Wednesday, November 25, 2020

"The Dow Just Hit 30,000, But Meanwhile The Real Economy Is Having A Meltdown"

"The Dow Just Hit 30,000, 
But Meanwhile The Real Economy Is Having A Meltdown"
by Michael Snyder

"Did you hear the good news? The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 30,000 for the first time ever this week. In the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, the stock market has been soaring to heights that we have never seen before. What we have been witnessing is completely insane, but I suppose that if the entire system is utterly doomed, we might as well go out with a bang.

I have often said that the stock market has become entirely detached from reality, and that statement has never been truer than it is right now. For the companies listed on the S&P 500, profits are down about 48 percent compared to last year. But fundamentals do not seem to matter in the giant casino that Wall Street has become.

Instead, the key is to create as much buzz and speculation around your company as possible. In this type of environment, a mirage known as “Tesla” can be worth more than all of the other major automakers in the entire world combined: "The electric car maker’s shares continued to climb more than 4% on Tuesday, increasing its total market value above $500 billion for the first time. Tesla’s market cap rose to more than $520 billion Tuesday afternoon. Tesla (TSLA) is now worth more than the combined market value of most of the world’s major automakers: Toyota (TM), Volkswagen (VLKAF), GM (GM), Ford (F), Fiat Chrysler (FCAU) and its merger partner PSA Group (PUGOY)."

Anyone that believes that Tesla is actually worth 500 billion dollars is probably clinically insane. But of course there are hundreds of other big corporations that are wildly overvalued at the moment as well.

Meanwhile, the real economy continues to implode. According to Fox Business, we are facing “a tidal wave of evictions at the end of the year”: "The U.S. is facing a tidal wave of evictions at the end of the year unless the federal government, in the eleventh hour, extends key pandemic-related protections for millions of renters and homeowners. More than 5.8 million adults say they are somewhat to very likely to face eviction or foreclosure over the course of the next two months, according to a U.S. Census Bureau survey completed Nov. 9. That represents about one-third of the 17.9 million Americans who were behind on their rent or mortgage payments last month."

The reason why millions upon millions of Americans are in danger of losing their homes is because we have seen an unprecedented tsunami of unemployment in 2020. More than 70 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment this year, and there has never been another year in all of U.S. history when we have even seen half that number.

This absolutely massive wave of job losses has pushed millions of Americans into poverty, and hunger is on the rise all over the country. The following comes from Simon Black: "New York City is up 33% this year. St. Louis is up 66%. In Oregon it’s up 100%. I’m not talking about real estate prices, local budget gaps, or even property tax rates. These are the startling increases in the number of people across the country, and the world, who are in need of food. But at least the stock market is doing well, right?

In Texas, the CEO of one food bank says that the number of people that they are helping has doubled this year: "Eric Cooper, CEO of the San Antonio Food Bank, told CNBC that his Texas food bank now feeds double the amount of people it used to compared to before the coronavirus pandemic gripped the United States. “Pre-pandemic we fed about 60,00 people a week and now we’re seeing about 120,000 per week, and most of those are new to the food bank, and have never had to ask for help before,” Cooper said during a Tuesday evening interview on “The News with Shepard Smith.”

And what makes all of this even more heartbreaking is the fact that most of the households that need assistance have children living at home. Just check out these numbers from Washington state: "Nearly one-third of Washington households have struggled to get enough to food at some point since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, a new study found. Of the 30% of households that experienced food insecurity, 59% had children living at home, according to the Washington State Food Security Survey, put together by a team of professors and researchers at Washington State University, the University of Washington and Tacoma Community College."

Now another wave of lockdowns is being instituted all over the nation, and that is going to take the level of economic suffering in this country to an even higher level. For many workers, being laid off just before the holidays is especially painful: "Waiters and bartenders are being thrown out of work – again – as governors and local officials shut down indoor dining and drinking establishments to combat the nationwide surge in coronavirus infections that is overwhelming hospitals and dashing hopes for a quick economic recovery."

And the timing, just before the holidays, couldn’t be worse. Can you imagine just barely making it through the first round of lockdowns and then being told that you have to do it again?
This is the reality that so many Americans are facing at this moment. For example, this is what 34-year-old Tracey Grey told CBS News about her situation: "My savings are depleted. If 10 of my clients cancel their membership, right now, I’m done. When I say I’m literally just making it, I am literally just making it. I’m one paycheck away and that’s not even an exaggeration."

Now more than ever, the stock market is not a barometer for the health of the overall economy. The truth is that an economic collapse has begun, and over time it will get much, much worse. But for the moment, nothing you can say will keep the ultra-wealthy from feeling euphoric as they monitor their rapidly rising stock portfolios. For them, this will definitely be a very happy Thanksgiving. But for most of the rest of the country, the current state of affairs is nothing to smile about."

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

"Dow Jones Historic 30K As Millions Can't Pay Rent; Millions Jobless; Millions Hungry; Millions Broke"

Jeremiah Babe,
"Dow Jones Historic 30K As Millions Can't Pay Rent; 
Millions Jobless; Millions Hungry; Millions Broke"


"Life is the hyphen between matter and spirit."
- A.W. and J.C. Hare, "Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers," 1827

"As Americans..."

''As Americans, we must ask ourselves: Are we really so different? Must we stereotype those who disagree with us? Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist fascist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco juice-dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or that ALL blue-state residents are godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts?''
- Dave Barry

"There Were Two Americas Today As Dow Struck 30,000"

"There Were Two Americas Today As Dow Struck 30,000"
by Tyler Durden

"The K-shaped economic recovery, one where the rich grow richer and the working-poor are crushed with job loss and insurmountable debts, was on full display Tuesday afternoon as the Dow Jones Industrial Average crossed 30,000 for the first time. 

By mid-afternoon, hours after the DJIA soared to new highs, Bloomberg tweeted a disturbing video of yet another massive food bank line, something we've been highlighting this fall as an increasing occurrence as covid winter continues to crush the working-poor.  Today's food bank lines were situated in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where hundreds of vehicles were lined up "at a local stadium parking lot," Bloomberg said. The lines snaked around a parking lot, with an overflow of vehicles pouring out onto the city street. 

- Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) November 24, 2020

On Monday, we noted that on Dec. 31, many of the key provisions in the CARES Act are set to expire if there is no action from Congress. This could be catastrophic for 12 million America who will lose access to their Emergency unemployment benefits activated in the aftermath of the covid pandemic, which alone could be a drag of up to 1.5% to growth in 1Q, according to a recent Bank of America report. 

Additionally, the expiration of eviction moratorium, mortgage forbearance programs, and suspension of student loan payments could compound the working poor's financial stresses, many of whom, about 21 million of them, are unemployed and receiving benefits from the government. 
Click image for larger size.
In today's America, massive food bank lines are becoming a common occurrence once more - similar to what was seen in the early days of the pandemic. Earlier this month, the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) handed out more than 600,000 pounds of food to 25,000 hungry people - one of the largest-ever food giveaways, explained NTFB officials. 

Thousands of cars lined up to collect food in Dallas, Texas, over the weekend, stretching as far as the eye can see.
- CBS News (@CBSNews) November 16, 2020

While other stimulus packages could be introduced under the Biden administration, America's working poor has been permanently scarred for years and financially set back a decade.  The K-shaped recovery is getting worse - dropping helicopter money has yet to fix the economy as promised earlier in the year as millions of families are set to go without food this holiday season. 
Click image for larger size.
Just a reminder, a rising stock market tide doesn't lift all boats."

"The U.S. Dollar Is Being Systematically Destroyed, And We Are On A Path That Leads To Hyperinflation"

"The U.S. Dollar Is Being Systematically Destroyed,
 And We Are On A Path That Leads To Hyperinflation"
by Epic Economist

"The U.S. dollar is being systematically destroyed and economists are alerting for a dollar collapse by the end of 2021, with an over 50% chance of a double-dip recession. Seen that more and more stimulus will be issued to stop the bleeding of the economy and the financial markets, we have been caught up in a path that will inevitably lead to a hyperinflationary Great Depression. Why should we all be worried about this? Because it literally means that the deterioration of our purchasing power will become so extreme that our currency will lose its dominance in international trades, which of course, would spark a catastrophic financial disaster, while severely damaging our prospects for an accomplished economic recovery. To better illustrate how we're falling into an economic and financial hell hole, in this video, we present the sharpest, most critical assessments market strategists and economists have been unceasingly shouting and our leaders keep pretending not to listen. 

"If we keep treating the U.S. dollar like it is toilet paper, it is just a matter of time before our entire financial system goes down the tubes". That's what economic collapse writer and analyst Michael Snyder outlined in his latest article. It may seem a harsh assessment at a first glance, but all evidences suggest that he might be right. Currently, the U.S. dollar still holds its position as the world's primary reserve currency, which grants us some perks since we have control of it. However, it appears that our leaders are taking the dollar's leading status for granted, and the persistence on the enaction of reckless monetary policies is already prompting major countries to start massively abandoning the dollar as a trade currency. And everything signals that authorities will persist with their liquidity injection delirium while maintaining to the public their constant "support" to the markets is a viable solution, when, in essence, all they have been doing is putting a band-aid on a trillion-dollar open wound. 

In reality, not content with this year's record-low interest rates, the Federal Reserve may stretch them for years. Last Monday, Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles Evans said there is still “quite a long way to go” for the U.S. recovery from the health crisis, disclosing that he projects that the Fed will "keep interest rates at their current near-zero level until perhaps into 2024". Evidently, the federal government will keep pumping “stimulus package” after “stimulus package” regardless of who enters or leaves the White House. Simply put, this "free money" may even be helpful to assist unemployed citizens in the short term, but as we are well aware by now, the largest chunk of these trillion-dollar liquidity injections stay trapped into the financial markets, and consumer spending isn't considerably benefited on the long run. The result of it is essentially a huge inflation that pushes prices up, dramatically compromising our purchasing power. That's why Williams says that we are literally on the verge of a hyperinflationary catastrophe.

On a similar note, the economist Stephen Roach told CNBC last week that the "seemingly crazed idea" that the US dollar would collapse against other dominant currencies in the post-outbreak global economy is not so crazy anymore. Last June, Roach predicted a dollar crash that would collapse its value by 35% against other major currencies within the next couple of years. Roach based his prediction on historical evidence, exposing that in 8 of the past 11 business-cycle recoveries economic output has rapidly climbed and then sharply fallen. The economist who is also a former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, also said he can anticipate a more than 50% chance of a double-dip recession in the United States.

Since the dollar's fate has already been traced, Williams, Snyder, Roach, and pretty much every economy analyst and market watcher have been defending that the best way to protect your wealth is coming back to hard money. As Williams perfectly summarizes: "To save yourself, you have to preserve your wealth, your dollar assets. To do that, you have to convert your dollars into physical gold and silver, precious metals, and just hold them. They will retain value over time as opposed to paper dollars that will effectively become worthless. You’ll be getting a lot of money from the government, and they will keep giving you more and more and more, but that’s going to be an environment of rising and rising inflation. It’s not necessarily going to buy you more. Hyperinflation will bring political disruption. Hyperinflation is a form of default. Gold is telling us hyperinflation is straight ahead of us.”

Gregory Mannarino, "Alert: DOW 30,000. Hidden In Plain Sight: Fed. 'Sees Light At The End Of The Tunnel.'"

Gregory Mannarino,
"Alert: DOW 30,000. Hidden In Plain Sight:
 Fed. 'Sees Light At The End Of The Tunnel.'" 

Musical Interlude: 2002, "Land of Forever"

2002, "Land of Forever"

"A Look to the Heavens"

"How did galaxies form in the early universe? To help find out, astronomers surveyed a patch of dark night sky with the Very Large Telescope array in Chile to find and count galaxies that formed when our universe was very young. Analysis of the distribution of some distant galaxies (redshifts near 2.5) found an enormous conglomeration of galaxies that spanned 300 million light years and contained about 5,000 times the mass of our Milky Way Galaxy. Dubbed Hyperion, it is currently the largest and most massive proto-supercluster yet discovered in the early universe.
A proto-supercluster is a group of young galaxies that is gravitationally collapsing to create a supercluster, which itself a group of several galaxy clusters, which itself is a group of hundreds of galaxies, which itself is a group of billions of stars. In the featured visualization, massive galaxies are depicted in white, while regions containing a large amount of smaller galaxies are shaded blue. Identifying and understanding such large groups of early galaxies contributes to humanity's understanding of the composition and evolution of the universe as a whole."

"Here We Are..."

"Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."
- Kurt Vonnegut
But perhaps there's something that transcends "no why..."

"If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering."

"The way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it entails, the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity - even under the most difficult circumstances - to add a deeper meaning to his life. It may remain brave, dignified and unselfish. Or in the bitter fight for self-preservation he may forget his human dignity and become no more than an animal. Here lies the chance for a man either to make use of or to forgo the opportunities of attaining the moral values that a difficult situation may afford him. And this decides whether he is worthy of his sufferings or not."
- Viktor Frankl

"Quiet Please! Taming 'Monkey Mind' in Meditation"

"Quiet Please! Taming 'Monkey Mind' in Meditation"
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM

"We all have the endless chattering and noise in our head often referred to as the monkey mind. It’s been called the monkey mind – the endless chattering in your head as you jump in your mind from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your relationships, or worry over the future. Eventually, you start to feel like your thoughts are spinning in circles and you’re left totally confused.

One way to tame this wild creature in your head is through meditation – although the paradox is that when you clear your mind for meditation you actually invite the monkey in your mind to play. This is when you are given the opportunity to tame this mental beast by moving beyond thought – to become aware of a thought rather than thinking a thought. The difference is subtle, but significant. When you are aware of your thoughts, you can let your thoughts rise and float away without letting them pull you in different directions.  Being able to concentrate is one of the tools that allows you to slow down your thought process and focus on observing your thoughts.

To develop your concentration, you may want to start by focusing on the breath while you meditate. Whenever your monkey mind starts acting up, observe your thoughts and then return your focus to your breath. Some breathing meditations call on you to focus on the rise and fall of the breath through the abdomen, while others have you concentrate on the sound of the breath. Fire can also be mesmerizing, and focusing on a candle flame is another useful tool for harnessing the mind. Keep the gaze soft and unfocused while observing the color, shape, and movement of the flame, and try not to blink. Close your eyes when you feel the need and continue watching the flame in your head. Chanting, devotional singing, and mantras also still the mind. However you choose to tame the monkey mind, do so with firm kindness. The next time the chattering arises, notice it and then allow it to go away. With practice, your monkey mind will become quiet and so will you."
Try this:

Free Download: T. S. Eliot, "Four Quartets"

“Little Gidding”, Excerpt

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started 
And know the place for the first time. 
When the last of earth left to discover 
Is that which was the beginning; 
At the source of the longest river 
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree.

Not known, because not looked for 
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always - 
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flames are in-folded 
Into the crowned knot of fire 
And the fire and the rose are one.”

- T.S. Eliot

The "Little Gidding" is the last of T. S. Eliot's "Four Quartets," 
which you may freely download here:

The Daily "Near You?"

Taupo, Auckland, New Zealand. Thanks for stopping by!

The Poet: Paul L. Dunbar, "We Wear The Mask "

"We Wear The Mask"

"We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes -
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be overwise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!" 

- Paul L. Dunbar

"Maddest Of All..."

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams - this may be madness. To seek treasure where there is only trash. Too much sanity may be madness - and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!"
- Miguel de Cervantes, "Man of La Mancha"

"America’s Economy Cannot Survive Another Lockdown, And The Cult Of The Reset Knows It"

"America’s Economy Cannot Survive Another Lockdown,
And The Cult Of The Reset Knows It"
by Brandon Smith

"The U.S. economy has been on the verge of collapse for at least a decade, ever since the crash of 2008 and the subsequent explosion in fiat stimulus from the Federal Reserve. While the mainstream media has always claimed that central bankers “saved” us from another Great Depression, what they actually did was set us up for a far worse scenario - a stagflationary implosion of our society.

Here is the primary problem: By injecting trillions of bailout dollars into the system, the Federal Reserve prevented the economy from going through its natural purging cycle. This cycle would have been painful for many, but survivable, and it would have removed large amounts of excess debt, parasitic corporations that produce little or nothing of use, as well as numerous toxic assets with no legitimate value. For a real free market to function, weak or corrupt elements must be allowed to fail and die. Instead, central banks around the world and most prominently the Fed kept all of those destructive elements on life support.

This has created what amounts to a “zombie economy:” a system that needs constant outside support (stimulus) in order to continue moving forward. In the process of keeping zombie corporations and other parts of the body alive, healthy parts of the economy, like the small business sector, get devoured.

The zombie economy is, however, highly fragile. All it takes is one or two major shocks to bring it down, and the moment this happens the whole facade will disintegrate, leaving the public in panic and disarray. This is what is happening right now in 2020, and it will get much worse in 2021.

Bailouts encourage and reward unhealthy financial behavior, and this is why national debt, corporate debt and consumer debt have recently hit historic highs. When every pillar of the economy is encumbered with the weight of debt, any instability has the possibility of bringing all those pillars down at once. The Federal Reserve turned the U.S. into an economic time bomb, and the Fed is itself more like a suicide bomber than some kind of fiscal savior.

The “Great Reset”: I first heard the term “global reset” or “great reset” back in 2014/2015. I wrote an article about how the reset was actually a long term process in my article "The Global Economic Reset Has Begun." Christine Lagarde was the head of the IMF back then, and she mentioned it briefly in multiple interviews. I made a mental note of it because it seemed planted into the discussion very awkwardly, as if it was scripted. I rarely heard it mentioned for years after that. In 2020, as we descend into social and economic chaos, I’m seeing the phrase used everywhere in the media and by globalists.

Over the past decade, globalist institutions have come up with numerous phrases that seem to refer to a worldwide planned and dramatic shift in human society sometime in the near future. The “great reset” is just another phrase for “the new world order.” It is important to understand that the reset these people are talking about has actually been engineered and staged for many years. This is not something that just popped up in 2020 - they have been talking about it since at least 2014. And before that, they talked about the new world order, and “multilateralism,” and the “multi-polar world order,” and Agenda 2030, etc.

The reset is the catalyst phase of an agenda that has been in the works for a long time now. The goal, as they have openly admitted many times, is to centralize the entire globe into one monetary structure, one highly interdependent and socialized economy, and eventually one faceless and unaccountable governing body.

One of the biggest obstacles to the finalization of the reset and the formation of the new world order has been liberty-minded populations across the planet - most of all, the liberty-minded people within America. The U.S. has to be destabilized or eliminated; the old world order has to be brought down before the new world order can be introduced. The people have to be beaten down and desperate, so that when the globalists offer their “reset” as the solution, the people will gladly accept it without question - simply because they want the economic pain and uncertainty to stop.

A common statement made by globalists from Klaus Shwab at the World Economic Forum to the current Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is that the coronavirus pandemic is the “perfect opportunity” to trigger the “great reset.” As globalist Rahm Emanuel is famous for admitting, in crisis there is opportunity to do things you were not able to do before. In other words, when people panic in the face of crisis, they become easy to manipulate. And, if a crisis doesn’t happen naturally, then why not create a crisis from thin air and use that to cause panic?

Enter the economic lockdowns: The lockdowns have not only been proven to do nothing to stop the spread of the coronavirus, but they are also a clear attack on what’s left of our economic system. The small business sector in particular is being gutted as more than 60% of those that shut down during the first lockdown were unable to reopen. Small businesses provide more than half of all employment in the U.S.. When they collapse, the U.S. economy will have nothing left except the big-box corporations that the Fed put on life support over a decade ago.

Real unemployment, which is already at 26%, will skyrocket even further if a second national lockdown is initiated. The speedy collapse of the U.S. economy will be assured, and the “great reset” can commence. At least, that is what the globalists want to happen…

With the U.S. presidential election currently being contested, it is hard to say how the next few months will play out in detail. As I have been pointing out since July, a contested election is the best possible scenario for the globalists because it creates a Catch-22 situation: If Trump stays in office, the political left will accuse him of usurping the presidency and there will be mass riots in the streets. Conservatives will be tempted with the idea of bringing in martial law to suppress rioters, and such measures will undermine the flow of the U.S. economy, causing its fragile structure to implode.

If Biden enters the White House, then he will attempt a Level 4 lockdown similar to the lockdowns we have seen in Australia, France, Germany and the UK; perhaps even worse. Our economy will crumble, conservatives will revolt, and Biden will attempt martial law measures.

Either way, the globalists get their crisis, and therein their opportunity.

Surviving the lockdowns and deterring the globalists: But here is where things get less certain for the elites. If liberty-minded Americans organize immediately for security and mutual aid, we can defuse the Catch-22. If we provide for our own security within our own communities, there will be no rationale for Trump to institute martial law. Community security is an awesome deterrent against leftist rioting and looting, and basic economic trade can continue.

By extension, if we organize our own community security as well as localize our economies with barter and trade, we also act as a deterrent to Biden and any ideas he might have of enforcing national lockdowns. The point is, we can’t allow the globalists to dictate the terms of the crisis. We must act to change the rules of the game.

The reset is not a natural inevitability, it is a con, a trap. No matter how bad the crisis in our nation becomes, it is the people - namely the liberty-minded people - who will determine the future, not the globalists. Their plan relies on our panic. Instead of panic, let’s show them a unified front and a plan of our own."

"Market Fantasy Updates 11/24/20"

"Market Fantasy Updates 11/24/20"
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"The more I see of the monied classes, 
the better I understand the guillotine."
- George Bernard Shaw
Gregory Mannarino, AM 11/24/20:
"Critical Updates"
Updated live.
Daily Update (Nov. 23rd to 25th)
And now... The End Game...

"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 11/24/20"

Nov. 24, 2020 8:00 AM ET:
The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 59,325,100 
people, according to official counts, including 12,492,178 Americans.
At least 1,398,200 have died.

      Nov. 24, 2020 8:00 AM ET: 
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
Updated 11/24/20, 6:27 AM ET
Click image for larger size.

"How It Really Is"


"The U.S. Dollar Is Being Systematically Destroyed, And We Are On A Path That Inevitably Leads To Hyperinflation"

"The U.S. Dollar Is Being Systematically Destroyed, 
And We Are On A Path That Inevitably Leads To Hyperinflation"
by Michael Snyder

"If we keep treating the U.S. dollar like it is toilet paper, it is just a matter of time before our entire financial system goes down the tubes. At this moment, the dollar is still the primary reserve currency of the world, and the fact that we control it is an absolutely massive advantage for us. Because the rest of the globe uses dollars to trade with one another, that creates a tremendous amount of artificial demand for our currency, and it keeps the value of our currency elevated at a level that it much higher than it otherwise would be. But now that we are starting to act like the Weimar Republic in their heyday, it is only going to be a matter of time before everyone else on the planet starts abandoning the U.S. dollar in droves. We are literally killing our “golden goose”, and most Americans do not even understand what is happening.

The remarks that John Williams made about hyperinflation during a recent interview with Greg Hunter have created quite an uproar, but the truth is that Williams is right on target. We are on the exact same path that Zimbabwe, Venezuela and so many others have already gone down, and the very foolish decisions that we have been making are only going to end in complete and utter disaster.

To illustrate what I am talking about, I would like to direct your attention to what has happened to M2 during this calendar year. For those that are not familiar with M2, here is a definition that comes from Investopedia: "M2 is a calculation of the money supply that includes all elements of M1 as well as “near money.” M1 includes cash and checking deposits, while near money refers to savings deposits, money market securities, mutual funds, and other time deposits. These assets are less liquid than M1 and not as suitable as exchange mediums, but they can be quickly converted into cash or checking deposits."
As you can see on this chart, the M2 curve has been rising at an exponential pace in 2020. In fact, since the pandemic started the curve has nearly gone vertical… If we keep doing this, we won’t be facing a major financial disaster years from now. Rather, it will just be a matter of months before the wheels start coming off.

But our leaders do not have any intention of changing course now. During 2020 the Federal Reserve has been pumping money into the financial system at a rate that we have never seen before, and they have indicated that they plan to continue to support the financial markets as we head into 2021. And Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles Evans just said that he expects that interest rates could continue to be pushed all the way to the floor “perhaps into 2024”: "Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles Evans said Monday there is still “quite a long ways to go” for the U.S. recovery from the coronavirus crisis, adding that he expects the Fed to keep interest rates at their current near-zero level until perhaps into 2024."

Of course the federal government is going to continue to pump out “stimulus package” after “stimulus package” no matter who is in the White House. This is a point that John Williams made very strongly during his interview with Greg Hunter: "Because they has been so much damage done to the economy, Williams says there will have to be stimulus no matter who eventually makes it into the White House. Williams contends, “Let’s say Trump gets re-elected. He’s not going to have any choice but to increase stimulus to try to help the economy and help people. If Biden takes over, he’s going to have to do the same. He is already promising massive stimulus. 

Where it gets really scary is if the Democrats can take control of the House, the Senate as well as the White House. The stimulus there is going to be unbelievable. The more radical Democrats will just print the money you need and spend whatever you need to spend it on, and don’t worry about it. Whoever gets into power, there is going to be more deficit spending. It’s just a matter of how radical it will be. There is no way we are escaping massive stimulus for at least the next year and into 2022.”

Virtually everyone likes getting “free money” from the government, but you have probably noticed that the price of just about everything has been going up lately. And this is just the beginning. According to Williams, we are literally on the verge of a “hyperinflationary Great Depression”: "Williams expects to see some very large inflation because of all the stimulus coming and predicts, “The more left we go, the more rapid will be the demise of the dollar. Eventually, it will be a hyperinflation in the United States. What I am looking at here is this evolving into a hyperinflationary Great Depression. To save yourself, you have to preserve your wealth, your dollar assets. To do that, you have to convert your dollars into physical gold and silver, precious metals and just hold them. They will retain value over time as opposed to paper dollars that will effectively become worthless. You’ll be getting a lot of money from the government, and they will keep giving you more and more and more, but that’s going to be an environment of rising and rising inflation. It’s not necessarily going to buy you more. Hyperinflation will bring political disruption. Hyperinflation is a form of default. Gold is telling us hyperinflation is straight ahead of us.”

Needless to say, what Williams is saying is perfectly consistent with the warnings in my new book. To protect themselves, a lot of investors have been pouring money into gold, silver and other precious metals. At the start of this year, the price of gold was sitting at $1,520.55. As I write this article, the price of gold is at $1824.00. And actually the rise in the price of silver has been even more dramatic over the course of 2020.

Gold and silver will almost certainly keep rising as the value of the dollar continues to be destroyed, but even those that invest in precious metals are not going to win in the end. Because the truth is that the complete collapse of our financial system is not going to benefit any of us, and there is going to be no way to avoid such a fate if we keep going down this very dangerous path."

Monday, November 23, 2020

"They Think You're Stupid!"

What gave them that idea?

"You know, I've been around the ruling class all my life, and I've 
been quite aware of their total contempt for the people of the country."
- Gore Vidal

"They Think You're Stupid!"
by Andrea Widburg 

"Yesterday, I expended considerable time and effort to write about "The Great Reset," a leftist movement that imagines a brave new leftist world built around climate purity and socialist economic principles, with wise elites governing the masses. If I'd waited a day, I could have just shown you Paul Joseph Watson's latest video - "They think you're stupid" - which covers "The Great Reset" and the "Great Cover-Up about the Great Reset."

If you're debating whether to spend time to watch the video (at the end of this post), let me tell you a bit about it. Watson doesn't stop with just the Great Reset that I'd described. Along the way, Watson torches just about everything that the elites are raining down on the masses, all courtesy of the extremely beneficial Wuhan virus.

Sure, the virus killed people (although I think it's clear that, at least in America, mortality numbers have been inflated for political ends). But for the left, the virus has been an extraordinary blessing, allowing leftists to exert unimagined control over people, enrich themselves, and shift large sections of America into the government dependency category.

Watson hasn't missed the fact that, while we're being locked down and bankrupted, the rich are behaving just as they always do. Masks? Pfeh! Masks are for the little people. The same goes for social distancing.

And why shouldn't our elites shut down religious holidays and the consolations of worship? For them, the fact that Judaism and Christianity give a strong moral fabric to Western society is an inconvenience. Of course, it's different when it comes to leftist rallies. Americans need those - or at least that's what the world's elite are telling us.

Watson spares a moment to remind us that the leaders reveling in the benefits flowing to them from the Wuhan virus are becoming increasingly punitive as to those people who protest the loss of their rapidly diminishing liberties. You'd better be creative if you want to hug Granny, because the government thinks it's a bad idea.

Meanwhile, the media, both at home and abroad, no longer make any effort to investigate the powerful or to learn more about events around the world. Whether in America, England, or elsewhere, the media exist solely as propaganda arms for the globalist elites. Even ostensibly conservative institutions, whether Fox News or activist groups, are getting in on the act.

Watson wraps up by reminding the "resistance" that they too were used by the monoparty elites. The Biden administration, should it come to pass, is every bit as committed to corporatism as any other modern administration (except for Trump's, of course).

What's clear is that this New Age socialism is not Karl Marx's socialism. Marx envisioned the world's exploited workers breaking down national barriers and uniting to create a world defined by common ownership of the means of production for the benefit of the people. In this scenario, it's the elite - the educated and the plutocrats - who get re-educated or executed. This vision has failed everywhere it's been tried and this failure has always been accompanied by endless pain and death.

What we're experiencing now is Woodrow Wilson's socialism: Wilson's shtick was that the elite (i.e., the rich and educated) should rule the world. The elite would use their superior knowledge and intelligence to improve the lives of the little people in ways beyond the people's abilities and imaginations. (It's always about re-imagining things.)

One of the early progressives' "superior" ideas was eugenics. Blacks were inferior, although they were useful for doing the elite's dirty work. Mostly, though, abortion and breeding programs would purify the nation. The Nazis found Wilsonian Progressives inspirational.

Wilson also came up with the "bass-ackwards" idea that America should never use her military for something as crass as her own defense. Instead, the American people should expend their blood and gold to "make the world safe for Democracy." The Obama administration embraced this notion under the rubric of U.N. ambassador Samantha Power's "Responsibility to Protect."

Watson's video may make you see red, but it's worth watching. As always, his videos come with a language warning."

Strong language alert!

"The Great Relocation: Americans Are Relocating By The Millions Because They Can Feel What Is Coming"

Full screen mode recommended.
"The Great Relocation: Americans Are Relocating By 
The Millions Because They Can Feel What Is Coming"
by Epic Economist

"Millions of Americans are getting out of big cities in a movement that is being called by analysts as The Great Relocation. Entire families that have moved to urban areas over the past decades are now relocating to smaller, safer cities amid mounting social turbulence, another spike in confirmed viral cases, looming lockdowns, and the increasing cost of living. Many have reported to feel that harder days are coming, while others without a job and federal assistance had no choice other than leaving their homes to find more affordable housing elsewhere. 

Additionally, knowing that eviction moratoriums are about to expire, over 300,000 New Yorkers have fled the Big Apple trying to avoid the rising turmoil and further economic stress, and those who have accumulated rental debt during the recession might soon be affected by a tragic homelessness crisis. In this video, we examine this disruptive phenomenon brought about by the current economic collapse. 

Although over 70 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits, the housing market is booming. However, due to a housing shortage, home prices are soaring like never before. The U.S. is facing a housing supply shortage. In some urban areas, the median cost of rental properties went up by almost 400% over the past decade. But while the average household income only rose by 64% over the past few years, home prices were up by more than 118%.

The substantial surge in housing demand and the massive migration away from metropolitan areas as a result of the economic downturn experienced this year has become a new phenomenon known as The Great Relocation. The chaotic events of 2020 have caused Americans to relocate by the millions. The trend has been particularly growing amongst families with children that are fearing for their kids' safety, seeking better living conditions in small towns since big cities’ cost of living has becoming more and more expensive, and hoping to find a new job or, at least, affordable housing outside of urban areas. 

The relocation trend was sped up considering many people moved away from virus hotspots or left cities because they lost their jobs amid the outbreak. Americans are looking for somewhere they could stretch their savings, relocating to places where the cost of living is relatively low. In New York City alone, over 300,000 former residents have permanently moved to new addresses in a continued mass exodus.

The total figure is likely much higher since the data points out that a single address change could include a multi-person household. After the widespread business shutdowns ravaged the economy of the city, the migration trend has been kicked off. And now that home office and remote schooling operations have been intensified, people are having less reason to stay in such a troubled environment.

More than half a million city residents who were employed in the retail, restaurant, services sectors have lost their jobs and cannot afford city rents. The late decision on re-opening public and private schools forced many families to relocate so they could make enrollment deadlines in districts where they were living during the outbreak.

A large share of New Yorkers simply relocated across the way to New Jersey, Long Island, and Westchester. Earlier this summer, Upper West Side residents complained about two homeless shelters that were installed in the area, affirming that an uptick in misdemeanors was registered in the region. However, as CDC's eviction moratoriums are set to expire at the beginning of 2021, authorities have been alerting to a looming homelessness crisis.

However, it seems that class differences are just one of the polarizations generated by The Great Relocation. According to a survey, 42 percent of U.S. residents "would be hesitant to move to an area where most people have political views different from their own". For other Americans, leaving the country entirely seems like the safest option. Immigration lawyers and expatriate organizations stated that Americans have been leaving the country or seeking foreign visas in record numbers. 

Can we even blame these for wanting to leave a country whose economy only gets worse each day it passes? While some may have the opportunity to relocate to other cities and states or move to other countries, those who were left without a choice will face a much harder future. As Michael Snyder pointed out in his latest article: "the clock is ticking, and it appears that our day of reckoning is nearly here." 

Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, "Divenire", Live at Royal Albert Hall, London

Ludovico Einaudi, "Divenire", Live at Royal Albert Hall, London
Full screen suggested.

"A Look to the Heavens"

"To some, it looks like a giant chicken running across the sky. To others, it looks like a gaseous nebula where star formation takes place. Cataloged as IC 2944, the Running Chicken Nebula spans about 100 light years and lies about 6,000 light years away toward the constellation of the Centaur (Centaurus). 
The featured image, shown in scientifically assigned colors, was captured recently in a 12-hour exposure. The star cluster Collinder 249 is visible embedded in the nebula's glowing gas. Although difficult to discern here, several dark molecular clouds with distinct shapes can be found inside the nebula."

"For Nothing Is Fixed..."

"For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out."
- James Baldwin

"We are fast moving into something, we are fast flung into something like asteroids cast into space by the death of a planet, we the people of earth are cast into space like burning asteroids and if we wish not to disintegrate into nothingness we must begin to now hold onto only the things that matter while letting go of all that doesn't. For when all of our dust and ice deteriorates into the cosmos we will be left only with ourselves and nothing else. So if you want to be there in the end, today is the day to start holding onto your children, holding onto your loved ones; onto those who share your soul. Harbor and anchor into your heart justice, truth, courage, bravery, belief, a firm vision, a steadfast and sound mind. Be the person of meaningful and valuable thoughts. Don't look to the left, don't look to the right; we simply don't have the time. Never be afraid of fear."
- C. JoyBell C

"Life Does Not Require Us To Be..."

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do 
as you damn well please. And with it comes the only 
basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences."
- P. J. O'Rourke