Monday, January 23, 2023

"Our Society Is In The Process Of Breaking Down All Around Us"

Full screen recommended.
"Our Society Is In The Process 
Of Breaking Down All Around Us"
By Epic Economist

"Our society is in the process of breaking down all around us, and signs of its impending collapse are everywhere. Have you noticed that nowadays people don’t treat one another with the same level of respect and civility that they once did? Americans are constantly fighting with each other, and these days it feels like most people can’t solve anything through dialogue and empathy, and this should greatly alarm all of us. The worsening polarization across our nation can be a contributing factor, but recently, even those that are supposedly on the same side are treating each other with extreme contempt. Conservatives are fighting with conservatives, liberals are fighting with liberals, Christians are fighting with Christians, and we’re also seeing families break up all over the place. Hearts are growing so cold, and all of the conflict and discord that we are witnessing right now is leaving us wondering about what things will be like when economic conditions in this nation really start falling apart in the months ahead. 

Given that we have become disturbingly disconnected from each other, we tend to focus on what’s happening inside our social bubble and forget the narratives others are living. But when we take a step back and take a deeper look at our current situation, the extent to which our society has already deteriorated is quite shocking.Unfortunately, we’re seeing similar scenes play out all around the United States night and day, and nothing really changes. With rampant unemployment and a fast-declining economy, it’s safe to say that this is only going to get worse in the coming months.

On the East Coast, things are no different. Official numbers show that New York City has also seen a 42 percent rise in burglaries in the past twelve months, and the number of outrageous wrongdoings that resulted in fatalities rose by a staggering 91% over that same span. No wonder why, approximately 299,557 people have already moved out of the city in search of a safer place to live in 2022, according to data from the U.S. census.

Sadly, extremely wicked acts continue to occur in our major cities, and such incidents are happening so frequently that they barely make a blip in the news. In Chicago, public hospitals report that 50 percent of victims arriving with severe injuries caused by immoral offenders are children under the age of ten. And about 37 percent of them lose their lives in a hospital bed.

Is this what America has become? Have we become a place where the lives of children under the age of ten are at risk? How can parents raise their kids safely in such chaotic environments?

What’s even sadder is the fact that many children out there are also victims of their own parents. For example, due to the worst addiction crisis this country has ever seen, many babies are addicted to illegal substances from the moment they’re born. In fact, in the city of Baltimore, approximately one out of every four babies is born dependent on opioids. Doctors at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital say babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - a set of conditions caused by withdrawal from exposure to illegal substances - now account for 25% of the hospital’s admissions.

That’s so wrong on so many levels, and it means that the future of many of these babies is taken from them before they even have the opportunity to know the world."

The Daily "Near You?"

Brighton, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Beware of a Shocking New Tax"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 1/23/23:
"Beware of a Shocking New Tax"
"The city of Toronto’s real estate board has lost its mind. They’re going out and they’re going to tax people like never before. When does it end? People are complaining about layoffs like little girls."
Comments here:

"America’s Generational Failure Exposed, Episode 1: 'The Day America Dies'”

"America’s Generational Failure Exposed,
 Episode 1: 'The Day America Dies'”
By Addison Wiggin

"Our team just put out a massive project. It’s been in the works for the last 3 months. We call it "America’s Generational Failure Exposed." It’s a 4-part miniseries about fear, greed, corruption and the toll they’ve taken on America and its citizens. We gave readers a sneak preview into Episode 1 “The Day America Dies” in December, and the feedback from thousands of viewers was overwhelmingly positive. Our inbox was flooded with countless messages of congratulations and thanks. Today, we celebrate the official world premiere of the entire series:
To celebrate, we’re making the world premiere screening absolutely free. Each episode will be available at no cost for 24 hours. You don’t even need to sign up. Click here to watch Episode 1 @ 3pm EST (12pm PST) this afternoon (or you can visit in your browser).

Trust me, this is information you can’t afford to miss. See you in the viewing room! Follow your own bliss."

Bill Bonner, "When the Roof Falls In"

"When the Roof Falls In"
Plus, worshipping "The Science," 
ignorant masses and more inconvenient truths...
by Bill Bonner

Poitou, France - "It was a very cold weekend. The temperature fell to 4 below zero, centigrade, each night. Our house in Poitou – old, drafty, large – is almost impossible to heat. So we turned up the radiators full blast…and still shivered underneath the covers.

To bring new readers more fully into the picture, we bought our house in very rural France in 1994. It was a ramshackle place. We like fixing up old houses and restoring old gardens. We had plenty to do on both counts.

We needed a large house for our six children, mother, aunt, and a tutor who came with us to France to work with the children until they learned enough French to attend local schools. As it happened, the tutor almost died of a chest tumor, and the children were forced into the local school with hardly a word of French. Fortunately, children adapt to new languages quickly, and it was only a few weeks later that we were asking them to help translate.

Twenty-eight years later, the children have lives of their own. And there is still a lot of work to do – much of it redoing the repairs and renovations we made 25 years ago. And there are always surprises. Tout casse…tout passe

“It happened around noon,” explained Patrice, the farmer across the road. “I came back from putting out some hay…and I knew something didn’t look right. And then I realized that the roof had fallen in.”
The old clay tile roof leaked. Over many years, one of the oak beams that held up the roof had rotted. Two weeks ago, it gave way and came down on the cattle inside. “It was almost a miracle. One calf was trapped in the wreckage, but otherwise none of the cows were hurt,” Patrice explained. We made a quick visit over the weekend to check on rebuilding the barn. Tout casse…tout passe, say the French. Everything breaks up and goes away.

Poor Patrice. At 60 years old, he got kicked in the knee by a cow. This seemed to trigger a bad case of osteoarthritis. He limped, favoring his good leg. Then, the extra stress on the good knee caused it to go bad too. Now, he is an invalid, waiting for operations on both knees…and wondering if he will ever be able to go back to work.

“When I was working, I thought how nice it would be to take some time off. But now that I can’t work, I’m miserable. I’ve spent my whole life outside on the farm. I don’t like being cooped up at home. Christine doesn’t like it either.” Patrice nodded towards his long-time companion, who rolled her eyes slightly. Later in the day…

An Absolute Mess: “If I were you, I’d stay in Ireland,” suggested a friend. Our neighbors are very sociable. They invite us to dinner…or cocktails; they come over to chat; they bring us up-to-date. “France is an absolute mess. There are too many people getting too much money from the government for doing too little.” “Sounds familiar,” we replied.

Earlier in the day, we attended mass at St. Pierre, in Le Dorat. It is a magnificent church in a charming medieval town. The church is huge…built of heavy gray granite in the 10th century. It has tall columns and soaring arches…and paving stones worn smooth by 30 generations of believers.

The sky was the color of lead. Light snow fell in occasional flurries. Unheated, the church felt like the inside of a freezer. In the center pews, there were radiant heaters focused down on the faithful. But on the wings, where we and other sinners were seated, there was no heat at all.

In the middle ages, masses were given in Latin. The people didn’t speak Latin. That was a language reserved to the educated elite, who treated it as a sacred knowledge and used their access as a source of power. The clergy, back then, knew the secrets of the Bible. The masses did not. They needed priests to intercede, to explain, to mediate between Heaven and Earth…to bridge the mysterious gulf between their hard, everyday lives and the promises of everlasting paradise in the hereafter.

It was not until the 16th century that the Bible was made available in local languages. Then, people could read it themselves. In England, Holland and Germany – but not so much in France – they disintermediated the priest class.

In today’s jargon, the printing press and local language translations ‘disrupted’ the monopoly power of the Catholic church. People could read the words themselves and decide what they meant. Out of this disruption came the “protestant” religions – Methodist, Baptist, Quaker, Presbyterian…and so forth. By contrast, the Church of England, known as ‘Episcopalian’ in the US, is not a ‘protestant’ religion; it is a catholic religion with someone other than the pope at its head.

Ignorant Masses: “The elite always pretend that they have some special knowledge,” continued our learned friend. “Today, it is not the Latin Bible that keeps the elite in power; it is their claim to know ‘The Science.’” Our friend was on a roll. In the remote countryside of France, she had found a sympathetic ear. Two of them.

“We didn’t know – when the Covid first appeared – what it meant. The authorities said it was like the plague that wiped out a third of the population of Europe. We, the ignorant masses, didn’t know any better. We were at the mercy of the scientists.

But then we realized, the scientists didn’t know any more than we did. And it turned out it was just another virus…more dangerous than some, less dangerous than others. And it didn’t matter if you stayed at home, put on a mask and got three shots…you’d still get it. And you wouldn’t die.

And it’s pretty much the same thing with the war in the Ukraine. We have foreign policy ‘experts’ who tell us that they know best. They know that Russia must be stopped, or our democracy in France, such as it is, will be put in danger. Soon, Russian troops will be goose stepping down the Champs Elysee.

So, we send billions in aid…to keep the war going. US defense industries…and US energy companies…make a lot of money. But here in Europe we pay higher prices for everything. I don’t think we’ve seen the end of the protests. [She was referring to the ‘manifestations’ against pension reform.]

And anyone who pays attention to the news knows the whole thing is a fraud. The Russians can barely hold onto the Eastern provinces of the Ukraine… There is no way they pose a threat to Western Europe. And those areas that the Russians control now are full of Russians, not Ukrainians. Democracy has nothing to do with it; the people there voted to break away from the Ukraine.

And I saw your Al Gore on TV the other day. He was almost coming apart at the seams, giving a speech to Davos. He said the oceans were boiling…and that ‘rain bombs’ were coming down on our heads. He’s been warning for the last 20 years.” Al Gore’s movie, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ came out in 2006. He drew on “The Science” to warn that the world would be a dreadful place by now. The inconvenient thing is: it’s not.

“It’s the same sort of thing. Today, people worship ‘The Science’ the same way they used to worship the Latin Bible. They don’t know what’s in it, but they are sure it holds the key to salvation.”

Jim Kunstler, "The End of Reality Consensus Disorder"

"The End of Reality Consensus Disorder"
By Jim Kunstler

“We’ve quite literally outsourced the definition of reality to a small group of technocrats in nondescript offices whose names we’ll never know and who self-selected for issue advocacy and whose interests likely diverge severely from those of we the people.” – El Gato Malo on Substack

The big annual World Economic Forum meet-up concluded last week with a mighty “So, What?” as the world struggled with some success to get its mind right after years of relentless WEF-inspired psy-ops. Own nothing… eat bugs… great re-set… yeah, right. These days, fewer sovereign individuals believe der Schwabenklaus bullshit about the necessity of becoming menials for the “fittest 0.1 percent” of mankind who comprise the WEF’s cabal of elite “strategic partners.” News reports pegged the attendance in Davos this year at a shocking mere half of invitees. Did the absentees quail at the risk of all being together in the same auditorium (what with all those drones and missiles available on the black market)? Or could they not find enough unvaccinated pilots to fly their private jets?

By no strange coincidence, one of the WEF’s most sadistic leadership implants, PM Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, dropped out of office the same week, declaring she had “no gas left in the tank.” Old George Orwell had a pretty keen eye for the arc of history, but it never occurred to him that Big Brother would turn out to be Big Sister. Ms. Ardern was the one who said of her regime, “We will continue to be your single source of truth… Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth.” Polls indicated her party would get thrashed in this year’s parliamentary election. Next door in equally vaxxed-to-the-max Australia, the government had to confess last week that the country had more Covid-19 deaths in the first half of January this new year than in all of 2021.

Europe is starting to emerge from its Covid coma, France especially, where disgruntled masses marched in the streets last week, evincing growing disgust with WEF poodle Emmanuel Macron. Germany, not so much. Is it possible they really haven’t learned anything from what went on 1933-1945? Great Britain, a basket-case of Woke double-think and economic tribulation, is crumbling over excess all-causes mortality and a public health officialdom addicted to lying. British doctors are in revolt against the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, the UK equivalent of the FDA.

A wake-up is underway in these sore-beset United States. It was no small thing, for instance, that former “vaccine” cheerleader, Scott Adams, the podcaster of the Dilbert comic strip fame, admitted pretty forthrightly that he was wrong about all that. “The thing that [the unvaxxed] don’t have to worry about is what I have to worry about: what happens with this vaccination five years from now? All my fancy analytics took me to a bad place.”
Elon Musk shocked the Twitterverse (and beyond) by confessing that he only took the vaxxes because international travel for business required it, and his second shot was a near-death experience (while his cousin developed myocarditis from it). Meanwhile, the UN issued a warning to him through a WEF mouthpiece, EU Commissioner for Values and Transparency, Vera Jourova: comply and regulate speech on the platform, or else…

"We have the rules which must be complied with and otherwise there will be sanctions. I think that the confidence has been weakened, and I had quite a high level of confidence when it comes to Twitter. I have to say that we worked with knowledgeable people, with layers, with sociologists, who understood that they have to behave in some decent way. Not to cause really big harm to society…” she said.

Something tells me that Mr. Musk will invite these busybodies to take a flying f**k at a rolling donut. As the Tweeter @BlackFlagExpat explained: “Musk can simply set up the server capacity outside of EU jurisdiction (UK, Andorra, Switz, Russia?) and move all data to those physical and virtual servers. Then lay off all European employees and stop paying rent on all leases.” Nice!

That old rats-from-a-sinking-ship feeling emanates from the hazy region where “Joe Biden” dwells. Chief of staff Ron Klain is handing over his duties to former Covid-19 “czar” Jeff Zients - who did such a swell job keeping Americans mis-and-disinformed through the heart of the “vaccine” campaign (January 2021 to April 2022). Every thread of the Covid-19 narrative promulgated by this ass, and the sachems of the CDC and FDA, are shredded, proved to be not only lies, but deadly lies. Every angle of Covid policy was wrong, and treasonously wrong. This is who will soon be, ostensibly, leading the country - since you can be sure that “JB” is not. Nobody will believe a word that Jeff Zients utters. The mainstream media is even turning against this coterie of evil nincompoops.

The sociopathic Political Left and its international managers have lost control of the ball in this game. They can insist on any sort of absurdity, but the people have stopped buying it. Resentment over all this is breaking out. Nobody wants anymore boosters. The running dogs of official propaganda, such as Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel, await their career executions. The years of Reality Consensus Disorder draw to a close. The counter-revolution finally begins."
Remember this?
(As “Joe Biden” likes to say: "Not a Joke !")

"How It Really Is"


"After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public!" (Excerpt)

"After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, 
Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public!" (Excerpt)
by Dr. Joseph Mercola

"After refusing to release the data, they've finally been cornered: With these 770 deadly jab signals (myocarditis and pericarditis were just the tip of the iceberg) there's no way they could ever say they didn't know the shots were harming and killing millions."

Excerpt: "Story At-A-Glance: In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. The CDC refused. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has now forced the release of these data, and they are stunning

The CDC’s PRR monitoring has identified several hundred safety signals, including for Bell’s palsy, blood clots, pulmonary embolism and death. In individuals aged 18 and older, there are 770 safety signals for different adverse events, and more than 500 of them have a stronger safety signal than myocarditis and pericarditis

In the 12- to 17-year-old age group there are 96 safety signals, and in the 5- to 11-year-old group there are 66, including myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular dysfunction, cardiac valve incompetency, pericardial and pleural effusion, chest pain, appendicitis and appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease and vitiligo

The proportions of deaths, which were only provided for the 18-plus age group, was 14% for the COVID jabs compared to 4.7% for all other vaccines

The FDA is also required to perform safety monitoring, using empirical Bayesian data mining. The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release its monitoring results in July 2022 but, like the CDC, the FDA refused, only to admit in December 2022 they’d confirmed the Pfizer shot was linked to pulmonary embolism."
Full article here:

"The United States Is Insolvent"

"The United States Is Insolvent"
by Michael Snyder

"You can call everyone for dinner, because our goose is cooked. We are so deep in debt that the only way we can keep the entire system from collapsing is to keep borrowing even more money. Perhaps you have been through a similar scenario with your own personal finances. When you simply do not have enough money to pay your bills, borrowing more money can seem like a really easy short-term solution. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has been doing this for decades, and now our national debt spiral has reached a terminal stage. Even if we gathered up all of the money that exists in every bank account in America, we could not pay off the national debt. The debt level is exploding upwards at an exponential rate, and the only way that the federal government can continue to pay the bills is to keep borrowing and spending colossal mountains of money that we must borrow from someone else.

As I write this article, the U.S. national debt is sitting at 31.4 trillion dollars. 
Click image for larger size.
But the total value of all goods and services produced in the United States last year was only about 25 trillion dollars. Our leaders in Washington could try to reverse course by balancing the budget, but that would lead to a short-term economic disaster.

Just think about it. What do you think would happen if a couple trillion dollars of government spending was suddenly sucked out of the economy? We would immediately plunge into a horrifying economic depression.

Sadly, the truth is that we have been borrowing from the future to make the present a lot more pleasant. We are enjoying an artificially-inflated standard of living that we do not deserve, and we have been using debt to fund that artificially-inflated standard of living. But now a day of reckoning is here.

Of course it isn’t just the federal government that has gone completely insane. Our state and local governments are collectively more than 3 trillion dollars in debt.

Corporate debt in the United States has 
now surpassed the 12 trillion dollar mark.
Click image for larger size.
And total U.S. household debt is now over 18 trillion dollars.
Click image for larger size.
As the U.S. economy has slowed down in recent months, an increasing number of Americans have turned to credit card debt. So now credit card debt is rising at an exponential rate while the savings rate has dropped to a historic lowAnd at this point the average rate of interest on credit card balances is the highest ever.

I don’t even have the words to describe how self-destructive we are being. On every level of society, debt levels are absolutely skyrocketing. We are literally committing national financial suicide, but many people don’t seem to care. And many people don’t seem to care because they don’t even understand what is happening.

At this point, our “system of education” has produced hordes of completely clueless individuals that can barely even function in a modern society. If we had a population that was properly educated and properly informed, they would be absolutely horrified by what our leaders have been doing to us.
Full screen recommended.
But instead, our leaders have been free to systematically destroy our financial future for a very long time, and very few of us have even cared enough to object.

Unfortunately, we have reached a point where there is no turning back. We have already destroyed the reserve currency of the planet. We have already created rampant inflation. The Federal Reserve has been feverishly hiking interest rates, but that is dramatically raising debt service costs at every level of our society, and it is also causing economic activity to slow down all around us.

Companies all over America are now laying off workers, and that even includes Google…"On Friday, Alphabet-owned Google announced it was cutting 12,000 employees, roughly 6% of the full-time workforce. While employees had been bracing for a potential layoff, they are questioning leadership about the criteria for layoffs which surprised some employees, who woke up to find their access to company properties cut off. Some of the laid-off employees had been long-tenured or recently promoted, raising questions about the criteria used to decide whose jobs were cut.

Shortly after CEO Sundar Pichai’s initial email to employees Friday morning, Google’s search boss Prabhakar Raghavan sent an email to employees saying he “also feels the responsibility to reach out” and asking for them to save questions for next week’s town hall. There will be “bumps in the road” as the organization moves forward with the layoffs, Raghavan noted."

Why is Google doing this? No corporation in the entire country is stronger than they are. If there is one company in America that should not be laying off workers, it is Google.

Of course just about every large tech company is laying off workers these days.
Microsoft is laying off workers.
Amazon is laying off workers.
Facebook is laying off workers.
Twitter is laying off workers.

We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008, and that is because we haven’t had an economic crisis like this since 2008. So many people are going to lose their jobs in the months ahead. And the economic pain that we will experience in 2023 will be just the beginning, because the entire system is starting to come down all around us.

Did you actually think that we could go on the greatest debt binge in all of human history and that everything would work out just fine somehow? That is not how the real world works. We sat by and did nothing while our leaders made disastrous decisions for decades, and now we will be forced to watch in horror as the consequences of those decisions play out right in front of our eyes."

"Be Open Minded..."

Sunday, January 22, 2023

"The Only Absolute..."

"Never perceive anything as being inevitable or predestined. 
The only absolute is uncertainty."
- Lionel Suggs
"Humans may crave absolute certainty; they may aspire to it; they may pretend, as partisans of certain religions do, to have attained it. But the history of science - by far the most successful claim to knowledge accessible to humans - teaches that the most we can hope for is successive improvement in our understanding, learning from our mistakes, an asymptotic approach to the Universe, but with the proviso that absolute certainty will always elude us."
- Carl Sagan

"Have It Done..."

”Never explain. Never apologize. 
Have it done and let them howl.” 
- Winston Churchill

"What Are The Facts?"

"What are the facts? Again and again and againwhat are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, forget what the stars foretell, avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the un-guessable verdict of history - what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your single clue. Get the facts!"
- Robert A. Heinlein

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains,
however improbable, must be the truth."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "Sherlock Holmes"

And always remember...
"When a learned man argues with an idiot two fools debate."
- Fu-shi

Musical Interlude: Moody Blues, "The Day We Meet Again"

Full screen recommended.
Moody Blues, "The Day We Meet Again"

"The Inevitable Housing Crisis Is Killing The American Dream"

Full screen recommended.
"The Inevitable Housing Crisis Is 
Killing The American Dream"
By Epic Economist

"Not so long ago, it was the American Dream that if you work hard enough, you can build a better, richer, and fuller future for yourself and your family. A big component of that American Dream was to own a house. Because that's how you create wealth for generations. But just a short quick look around you would be enough to establish that today's broken market is translating into a broken American Dream. Living a better life than the previous generation, in a home you own has become a pipe dream for millions

Nearly 11 million low-income Americans are paying more than 50% of their annual income on housing. And it is still not enough because America is facing a critical housing shortage. Times of high inflation, a brewing mortgage crisis and a worsening homelessness epidemic have shattered the quality of American family life. But this is just the beginning and things will only get worse. In today's Video, we explain the inevitable housing crisis that is killing the American Dream.

Affordable housing started to decline two decades ago, and it has only gone from bad to worse in the last few years. Just in the last two years, home prices are up more than 30 percent. And that's not the case in just a few BIG cities. In fact, the U.S. now has close to 500 cities where the average cost of a home is a million dollars. Just 12 months ago, a family that could earn $80,000 a year could afford payments on a modest home. But a year later, that income requirement has shot up to $108,000. So in one year, more than 4 million renter households can no longer buy a median-priced home.

But if the rising costs were not enough, insane mortgage rates are making sure to price out the middle class completely. Mortgage rates are now increasing faster than in any period in recorded history. And in a matter of months, the typical cost of owning a home has gone up by tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mortgage rates have escalated from less than 3 percent in 2021 to nearly 7 percent - the highest they have been in 20 years.

This becomes an even bigger deal when you take into account the mass shortages of homes in America. The number of available homes today is 40 percent lower than it was just 2 years ago which means that millions will continue to be priced out. Experts connected to the housing market are warning that the inevitable housing crisis will be based on a single reality: Housing supply is at a record low and we aren't doing enough to change that. This supply shortage has left the country in need of at least 5 million housing units immediately. But the progress on that is nowhere to be seen.

The housing shortage has become a chronic problem but there's no end in sight, especially, in the current climate of economic uncertainty. Ever-increasing interest rates, fears of an impending recession, and a choked supply chain mean that home builders are hesitant to go all out. So the housing gap becomes bigger and bigger. But even if more homes are built, it will not matter as affordability is moving towards an all-time low.

And this is not a big city problem anymore. Years of neglect and months of economic chaos have ensured that home prices have soared all over the country. Even areas traditionally seen as affordable are no longer viable substitutes. The locations that were seen as alternative moving options are disappearing quickly.

Failing to find starter homes that fit the already stressed budget, many Americans are pushed into Rental properties. But it shouldn't come as a shock to anyone that things are arguably worse there. As middle America fails to find affordable housing, millions of Americans face evictions and housing insecurity. The result is homelessness.

What America needs is access to affordable housing as soon as possible. While millions risk falling into housing insecurity, the policymakers remain slow as ever. Unfortunately, things could get even worse. It took years to get to this point and it may take decades to get out of it."
Comments here:
"It took years to get to this point and it may take decades to get out of it." And what happens to many millions of families and people meanwhile? Oh yeah, send $121 BILLION and God knows how much more to Ukraine and wherever else, give $7 TRILLION to the Wall St. criminals and their 1% masters... and what about you, Good Citizen? You already know the answer...

"WEF... RIP" (Excerpt)

"WEF... RIP" (Excerpt)
A eulogy for our moral betters, 
high on hallowed Davos ground.
By Joel Bowman

Buenos Aires - Excerpt: "Welcome back to another Sunday Session, dear reader, that time of the week when we gather at the virtual watering hole to vent our spleen, lament the obscene and foment revolt against the elitist machine... all with the abiding help of a glass or two of Bill’s high altitude Malbec. (You know... “in vino veritas,” and all that...)

As patient readers/reading patients already know, we’ve been ruminating of late over a theory of history... not ours, per se, but rather one handed down by the ancients. We’ve been looking at cycles... those short-, medium- and long-term undulations of the ages. Briefly stated, we’ve been examining the concept of enantiodromia, which holds that all things, at all times, are in the process of becoming their opposite.

It was Heraclitus, the pre-Socratic philosopher, who first noticed the universal phenomenon, observing that, when it comes to the natural world around us, “change is the only constant.” A phoenix rises from the ashes... as a youthful body decays. The many who are first shall be last... as the many who are last, shall be first. Powerful empires yield to decadence... as barbarians gather at the gates. (The clever ol’ Ephesian also reminded us, and for the same reason, that “a man cannot step in the same river twice.” Not only has the river changed, but so too has the man.)

Plot and Plat: In human affairs, this phenomenon tends to express itself in the centralization and decentralization of political power. And nowhere on our pale blue dot does such centrifugal force congeal as it does in Davos, Switzerland, for the annual World Economic Forum (WEF). There, in the rarefied air of smug and hubris, the planet’s moral exemplars gather to look down their long noses at the flailing peasants of the flatlands, mired as we are in the filth and disgrace of our own ignorance.

There do they plan and plot our future, deciding everything from what we will own (nothing) to how we’ll feel about it (grateful), from where we will live (in special “zones”) to how we will travel (barely at all and only with their permission), to how we will transact with our fellow chattel (via their Central Bank Digital Currencies) and of course, what temperature the planet should be half a century from now... and the sacrifices we peasants need to make in the meantime.

Alas, there is a growing resentment among the herded masses who, clearly too stupid to know what’s good for them, have dared question the mandates, prohibitions and impositions of their higher ups. So much so, in fact, that some have even gone so far as to suggest that, lacking popular support, the WEF at Davos is all but dead. We have no idea if such a claim is overblown... but we took the liberty of preparing a eulogy for our dearly departed, just in case. See below..."

by Joel Bowman

"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good."
~ From "Macbeth", by some dead white guy.

"Lo, you coven of cackling elites, gathered ‘round your bubbling cauldron, stirring in your ESG, your DIE and your MMT... your time here on earth was oh so brief, we hardly knew ye!

While you convened this week in your mountain hideaway, behind your jackbooted Praetorian guard, we read in the unpopular press – which is to say, here on Substack, where journalists still do real, investigative reporting... where they research, rather than regurgitate stories... and where they are not afraid to speak truth to power, rather than act as its lapdog, its bullhorn, or (to coin a phrase) its laphorn – we read, and we learn, of your untimely demise.

Not without a certain schadenfreude – it’s true, Germans really do have a word for everything! – do we observe your withering attendance. Even with the platoon of prostitutes shuttled in for the gabfest, the atmosphere must have been decidedly frigid. Like the funeral party of a disgraced clergyman, mourners gathered around the open casket, unsure whether to weep... or to spit.

We note the snubs, the declines, the “Je me vois malheureusement obligé de refuser” from so many of your most ardent shills and sycophants, the lifeblood of your cabal. Of the G8 leaders, seven heads of state declined. No Macron, no Meloni... no Kishida, no Sunak... no Biden, no Trudeau... and as for Mr. Putin, well, wasn’t that all a bit awkward. One of the most promising students to graduate from the World Economic Forum Young Leaders program... (More on Klauss Schwab’s “penetrative power” below.)

Deafening Silence: Similarly, nine of the ten wealthiest people on the planet had fancier fêtes to grace. Messrs. Bezos, Gates and MetaZuck all took a pass on this year’s event, as did the Arnaults, Ambanis and the Bettencourts. And as for Mr. Musk, a video he’s allowing to circulate on Twitter, showing journalists asking (gulp!) tough questions to a Big Pharma exec, threatens to tear the whole charade asunder...
Watch video on Twitter:
The video shows a pair of reporters, Avie Yemini and Ezra Levant, questioning Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, over the efficacy of a drug that governments around the world mandated on his company’s behalf, off the back of which they made squillions. Needless to say, it wasn’t the kind of sweet pillowtalk the mainstream press ordinarily whispers in such eminent ears.

We saw the clip yesterday, when it “only” had 10 million views. Naturally, it’s been banned from Facebook, Instagram and YouTube (Big Tech and Big Pharma being rather cozy bedfellows), but over on the Little Blue Bird, Mr. Bourla’s silence is deafening. (Trigger warning: the mainstream media do not want you to see this and will not cover it, hence our passing it along for your adult consideration...)

This video has now been BANNED on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The WEF wants it scrubbed, and their lackeys are happy to oblige. Thank you @elonmusk for not caving. 7.3M views and counting. The public want answers. MORE:

Moving right along..."
Full article is here:
Nuremberg trials, with Nuremberg penalties, broadcast live...
 "The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing 
the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world." 
"Anyone involved in initiatives to nudge people into receiving these injections is a murderer. I would seek the harshest penalties. No one involved had any excuse for not spending a short time establishing for themselves what the real-world performance of these injections has been to date. It’s not even necessary to venture beyond the official data.

Murderers. They need arresting, charging, and trying. They won’t listen to science or logic. Let them deal with the suffering."
- Dr. Michael Yeadon
"CV19 Virus & Vax About Control Not Health – Dr. Michael Yeadon" 
"CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People
 – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi"

Musical Interlude: Adiemus, “Adiemus”

Full screen recommended.
Adiemus, “Adiemus”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“The beautiful Trifid Nebula, also known as Messier 20, is easy to find with a small telescope in the nebula rich constellation Sagittarius. About 5,000 light-years away, the colorful study in cosmic contrasts shares this well-composed, nearly 1 degree wide field with open star cluster Messier 21 (top right).
Trisected by dust lanes the Trifid itself is about 40 light-years across and a mere 300,000 years old. That makes it one of the youngest star forming regions in our sky, with newborn and embryonic stars embedded in its natal dust and gas clouds. Estimates of the distance to open star cluster M21 are similar to M20's, but though they share this gorgeous telescopic skyscape there is no apparent connection between the two. In fact, M21's stars are much older, about 8 million years old.”

"I Know..."

“I know the world seems terrifying right now and the future seems bleak. Just remember human beings have always managed to find the greatest strength within themselves during the darkest hours. When faced with the worst horrors the world has to offer, a person either cracks and succumbs to ugliness, or they salvage the inner core of who they are and fight to right wrongs. Never let hatred, fear, and ignorance get the best of you. Keep bettering yourself so you can make the world around you better, for nothing can improve without the brightest, bravest, kindest, and most imaginative individuals rising above the chaos.”
- Cat Winters

"In The Time Of Your Life..."

"In the time of your life, live - so that in good time there shall be no ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in flesh the least of the values, for these are things that hold death and must pass away. Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption. Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into secrecy and sorrow by the shame and terror of the world. Ignore the obvious, for it is unworthy of the clear eye and the kindly heart. Be the inferior of no man, nor of any man be the superior. Remember that every man is a variation of yourself. No man's guilt is not yours, nor is any man's innocence a thing apart. Despise evil and ungodliness, but not men of ungodliness or evil. These, understand. Have no shame in being kindly and gentle, but if the time comes in the time of your life to kill, kill and have no regret. In the time of your life, live - so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it."
- William Saroyan

Must View! "People Are Broken And Defeated, This Is Getting Bad; More Proof Of Economic Collapse; RV Industry"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 1/22/23:
"People Are Broken And Defeated, This Is Getting Bad; 
More Proof Of Economic Collapse; RV Industry"
Comments here:
And we've sent $112 BILLION to Ukraine?! 
SHAME, SHAME on us for this disgrace!

"This Could Make Banks Close"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, 1/22/23:
"This Could Make Banks Close"
"Banks are having a very difficult time when it comes to bad loans and credit card charge offs. People are behind on their debt and it’s exponentially rising every month. This is going in the wrong direction."
Comments here:

Douglas Macgregor, "Everything Is Pure Ukraine Propaganda! Russians Fire 60,000 Artillery Rounds A Day!"

Full screen recommended.
Douglas Macgregor, 1/22/23: 
"Everything Is Pure Ukraine Propaganda! 
Russians Fire 60,000 Artillery Rounds A Day!"
Comments here:

The Daily "Near You?"

White House, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Kahlil Gibran, “The Garden of the Prophet”

“The Garden of the Prophet”
by Kahlil Gibran

“Oftentimes we call Life bitter names, but only when we ourselves are bitter and dark. And we deem her empty and unprofitable, but only when the soul goes wandering in desolate places, and the heart is drunken with over-mindfulness of self.

Life is deep and high and distant; and though only your vast vision can reach even her feet, yet she is near; and though only the breath of your breath reaches her heart, the shadow of your shadow crosses her face, and the echo of your faintest cry becomes a spring and an autumn in her breast.

And Life is veiled and hidden, even as your greater self is hidden and veiled. Yet when Life speaks, all the winds become words; and when she speaks again, the smiles upon your lips and the tears in your eyes turn also into words. When she sings, the deaf hear and are held; and when she comes walking, the sightless behold her and are amazed and follow her in wonder and astonishment.”
Read online here:

The Poet: Robert Frost, “Acceptance”


“When the spent sun throws up its rays on cloud
And goes down burning into the gulf below,
No voice in nature is heard to cry aloud
At what has happened.

Birds, at least must know
It is the change to darkness in the sky.
Murmuring something quiet in her breast,
One bird begins to close a faded eye;
Or overtaken too far from his nest,
Hurrying low above the grove, some waif
Swoops just in time to his remembered tree.
At most he thinks or twitters softly, ‘safe!’

Now let the night be dark for all of me.
Let the night be too dark for me to see
Into the future. Let what will be, be.”
- Robert Frost

"The Heart Has Its Reasons..."

“Passion doesn’t count the cost. Pascal said that the heart has its reasons that reason takes no account of. If he meant what I think, he meant that when passion seizes the heart it invents reasons that seem not only plausible but conclusive to prove that the world is well lost for love. It convinces you that honor is well sacrificed and that shame is a cheap price to pay. Passion is destructive. It destroyed Antony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Parnell and Kitty O’Shea. And if it doesn’t destroy it dies. It may be then that one is faced with the desolation of knowing that one has wasted the years of one’s life, that one’s brought disgrace upon oneself, endured the frightful pang of jealousy, swallowed every bitter mortification, that one’s expended all one’s tenderness, poured out all the riches of one’s soul on a poor drab, a fool, a peg on which one hung one’s dreams, who wasn’t worth a stick of chewing gum.”
- W. Somerset Maugham
“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time;
it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”
- Sydney J. Harris