’s

"Financial writer John Rubino warned two weeks ago that whatever came out of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) meeting this past week would be bad for the dollar. The dollar did not crash, but the prospects for it remaining the reserve currency of the world took a beating. The BRICS added a half dozen countries into its group. Two of the most troubling for the dollar are Saudia Arabia (SA) (where the petrodollar started) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) where the U.S. has huge Navy and Airforce assets. SA and UAB officially joining the BRICS was nothing short of a stunning rebuke of U.S. financial and military power in the Persian Gulf. Rubino says, “So, now we’ve got the world’s biggest oil exporter and the site of a very big U.S. military presence in an anti-dollar coalition. This is a very big deal because the BRICS are sort of a trade organization dedicated to bypassing the dollar and not living under U.S. rule any longer. These countries don’t want to be controlled by what they see as a predatory empire. They are looking at what is happening financially in the developed world, and the U.S., Europe and Japan are taking on debt at an accelerating rate in a way that is going to lead to a gigantic financial crisis. There is no way around that at this point. If you are in the dollar centric trade system, you are vulnerable to a global crisis that is led by the dollar. So, you don’t want to be involved with that. There are a lot of reasons to set up a trade and monetary system that is not dollar based. One of the big ones is the dollar is going away because there is no way you can take on that kind of debt without a gigantic financial crisis and a currency reset at the end of it.”

Rubino goes on to say, “If we have a huge inflation led crisis that ends up with a currency reset, you don’t want to own Treasury bonds. Dollars are no longer risk-free assets. The BRICS countries have a lot of different motivations for forming their own coalition that is not vulnerable to the U.S. It makes a lot of sense for them to do what they are doing.”

The term “Mad Max” and the scenarios it conjures are becoming more and more possible with the deterioration of the financial system. Weather warfare is being waged in places all around the world with the help of geoengineering. Woke culture is making many cities unlivable and unsafe. Then add a global monetary crisis, and you have a perfect storm of destruction everything civilized. Rubino says, “There is a category of real estate called ‘cabin on land.’ It’s where you can buy 50 acres and a 400 square foot cabin with maybe solar panels and a well. Suddenly, that is hot property. Everybody wants one of those. That’s a sign of societal breakdown. Something where you are all alone in the woods is your preferred lifestyle, that means the world has gotten pretty stressful. That is the case for a lot of people in the U.S. We are creating a generation of ‘end of the roaders and survivalists.’ They are looking at this world and saying I need an AR-15, a cabin with solar panels and I will be okay.”

Find out why Rubino says all financial roads lead to gold and silver and why Rubino says the prepper lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. There is much more in the 50-minute interview."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with financial 
writer John Rubino and his new enterprise called

"Economic Market Snapshot 8/28/23"

"Economic Market Snapshot 8/28/23"
Market Data Center, Live Updates:
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it. 
You and I are not in the Big Club."
- George Carlin
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
Financial Stress Index

"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Job cuts and much more.
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words. Any I know anyway...
And now... The End Game...

Sunday, August 27, 2023

"Nationwide Emergency Alert For USA; Apocalyptic Fires For Next 72 Hours In Canada!"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 8/27/23
"Nationwide Emergency Alert For USA; 
Apocalyptic Fires For Next 72 Hours In Canada!"
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Jeremiah Babe, "Economic And Social Hell On Earth Is Reality"

Jeremiah Babe, 8/27/23
"Economic And Social Hell On Earth Is Reality"
Comments here:

"Disney Faces Worst Crisis In Our Lifetime As Prices Shoot Up This Fall"

Fulll screen recommended.
"Disney Faces Worst Crisis In
 Our Lifetime As Prices Shoot Up This Fall"
by Epic Economist

"4,000% is the approximate increase in Disney ticket prices since the theme park was founded in the 1970s. No wonder today’s middle-class families are being priced out of the Magic Kingdom experience that has become part of every kid’s dreams in the past five decades. Entrance costs, food, beverage, and service prices are shooting up right now as the company silently conducts hundreds of price increases across the system. Lower park attendance and declining sales numbers aren’t stopping CEO Bob Iger from adding extra charges on almost everything Disney sells, and avid fans are definitely hurting. Some of the changes will be devastating for consumers who are planning to visit Disney World in the coming months and in the next year, a new report shows. So if you want to find out how much more it’s going to cost to visit and purchase your favorite Disney items, keep tuned until the end of this video!

This fall might be your last chance to buy Disney tickets for less, according to a new CNN report. The entertainment giant is readjusting prices for the fifth time in three years. Amid a cost-cutting effort and attempts to boost the company’s falling profits, CEO Bob Iger has just approved a series of price hikes that will affect parks, general merchandise, and streaming services costs in just a few short months.

Many restaurants have already been quietly introducing menu price changes in the past few months, especially during the summer. On the company’s official website, the exact increases are not being disclosed to the public. However, data compiled by Disney Food Blog exposed price jumps of up to 40% in the past couple of months.

Even though customers already seem alarmed by spiking prices at Disney theme parks, CEO Bob Iger says it will help “boost revenue and limit overcrowding.” In fact, amid falling sales and subscriber losses, the company’s streaming service Disney+ will get almost 30% more expensive starting on October 12. Commercial-free Disney+ will cost $13.99 per month, a 27% increase, while Hulu without ads will cost $17.99 per month, a 20% price hike.

There’s one alarming trend for executives to watch out for -- demand for parks is going down. In Florida, park attendance this summer was 12 percentage points lower than during the summer of 2022. The tab for admission tickets to the Disney World and Disneyland theme parks has jumped more than 3,871% in the past 50 years — dwarfing increases in visitors’ wages, as well as the cost of rent and gas, figures compiled by data-tracking firm SJ Data Visualizations showed. By comparison, wages as well as the cost of rent and gasoline have all risen by percentages well below 500% during the same timeframe,

“If Walt [Disney] were alive today, he would probably be uncomfortable with the prices they’re charging right now,” Scott Smith, an assistant professor of hospitality at the University of South Carolina, who worked as a cast member in Disney’s Haunted Mansion, told the Washington Post. “They’ve priced middle-class families out.”Sadly, the Happiest Place on Earth is now becoming the priciest place on Earth, and only a very selected group of guests will be able to afford it."
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Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, "Remember When It Rained"

Full screen recommended.
Josh Groban, "Remember When It Rained"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Who knows what evil lurks in the eyes of galaxies? The Hubble knows -- or in the case of spiral galaxy M64 - is helping to find out. Messier 64, also known as the Evil Eye or Sleeping Beauty Galaxy, may seem to have evil in its eye because all of its stars rotate in the same direction as the interstellar gas in the galaxy's central region, but in the opposite direction in the outer regions. Captured here in great detail by the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope, enormous dust clouds obscure the near-side of M64's central region, which are laced with the telltale reddish glow of hydrogen associated with star formation. 
M64 lies about 17 million light years away, meaning that the light we see from it today left when the last common ancestor between humans and chimpanzees roamed the Earth. The dusty eye and bizarre rotation are likely the result of a billion-year-old merger of two different galaxies."

"Do You Want..."

"Do you want to live life, 
or do you want to escape life?"
- Macklemore

The Poet: Arthur O’Shaughnessy, "Music and Moonlight"

"Music and Moonlight"

"We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone seabreakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world forever, it seems…
We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Ninevah with our sighing,
And Babel itself in our mirth;
And o’erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world’s worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth."
- Arthur O’Shaughnessy
"The Dreamers Of Dreams..."
"The division of one day from the next must be one of the most profound peculiarities of life on this planet. We are not condemned to sustained flights of being, but are constantly refreshed by little holidays from ourselves. We are intermittent creatures, always falling to little ends and rising to new beginnings. Our soon-tired consciousness is meted out in chapters, and that the world will look quite different tomorrow is, both for our comfort and our discomfort, usually true. How marvelously too night matches sleep, sweet image of it, so nearly apportioned to our need. Angels must wonder at these beings who fall so regularly out of awareness into a fantasm-infested dark. How our frail identities survive these chasms no philosopher has ever been able to explain."
- Iris Murdoch

The Daily "Near You?"

Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"The Great Game of Let’s Pretend"

"The Great Game of Let’s Pretend"
by Jeffrey Tucker

"Two nights ago was supposed to be a night of reckoning and truth. The intrepid and independent journalist Tucker Carlson was to grill Donald Trump, who skipped the GOP debates because he is already the hands-down frontrunner and doesn’t want anything to do with conventional politics.

Tucker had spent the last three years on Fox correctly denouncing lockdowns, censorship, vaccine mandates, and medical segregation, plus the attacks on American liberty. He certainly knows what’s what. One might have supposed that the issues that tanked the Trump presidency and nearly the whole of American society and liberty would be front and center. Now was the time!

Oddly, none of it came up in his interview with Trump. The interview answered none of our questions about why Trump did what he did, which not only wrecked the American economy but arguably lost him the election. Even if you think the election was stolen, it was only through the mail-in ballots that the Covid controls unleashed. Tucker drilled down into none of this. It was as if 2020 did not happen at all.

The simultaneous GOP debate was even worse. Ron DeSantis started with a bang and spoke about lockdowns but the topic fizzled quickly. Following a flurry of pharma ads – indeed the entire event was funded by FDA-approved drug sales – the moderators briefly asked former vice president Mike Pence if he thought his administration bore any responsibility for learning loss because the Trump administration urged school closures.

Pence – who spent 2020 running cover for Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx – wholly ignored the question and said something else. The topic was never revisited again.

There was not one word said about tech censorship, the millions displaced and harmed by vaccine mandates, the dictatorial reach of the administrative state, the vast flurry of litigation against everything and everybody, the mass loss of trust in government and media, the foundational attack on the Bill of Rights, or the very real threat that it could happen again.

On the same day as the debate, we already saw mask mandates being reimposed. But no one spoke about it.

You surely see what’s going on here. The biggest issues in American life, which everyone experienced with vast tragedy and death all around, and about which everyone knows, are suddenly too sensitive to bring up. It’s something of which multitudes are aware but because all official institutions were involved, all official institutions are quiet about it. As a result, the great reckoning we need for renewal is farther off than ever.

Meanwhile, we’ve got Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., out there on countless public interviews, as a presidential candidate, saying remarkable things like 1) the CIA in 1963 killed his uncle who was president, 2) the intelligence community works with Big Pharma on gain-of-function research to create and cure new killer viruses, 3) they germ-gamed the lockdowns since 2001, 4) the lockdowns of March 2020 was a coup d’etat against representative democracy, 5) right now we have industry-captured Deep-State agencies that are ruling America who have no regard whatsoever for the US Constitution or the idea of freedom.

He says all of this without any shyness and with a great deal with knowledge and detail. He provides the receipts. Indeed, he has written several books on these themes. People listen and think “Oh that’s very interesting” and go hear him speak, without any presumption that he stands any chance to be President despite his wild popularity because, essentially, the fix is in.

Biden has already been selected to get the nomination, which rather demonstrates RFK’s point. Meanwhile, I’ve never once heard any reporter or read any article that challenges him on any of the facts. It’s as if everyone knows that what he is saying is true but we cannot do anything about it anyway. So he is tolerated as a wayward eccentric from a noble lineage but best ignored if we know what’s good for us.

It’s a very strange time in American political history, no doubt. We have one line of thinking sweeping through the population – which is based on mass incredulity and fury – and then another which is a veneer of normalcy that is slathered on top of our anger by all official institutions, which work hard to keep all these topics out of respectable conversations. Meanwhile, the whole of academic, mainstream social media, major mainstream media, and all of government seems to agree that all these obvious topics are too incendiary to be raised in polite company.

So everyone in the top layer of this manufactured consent is glad to play along with this great game of pretend. Meanwhile, people are fully aware now that the intelligence community is deeply involved in areas of life we previously thought were independent. And we suspect this is true even of organizations and publications we once thought were more-or-less trustworthy. How else to explain their silence and/or lies on all the crucial issues of our time?

As regards all the institutions that locked down the population just a few years ago, nothing has changed. Sure, there are a few court decisions extant that said they went too far but those are all being challenged and await appeals to the Supreme Court. But while these grueling processes play themselves out, Google, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and all the rest of our formerly free social-media platforms are more brutally censorial than ever. YouTube even announced that it will tolerate no content that contradicts the World Health Organization, which only three years ago recommended to the entire world the lockdowns pioneered by the CCP in Wuhan.

In the last few days, my own phone has blown up with people terrified of a new lockdown. They worry about leaving the country for fear of new travel restrictions. They worry about new vaccine mandates for their kids in school. They are thinking of moving to Florida and away from the big cities on the coasts where crime worsens by the day and skyscrapers are still mostly empty because workers won’t come back. And the #1 song in the world wails about the cruelty of this new world and how it is sending people to an early death.

Who would have imagined that a collapse on this level would happen in plain sight and everyone would see it and yet the entirety of the culture planners would in effect impose a fatwa on anyone who speaks about it?

Certainly I never imagined this scenario. Our whole lives we’ve sung about the “land of the free and the home of the brave” but here we are unfree and not brave. Because of facial-recognition technology, we cannot even hit the streets anymore. That was the real point of the post-January 6 crackdown: to serve as a lesson that if we resist in person, we will be recognized and dealt with severely.

The silence about the truth is utterly deafening. It’s not just that we aren’t getting answers to our questions; we aren’t even getting questions outside a handful of venues including this one.

Meanwhile, the highest hopes for saving the country from ruin are being placed in the hands of the very chief executive under whom all this began. And why? Because people believe that he was tricked and betrayed into greenlighting this wreckage even though he has never actually said anything like this. It’s the only hope people have. It’s a thin hope indeed.

When I first read Orwell’s 1984, it seemed like a dark and implausible fantasy and warning. I never imagined that it was really a reductio ad absurdum of a reality that he saw unfolding before him in the rising totalitarianism of his time. It turns out that he was a prophet of just how corrupt a highly politicized society with overweening bureaucracy can be in practice when careerism trumps courage and the cash nexus spreads the coercive mindset throughout all the commanding heights of the social order.

We are finding out now. The soundtrack of the end times is not Mahler or Wagner. It is gaming music with dance numbers on TikTok, with darkly distant echoes of a simple country singer in Virginia decrying the rich men north of Richmond."

"Be Like The Bird..."

"What matter if this base, unjust life
Cast you naked and disarmed?
If the ground breaks beneath your step,
Have you not your soul?
Your soul! You fly away,
Escape to realms refined,
Beyond all sadness and whimpering.
Be like the bird which on frail branches balanced
A moment sits and sings;
He feels them tremble, but he sings unshaken,
Knowing he has wings."

– Victor Hugo

Jim Quinn, "End Game For The American Empire"

"End Game For The American Empire"
by Jim Quinn

"Living through the late stages of an empire in decline, coming unhinged, flailing about in a death throes of debt, depravity and denial, is not a pleasant experience. But, it is just the cycle of history playing out once again, with the name of the empire changed, different villains and fools, civil and international strife, and a debt default to end all debt defaults. As the chart below portrays, the existing social order, controlled and dominated by America since the beginning of the 20th Century, is rapidly hurtling towards its demise, to be swept away by a tsunami of debt default, social chaos, and global war. That’s how Fourth Turnings roll.
I know the ignorant masses choose the ostrich method of keeping their heads buried in the sand, but that will not save them from the consequences of actions taken and not taken over the last fifty years by the political and business leaders installed by wealthy globalist psychopaths bent on controlling the world and reaping the riches from their despicable efforts.
I believe Ray Dalio‘s chart of the changing world order is accurate as to where we stand in the cycle, even though he is one of those global elitists. The beginning of the decline can be pegged to the start of the 21st Century, with the crash and 9/11 ushering in an astronomical increase in debt, money printing, and despotism, as each crisis created by debt and money printing was met with the “solution” of more debt and money printing. With interest on the national debt about to surpass $1 trillion per year and unfunded future debt obligations exceeding $200 trillion, there is no way out. The American economic system will implode in a matter of a few years.

The internal conflict since the election of Trump in 2016 and the subsequent coup, election fraud, scamdemic, and now unwarranted un-Constitutional persecution of Trump, leaves the country on the brink of civil war. I know the regime media and distracted masses scoff at the possibility of civil war, but the same was true in 1859. There are a lot of rightfully angry people in this country with a seething rage for those who have destroyed this country for their own gain. The 2024 election sure seems like a spark that could ignite this powder keg, and the 300 million weapons owned by the angry people are waiting to be put to proper use.
I believe we are already in the midst of stages 16 – Loss of Reserve Currency and 17 – Weak Leadership. The American empire initiated war in the Ukraine has set in motion the demise of the USD as the reserve currency of the world, ending its seventy seven year reign as the one and only settlement currency for global trade. Biden, the weakest, dumbest, most corrupt, illegitimate president in the history of our country, has succeeded in pushing Russia, China, India, Brazil, and now the Middle East and South American oil producers towards an economic alliance which will accelerate the demise of the USD.

Biden, as the puppet of evil globalist forces, has encouraged an invasion of our southern border by barbarian hordes, has destroyed our economy, flaunted the Constitution, and has set us on a path towards global conflict. He makes James Buchanan and Jimmy Carter look like Mount Rushmore candidates compared to his “accomplishments”. They were just ineffective and weak. He is corrupt, evil and destructive. 2024 would be the sixteenth year of this Fourth Turning, right in the wheelhouse of civil war, revolution, and global conflict. We have entered the endgame and now it’s just a matter of how much destruction, death, and retribution will be required to achieve a new world order better than what we have today. Not winning is not an option."
Hat tip to The Burning Platform for this material.

"Our Economy Just Hit A Brick Wall, Stock Market Crash Coming In September?"

Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report, 8/27/23
"Our Economy Just Hit A Brick Wall, 
Stock Market Crash Coming In September?"
"The economic spiral has begun. All indicators point to a troubling downturn, raising questions about whether our economy has hit a brick wall. It's almost as if we're picking up the pieces of a puzzle scattered across the ground. Today, we'll be delving into the factors at play, the deceleration we're witnessing, and the indicators that suggest the government's rosy stats might not be telling the whole story."
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"How It Really Is"

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
 (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it
 with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
- H. L. Mencken

"Covid Mandates? Situation Critical! A New Crisis Is Upon Us!"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/27/23
"Covid Mandates? Situation Critical! 
A New Crisis Is Upon Us!"
Comments here:
Adventures With Danno, AM 8/27/23
"Mask Mandates Returning? Not Again!"
Mask mandates have returned in some parts of the U.S. as new variants are discovered and continue to rise across the country.  We discuss this matter with our audience and our opinion on this situation.
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Must view!
The Economic Ninja, 8/27/23
"New Covid Vaccine: He Is Actually Going To Do It..."
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Dan, I Allegedly, "Sorry, We Failed You"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly 8/27/23
"Sorry, We Failed You"
So much is happening right now with scams. People are being taken for their life savings every day. The worst part about this is that the banks are now not giving people their money back. “Sorry, we failed you.“ They are getting no help.
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Saturday, August 26, 2023

"Redacted, 8/26/23"

Redacted, 8/26/23
Col. Macgregor: Ukraine has been turned 
into a cemetary, there's no one left to fight.'"
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"Jeremiah Babe, 8/26/23"

Jeremiah Babe, 8/26/23
"Warning! Your Food May Be Radioactive! 
The Collapse Will Be Much Worse Than You Think"
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"15 Banks Collapsing All Around Us"

Full screen recommended.
"15 Banks Collapsing All Around Us"
by Epic Economist

"America is about to see a cascade of bank failures, and the future of hundreds of regional banks is on the line right now. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, Credit Suisse and First Republic marked the start of a reckoning in a sector that is being severely impacted by rising interest rates, souring loans, lower deposit rates, and falling profits in 2023. Many institutions have high exposure to risky assets, something that account holders will probably only find out after a major crisis erupts and they can no longer withdraw their funds. Regional banks are particularly endangered due to the fact that the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes have eroded the value of bank assets such as government bonds and mortgage-backed securities. Most bonds pay a fixed interest rate that becomes attractive when interest rates fall, driving up demand and the price of the bond. In contrast, if interest rates rise, investors will no longer prefer the lower fixed interest rate paid by a bond, thus driving down its price. No wonder why some institutions have lost more than 80% of their market capitalization this year.

For example, Pacific West Bank may be the fourth California bank to fall this year. According to Ed Moya, a senior market analyst at Oanda, the company's terrible performance on financial markets is a major indicator of trouble. The bank recently revealed that outflows started to rise again, leading its shares to drop 22.7% in a single day, which further extended its recent declines. PacWest’s shares have now fallen more than 50% this month and nearly 80% for the year. Adding assault to injury, the bank said in a securities filing that its deposits declined 9.5% in the last quarter. “PacWest is starting to look like the weakest link and some traders are wondering if they will fail or have a sale,” Moya revealed.

“Our calculations suggest these banks are certainly at a potential risk of a run, absent other government intervention or recapitalization,” economists with the Social Science Research Network wrote in a new report. “The recent declines in bank asset values very significantly increased the fragility of the U.S. banking system to uninsured depositor runs,” they noted.

A run on these banks could pose a risk to even insured depositors − those with $250,000 or less in the bank − as the FDIC’s deposit insurance fund starts incurring losses. These institutions represent just a small share of the more than 200 banks that are vulnerable to the same type of risk that took down Silicon Valley Bank. The potential impact of all of these institutions being at risk at the same time could be significant for the banking sector and the broader economy. If a small number of these banks were to fail, it could lead to a domino effect, causing other banks to fail as well. This could create a nationwide credit crunch, making it even more difficult for businesses and consumers to access credit and slowing economic growth.

The truth is that a single bank run on one of these vulnerable institutions could cause a ripple effect, leading depositors to withdraw funds from other banks as well. That would spark panic on financial markets and the public could lose confidence in the banking system as a whole, a scenario similar to what happened when the Great Depression started to unfold in the 1930s. It seems that a financial crisis may erupt sooner than we all thought, and we are certainly not prepared to deal with its repercussions. And the companies listed in this video could be the next to break down all around us."
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Musical Interlude: 2002, "The Dreaming Tree"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "The Dreaming Tree"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Some spiral galaxies are seen nearly sideways. Most bright stars in spiral galaxies swirl around the center in a disk, and seen from the side, this disk can appear quite thin. Some spiral galaxies appear even thinner than NGC 3717, which is actually seen tilted just a bit. Spiral galaxies form disks because the original gas collided with itself and cooled as it fell inward. Planets may orbit in disks for similar reasons.
The featured image by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a light-colored central bulge composed of older stars beyond filaments of orbiting dark brown dust. NGC 3717 spans about 100,000 light years and lies about 60 million light years away toward the constellation of the Water Snake (Hydra)."

Chet Raymo, "Strange"

by Chet Raymo

“In a review in the “New York Times” Book Review, Daniel Handler writes: “And strange? Well, let’s get this straight: All great books are strange. Every lasting work of literature since the very weird “Beowulf” has been strange, not only because it grapples with the strangeness around us, but also because the effect of originality is startling, making even the oldest books feel like brand new stories.”

Strange: Out-of-the-ordinary, unusual, curious. “The strangeness around us,” says Handler. There is a paradox here. What could be less strange than the world around us? It is the same world that was here yesterday, and the day before that. More to the point: It is a world ruled by law. Inviolable causal bonds. That’s what makes science possible.

And yet, and yet. I walk wary. Strangeness lurks on ever side. Strangeness leaps out of every pebble in the path, every wildflower, every spider web flung between weedy stalks. In the midst of the utterly ordinary the extraordinary abounds. Nothing is so commonplace as to be common. The strangeness of the world, as in literature, has its source in the head, in the convoluted interaction of mind with world. Strange, that we should be here, strangers in a strange land, pilgrims on our own yellow brick roads where nothing is ordinary because everything is perceived through the filter of a unique consciousness.

And strange? Well, let’s get this straight. I hope never to lose the capacity to see the strangeness in the familiar, the curious in the everyday, the exception in the unexceptional. 
“I do not expect a miracle, 
or an accident, 
to set the sight on fire...” 

wrote Silvia Plath. Just being here is enough. Just being here is surpassing strange.”

The Poet: Robert Bly, "Things to Think"

"Things to Think"

"Think in ways you've never thought before.
If the phone rings, think of it as carrying a message
Larger than anything you've ever heard,
Vaster than a hundred lines of Yeats.

Think that someone may bring a bear to your door,
Maybe wounded and deranged; or think that a moose
Has risen out of the lake, and he's carrying on his antlers
A child of your own whom you've never seen.

When someone knocks on the door,
Think that he's about
To give you something large: tell you you're forgiven,
Or that it's not necessary to work all the time,
Or that it's been decided that if you lie down no one will die."

- Robert Bly, “Morning Poems”

“Incidit In Scyllam Cupiens Vitare Charybdim”

“Incidit In Scyllam Cupiens Vitare Charybdim”
by Steve Candidus

“One of the great things about ancient Greek Mythology is that the stories all teach a lesson. They don’t end with – and the moral of the story is – though. They leave it to the reader to figure them out. So in addition to being just plain fun to read they are wonderful teachers about life. Perhaps the best thing about this one is that we still use the expression it contains exactly the same way that the ancient Greeks intended it almost 3,000 years ago. That almost never happens. Language is fluid and the meanings of words and expressions changes from one generation to another, but this one is an exception. The everyday expression it contains is one that we often refer to without really knowing where it came from.

This is one of the tales of Odysseus who was the heroic king of Ithaca and of whose ten-year journey back to Greece after the Trojan War was immortalized in Homer’s ‘Odyssey’. There was a point in his journey when his ship had to enter a narrow strait. It was a passage so narrow that it could only be made under special conditions. They had to have both the wind at their backs and the current in their direction. However, once committed it was impossible to turn back.

Unknown to the sailors the strait was guarded by two deadly perils. On the one side, it was guarded by Scylla. Scylla was a six-headed monster that disguised itself as a rock. On the other side, it was guarded by Charybdis, a terrible deadly whirlpool born of the sea god Poseidon.

In olden times, it was common to refer to any place that a ship came to rest on land as being in a hard place. It didn’t matter if it was blown on shore by a storm, grounded on a reef or brought up intentionally for repair. If it was on shore, it was on a hard place as opposed to the soft place – water.

It also applied to a ship that had foundered. A ship that sinks will eventually rest on the bottom. The land at the bottom of the ocean is therefore called a hard place. It used to be a common term, but it has since pretty much fallen out of practice in common language today. A deadly whirlpool such as Charybdis could take a ship and send it straight to the bottom – a hard place.

So, now as we return to the story of Odysseus we see that their ship had entered a narrow strait and that strait was guarded by two evil perils with hardly enough room for a ship to pass between them. They were forced to choose between the six headed monster ‘Scylla’ disguised as a rock or the dreaded whirlpool ‘Charybdis’ that would surely send them to a hard place and they could not turn back.

There is a Latin proverb from this story, “Incidit in Scyllam cupiens vitare Charybdim” which translates to, “He runs on Scylla, wishing to avoid Charybdis.” In modern day English, we simply say, “They were between a rock and a hard place”. And now you know…”

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