Tuesday, August 16, 2022

"Crop Failures Now At Crisis Levels Worldwide", Excerpt

"Crop Failures Now At Crisis Levels Worldwide"
by Mike Adams

Excerpt: "Globalists are currently carrying out a planetary-scale genocide agenda against humanity and all life on Earth as we know it. They are waging this war through multiple vectors that attack not only humans, but also plant life across the planet. Their weapons include terraforming, geoengineering, induced famine, energy collapse, economic collapse and vaccine bioweapons for depopulation. Crop losses are huge across the USA and Europe, and there's simply not enough food in the pipeline at this point to keep all of humanity alive for the next year. The crisis is about to impact hard. Get full details in today's complete feature story and podcast here."

"Biden’s Latest Whopper Is Outrageous"

"Biden’s Latest Whopper Is Outrageous"
by Jim Rickards

"Why do they keep trying to redefine the meaning of words? In June 2022, U.S. inflation was 9.1%, the highest in over 40 years. In July 2022, the inflation rate was 8.5%, a decline from the June rate but still one of the highest inflation readings since the early 1980s. Joe Biden might have claimed a little credit for bringing inflation down a little in July. Instead, he jumped the shark and claimed that inflation in July was “zero.” You read that right. His exact words were: “We received news that our economy had 0% inflation in the month of July.” Of course, that’s preposterous. Here’s the real story…

Sorry, Joe, You’re Wrong: Inflation is calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) inside the Department of Labor. They report results monthly. Each monthly report looks at the prices of a basket of over 30 separate categories such as gasoline, food, clothing, travel, electronics and so on. Inside each of these broad categories are hundreds of individual items that comprise what a typical consumer might buy in a particular month. That data consists of prices. The next step is to compare those prices for a certain month with the same month in the prior year. The basket of prices for July 2022 was compared with the same basket of prices for July 2021. The year-over-year increase in prices is the inflation rate for the month of July 2022. That’s the 8.5% increase the BLS reported. Where did Biden get his “zero” data?

Changing Inconvenient Definitions: In a desperate move to hide bad news by changing definitions, the White House looked at the price level in July 2022 compared with the price level in June 2022. In other words, they did a month-to-month comparison instead of the customary year over year. That’s a change in the rate of change of the price data.

You can rest assured Biden doesn’t understand any of this, but he was able to mouth the words on the teleprompter. This episode - changing the definition in order to change the news - is exactly what the White House and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen did when they changed the definition of “recession” after the Commerce Department reported two consecutive quarters of declining GDP at the end of July.

(Incidentally, many in the mainstream media tried to deny that the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago with dozens of armed agents was actually a “raid.” They claimed the FBI was simply delivering a “legal search warrant” or some other benign language to disguise what actually happened.)

Joe Biden Isn’t Big Brother: Anyway, the White House policy is clear. If you don’t like the economic news, just change the definitions to get whatever result you want. That’s exactly how George Orwell portrayed Big Brother in his novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four." Joe Biden isn’t competent enough to be Big Brother. He’s so mentally impaired that when he says absurd things, it’s hard to tell if it’s the result of cognitive decline, outright lies or a simple inability to know what he’s talking about when someone puts a script on his teleprompter.

That’s not a personal attack on Biden - no one takes delight in seeing an elderly man in decline. I certainly don’t. But Biden’s most recent absurdity is so bad that it might possibly be the result of all three.

Fortunately, Americans are not as dumb as the White House seems to think we are. Most Americans see right through the sham. In any case, we don’t need the White House to tell us about inflation. We see it in the grocery store and at the gas pump every day. Inflation may be down a bit from its peak, but it’s still outrageously high, no matter what kind of spin the White House may put on it. But for the moment, let’s pretend that inflation really is down as Biden says. Is that necessarily a good sign? The answer is no.

Destroying the Economy in Order to Save It: The difficulty is that U.S. inflation is coming from the supply side (energy, food, transportation, supply chain dysfunction) rather than the demand side (consumers pulling demand forward based on inflationary fears). Since the Fed doesn’t drill for oil, drive trucks or operate cranes, they can’t really affect the supply side directly. What they can do is destroy demand by raising rates so high that consumers will be drained with higher mortgage rates and excessive credit card charges.

This kind of inflation control can work, but it comes at a high cost - a severe recession. Right now, consumers are plagued with high gasoline prices, though they have declined some. Those prices will come down when consumers stop buying gas at all because they’re unemployed or their businesses have failed. To paraphrase an old saying from the Vietnam War, the Fed will have to destroy the economy in order to save it.

The Bullwhip Effect: Other negative data abounds. The supply chain is still broken but in a new way. Six months ago, distributors and retailers were short of inventory and the shelves were bare. There’s still some of that, but the delivery channels are working better now.

The problem today is that distributors put in double and even triple orders to make up for shortages. Now those orders are being delivered at exactly the same time that demand has fallen off a cliff. This is known in supply chain science as the bullwhip effect, where small moves at one end of the whip produce huge effects at the other end. Not only are warehouses full, but new orders are drying up. Distributors and retailers don’t need more goods. GDP is calculated based on inventories, not final sales, so this is another huge negative for GDP in the third quarter.

Initial claims for unemployment have been rising for several weeks. Real wages are declining sharply. (Nominal wages are up about 5%, but inflation is 8.5% so the real wage - nominal minus inflation - is negative 3.5% on an annualized basis.) That’s a disaster.

Don’t Expect Much Improvement: Other signs of a more severe recession than the one we are already in keep accumulating. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta forecast for third quarter GDP growth (annualized) is now +1.8%. But that should be compared with a prior estimate of +2.5%. The declining projected rate is significant. They don’t forecast in the usual highly inaccurate Wall Street manner. Instead, they “nowcast” based on data available at the time, without extrapolating or estimating data that is not yet available.

We won’t have an official government estimate of Q3 GDP until late October. But based on the most recent projection, it’s reasonable to conclude that Q3 may end up in the negative column when all is said and done.

Why Have Oil Prices Crashed? Meanwhile, oil prices have been declining precipitously since June. The crude oil futures contract fell from $122 per barrel on June 8 to $86 per barrel as of today, nearly a 30% mini crash in less than two months. It would be nice to think this was due to a flood of supply suddenly emerging, but that’s not the case. Supply is still highly constrained.

What happened is that demand collapsed. You may have noticed this starting to show up in the price of gas at the pump. The price is still high, but it has come down recently and will come down more. That may be a good thing for you, but it’s a bad sign for the economy because it means many Americans simply can’t afford gas, are driving less or in some cases have lost their jobs. Count this development on the side of negative economic indicators. There’s more data but you get the idea. Inflation may be coming down, but not because its underlying conditions are being addressed - but because recession is causing a drop in demand.

We’re in a recession now and the best estimate is that the recession will continue and get worse. But hey, at least inflation will fall."
"Alternate Inflation Charts"
"The CPI chart reflects our estimate of inflation for today as if it were calculated the same way it was in 1990. The CPI on the Alternate Data Series tab here reflects the CPI as if it were calculated using the methodologies in place in 1980. In general terms, methodological shifts in government reporting have depressed reported inflation, moving the concept of the CPI away from being a measure of the cost of living needed to maintain a constant standard of living."

"I Wish..."

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf "and so do all who live to see such times.
But that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

- J.R.R. Tolkien, "Lord of the Rings"

"Don't Lend Money To Family And Friends; Homebuyers Cancel Deals"

Jeremiah Babe, 8/16/22:
"Don't Lend Money To Family And Friends; 
Homebuyers Cancel Deals"
Comments here:

Gerald Celente, "Swallow Our B*llsh*t, Follow Our Orders"

Full screen recommended.
Strong language alert!!
Gerald Celente, 8/16/22:
"Swallow Our B*llsh*t, Follow Our Orders"

Gregory Mannarino, "Seeing Is Believing... The Economy Is Dead, It's Totally Over"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 8/16/22:
"Seeing Is Believing... The Economy Is Dead, It's Totally Over"
Comments here:

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Laguna Indigo"

Full screen recommended.
Liquid Mind, "Laguna Indigo"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Colorful NGC 1579 resembles the better known Trifid Nebula, but lies much farther north in planet Earth's sky, in the heroic constellation Perseus. About 2,100 light-years away and 3 light-years across, NGC 1579 is, like the Trifid, a study in contrasting blue and red colors, with dark dust lanes prominent in the nebula's central regions.
In both, dust reflects starlight to produce beautiful blue reflection nebulae. But unlike the Trifid, in NGC 1579 the reddish glow is not emission from clouds of glowing hydrogen gas excited by ultraviolet light from a nearby hot star. Instead, the dust in NGC 1579 drastically diminishes, reddens, and scatters the light from an embedded, extremely young, massive star, itself a strong emitter of the characteristic red hydrogen alpha light."


"Life is painful and messed up. It gets complicated at the worst of times, and sometimes you have no idea where to go or what to do. Lots of times people just let themselves get lost, dropping into a wide open, huge abyss. But that's why we have to keep trying. We have to push through all that hurts us, work past all our memories that are haunting us. Sometimes the things that hurt us are the things that make us strongest. A life without experience, in my opinion, is no life at all. And that's why I tell everyone that, even when it hurts, never stop yourself from living."
- Alysha Speer

"The joke was thinking you were ever really in charge of your life. You pressed your oar down into the water to direct the canoe, but it was the current that shot you through the rapids. You just hung on and hoped not to hit a rock or a whirlpool."
- Scott Turow

"Life's funny, chucklehead. You only get one and you don't want to throw it away. But you can't really live it at all unless you're willing to give it up for the things you love. If you're not at least willing to die for something - something that really matters - in the end you die for nothing."
- Andrew Klavan

"A sad fact, of course, about adult life is that you see the very things you'll never adapt to coming toward you on the horizon. You see them as the problems they are, you worry like hell about them, you make provisions, take precautions, fashion adjustments; you tell yourself you'll have to change your way of doing things. Only you don't. You can't. Somehow it's already too late. And maybe it's even worse than that: maybe the thing you see coming from far away is not the real thing, the thing that scares you, but its aftermath. And what you've feared will happen has already taken place. This is similar in spirit to the realization that all the great new advances of medical science will have no benefit for us at all, thought we cheer them on, hope a vaccine might be ready in time, think things could still get better. Only it's too late there too. And in that very way our life gets over before we know it. We miss it. And like the poet said: The ways we miss our lives are life."
- Richard Ford

"Life, Reality..."

"Life is not what you see, but what you've projected.
It's not what you've felt, but what you've decided.
It's not what you've experienced, but how you've remembered it.
It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed.
And it's not who's appeared, but who you've summoned.
And this should serve you well until you find what you already have."
- The Universe

“Reality is what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is what we believe.
What we believe is based upon our perceptions.
What we perceive depends upon what we look for.
What we look for depends upon what we think.
What we think depends upon what we perceive.
What we perceive determines what we believe.
What we believe determines what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is our reality.”
- Gary Zukav

"The True Measure..."

"Place yourself among those who carry on their lives with passion, and true learning will take place, no matter how humble or exalted the setting. But no matter what path you follow, do not be ashamed of your learning. In some corner of your life, you know more about something than anyone else on earth. The true measure of your education is not what you know, but how you share what you know with others."
- Kent Nerburn


"Sometimes even to live is an act of courage."
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"Life is an end in itself, and the only question as to whether 
it is worth living is whether you have had enough of it."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

That ultimately is the question...
Adrian Lester as Hamlet: "To be or not to be..."
William Shakespeare, "Hamlet", Act III, Scene I

The Daily "Near You?"

Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada. Thanks for stopping by!

"A 'Housing Recession' Is Here, And It Isn’t Going To Be Fun…"

"A 'Housing Recession' Is Here, And It Isn’t Going To Be Fun…"
by Michael Snyder

"Our concerns about the housing market have been confirmed. This week, the corporate news is full of headlines about the new “housing recession” that has officially arrived, but this shouldn’t surprise any of us. We were warned over and over again that if the Federal Reserve aggressively hiked interest rates that it would absolutely crush the housing market. In so many ways, what we are currently witnessing seems so similar to 2008. After a period of very rapid growth, home prices all over the nation are starting to fall. Meanwhile, much higher mortgage rates are pushing millions of potential homebuyers out of the market and home builders are starting to panic. If nothing is done, it won’t be too long before large numbers of Americans are once again underwater on their mortgages and this crisis starts to reverberate on Wall Street.

On Monday, we received some news that was extremely troubling…"The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, which measures the pulse of the single-family housing market, fell for the eighth consecutive month to 49, marking the worst stretch for the housing market since the 2008 financial crisis."

8 months in a row. Needless to say, that is clearly a trend. And if you want to thank someone for this, you can thank officials at the Federal Reserve, because they have pushed us into yet another “housing recession”…“Tighter monetary policy from the Federal Reserve and persistently elevated construction costs have brought on a housing recession,” NAHB chief economist Robert Dietz said.

The only way out of this mess is lower interest rates. But Fed officials aren’t going to reduce rates. Instead, they are going to keep hiking them, and that means much more doom and gloom for the housing market in the months ahead.

Looking more deeply at the numbers that were just released, I am particularly alarmed by what has happened to buyer traffic…"Of the index’s three components, current sales conditions dropped 7 points to 57, sales expectations in the next six months fell 2 points to 47 and buyer traffic fell 5 points to 32. Despite higher costs for land, labor and materials, about 1 in 5 builders in August reported lowering prices in the past month in an effort to increase sales or limit cancellations. The average drop reported was 5%."

A very low level of buyer traffic indicates that sales will be depressingly low during the weeks and months to come. So if you are trying to sell a house right now, that is really bad news.

And for homebuilders the outlook is downright apocalyptic. Those that build homes have to make plans far in advance. If they guess right, they can be rewarded handsomely. But if they guess wrong, the pain can be immense. Unfortunately, homebuilders are being hit by a double whammy right now. Input costs have been going higher and higher, and meanwhile home prices overall are about to steadily fall all over the nation thanks to much higher mortgage rates.

If you can believe it, 30 year rates have almost doubled over the past 12 months…"The average rate for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage climbed to 5.22% for the week ending Aug. 11, according to recent data from mortgage lender Freddie Mac. That is significantly higher than just one year ago when rates stood at 2.86%."

We really need mortgage rates to start coming back down. But thanks to the Fed they are just going to keep going up. Buying a home in the United States has never been more unaffordable than it is right now, and it is only going to get worse as we head toward 2023.

Many Americans that would like to buy a home are currently choosing to rent instead, but rent prices are also becoming less affordable. As I discussed yesterday, the median monthly rent in the United States has now risen above $2,000 a month for the very first time. I was stunned when I first read that. I can still remember renting a nice apartment for $300 a month many years ago.

There is no way that rents should be as high as they are now. The greed that we are seeing in the industry has gotten completely out of hand. According to one recent survey, almost 60 percent of all renters have had their rent payments increased over the past year…"If you are feeling the pinch of higher rents, you’re not alone. Nearly 60% of renters saw a rent increase during the past year, while just 38% said they saw their income increase, according to a study from Freddie Mac. And renters were less likely than all employed respondents to have gotten a raise. As a result, nearly 1 in 5 who experienced a rent increase said they are now “extremely likely” to miss a payment."

This is going to end quite badly. As the U.S. economy slows down, millions of people will ultimately lose their jobs. And a lot of those people that are no longer working will eventually lose their homes. Do you remember the tremendous suffering that we witnessed during 2008 and 2009? Well, as I have been persistently warning, we are going to see it happen again.

Whenever the housing market crashes, there are countless people that have their lives turned upside down as a result. So much of the pain that is coming could have been avoided if our leaders had made much different decisions. But that didn’t happen, and so now a “housing recession” is here. And it isn’t going to be fun at all."

"Experts Have Sold It All. Should You? Restaurants are Cheaper than the Grocery Store"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 8/16/22:
"Experts Have Sold It All. Should You? 
Restaurants are Cheaper than the Grocery Store"
"Inflation is going up so bad that individual grocery store pricing has gone through the roof. We just saw food pricing hit well over 13%. Some experts say that people are eating out at restaurants more often to save money. Do you believe this?"
Comments here:

Bill Bonner, "Dr. Doom Looms"

"Dr. Doom Looms"
Uncontrolled inflation? Or a hard landing? Why not both?!
by Bill Bonner

Baltimore, Maryland - "In this morning’s Bloomberg news is this: "‘Dr. Doom’ Roubini Sees Either US Hard Landing or Uncontrolled Inflation." “The fed funds rate should be going well above 4% – 4.5%-5% in my view – to really push inflation towards 2%,” the chairman and chief executive officer of Roubini Macro Associates said in an interview on Bloomberg Television."

That’s it. Those are the choices. Inflate the bubble. Or let it die. Roubini says he thinks hopes for a Fed “pivot” – from tightening to loosening – is “delusional.”

In the near term, he is certainly right. Fed governors are not stupid… at least, not in a conventional way. It took many years of study to become the simpletons they are. And they are still human! Let’s not forget; they don’t like people laughing at them behind their backs any more than anyone else. And now, everyone can see that they made a huge mistake by not raising interest rates sooner. Then, they made another huge mistake by not recognizing the threat of inflation sooner… and still another big mistake by believing it would go away like a summer shower. Instead, inflation has settled in… and has been drenching consumers for more than a year.

Up to Their Necks: And now, Fed governors must atone… they must make good… they must prove that they are not hopeless morons. How? By getting control of the situation. That is how they will “regain credibility.” And that means – as Mr. Roubini tells us – getting the fed funds rate up above the inflation rate. (Point of reference: The Fed, in 1982, put the key rate about 600 basis points… 6%... ABOVE the CPI to get control of inflation. Currently, the rate is 600 bps BELOW inflation.)

The trouble is, the higher the funds rate goes, the more people have trouble paying their debts. The Fed’s ultra-low rates encouraged people to borrow. Now, they’re up to their necks in debt. And most, but not all, debt needs to be refinanced from time to time… which means, people have to pay a lot more in interest. Already, from June ’21 to June ’22, the typical mortgage payment rose by $700.

All central bankers learn the theory of Keynesian central banking, by heart. It is very simple, based on the Bible story; Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream… in which the latter saw seven skinny cows and seven thin ones… which he took to mean that there were 7 years of famine coming. Pharaoh then began a ‘counter-cyclical policy’ of stocking grain during the fat years in order to have something to eat in the lean ones.

In the Fed’s version, interest rates are raised during the fat years and lowered when the famine threatens. At least, that is the idea. In practice, the Fed really has no idea what is going on… and, being human, Fed governors prefer fat to lean and don’t mind a little legerdemain to keep the pastries coming. That is, they lower rates – even when the economy is strong. You’ll recall that the economy in 2019 couldn’t have been stronger. It was Donald Trump’s turn to play Pharaoh. He said it was the “greatest economy ever.”

Enter Mother Nature: The Fed had been trying to ‘normalize’ interest rates, after leaving the fed funds rate ‘near zero’ for far too long. By the time it got up to 2.4%... in 2019… the stock market turned down… and the Fed panicked, dropping the rate down to zero again. But it was not Mother Nature who determined the lean years or the fat ones in the US economy; it was Fed policy blunders themselves. Everybody likes the fat years, especially the elite, whose stocks and bonds go up. And the Fed, an arm of the Wall Street elite, did what it could to make it happen.

In other words, the people implementing the counter-cyclical policies were the same people who were tricking up the cycles. It was as if the umpire had run around the bases, slid into home plate, and pronounced himself “SAFE!” The Fed could not counterbalance the boom, 2009-2021, because it was the cause of it.

By 2021, it had been force feeding the economy with cash, credit, and fat-inducing calories for more than a decade. And then, in 2021-2022, inflation shot up, the stock market fell and the economy entered a recession. But the Fed couldn’t provide any counter-cyclical policy to offset the bust; its storerooms were empty! It had already dropped the key rate to zero. And now, contradicting the rules set forth in the Central Bankers’ Handbook, it has to raise rates in order to stop inflation and recover a little of its dignity.

And what now? Uncontrolled inflation? Or a hard landing? Which will it be? Our guess: both. A hard landing… and then, uncontrolled inflation. But we’ll wait to see what happens, along with everyone else."

"Your Job..."

“Life is half delicious yogurt, half crap, 
and your job is to keep the plastic spoon in the yogurt.”
- Scott Adams

"End-Of-Life Challenges In Modern Times"

"End-Of-Life Challenges In Modern Times"
by Tom Purcell

"A long time ago I watched a documentary about poet Emily Dickenson’s life and writings. One thing that I never forgot about that film is that she lived at a time when death was regrettably common - and therefore the subject of many of her poems. “How are you doing?” is a polite way of introducing ourselves to each other now. But as I learned in that documentary, this greeting during Dickinson’s times meant, “Are you healthy and well and going to be with us tomorrow?”

Until modern times, dying commonly affected all age groups. Women died during child birth. Children died from a variety of maladies. The rich as well as the poor suffered tragedy and loss almost equally.

Haider Warraich, the doctor who wrote “Modern Death: How Medicine Has Changed End of Life,” explained in an interview that in the 1800s in Boston or London people died mostly of three things: injuries, infections, or some type of nutritional deficiencies. “Really,” he said, “death was a very binary event - and it was very sudden. For example, before the advent of medical technology, if someone had a heart attack or if someone had some type of abnormal heart rhythm such as ventricular tachycardia, they would almost certainly die, in many cases instantaneously, sometimes even in their sleep.” Warraich said that dying today is no longer an “instantaneous flash event,” but a “phase of our life.”

New technologies enable people to live longer even if they have chronic diseases, so they are in and out of hospitals - as my dad was the past five months. Today we’ve become disconnected from death, Warraich said. We’ve moved death from our homes and communities to hospitals and nursing homes – where four of five Americans now die.

When my father’s father died at only 34 in 1937, he died in his own bed of streptococcus, now easily cured with penicillin, and was laid out in the parlor of his house. We’d hoped my father would meet his end peacefully in his own home. After repeated visits to the hospital and skilled nursing facilities, we brought him home and hired our own care. We celebrated his 89th birthday at his home a few weeks ago in epic fashion. A glorious event, it was attended by the large extended family he and my mother produced. When his time finally came, he was back in the hospital, but he was surrounded by his family and his wife of nearly 66 years.

As advances in technology change the way we live and die we are becoming fearful of death - yet it’s something every one of us is going to experience. I’m honored to say that my sisters and mother and I fully embraced my dad’s life and supported him with everything we had in his last painful months.

Knowing he’s at peace now quells the hurt of watching him suffer so much for so long. I believe he is in Heaven now, reunited with his parents, and I believe I will see him again. I will wait patiently for that grand reunion.

“How are you doing?” is the question of the moment. I wish you the very best if you are in your end stage of life now or caring for someone you love who is - as you navigate the challenges of dying in modern times."

 "No, I don't feel death coming.
I feel death going:
having thrown up his hands,
for the moment.
I feel like I know him
better than I did.
Those arms held me,
for a while,
and, when we meet again,
there will be that secret knowledge
between us." 

- James Baldwin

"I Promise You This..."

"One final paragraph of advice: do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast... a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, the lovely, mysterious, and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to the body, the body active and alive, and I promise you this much; I promise you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those desk-bound men and women with their hearts in a safe deposit box, and their eyes hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this: you will outlive the bastards."
- Edward Abbey

"How It Really Is"

"Free"? Surely you jest...

Gregory Mannarino, "JP Morgan Warns Of 'Severe Economic Downturn'"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 8/16/22:
"JP Morgan Warns Of 'Severe Economic Downturn'"
Comments here:

Yeah, a downturn for you!

"A Stressful Shopping Trip To Meijer! This Is Ridiculous!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 8/16/22:
"A Stressful Shopping Trip To Meijer! This Is Ridiculous!"
"In today's vlog we are at Meijer, and are noticing massive price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
Comments here:

"Economic Market Snapshot 8/16/22"

Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"Economic Market Snapshot 8/16/22"
Market Data Center, Live Updates:
Latest Market Analysis, Updated 8/15/22
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
August 15th to 16th 
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Job cuts and much more.
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words. Any I know anyway...
And now... The End Game...

Monday, August 15, 2022

CanadianPrepper, "The Scariest Prediction, Period. 5 Billion Won't Survive. Worst Case Scenario"

Full screen recommended.
CanadianPrepper, 8/15/22:
"The Scariest Prediction, Period.
 5 Billion Won't Survive. Worst Case Scenario"
Comments here:

"Winter Is Coming"

"Winter Is Coming"
by Jim Rickards

"The war in Ukraine has dragged on for six months and will likely last for many more months or possibly years if the U.S. doesn’t end its policy of “fighting to the last Ukrainian.” Attention spans have waned. Americans have adjusted to the energy price shocks (in fact, energy prices have come down a lot in the past month). Complacency about the war has set in.

But that’s a huge mistake. In reality, the worst economic impacts of the war are yet to come. Europe has completely failed in its efforts to diversify energy supplies away from Russia. There’s not that much extra oil output available. Natural gas is also in short supply thanks in part to the Biden administration’s war on oil and gas.

Meanwhile, Putin has been gradually reducing the supply of natural gas to Western Europe. Germany is relying on its energy reserves even as winter approaches and Russian supplies dwindle. Germans are not only reopening coal-burning power plants (after spending 14 years shutting them down); they are gathering firewood to keep warm. Germany is moving from being the world’s fourth-largest economy and one of its largest exporters of high-tech equipment to a neolithic-style reliance on coal and firewood.

Political Spin: Apologists for these policies say that Germany has reached 75% of its gas stocks target ahead of schedule. This sounds like good news. By achieving a 75% target “ahead of schedule” it sounds as if Germany will be in fairly good shape as winter approaches. But the facts reveal a very different state of affairs. German gas storage capacity is 23.3 billion cubic meters, which is about 20% of the actual 100 billion cubic meters of gas that Germany used in 2021.

In other words, the 75% storage target is 75% of 20% of the gas actually used, or 15% of the gas needed. That leaves an 85% shortfall relative to requirements, which can only be satisfied from continued supplies from Russia. But Putin has already reduced supplies to only 20% of capacity and may cut them further in the months ahead. When the best they can do (at least for now) is 15% of what’s needed and the balance is very much in doubt due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, then it’s clear that Germany is still headed for a crisis.

But It’s Worth the Price! Those who support sanctions say it’s necessary to damage Russia economically. That’s fine, but Russia has had little difficulty shifting exports of oil and natural gas to willing buyers, including India and China. There are some logistical challenges and Russia has resorted to discounted pricing, but the flow of energy from Russia continues and the flow of hard currency to Russia at a rate of $21 billion per month continues also. This gives Russia the option to cut off energy supplies to Western Europe without damaging its own economy.

At some point this winter Germany may have to shut down manufacturing, ration what little natural gas may be available and ask consumers to turn thermostats down to 50 F. Hot showers will be limited to five minutes or less. Germans will wear fleeces and heavy sweaters indoors and in offices. It’s a sad state of affairs for a major economy, but it’s how things turn out when ideologues are in office.

There’s a lesson here about not over-relying on a single supplier of critical resources and about not picking a political fight with that supplier. There’s also another lesson to be learned here: Radical “green” policies are divorced from reality and often destructive.

Green Energy: A Triumph of Ideology Over Reality: Alarmists have been running around for years claiming that climate change is an “existential crisis,” that we must end the use of fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas and that we must move to electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels and other forms of renewable energy.

Countries like Germany have been moving steadily in that direction, moving as fast as they can to end their dependence on fossil fuels. But wind and solar energy can’t possibly meet their energy needs. Only fossil fuels can meet the energy needs of a modern economy. Nuclear power could be a solution, but many climate activists don’t want nuclear power either.

Moreover, charging stations for electric vehicles (EV) heavily depend on fossil fuels. When you consider the environmental impact of mining the precious metals needed for EV batteries, transporting them to production plants and the fossil fuels needed to power charging stations, EVs aren’t environmentally friendly at all. One MIT study, for example, found that the battery and fuel needs for an EV generate higher emissions than the manufacturing of a conventional vehicle.

And if you think that radical environmentalists are “tree huggers,” you might want to think twice. Scotland is cutting down 14 million trees to clear space for wind farms. Trees absorb CO2, so if they’re that worried about carbon emissions, they should be planting trees instead of cutting them down.

Wind turbines, most of which are manufactured in China, also destroy wildlife. It’s estimated that wind turbines kill over a million birds every year in the U.S. alone. Aside from the carnage, that has a significant impact on local ecosystems. And for what?

CO2 Isn’t Destroying the Planet: Science, (real science, not “The Science”) makes it clear there is no climate-related existential crisis. There’s not even a minor crisis. There’s no linkage between human-related CO2 emissions and recent slight warming trends. Slight global warming since 1995 has now ended and global cooling has begun. There is good evidence based on solar cycles, ocean currents, volcanic activity and other real determinants of climate that we are entering a period that may resemble the Little Ice Age from 1645–1720.

Tropical storms, tornados and forest fires can be severe but they are no more severe than in times past. Sea levels are rising at about 7-inches per 100 years, but this trend has been measured since the 1890s long before widespread use of the automobile or coal-fired power plants.

In short, the climate “crisis” is a false alarm, and we’re lowering our living standards for no good reason. We may also be doing more environmental harm than good. It’s mostly an ideological fetish of wealthy globalist elites who use climate as a pretext for increasing their power and control. It’s the poor who will suffer the most from these policies.

Global Famine: But a looming energy shortage isn’t the only coming man-made fiasco we’re facing. Food shortages and in some cases famine will emerge this fall as the 2021 harvest stores are depleted and the 2022 harvest is not delivered either because it was never planted due to the war (or fertilizer shortages) or it cannot be delivered because of the war. These food shortages will impact the Global South the most, where the majority of people struggle to get by as it is.

Such massive food shortages could also trigger another global migration crisis, as desperate masses seek relief in wealthy nations. If you think we have a migration crisis on our southern border now, just wait. Freezing in the dark while starving is not a description anyone should take lightly. Unfortunately that may be exactly what lies ahead to a greater or lesser degree in many parts of the world by November of this year. Tragically, it was all avoidable."

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Serenity”

Liquid Mind, “Serenity”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“It's the bubble versus the cloud. NGC 7635, the Bubble Nebula, is being pushed out by the stellar wind of massive central star BD+602522. Next door, though, lives a giant molecular cloud, visible to the right. At this place in space, an irresistible force meets an immovable object in an interesting way.
The cloud is able to contain the expansion of the bubble gas, but gets blasted by the hot radiation from the bubble's central star. The radiation heats up dense regions of the molecular cloud causing it to glow. The Bubble Nebula, pictured above in scientifically mapped colors to bring up contrast, is about 10 light-years across and part of a much larger complex of stars and shells. The Bubble Nebula can be seen with a small telescope towards the constellation of the Queen of Aethiopia (Cassiopeia).”


"Perhaps it is better to be un-sane and happy, than sane and un-happy.
But it is the best of all to be sane and happy. Whether our descendants
can achieve that goal will be the greatest challenge of the future.
Indeed, it may well decide whether we have any future."
- Arthur C. Clarke

"People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels"

Full screen recommended.
"People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane 
When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels"
by Epic Economist

"If you think people are angry right now, just wait until food prices explode to levels that hardly anyone ever anticipated. The perfect storm of events is creating a completely nightmarish scenario for food production in 2022, which means that food supply chains will be facing immense stress in 2023. Most people don’t even know this, but we’re still consuming the food that was grown last year, and given that far less food than originally projected is being grown right now, soon executives, grocers, consumers, and authorities will start realizing that there isn’t enough food supplies to feed everyone. Devastating droughts are still destroying millions of acres of crops in the United States, and geopolitical conflicts are greatly restricting the flow of agricultural goods around the globe.

Tens of millions of Americans are already working as hard as they possibly can just to pay the bills each month. With over 60% of the population living paycheck to paycheck, it’s safe to say that the vast majority of the country is financially struggling to make ends meet. That’s precisely why the soaring price of food is such a big deal. Unfortunately, the truth is that we haven’t seen the worst of food inflation yet. What we are seeing at the grocery store right now is mainly a reflection of what happened in 2021, we haven’t felt the impact of the widespread crop failures and other disasters that hit U.S. food production in 2022 just yet.

One recent example that illustrates how the food supply chain works is the current potato shortage happening in Idaho. If you haven’t heard about it already or noticed fewer and fewer potatoes in your grocery store’s produce section, you will soon. This shortage was caused by a ravaging heat wave that happened last summer.

Before the 2022 harvest comes into the pipeline - it’s just now beginning, - consumers are facing the shortage from last year's crop. This means that the crop failures of 2022 are going to be felt very keenly in 2023. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, nearly half of the nation is experiencing some level of drought at this moment, with meteorologists saying that the ongoing megadrought in the Southwest is the worst in 1,200 years.

On top of that, farmers are paying the most expensive prices for fertilizers ever record. The American Farm Bureau revealed that some fertilizers spiked over 300% since 2020. Fertilizer is essential for crops. Without fertilizer, plants may not get the nourishment they need to result in the yields necessary to meet global demand. Researchers at the International Fertilizer Association say that we would only be able to feed about half of the global population without fertilizer. For that reason, farmers are finding themselves forced to pass some of those costs along to customers, which is going to contribute to even higher grocery prices.

When we start feeling those cost increases being passed along to us in 2023, a lot of people are going to be pushed over the edge. We have to admit that we’ve got a colossal mess on our hands. And conditions are set to worsen dramatically in the months ahead. As things deteriorate, a lot of people out there are going to go completely insane. The U.S. population is becoming hopeless and infuriated with this situation, and people are rapidly reaching a snapping point."
If they'll do this over a TV, what happens where there's no food?

"Banks See Big Trouble Ahead; FED's Money Printer Overheating; Economic Crash Landing"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 8/15/22:
"Banks See Big Trouble Ahead; 
FED's Money Printer Overheating; Economic Crash Landing"
Comments here:


"It's 3:23 A.M.
And I'm awake because my great great grandchildren won't let me sleep.
They ask me in dreams,
 What did you do while the planet was plundered?
What did you do when the earth was unraveling?
Surely you did something when the seasons started flailing?
As the mammals, reptiles and birds were all dying?
Did you fill the streets with protest?
When democracy was stolen, what did you do once you knew?
Surely, you did something..."  

- Drew Dellinger