Friday, June 24, 2022

The Poet: Mary Oliver, "There Is Time Left"

"There Is Time Left"

"Well, there is time left –
fields everywhere invite you into them.
And who will care, who will chide you if you wander away
from wherever you are, to look for your soul?
Quickly, then, get up, put on your coat, leave your desk!
To put one's foot into the door of the grass, which is
the mystery, which is death as well as life,
and not be afraid!
To set one's foot in the door of death,
and be overcome with amazement!”

~ Mary Oliver

"Too Often..."

"The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have a potential to turn a life around. It’s overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt."
- Leo Buscaglia

"The 2008 Crisis is Going to Repeat - Only Worse This Time"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 6/24/22:
"The 2008 Crisis is Going to Repeat - Only Worse This Time"
"No matter what the Fed tells us they are not stopping the asset purchases. The real estate market is tanking and even economists in Orange County, California say that it’s going to drop 14% this year. The auto industry is finally starting to see a downturn."
Comments here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Vail, Arizona, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"I'd Still Swim..."

“If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was
a thousand miles away, I'd still swim. And I’d despise the one who gave up.”
- Abraham Maslow

"Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade"

"Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade"
Presented with no comment. - CP
Complete articles here:

"Roe v Wade: US Supreme Court 
Ends Constitutional Right To Abortion"
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, 6/24/22:
"Roe v Wade Overturned - What's It Mean?"
Comments here:
Poplar Preparedness, 6/24/22:
"Rioting To Start Tonight - Roe v. Wade Overturned"
"The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade (Federally Protected Abortions) and protests are planned for this evening. Protect yourself and your home from attacks and vandalism. SHTF is here and it is dangerous."
Comments here:

And here it comes... brace for impact.

"Summer Preview: Rolling Blackouts, Higher Gas Prices, Natural Gas Rationing In Europe And A Historic Diesel Crisis"

"Summer Preview: Rolling Blackouts, Higher Gas Prices,
Natural Gas Rationing In Europe And A Historic Diesel Crisis"
by Michael Snyder

"Almost everyone has heard about the rapidly growing global energy crisis by now, but most people assume that this crisis will eventually go away because they think that authorities have everything under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. This crisis has taken our leaders by surprise, and now many of them have shifted into panic mode because they realize that there will be no easy fixes. Decades of neglect and foolish decisions have brought us to the precipice of a nightmare, and many of us are going to be absolutely astonished by some of the things that happen in the months ahead.

Here in the United States, we have neglected to properly invest in our power grids for a very long time, and now they are at a breaking point.

We are being warned that there could be widespread “rolling blackouts” this summer, and the situation is particularly dire in Midwest states such as Michigan…"The Lansing Board of Water and Light, or BWL, warned in a press release on Tuesday that the company is preparing for potential ‘rolling black-outs’ this summer.

The Mid-Continent Independent System Operator, or MISO, is Michigan’s power grid regulator. MISO will have to ‘load-shed’ if they see expected energy shortages during peak usage times due to hot weather. Load-shedding is purposefully shutting down electric power in some areas of a power-distribution system to prevent the entire system from failing when it is strained by high demand."

Meanwhile, the price of gasoline is likely to continue to go up. For quite some time, the amount of oil that is being produced around the world each day has been lower than the amount of oil that is being used around the world each day, and as a result supplies have been getting tighter and tighter…"Fast forward to today, and where are we? Intrinsic demand is thought to be around 103 million barrels a day now, owing to 1% per year global population growth, plus increased wealth–and demand should keep growing at roughly that pace. But supplies aren’t nearly keeping up. We’re currently producing around 100.6 million barrels (reflecting the loss of about a million barrels from Russia), and the resulting spike in prices is already constraining demand to around 101 million barrels, according to Majcher."

When demand is greater than supply, either prices go up or eventually you have shortages. And sometimes both things happen. Bank of America is telling us that oil inventories have reached a “dangerously low point”, and until that changes prices are likely to continue to rise…"The result is a market that for the second straight year is under-supplied, and drawing down inventories as a result – on top of the drawdown in strategic reserves approved by political leaders to try and lower prices. Bank of America is already warning that global oil inventories have fallen to a “dangerously low point,” with certain gasoline and diesel supplies in particular at “precarious levels” as we head into peak U.S. driving season. U.S. oil inventories are already 14% below their five-year average, BofA notes, while distillates (like diesel) are 22% below."

I wish that I could tell you that there is hope that things will turn around eventually. But at this point the CEO of Exxon is actually warning us to expect “up to five years of turbulent oil markets”…"Consumers must be prepared to endure up to five years of turbulent oil markets, the head of ExxonMobil said Tuesday, citing under-investment and the coronavirus pandemic."

Energy markets have been roiled by the Ukraine war as Russia has reduced some exports and faced sanctions while Europe has announced plans to wean itself off dependency on Russian fossil fuels in coming years. If you think that things are bad now, just wait until you see what happens after a major war erupts in the Middle East. Then things will really start getting crazy.

Speaking of war, over in Europe a looming natural gas shortage due to the war in Ukraine is likely to cause immense economic problems in the months ahead. Now that Russia has significantly reduced the flow of natural gas to Germany, it looks like the Germans will soon be forced to ration it, and the Wall Street Journal is telling us that authorities expect “a gas shortage by December”…"The German government moved closer to rationing natural gas on Thursday after Russia cut deliveries to the country last week in an escalation of the economic war triggered by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Berlin triggered the second of its three-step plan to deal with gas shortages after the Kremlin-controlled energy giant Gazprom, the country’s biggest gas exporter, throttled delivery via the Nordstream pipeline by around 60% last week. Germany’s gas reserves are at 58% capacity, and the government now expects a gas shortage by December if supplies don’t pick up, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said."

It would be difficult for me to overstate the seriousness of this problem. Energy prices have already gone completely nuts in Europe, and one German official is actually comparing this crisis to the collapse of Lehman Brothers…"With energy suppliers piling up losses by being forced to cover volumes at high prices, there’s a danger of a spillover effect for local utilities and their customers, including consumers and businesses, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said Thursday after raising the country’s gas risk level to the second-highest “alarm” phase. “If this minus gets so big that they can’t carry it anymore, the whole market is in danger of collapsing at some point,” Habeck said at a news conference in Berlin, “so a Lehman effect in the energy system.”"

Needless to say, it isn’t just Germany that is being affected…"The crisis has spilled far beyond Germany, with 12 European Union member states affected and 10 issuing an early warning under gas security regulation, Frans Timmermans, the European Union’s climate chief, said in a speech to the European Parliament. “The risk of a full gas disruption is now more real than ever before,” he said. “All this is part of Russia’s strategy to undermine our unity.” If the war in Ukraine could be brought to a peaceful resolution, that would greatly help matters. But we all know that isn’t going to happen any time soon.

On top of everything else, global supplies of diesel fuel get squeezed a little bit more with each passing day. The price of diesel fuel is 75 percent higher than it was a year ago, and here in the United States we have been warned that the Northeast “is quietly running out of diesel”…"The upward pressure on diesel and jet fuel prices in particular is getting attention in the White House, Amrita Sen of Energy Aspects told Squawk Box yesterday. Diesel prices are up a whopping 75% from a year ago, and the spread between diesel and gasoline prices has also widened considerably. The high cost is creating huge strains on truckers and the supply chain; the Northeast “is quietly running out of diesel,” FreightWaves warned two weeks ago."

Even though there could be a historic supply crunch, we won’t completely run out of diesel fuel. However, as I detailed in an article that has gone extremely viral, we are potentially facing really severe shortages of both diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil if solutions cannot be found.

Urea is required to produce diesel exhaust fluid, and the U.S. doesn’t produce enough. We are normally one of the largest importers of urea in the entire world, and Russia and China are two of the largest exporters. Our leaders have decided that we don’t want urea from Russia, and China has restricted exports. So that puts us in a really tough position. If you have a diesel vehicle, I would highly recommend stocking up on diesel exhaust fluid while you still can.

As for diesel engine oil, there are several key additives that are in short supply right now due to major problems at several manufacturers. An article that Mike Adams just posted goes into the details. This is a very serious situation that is not going to be resolved any time in the near future. The bottom line is that supplies of diesel fuel are going to get very tight, and there may be times when diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil are not available at all.

All three are required in order for diesel vehicles to operate, and as I explained yesterday, the U.S. economy runs on diesel. If we were suddenly unable to use our diesel vehicles, all of our supply chains would collapse and we would no longer have a functioning economy. So hopefully our leaders are working really hard to find some solutions. Because it looks like this summer could be quite difficult, and the outlook for the months beyond is even less promising."

"Here's A Question..."

“Here’s a question every angry man and woman needs to consider: How long are you going to allow people you don’t even like – people who are no longer in your life, maybe even people who aren’t even alive anymore – to control your life? How long?”
- Andy Stanley

“That goes for old wounds, too, you know. I really wish we’d had the chance to talk before this,” he says, cracking the window so the smoke can escape. “There’s a Longfellow quote I have stuck on my bulletin board at the church office – ‘There is no grief like the grief that does not speak’ – and it’s true. I’ve found that keeping pain inside doesn’t give it a chance to heal, but bringing it out into the light, holding it right there in your hands and trusting that you’re strong enough to make it through, not hating the pain, not loving it, just seeing it for what it really is can change how you go on from there. Time alone doesn’t heal emotional wounds, and you don’t want to live the rest of your life bottled up with anger and guilt and bitterness. That’s how people self-destruct.”
- Laura Wiess

Jim Kunstler, "When the Wicked Try to Flee"

"When the Wicked Try to Flee"
by Jim Kunstler

"You may be wondering these days if our country can get any crazier. The FDA and the CDC seem bent on killing and maiming as many Americans as possible. Proof (not just evidence, you understand) abounds that Pfizer and Moderna mRNA “vaccines” don’t work and are grossly unsafe. If the people who run these agencies don’t know that, then there has never been a lazier, less competent, worse-informed executive crew running anything in the history of Western Civ.

So, they press on now with shots for little children that are certain to harm the kids’ immune systems and produce an array of consequent serious disorders ranging from hepatitis to myocarditis to sterility to brain damage. You’d think that if mere rumors of these things reached their ears and eyeballs, these executives would at least pause their injection program to investigate. There is really no analog in history for authorities who act this blindly homicidal.

The Nazis murdered targeted groups for deliberate eugenic purposes, vicious as they were, and made it clear why they were doing it - at least among themselves - while they did it. Stalin killed his perceived political enemies and then killed masses randomly to hold the Soviet populace in thrall to his rule. There’s a name for that: despotic cruelty. Mao Zedong revved up his murder campaigns and cultural revolutions to desperately hold on to his slip-sliding autocratic power. Pol Pot killed people who wore eyeglasses and read books because they were capable of figuring sh*t out - like, what Pol Pot was up to.

Dr. Anthony Fauci (White House Medical Advisor), Dr. Rochelle Walensky (CDC), and Dr. Robert M. Califf (FDA) are killing and harming Americans because… apparently, they don’t know why. As the old saw goes: they know not what they do. Or is that so? Is it even possible anymore? One must suppose it is possible if they are insane, which, you also understand, does not preclude them from being evil, too.

Ms. Walensky says repeatedly that they are looking at or waiting on “the data.” No, she’s not. She’s just saying that, as if reciting a magic incantation that can deflect culpability. The data are in plain sight, not even hiding. The data are all over the world: this country, the UK, Denmark, France, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Portugal, Israel, Cuba, South Africa, Australia, name a country. The data are turning up now in respected medical journals, many news websites, substacks, and blogs, as well, even, here and there, in what we call mainstream media. A lot of the data until very recently were getting published in the agencies own collection organs, but they deliberately stopped it.

The data tell us that people who got “vaccinated” and “boosted” are turning up with broken immune systems that leave them extra-specially open to repeated Covid-19 re-infection, and that each reiteration of the illness breaks down their immune systems even more - which suggests that over time (think: the months ahead) more and more of them are going to die from all kinds of opportunistic viral and bacterial diseases, not to mention cancers, structural damage due to blood clots, heart tissue injury directly from spike proteins, and brain-and-neuro illness, ditto.

Do you believe that the authorities somehow missed all this? Are they trying to pretend that they didn’t (take your pick): 1) fecklessly promote the biggest compound medical blunder in history? 2) conspire with pharma companies in a dastardly racketeering scheme? 3) carry out the orders of some shady, malevolent elite to cull the human population under a depraved, messianic, crypto-eco ideology? or 4) just…reasons.

Before too much longer they’ll have to tell us. At this point, resigning in order to just slink away from the scene of the crime is probably not possible. Francis Collins tried to step down from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) late last year, but we’ll know how to find him, and we certainly know what he did in enabling the creation of the Covid-19 pandemic and then its supposed savior “vaccines.” This is true, by the way, across the entire medical profession, including doctors, hospital directors, and, of course, the pharma executives. They’ll have to answer for why they continued vaxxing the public when caution was indicated (primum non nocere - first do no harm), and how come they stupidly and/or maliciously suppressed cheap and effective early treatment drugs.

The absurd grifting machine of American medicine is collapsing anyway, along with just about every other system we depend on. So maybe the doctors and the public health officials think that if they can delay acknowledging the obvious a few months longer, there will be no institutions left standing in the USA to adjudicate their crimes. Possible but not likely.

There’s already plenty of data showing an abnormal rise of all-causes deaths in many countries. The life-insurance companies have been reporting it for months. But the acquired immunodeficiency of the “vaccinated” will become too tangible and visible as the network effect takes hold and evermore Americans realize that people are dying all around them, loved ones, friends, friends of friends, celebrities in the news. Inevitably that would produce some kind of social panic - and at exactly the same time that gasoline and diesel fuel grow unaffordable or scarce, every conceivable product vanishes from the store shelves, the financial markets crater, and the Party of Chaos sends its shock troops into the streets to riot, loot, and burn."
Related, must read:
"The Destruction of Future Generations is on Full Speed"
by Chris Black

"Covid is over, right? These children are being sterilized, poisoned, their perfect DNA is being destroyed and mixed with chimera (animal and human hybrid) DNA, so they are no longer pure human.

NEW – Toddler tears as the nation’s children begin to receive mRNA injections. This is the end of humanity in progress. Protect your DNA and your loved ones while you still can. The satan worshipping billionaires want to destroy all that was created by God and create a slave race they can fully control and that will serve/obey them. Not an intelligent, free thinking human race created by a divine higher power they despise.

Toddler tears as the nation's children begin to receive COVID shots.
- New York Post (@nypost) June 22, 2022"

Stipendium peccati mors est...

"No More Important Agenda..."

"Monsters will always exist. There's one inside each of us. 
But an angel lives there, too. There is no more important
 agenda than figuring out how to slay one and nurture the other."
- Jacqueline Novogratz

"How It Really Is"

"Really? When was that?"

"Strange Prices At Ollies's Bargain Outlet! This Is Crazy!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 6/24/22:
"Strange Prices At Ollies's Bargain Outlet! This Is Crazy!"
"In today's vlog we are at Ollie's Bargain Outlet, and are noticing massive price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"
Comments here:

Gregory Mannarino, "Market Fakery And Rigging Is Now Worse Than Ever"

Your guide...
Gregory Mannarino, AM 6/24/22:
"Market Fakery And Rigging Is Now Worse Than Ever"

"It's Time To Get Out, FED Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game; Real Estate Will Destroy Middle Class"

Full screen recommended.
Jeremiah Babe, 6/23/22:
"It's Time To Get Out, FED Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game;
 Real Estate Will Destroy Middle Class"

"They Just Did the Unthinkable: Prepare Now"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 6/23/22:
"They Just Did the Unthinkable: Prepare Now"

Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up for 6/24/22"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up for 6/24/22"
Dem Desperation, Were They Vaxed, Biden Inflation
by Greg Hunter’s

""The economy is so bad, and inflation is so high, that the Democrat National Committee (DNC) is worrying more about retaining Democrats than cultivation of new voters for the mid-terms this fall. A new poll shows a majority of Democrats say Biden is responsible for the inflation we are seeing. There are record high gasoline prices, rising food prices and just about everything else costing more - much more. Not a good time to ride the Biden coat tails.

So many young people are dying unexpectedly that the government has a new name for this phenomenon. It’s called “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.” Someone young dies with no apparent cause of death and everyone is baffled. Of course, this strange phenomenon after millions were coerced or psyched into taking a so-called CV19 vaccine. Maybe we should be asking, “Were they vaxed?”

Gasoline is near record high, and inflation is running at levels not seen in 40 years. Has it peaked or is there more pain to come? Looks like it has leveled off for now, but many think the economy will tank and more inflation is on the way. They call this stagflation, and it’s not going away anytime soon."

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he talks about these
stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 6/24/22.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

"Most of America Just Lost Their Retirement - $3.4 TRILLION Gone!"

ThisisJohnWilliams, 6/23/22:
"Most of America Just Lost Their Retirement - $3.4 TRILLION Gone!"
"Retirees own 31,000,000 US Homes. 45% of Retirees now have no savings."
View comments here:

"Hordes Of Americans Are Moving To Mexico To Escape Crazy Rising Prices In America"

Full screen recommended.
Forward from :50 to 2:34 to bypass the commercial.
"Hordes Of Americans Are Moving To Mexico 
To Escape Crazy Rising Prices In America"
by Epic Economist

"Times are changing incredibly fast, and the immigration trends that led millions of people to cross the U.S. border in the search for a better life are now reversing as the cost of living in America reaches the highest level in over four decades. Now, it’s the Americans who are crossing the Mexican border looking for better living conditions, affordable housing, and lower gas prices. With each passing month living expenses hit new record-highs, and thousands of people out there are doing everything they can to escape the oppressive inflation that has been plaguing the U.S. economy.

Typically, when we talked about immigration in America, we usually envisioned hoards of people coming from poverty-stricken countries crossing our southern border in the pursuit of a better quality of life. But economic conditions have deteriorated so rapidly over the past few years that now, Americans are actually leaving the country by the thousands simply because they can no longer afford to maintain their living standards in the U.S. as the price of virtually everything continues to soar.

The increasing popularity of remote working is allowing many Americans to be employed in the U.S. while living in Mexico, where everyday expenses tend to cost quite a bit less. According to a recent report, thousands of Californians are fleeing to Mexico in the search of a cheaper lifestyle, while others are already living in Mexico but commuting to work in the U.S. every day, given that the cost of living in the golden state is rising much faster than wages can keep up. “Many feel forced out by rocketing inflation in California, that has gas, grocery, and living costs soaring,” the report highlights.

The hunt for homes in the region has started to become quite intense. In fact, one real estate agent in the area revealed that at this point about 50 percent of his customers are actually Californians.On average, the monthly rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Mexico can be as low as $430 per month. In contrast, the average rent in San Diego can be as high as $1,500 per month. That’s one of the reasons why about 280,000 people left California last year. The state’s population declined again in 2021 for the second consecutive year, officials reported in May.

And this immigration trend is expected to gain force in 2022, as the U.S. inflation rate rises closer and closer to the 9 percent mark. Last week, the national average price of a gallon of gasoline hit $5.00, and since then, the largest price drop was of mere 6 cents. On the other hand, in May, gas prices saw a gain of 58 cents, breaking all-time records 33 times in a span of just 35 days.

When we consider that the price of a gallon of gas used to be just 36 cents in 1970, we realize that the latest increases are extremely shocking. In essence, it means that today, Californians pay 20 times more for gas than they did five decades ago.

Over the past two years, we kept pumping trillions of fresh dollars into our financial system. And eventually, a day of reckoning would have to come, and now, we’re here. We’ve been warned over and over again that there would be very serious consequences. Sadly, it was just a matter of time before the laws of economics caught up with us."

Gerald Celente, “Prepare: Civil Wars, Regional Wars, World Wars, If We Don’t Unite For Peace”

Full screen recommended.
Strong language alert!
Gerald Celente, Trends Journal 6/23/22:
“Prepare: Civil Wars, Regional Wars, World Wars, 
If We Don’t Unite For Peace”

Gregory Mannarino, "It's A Nightmare Situation! The System Is Illiquid And The FED Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 6/23/22:
"It's A Nightmare Situation! The System Is Illiquid 
And The FED Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game"

Judge Napolitano, "Supreme Court Rules on Carrying Guns"

Judge Napolitano, Judging Freedom,
"Supreme Court Rules on Carrying Guns"

Canadian Prepper, "How to Not Die of Starvation After SHTF"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 6/23/22:
"How to Not Die of Starvation After SHTF"
"We do a deep dive into not dying of starvation."

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Memory of the Sky"

Full screen recommended.
2002, "Memory of the Sky"

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex.
About five light-years "tall", the dark cloud is cataloged as Barnard 33 and is visible only because its obscuring dust is silhouetted against the glowing red emission nebula IC 434. Stars are forming within the dark cloud. Contrasting blue reflection nebula NGC 2023, surrounding a hot, young star, is at the lower left. The gorgeous color image combines both narrowband and broadband images recorded using three different telescopes.”

The Poet: James Baldwin, "Amen"


 "No, I don't feel death coming.
I feel death going:
having thrown up his hands,
for the moment.
I feel like I know him
better than I did.
Those arms held me,
for a while,
and, when we meet again,
there will be that secret knowledge
between us." 

- James Baldwin


"Compassion is not at all weak. It is the strength that arises out of seeing the true nature of suffering in the world. Compassion allows us to bear witness to that suffering, whether it is in ourselves or others, without fear; it allows us to name injustice without hesitation, and to act strongly, with all the skill at our disposal. To develop this mind state of compassion... is to learn to live, as the Buddha put it, with sympathy for all living beings, without exception."
- Sharon Salzberg

"Demolition of Supply Chains is Pre-Civil War Sabotage to Shape the Battlefield for Domestic Warfare Against We the People" (Excerpt)

"Demolition of Supply Chains is Pre-Civil War Sabotage to 
Shape the Battlefield for Domestic Warfare Against We the People"
by Mike Adams

Excerpt: "The United States of America is about to be plunged into a civil war. It will be ignited by the imminent Roe vs. Wade nullification decision by the US Supreme Court, which also just rendered a landmark decision affirming the universal right to carry a personal firearm for self-defense (striking down the New York law that radically restricted the right to bear arms).

That pro-2A decision is already seeing heads explode across the anti-American, anti-liberty Left, with rabid left-wing commentator Keith Olbermann even calling for an open insurrection to demolish the US Supreme Court and seize total control over the country via the executive branch.

Once the Roe decision is rendered, the radical Left will erupt into full-blown domestic terrorism, launching unrestricted warfare against Christians, gun owners and conservatives. What’s coming will make the 2020 BLM and Antifa riots look like child’s play.

The Biden regime knows this is coming, of course, since Barack Obama is the key mastermind behind the whole thing. Obama runs the Biden White House and tells Biden’s handlers what to do. They shaped the 2020 riots using paid mercenaries, media propaganda and “color revolution” tactics routinely used by the CIA to overthrow governments of other nations. Now they plan to use the same tactics to overthrow the US Constitution and attempt to seize permanent dictatorial control over the United States of America."
Please view this complete article and video here:

"The End of the European Colonial Powers, The Tyranny of Physics"

"The End of the European Colonial Powers,
 The Tyranny of Physics"
by Tom Luongo

"I sat down last weekend for a long chat with Alexander Mercouris of The Duran and Crypto Rich to discuss the rapidly evolving situation in Europe. Long time readers know that I’ve been handicapping the collapse of the European Union for years. That idea isn’t based on my personal antipathy for Eurotrash commies and eugenicists, though it is quite large. In fact, the deeper we go into 2022 the more that antipathy rises to near unquenchable levels. The sheer arrogance and stupidity of Europe’s leadership is nothing short of breathtaking.

Today we are looking at a situation where an entire continent’s leadership is in the process of committing ritualistic suicide and yet is obsessed with portraying these self-inflicted wounds to the world as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s fault. A common trait among all malignant narcissists is the inability to take any responsibility for their own actions, seeking to always shift blame onto someone else. You see this behavior in children. And it only manifests itself in adulthood because the parents refused to put any boundaries on the child or inflict any consequences on them.

Look at Europe’s leaders today and to a person, man or woman, there is not one shred of self-reflection or contrition. The problem is just as endemic here amongst the Davos-affiliated American leadership. Fungal President Joe Biden keep yammering on about the “Putin Price Hike” or blaming oil companies for not being patriotic enough to keep gas and diesel prices affordable for nearly every American. But it was just a few weeks ago where these same people were telling us that we had to endure slightly higher prices at the pump to starve Russia and defend Ukraine.

Biden and his party apparatchiks simply can’t give this idea up as we’re now just over four months to the mid-term elections. Biden to companies that run gas pumps:

"This is a time of war. Global peril. Ukraine. These are not normal times. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you are paying for the product. Do it now. Do it today."
- (@townhallcom) June 22, 2022

I already told you what the real cost at the pump is all about, RINs, renewable offset blending credits, which are strangling small refiners. But in Europe the real story is beyond comprehension. It can be summed up in the following meme:
And yet if you listen to Europe’s leadership what are they talking about? Expanding NATO to include Finland and Sweden. Backing Lithuania’s disastrous blockade of overland goods into Kaliningrad, in clear violation of that country’s treaty with Russia. The EU parliament and the leaders of France, Germany, and Italy all backing Ukraine’s invitation into the bloc.

These are all to which Russia will correctly respond with shifting its exports East rather than West and put paid Putin’s words from his speech at SPIEF 2022 last week. “The European Union has lost its political sovereignty, and its bureaucratic elites are dancing to someone else’s tune, doing everything they are told from on high and hurting their own people, economies, and businesses.”

The whole speech is worth your time and the best highlight reel is this Twitter thread, not for what it implies for crypto, as the author implies, but for humanity in general. Debt is a slave’s system. It’s not real wealth, only the pretense of wealth.

The big takeaway is exactly what I’ve been talking about on this blog for years: The end of sovereign debt as the basis for global reserves. The world will move, quickly, towards a commodity-backed monetary standard, where some form of discipline will be enforced on governments, who are torching their credibility by the day, because of reality.

Real wealth is in things which sustain your life. Eventually physics and the limitations of time catch up with every central planner and their grand dreams of global domination. The tyranny they decry isn’t racism, a lack of tolerance or even tribalism, it is simply math and the physics of energy production.

That is Putin’s big crime, reminding everyone of this basic fact. The narcissists who try to blame him for their woes will never admit they were wrong. They would rather continue manipulating events to steer the world towards the unthinkable blaming him and us for not bowing to their wisdom. Listen to them carefully and all you will hear is, “It’s not my fault!” But it is."
“The European Union has lost its political sovereignty, 
and its bureaucratic elites are dancing to someone else’s tune."
Well, sort of a dance I suppose...

Douglas MacGregor, "That Will Bring War To The United States"

Douglas MacGregor, 6/23/22:
"That Will Bring War To The United States"
"Just for understanding of the whole situation: Russian forces right now control more than 20% of whole Ukrainian territory and this 20% is the same as half of England. This is just info for guys who keep posting things like: "Russia stuck in Ukraine without any real success". Also, bear in mind, Russia is not in a war in Ukraine and only part of Russian forces is in action right now and these guys are still able to attack on the 2100 km long battlefront." - AP
Comments here:
"There are a multitude of fuses affixed to dozens of powder-kegs and little kids with matches are on the loose. I don’t know which of the fuses will be lit and which powder-keg will blow, but someone is bound to do something stupid, and then all hell will break loose. It could happen at any time. One military miscue. One assassination. One violent act that stirs the world. And the dominoes will topple, setting off fireworks not seen on this planet since 1939 – 1945. I can see it all very clearly."
- Jim Quinn 

The Daily "Near You?"

Holly, Michigan, USAA. Thanks for stopping by!

"What If The Recession Started 3 Months Ago? Banks Issue New Warnings"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 6/23/22:
"What If The Recession Started 3 Months Ago?
 Banks Issue New Warnings"
"We are getting more banks stepping forward and giving their prediction that a recession is inevitable. Elon Musk says it’s going to be sooner rather than later. But then there’s a bigger question. What if the recession started three months ago? Are we going fast forward to a Great Depression?"
View comments here:

"Don't Wonder..."

"Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't.
In the face of what we can lose in a day, in an instant,
wonder what the hell it is that makes us hold it together."
- "Grey's Anatomy"

"A Warning About The Coming Shortages Of Diesel Fuel, Diesel Exhaust Fluid And Diesel Engine Oil"

"A Warning About The Coming Shortages Of Diesel Fuel,
 Diesel Exhaust Fluid And Diesel Engine Oil"
by Michael Snyder

"What I am about to share with you is a developing situation, and I hope to share more once the facts become clearer. It appears that a very serious diesel crisis is coming in the months ahead, and that will have a dramatic impact on our economy. As you will see below, we are being warned that there will be shortages of diesel fuel, diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil. Most diesel vehicles require all three in order to run, and so a serious shortage of any of them would be a major disaster. Needless to say, simultaneous shortages of all three could potentially be catastrophic. Most Americans don’t spend much time thinking about diesel, but without it our supply chains collapse and we don’t have a functioning economy. In a recent Time Magazine article discussing the coming diesel fuel shortage, we are told that “the U.S. economy runs on diesel”…

Though most consumers shake their heads at the cost of gasoline and complain about the cost of filling up their car tanks, what they really should be worried about is the price of diesel. The U.S. economy runs on diesel. It’s what powers the container ships that bring goods from Asia and the trucks that collect goods from the ports and bring them to warehouses and then to your home. The farmers who grow the food you eat put diesel in their tractors to plow the fields, and the workers that bring construction equipment to build your home put diesel in their trucks.

Since January, supplies of diesel fuel have been steadily getting tighter. As supplies have gotten tighter, prices have skyrocketed. The average price of a gallon of diesel fuel hit $5.50 a gallon in early May, and it has remained above that level ever since.

One of the biggest reasons for the supply crunch is a serious lack of refining capacity. Back in 1980, the U.S. had twice as many refineries…"There are also fewer refineries, which process crude oil into diesel and other products, in the U.S. than were just a few years ago. There are just 124 now operating, down from twice as many in 1980, and down from 139 in 2016, according to the U.S. Energy Information Association. The northeast region is particularly spare, with just seven refineries today, down from 27 in 1982."

There have already been some temporary outages of diesel fuel at a few locations around the country, and we are being warned that disruptions are likely to intensify during the summer months. But the good news is that we aren’t going to run out of diesel fuel. It may become a lot more expensive, and there may be painful temporary shortages, but we won’t run out of it.

Unfortunately, the crisis that we are facing with diesel exhaust fluid is potentially much more serious. If you have just been skimming this article, this is the part where you need to start really paying attention. Newsweek is telling us that the United States “could soon experience a severe shortage of diesel exhaust fluid”…"The U.S. could soon experience a severe shortage of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), impacting U.S. drivers already hit with soaring fuel prices. DEF is a solution made up of urea and de-ionized water that is needed for almost everything that runs on diesel. It reduces harmful gases being released into the atmosphere and works by converting nitrogen oxide produced by diesel engines into nitrogen and steam."

If you have a diesel vehicle that was sold in the United States after 2010, your vehicle could technically run without DEF, but in most cases your vehicle will simply not let you start it if the DEF tank is dry…"Can we call it a DEF jam? Everything is in short supply as supply chains continue to unlink. The latest commodity reportedly hit is DEF, or the blue diesel exhaust fluid that every diesel sold in the U.S. after 2010 needs to cut emissions. This means that every diesel truck, diesel RV, SUV, and car owner will likely have to look harder, and pay more for, DEF. A diesel engine can technically run without DEF, but your diesel vehicle likely won’t let you start it if the DEF tank is empty."

A lack of urea is the biggest reason for the growing shortage of DEF. The United States is one of the largest importers of urea in the world, and Russia and China are two of the largest exporters. In previous years that wasn’t a problem, but now the war in Ukraine has dramatically changed things…"A major portion of our urea comes from Europe, and because of the war in Ukraine we’re seeing a shortage of it, according to Newsweek. Russia is one of the world’s major exporters of it. China, too, is a major exporter of it, and it has suspended exports. Weather, too, has caused supply chain disruptions. Since it’s also a major component in fertilizers, there’s intense competition for urea." Without enough DEF, our economy is going to be in for a world of hurt.

Meanwhile, Mike Adams is reporting on the growing shortages of diesel engine oil that are starting to happen all over the nation…"Retailers, customers and distributors are all reporting shortages in diesel engine oil. This is not an imaginary problem, it is a real problem that is so far entirely ignored by the corporate media."

Apparently there are some diesel engine oil additives that are in extremely short supply, and one industry insider is telling us that this problem isn’t going to be resolved any time soon. So what this means is that people are going to start running out of diesel engine oil. In fact, it is already being reported that the trains in Sri Lanka will soon have to completely shut down because of a lack of diesel engine oil…"Sri Lanka Railways said that it will NOT be possible to operate trains in the future due to the lack of engine oil. A senior official at Sri Lanka Railways said that the current level of engine oil would only last for another two months."

That’s in line with the warning we’re hearing in the states: About 8 weeks of diesel engine oil remaining in the pipeline. Just solving one of the shortages that I have described in this article will not be enough. As I noted in the opening paragraph, a diesel vehicle requires diesel fuel, diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil in order to operate. You need all three.

This is a story that I will be following very closely. Needless to say, there are enormous implications for our supply chains and for our economy as a whole if solutions cannot be found."
"RED ALERT: Entire U.S. supply of diesel engine oil may be 
wiped out in 8 weeks. No more oil until 2023
 due to “Force Majeure” additive chemical shortages."
by Mike Adams

Excerpt: "According to information you'll see here (and explained in more detail in today's podcast, below), chemical manufacturers of diesel engine oil additives have declared force majeure and have ceased supply operations to the diesel engine oil manufacturers. Without a miraculous solution, the current supply of diesel engine oil will likely be gone in 4-8 weeks. After that, unless a solution is quickly found, there will be no diesel engine oil available until some time in 2023.

All transport trucks, farm tractors, construction machinery and transport trains run on diesel engines. A shut down of diesel engine oil would grind all transportation to a halt. No food for grocery stores, no coal for power plants, no hardware inventory, no crops being harvested, nothing."
Complete article and video here:
Now we have a timeline. And what then? God help us...

"How It Really Is"

Yeah, we remember...

"Ridiculous Price Increases At Kroger! This Is Not Good!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 6/23/22:
"Ridiculous Price Increases At Kroger! This Is Not Good!"
"In today's vlog we are at Kroger, and are noticing a ridiculous amount of price increases! This is not good as we are seeing skyrocketing prices everywhere, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"

Gregory Mannarino, "Hidden In Plain Sight! The FED's Balance Sheet Is Increasing; Economy Continues To Crater"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 6/23/22:
"Hidden In Plain Sight! The FED's Balance Sheet 
Is Increasing; Economy Continues To Crater"

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Canadian Prepper, "WW3: A Dire Message From Lithuania"

Full screen recommended.
Canadian Prepper, 6/22/22:
"WW3: A Dire Message From Lithuania"
"The fires are being stoked for the next battleground."

"Cancel Your Contract, This Is The Worst Time To Buy A Home; Recession Will Trigger Food Crisis"

Jeremiah Babe, 6/22/22:
"Cancel Your Contract, This Is The Worst Time To
 Buy A Home; Recession Will Trigger Food Crisis"

"The Cruelest Joke Of All..."

"The smallest decisions made had such profound repercussions. One ten-minute wait could save a life or end it. One wrong turn down the right street or one seemingly unimportant conversation, and everything was changed. It wasn't right that each lifetime was defined, ruined, ended, and made by such seemingly innocuous details. A major life-threatening event should come with a flashing warning sign that either said ABANDON ALL HOPE or SAFETY AHEAD. It was the cruelest joke of all that no one could see the most vicious curves until they were over the edge, falling into the abyss below."
- Sherrilyn Kenyon