Thursday, August 17, 2023

Bill Bonner, "The Democracy Trap"

"The Democracy Trap"
Politics, geopolitics, megapolitics...
 and election time in the land of the gauchos.
by Bill Bonner

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
~ Alexander Fraser Tyler (15 October 1747 – 5 January 1813)

Youghal, Ireland - "Politics…geopolitics…megapolitics…B.S., theft and murder. But now, they come at us hard and fast. In Argentina politics is front and center – along with an historic test of democracy itself. In Ukraine, the geo-political ‘game’ brings joy to a few…profits to some…and misery to many. And in the US itself, megapolitics sink the empire. Today, we look at politics…in the land of the gauchos. We admit a prejudice. We have a special affection for Argentina and live there part of the year. And what a learning experience! Every dopey policy…every jackass program – the Argentines have tried them all.

Democracy: Testing, Testing…Yesterday came news that the peso is plummeting again, the dollar is soaring, and the central bank raised its lending rate to 118%! But it is still behind the actual inflation rate, believed to be around 120%. What’s new? Inflation is a very old story. It’s how the elite transfer power and money to themselves – beyond what they can get from taxation and borrowing. But since inflation so obviously harms the common man…and since it is the common man who ultimately prevails in an election…democracy requires a level of fraud not normally seen in a monarchy or an autocracy. And now, in Argentina, we are witnessing an important test.

We know inflation can be stopped. Paul Volcker did it in 1980. But Volcker was not elected. Inflation peaked at only at 13%. And the national debt was less than $1 trillion. Even then, it was a close call. Volcker pushed the key Fed rate up to 20%. Politicians and activists howled. They called for his head and burned an effigy of him on the Capitol steps. They said he was ruining the economy. Ronald Reagan had just been elected; he had a few years before he had to face the voters again. He stuck with Volcker and the job got done.

Today, that scenario is almost unimaginable. The national debt is almost $33 trillion. Households, businesses, investors, and the government itself – all are hooked on cheap money. And neither major candidate for president – Biden nor Trump – favors a return to balanced budgets or ‘hard’ money. Thank God, the masses are so easy to bamboozle. They think inflation is caused by capitalist ‘greed’ or ‘supply chain disruptions’ or foreign suppliers – the Chinese!

Burning Down the Bank: But after many years, these miscues lose their appeal…and voters begin to suspect that it is the politicians themselves who are to blame. Then, a ‘vote the bums out’ movement takes hold…and enterprising politicians promise reform. Usually, the ‘reform’ candidate is just another bamboozler. But the voters can’t tell the difference. Donald J. Trump, for example, is no real reformer. But he plays one on TV and that is enough for many voters.

Real reformers, on the other hand, pose a threat to the Elite Establishment. In Niger, the elected president seems to have threatened the power of the military. So, the generals locked him up. And in Pakistan, here’s the latest. The Cradle:

"In a striking judicial development on 5 August, a court in Islamabad handed down a significant verdict against former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. The court found him guilty of a serious lapse in his responsibilities, specifically his failure to report the sale of state gifts on his income tax and asset declaration forms. Consequently, the popular politician and former cricket star was sentenced to three years in prison and, notably, was further disqualified from seeking public office for a minimum period of five years."

Cometh Javier Milei in Argentina. He has 5 dogs named after economists. He used to play guitar in a rock ‘n’ roll band. And now he delivers fiery speeches, proposing to burn down the central bank and do away with the peso altogether.

A Fruitful Alliance: We have a financial research business in Buenos Aires. There, as here, we publish ideas and opinions that are out of step with the mainstream press. When he was just beginning his long-shot campaign, Milei contacted us. We – our local CEO – introduced him to former Argentine president, Mauricio Macri. It now looks like a fruitful alliance.

Milei proposes to do away with welfare, streamline the military and cut government spending to an affordable level – the very opposite of what the masses generally favor. And yet, in the primary election on Sunday, he stunned observers with a victory. TIME: "Far-right populist Javier Milei rocked Argentina’s political establishment Sunday by emerging as the biggest vote-getter in primary elections to choose presidential candidates for the October general election in a nation battered by economic woes.

Milei, an admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump, says Argentina’s Central Bank should be abolished, thinks climate change is a lie, characterizes sex education as a ploy to destroy the family, believes the sale of human organs should be legal and wants to make it easier to own handguns.

With around 92% of polling locations reporting, Milei had around 30% of the total vote, according to official results. The candidates in the main opposition coalition, United for Change, were at 28% and the current governing coalition, Union for the Homeland, had 27%. Celebrating in his election headquarters, Milei vowed to bring “an end to the parasitic, corrupt and useless political caste that exists in this country.” “Today we took the first step toward the reconstruction of Argentina,” he said. “A different Argentina is impossible with the same people as always.” Whoa!

It was just a primary. And veteran politicians, their pet reporters and their hit men have ways of sidelining real reformers. But the election is worth watching. The masses usually want something-for-nothing. Politicians who promise to deliver it get elected. Those who tell the truth are defeated. Or worse. Can a popular democracy ever escape the trap described by Mr. Tyler, above? We’ll find out."

"Stocking Up On Sales At Kroger! More Price Increases! What's Coming?"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures With Danno, 8/17/23
"Stocking Up On Sales At Kroger!
 More Price Increases! What's Coming?"
"In today's vlog, we are at Kroger and are noticing that even the sales prices on items are getting much higher than they have ever been. Prices on groceries are getting so expensive that many families are struggling to put food on the table."
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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

"People Will Freak Out When Gas Stations Run Dry And Prices Hit Astronomical Levels In The Next Weeks"

Full screen recommended.
"People Will Freak Out When Gas Stations Run Dry 
And Prices Hit Astronomical Levels In The Next Weeks"
by Epic Economist

"An alarming trend has emerged this month: Gasoline prices are creeping toward $4 again. Fuel stockpiles have dropped for six weeks in a row and that may create a huge headache for U.S. motorists getting ready to hit the road on Labor Day. With refineries closing down for maintenance during a critical moment of the U.S. driving season, many stations can run out of supplies and prices are likely to hit the highest levels in over a year, according to experts’ forecasts. The situation is reaching such extreme proportions that now even the U.S. Energy Information Administration is revising its forecast for gas and oil prices upwards, and expecting the trend to last until 2024. On top of all that, one major energy provider is warning about an impending nationwide energy crisis in the coming months, Shortages and outages can cause more stress at the pump and for millions of families this fall and winter.

In the past few weeks, drivers have been feeling a pinch when filling up their tanks, with the average price for a gallon of regular gasoline jumping to $3.87 today, an increase of almost 40 cents from a month ago. AAA data shows that since July 16, the average cost of a gallon of gas climbed nearly 15%, surpassing $4 in 12 states, including Arizona, Illinois, Utah, Colorado, and Michigan. In California, the state with the highest gas prices, an average gallon costs more than $5 right now.

Exacerbating the supply crunch, a spike in demand ahead of Labor Day will keep prices expensive in August and September. "Globally, August is the peak [demand]," adds Richard Joswick, head of global oil at S&P Global Commodity Insights. He forecasts that the national average could climb above $4 by August 30.

Earlier this month, Goldman Sachs forecasted oil could reach $100 a barrel in the fourth quarter, bringing the average price of a gallon of gas to the highest level in a year. Patrick De Haan, the head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, notes that the cost of gasoline is currently at the highest point since October 2022, and it could climb to $4.12 by September 2 due to dwindling inventories.

Any disruptive event, such as a major storm that damages infrastructure, could make things exponentially worse. "The wild card is a hurricane threat," AAA said. "If a hurricane comes barreling in and hits the U.S. gulf coast, prices will spike."

The skyrocketing price of energy supplies, especially gasoline, is likely to cause inflation to rise through August, experts said. The US Energy Information Administration dimmed its estimate of global oil production through 2024 because of an agreement by OPEC+ to extend its output cuts in the fourth quarter. Citing those supply cuts, the EIA said it expects more “upward pressure” on oil prices, “notably in late-2023 and early-2024.”

Unfortunately, gasoline and fuels aren’t the only energy supplies at risk of shortages and outages during this fall and winter. A major cooperative of electric grid operators in Utah just approved a declaration of what it says is an “impending U.S. energy crisis,” fueled by the accelerated retirement of coal-fired power plants without ensuring an alternative base load energy supply can take their place.

We’re about to face the worst of gasoline inflation, and our homes are at risk of losing power during the period we will need it the most. The disruptions that occurred last year will be considered mild compared to what’s going to happen this winter, that’s why the time to prepare is now."
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"Gerald Celente, Trends Journal 8/16/23"

Gerald Celente, Trends Journal 8/16/23
"Judge Andrew Napolitano,
 America: Freedom Dying By A Thousand Cuts"
Comments here:
"The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times."

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Remember Now"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "Remember Now"
"The inspiration for this song was a "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode called "The Offspring". Data (an android) creates a "child" for himself which he names Lal (in the Hindi language, Lal means "Beloved"). Lal eventually dies in Data's arms, remembering and retelling the precious moments she has lived. Data transferred Lal's thoughts into his own neural net, so that she would not be forgotten."

"A Look to the Heavens"

This rock structure is not only surreal - it's real. The reason it's not more famous is that it is, perhaps, smaller than one might guess: the capstone rock overhangs only a few meters. Even so, the King of Wings outcrop, located in New Mexico, USA, is a fascinating example of an unusual type of rock structure called a hoodoo. Hoodoos may form when a layer of hard rock overlays a layer of eroding softer rock.
Figuring out the details of incorporating this hoodoo into a night-sky photoshoot took over a year. Besides waiting for a suitably picturesque night behind a sky with few clouds, the foreground had to be artificially lit just right relative to the natural glow of the background. After much planning and waiting, the final shot, featured here, was taken in May 2016. Mimicking the horizontal bar, the background sky features the band of our Milky Way Galaxy stretching overhead.”

“Requiem for a Ladybug”

“Requiem for a Ladybug”
by Frankly Francis

“You lie still less than a foot away on top of the soft mouse pad that protects me from carpal tunnel syndrome. I noticed this morning, through eyes not yet clarified by my first coffee of the day, your presence in my study. Odd, I thought, that you would even be present now. It is certainly past your time of the year in these parts.

I had the presence of mind to reckon that your life must be short. Rather than remove you from my space, both physical and mental, I decided that if these were your final moments then my study could be your Hospice and I your companion.

Your flight and movement were a little chaotic, seemingly random. You nestled in the heat of the light in the globe of my desk lamp, you circled my cranium, you landed in various spots, and in and on various objects on my desk while I got about the business of the day.

Sometimes I could see you, other times I did not know where you were. Then you would rise again to a new location. I wondered if you had any purpose in this, if there was more going on than my conscious programming allowed me to realize.

Perhaps it was, in your reality, some last business to be done? Or perhaps a ritual of your species’ existence? I hoped that if there is any pleasure in being a Ladybug that it was satisfying in some way, even so far from your natural habitat. Then you landed on your final resting spot and moved no more.

For me, my study is a place of many good things. I hope in your last moments it was to you as well. Rest in Peace my little Ladybug. And thanks for reminding me of the preciousness and fragility of life.”

"Memento Mori"

"Memento Mori"
by Ryan Holiday

"Were all the geniuses of history to focus on this single theme, they could never fully express their bafflement at the darkness of the human mind. No person hands out their money to passersby, but to how many do each of us hand out our lives! We're tight-fisted with property and money, yet think too little of wasting time, the one thing about which we should all be the toughest misers."  - Seneca

Born with a chronic illness that loomed large throughout his life, Seneca was constantly thinking about and writing about the final act of life. "Let us prepare our minds as if we'd come to the very end of life," he said. "Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life's books each day. The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time."

Most interestingly, he quibbled with the idea that death was something that lay ahead of us in the uncertain future. "This is our big mistake," Seneca wrote, "to think we look forward to death. Most of death is already gone. Whatever time has passed is owned by death." That was Seneca's great insight - that we are dying every day and no day, once dead, can be revived.

So we should listen to the command that Marcus gave himself. He wrote,"Concentrate every minute like a Roman on doing what's in front of you with precise and genuine seriousness, tenderly, willingly, with justice. And on freeing yourself from all other distractions." The key to this kind of concentration? "Do everything as if it were the last thing you were doing in your life."

That's the power of Memento Mori - of meditating on your mortality. It isn't about being morbid or making you scared. It's about giving you power. It's to inspire, to motivate, to clarify, to concentrate like a Roman on the thing in front of you. Because it may well be the last thing you do in your life.

The Stoics were philosophers, but more than that they were doers. They didn't have room for big words or big ideas, just stuff that made you better right here, right now. As Marcus Aurelius said: "Justice, honesty, self-control, courage, don't make room for anything but it - for anything that might lead you astray, tempt you off the road, and leave you unable to devote yourself completely to achieving the goodness that is uniquely yours."

"All I Wanna Do..."

"Angel: Well, I guess I kinda worked it out. If there's no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters... then all that matters is what we do. 'Cause that's all there is. What we do. Now. Today. I fought for so long, for redemption, for a reward, and finally just to beat the other guy, but I never got it.
Kate Lockley: And now you do?
Angel: Not all of it. All I wanna do is help. I wanna help because, I don't think people should suffer as they do. Because, if there's no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world.
Kate Lockley: Yikes. It sounds like you've had an epiphany.
Angel: I keep saying that, but nobody's listening."
"Angel", 2001

"Isochronic Tones: Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking"

"Isochronic Tones:
Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking"
by Jason Lewis

“Headphones Recommended – Note: As this session stimulates each ear with different frequencies, you will need to use headphones to experience the full effect. Alternative background sounds available on Mp3 here: Orchestral, Hybrid, World Music, Rain, Brown Noise.

What does this track do? This session stimulates Beta, SMR and Alpha, alternating in 2 minute increments to help keep the user relaxed and engaged. Note: SMR (sensorimotor rhythm) relates to the frequency range between 12 – 15Hz. It’s associated with sensory processing and motor control. Stimulating this can result in relaxed focus and improved attention. This session is meant to speed up the brain while keeping the left hemisphere dominant (good for attention, concentration and reducing emotional response and hyperactivity). ADD and similar disorders are often characterized by “slow-wave” EEG patterns, particularly in the left frontal region. As such, this session stimulates the left brain hemisphere with Beta frequencies and the right with SMR.

Can it be used to help with studying and if so, when should you listen to it? Yes, it can be helpful to use while studying, and if you read through the many comments about this track, you’ll see that many people have successfully used it for studying. You can either listen to it while you are studying, to get your brain into a good mental state when you need it. Or if you are someone that gets a bit distracted by music while studying, listen to it just before you begin.

How Loud Should The Volume Be? There is varying advice and opinions on the impact of volume with brainwave entrainment, with some saying the louder it is the more impact it has. From my own experience, my advice is to play it at a volume level you feel comfortable with. The main thing to consider is that it should be loud enough to hear the repetitive isochronic tones, so you don’t want it so quiet you can hardly hear them. But you also don’t want it so loud that its uncomfortable for you. Somewhere in the middle is my recommendation.

Use this session in the morning or afternoon, to train your brain for better cognition, such as clearer and faster thinking. You can either sit somewhere quiet and comfortable with your eyes closed and give your brain a nice workout, or you can also listen to this while doing an activity that requires a boost in concentration, like studying.

How long should you listen for to get a good effect? It takes around 6 minutes for your brainwaves to fall in step with the tones and become entrained. It then takes time to be guided along the frequency range used in the track. Listening to about half way through is the minimum in my opinion, but 30 minutes is the optimum and preferred length to listen for.

• Drink some water – Make sure you are well hydrated before listening to brainwave entrainment.
WHY? Your brain is made up of around 75% water, so it needs plenty of water to function well. When you stimulate your brain in this way, you’re increasing electrical activity and blood flow in the brain and giving your brain a good workout, so it can be a good idea to drink before listening, so that your brain can fire on all cylinders.

• It is not recommended to listen to this while driving or operating machinery.
WHY? Brainwave entrainment involves a process of stimulating your brainwaves and changing your mental state. While this is safe to do and use in normal situations, it can sometimes zone you out during the track, as you focus in on the sound of the tones. This could result in you being distracted temporarily, which is not a good thing while you’re driving or operating machinery. Some people also experience tingling and other sensations from the stimulation. While that might feel quite nice sitting in a comfortable chair at home, it could cause you to be distracted while driving and result in an accident.

• It is not recommended to listen to this while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or any mind altering substance.
WHY? When your brain is under the influence of drugs or alcohol it’s not operating to it’s full capacity, and you react differently to stimulation and situations, compared to when you are sober. So as a precaution and because I don’t know how you will react in that situation, I recommend you do not use it in that situation.

• Who should NOT listen to this audio? Those who should not listen to this video/audio include: Those who are prone to or have had seizures, epilepsy, pregnant or wear a pacemaker should NOT listen to this video/audio.
WHY? There is insufficient research data in this area, so as a precaution, if you are among the categories listed above, I would recommend you consult a doctor or medical professional before listening to this video/audio.”
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Look folks, this isn't some stupid melodrama. Whether you want to know it or not we're in the fight of our lives, for our lives. Some of you reading this will not survive, and I may not either, so I'll take any edge I can get, and you should too. The more you're aware the better prepared you can be. This works...I strongly suggest it's use...- CP

The Poet: Mary Oliver, “Evidence”


“Where do I live?
If I had no address, as many people do not,
I could nevertheless say that I lived in the 
same town as the lilies of the field,
and the still waters.

Spring, and all through the neighborhood 
now there are
 strong men tending flowers.
Beauty without purpose is beauty without virtue.

But all beautiful things, inherently, have this function -

to excite the viewers toward sublime thought.

Glory to the world, that good teacher.

Among the swans there is none 
called the least,
 or the greatest.
I believe in kindness. Also in mischief.
Also in singing, 
especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed.

As for the body, 
it is solid and strong and curious and full of detail;
it wants to polish itself; it wants to love another body;

it is the only vessel in the world that can hold,
in a mix of power and sweetness:

words, song, gesture, passion, ideas,
devotion, merriment, vanity, and virtue.
Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”

- Mary Oliver
“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for! To quote from Whitman, ‘O me! O life! of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless - of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?’ Answer: That you are here - that life exists, and that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
- “Dead Poets Society”

"We're All Sinking..."

"We're all sinking in the same boat here. We're all bored and desperate and waiting for something to happen. Waiting for life to get better. Waiting for things to change. Waiting for that one person to finally notice us. We're all waiting. But we also need to realize that we all have the power to make those changes for ourselves."
- Susane Colasanti

The Daily "Near You?"

Sinton, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Never Be A Spectator..."

"Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendent' and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself. Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought arrogant or selfish. Picture all experts as if they were mammals. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect your own motives, and all excuses. Do not live for others any more than you would expect others to live for you."
- Christopher Hitchens

"Amazon Is Wiping Out Thousands Of Stores As Economic Crisis Continues"

Full screen recommended.
The Atlantis Report 8/16/23
"Amazon Is Wiping Out Thousands
 Of Stores As Economic Crisis Continues"
"The impact of the Amazon Effect on the retail industry has been nothing short of transformative, giving rise to what is now known as the "Retail Apocalypse." As consumers increasingly turn to online shopping, brick-and-mortar stores have faced a relentless onslaught of challenges. Amazon's remarkable growth has reshaped the retail landscape, driving a significant shift in consumer behavior. Since its entry into the market in 2005, Amazon has been responsible for nearly half of all retail industry growth, while accounting for a staggering 31% of all retail purchases. This massive market share has left many traditional retailers struggling to compete. The once-vibrant shopping districts that housed bustling stores are now witnessing a wave of closures and bankruptcies, with over 500,000 retail stores closed since 2005. While other factors have contributed to this retail upheaval, Amazon's dominance in various sectors, from books to electronics, has played a pivotal role in shaping the retail apocalypse we see today."
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"The Cracks are Starting to Show Everywhere"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, I Allegedly 8/16/23
"The Cracks are Starting to Show Everywhere"
"We are seeing that the average person in small business is really beginning to feel the pain of this economy. We are also starting to see that builder sentiment is starting to break. Houses don’t get sold without incentives." 
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Bill Bonner, "China: The Next Boondoggle"

"China: The Next Boondoggle"
The US empire blunders from one military 
misadventure to the next...
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland - "When did China become an enemy? Why did it become an enemy? These are questions for the future, along with ‘when did we become the bad guys?’ But since we aim to stay ahead of the news cycle, we will ask now: Does China threaten to invade California? Does it hijack US ships…and crucify the crews in Tiananmen Square? What did it do that was so bad? The answer is, of course, nothing. But it doesn’t need to do anything. It only has to exist – as a commercial rival…as a ‘strategic competitor’…as an alternative way of doing things; that’s enough to set the great US jaw against it.

Backtracking…The latest boondoggle war – in the Ukraine – is not going so well. Responsible Statecraft: "Now, two months into that offensive and with summer’s end nearing, that scenario looks increasingly unlikely. The Ukrainian offensive has by all accounts stalled, as often exhausted, inexperienced, and hastily trained troops are running headfirst into dug-in and heavily mined Russian defenses, at horrific human cost."

This is all being reported, too, in major American media, including CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times. These and other outlets, which have been explicitly supportive of Ukraine’s war effort, have begun painting quite a bleak picture of the situation on the ground.

Ukrainian forces are expending material at an unsustainable rate, using up 90,000 shells a month when the Pentagon is only producing a third of that, while 20 percent of the NATO weaponry it deployed was damaged or destroyed in the first two weeks. In light of the limited gains made by the offensive, President Joe Biden is now asking Congress for $20.6 billion more in aid for Ukraine, stressing that “the United States is committed to maintaining strong global opposition to Russia’s illegal war.”

But while the Biden Administration is keen to stay in its quagmire on the Eurasian steppes, US foreign policy experts are ‘pivoting’ towards a more dangerous boondoggle. The ‘neo-realists’ are urging the US to prepare for a showdown with a new enemy: China.

Counter to Intelligence: China has sent the US about $1 billion worth of goods per day for the last 10 years…and gotten only dollars in exchange. (That’s roughly the net trade deficit over that period). What thanks does it get? The FBI: "The counterintelligence and economic espionage efforts emanating from the government of China and the Chinese Communist Party are a grave threat to the economic well-being and democratic values of the United States."

The Washington Post elaborates: "China harvests masses of data on Western targets, documents show. These include a $320,000 Chinese state media software program that mines Twitter and Facebook to create a database of foreign journalists and academics; a $216,000 Beijing police intelligence program that analyzes Western chatter on Hong Kong and Taiwan; and a cybercenter in Xinjiang, home to most of China’s Uyghur population, that catalogs the mainly Muslim minority group’s language content abroad. “Now we can better understand the underground network of anti-China personnel,” said a Beijing-based analyst who works for a unit reporting to China’s Central Propaganda Department."

Horrors! China is listening in. And here’s CNBC: "China is a growing threat to national security, U.S. companies and American workers, U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo says. “Over the past decade, China’s leaders have made clear that they do not plan to pursue political and economic reform and are instead pursuing an alternative vision of their country’s future,” Raimondo said in a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Raimondo said Chinese leaders have made it apparent over the last decade that “increasing the role of the state society and economy,” “constraining the free flow of capital” and “decoupling in technology areas of the future” is more important than political and economic reform."

What to make of it? Is this a real thing…is there a real threat buried somewhere in those words? Or is this like the ‘conspiracy’ charges against Donald Trump…with so much swirling bluff and bluster it’s hard to find evidence of a real crime.

Alternative Visions: China is interfering with its own businesses. It is telling people where they can and can’t invest their money. It is not planning to ‘pursue political and economic reform.’ Instead, gasp!, it has an ‘alternative vision.’ In other words, China is making mistakes. Surely it will suffer from its overbearing central planning. Surely it will lose market share and growth, because of its lack of ‘reform.’ No doubt, it will fall behind as it pursues its ‘alternative vision.’ More broadly, an economy run by communists is bound to be a disaster. After all, what do political hacks, whether they be in Beijing or Washington, know about capital allocation? When were their ‘investments’ ever not failures?

What luck! You’d think US experts would be delighted; they have found an enemy that is even more badly governed than we are. They should welcome China’s many weaknesses and errors. “Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake,” advised Napoleon. Instead, they rant and rave…and rattle their sabers. The empire has found its next target. "

"How It Really Is"

A Surprise Ending (Excerpt)
by The ZMan

Excerpt: "This is something to keep in mind as the economy falters this autumn. People in the dreaded private sector will tell you that things are not great in the economy, and it has all the signs of a recession. Inflation is not defeated, despite claims to the contrary, and oil prices are rising just in time for the heating season. The rise in the cost of money is starting to have its effect on the economy. Now China is admitting that it is headed to recession, due to slack demand from the West.

This is happening while the regime prepares to run the corpse of Joe Biden as the man who not only saved the world from Trump, but the man who singlehandedly saved the economy from disaster. The key servants have been out instructing the media on the new narrative about the economy. This means we will be flooded with stories about the economic miracle just as the economy is tipping into recession. Such a disconnect is the sort of thing that causes revolutions.

That is what may be the death of our regime. The people at the top of it live in a world of narratives that are independent of reality. They are so sure they can compel reality to fit their version of reality that they cannot imagine an alternative ending. The Tsar, no doubt, could not imagine an alternative ending to his narrative. The many people who met the national razor never were shocked by the end to their narrative. Our rulers may be in for a surprise ending too."
Full article is here:

"Beyond The Flatline: The World Economy Is In Freefall, About To Get Much Worse"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/16/23
"Beyond The Flatline: The World Economy
 Is In Freefall, About To Get Much Worse"
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Just a matter of time...

"America's Middle Class Meltdown"

"Middle Class Meltdown: Thanks To The Reckless
 Policies Of Our Leaders, 'Average' Americans Are In Huge Trouble"
By Michael Snyder

"The middle class in the U.S. has been steadily shrinking for decades, but in recent years our leaders have greatly accelerated that process. In 2020, 2021 and 2022 they absolutely flooded the system with new money, and almost all of that new money went into the pockets of the wealthy. The gap between the wealthy and the rest of us is now larger than ever, and that isn’t a good thing for our society. Even if you are still making as much money as you did a few years ago, you have lost a lot of ground financially, because the cost of living has been rapidly eating away at our standard of living. As I covered the other day, household income in the United States has declined by 9.1 percent since April 2020 after adjusting for inflation and taxes. In other words, the middle class is a whole lot smaller than it was in April 2020, and it continues to get smaller with each passing day.

According to Moody’s chief economist Mark Zandi, on average Americans are now spending “$709 more per month on everyday goods and services than they did two years ago”…"Americans are spending $709 more per month on everyday goods and services than they did two years ago, according to Moody’s Analytics. Moody’s chief economist Mark Zandi made the statement Friday on X, formerly known as Twitter, as part of his analysis of July’s consumer price index report."

Is the rising cost of living causing financial stress for you? If it is, you are definitely not alone. The wealthy are doing just fine for the moment, but inflation has caused a lot of pain for the vast majority of the rest of us.

Just paying for a place to live has become incredibly oppressive. Personally, I was astounded to learn that the average rent in Manhattan has now reached $5,588 per month…"New Yorkers are feeling the squeeze as rents hit a new high. Rent in Manhattan soared to a record-high average of $5,588 in July, up 9% from 2022. It’s hurting tenants struggling to find apartments they can afford. One apartment hunter said she can’t find a studio to suit her work-from-home needs for less than $5,000."

Who can afford that? Only the wealthy. Of course the truth is that rents have been soaring all over the country. It is being reported that the nationwide average rent-to-income ratio has exceeded 30 percent for the past two years. This is the very first time in the entire history of our country that this has ever happened.

With rents being so high, a lot of Americans are being forced out into the streets. According to the Wall Street Journal, the United States “has seen a record increase in homeless people this year”. Please let that statement sink in for a moment. So far in 2023, the number of homeless people in the U.S. is up 11 percent from last year. That is the biggest jump that the government has ever recorded. Not even during the recession of 2008 and 2009 did we see anything like this.

Unfortunately, the outlook for the months ahead is not promising, because it looks like the cost of living is going to continue to rise at a brisk pace. According to CNN, the average price of a gallon of gasoline has nearly reached 4 dollars a gallon…"Pump prices are creeping towards $4 a gallon nationally. The national average for regular gasoline hit $3.85 a gallon on Monday, according to AAA. That’s the highest level since October 19 and comes just weeks ahead of Labor Day weekend when millions of Americans will hit the roads." I remember the days when I could fill up my vehicle for less than 20 dollars. But the other day I spent 70 dollars at the gas station and that didn’t even fill the tank.

And we are being warned that U.S. consumers are going to have a lot less discretionary income in the months ahead as tens of millions are forced to start making payments on student loans again…"For more than three years, federal student loan borrowers have not had to make monthly payments. But that pandemic-era pause is coming to an end this fall, setting up a financial shock for millions of Americans and the big-name stores, such as Target, Nike, Under Armour and Gap, where they shop.

About 44 million borrowers in the U.S. were affected by the payment pause, which initially began in March 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Biden administration extended the pause for the eighth time in November but will not do so again as part of the bipartisan debt ceiling deal approved by Congress."

More than 60 percent of all Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck, and many are increasingly turning to debt in order to make ends meet. In fact, total credit card debt now exceeds the one trillion dollar mark for the first time ever, and that is not a good sign at all.

Also, an increasing number of Americans are now dipping into their 401(K) plans…"When father-of-two Ivan Marusic lost his job overnight in 2020, he was left panicking about how he would cover his mortgage. It prompted the 35-year-old, from Texas, to do something he never thought he would: withdraw $20,000 from his 401(K). It is a decision he is still paying for now. ‘I was really hesitant to do it because I knew it would set me back financially in the long run. But I didn’t have any other options. I had already maxed out my credit card and I was running out of money,’ Marusic, a tech worker who has since founded the website Game Taco, told"

We really are witnessing a middle class meltdown. I have been warning about this trend in my books for years, and now the evisceration of the middle class has greatly accelerated. I wish that I could tell you that there is economic hope on the horizon. But I can’t do that, because our leaders continue to make incredibly self-destructive decisions which are going to cause immense economic pain for the entire country."

"Grocery Price Hike Report! It's Gonna Be A Long Winter!"

Adventures With Danno, AM 8/16/23
"Grocery Price Hike Report! It's Gonna Be A Long Winter!"
"We're exposing the truth on the grocery price hikes and how we know it's gonna be a long winter. With the long road ahead, we need to prepare accordingly as many still continue to struggle to put food on the table!"
Comments here:

Jeremiah Babe, "Spiritual Warfare Heating Up; Banks Brace For More Trouble"

Jeremiah Babe, 8/15/23
"Spiritual Warfare Heating Up; 
Banks Brace For More Trouble"
Comments here:

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

"Alert! Nuclear War Is Imminent"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 8/15/23
"Alert! Nuclear War Is Imminent"
Comments here:

"A Bonus Musical Interlude From Long, Long Ago: Friend & Lover, "Reach Out Of The Darkness"

Friend & Lover, "Reach Out Of The Darkness"
You know, sometimes you stumble upon a little gem on YouTube you'd completely forgotten about, like this song from 1968, and that made me think, OMG, 55 years ago?! Is that possible? I remember it well, really liked it then, and now it makes me smile and shake my head in wonder. What a long strange trip it's  - CP

"8 Million Face Evictions In August As Rent Prices Hit Unprecedented Levels"

Full screen recommended.
"8 Million Face Evictions In August 
As Rent Prices Hit Unprecedented Levels"
by Epic Economist

"If you live in America, are you seeing rent prices go up or down in your area this year? Despite recent claims that rent price growth is cooling down, new surveys just published by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies and Freddie Mac found that the majority of U.S. households, -- or about two-thirds of the entire population, -- reported that they had experienced at least one rent hike in 2023. Meanwhile, one in 10 said that they saw a whopping $400 price increase in the first quarter,

With the cost of housing exploding across the country, more and more people are missing rent payments and facing evictions. Today, eviction fillings are actually 50% higher than in 2019, when there were no pandemic moratoriums in place and the market was still considered “normal”. Official estimates reveal that more than 8 million renters may lose their homes this month, and that may be just the beginning of a trend that will devastate countless American families.

In 2019, the average price for a two-bedroom apartment in the U.S. was just $1,320. Today, families are paying on average $700 more in rent per month for the same two-bedroom unit. That’s a staggering 53% increase in just four years. Just in the past twelve months, rents rose by 26%, and a shortage of affordable homes is squeezing many American families, and putting them an edge closer to facing eviction this year.

A new survey published by the research center just a few weeks back found that 60% of U.S. households experienced at least one rent increase since January, including 17% who experienced two or more rent hikes. The increases ranged between $75 to $100 per week, meaning that for some families monthly rents have become $400 more expensive so far this year, with a ratio of 1 in 10, or about 4.4 million renters reporting that’s their case.

In contrast, a separate survey conducted by Freddie Mac revealed that just 38% of renters saw their wages increase, and 33% say their raise won’t cover their increased rent. The research sought to gauge the impact of rising prices on consumers' housing choices, and it was conducted this year from June 6 to 10 among a representative sample of 2,000 American consumers, aged 18 and older. Mirroring recent turmoil in the housing and rent markets, Alignable’s July Rent Report, released last week, exposed that rent delinquency rates have just experienced the highest surge in five months, jumping six percentage points from March, at 13.17%, or 28% than a year ago levels, when moratoriums were still in place in many areas.

Put another way, 8,070,524 people ages 18 or older in the U.S. aren’t caught up on rent payments and have already received an eviction notice, meaning that they could lose their homes at any minute now. This month, a record number of households can be displaced from their communities because they can no longer keep up with abusive rent hikes. That will have a far-reaching impact on our society as the disparity between the haves and have-nots gets even wider in America. But without a doubt, the biggest consequence of this crisis will be the devastating effect it will have on the finances, mental and physical health, and every other aspect of the lives of millions of Americans who can no longer afford their homes. Behind each one of these numbers and stats, there is a person, a family, a history. And if action isn’t taken to prevent mass evictions, all of these lives may be shattered all around us."
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"Adventures With Danno, PM 8/15/23"

Adventures With Danno, PM 8/15/23
"Employee Shortages & 
What They Don't Want You To Know!"
"We are exposing the truth behind all of these employee shortages, 
what is really going on, and what they don't want you to know about all of this!"
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Believe"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "Believe"

"A Look to the Heavens"

 “Massive stars, abrasive winds, mountains of dust, and energetic light sculpt one of the largest and most picturesque regions of star formation in the Local Group of Galaxies. Known as N11, the region is visible on the upper right of many images of its home galaxy, the Milky Way neighbor known as the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC).
The above image was taken for scientific purposes by the Hubble Space Telescope and reprocessed for artistry by an amateur to win the Hubble’s Hidden Treasures competition. Although the section imaged above is known as NGC 1763, the entire N11 emission nebula is second in LMC size only to 30 Doradus. Studying the stars in N11 has shown that it actually houses three successive generations of star formation. Compact globules of dark dust housing emerging young stars are also visible around the image.”

Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal 8/15/23"

Strong language alert!
Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal 8/15/23"
"Ukraine War, Bid Deal! Wars In Africa, Who Cares?"
"Gerald Celente rants about the rampant hypocrisy of the mainstream media. They pump up the Ukraine war everyday meanwhile there is barely a peep about the atrocities occurring in Africa. The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present facts and truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for what’s next in these increasingly turbulent times."
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"Fred Throws Sombrero Into Ring, Trump and Biden in Despair, Earth Wobbles in Orbit"

"Fred Throws Sombrero Into Ring, 
Trump and Biden in Despair, Earth Wobbles in Orbit"
by Fred Reed

"I have decided to run in the upcoming Presidential elections as dictator. I am aware of the stress this will cause me, the long hours, the sacrifice, but I sense that the country yearns for me in its desperation, its despair for a Leader. In this week alone I have gotten hundreds of emails urging me to take the reins of government (OK, three emails, but I am rounding up.) At whatever cost, I will answer my country’s call.

Some will object to my certain ascension as voters reach out in their anguish. Naysayers will say “nay,” that being how you know they are naysayers. Skeptics will say, “But Fred, you have no qualifications as dictator.” To them I reply, “True, but look at what we’ve got.” This is an insuperable argument.

A considerate dictator informs his dictadees of his plans for them and the country. Herewith a few of the measures I foresee:

On day one I will pardon Assange, replacing him with Anthony Blinken, who will remain in the cell as long as Assange has. Turn about is fair play, my mother told me.

I will remove all restrictions from Cuba and give it most-favored-nation status. If those wretched pseudo-Cubans in Miami protest, I will have them arrested and left on a desert island somewhere. Preferably one with an active volcano. Cuba is no danger to anyone anywhere, Keeping eleven million perfectly good people in misery, people who make great music and good rum, to please a pack of irritating frauds is political sadism. If you have a desert island, let me know.

I will cancel the B-21 intercontinental nuclear bomber. The only use for an intercontinental nuclear bomber is to have an intercontinental nuclear war. I don’t see the advantage in it. Further, for the price of one of the damn things we could buy Germany. Then we’d have really good beer.

I will remove all sanctions on Venezuela. If we want their oil, we can jolly well buy it. America isn’t, or should stop being, in international retarded school-yard bully shaking down the kids for their lunch money. This brilliant move, combined with getting out of Cuba, would give America good relations with Latin America for the first time in history.

I will arrest all politicians who appear on television in front of the American flag. I have nothing against the flag. I just don’t think it should be used as an advertising gimmick by useless pols seeking support for their next felony.

Under my Affordable Sidewalks Act, I will order the widening of sidewalks everywhere so that all Americans will have a place to live. Here in Mexico people live in houses but I suppose sidewalks have more fresh air. In New York I will install raised platforms in the subways so that Americans can sleep out of reach of the rats. Stalls will sell ammunition if there is any left over after Ukraine gets all it wants. This is the least government can do for the citizenry.

Looting being serious during natural disasters, I will remedy this by four words, “Looters will be shot.” It is a known fact that shot looters substantially reduce their looting. I may also start twelve-step programs for survivors. Since our cities now amount to natural disasters, the same formula will apply to urban looters, such as smash-and-grab artists.

In hopes of saving some small portion of national treasure for the benefit of Americans, I will have the management of arms firms wrapped in duct tape and dropped down abandoned oil wells. If this doesn’t work, I may take extreme measures. In the meantime I will ask Kiev for a loan of a hundred billion dollars, pledging California as collateral. American infrastructure increasingly looks like something out of the 1840s. With a hundred billion, I could bring the US to the level of China in 1990.

I will designate the American rail system in its entirety as a national museum, which would require only the placing of signs. This would prevent embarrassment in the eyes of foreigners who might think us actually at such a level.

I will require that all assault rifles be manufactured with irremovable geo-lockslinked to GPS so that they can be fired only within the United States. This would keep the NRA happy, allow Americans to shoot each other as is their Constitutional right, but keep America from arming Mexico’s drug cartels. When American soldiers invaded other countries they would have to use spears, which might reduce enthusiasm for meddling where they have no business, though this is a long shot.

I will give that sweat-shirted comedian who runs Ukraine fifteen minutes to start negotiations or I will coat him in bacon rind and feed him to army ants which I will probably do anyway after the negotiations. He has killed hundreds of thousands of people, mostly his own but some Russians, while running around the world and having dinner with important people. I will task the Smithsonian with finding the requisite ants and refrain from feeding them for a few days before their application.

I will have John Bolton placed for a year and released then, if I remember, in the bottom of a public latrine in a bus station in Uganda. I will do this because it will be deeply satisfying but, to enshroud myself in an aura of rationality and purpose, I will offer it as a measure to prevent war with China – to which end it would in fact militate.

I will have all F-35 fighter planes, the ones that don’t have any parts that work, installed in shopping malls, filled with potting soil, and used as planters. The plants will probably die due to poor drainage or something, but you can’t have everything.

I will put a bounty on congressmen, with no bag limit. I may supply patriots with rental duck guns to further this meritorious measure. No citizen should be deprived of the pleasure of shooting his Congressman simply for lack of suitable armament. With a good catapult, they might make serviceable skeet. The scoundrels do nothing for the country and make too much noise.

I will bring Nancy Pelosi out of retirement and send her to consort with John Bolton. I think solitary confinement is a violation of human rights

I will require that teachers be able to read. This may be thought excessive and unusual, but it is worth a try. For the greater good of the country,I will have teachers colleges filled with linoleum cement with the future miscreants inside. This will raise the national IQ by at least three points.

I will outlaw computer-driven trading in the stock markets, thus preventing parasites from skimming fortunes they have done nothing to earn. Should they object, I will urge them to reflect that in summer the air conditioning at Leavenworth is said to be inadequate.

I now await a vast up welling of support at the polling stations."

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