Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Gregory Mannarino, "Full Blown Liquidity Crisis? Or Will The Fed. Continue To Inflate? You Decide"

Gregory Mannarino, PM 2/15/22:
"Full Blown Liquidity Crisis? 
Or Will The Fed. Continue To Inflate? You Decide"

"Fools and Their Money"

"Fools and Their Money"
by Bill Bonner

Youghal, Ireland -"Is the Fed really as incompetent as it appears? Today, we take a look. The Fed’s inflation now vexes consumers… investors… and politicians. CNS: "The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County rose four-tenths of a cent Saturday to $4.754, a record high for the eighth time in the last nine days. The average price has risen 12 of the past 13 days, increasing 8.6 cents, including three-tenths of a cent Friday, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. It is 2 cents more than one week ago, 8 cents higher than one month ago and $1.21 more than one year ago."

And voters are feeling the pinch. One headline put the increase in monthly expenses per household at $256.

“Do something” is the word going out to Fed governors. But ‘go easy,’ says the elite. The last thing it wants is a screaming crash on Wall Street. Yes, the Fed put itself in a vise. On one side is the interest rate suppression and money-printing that has paid the feds’ bills and made the rich richer. On the other side is the Main Street economy, which craves stability, steady prices and honest interest rates. On one side are the 90% of Americans – hard-working families with limited budgets who suffer inflation like tooth decay, painful and debilitating. On the other is Wall Street and the elite, who make the rules… control Congress… and the Fed itself. And now the vise tightens and the Fed’s ‘credibility’ is about to crack.

A Guardrail for Capitalism: ‘Credibility’ is almost always an invitation to disaster. Alexander Hamilton must have thought his credibility was at stake when he agreed to a duel with Aaron Burr. The French under Napoleon III thought their credibility was on the line when they went to war with the Prussians in 1870. And it was a matter of ‘credibility’ that kept US boys dying in Vietnam… and later Afghanistan… long after they should have gone home. What mischief will ‘credibility’ beget this time?

September 2008 was probably the decisive moment. The Fed’s credibility was in question then too. Ben Bernanke, Fed chief, was center stage… addressing Congress. It was a moment that defined Bernanke as a snivelly little grifter; and it defined the Fed too. Thenceforth, it would play the lead role in the destruction of America’s prosperity.

The Fed was meant to be a guardrail for capitalism. A bankers’ bank, it was expected to keep its head when others were losing theirs. It was supposed to maintain an atmosphere of calm calculation and reasoned reflection in order to prevent the sort of panic that leads to chaos and unnecessary losses. But there, on September 10th, was the Fed Chief himself, Benjamin Shalom Bernanke acting as if a giant meteor were about to hit the Rose Garden. He did not seek to restore a mood of quiet deliberation among the nation’s legislators, but to set their hair on fire with visions of Armageddon.

In short, in order to panic Congress into passing a $700 billion bill that not a single member had read… for reasons none understood… he resorted to the biggest whopper ever told by a central banker. With no hint of a smile, Bernanke told Congress that if it didn’t pass its crackpot stimmie bill on Friday, “we may not have an economy on Monday.” This was plainly absurd and everybody knew it.

Too Stupid to Succeed: The mistake investors, householders, businesses and speculators had made was borrowing or lending too much money. They did so largely because the Fed itself had misled them, holding interest rates too low, for too long… and encouraging debt.

But economies don’t cease to function just because the central bank makes mistakes. Left alone, markets correct errors, which is just what the US stock and bond markets were doing. They were separating the good investments from the bad ones. Markets sort out excess debt – quickly and efficiently. The credits are marked-to-market. Debtors default. Debt decreases as intrepid lenders rescue the best of them, while the others are left to sink.

It would have been a huge mistake to step in and stop the rectification process. But that is exactly what Ben Bernanke, an academic economist with no knowledge or understanding of how a real economy works, was doing. His message was breathtakingly naïve and dumbellish. It was like giving your bank details to a Nigerian you met over the internet… and then waiting for the $25 million deposit to come in. Instead of allowing market capitalism to fix its bad debt problems, Bernanke, Yellen and now Powell came in with what the market least needed – more EZ credit. The Fed’s key interest rate was pushed down to ‘effectively zero,’ where it’s been almost ever since. And then, as consumer prices inevitably rose, the Fed’s key lending rate – in real terms – kept going deeper and deeper into negative territory, so that it is now about MINUS 7.4%.

Once the Fed was on the case, not a single large lender went broke. Those that were too stupid to succeed became “too big to fail.” Fools and their money stayed together. Reckless managers got their bonuses… and became more reckless. And the excess debt problem became much, much worse. Total US debt almost doubled, from around $44 trillion in 2008 to $86 trillion at the end of 2021. What kind of way was this to fight a debt crisis?

Alas, the Fed learned nothing. It continues to print money at the rate of $20 billion per week. And it promises to do something to protect its credibility. What? Word on the street is that it is going to raise rates! Maybe even 100 basis points! That would bring the rate to MINUS 6.4%. We get a little dizzy just thinking about it."

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Land of Forever"

2002, "Land of Forever"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"How did galaxies form in the early universe? To help find out, astronomers surveyed a patch of dark night sky with the Very Large Telescope array in Chile to find and count galaxies that formed when our universe was very young. Analysis of the distribution of some distant galaxies (redshifts near 2.5) found an enormous conglomeration of galaxies that spanned 300 million light years and contained about 5,000 times the mass of our Milky Way Galaxy. Dubbed Hyperion, it is currently the largest and most massive proto-supercluster yet discovered in the early universe.
A proto-supercluster is a group of young galaxies that is gravitationally collapsing to create a supercluster, which itself a group of several galaxy clusters, which itself is a group of hundreds of galaxies, which itself is a group of billions of stars. In the featured visualization, massive galaxies are depicted in white, while regions containing a large amount of smaller galaxies are shaded blue. Identifying and understanding such large groups of early galaxies contributes to humanity's understanding of the composition and evolution of the universe as a whole."

“7 Things Fear Has Stolen From You”

“7 Things Fear Has Stolen From You”
by Marc Chernoff

“There is no greater hell than to be a prisoner of fear.”
- Ben Johnson

“Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid; courage means you don’t let fear stop you. Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Don’t ever hesitate to give yourself a chance to be everything you are capable of being. Although fear can feel overwhelming, and defeats more people than any other force in the world, it’s not as powerful as it seems. Fear is only as deep as your mind allows. You are still in control. The key is to acknowledge your fear and directly address it. You must step right up and confront it face to face. This tactic robs fear of its power, instead of fear robbing YOU of…

1. Your true path and purpose. Fear of being different… Don’t be fooled by what others say, especially when they try to tell you what is right for you. Listen and then draw your own conclusions. What is your intuition telling you? There is not a clear path that everyone should follow. Your greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding in life at all the wrong things. Choose a path that fits YOU. Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it. Challenge yourself to ask with each and every step, and each focus point that consumes your energy: “Does this thing I’m doing right now truly serve me and those I care about in the next few minutes, few months, and few years?” Whatever you settle on, just make sure you don’t gain the whole world by losing your soul and purpose in the process.

2. Self-respect. Fear of not being good enough… Don’t be too hard on yourself. There are plenty of people willing to do that for you. Do your best and surrender the rest. Tell yourself, “I am doing the best I can with what I have in this moment. That is all I can ever expect of anyone, including me.” Love yourself and be proud of everything you do, even your mistakes, because your mistakes mean you’re trying. If you feel like others are not treating you with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you subconsciously marked yourself down. Because it’s YOU who tells others what you’re worth by showing them what you are willing to accept for your time and attention. So get off the clearance rack. If you don’t value and respect yourself, wholeheartedly, no one else will either.

3. Your ability to make concrete decisions. Fear of commitment… You cannot live your life at the mercy of chance. You cannot stumble along with a map marked only with the places you fear, or the places you know you don’t want to revisit. You cannot remain trapped, endlessly, in a state where you are unable to ask for directions, even though you’re terribly lost, because you don’t know your destination. You have to commit to goals that speak to you. You have to stand up, look at yourself in the mirror, and say, “It isn’t good enough for me to know only what I DON’T want in life. I need to decide what I DO want.”

4. Priceless opportunities and life experiences. Fear of change and discomfort… As Thich Nhat Hanh so perfectly said, “People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.” In many cases you stay stuck in your old routines for no other reason than that they are familiar to you. In other words, you’re afraid of change and the unknown. You continually put your dreams and goals off until tomorrow, and you pass on great opportunities simply because they have the potential to lead you out of your comfort zone.

You start using excuses to justify your lack of backbone: “Someday when I have more money,” or “when I’m older,” or the over-abused “I’ll get to it as soon as I have more time.” This is a vicious cycle that leads to a deeply unsatisfying life – a way of thinking that eventually sends you to your grave with immense regret. Regret that you didn’t follow your heart. Regret that you always put everyone else’s needs before your own. Regret that you didn’t do what you could have done when you had the chance.

5. General happiness and peace of mind. Fear of facing inner truths… If you keep looking for happiness outside yourself, you will never find it. Happiness is found from within. What you seek is not somewhere else at some other time; what you seek is here and now, within you. The more you look for it outside yourself, the more it hides from you. Relax, remember the source of your deepest desires, and allow yourself to know their fulfillment. A choice, not circumstances, determines happiness. Each morning when you open your eyes, say to yourself: “I, not external people or events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. It’s up to me. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t come yet. I only have today and I’m going to be happy in it.”

6. Your willingness to love, truly and purely. Fear of not being loved in return… Although it is nice when gestures of love are returned, true love is one-way traffic. It’s a pure flow of giving and expecting nothing in return. Anything else is a contract. Notice how whenever you allow love to flow you are always clear, calm and strong. It is only when the thought arises, “What have they given me in return?” that there is confusion and resentment. Ego transacts, love transforms. Life is too short for all these meticulous contracts and transactions.

Look out for yourself by focusing your love in a direction that feels right to you, but once you decide to love, remain clear, remain bright, and remain strong. Love without expectation. Don’t let fear get in your way. When the love you give is true, the people worthy of your love will gradually reveal themselves over time.

7. The right company. Fear of being alone… Sadly, no matter how much love you give, some relationships simply aren’t meant to be. You can try your hardest, you can do everything and say everything, but sometimes people just aren’t worth stressing over anymore, and they aren’t worth worrying about. It’s important to know when to distance yourself from someone who only hurts you and brings you down. When you give your love to someone, truly and purely without expectation, and it’s never good enough for them, there’s a good chance you’re giving your love to the wrong person.

The bottom line is that long-term relationships should help you, not hurt you. Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven and like-minded. And remember, good relationships are a sacred bond – a circle of trust. Both parties must be 100% on board. If and when the time comes to let a relationship go, don’t be hostile. Simply thank the relationships that don’t work out for you, because they just made room for the ones that will.

Next steps… Your biggest fears are completely dependent on you for their survival. Every new day is another chance to change your life, and it’s way too short to let fear interfere. Today, focus your conscious mind on things you desire, not things you fear. Doing so can bring your dreams to life.

Your turn… What has fear stolen from you? What has it stopped you from doing, being, or achieving? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with the community.”

"Can't You See..."

"Can't you see that the courage to risk, to dare, to toss that gold coin up in the air over and over again, win or lose, is what makes humans human? They are fragile, doomed creatures, blinder than worms yet braver than the gods."
- Jennifer Donnelly, "Stepsister"

Free Download: Dr. Ben Marble, "Master List Of Pharmacies By State"

"They Have Already Dosed Half the 
Planet with Slow Acting Lethal Injections"
"Dr. Ben Marble of https://myfreedoctor.com joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the reality of half the planet being dosed with slow-acting lethal injections." Video here: https://banned.video/
"Master List Of Pharmacies By State"
(Including a couple entries that specifically mention District of Columbia.)

"Please Note: We DO NOT accept insurance and will not offer a prior authorization or pre-authorization for medications. This is a function of insurance and we are not able to accommodate these requests. The accessibility of covid treatments through these pharmacies is always changing. It is the responsibility of the patient to call these pharmacies, to verify they are still filling WITHOUT a diagnostic code, to confirm they have a supply of ivermectin in stock, and to confirm pricing and pickup or delivery arrangements. If you find another pharmacy that will fill according to our criteria, it has to be in the database.

We cannot call or fax pharmacies. To find a pharmacy near you that will fill ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, please google pharmacies in your area -within a radius you are willing to travel- and look for independent pharmacies, or compounding pharmacies. Call and ask them if they will fill ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine WITHOUT a diagnosis code. If they will, then you can use them."
Freely Download PDF: "Master List Of Pharmacies By State" here:

"You Cannot Kill Me Here..."

"Relax. They're not going to kill us. They're going to
TRY and kill us. And that is a very different thing."
- Steve Voake, "The Dreamwalker's Child"

"You cannot kill me here. Bring your soldiers, your death, your disease, your collapsed economy because it doesn't matter, I have nothing left to lose and you cannot kill me here. Bring the tears of orphans and the wails of a mother's loss, bring your Jesus on a cross, bring your hate and bitterness and long working hours, bring your empty wallets and love long since gone but you cannot kill me here. Bring your sneers, your snide remarks and friendships never felt, your letters never sent, your kisses never kissed, cigarettes smoked to the bone and cancer killing fears but you cannot kill me here. For I may fall and I may fail but I will stand again each time and you will find no satisfaction. Because you cannot kill me here." 

- Iain S. Thomas

"Michael Pento: 2022 Biggest Stock Market Crash In History Likely"

Full screen recommended.
"Michael Pento: 2022 Biggest Stock Market Crash In History Likely"

"Michael Pento, well known money manager, joins us to describe the current setup as the biggest potential stock market crash in history during 2022. The central bank policies and current actions are leading to a moment that will be remembered for generations."

Michael Pento is a specialist in Austrian economics and is the President of Pento Portfolio Strategies. Prior to starting Pento Portfolio Strategies he served as a senior economist and VP of the managed products division of another well known financial firm. Michael has also created ETFs and UITs that were sold throughout Wall Street. Earlier in his career, he worked on the floor of the NYSE. He is the author of "The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market."

"We Are In a State of Limbo and The Fed Will Do Nothing"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, 2/15/22:
"We Are In a State of Limbo and The Fed Will Do Nothing"
"Everything with the economy is in a state of limbo. The Fed has an emergency meeting and we all think they’re going to raise interest rates. Not only do they not raise interest rates, but they came out with dissenting opinions on what would happen."

"Despite My Firm Convictions..."

"Despite my firm convictions, I have been always a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth."
- Malcolm X

"How It Really May Be, For The Lucky Ones, Sometime In The Future"

Full screen recommended.
Early American, "A Working Class Supper in 1820s America - Winter"
"An Indian meal pudding (an early version of cornbread), sausages with red cabbage and broiled potatoes. Economical yet hearty food to get one through labor through the worst of Missouri's winters. It's early February in the Missouri Territory."

The Daily "Near You?"

Ellijay, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

Gregory Mannarino, "Inflation Is Raging And I Am Pissed Off! More Lies And Propaganda, Distraction"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 2/15/22:
"Inflation Is Raging And I Am Pissed Off!
 More Lies And Propaganda, Distraction"
"If you’re wondering why inflation is running hotter than it has in 40 years and why St. Louis Fed President James Bullard has broken with protocol and is openly criticizing the Fed on television for falling behind the curve on inflation, here’s a key part of that ."

"Walmart Has Started Putting Steaks Inside “Locked Metal Cages” To Keep Shoplifters From Taking Them"

"Walmart Has Started Putting Steaks Inside
 “Locked Metal Cages” To Keep Shoplifters From Taking Them"
by Michael Snyder

"Has it really come to this? We all knew that shoplifting was getting really bad all over the nation, but does Walmart really need to start locking up the steaks? I was stunned when I first learned that pharmacies in our core urban areas were locking up toothpaste and deodorant, but I didn’t think that we were already at a point where supermarkets would start locking up the food. I don’t know about you, but to me this is an extremely chilling omen…Walmart has started securing high-priced steaks inside locked metal cages amid rising crime rates across the U.S., a new viral video has revealed.

Full screen recommended.

I have never seen anything like this in my entire life.

After a man from Florida took a video of this new “packaging” and put it up on TikTok, it quickly accumulated more than four million views… "Michael Fromhold, from Florida, was stunned when he noticed that the meat at his local Walmart had been locked up in what appears to be a rather dramatic attempt to prevent people from stealing it. Michael took a video of it and shared it to TikTok where it quickly went viral – gaining more than four million views in a matter of days – and the clip lead some viewers to lament the fact that such measures have become necessary."

If you see something like this at your local Walmart, please take a photo or a video of it. At this point, it is not clear if these new “security devices” are being rolled out nationwide or just in high crime areas. As the price of meat continues to go higher, steaks will increasingly become desirable targets for professional looters.

Just last week, one man was spotted stealing 10 packages of steaks from a Trader Joe’s in New York City… "As recently as Tuesday, a man was seen stuffing cans of soda into his pants at a Trader Joe’s in Union Square before casually leaving the store, according to footage captured by the New York Post. Just one day before that, another man left the same store with a stack of 10 packages of steaks. Employees told the outlet that they were told not to stop the alleged thief."

And it isn’t just steaks that will need to be locked up. Since Joe Biden entered the White House, just about every category of meat has surged in price… "The price of beef and veal products increased 16.0 percent, according to BLS. That included a 13.0 percent increase in the price of uncooked ground beef; a 17.1 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef steaks; and a 19.2 percent increase in the price of uncooked beef roasts. The price of pork increased 14.1 percent. The price of chicken increased 10.3 percent."

Of course food prices are rapidly escalating across the board, and major grocery chains are now facing a sustained wave of theft that is unlike anything that they have ever experienced before. In fact, things have gotten so bad that the CEO of a major grocery chain in New York says that his company will be hiring retired police officers to help crack down on shoplifters…

"A major New York City grocery chain is buckling down on security measures following a string of brazen retail thefts targeting supermarkets in the Big Apple. John Catsimatidis, the CEO of Gristedes, told FOX Business that the company plans to place retired police officers outside its stores and even offer rewards to customers who provide information on shoplifters." We certainly aren’t too far away from “armed guards on food trucks”, are we?

Everyone agrees that food prices will continue to escalate in 2022, but if Russia invades Ukraine that could take things to an entirely new and dangerous level… "Concerns about an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine are roiling the market for agricultural products like wheat at a time when global food prices are already near 10-year highs. Russia is the world’s top exporter of wheat. Ukraine is also a significant exporter of both wheat and corn. That’s sending prices for grains on a bumpy ride as investors assess the potential for conflict."

In addition, we are being warned that a conflict in Ukraine could result in a “global energy shock”. Energy prices have already begun to spiral out of control, and CNN is telling us that a war in Europe would push the price of oil “above $100 a barrel sooner than earlier projected”… "A Russian invasion of Ukraine could further disrupt supplies of crude, potentially leading prices that are already their highest in seven years and approaching $100 a barrel, to even loftier levels.

“The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is likely to push crude oil prices above $100 a barrel sooner than earlier projected,” said Naeem Aslam, chief market analyst with AvaTrade, in a report Monday. “The potential jump in oil prices depends on what sort of sanctions the United States of America and its allies are likely to impose on Russia if it actually invades its neighbor.”

We have reached such a dangerous moment in our history. Once war begins, there will simply be no going back to “normal”. The Biden administration is about to drag us across a line that nobody will ever be able to uncross.

As I stated yesterday, if the American people truly understood what was at stake they would be flooding the streets in protest all over the nation. But the American people don’t understand what is at stake. Most people simply assume that global leaders couldn’t possibly be foolish enough to start World War 3. Unfortunately, global leaders are far more foolish than most people realize, and we are on the verge of plunging into a conflict that nobody will win."

"Major Shortages At Big Lots! Prices Are Skyrocketing!"

Full screen recommended.
Adventures with Danno, AM 2/15/22:
"Major Shortages At Big Lots! Prices Are Skyrocketing!"
"In today's vlog we visit Big Lots and are seeing major shortages, and empty shelves. With stores struggling to get in products we are also dealing with another issue of skyrocketing prices."

Wendell Berry, “A Warning To My Readers”

“A Warning To My Readers”

“Do not think me gentle
because I speak in praise
of gentleness, or elegant
because I honor the grace
that keeps this world. I am
a man crude as any,
gross of speech, intolerant,
stubborn, angry, full
of fits and furies. That I
may have spoken well
at times, is not natural.
A wonder is what it is.”

- Wendell Berry

"How It Really Is"

And how about you, Good Citizen?

"The Vaccine Death Report"

"The Vaccine Death Report"
by David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD

"Purpose: The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Facts: We aim to only present scientific facts and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. Over one hundred references can be found for all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.

Complicity: The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class-action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice."
Freely download "The Vaccine Death Report" here:
Without comment I present this video by Greg Hunter
 for your consideration, and strongly urge you to view it:

"Unthinkable Thoughts"

"Unthinkable Thoughts"
by Josh Mitteldorf

"This is not what I enjoy writing about, but as I find dark thoughts creeping into my consciousness, perhaps it is better to put them on paper with supporting logic and invite my readers to help me clarify the reasoning and, perhaps, to point a way out of the darkness.

Already in January, 2020, two ideas about COVID were emerging. One is that there were people and institutions who seemed to have anticipated the event, and were planning for it for a long time. Gates, Fauci, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine were among the prescient. (I credit the (now deleted) videos of Spiro Skouras.) Second was the genetic evidence suggesting that COVID had a laboratory origin. Funders of the scientific establishment have lost their bid to ridicule this idea, and it has now leaked into the mainstream, where it is fused with the classical yellow peril propaganda: “China did it!” I have cited evidence that America is likely equally culpable.

The confluence of these two themes suggests the dark logic that I take for my topic today: Those who knew in advance, not only that there would be a pandemic but that it would be a Coronavirus, were actually responsible for engineering this pandemic.

Immediately, I think: How could people capable of such sociopathic enormities be occupying the most powerful circles of the world’s elite? And what would be their motivation? I don’t have answers to these questions, and I will leave speculation to others. But there’s one attractive answer that I find less compelling: that it’s a money-maker for the large and criminal pharmaceutical industry. The new mRNA vaccines are already the most profitable drugs in history, but I think that shutdown of world economies, assassinations of world leaders, deep corruption of science, and full-spectrum control of the mainstream narrative imply a larger power base than can plausibly be commanded by the pharma industry.

Instead, I’ll try to follow the scientific and medical implications of the hypothesis that COVID is a bioweapon.

The Spike Protein: The spike protein is the part of the virus structure that interfaces with the host cell. SARS 1 and SARS 2 viruses both have spike proteins that bind to a human cell receptor called ACE-2, common in lung cells but also present in other parts of the body. Binding to the cell’s ACE-2 receptor is like the wolf knocking at the door of Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. “Hello, grandmama. I’m your granddaughter. Please let me in.” The virus is a wolf wearing a red cape and hood, pretends to be an ACE-2 enzyme molecule seeking entrance to the cell.

In order to enter the cell, the virus must break off from the spike protein and leave it at the doorstep, so to speak. This is an important and difficult step, as it turns out. Unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a trick for making the separation. Just at the edge of the protein is a furin cleavage site. Furin is an enzyme that snips protein molecules, and it is common in our bodies, with legitimate metabolic uses. A furin cleavage site is a string of 4 particular amino acids that calls to furin, “hey — come over here. I’m a protein that needs snipping.”

The most compelling evidence for a laboratory origin of COVID is that coronaviruses don’t have furin cleavage sites, and until last year, this trick has never evolved naturally.
Click image for larger size.

How we think about natural disease: The classical understanding of a viral or bacterial disease is this: A parasite is an organism that uses the host’s resources for its own reproduction. It is evolved to reproduce efficiently. If it has co-evolved with the host, it may be evolved to spare the host’s health, or even to promote it, because this is the optimal long-term strategy for any predator or parasite. But newly-emerged parasites can do well for awhile even if they disable or kill their hosts, and this is the kind of disease that is most damaging to us. The damage is done because the (young) virus’s strategy is to reproduce rapidly and disperse itself into the environment where it can find new hosts. The virus has no interest in harming the host, and was not evolved to this end, but this is a side-effect of commandeering the body’s resources for its own reproduction.

How engineered diseases can be different: A bioweapon virus is designed to cause a certain kind of harm. 

* What kind of harm? It depends on the projected use for the weapon.
* Doesn’t the virus have to reproduce? Probably, for most weapon applications; but a bioweapon is not necessarily designed for rapid reproduction. A bioweapon can be designed as a “sleeper” to remain dormant for months or years, or to cause incremental disability over a long period.

If COVID had evolved naturally, we would expect that its spike protein would be adapted to mate well with the human ACE-2 receptor. There’s no reason to suspect it being otherwise biologically active. But if COVID is engineered, it may be that the spike protein itself has been designed to make us sick.

One reason this is significant is that the vaccines have all been designed around the spike protein, assuming that the spike protein were metabolically neutral. If the virus had been naturally evolved, this is a reasonable assumption. But if it came from a laboratory (whether it leaked or was deliberately released) the spike protein might be actually be the agent of damage. There are several reasons to suspect that this is the case.

The Spike Protein as an Active Pathogen: Back in February, 2020, this article noted that the spike protein was not perfectly optimized to bind to human ACE-2 and put this forward as an proof that “SARS-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus.” But if someone were designing the virus to cause harm, the spike protein would be a convenient locus for the damage vector, so the spike might have been designed with twin purposes in mind, binding and toxicity. The spike protein appears in many copies around the “crown” of the coronavirus. Since each copy has a furin cleavage site at its base, many spike proteins will break off into the bloodstream. We now have several reports and hypotheses concerning the spike protein as an active agent of damage. The spike protein is suspected of causing blood clots, of inducing long-lasting neurological damage, and of causing infertility. Many anecdotes describe injuries to un-vaccinated people who have been in close proximity to vaccinated, prompting speculation about “shedding” the spike protein.

“Individuals with COVID-19 experience a vast number of neurological symptoms, such as headaches, ataxia, impaired consciousness, hallucinations, stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. But autopsy studies have yet to find clear evidence of destructive viral invasion into patients’ brains, pushing researchers to consider alternative explanations of how SARS-CoV-2 causes neurological symptoms….

If not viral infection, what else could be causing injury to distant organs associated with COVID-19? The most likely culprit that has been identified is the COVID-19 spike protein released from the outer shell of the virus into circulation. Research cited below* has documented that the viral spike protein is able to initiate a cascade of events that triggers damage to distant organs in COVID-19 patients.

Worryingly, several studies have found that the spike proteins alone have the capacity to cause widespread injury throughout the body, without any evidence of virus. What makes this finding so disturbing is that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer and currently being administered throughout the U.S. program our cells to manufacture this same coronavirus spike protein as a way to trigger our bodies to produce antibodies to the virus.” [Global Research article, Feb 2021]

Note: the Astra-Zeneca and J&J vaccines are also based on the spike protein, and cause the spike protein to be created in the vaccinated person.

* “Research cited below” refers to this study in Nature which reports that the spike protein, injected into mice, crosses into the brain, where it causes neurological damage.

Bigger news came just this week from a study in which researchers from California’s Salk Institute collaborated with Chinese virologists. They have found that the bare spike protein without the virus (injected in mice) can cause damaged arteries of the kind that lead to heart disease and strokes in humans. The original paper was published in Circulation Research, and the Salk Institute issued a news report describing the research.

One of the most credible dangers of the spike protein involves fertility. None of the vaccines were tested in pregnant women, and yet many government and other authorities are recommending it as safe for pregnant women. VAERS has reported 174 miscarriages to date after COVID vaccination. VAERS is notoriously underreported. I find the anecdotes less concerning than the fact that no one is taking this seriously, and research is being actively discouraged in the best-respected science journals.

There is a credible mechanism, in that the spike protein is partially homologous to syncytin. Syncytin, in fact, was originally a retroviral protein, inserted into the mammalian genome many aeons ago, and evolved over the ages to play an essential role in reproduction, binding the placenta to the fetus. An immune response that attacks syncytin might be expected to be impose a danger of spontaneous abortion. In any ordinary times, this would be a subject that medical researchers would jump on, with animal tests and field surveys to assess the danger. But these are no ordinary times, and the risk is being dismissed on theoretical grounds without investigation. This is especially suspicious in the context of history: a Gates Foundation vaccination program in 1995 was allegedly promoted to young women, causing infertility. (Yes, I know there are many fact-checkers eager to “debunk” this story, but I don’t find them convincing, and some of these fact-checkers are compromised by Gates funding.)

Even doing what the spike protein is supposed to do — tying up ACE2 — can be a problem for our lungs and arteries, which are routinely protected by ACE2.

The most dangerous possibility, suspected but not verified, is that the spike protein causes a prion cascade. Prions are paradoxical pathogens, in that they are misfolded proteins that cause misfolded proteins. Their evolutionary etiology is utterly mysterious, so much so that it took Stanley Prusiner a decade after describing the biology of prions before the scientific community would take prion biochemistry seriously. But prions make potent bioweapons, which laboratories can design outside of natural evolutionary dynamics. The possibility of prion-like structures in the spike protein was noted very early in the pandemic based on a computational study. This recent review combines theoretical, laboratory, and observational evidence to make a case for caution. Once again, I find it disturbing that this possibility is being dismissed on theoretical grounds rather than investigated in the lab and the field.

Where did the idea come from that all vaccines are automatically safe? Why do so many journalists dismiss the suggestion that vaccines should be placebo-tested individually, like all other drugs? Why has it become routine to ridicule and denigrate scientists who ask questions about vaccine safety as politically-motivated luddites, or “anti-vaxxers”? How did we get to a situation where the “precautionary principle” means pressuring young people who are at almost no risk for serious COVID to accept a vaccine which has not been fully tested or approved? I don’t have answers, but I do know who benefits from this culture.

Putting together all the evidence:
• Knowledge beforehand.
• Suppression of treatments and cures.
• Toxicity of the spike protein which, if it had been made by nature, should have been benign.
• Inclusion of the toxic spike protein in the vaccines that are supposed to protect us.
• Heavy promotion of these scantily-tested vaccines and
• Censorship of scientists and doctors who question the vaccines’ safety.

Putting together all this evidence, it is difficult to escape the inference that powerful people and organizations have engineered this pandemic with deadly intent."
Related, Must Read! 
"Everyone Vaccinated For Covid Will DIE, Warns French Virologist"

"There is no chance of long-term survival for anyone who received a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection, according to leading French virologist Luc Montagnier. Everyone who is getting jabbed for the Chinese Virus will die, he reportedly stated during a recent interview, which you can watch at Brighteon.com. “There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated,” Montagnier stated plainly during the segment. “We must be prepared to cremate the bodies.” After studying at length the ingredients contained in the injections and what they do, Montagnier came to the conclusion that every single person who gets the shot will eventually die from antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE. “That is all that can be said,” he added."
Full article here:
"The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what’s actually causing vascular damage in covid patients and covid vaccine recipients, promoting the strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots and other harmful reactions that have already killed thousands of Americans (source: VAERS.hhs.gov)."

Critically, all four covid vaccine brands currently in widespread use either inject patients with the spike protein or, via mRNA technology, instruct the patient’s own body to manufacture spike proteins and release them into their own blood. This floods the patient’s body with the very spike protein that the Salk Institute has now identified as the smoking gun cause of vascular damage and related events (such as blood clots, which are killing many people who take the vaccines). "Put simply, it means the vaccines were designed to contain the very element that’s killing people."
Full article:
Excerpt: “Executives are having their HR staff and their managers, superintendents, floormen, etc., go through and look at the staff that have received the vaccines, and they’re planning on having to replace them all within the next three years. What does that say to you?” The woman does not name herself, but does claim that she runs a company that works in succession planning. We are taking her word for it, but it does resonate with what French virologist and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier recently admitted about what will happen to jabbed people within the next few years. View Brighteon video in article.

“It’s got some of these guys literally in tears as they’re going through the company and literally checking off all of these individuals who have taken the vaccine, knowing that most likely within the next three years they’re going to have to replace that person,” the woman adds. “This is a really big thing in the industry that I’m in. These massive gas and oil companies are looking to have to replace thousands of personnel.”

"What Vaccine Recipients Can Expect Long-Term" (Excerpt)

"What Vaccine Recipients Can Expect Long-Term" (Excerpt)
by Dr. Joseph Mercola

"Story At-A-Glance: For years, Big Pharma has had its eye on mRNA gene transfer technology. In 2019, a Milken Institute panel specifically discussed how they might achieve the transition from conventional vaccine development to novel mRNA technology

A year into the rollout of the COVID jabs, we’re realizing just how lacking scientists’ understanding of these shots is. Or worse, they do understand, and don’t care about the damage they cause

The COVID shots do not contain the identical mRNA found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The mRNA has been genetically manipulated in a process called “codon optimization,” and this process is KNOWN to create completely unforeseen side effects

Codon optimization can result in protein misfolding, which in turn has been linked to lethal conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases and heart failure

Pfizer appears to have been the most aggressive in their codon optimization. In its Risk Management Plan submitted to the FDA, Pfizer admits that the codon optimization they did resulted in elevated gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), which is an early marker of heart failure
Summary: So, to summarize as concisely as I can, Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen all modified the genetic code of their RNA to ensure that the resulting spike protein that your body makes would be more stable, and to bypass protective mechanisms in the cells that prevent viral replication. Without this change, your immune system would simply destroy the mRNA before your cells could start producing spike protein. The problem is that this codon optimization, this genetic rewriting, causes translation errors when your ribosomes - the “machinery” inside your cells that synthesize proteins - process the code.

These translation errors can result in misfolded and malfunctioning proteins. We already know that some protein misfolding is implicated in neurodegenerative diseases and sudden heart failure. But we really have no idea what the misfolded proteins created by the COVID jabs might do. The consequences may be identical to other protein misfolding, or they might result in entirely novel conditions.

To learn more, be sure to listen to the “Planet Lockdown” interview with Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Ph.D., a geneticist and researcher at the French Institute of Health, featured at the top of this article. She explains what RNA is, the theory of how the COVID jabs are supposed to work, and some of the main concerns surrounding their use.

She points out that, if you wanted to create a vaccine, you would not target the part of the virus that is most prone to mutation (the spike protein). One would select a part of the virus that is less likely to mutate. By targeting the spike protein, they set themselves up to produce multiple vaccines to keep up with mutations, so choosing the spike protein might well have been a financial decision.

Moreover, by selecting the spike protein as the target, they chose to program your body to produce the most toxic portion of the virus. We know that the spike protein alone is pathogenic - producing blood clots and abnormal bleeding, for example - even without the rest of the virus. Clotting and/or hemorrhaging is due to the fact that your immune system will attack and destroy the cells inside your vascular system that produce spike protein."
Please view this complete article, with videos, here:

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Full screen recommended.
Tucker Carlson, PM 2/14/22:
"Trudeau Has Declared Canada A Dictatorship"
"‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 
response to trucker protests is a ‘defining moment’ for history."