Monday, June 13, 2022

Bill Bonner, "Massacre on the Potomac"

"Massacre on the Potomac"
Dems face a day of reckoning in November as inflation bites down hard.
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland - "The native-born Irish do not pronounce the “th” sound. So, our telephone service, named “Three,” is called “Tree” by the locals. This linguistic quirk led American friends of ours, visiting a restaurant in Dublin and enjoying a ‘tree” course meal, to the following exchange:

Waiter: “Are you finished your second course?”
Americans: “Yes, thank you.”
Waiter: “Then I’ll bring out the t….”
Americans: “Wait. Stop. Don’t say it. It will take away our appetite.”

Consumers hate the ‘inflation tax.’ And the voters go a little sour and threaten to throw out the bums who caused it. Joe Biden’s approval rate is dropping. TownHall: "A new ABC/Ipsos poll found that Biden’s approval rating is sinking faster than the Titanic. When it comes to inflation, only 28 percent of voters approve of Biden’s job, with 71 percent disapproving."

And polls show the Democrats could be facing an electoral massacre in November. The “New American:” "An internal poll conducted for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (first reported by startup political newsletter Punchbowl News and confirmed by The Hill) revealed that Democrats running for reelection in November are in deeper trouble than they originally thought. In a generic matchup between Republicans and Democrats, the generic Republican is beating the generic Democrat by eight percentage points, 47-39."

A second poll, commissioned by the Republican super PAC Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) focused on districts where Biden won in 2020 by more than eight percentage points. Biden is now underwater in those districts by eight points and is dragging down the reelection prospects of Democrats in those districts, from likely to questionable.

Won’t the Democrats try to save themselves by coming down hard on inflation? That is the question left untouched on Friday, like the ‘third’ course, that we take up today. It’s the ‘Decision of the Century.’ Will they or won’t they? Yes or no? Up or down? Now or never.

So Much at Stake: We remind readers that this decision will probably determine the course of public events for decades ahead. If the Fed halts inflation and lets things return to normal, it will mean a crash on Wall Street… business failures… defaults… unemployment… depression and bankruptcies. But the misery will probably be over in a couple years.

If the Fed lets inflation continue, on the other hand, the consequences will be ambiguous at first… and then catastrophic, stretched out over many years of war, revolution, hunger, poverty, destitution and chaos. With so much at stake… and for the benefit of readers who weren’t paying attention… it’s worth backtracking and looking more closely.

We’ve seen that this is no ordinary business cycle inflation. Nor is it an event-driven ‘inflation shock,’ such as when the price of plywood goes up as a hurricane approaches or gasoline goes up because the Saudis turn off the taps.

If you have that kind of “inflation,” you count yourself lucky, because it corrects itself – usually quickly and effortlessly. As prices rise consumers consume less and producers produce more; problem solved. Price increases are just information. If the price of bananas rises, for example, it may mean that banana growers suffered a drought or a pest. Or, it may mean that people want more bananas. And when prices for everything go up, it tells us that we have a money problem. Our money is losing value. And Friday’s CPI ‘print’ showed no sign of a peak. Bloomberg:

US inflation accelerated to a fresh 40-year high in May, a sign that price pressures are becoming entrenched in the economy. That will likely push the Federal Reserve to extend an aggressive series of interest-rate hikes and adds to political problems for the White House and Democrats.

The consumer price index increased 8.6% from a year earlier in a broad-based advance, Labor Department data showed Friday. The widely followed inflation gauge rose 1% from a month earlier, topping all estimates.

Understated: That 8.6% number is a huge understatement. Prices for food, shelter, and fuel are rising much faster. As we saw last week, it takes an average working man twice as many hours on the job to fill his tank today as it did a half century ago. That was not the result of an accident… nor of a sudden shock. It was a systematic rip-off. Intentional. Premeditated. It was public policy. And now, it’s getting much worse.

The Fed ‘printed’ $8 trillion new dollars since 1999 – 10 times as much as it had since it was created in 1913. And it forced interest rates below the running rate of price increases. This gave people an incentive to borrow, speculate, and spend – further increasing the ‘inflation’ pressure.

The motive was not hard to spot. This new money fell like manna from heaven. Nobody ever saved it. Or earned it. The feds didn’t have to ask the taxpayers for it. Nor did they have to borrow it from savers. There was no need to say ‘please’ or ‘thank you.’ And they could spend it, just as though it was real. On wars. Transfers. Giveaways. Whatever.

But what now? The voters are angry. Can the feds continue with their inflation policy; can they get away with it? What will happen? Stay tuned..."

“I’m Only Human, After All”

“The acceptance of ambiguity implies more than the commonplace understanding that some good things and some bad things happen to us. It means that we know that good and evil are inextricably intermixed in human affairs; that they contain, and sometimes embrace, their opposites; that success may involve failure of a different kind, and failure may be a kind of triumph.” 
- Sydney J. Harris

And, of course, the universal and inevitable excuse…
“A person who is going to commit an inhuman act invariably
excuses himself to himself by saying, “I’m only human, after all.”
- Sydney J. Harris
I've always wondered...
Everyone says “Only human…” compared to what?

The Poet: Theodore Roethke, “The Waking”

“The Waking”

“I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.

We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.

Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me; so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.”

- Theodore Roethke

"Not Such An Easy Business..."

“Over the years you get to see what a struggle life is for most people, how tough it is, how easy it is to be judgmental and criticize and stand outside of situations and impart your wisdom and judgment. But over the decades I've got more tolerant of people's flaws and mistakes. Everybody makes a lot of them. When you're younger you feel: "Hey, this person is evil" or "This person is a jerk" or stupid or "What's wrong with them?" Then you go through life and you think: "Well, it's not so easy." There's a lot of mystery and suffering and complication. Everybody's out there trying to do the best they can. And it's not such an easy business.”
- Woody Allen

"INFLATION: It’s Much Worse Than We Thought… But Wait Until This Little Monster Grows Up!" (Excerpt)

"INFLATION: It’s Much Worse Than We Thought… 
But Wait Until This Little Monster Grows Up!"
by David Haggith

Excerpt: "We could all be on the cusp of the most deadly inflation the world has ever experienced, due to a unique setup of global forces that have the power to accelerate that into happening in a surprisingly short amount of time. I’m going to tell you how that could happen more quickly than anyone appears to expect….

First, a short, fun documentary lesson because it is important to understand that - as easy as it is for anyone to foresee what I’m about to tell you - it is highly unlikely our leaders will see it coming. You can assess how likely they are to avert this developing disaster by seeing how well they saw the present inflation coming and averted that because that, too, was not hard to see coming for reasons I need not reiterate, having done so more than enough in the past:

They're laughing at us, this is planned for the "Great Reset". Timeline video with all of their quotes. Please retweet.
- Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) June 10, 2022

Follow the money: Consider how the inflation fuel the Fed has created for years through its record-high balance sheet will pass through global markets when people see the fuel is actually being siphoned off. When the Fed’s past money creation didn’t go into the hands of consumers, it didn’t create inflation, except in assets, where it did flow and built up beyond anything we’ve ever seen in a stored and intentional wealth effect. Whenever it moved from stocks to bonds, it only inflated the prices of bonds, increasing their value as assets.

Monetary expansion only creates inflation where the money flows. So, when the new money doesn’t flow to consumers, we don’t see consumer inflation. When it stayed in financial circles, it created inflation in financial circles where inflation was viewed as a desirable thing. When we did see some of the Fed’s inflated money supply finally flow directly to consumers through various kinds of stimulus programs doled out by the federal government during the Covidcrisis, we saw a lot of consumer inflation starting to build right away. That happened because the new money met a supply shortage head-on due to fewer people being able to work under lockdowns and then due to fewer people being willing to work after they built up their share from the government’s dole via Robinhood-style stock investments. Inflation suddenly went on a tear when that combination of events formed."
Please view this complete and highly recommended article here:

"Do You Want..."

"Do you want to live life, or do you want to escape life?"
- Macklemore

The Daily "Near You?"

Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Too Often..."

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
- Leo Buscaglia

"Bank Runs Have Started in China - Will They Come Here?"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly 6/13/22:
"Bank Runs Have Started in China - Will They Come Here?"
"China is experiencing bank runs. People cannot get to online banking and they cannot withdraw money from ATMs. Electronic payments are not going through, but the worst part is they’re allowing funds to be deposited into accounts that people cannot get access to."

"A Crisis Of Legitimacy"

"A Crisis Of Legitimacy"
by John Wilder

"I think one thing that has always been a feature of Americans is that we’ve had a healthy distrust for authority. The entire Revolutionary was because we didn’t trust the British to take our interests into account. We even used roosters to find British spies – a version of chicken-catch-a-Tory. Yet, just enough trust has existed to keep us going.

Mostly. Right now, however, there is a crisis brewing – a crisis of legitimacy. We see it everywhere, but I’ll start off with the worst: the “Presidency” of Joe Biden. The points that bear discussing are certainly well known to readers here:

• The “open” conspiracy to change laws to beat Trump,
• Evidence of ballot harvesting, and
• Evidence of counting “irregularities.”

Among a lot of other things. Heck, even Pa Wilder voted for Biden, which is something he’d never do if he’d still been alive.

The reaction of the Left is more of their politics as usual. Anything possible to distract and vilify the Right is in play. Any hint or even joke about the legitimacy of Biden’s electoral “victory” is shut down. Case in point, I made a joke about Biden’s victory being more in the counting than in the voting, and that podcast was immediately shut down by YouTube’s® A.I. (Shhh, don’t make fun of that A.I., it’s really self-conscious),

If they’re that sensitive, I know I’m over the target. The reason is that there is a mountain of evidence that shows fraud in the election, in just the right places and locations it would be needed (and would be possible) to swing the election to Biden.


A robust and positive response would have been to participate as hard as possible to show Biden was legitimately elected. They would have taken the points brought up by (in many cases) non-partisan analysis showing the trickery. Nope. The Democrats looked for voter fraud just as hard as O.J. looked for “the real killer”.

I wonder could there be a parallel there, or if that could be the reason that a majority of the American people think Joe was falsely elected? Instead, they use the word “baseless” when they really mean “facts we really, really, want you to ignore.”


If a phony election was enough to destroy the Republic, though, it would have failed long ago. Historically, there have been other elections that have been called into question: 1876 and 1960 were two big examples. But we survived both, even though Rutherford B. Hayes was called “His Fraudulency” for the rest of his life. Rutherford B. Hayes was a stunning success compared to Biden, serving one term where his most notable accomplishment was attempting to avoid inflation and keep the money supply sound, whereas Biden prints and spends money like a Pelosi drinks and drives.

That’s the second crisis of legitimacy – phony money. Again, none of this is new – I’ve written that our monetary policy appears to be less sound than the logic of a drunken 22-year-old rock star in a strip club in Vegas.

The phony money is, of course, only one component of the phony economy. For years now, pools of cash have kept up the appearance of value in home prices. Likewise, stock prices have been artificially pushed upward at the same time bond prices (and interest rates) were artificially kept downward. At some point (and, it’s looking like that point is very near, indeed) the stored energy caused by the distortions will cause the economy to snap. Because? Our economy is illegitimate.

What about the Uvalde police department: Who thinks that they’re legitimate now? But how many people are secretly asking, “if that happened in my town, what would our cops do?” and then thinking, “probably the same thing.” Where most people would expect cops to run in and, oh, save children, it’s not in their playbook. Really. Lots of police departments put as their number one priority “officer safety”. And courts have repeatedly backed the cops up – they have no duty to even try to save me, kids in a school, or you. How legitimate does that feel?

I could keep going all night, but sometime I have to sleep, so I’ll just bring up one more. We’re in a society where even the concept of “being a man” or “being a woman” is legitimate anymore. But even that is a symptom of a society where the basic values that have been consciously subverted at every opportunity – good is now bad, and vice versa. Truth is now despised while lies are celebrated.

To summarize our society is in deep jeopardy because we have:

• Illegitimate Politicians (especially the President),
• Illegitimate Money,
• An Illegitimate Economy, and
• Illegitimate Values.

This is the opposite of the formula to make a country work well. Civil strife combined with a collapsing economy, rising prices, and a collapsing social fabric sounds like a lot to take away from just a loss of legitimacy, but it’s not – for people to create a productive, free society, they have to have incentive, they have to have trust. They have to have legitimacy – they have to believe. To restore that? They have to have truth."

"Never, Ever Forget..."

"Never, ever forget that nothing in this life is free. Life demands payment in some form for your "right" to express yourself, to condemn and abuse the evil surrounding us. Expect to pay... it will come for you, they will come for you, regardless. Knowing that, give them Hell itself every chance you can. Expect no mercy, and give none. That's how life works. Be ready to pay for what you do, or be a coward, pretend you don't see, don't know, and cry bitter tears over how terrible things are, over how you let them become."
- Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls "

Jim Kunstler, "Proud of Yourselves?"

"Proud of Yourselves?"
by Jim Kunstler

"America has an eating disorder - have you noticed? - and a touch of the old sexual dysmorphia - am I a boy or a girl? - and has been caught in its room playing with razor blades. Ergo: America is a thirteen-year-old girl in need of some therapeutic assistance. Who will answer the call for help?

Here we are in the fat middle of Pride Month. Why is it, then, that the authorities have sent squadrons of drag queens out across the land like so many flying monkeys, flapping and shrieking from the candy-colored forests of Oz, to conduct “story hours” for children? Is America not sufficiently confused these days? Are drag queens really the best interlocutors for the doctrine of Diversity and Inclusion? Have we nothing better on offer to occupy childrens’ minds, say, learning to bake bread or build a bird-house? Practical skills they will need when the economy of Western Civ completes its disorienting descent out of Modern Times into the New Medieval?

Does anyone actually know what children think about a drag queen reading, say, "My Princess Boy" by Cheryl Kilodavis to a roomful of five-year-old boys and girls? I mean, apart from what the parents who take them there tell us their children think. (“They were enchanted!”) We know that the parents are pretending that this is a wholesome developmental exercise. And yet, let’s face it: is it not the whole point of being a drag queen to present a horrifying parody of an adult female human? Something like women-as-monsters?

Do any of the mommies who bring their children to the drag queen story hour present themselves in public as women the way the drag queens do? As, above all, sexually super-available? Would, say, the Palo Alto mommy of a five-year-old pause to twerk in the frozen food section of the supermarket on any given afternoon? In that context, what might be the reaction of other mommies shopping for hot pockets and Ben and Jerry’s Chubby Hubby?

Five-year-old children generally have no idea what adult sexuality is about. Should perhaps their first exposure to a realm so fraught and complex that many adults do not understand it be the presentation of women as monsters? And why are the mommies so avid for their children to be introduced to sexuality this way? Are some of the children perceptive and astute enough to suspect that that drag queens on display are not really women? That, for instance, they might be… men? (A beard can be a give-away.) And might they take that thought a step or two further and ask themselves: why does this man want to pretend to be a monster-woman? Why doesn’t he want to be a daddy? Are mommies monsters? Can they turn into something like this when I’m not around? Are daddies who try to act like mommies monsters?

How exactly is a child supposed to process all of this? All on its own, without any inversions, distortions, and misconstructions, sex is difficult for some young humans to process. By the time they reach the threshold of puberty - say, age thirteen for girls - the onset of sexual development is so alarming that they attempt to starve their way out of it and cut themselves up.

Of course, we have not begun to probe what might animate a man to present himself to the world as a monstrous parody of a woman. Suffice it to say that such behavior suggests some complicated psychodynamics. And why, exactly, are they suddenly on-display so extravagantly now across the country, supposedly for the edification of children? I’ll you why: It’s not actually for the sake of the children. The children are just pawns in what is actually a national political psychodrama. Or rather, they are hostages.

What you’re seeing is the Party of Chaos sending a message to the rest of us - those who are not members of the Party of Chaos. The message is: we will take your children and destroy their minds, and pretend that it’s just another module of their education… and you will know, and we will know, and you will know that we know that this is just a malicious shuck-and-jive to humiliate you while we wreck the machinery of civilization, which we hate because it requires boundaries and norms to function.

And think of it: just days ago the FDA announced that it accepted Pfizer’s application for a Covid-19 vaccine for children between six months and five years old. That’s the same “safe and effective” vaccine they have been giving to the rest of you for over a year, which has produced adverse reactions and illnesses in rather striking numbers. Do you know why they did that? I’ll tell you why: to extend the emergency use authorization that shields Pfizer from legal liability for their mRNA vaccines. They are not content with wrecking civilization. They want to kill you and your children too."

Gregory Mannarino, "WARNING: The Debt Market Implosion May Have Begun"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 6/13/22:
"WARNING: The Debt Market Implosion May Have Begun"

Live Markets updates:

"Black Monday: All Hell Breaks Loose As Stocks Plunge Into Bear Market, Curve Inverts, Cryptos Crater" (Excerpt)

"Black Monday: All Hell Breaks Loose As Stocks 
Plunge Into Bear Market, Curve Inverts, Cryptos Crater"
by Tyler Durden

Excerpt: "For all those claiming that stocks had priced in 3 (or more) 50bps (or more) rate hikes, we have some bad news. All hell is breaking loose on Monday, with futures tumbling (again) into bear market territory, sliding below the 20% technical cutoff from January's all time high of 3,856 and tumbling as low as 3,798.25 - taking out the May 10 intraday low of 3,810 - before reversing some modest gains. S&P 500 futures sank 2.5% and Nasdaq 100 contracts slid 3.1%, in a session that has seen virtually everything crash. Dow futures were down 567 points at of 730am ET.

The global selloff - which has dragged Asian and European markets to multi-month lows and which was sparked by a hotter than expected US CPI print which heaped pressure on the Federal Reserve to step up monetary tightening - accelerated on Monday as panicking traders now bet the Fed will raise rates by 175 bps by its September decision, implying two 50-bp moves and one hike of 75 bps, with Barclays and now Jefferies predicting such a move may even come this week. If that comes to pass it would be the first time since 1994 the Fed resorted to such a draconian measure.

The selling in stocks was matched only by the puke in Treasuries, as yields on 10-year US Treasuries reached 3.24%, the highest since October 2018, yet where 2Y yields sold off more, sending the 2s10s curve to invert again..."
Full lengthy, comprehensive article here:

Live Market updates:

"Massive Products Missing At Target! This Is Not Good!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, 6/13/22:
"Massive Products Missing At Target! This Is Not Good!"
"In today's vlog we are at Target, and are noticing a massive amount of missing products! We are also noticing price increases, and a major food shortage! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!"

"How It Really Is"


Sunday, June 12, 2022

"We are One Crisis Away from System Collapse"

Canadian Prepper, 6/12/22:
"We are One Crisis Away from System Collapse"
"New wars are brewing and no one is talking about it."

"Economic Market Snapshot 6/12/22"

Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"Economic Market Snapshot 6/12/22"
Updated as available.
Latest Market Analysis, Updated 6/10/22
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
June 10th to June 13th
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: creditequity valuationfunding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United Statesother advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Commentary, highly recommended:
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Oh yeah... beyond words.
And now... The End Game...

"15 Facts That Prove That America Is In Deep, Deep Trouble"

Full screen recommended.
"15 Facts That Prove That America 
Is In Deep, Deep Trouble"
by Epic Economist

"Everywhere we look, we find more indications that the United States is in a lot of trouble. America's domestic supply chains have been broken, and disruptions continue to pile on, causing more shortages and exacerbating price increases all over the nation. Our system has never been so vulnerable to external interruptions, and experts say the U.S. is extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks at a time nearly all services and operations that make the economy run are heavily dependent on technology. With consumer prices over 8% higher than a year ago, growing affordability constraints are putting immense pressure on the finances of millions of American families, while household incomes remain stagnant. Despite Fed policies to tame inflation, consumer prices are going to remain elevated this year due to elevated due to the soaring costs of housing, energy, and food as the global commodity market faces shortages of energy supplies, raw materials, fertilizers, grains, and semiconductors.

To make things worse, our financial markets are starting to falter, with the stock market recording billions in losses week after week, and the housing market bubble on the verge of another disastrous burst. All of that is occurring at the same time as our geopolitical conflicts with other major economies continues to escalate. Many more problems continue to emerge with each passing day, and the things we just mentioned are not even half of the story. Wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, and heatwaves were among the 20 weather and climate disasters the United States has faced over the past 12 months. Those extreme weather events have resulted in $145 billion in damages in 2021 and victimized 688 people. Such disasters are becoming more frequent with each passing year, and it is being it is estimated that more than 100 million people in the U.S. will experience temperatures that are 20 to 30 degrees above average this summer.

On top of everything we’ve already mentioned, shall we add a diesel fuel shortage and a nationwide electricity shortage to the equation? We’re actually being warned that energy supplies are rapidly dwindling in America, and a shocking diesel shortage could begin this summer. That's why in today's video, we brought you a compilation of stats, forecasts and updated numbers about the issues our country is currently facing and the challenges we are about to face in the months ahead."

Gregory Mannarino, “Markets, A Look Ahead”

Gregory Mannarino, 6/12/22”
“Markets, A Look Ahead”

Musical Interlude: Trevor Jones, "The Last of the Mohicans, Promentory"

Trevor Jones, 
"The Last of the Mohicans, Promentory"
"The Last of the Mohicans" is a 1992 American epic historical drama film set in 1757 during the French and Indian War. The soundtrack was a single disc and consisted of 16 tracks. The first 9 were written by Trevor Jones, the next 6 by Randy Edelman. The main theme of the movie is "Promentory", an orchestration of the tune "The Gael" by Scottish singer-songwriter Dougie MacLean from his 1990 album "The Search."
Dougie MacLean, "The Gael Northwest"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Many spiral galaxies have bars across their centers. Even our own Milky Way Galaxy is thought to have a modest central bar. Prominently barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672, featured here, was captured in spectacular detail in an image taken by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. Visible are dark filamentary dust lanes, young clusters of bright blue stars, red emission nebulas of glowing hydrogen gas, a long bright bar of stars across the center, and a bright active nucleus that likely houses a supermassive black hole.
Light takes about 60 million years to reach us from NGC 1672, which spans about 75,000 light years across. NGC 1672, which appears toward the constellation of the Dolphinfish (Dorado), has been studied to find out how a spiral bar contributes to star formation in a galaxy's central regions."

Chet Raymo, "Exile "

by Chet Raymo

 "Are we truly alone
With our physics and myths,
The stars no more
Than glittering dust,
With no one there
To hear our choral odes?"

"This is the ultimate question, the only question, asked here by the Northern Irish poet Derek Mahon. It is a poem of exile, from the ancient familiar, from the sustaining myth of rootedness, of centrality. A poem that the naturalist can relate to, we pilgrims of infinite spaces, of the overarching blank pages on which we write our own stories, our own scriptures, having none of divine pedigree.

Yes, we feel the ache of exile, we who grew up with the sustaining myths of immortality only to see them stripped away by the needy hands of fact. We scribble our choral odes. Who listens? We speak to each other. Is that enough? Having left the home we grew up in, we make do with where we find ourselves, gathering to ourselves the glittering dust of the here and now.

Are we truly alone? Mahon again:

 "If so, we can start
To ignore the silence
Of infinite space
And concentrate instead
on the infinity
Under our very noses -
The cry at the heart
Of the artichoke,
The gaiety of atoms."

Better to leave the blank page blank than fill it with sentimental hankerings for home, with those prayers of our childhood we repeated over and over until they became a hard, fast crust on the page. Incline our ear instead to the faint cry that issues from the world under our very noses, from there, the tomato plant on the window sill, the ink-dark crow that paces the grass beyond the panes, the clouds that heap on the horizon - the dizzy, ditzy dance of atoms and the glitterings of stars.

"Like Butterflies..."

"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think its forever."
- Carl Sagan

The Poet: Wendell Berry, "Circles of Our Lives"

"Circles of Our Lives"

"Within the circles of our lives
we dance the circles of the years,
the circles of the seasons
within the circles of the years,
the cycles of the moon
within the circles of the seasons,
the circles of our reasons
within the cycles of the moon.

Again, again we come and go,
changed, changing. Hands
join, unjoin in love and fear,
grief and joy. The circles turn,
each giving into each, into all.

Only music keeps us here,
each by all the others held.
In the hold of hands and eyes
we turn in pairs, that joining
joining each to all again.
And then we turn aside, alone,
out of the sunlight gone
into the darker circles of return."

- Wendell Berry
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering - these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for."
- "Dead Poets Society"

"The Wise Woman's Stone"

"The Wise Woman's Stone"
Author Unknown

"A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. "I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone."

"It's the Money, Stupid!"

Old engraved illustration of The execution of Queen Marie Antoinette
 on the "Revolution Square" (Place Louis XV.) on October 16, 1793.

"It's the Money, Stupid!"
A short history of the paper monies that cried wolf...
by Joel Bowman

Trondheim, Norway - "It’s the money, stupid! Every day, every moment, the world economy finds itself at another crossroads... one path leading down by the rushing rapids... the other headed over a cliff. It’s the “Decision of the Century,” as Bill reminded readers this week. “There are only two real choices. One way or another, this scam economy is going to blow up. So, the question is whether the Fed blows it up by stopping inflation now. Or, it lets inflation rip and the whole thing blows up later.” Speaking of inflation, everybody is pointing at rising prices. They are, as you may have heard, increasing at the fastest clip in more than 40 years. (See below.)

But let us pause for a gentle reminder. Ultimately, it is not prices that matter; it’s the quality of the money in which they are denominated. Prices go up. Prices go down. In a properly functioning economy, one rolling along on the rails of a sound money, basic supply and demand corrects for natural market aberrations. (“The cure for high prices is high prices,” as they say. And vice-versa.)

But when the money becomes corrupted, printed up ex nihilo, the value of the information conveyed through each transaction becomes corrupted, too. Consequent price distortions lure investors into deals they otherwise wouldn’t make, for example, turning them into speculators chasing yield. Or they keep wary entrepreneurs on the sidelines, when they might otherwise boldly enter the fray.

Either way, a money nobody can trust ain’t no good for nobody. And the surest way to fiddle with the reliability, predictability and functionality of a money is to crank up the presses and have them go forth and (through the “miracle” of the fractional reserve banking system) multiply. In the end, individual currency units become like the Dollar that Cried Wolf; nobody believes a word from their mouth. That this is the preferred course of action for tyrants and demagogues throughout history leads us to believe this time will be no different. But that’s no good thing.

“Sticking with the inflation policy will be much worse,” Bill warned. “The longer it goes on the more distorted, indebted and fragile the economy becomes. ‘When the money goes, everything goes’ – including the political system… and the social norms that a civilized society depends on.”

As we spend the last few days with visiting family, here in one of the world’s priciest countries (more about which in future Sunday Seshes), we thought you might enjoy a look at what happens when a sound money really begins crying wolf. We published a version of this essay a couple of years ago, back when covid was just getting to be “a thing.” We’ve updated it some, so as to reflect the path on which our minders have since embarked. Please enjoy...
"It’s the Money, Stupid!"
by Joel Bowman

"Where goes sound money, so too goes civil society. From drachma debasement in ancient Greece… to clipped coinage during the Roman Empire. From the freshly-inked assignats rolling off the presses in the lead up to the French Revolution… to the hollowing out of the Weimar Republic during the hyper-inflationary period of the 1920s…It seems that everywhere we look, monetary pride goes before societal decline… and fall.

Whether denominated in Hungarian pengos, Polish zlotys, Brazilian reals or Venezuelan bolivars, experiments in monetary hijinks invariably end in tears. From where we usually spend our days in Argentina’s inflationista capital… to the ruinous state of Zimbabwe, once known as “Africa’s breadbasket” and now little more than an economic basket case… Literally from A – Z, in countries the world over, history is replete with cautionary tales of what happens when the feds crank up the printing presses.

And yet, that hoary old cry, “This time will be different!” urges us on, imploring us to ignore all past and documented experience to the contrary. Why do we fall for such an obvious ruse, over and over and again? Why do we suppose that the immutable laws of economics will be suspended, in our favor, just this once? Is it arrogance or ignorance that causes us to see ourselves as the precious exceptions to history’s iron-clad rule? Perhaps it’s a bit of both…

To Make and Do: We were pondering this phenomenon in light of the Labor Department’s latest inflation figures, published last week. In a nutshell, the report confirmed what ordinary Americans already know, but which appears utterly elusive to the 400+ PhD.s on the Fed’s payroll. Prices are skyrocketing. Here are a few salient line items, courtesy of Forbes:

• Meats, poultry, fish and eggs: 14.2% increase
• Fruits and vegetables: 11.8% increase
• Electricity: 12% increase
• Utility (piped) gas service: 30.2% increase
• Airline fares: 37.8% increase
• Household cleaning products: 9.9% increase
• Rent of primary residences: 5.2% increase

The energy index alone jumped 34.6% year-over-year, its biggest increase since 2005. Both natural gas and gasoline are up too, with prices at the pump hitting new records across the country. And since it’s hard to “make and do stuff” without significant energy input, the rising prices we see tend to be spread broadly, throughout the entire economy.

Of course, rising prices are not the cause of inflation, just as falling down the stairs is not to blame for drunkenness, nor are broken scales the cause of obesity. It is merely an unfortunate symptom of having had too much. Too much hooch. Too much cheesecake. And too much money-printing.

The Feds have created more than $8 trillion dollars this young century. And on February 1, 2022, the Treasury Department reported that the U.S. gross national debt surpassed $30 trillion for the first time ever. For those keeping count at home, that’s about $91k per citizen... or $242k per taxpayer.

A coupla trill’ here… another trill’ there… pretty soon, you’re starting to talk real money! (Or at least, real fake money…) Hmm… what might this potent profligacy portend for the empire’s future? Perhaps a look into the past can provide some clues…

Panem et Circenses: To take just one of the aforementioned examples, that of the French Revolution, the printing presses were rolling long before heads – royal and otherwise – were. Under Kings Louis XV and King Louis XVI, France had run up enormous debt loads, in part thanks to vast warfare expenditures abroad – including backing America in her own war of Independence – and lavish governmental expenses at home. Guns and butter, bread and circuses, welfare and warfare…the items on the shopping list change throughout the ages, but the net effect remains the same.

By the 1780s, France’s balance sheet was in tatters. The country’s General Assembly tried tax increases and spending cuts but such austerity measures proved, then as now, unpopular with the masses and so were soon abandoned. By the end of the decade, all honest options having been exhausted, the French did what so many mere mortals had done before: they looked around for a dishonest one. And they didn’t have to look far.

As the historian Andrew D. White recounted a century later in his rather unimaginatively titled book, “Fiat Money Inflation in France”: "Statesmanlike measures, careful watching and wise management would, doubtless, have ere long led to a return of confidence, a reappearance of money and a resumption of business; but these involved patience and self-denial, and, thus far in human history, these are the rarest products of political wisdom. Few nations have ever been able to exercise these virtues; and France was not then one of these few."

No doubt there were impassioned arguments on both sides, for and against money printing. Opponents pointed to historical disasters, such as the 1720 Mississippi Bubble, still relatively fresh in the Frenchmen’s collective memory.

Proponents, meanwhile, summoned that old saw, tried and true, against which so few politicians can hold their ground. “This time will be different,” they argued… same as always. And so it was that after long deliberation, the General Assembly agreed to a round of money printing…“juste cette fois,” (“just this once”) they’d have told themselves.

The bills, assignats, were to be backed by Church property… especially confiscated for this very purpose. And so, like magic, 400 million of them were put into circulation. And for a while, the old elixir seemed to do the trick. Commerce picked up, confidence rose and people got to work spending their newly inked notes. Oh, to be alive in the Summer of 1790, France! ‘twas surely the place to be!

Cometh the Fall: By the time the leaves had turned from green to yellow, economic activity had begun to slump and, along with it, the hopes of the monetary conjurers and printing press prestidigitators. And then, sure as one season follows the next, “The old remedy immediately and naturally recurred to the minds of men,” observed White, “Throughout the country began a cry for another issue of paper.” Rather than admit they had erred – borrowing from the future that which the present had not yet earned – the General Assembly did what all such assemblies of men in their position do: they doubled down on their devilish deed.

It was not the money-printing itself that was to blame, they rationalized, but rather the magnitude of issuance. 400 million units was simply not enough to stoke the embers and get the fire going again. Perhaps another round would help… But by then, the fix was in. The conversation has shifted from “to print, or not to print?” to how much should be printed. And so, the presses were cranked up once again, and the newly-inked bills were sent forth across the land… 300, 400 and 600 million units at a time...

Here again Mr. White describes the scene: "The consequences of these over issues now began to be more painfully evident to the people at large. Articles of common consumption became enormously dear and prices were constantly rising. Orators in the Legislative Assembly, clubs, local meetings and elsewhere now endeavored to enlighten people by assigning every reason for this depreciation save the true one. They declaimed against the corruption of the ministry, the want of patriotism among the Moderates, the intrigues of the emigrant nobles, the hard-heartedness of the rich, the monopolizing spirit of the merchants, the perversity of the shopkeepers, - each and all of these as causes of the difficulty."

And this was only the beginning. Where sound money had gone, civil society was about to follow… Slowly at first, then all of a sudden, peaceful protests turned violent, and angry mobs began smashing shopfronts and setting fire to businesses. A jilted peasantry thronged the cobblestones, demanding their daily bread, the price of which was cast adrift, afloat on an ever-rising tide of new fiat money.

By the time King Louis XVI received the guillotine’s closest shave, in 1793, there were some 3.5 billion assignats in circulation. And when his wife, Marie Antoinette, lost her own head later that same year, the price of her infamous cake was far beyond the reach of most peasants.

One wonders, when surveying the present-day landscape… with mobs again marching in the street, demanding their just desserts and decrying economic inequality, what role money printing has played in the current malaise.

Heads Will Roll: We see protesters, for instance, berating the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, for proposing to buy Twitter for $43 billion. “He could have cured world poverty for only $6 billion,” they chided. The Tesla CEO has been the beneficiary of the Fed’s EZ money economy, no doubt about it. But he did not print the dollars himself. He merely saw that they were being pumped into the market... and backed up his electric vehicle in anticipation.

Besides, the US alone spends more than the Twitter deal in foreign aid per year, plus countless times that amount pretending to fight poverty at home. (The CATO Institute puts the cost of the War on Poverty at more than $23 Trillion. The poverty rate in the US in 1972 was about 12%... almost exactly what it is today, half a century on...) And anyway, if the proposed buyer of the Little Blue Bird could have made an impact by donating some dollars, surely the proposed sellers – who, after all, stood to receive all the cash – could do the very same thing, no?

But all that’s beside the point. Had the protestors actually read their history, they might be inclined to redirect their righteous indignation toward the nation’s capital instead, specifically to those pulling the levers at the Federal Reserve building, whence the flood of new scrip gushes. Then again, if they really did know the story, they would know too that after the royal heads did roll, it was the Jacobin revolutionaries themselves whose necks were next on the block. Where goes sound money, indeed."

The Daily "Near You?"

Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Thanks for stopping by!

Edward Abbey, "Benedicto"

"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. May your rivers flow without end, meandering through pastoral valleys tinkling with bells, past temples and castles and poets' towers into a dark primeval forest where tigers belch and monkeys howl, through miasmal and mysterious swamps and down into a desert of red rock, blue mesas, domes and pinnacles and grottos of endless stone, and down again into a deep vast ancient unknown chasm where bars of sunlight blaze on profiled cliffs, where deer walk across the white sand beaches, where storms come and go as lightning clangs upon the high crags, where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you - beyond that next turning of the canyon walls."
- Edward Abbey

Musical Interlude: John Prine, "Summer's End"

Full screen recommended.
John Prine, "Summer's End"
"I went down the rabbit hole of youtube and John Prine and I
 found the video called “Summer’s End”. It must have been one of his last.
The humanity of this video just blew me away… it moved me to tears."
- Robert W. Malone, MD

It Takes Courage..."

"Failure is unimportant.
It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."
- Charlie Chaplin