Friday, October 1, 2021

"The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities Are Being Flooded With Far More Drugs Than Ever Before"

"The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities Are Being 
Flooded With Far More Drugs Than Ever Before"
by Michael Snyder

"An endless tsunami of illegal drugs is turning the streets of our major cities into desolate wastelands, and yet our politicians seem powerless to do anything about it. In fact, in some of our biggest cities the politicians actually don’t seem interested in doing anything about it. As I will discuss below, open air drug markets are operating freely right in the heart of New York City at this moment. Dealers and addicts go about their business without the slightest fear that the police will do anything. Meanwhile, the national death toll just continues to rise. An all-time record 93,000 Americans died as a result of a drug overdose last year. That was an increase of nearly 30 percent from the year before, and authorities are already warning that there will be another huge jump when the final numbers for 2021 come in.

Federal law enforcement authorities are trying to do what they can, but they know that they are fighting a losing battle. On Thursday, they announced that they just seized 1.8 million counterfeit pills, but in the big picture that is only a drop in the bucket.

Right now, federal officials are warning that more fake medications are circulating on our streets than we have ever seen before, and a very large proportion of them contain fentanyl. According to the DEA, the number of fentanyl-laced counterfeit pills that they have been able to intercept has risen by almost 430 percent since 2019… "Counterfeit pills are more lethal than ever before. The number of DEA-seized counterfeit pills with fentanyl has jumped nearly 430 percent since 2019. DEA lab testing reveals that 2 out of every 5 pills with fentanyl contain a potentially lethal dose."

This is one of the biggest reasons why vast hordes of mindless addicts now endlessly roam the streets of our major cities like zombies.
Full screen recommended.
Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave, September, 2021
For these addicts, their primary goal in life is always the next fix, and what most Americans don’t realize is that “most of the counterfeit pills coming into the United States are produced in Mexico and China”… “Drug traffickers, both here and abroad, are increasingly using counterfeit pills to package and distribute the poison that illicit fentanyl is,” said Thomas Hodnett, acting special agent in charge of the DEA’s Philadelphia Division. Law enforcement officials say most of the counterfeit pills coming into the United States are produced in Mexico and China."

You see, the truth is that the drug war never actually ended, and it is being won by the Mexican drug cartels and the Chinese. And thanks to social media, counterfeit pills are now easier to distribute than ever before… "The DEA said the counterfeit pills - made to look like real opioid medications such as oxycodone, Percocet or Adderall - are sold on the street by dealers or online, including through social media platforms." “If you have a smartphone and you’re sitting on the sofa at home … your drug dealer is right there in your hands,” DEA spokesperson Anne Edgecomb said in an interview with NPR.

Of course dealers are constantly having to search for new customers because so many of their existing customers end up dying. Fentanyl is extremely potent, and it only takes a couple of milligrams to kill you… "Mexican drug cartels increasingly are manufacturing the pills with fentanyl, which is at least 30 times more potent than heroin and is fatal in doses of as little as two milligrams. “It’s everywhere,” says Robert Bell, head of the DEA’s Chicago field division. “They’re available in street deals, for purchase online, in schools. It’s very scary.”

This is a major national security crisis, because it is absolutely devastating communities all across the nation. But as I stated at the top of the article, many of our politicians don’t even seem interested in finding a solution.

In New York City, the Garment District has become a horrifying drug-infested cesspool… "The block bordered by 35th and 36th streets, and Seventh and Eighth Avenues, is “littered with used needles, broken glass crack pipes, trash, urine, and feces” as junkies shoot up and dealers brazenly sell drugs, lamented one neighbor on social media. “I’ve personally seen dozens of deals go down. I’ve seen a person OD and nearly die.”
During a single walk around the block last week, The Post witnessed three different people injecting needles in their wrists or fingers in the middle of the afternoon. Each addict sat on the sidewalk or in empty storefronts. Dozens of other junkies sat or lay nearly comatose, many of the men shirtless, on the same block. But instead of doing something about it, the politicians in New York have apparently told the police “to let junkies roam free”… "The NYPD appears to have only a token presence. Two cops stood on Eighth Avenue between 35th and 36th, leaning up against a police van while staring into their phones, as illicit activities swirled around them. But cops have been “effectively ordered” by city and state leaders to let junkies roam free, said Manny Gomez, a former NYPD sergeant and FBI special agent who now heads MG Security Services."

Of course whenever you have large numbers of addicts concentrated in one location you are going to see a spike in crime, and that is precisely what we are witnessing in the Garment District… "Crime in the Midtown South Precinct, which includes the Garment District, is up 41 percent this year through Sept. 19 compared to the same period in 2020, according to NYPD crime data. The most eye-popping spikes are in the number of robberies – which increased 189 percent from 97 to 280 – and felony assaults – which increased 151 percent from 131 to 329."

Sadly, New York is far from alone. For a very long time I have been warning that major cities all over America were being transformed into crime-ridden, drug-infested hellholes, and it is getting worse with each passing year. It has been estimated that approximately 23 million Americans are addicted to drugs, but nobody knows the real number. It isn’t as if there is any sort of a “drug census” that would give us a more accurate count. But what we do know is that the problem is bigger than it has ever been in our entire history.

We have raised entire generations of Americans to believe that their only purpose in life is to serve our soulless, corrupt system. Of course millions of people do eagerly get on the hamster wheel and try to grab as much money and stuff as they can because they think that they will eventually achieve fulfillment that way. But millions of others quickly realize that the game is meaningless and they search out other ways to make themselves happy. A lot of drug addicts didn’t start out as bad people, but their search for happiness ended up taking them down some paths that they never should have gone down.

If you are searching for meaning in life, our society doesn’t have any answers for you. Those that run things just want to control and manipulate you as they make themselves even richer and more powerful. It is imperative that we all learn to think for ourselves, because many of those that don’t learn to think for themselves end up being stuck in their little game for their entire lives."

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 10/1/21"

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 10/1/21"

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will
do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
- John Maynard Keynes
"The more I see of the monied classes,
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw

MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates

CNN Market Data:

CNN Fear And Greed Index:
A comprehensive, essential daily read.
September 30th to October 1st, Updated Daily
Financial Stress Index
"The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spreads, valuation measures, and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average. The OFR FSI incorporates five categories of indicators: credit, equity valuation, funding, safe assets and volatility. The FSI shows stress contributions by three regions: United States, other advanced economies, and emerging markets."
Daily Job Cuts
Commentary, highly recommended:
And now, the End Game...
Oh yeah...

"How It Really Is"

Well, the party's over folks. Welcome to Reality...
Now what?

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Must Watch! “Economy Has Already Crashed, Market Is Next; Investors Crushed Like Cockroaches; Restaurants Dying”

Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/30/21:
“Economy Has Already Crashed, Market Is Next;
 Investors Crushed Like Cockroaches; Restaurants Dying”

Greg Hunter, "Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter"

"Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter"
By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a medical analyst that researches a wide variety of things in the medical world. She’s an expert in getting new drugs and medical devices approved and pass regulatory hurdles. She researched the drug patents for the CV19 vaccine and says the unvaxed are at serious medical risk form the vaxed. Kingston explains, “If you take a look at the biological license approval for Pfizer, it specifically explains that Comirnaty is a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA. What is that? That is a man-made genetic material that coats the spike protein of SARS COV 2. So, people who are injected are producing trillions of the disease causing spike protein, and they can infect other people. This was documented in the August 2015 document by the FDA called ‘Viral Based Gene Therapies’ and shedding analysis and design studies. This is what’s called a viral gene based therapy, and it’s very well documented by the FDA. That is clear evidence that they knew the shedding would occur.”

This is so insidious that the FDA is well aware of unvaxed pregnant women. Kingston says, “Not only can you get sick, but if you get pregnant and are around someone who is vaccinated, that could result in the death of your baby, your baby dying within one month of being born, birth defects and autoimmune disease over its lifetime. That is horrifying.”

Kingston says there are also cases of vaxed parents infecting their unvaxed children. Kingston says, “If you look at the weekly morbidity and mortality reports from the CDC in August, they showed that there was a major spike in cases of hospitalization in children between 1 and 4 years old, then 5 and 12, and 12 to 18 beginning in January and going up very quickly. Well, the children were not supposed to be vaccinated. That’s correct – the parents are. As parents get more and more vaccinated, the children, particularly 1 to 4 year olds, are the highest spike in hospitalizations due to Covid. Children never got Covid before. What they are getting is Covid from their parents being vaccinated.” Kingston gives ways to minimize the risk for the unvaccinated and also some help for the vaccinated with a supplement called NAC.

Kingston says the world needs to wake up to the extreme and contends, “This is absolutely unlawful, and I just can’t believe parents, police officers, healthcare providers and our government are just standing by and basically letting a conspiracy to commit aggravated assault and murder on our children and employees. I am tired of people saying this is conspiracy theory, it’s unproven. It’s not. All these documents are available on the FDA, NIH and”

One thing is for sure, more and more vaxed people and some unvaxed people are going to get sick, and many will also die from the vaccines forced on the world. Can it be avoided? Kingston says, “I think there is a way to avoid this to get the truth out there and to start treating people. Otherwise, yes, let’s heed the words of Dr. Fauci, this time and this time only, which is that we are in for a dark winter.” (What is written here is only a small portion of what is covered. There is much more in the 58 minute interview.)"

Join Greg Hunter on Rumble as he goes One-on-One with 
pharmaceutical and medical device analyst Karen Kingston.

"I'd Still Swim..."

"If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told
the nearest land was a thousand miles away, I'd still swim.
And I'd despise the one who gave up."
- Abraham Maslow

Musical Interlude: Mason Williams, "Classical Gas"

Mason Williams, "Classical Gas"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"Gorgeous spiral galaxy M33 seems to have more than its fair share of glowing hydrogen gas. A prominent member of the local group of galaxies, M33 is also known as the Triangulum Galaxy and lies a mere 3 million light-years away. Sprawling along loose spiral arms that wind toward the core, M33's giant HII regions are some of the largest known stellar nurseries, sites of the formation of short-lived but very massive stars. Intense ultraviolet radiation from the luminous massive stars ionizes the surrounding hydrogen gas and ultimately produces the characteristic red glow. 
Click image for larger size.
To highlight the HII regions in this telescopic image, broadband data used to produce a color view of the galaxy were combined with narrowband data recorded through a hydrogen-alpha filter, transmitting the light of the strongest hydrogen emission line. Close-ups of cataloged HII regions appear in the sidebar insets. Use the individual reference number to find their location within the Triangulum Galaxy. For example, giant HII region NGC604 is identified in an inset on the right and appears at position number 15. That's about 4 o'clock from galaxy center in this portrait of M33."

"A Very Fit Consideration..."

“How vast those Orbs must be, and how inconsiderable this Earth, the Theatre upon which all our mighty Designs, all our Navigations, and all our Wars are transacted, is when compared to them. A very fit consideration, and matter of Reflection, for those Kings and Princes who sacrifice the Lives of so many People, only to flatter their Ambition in being Masters of some pitiful corner of this small Spot.”
- Christiaan Huygens, (1629-1695)

"Has Our Luck Finally Run Out?"

"Has Our Luck Finally Run Out?"
by Charles Hugh-Smith

"Long-term cycles escape our notice because they play out over many years or even decades; few noticed the decreasing rainfall in the Mediterranean region in 150 A.D. but this gradual decline in rainfall slowly but surely reduced the grain harvests of the Roman Empire, which coupled with rising populations resulted in a reduced caloric intake for many people. This weakened their immune systems in subtle ways, leaving them more vulnerable to the Antonine Plague of 165 AD.

The decline of temperatures in Northern Europe in the early 1300s led to “years without summer” and failed grain harvests which reduced the caloric intake of most people, leaving them weakened and more vulnerable to the Black Plague which swept Europe in 1347.

I’ve mentioned the book "The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire" a number of times as a source for understanding the impact of natural cycles on human civilization. It’s important to note that the natural cycles and pandemics of 200 AD didn’t just cripple the Roman Empire; this same era saw the collapse of the mighty Parthian Empire of Persia, the kingdoms of India and the Han Dynasty in China.

In addition to natural cycles, there are human socio-economic cycles of debt and decay of civic values and the social contract: a proliferation of parasitic elites, a weakening of state finances and a decline in the purchasing power of wages/labor. The rising dependence on debt and its eventual collapse is a cycle noted by Kondratieff and others, and Peter Turchin listed these three dynamics as the key drivers of decisive discord of the kind that brings down empires and nations. All three are playing out globally in the present.

In this context, the election of Donald Trump in 2016 was a political expression of long-brewing discontent with precisely these issues: the rise of self-serving parasitic elites, the decay/corruption of the social contract and state finances and the decades-long decline in the purchasing power of wages/labor.

Which brings us to karma, a topic of some confusion in Western cultures more familiar with Divine Retribution than with actions having consequences even without Divine Intervention, which is the essence of karma. Broadly speaking, the U.S. squandered the opportunities presented by the end of the Cold War 30 years ago on hubristic Exceptionalism, wars of choice, parasitic elites and an unprecedented waste of resources on unproductive consumption.

Now the plan – for lack of any real plan – is to borrow trillions of dollars to fund an even more spectacular orgy of unproductive consumption, on the bizarre belief that “money” can be conjured out of thin air in essentially infinite quantities and squandered, and there will magically be no consequences of this trickery in the real world.

Actions have consequences, and after 30 years of waste, fraud and corruption being normalized by the parasitic elites while the purchasing power of labor decayed, the karmic consequences can no longer be delayed by doing more of what’s hollowed out the economy and society.

Which brings us to luck. As a general rule, historians seek explanations which leave luck out of the equation. This gives us a false confidence in the predictability and power of human will and action and cycles. Yes, cycles and human action influence outcomes, but we do a great disservice by shunting luck into the shadows as a non-factor.

If Emperor Pius had chosen someone other than Marcus Aurelius as his successor, someone weak, vain and self-absorbed like so many of Rome’s late-stage emperors, then Rome would have fallen by 170 AD as the Antonine Plague crippled finances and the army, and the invading hordes would have swept the empire into the dustbin of history. It can be argued that only Marcus Aurelius had the experience and character to sell off the Imperial treasure to raise the money needed to pay the soldiers and spend virtually his entire term in power in the front lines of battle, preserving Rome from complete collapse. That was good judgement by Pius but also good luck.

As we ponder luck, consider the estimate that had the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago struck the Earth 30 minutes earlier or later, it would not have generated the Nuclear Winter that destroyed the dinosaurs. (A direct hit in deep water would have spawned a monstrous tsunami, but no dust cloud. A direct hit on land would have raised a dust cloud but without the water vapor/steam generated by the vaporization of millions of gallons of sea water, the cloud wouldn’t have risen high enough to encircle the planet.) That was bad luck for the dinosaurs, and good luck for the mammals who replaced them.

The global economy has been extraordinarily lucky for 75 years. Food and energy have been cheap and abundant. (If you think food and energy are expensive now, think about prices doubling or tripling, and then doubling again.)

In our complacency and hubris, we attribute this to our wonderful technologies, which we assume guarantee us permanent surpluses of energy and food. The idea that technology has reached hard limits or that it could fail doesn’t occur to us. We’ve taken good luck to be our birthright because it’s all we’ve known. We attribute this good fortune to things within our control – technology, wise investments and policies, etc. The possibility that all these powers that we consider so godlike are insignificant doesn’t occur to us because we’ve enjoyed the favorable winds of luck without even being aware of it.

We are woefully unprepared for a long run of bad luck. My sense is the cycles have turned and the good luck has drained from the hour-glass. Energy and food will no longer be cheap and abundant, our luck in leadership will vanish, and our vaunted technologies will fail to maintain an abundance so vast that we can squander the finite wealth of soil, water, resources and energy on mindless consumption.

I’m reminded of a line from an Albert King song, "Born Under a Bad Sign" (composed by Booker T. Jones and William Bell): “If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have no luck at all.” The next five years might have us singing this line with feeling."

"Panic At Sea: 500,000 Containers Stuck At US Ports As Supply Chain Crisis Goes From Bad To Worse"

Full screen recommended.
"Panic At Sea: 500,000 Containers Stuck At US Ports 
As Supply Chain Crisis Goes From Bad To Worse"
by Epic Economist

"Global supply chains are in a state of absolute chaos. Every time things seem to be getting back on track, a new disruption emerges and pushes the entire system to the brink of a collapse. Even the mainstream media is extremely alarmed about the worsening of this crisis. Widespread shortages are being reported all across the country, but the situation may escalate to a whole new level over the coming weeks as millions of supply chain workers are threatening to quit their jobs.

Over the past 18 months, seafarers, truck drivers, and airline workers have dealt with strict travel restrictions, testing requirements, and a crew change crisis that left nearly a million workers stuck at sea for almost a year. After so many challenges, millions of them are reaching their breaking point and planning to quit the workforce, posing yet another risk to congested ports, container vessels, and trucking companies. Last week, the International Chamber of Shipping sent a letter to heads of state attending the United Nations General Assembly warning of a “global transport system collapse” if governments do not lift movement restrictions to transport workers and give them priority to get vaccines so that they can travel freely around the world.

"Global supply chains are beginning to buckle as two years' worth of strain on transport workers take their toll," the groups wrote. The letter was signed by several groups, including the International Air Transport Association, the International Road Transport Union, and the International Transport Workers’ Federation. Together they represent 65 million transport workers globally. "All transport sectors are also seeing a shortage of workers, and expect more to leave as a result of the poor treatment millions have faced during the sanitary outbreak, putting the supply chain under greater threat," it added.

At this moment, the situation is looking particularly dire at our ports. Dozens of cargo ships are arriving every day and having to wait for days to finally get unloaded. In the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, at least 75 cargo ships are carrying an estimated 500,000 containers and no one seems to know what to do and how to handle the unprecedented backlog given that there are not enough dockworkers to empty all of those containers. Never in history, US ports faced such acute congestion. To make things worse, the container backlog on the other side of the world is even bigger. In China, at least 154 container ships full of import cargo are stuck offshore waiting to unload and refill containers with export goods in Shanghai and Ningbo ports, according to eeSea, a company that analyzes carrier schedules. All across the country, a total of 242 container ships are waiting for berths.

Congestion in Chinese ports means that the flow of exports to U.S. importers is significantly constrained. This comes as retailers struggle to restock their inventories before the busy holiday shopping season. Waiting times are more than doubling and shipping delays have become the norm. As this crisis aggravates, we're now being told that this holiday season is going to be a turbulent one. "Retailers are sounding the alarm on the upcoming holiday shopping season due to serious supply chain issues that are slowing shipments of manufactured goods around the world," CBS reported., adding that: "chaos theory in its simplest form says if a butterfly flaps its wings in China, it means rain in Central Park. Well, that applies not just to weather, but supply chains as well, and in the Bay Area, it will impact everything from computer parts for your car to the gifts and toys on your holiday shopping list".

So if you really want to get something for the coming season, you should probably place your order right now, because there's a huge chance that it will not be available later. According to the Chamber of Commerce, the delivery delays are only going to get worse from now on. At the grocery store, soaring food prices have been absolutely devastating for working-poor families who allocate a high percentage of their incomes to basic and essential items. While many Americans are still relying on the false idea that widespread shortages will never become a reality in the world's most prosperous nation, soon enough they will notice that extensive shortages are already here and they will persist for months. The unprepared are usually the ones that end up becoming panic buyers. And once they realize that our leaders won't come up with some sort of quick fix to this crisis, our entire system will be shaken to the core. As the blind lead the blind, our country heads to yet another critical season while most people remain unaware of the looming threats."

The Daily "Near You?"

Bath, Maine, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"US Debt of $30 Trillion Visualized in Stacks of Physical Cash"

Full screen recommended.
Demonocracy Info,
"US Debt of $30 Trillion Visualized in Stacks of Physical Cash"

"Congress Kicks the Can"

"Congress Kicks the Can"
by Brian Maher

"CNBC gives the news: "Congress was poised to prevent a government shutdown Thursday with hours to go before a midnight deadline. The Senate and House both passed a short-term appropriations bill that would keep the government running through Dec. 3. The U.S. will avoid a lapse in funding once President Joe Biden signs it into law. The Senate approved the legislation in a 65-35 vote, as 15 Republicans joined all 50 Democrats. The House passed the bill by a 254-175 margin as 34 GOP representatives and every Democrat supported it."

Barring delays, the House is expected to approve the plan and send it to President Joe Biden before funding lapses. President Joe Biden will of course sign his name to the legislation. We hazard many palms were greased… many backs were scratched… many arms were twisted. Many horses were traded.

“Disaster” Avoided: And so federal workers essential to the Republic’s safety will remain on station - the customs official at Ketchikan, Alaska - for example. The Transportation Security Administration will still defend the aerial ways against infants, their great-grandmothers, the crippled and related hellcats. Social Security checks will still go through the mails. In event of national invasion, the Marines will answer the bugle.

Of course, Congress would never permit an authentic government shutdown. One fellow attempts to seize concessions from the other… to make him blink first. The other pursues an identical strategy. But they come to terms by the fatal hour. The political combat before us is thus reduced to spectacle, a professional wrestling bout with its false feuds, artificial blows and imitation blood. The outcome is pre-decided. And so today the soda can goes rolling down the roadway, kicked plenty hard. You will be treated to the identical show in December, when the present arrangement terminates - depend on it.

913,242.24 Years of Ceaseless Labor: Consider another enormity - the national debt - presently running, again, to $28.8 trillion. You are committed to frugality in government. Each dollar you print you therefore consecrate to retiring the nation’s debt. Thus we multiply 31,709.8 years by 28.8. Here is what we learn: Reducing today’s $28.8 trillion debt to $0… would require 913,242.24 years of ceaseless labor - 13,046.31 lifetimes. Commence today and the job is done in the year of our Lord 915,263.

And we are not factoring interest on this debt. We will spare you the calculations for fear of your sanity. The business seems beyond all human agency, beyond all control. ‘What can I do?’ a fellow wonders. His shoulders he shrugs. His head he bows. He may cluck-cluck his opposition to it all - and what sane man does not?

The Modern Monetary Theory zanies may be for it. They argue that greater and greater debt is the great elixir, the granite foundation of wealth everlasting, the goose that is golden. But our normal man, he is no zany. He has good, hard sense in him. He is sturdy, he is sound. He is also powerless. He is a man resigned..."

Gerald Celente, “Great Reset Coming: Equity Markets Worst Month Since March 2000”

Full screen recommended.
Gerald Celente, PM 9/30/21:
Strong Language Alert!
“Great Reset Coming: Equity Markets
 Worst Month Since March 2000”
“The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times.”

"The Cargo Ship Crisis is Manufactured - Creating Supply Chain Nightmare"

Full screen recommended.
Dan, iAllegedly, AM 9/30/21:
"The Cargo Ship Crisis is Manufactured - 
Creating Supply Chain Nightmare"
"We travel up the coast to the Port of Los Angeles to see all the backed up cargo ships. These ships are waiting to enter the port to get unloaded. It gets worse by the week. Our Economy is collapsing before our eyes."

"An Idiot’s Tale"

"An Idiot’s Tale"
by Bill Bonner

"It is a tale, told by an idiot,

Full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing."
– William Shakespeare

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "Yes, Dear Reader, them vs. us… left vs. right… Democrat vs. Republican – it’s all a fraud. It diverts the masses, while the elite pick their pockets and kick their butts. Stagey… fake… full of sound and fury – the battle over the debt ceiling is just the most recent example.

It’s another “emergency,” says the elite press. Here, sounding the alarm… loud, clear, and phony… is The Hill: "A government default on credit is worse than the most terrifying disaster movies you’ve ever seen. It means the government won’t pay its debts when they’re owed. It means the total loss of trust and confidence in the United States by other governments and foreign financial markets." In three words, it will be “a catastrophic blow.”

Bossed Around: War is politics. Politics is war. The only difference is that in war, people are killed. In politics, they are only robbed… and bossed around. Both are dead ends. They produce no wealth (nothing that people really want, except the pleasure… for a few… of ripping others off). We described the phenomenon in our book "Win-Win or Lose." [Bonner-Denning Letter subscribers can download Bill’s book here. To subscribe, and receive a complimentary electronic copy, just click here.]

There are only two ways to get what you want: either honestly… or dishonestly. You either make it… or you take it. How do you take it? You can rob a liquor store. You can sell a fake crypto coin. Or you can go into politics. We saw on Tuesday how the COVID-19 virus became a political issue. According to news reports, top officials from both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have resigned because they feel they are being pressured to approve the booster shots “and other things.” Apparently, “The Science” is not as sure and settled as we were told. And politics prevailed.

What Credibility? Then yesterday, the debt ceiling came front and center, with almost everyone saying what a catastrophe it would be if the politicians can’t continue to spend more than they take in. But slowing the engines of the Titanic wouldn’t have been such a bad idea. And cutting back the feds’ spending to the 2014 level (so current spending matches current tax receipts, as we suggested yesterday) wouldn’t be a disaster at all.

And here’s The Hill (member in good standing of the Ruling Elite) using the same idiotic, scary language for the debt ceiling as the feds use to sell their shooting wars: "Debt ceiling games endanger US fiscal credibility – again."

Really? How much fiscal credibility can a nation have when it spends $3 trillion dollars more than it can afford… on “investments” that never pay off… and runs up $29 trillion in national debt… and rigs interest rates to keep its debt costs low?

Keep the Racket Going: And what real harm would be done by admitting the truth – that it can’t pay its bills? It’s obvious it can neither tax enough… nor borrow enough (on the open market) to keep up with the bills. It can only keep this racket going by printing more and more money. That is, by resorting to the shadiest kind of “politics,” cheating the public with inflation, rather than taxing them directly. Which is precisely why the debt ceiling brouhaha is a fraud. Both Republicans and Democrats (all of them members in good standing of the Ruling Elite) share the same overriding desire – to keep the jig up.

And while they jump and dance for the media fiddlers, neither wants an honest budget. Neither wants honest money or honest interest rates… or an honest, “win-win” economy. Instead, they are all committed to war and politics… to taking, rather than making.

Partial Truce: CBS News reported last night that a partial truce had been negotiated: "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Wednesday night that an agreement to keep the government funded and prevent a government shutdown has been reached. The short-term government funding bill would keep federal agencies operating through December 3, but it does not address the looming deadline to raise the debt ceiling to avoid U.S. default."

One way or another, the debt ceiling will be smashed… the reckless spending will go on… the Republicans and the Democrats will keep entertaining us with their mock battles…and the decline of the U.S. empire will continue. More to come…"

"How It Really Is"


Gregory Mannarino, "AM/PM 9/30/21"

Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/30/21:
"The Economy Is Cratering Faster"
Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/30/21:
"Yellen Warns Again And Stocks Fall"

"Even The Liberal Media Is Warning Of A 'System Collapse' Due To The Failure Of Global Supply Chains"

"Even The Liberal Media Is Warning Of A 'System Collapse' 
Due To The Failure Of Global Supply Chains"
by Michael Snyder

"If CNN starts sounding like The Economic Collapse Blog, what does that mean? Unfortunately, the truth about what is in our immediate future is becoming apparent to everyone. Global supply chains are in a state of complete and utter chaos, and this is driving up prices and causing widespread shortages all over the country. Over the past couple of weeks, I have written five articles with either “shortage” or “shortages” in the title, and some have accused me of being a little alarmist. If that is the case, then CNN is being alarmist too, because one of their top stories today openly warned of a “global transport system collapse”

In an open letter Wednesday to heads of state attending the United Nations General Assembly, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and other industry groups warned of a “global transport system collapse” if governments do not restore freedom of movement to transport workers and give them priority to receive vaccines recognized by the World Health Organization.

For decades, we have all been able to take our extremely complex supply chains for granted. Things have always been where they need to be when they needed to be there, and many of us just assumed that it would always be that way.

But now organizations that represent 65 million transport workers around the globe are openly warning that “global supply chains are beginning to buckle”… “Global supply chains are beginning to buckle as two years’ worth of strain on transport workers take their toll,” the groups wrote. The letter has also been signed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). Together they represent 65 million transport workers globally. “All transport sectors are also seeing a shortage of workers, and expect more to leave as a result of the poor treatment millions have faced during the pandemic, putting the supply chain under greater threat,” it added."

Things are particularly bad at our ports. Right now, there is a backlog of approximately 500,000 shipping containers waiting on ships off the west coast waiting to be unloaded… As an estimated 500,000 containers are sitting on cargo ships off the Southern California coast, many are wondering how to handle the backlog.

Needless to say, we have never seen anything like this before. But what most Americans don’t realize is that the backlog off the coast of China is even worse…"There are over 60 container ships full of import cargo stuck offshore of Los Angeles and Long Beach, but there are more than double that - 154 as of Friday - waiting to load export cargo off Shanghai and Ningbo in China, according to eeSea, a company that analyzes carrier schedules.

The number of container ships anchored off Shanghai and Ningbo has surged over recent weeks. There are now 242 container ships waiting for berths countrywide. Whether it’s due to heavy export volumes, Typhoon Chanthu or COVID, rising congestion in China is yet another wild card for the trans-Pacific trade."

If you are waiting for something to come in from overseas, you may be waiting for a very long time. Because of all the chaos, we are being warned that this could be a holiday season like no other…"Retailers are sounding the alarm on the upcoming holiday shopping season due to serious supply chain issues that are slowing shipments of manufactured goods around the world."

Chaos theory in it’s simplest form says if a butterfly flaps its wings in China, it means rain in Central Park. Well, that applies not just to weather, but supply chains as well, and in the Bay Area, it will impact everything from computer parts for your car to the gifts and toys on your holiday shopping list. If there is something that you really want to get your hands on, you might want to order it now, because it may not be available later.

In addition to shortages, supply chain issues are also pushing prices significantly higher. For example, we just learned that the price of bacon has risen almost 28 percent over the past year… "The average price for that slab of bacon to accompany the Sunday morning spread has jumped nearly 28% during the past 12 months, inflation-adjusted Consumer Price Index data show."

The supply chain issues and inflationary pressures that have become all-too common in these pandemic times certainly have played theirs roles in the pork price hikes, alongside a slew of industry-specific influence. A lot of people may be forced to stop eating bacon as a result of soaring prices, and from a health perspective that is not a bad thing.

And the price of bacon is going to continue to go higher, because U.S. hog herds are shrinking at a brisk pace… "US hog herds experienced the most significant monthly drop in two decades, according to new data from the USDA. The reason behind the drop is because farmers decreased hog-herd development over the last year due to labor disruptions at slaughterhouses plus high animal feed.

USDA data showed the US hog herd was 3.9% lower in August than a year ago. It was the largest monthly drop since 1999 after analysts only expected a decline of about 1.7%, according to Bloomberg."

Many of you already don’t eat bacon, and so what I just shared may not affect you, but what about a shortage of potatoes?Incredibly, it is being reported that some fast food outlets are now running out of French Fries. The following comes from Matt Stoller… "My favorite story is quintessentially American, and un-American, at the same time. It’s from a Florida realtor who was in a hurry and stopped at a Burger King for lunch. He saw a sign, “Sorry. No French Fries with any order. We have no potatoes.” At first he thought he was imagining things. What kind of fast food place runs out of fries? Is this, he wondered, a sign of things to come?"

It’s a good question. Fast food exists in a land of plenty, of surplus, of mass produced food with a reliable infrastructure of trucks, trains, farms, and distributors. Shortages of everyday goods conflicts not only with most of our lived experiences, but also with our very conception of who we are. There’s a name for this framework, and it’s called affluence. I really like how Stoller made that last point.

So many of us think that since we are the most prosperous nation on the entire planet that long-term shortages could never happen to us. But they are happening. And if you think that what we are experiencing now is bad, just wait until we get a few more years down the road.

From the very top to the very bottom, our entire economic system is being shaken. If you are expecting our national leaders to come in with some sort of a quick fix to this crisis, you are going to be waiting a really, really long time. The blind are leading the blind, and the months ahead are going to be very challenging."

“You Are a Cretin”

“You Are a Cretin”
by Brian Maher

"Your editor - we regret to inform you - is a cretin. This we have on the authority of reader Matt P. Matt’s note lists credentials indicating he is a man of high finance. He is evidently a grandee at a New York financial concern. From whom: "Brian Maher is a cretin. I just visited the website and saw his “The Most Dangerous Man” piece. Invoking bad statistics and the typical slew of denialist blather, he is clearly deficient in most intellectual respects. Thank you for sharing. Yep…" And we do thank Matt for sharing. We adore his ferocity, his heat, his righteous zeal to denounce our evils and to put us to rights. We have no doubt that he is with the angels... and that they are with him.

Bad Statistics: Matt refers of course to Sept. 23’s Reckoning, bearing the title he cites above. We do not know the statistics to which he refers - he did not specify our particular botchwork. Here were the only statistics we cited. The first: All evidence - we are told - indicates transmission is an indoor hazard.

Yet the state of Oregon requires facial coverings in most outdoor spaces where asocial distancing is not possible… including the vaccinated. Our men inform us the same state of Oregon has endured a 73% increase in cases since the edict entered effect - incidentally. That 73% is a figure plenty handsome. Would Oregon have endured an even greater increase absent the outside mask mandate? We do not know how the figures would differ to any plausible degree.

Yet we are willing to take correction if facts warrant. Recall, we are clearly deficient in most intellectual respects. Hopefully… by God’s grace... not all intellectual respects. Yet doubt haunts our sleepless and fitful nights. But to proceed…

Great Britain: Here is our second mangled statistic: In Great Britain, 75% of the deceased are vaccinated. We received recent correspondence from an overseas colleague. He cited reasons why the statistics lean toward Matt. That is, evidence why elevated vaccinated sicknesses and deaths do not equal vaccine failure:

"Of course the percentage of vaccinated in hospitals goes up. The more people you vaccinated, the higher the ratio of cases that you see will be those that “break through” the medical barrier. Simply because the ratio of unvaccinated to infected has gone down, as has the overall pool of infected/hospitalized. The vaccinated cases are simply a larger ratio of a smaller pool."

Just so. Perhaps there is justice here. But the 75% statistic we cited represents far more than an increase - if accurate. Of course… as we have argued previously, statistics are lovely liars. They often tell gorgeous tales. In improper hands they are devils. Thus we empty our hands of them… and place them into holier hands.

Higher Death Rate Among the Vaccinated: Here are two men alert to statistical wizardry, alert to statistical feints and ploys, alert to statistical fabulism… Here Messieurs Norman Fenton and Martin Neil - both masters of the statistical arts and sciences - penetrate the British numbers: It turns out that, even [accounting for this] age-adjusted mortality rate, the death rate is currently higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated… In contrast to the unvaccinated, the mortality rates for the vaccinated have initially increased from very low initial values, but then have increased, whilst that for the unvaccinated has decreased…

We can conclude that the Office for National Statistics' own data does not support the claims made for vaccine effectiveness/safety. Other professional statisticians may disagree. Yet we are fond of bad statistics. Thus these are the cherries we pluck from the branches. Here is another fine cherry, another bad statistic…"95% of Hospitalisations Are Vaccinated." Victoria, Australia, reported 867 fresh COVID cases Tuesday. And 375 require hospitalization. Of these, 81 require intensive treatment and 61 require ventilation. Were the majority vaccination-free? They were not emphatically not.

Victoria’s health minister claims: “Of the people who were in hospital yesterday, 78% were vaccinated and 17% were partially vaccinated”… That is, 95% of these miserables languishing in Victorian sick houses are vaccinated - and 78% vaccinated to the brim. The virus nonetheless has them by the throat. Now come home…

Some 70% of fully vaccinated inmates in one Texas prison suffered infection, says the Centers for Disease Control. It is also true that 93% of unvaccinated inmates likewise suffered affliction. The potions skewed the odds in a favorable direction. Yet is a 70% infection rate among the vaccinated a triumph?

A Hypothetical: If 70% of women taking birth control medicines soon began swelling in the abdomen… would the medicines be a success? And what if it sickened them - or murdered them? According to bad statistics disseminator and “cancelled” Dr. Joseph Mercola, the vacciness just may sicken and murder:

As of Sept. 3, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received 675,591 reports of adverse events following vaccination. Of these, there were 14,506 deaths, 6,422 heart attacks and 5,371 cases of pericarditis or myocarditis. It is important to note that the VAERS has tracked adverse events since 1990. In 2019, there were 605 reports of deaths from all vaccines given. In 2021, there were 14,594 deaths reported in nine months. What if the numbers are far, far greater?

Although these numbers are significant, a 2010 Harvard study commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services revealed data demonstrating the VAERS likely only represents approximately 1% of those who are injured.

Next we come to our third statistical example, the Israeli example. From the Sept. 23 Reckoning: In Israel, perhaps the most vaccinated nation of Earth, the vaccinated are likewise being savaged. The medical director at Jerusalem’s Herzog Hospital claims 95% of severe cases therein are vaccinated - fully vaccinated. Yet perhaps Jerusalem’s Herzog Hospital fails to represent the Israeli scene in its totality.

"Most of the Hospitalized Patients Are Actually Vaccinated": Science magazine nonetheless reported that… through Aug. 15… 59% of hospitalized Israelis had been fully vaccinated. A certain Uri Shalit - bioinformatician at the Israel Institute of Technology - claims "most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated." Meantime, The Times of Israel reports “the current wave of coronavirus infections is surpassing anything seen in previous outbreaks.” Yet 84% of Israelis aged 12 and over are inoculated. Still the nation “boasts” being among the world’s highest number of cases per capita.

We expect to land in Matt’s canine house for peddling additional bad statistics. Then let Dr. Leana Wen join us. Dr. Wen is a CNN medical analyst. She is a vaccination enthusiast. Yet she concedes the vaccinated are presently more vulnerable to the Delta variant. They haul around a larger cargo of virus than the unvaccinated. And so she maintains the vaccinated hold the unvaccinated at gunpoint.

Vaccinated People Are Dangerous to Others: Perhaps it is the unvaccinated who should shun the vaccinated… rather than the reverse. Here is Dr. Christian Perronne - fellow of France’s renowned Institut Pasteur - and former vice president of the WHO’s European Advisory Group: "Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants and transmission. It’s been proven in different countries… Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. It’s proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel. They’re having big problems now; severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the U.K. also, you had a larger vaccination program and also there are problems."

Perhaps this fellow stretches the facts. We do not know. Yet of this we are presently confident: A “pandemic of the unvaccinated”… is a fabulous fiction.

Denialist Blather: What of Matt’s claim that we spew “denialist blather”? What are we in fact denying? We have never denied the virus is a potential murderer. We never denied it is a menace to many. The aged, the existing sick, the obese… all of these suffer elevated risk… as we have acknowledged.

We have never counseled against vaccination - only that readers should arm themselves with a full magazine of facts - to arrive at an informed decision. Yet what about the robust? What about the young? The odds favor them to astonishing degrees. Very few end up in the hospital or over the rainbow. Why should they require vaccination… especially with vaccines that may not be formidable? And why should the naturally immune require vaccination when studies indicate their armor is perhaps 27 times thicker than the vaccinateds’?

We nonetheless acknowledge Matt for his high service to the human species… by exposing our villainies and declaring us infamous. In token of his high service... We are dispatching Matt, by way of United States mail, a preliminary draft of a book we are currently preparing.We trust the high quality of the statistics therein will astound Matt and gobsmack him. They will knock him over. And they will persuade him. He will take our conclusions aboard.

The book bears this tentative title: "Trump Was Right: Drink Bleach, Cure COVID."

Cretinously yours,"
Brian Maher

Wednesday, September 29, 2021