Wednesday, December 21, 2022

"This Is Not Normal! The Nation Braces For A ‘Bomb Cylcone’ That Will Bring ‘The Coldest Air In Decades’"

"This Is Not Normal! The Nation Braces For A 
‘Bomb Cylcone’ That Will Bring ‘The Coldest Air In Decades’"
by Michael Snyder

"We are only at the very beginning of winter, and we are already being hit by a storm that will bring “the coldest air in decades” to many parts of the country. In fact, there will be some areas where wind chill temperatures drop so low that it will literally be “life-threatening” to be outside. Needless to say, we could really use some of that “global warming” they keep talking about right now, because conditions are going to be bitterly cold all over the U.S. this week. For years, I have been warning that global weather patterns are starting to go completely nuts, and this winter is certainly off to an extremely bizarre beginning. If you live in a place that will get hit really hard this week, please be safe.

According to the Weather Channel, the giant storm that has begun to sweep across the nation is known as “Winter Storm Elliott”, and it could “become a bomb cyclone over the Great Lakes later this week”…
A​ major storm – named Winter Storm Elliott by The Weather Channel – could become a bomb cyclone over the Great Lakes later this week and bring blizzard conditions to parts of the Midwest as well as high winds to the East Coast, snarling travel in the days leading up to the Christmas holiday weekend. T​his developing storm will also usher in bitterly cold air to much of the nation as far south as Texas, the Gulf Coast and Florida.

So exactly what is a “bomb cyclone”? Well, normally a storm is considered to have undergone bombogenesis “if its minimum surface pressure drops by at least 24 millibars in 24 hours or less”…"A​s a rule of thumb, meteorologists refer to a strengthening low as “bombing out” or undergoing bombogenesis if its minimum surface pressure drops by at least 24 millibars in 24 hours or less, though that criteria also depends on a storm’s latitude. Meteorologists frequently discuss pressure in terms of millibars, rather than inches of mercury. The reason this all matters beyond just a weather geeky statistic is the lower the pressure in a storm, the more intense it is. And the greater difference in pressure over an area, the stronger the winds."

Of course we have seen “bomb cyclones” before, but this one is truly a monster. If you can believe it, this storm will cover nearly the entire country east of the Rocky Mountains later this week. The #BombCyclone blizzard circulation will take up the entire US east of the Rockies on Friday. Certainly an extraordinary weather event with potentially dangerous impacts, especially with extreme cold.
A reinforcing burst of Arctic air will send temperatures well below zero. Temperatures could dip as low as 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit below zero in some areas of Montana or North Dakota, which would come close to a stretch of extreme cold observed back in 1983 and 1989. Records from the cold outbreaks during those years still set the standard for cold air around Christmastime in much of the northern and eastern U.S.

That is cold! And we are being warned that temperatures in Minnesota could also reach 40 degrees below zero near the end of the week…"Meteorologists in the Twin Cities forecasted wind chills as cold as minus 40 F Thursday through Friday. Even locations as far south as Orlando, Florida, could potentially see below-freezing conditions this week, according to AccuWeather meteorologist Alex DaSilva."

Some of the forecasts that I have seen are more than a little bit frightening. For instance, Accuweather is telling us that temperatures in Montana and North Dakota “could dip as low as 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit below zero”…"These extraordinarily low temperatures will also be accompanied by high winds. This will create extreme blizzard conditions in some portions of the country, and in some cases we will see wind chill temperatures that look like they have been pulled out of a Hollywood disaster film. This week tens of millions of Americans are about to experience one of the coldest days of their life. Wind chills as cold as -70F in Wyoming and Montana, negative wind chills as far south Austin, Texas, and even single-digit wind chills in the Florida Panhandle.

In some areas, the snow has already begun. For instance, it was being projected that some parts of Washington state would receive “up to 24 inches of additional snow” on Tuesday.

By the time we get to the weekend, nearly the entire nation will have been hit by this colossal storm. I wish that I could tell you that this is just an anomaly. But it isn’t. Global weather patterns have been going haywire for quite a while, and it just keeps getting worse with each passing year. So if you think that things are bad now, just wait until you see what happens in 2023 and beyond…"
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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

"A Christmas Musical Interlude"


Placido Domingo, "La Virgen Lava Pañales"
Plácido Domingo, Wiener Sängerknaben, 
"Ave Maria" (Franz Schubert)

The Poet: William Butler Yeats, "The Second Coming"

"The Second Coming"

"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

- William Butler Yeats, January 1919

"Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world," indeed...

MUST VIEW: "Alert! Russia and NATO Will Be At War In Weeks, Zelensky Leaves Country"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 12/20/22"
"Alert! Russia and NATO Will Be At War In Weeks, 
Zelensky Leaves Country"
"A new article suggests that NATO and Russia are a few weeks (if not days) away from a direct altercation, all the pieces are now moving into place, when this happens all hell breaks loose. Zelensky is heading to Washington, for what purpose? Get ready because 2023 is going to be crazy."
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Full screen recommended.
Redacted, 12/20/22:
"Scott Ritter: Putin Warms Of Direct 
Clash With US, NATO Readies Forces"
"Moscow says US policies have the US and Russia on the brink of all out war. Zelensky and his regime are sitting down doing interviews in The Economist magazine and Russia is readying a massive winter offensive with big moves overnight in Donetsk region. Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins us to discuss what this means for those on and off the battlefield."
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God help us, folks...

"Insolvent Banks Being Kept Alive By The FED; Well Fargo Stole Your House; Home Building Collapse"

Jeremiah Babe, 12/20/22:
"Insolvent Banks Being Kept Alive By The FED; 
Well Fargo Stole Your House; Home Building Collapse"
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Greg Hunter, "Nightmare Fall of United States"

"Nightmare Fall of United States"
by Greg Hunter’s

"Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said just before the 2022 midterm elections that voter fraud and cheating will set up a very troubling 2023. Armstrong is predicting “a major turning point in January of 2023.” Armstrong explains, “The computer (Socrates program) is showing that January is going to be the major turning point for the entire year of 2023. The currencies are rallying against the dollar, and that should go into early January and then after that, this thing looks like death warmed over. Perhaps it is the insanity of handing Patriot missiles over to Ukraine. I know Ukraine very well, and I am telling you they will use them offensively and not defensively. They will use them to attack Russia. Their whole objective is to expand the war.”

Armstrong says Biden Administration economy killing policies will, “only increase inflation, and this is an endless nightmare. In all honesty, I hope the Republicans move to impeach Biden. I am not even sure Biden is aware of all the things taking place. It is the people behind him that are doing this. They are the ones writing these agendas, and they are a bunch of climate zealots, and they have no idea what they are doing. This is getting to be insane, and I think you are going to see that January is going to be a very, very big turning point, with the Republicans in the House, they will probably start impeachment proceedings and a lot more investigations.”

Armstrong thinks, “The U.S. dollar will be going up. Gold and all other tangible assets will also go up in value” right along with “interest rates and inflation going up” too.

On the political front, Armstrong says keep your eyes on Arizona and the 2022 midterm election lawsuits going on now. Armstrong contends if widespread cheating is proven, “Basically, if it is exposed in one state, then people are going to assume election cheating is all over. It will be like a contagion or like the flu. If it’s in one place, everybody is going to get it. This is simply the way it is. There is no election that is never rigged. The question is if the rigging is good enough to actually change the outcome.”

With the possibility of a wider Ukraine war, world wide social unrest, extreme inflation and election fraud in 2022, how is America going to fare? Armstrong says, “Our computers say nobody will believe the elections. This is what our computers show. We are moving into total political chaos. This is the fall of the United States. Our Republican form of government does not work. It is too susceptible to bribery. I would like the tree to fall in the right direction and we have a real actual democracy. We don’t live in democracies. That’s all propaganda. A democracy would be if we decide to go to war in Russia and Ukraine and not somebody in Biden’s Administration. The people never go for war, it’s always the leaders that go for war.” There is much more in this in-depth 1-hour and 2-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, cycle expert and author of the new book “The Plot to Seize Russia”:

"Calm Down Celente, What Are You So Upset About?"

Full screen recommended.
Very strong language alert!
Gerald Celente, 12/20/22:
"Calm Down Celente, What Are You So Upset About?"
"The Biden administration is expected to provide Ukraine with Patriot missiles capable of hitting deep inside Russia. What would happen if Ukraine fired these missiles into Moscow?"
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"25 Retailers And Restaurant Chains That Filed For Bankruptcy As All Hell Is Breaking Loose"

Full screen recommended.
"25 Retailers And Restaurant Chains That 
Filed For Bankruptcy As All Hell Is Breaking Loose"
by Epic Economist

"Massive loads of debt, changing consumer habits, supply chain problems, and declining profits all combined to create a lethal cocktail of bankruptcies and store closures that affected many retailers and restaurants across the U.S. in recent years. When governments started to introduce pandemic shutdowns in 2020, hundreds of thousands of companies were already struggling with slower foot traffic, weak cash flow, and gigantic piles of real estate debt. The temporary closures only set off a crisis that was already in motion, and the uncertainty brought on by the new downturn sent many businesses over the edge.

While about 10,000 retail stores closed since November 2019, more than 110,000 restaurants have been lost over that same period. For instance, over 400 Wendy’s locations have been sold in a 2021 bankruptcy deal. Since last year, over 130 Wendy’s restaurants have been closed all over the nation as its parent company struggles to renegotiate its $1 billion debt load. The survival of many underperforming locations is still on the line. With Wendy’s reporting a 10% profit loss in the last quarter, and its shares plummeting 26% since the start of the year, we soon may have to say goodbye to this beloved chain.

Given that Pizza Hut is operated by the same parent company as Wendy’s, NPC International, the famous pizza chin may be doomed to a similar fate. Over the past twelve months, more than 300 Pizza Hut locations have been shuttered. Executives noted during the court filing that the restaurant “had already been losing money before the pandemic, but its advent accelerated the folding”.

As one industry rises another goes down. With the rapid growth of e-commerce and food delivery services, many retail stores and restaurant locations are becoming redundant. Keeping a store open not only requires a reliable customer base but also good financial health to afford rampant real estate costs and rising wages. That's why these days companies are preferring to shut down their brick-and-mortar operations altogether and focus on relaunching their brands on online platforms to reduce costs and optimize profits. That may even save some popular brands that have been with us for decades. But at the same time, this also means that our shopping malls and city streets are likely to get even emptier, and that some of our beloved local stores where we've created wonderful memories may cease to exist before we even notice it. Unfortunately, that's the path the retail and food industry seems to be headed.

In a matter of months, U.S. consumers saw many of their favorite stores close doors and never reopen. Businesses are still coping with one of the most turbulent economic environments since 2008, and the survival of many of them is still on the line. With a new economic recession on the horizon, we're likely to see many more storefronts go dark in 2023. But today, we compiled 25 retail companies and restaurant chains that already filed for bankruptcy over the past couple of years and are now either battling to keep their remaining locations open or finally saying their last goodbyes."

Musical Interlude: "My Orchid Spirit (Extragalactic)"

Full screen recommended.
Liquid Mind, "My Orchid Spirit (Extragalactic)"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“From Sagittarius to Carina, the Milky Way Galaxy shines in this dark night sky above planet Earth’s lush island paradise of Mangaia. Familiar to denizens of the southern hemisphere, the gorgeous skyscape includes the bulging galactic center at the upper left and bright stars Alpha and Beta Centauri just right of center. About 10 kilometers wide, volcanic Mangaia is the southernmost of the Cook Islands. Geologists estimate that at 18 million years old it is the oldest island in the Pacific Ocean.
Of course, the Milky Way is somewhat older, with the galaxy’s oldest stars estimated to be over 13 billion years old. (Editor’s note: This image holds the distinction of being selected as winner in the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition in the Earth and Space category.)“

“In The Long Run… We Are All Alive”

“In The Long Run… We Are All Alive”
by MN Gordon 

“In 1976, economist Herbert Stein, father of Ben Stein, the economics professor in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, observed that U.S. government debt was on an unsustainable trajectory. He, thus, established Stein’s Law: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” Stein may have been right in theory. Yet the unsustainable trend of U.S. government debt outlasted his life.  Herbert Stein died in 1999, several decades before the crackup. Those reading this may not be so lucky.

Sometimes the end of the world comes and goes, while some of us are still here. We believe our present episode of debt, deficits, and state sponsored economic destruction, is one of these times.. We’ll have more on this in just a moment. But first, let’s peer back several hundred years. There we find context, edification, and instruction.

In 1696, William Whiston, a protégé of Isaac Newton, wrote a book. It had the grandiose title, “A New Theory of the Earth from its Original to the Consummation of All Things.” In it he proclaimed, among other things, that the global flood of Noah had been caused by a comet. Mr. Whiston took his book very serious. The good people of London took it very serious too. Perhaps it was Whiston’s conviction. Or his great fear of comets. But, for whatever reason, it never occurred to Londoners that he was a Category 5 quack.

Like Neil Ferguson, and his mathematical biology cohorts at Imperial College, London, Whiston’s research filled a void. Much like today’s epidemiological models, the science was bunk. Nonetheless, the results supplied prophecies of the apocalypse to meet a growing demand. It was just a matter of time before Whiston’s research would cause trouble…

Judgement Day: In 1736, William Whiston crunched some data and made some calculations. He projected these calculations out and saw the future. And what he witnessed scared him mad. He barked. He ranted. He foamed at the mouth to anyone who would listen. Pretty soon he’d stirred up his neighbors with a prophecy that the world would be destroyed on October 13th of that year when a comet would collide with the earth.

Jonathan Swift, in his work, “A True and Faithful Narrative of What Passed in London on a Rumour of the Day of Judgment,” quoted Whiston: “Friends and fellow-citizens, all speculative science is at an end: the period of all things is at hand; on Friday next this world shall be no more. Put not your confidence in me, brethren; for tomorrow morning, five minutes after five, the truth will be evident; in that instant the comet shall appear, of which I have heretofore warned you. As ye have heard, believe. Go hence, and prepare your wives, your families, and friends, for the universal change.”

Clergymen assembled to offer prayers. Churches filled to capacity. Rich and paupers alike feared their judgement. Lawyers worried about their fate. Judges were relieved they were no longer lawyers. Teetotalers got smashed. Drunks got sober. Bankers forgave their debtors. Criminals, to be executed, expressed joy.

The wealthy gave their money to beggars. Beggars gave it back to the wealthy. Several rich and powerful gave large donations to the church; no doubt, reserving first class tickets to heaven. Many ladies confessed to their husbands that one or more of their children were bastards. Husbands married their mistresses. And on and on…

The Archbishop of Canterbury, William Wake, had to officially deny this prediction to ease the public consternation. But it did little good. Crowds gathered at Islington, Hampstead, and the surrounding fields, to witness the destruction of London, which was deemed the “beginning of the end.” Then, just like Whiston said, a comet appeared. Prayers were made. Deathbed confessions were shared. And at the moment of maximum fear, something remarkable happened: the world didn’t end. The comet did not collide with earth. It was merely a near miss.

The experience of Whiston, and his pseudoscience prophecy, shows that predictions of the end of the world come and go while people still remain. Sometimes the fallout of these predictions, and the foolishness they provoke, is limited. Other times the foolishness they provoke leads to catastrophe. Here’s what we mean…

“In the long run we are all dead,” said 20th Century economist and Fabian socialist, John Maynard Keynes. This was Keynes rationale for why governments should borrow from the future to fund economic growth today. Of course, politicians love an academic theory that gives them cover to intervene in the economy. This is especially so when it justifies spending other people’s money to buy votes. Keynesian economics, and in particular, counter-cyclical stimulus, does just that.

U.S. politicians have attempted to borrow and spend the nation to prosperity for the last 80 years. Over the past decade, the Federal Reserve has aggressively printed money to fund Washington’s epic borrowing binge. Fed Chair Jay Powell confirmed that the Fed will pursue policies of dollar destruction to, somehow, print new jobs.

The world as it was once known – where a dollar was as good as gold – has come and gone. Today, in life after the end of that world, we are witnessing the illusion of wealth, erected by four generations of borrowing and spending, crumble before our eyes. Moreover, contrary to Keynes, in the long run we are not all dead. In fact, in the long run we are all very much alive. And we are all living with the compounding consequences of shortsighted economic policies.”

"In The Time Of Your Life..."

"In the time of your life, live - so that in good time there shall be no ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in flesh the least of the values, for these are things that hold death and must pass away. Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption. Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into secrecy and sorrow by the shame and terror of the world. Ignore the obvious, for it is unworthy of the clear eye and the kindly heart. Be the inferior of no man, nor of any man be the superior. Remember that every man is a variation of yourself. No man's guilt is not yours, nor is any man's innocence a thing apart. Despise evil and ungodliness, but not men of ungodliness or evil. These, understand. Have no shame in being kindly and gentle, but if the time comes in the time of your life to kill, kill and have no regret. In the time of your life, live - so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it."
- William Saroyan

"News From The NATOstan-Imposed Meat Grinder"

"News From The NATOstan-Imposed Meat Grinder"
by Pepe Escobar

"No one ever lost money capitalizing on the unlimited nonsense spewed out by the collective deer-caught-in-the-headlights also known as Western mainstream media – complete with showering Person of the Year awards on a megalomaniac, cocaine-fueled lousy actor impersonating a warlord.

The non-stop trashy parade of Western military analysts is now “assessing” that the first targets of an incoming, joint Russia-Belarus attack on the 404 black hole formerly known as Ukraine will be Lviv, Lutsk, Rivne, Zhytomyr, and why not throw Kiev in the mix straight out of a second axis. The Russian General Staff is attentively monitoring all the action and may even follow the advice of such “analysts”.

And then there’s outright panic, as the Ministry of Defense announced that the Strategic Missile Forces have loaded two Yars ICBMs into their intended silos. Cue to widespread shrieks of horror of the “Russia Readies Nuclear Missile Capable Of Striking Deep Into US” variety.

Some facts though never change. Number One is NATO as a figment of the collective West’s – extremely impaired – imagination. If push ever came to shove – as Straussian/neo-con armchair warriors hope and pray – Russia can conveniently defeat the whole of NATO as there is hardly anything “there”.

That, of course, would require a massive Russian mobilization. As it stands, Russia may look feeble in a few quarters as they activated at best 100,000 troops against possibly 1 million Ukrainian troops. It’s as if Moscow was not exactly seduced by the idea of “winning” – which may be the case, in a quite twisted way.

Even now, Moscow has not mobilized enough troops to occupy Ukraine – which, in theory, would be imperative to completely “denazify” the Kiev racket. The operative concept though is “in theory”. Moscow in fact is busy demonstrating a completely new theory – irrespective of the fact that a few exalted souls have been peddling that Putin should be replaced by the FSB’s Alexander Bortnikov.

“There will be nothing left of the enemy”: With its array of hypersonic missiles, Russia can knock out all NATO bridges, ports, airports as well as power stations, oil and natural gas storage, Rotterdam oil and natural gas installations, in a matter of a few hours. All energy production equipment across NATOstan would be destroyed. Europe would be shut off from natural resources. A dazed and confused Empire would be unable to move troops, any troops, to Europe.

And still provocations run unabated. The recent attack by Tu-141 Ukrainian drones against Engels-2 airbase was blamed by Moscow on Kiev – which predictably denied all responsibility. Yet what really mattered was Moscow’s strategic messaging to US/NATO, with Putin flirting with the notion that sooner or later the response may be up a serious notch in case US/NATO weaponry supplied to Kiev is used to strike deep into sensitive Russian Federation territory. The current Russian doctrine even allows Moscow to respond with nuclear strikes; after all Engels-2 airbase is home to nuclear-capable bombers, prime strategic assets.

The drones were certainly launched by infiltrated agents inside Russian territory. If they had originated from outside Russia, and interpreted as nuclear missiles, that could have triggered the launch against NATOstan of hundreds of Russian nuclear missiles. Putin himself made it – ominously – quite clear at the Eurasia Economic Council summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, a week ago: “I assure you, after the early warning system receives a signal of a missile attack, hundreds of our missiles are in the air. It is impossible to stop them. There will be nothing left of the enemy, because it is impossible to intercept a hundred missiles. This, of course, is a deterrent – a serious deterrent.”

Not, of course, to the stupidity-corroded Straussian-neocon gang who are actually running American foreign “policy”. It’s no wonder reliable Russian intel sources established that the missiles that hit Engels-2 were locally launched, though the Kiev regime desired it to be believed otherwise.

And that turns the whole charade into a Dadaist farce – with a dazed and confused Empire still bound to a maniac in Kiev who still believes that the Ukrainian S-300 that hit Poland came from Russia. Cue to the whole world – and not only Washington – as hostage to a “Person of the Year” maniac with the – virtual – power of provoking a worldwide nuclear war.

Red Napoleon in da house: Meanwhile, on the ground, Russia has gone Deep Operations Strategy, big time. In several spots along the extensive frontline, they attack the points that are most likely to draw out poor Ukrainian reserves hiding in the second line of defense. When reserves come out through barren, muddy lands and terrible roads to the rescue of frontline units, entire battalions are massacred.

Russians never go deep into the third line – where command and control may be located. What’s in play is attrition warfare under Deep Operations Strategy, straight out of the playbook of the legendary “Red Napoleon”, Field Marshall Mikhail Tukhachevsky.

Russia saves soldiers, personnel and equipment. The whole thing works wonders in difficult terrain where vehicles get bogged down in rainy roads. This rinse and repeat tactic, day in day out, for months on end has led to (at least) 400,000 Ukrainian casualties. Call it the epitome of Attritional Warfare.

Historians will relish that the whole scenario resembles the Battle of Agincourt – where wave after wave of French Knights (playing the role of present day Ukrainians, and Polish/NATO mercenaries) kept running uphill against English archers and knights who just stood still and let them come, hitting the second line again and again. The difference, of course, is that Russians are employing attritional warfare tactics day after day for six months now, while Agincourt was just one battle in a single day. By the time this meat grinder is over an entire generation of Ukrainians and Poles will have gone to meet their maker.

The collective West’s myth of a Ukrainian “victory” against the Russian war of attrition does not even qualify as cosmic delusion. It’s a lousy, lethal joke. The only way out would be to sit down at the negotiating table, now, before the hammer (the next Russian offensive) comes down on the anvil (the existing frontline). But NATO, of course, as Stultifying Stoltenberg keeps reminding the world, does not do negotiations. Which, in a sense, may be a blessing, as NATO may end up breaking up in myriad pieces, totally humiliated on the ground despite all its elaborate warmongering plans.

Andrei Martyanov has been peerless tracking the collective West’s complete economic, moral, intellectual – and most of all military – degradation, everything drenched in lies, lousy P.R. twists and “stupefying incompetence across the board.” All this while Russia prepares “for yet another ‘defeat’, like retaking all of Donbass and then… Who knows what then. A quick win for Russia would be a loss because NATO would still exist. No, Russia has to pace this so as it sucks in NATO into the grinder.”

Somewhere in her private pantheon, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Geopolitics, is immensely enjoying the show. Oh, wait; she’s actually reincarnated, and her name is Maria Zakharova."
Hat tip to The Burning Platform for this material.

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"How Bad Will It Get?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 12/20/22:
"How Bad Will It Get?"
"The retail economists have all gotten together and said that this is going to be the worst Christmas on record in decades. Now we are starting to see that retail stores are failing during the holidays. Next up, you have construction and there are many companies going out of business."
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"They, the Elite"

"They, the Elite"
We, the obstacles in their way.
by Bill Bonner

“I haven’t read the Constitution, but, from what I’ve 
been told, most of it is a waste of paper, quite frankly.” 
~ Donald Trump

Youghal, Ireland - "The noose tightens. Higher interest rates. Lower real earnings. Businesses and consumers pull back. Most reach into their savings. Others look in their pockets for loose change. Some find nothing. NBCnews: "A growing number of consumers are falling behind on their car payments, a trend financial analysts fear will continue, in a sign of the strain soaring car prices and prolonged inflation are having on household budgets.

Repossessions tumbled at the start of the pandemic when Americans got a boost from stimulus checks and lenders were more willing to accommodate those behind on their payments. But in recent months, the number of people behind on their car payments has been approaching prepandemic levels, and for the lowest-income consumers, the rate of loan defaults is now exceeding where it was in 2019, according to data from ratings agency Fitch."

Collectivist Illogic: Most likely, the coming recession will make things worse. Prices, sales and profits will fall…along with the stock market. But we’ll come to that in due course. Today, we let you in on an insight. Free speech and free markets don’t really matter to the great majority of Americans. And now that they are being lost, most people don’t care. But why were they included in the Constitution in the first place? The answer occurred to your editor this past weekend. And maybe it isn’t such an important insight as he thinks it is. But we’ll let you be the judge of that.

The key to understanding the future of the USA, and why we are doomed, is to realize that ‘The People’ and ‘the deciders’ are not the same. Mancur Olson described the important difference in his book, “The Logic of Collective Action.” It tells us why the US government has gotten so big, so bossy, and so out-of-step with ‘The People.’ In short, the support for more government – laws, regulation, subsidies, bailouts, stimmies, and the like – is always very limited and focused. Some people, those who get the money, have a keen interest in making sure new programs, whatever they are, go ahead. The public, on the other hand, is usually unaware of what is going on. And if you explained it, most likely, it would be against it…or simply uninterested.

A public policy might deliver $1 billion in money to a small group of arms suppliers, for example, to ‘aid the Ukraine.’ Explain that to the average man. If the program goes forward, it will cost him…about $3.03. He’s not going to get too animated about that. He doesn’t really know where the Ukraine is; he has no idea of its history or of what led to the war. And helping the Ukraine to ‘protect its freedom’ sounds vaguely like a good thing.

But while the common man is ignorant or indifferent, the insiders who will get the money are well informed and keenly interested. The program could change their lives. Naturally, they’ll hire lobbyists…make campaign contributions to key members of Congress…and make sure everyone realizes that this is a matter of vital national importance.

Origins Stories: That explains how the US government got so big, and so powerful. But it doesn’t explain why it is now trying to stifle free speech and control the economy. Nor does it tell us how constitutional limitations – designed to protect free speech and a free economy – got there in the first place. For that, we need to go back to our origins.

Elites are never completely homogenous…and rarely all on the same page. When the American Revolution was announced, it had the support of only about a third of the population. Another third was against it. And the other third had better things to think about. At the crucial battle of Yorktown, Virginia, there were about as many Americans fighting for England as for the colonies…and the battle was decided by foreigners, not by Americans themselves. The French navy, under the Comte de Grasse, blockaded the Chesapeake, cutting off supplies to English forces.

The American elites of 1776, who wanted to break away from Britain, were outsiders. That is, they were rebels…defying the authority of the entrenched elite. Naturally, they wanted to be able to say what they thought, without going to jail. So, they favored ‘free speech.’ But so were ideas of liberty, free trade and social evolution very much in the ‘air du temps.’ Both Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” and Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of the Species” were published in 1776. These ‘liberal’ ideas caused them to have faith in the common sense of the masses…with their folk wisdom and traditional values. Besides, they needed ‘The People’ to win the revolution!

Today, the situation is completely different. The elite are not outsiders; they’re insiders, eager to protect their power, status and wealth. They do not favor free speech; if free speech were allowed, ‘The People’ – or at least dissident intellectuals – would use it to criticize them! The elite deciders believe they are no longer at the mercy of ‘old wives’ tales’ or constitutions. Like Joe Biden or Donald Trump, they think they can make up their own rules – as they go.

They are in the position of George III, eager to protect what they’ve got against the outsiders. They don’t like free speech, because it challenges their ideas. And they don’t like free markets either. Free markets are in constant churn. One man invents a state-of-the-art camera. Then, another invents a cellphone that takes pictures too. One upstart discovers oil and before you know it, his grandson is governor of New York.

Free markets, like free speech, make everyone better off. In the competition between ideas and opinions, much like the competition between businesses, entrepreneurs and technologies, The People come out ahead. But the insiders don’t necessarily come out ahead. They own the camera company, not tomorrow’s I-phone company; they’re the ruling class now, but not necessarily tomorrow’s governors and bureaucrats. Naturally, they try to stop the future before it happens."

"Massive Sales At Meijer! Stock Up Now! Price Increases Are Coming!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 12/20/22:
"Massive Sales At Meijer! 
Stock Up Now! Price Increases Are Coming!"
"In today's vlog we are at Meijer, and are noticing that they are having a huge sale on holiday baking items this month! We are stocking up, and showing the best deals as we take you shopping with us. It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
Comments here:

Gregory Mannarino, "Congress Pushes Massive Spending Bill"

Gregory Mannarino, 12/20/22:
"Congress Pushes Massive Spending Bill; 
Bank Of Japan Rattles The Global Bond Market"
Comments here:

"Texas Power Grid Faces Crucial Moment Ahead Of Single Digit Temperatures" (Excerpt)

"Texas Power Grid Faces Crucial Moment
 Ahead Of Single Digit Temperatures"
by Tyler Durden

Excerpt: "Forecasters are warning that a potent Arctic airmass could plunge temperatures across Texas to single digits later this week. Temperatures in Texas's Permian Basin could dip to 25 F by late Friday, risking the potential for freeze-offs that could curtail the flow of natural gas. The blast of cold air comes just 22 months after the early 2021 cold wave that collapsed Lone Star State's power grid. One weather model via PivitolWeather forecasts single digits in a large swath of Texas on Friday.

The North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC), a commission responsible for assessing power risks, warned that cold could stress the electrical grid in Texas. "The effect it can have on generators - and the way demand can rise sharply in cold weather - can lead to load risk," Mark Olson, a reliability manager at NERC, said, who was quoted by Bloomberg.

According to Houston-based NatGas research firm Criterion Research, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) - the state's grid operator - expects power demand to rise to over 61 gigawatts on Friday, which would come close to summer loads and most prior winter showings.

A massive cold stress test for ERCOT appears to be imminent. Here's more from Criterion: "ERCOT formally issued an "Operating Condition Notice (OCN)" ahead of this week's winter weather that will run from December 22-26. The OCN goes into effect when temperatures fall below 25 degrees for the Austin/San Antonio and DFW areas. ERCOT President and CEO Pablo Vegas cited that "As we monitor weather conditions, we want to assure Texans that the grid is resilient and reliable."
Full, well charted, article is here:

"How It Really Is"


The Poet: Charles Bukowski, “Roll The Dice”

Roll The Dice”

“If you’re going to try,
go all the way,
otherwise, don’t even start.

If you’re going to try,
go all the way.
This could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs and
maybe your mind.

Go all the way.
It could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days.
It could mean freezing on a
park bench.
It could mean jail,
it could mean derision,
mockery, isolation.
Isolation is the gift,
all the others are a test of your endurance,
of how much you really want to do it.
And you’ll do it,
despite rejection and the worst odds,
and it will be better than
anything else you can imagine.

If you’re going to try,
go all the way.
There is no other feeling like that.
You will be alone with the gods,
and the nights will flame with fire.

Do it, do it, do it.
Do it.
All the way,
all the way.

You will ride life straight to
perfect laughter, it’s
the only good fight there is.”

- Charles Bukowski
Full screen recommended.
Charles Bukowski, Roll The Dice”

The Poet: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "What If?"

"What If?"

"What if you slept?
And what if,
In your sleep
You dreamed?
And what if,
In your dream,
You went to heaven
And there plucked
A strange and
Beautiful flower?
And what if,
When you awoke,
You had the flower
In your hand?
Ahh, what then?"

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Poet: Wendell Berry, "Circles of Our Lives"

"Circles of Our Lives"

"Within the circles of our lives
we dance the circles of the years,
the circles of the seasons
within the circles of the years,
the cycles of the moon
within the circles of the seasons,
the circles of our reasons
within the cycles of the moon.

Again, again we come and go,
changed, changing. Hands
join, unjoin in love and fear,
grief and joy. The circles turn,
each giving into each, into all.

Only music keeps us here,
each by all the others held.
In the hold of hands and eyes
we turn in pairs, that joining
joining each to all again.
And then we turn aside, alone,
out of the sunlight gone
into the darker circles of return."

- Wendell Berry
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering - these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for."
- "Dead Poets Society"

"It's Like In The Great Stories..."

Sam: "It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end it's only a passing thing, this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines it'll shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something even if you were too small to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand, I know now folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: "What are we holding onto, Sam?
Sam: "That there's some good in the world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."
- Samwise Gamgee,
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
Two Steps From Hell , "Downstream"
"And it's worth fighting for..." 
Be strong and never give up, no matter what...

"How It Really Is"


"Permanent Adolescence: The Epidemic That Will Destroy America"

"Permanent Adolescence:
The Epidemic That Will Destroy America"
by Dr. Paul Kindlon

"As a Humanities professor I have had the opportunity to teach psychology and social psychology for more than 25 years. Occasionally the knowledge obtained in these areas allows me to analyze and understand social behavior and certain cultural trends. This is one those occasions.

If one is able to observe American society in an objective manner (granted no easy task) it becomes clear that the country is suffering from an epidemic of arrested emotional development (AED). This particular illness is characterized by some combination of: addiction, greed, immaturity, fear, blame, shame, resentments, anger, confusion and suffering. What it means is that the vast majority of Americans are stuck in adolescence exhibiting behavior like lying, negative attitudes, disobedience and disrespect, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, and issues of sexuality.

One has only to watch American movies or television shows to get a snapshot of juvenile, puerile, and base comedy characteristic of adolescent humor. It’s no accident that 48 year old Jimmy Fallon is essentially the “eternal teenager” performing comedy that mostly includes bathroom humor and gags that are based on and appeal to a silly sense of immaturity. The other darling of late-night shows in America is Stephen Colbert, age 58, who specializes in insulting public figues in an overtly adolescent display of negative attitude and disrespect.

Another hallmark of AED is to evade responsibility and blame others for failure. One had only to observe the millions of Hillary supporters to understand this phenomenon. Also common for AED sufferers is to show disrespect in sophomoric ways usually by damaging property as we see with monuments being defaced and destroyed.

Teenagers, of course, tend to have identity issues often involving sexuality which is another phenomenon all too apparent in contemporary America. It’s almost uncool not to be LGBT or confused about your gender nowadays. Soon there will be as many genders as ice-cream flavors for it’s all just a matter of taste!

In terms of cognitive activity AED is characterized by exaggeration and over-simplification. If you are angry with one of your parents you might refer to them as a Nazi or Fascist.

This negative attitude now is extended to anyone who disagrees with you and can be seen in slogans such as “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA”. Adults are an endangered species. The cognitive effect of exaggeration and over-simplification leads to irrationality and confusion. Witness the millions of people who think they are being anti-racist by opposing “White Supremacy”. No anthropologist on earth would claim that “White” is a race (although a Neo- Nazi would) It’s not even a primary color. The Irish were discriminated against for more than a hundred years in America due to Anglo-Saxon racism yet the Irish are considered “white”. There are millions of Americans of German, Polish, and Scandinavian extraction who have been working-class and lower for a very long time. Are these “white people” guilty of supremacy? Against whom? Themselves?

Of course, what the protestors should be focusing on is class and not race which is really an arbitrary term. Unfortunately. the progressive movement in America has gone from “Occupy Wall Street” to “occupy the public bathroom”. Lenin would be turning over in his grave – if he had one. With regard to alcohol and drug addiction in America, the statistics are startling. Opiod addiction alone is becoming a national health issue as is depression. Alcohol abuse, of course, is also quite high. Lying is also becoming commonplace. It used to be just politicians and lawyers who were known to “play with the truth”. Nowadays the mainstream media is widely seen as a mainstream of lies with CNN now wearing the title of FAKE NEWS.

The teenage attempt to rebel and show disobedience is often manifested through the use of profanity intended to shock the older generation. Gratuitous profanity is pervasive in American culture and has replaced the imagination as a form of creativity. It is not an accident that Pussy Riot – a group of “performance artists” using profanity in a Cathedral considered sacred to “shock” the Russian public and “disobey” authorities – has found a home in the United States and been befriended by Madonna, another symbol of eternal adolescence. Her AED was on full display when she publicly offered all men fellatio if they voted for Hillary Clinton. And as any rebellious teenager attempting to shock the “older generation” she had to announce that she “swallows”. Stay classy, Madonna. Keep in mind we’re talking about a 63 year old mother of six.

You see…if everyone is a teenager there is no adult supervision. That is the problem. After an autopsy is conducted years from now to ascertain how and why the American Empire expired, the obituary will include multiple causes of death and AED will be listed prominently. Perhaps a precocious teenager will be allowed to write the epitaph that will read…”When extended, the bridge between adolescence and adulthood can take a heavy toll”.
“Most people don’t grow up. It’s too damn difficult. What happens is most people get older. That’s the truth of it. They honor their credit cards, they find parking spaces, they marry, they have the nerve to have children, but they don’t grow up. Not really. They get older. But to grow up costs the earth, the earth. It means you take responsibility for the time you take up, for the space you occupy. It’s serious business. And you find out what it costs us to love and to lose, to dare and to fail. And maybe even more, to succeed."
- Maya Angelou