Tuesday, September 29, 2020

"America Is Now Officially In Inflation: The Fed Has Major Problem As Prices Rise To Dangerous Levels"

"America Is Now Officially In Inflation: 
The Fed Has Major Problem As Prices Rise To Dangerous Levels"
by Epic Economist

"The unusual policies issued by the Fed are causing a two-fold inflation problem in the real economy. We bet many of you on the other side of the screen could already notice how prices are surging in some goods, and you haven't seen it wrong. The sanitary outbreak reshaped our necessities, changing it according to our new reality. 

Some things that we used to frequently buy are not so much of a part of our new routines as they used to, being replaced by other products that are better adapted to the moment we are living. For instance, previously, many people used to drive to work. Today, however, considering they are still employed and working from home, they don't feel like they need to spend so much on gas. But maybe - if they got time on their hands, they wanted to buy a new bike to teach their kids how to ride and were caught in surprise when they saw a serious spike in prices.

In this connection, a recent study has shown that prices are considerably increasing for the stuff we really want to buy, while those that have been left out of the picture are facing a decline in prices, thereby, showing that inflation has already started to show significant impacts on the real economy. That is why today we are going to analyze the implications of this effect so that we can understand how it was formed and what we can expect inflation-wise over the next developments of the economic collapse. So, stay with us, and please, give this video a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and subscribe to our channel to keep updated on the most diverse economic topics that are building the historical moment we are all living. WSJ's James Mackintosh published an article over the weekend titled "Inflation Is Already Here—For the Stuff You Actually Want to Buy", which sharply evaluated the situation. 

Mackintosh described that "if it feels like the price of everything you buy has been soaring, that’s because it has—even as central bankers everywhere worry about the danger of deflation." The author then highlights to the "massive gap" between the everyday experience and the annual inflation rate of 1.3%, observing that "the price of the stuff we’re buying is rising much faster, while the stuff we’re no longer buying has been falling, but still counts for the figures."

Evidently, this adds up perfectly, because, in essence, the higher the demand for a given good or service, the higher price will escalate and vice versa. The data transcribe that in this "post-health-crisis era", where people are now working from home, the annual inflation for some products is now considerably overshooting the Fed's targets.

Even so, many economists are confident that the prevalent price forces over the next 1-2 years will be mostly deflationary, if the face of the massive layoffs that considerably crushed wages. "In the short term the demand shock prevails, so we will have subdued prices for the next 12 to 18 months,” says Luigi Speranza, chief global economist at BNP Paribas. 

That is to say, the lingering effects from the health crisis could be translated into less need for travel and tourism workers for years to come, while those who have been unemployed will lose skills. Also, the deflationary side-effects of the forthcoming macro transformations can create a surge of delinquencies and defaults across commercial properties, possibly leading to a widespread deflationary debt-destruction, as many workers will be forced to leave to find new roles.

In conclusion, if Congress doesn't manage to find an agreement about a fifth fiscal stimulus, the price rises are likely to continue to grow at a fast pace, worrying investors and triggering warning signs for the economy. Particularly if the second wave of viral cases is followed by a third, boosting lay-offs and a recession once again, ultimately also affecting prices. So, the prospects from now on seem to include soaring prices for things Americans needs and declining prices for things they don't. For the major institutions, this isn't enough to raise their attention, but for us - the average Americans on Main Street - it means more financial pain ahead."

Gregory Mannarino, "Market Updates And More! Tonight, THE BIGGEST FREAK SHOW ON EARTH"

Gregory Mannarino,
"Market Updates And More! Tonight,

Musical Interlude: Gnomusy, "Dolmen Ridge"

Gnomusy, "Dolmen Ridge"

"A Look to the Heavens"

 "Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex. 

Click image for larger size.
About five light-years "tall", the dark cloud is cataloged as Barnard 33 and is visible only because its obscuring dust is silhouetted against the glowing red emission nebula IC 434. Stars are forming within the dark cloud. Contrasting blue reflection nebula NGC 2023, surrounding a hot, young star, is at the lower left. The gorgeous featured image combines both narrowband and broadband images."

Chet Raymo, “Hanging On”

“Hanging On”
by Chet Raymo

“I change the desktop image on my laptop every now and then, generally when I come across a new image I like. In the last year or so you’ll remember that I wrote about Caravaggio’s “The Rest on the Flight Into Egypt” and Vermeer’s “The Milkmaid.” Live with an image for a while and it’s inevitable that you learn something from it. Here is the painting I’ve had as my desktop in recent weeks, Winslow Homer’s “Snap the Whip”, 1872, one of America’s sentimental favorites.

A simpler, more innocent time. Boys at recess, barefoot in the grass. Hand-me-down clothes. Autumn wildflowers, trees turning to red and gold. A fumbling Ulysses S. Grant is in the White House, the country is at peace after a horrendous civil war, and the Panic of 1873 and subsequent depression is still in the offing. Anyway, all of that political and economic stuff is a bit of a pother and far away. The sun is high in the sky, there’s an apple in the pocket, and only the oldest boy is thinking yet about the eternal mystery that is girls.

Yes, a lovely sentimental anecdote to the busy rancor of our own time, the incessant noise of the television, the attack ads, the news of war. How blissful to be twelve years old again, fit and healthy with the grass between your toes. Never mind that these boys had a life expectancy at birth of about 40 years, and that many of them had probably already lost a sibling or parent; when the sun’s out, and it’s recess, and you’ve got eight pals to play with…

But that’s not why I like the painting. I love the way the arc of the whip reflects the curve of the hill. The vanishing point of the red schoolhouse and three white shirts – everything converges on the two adults in the distance, the grown-up world that inevitably awaits.

Between the three boys who anchor the whip and the six who resist the centrifugal force that breaks the chain is the schoolhouse, the open door and window bracketing the anchor’s grip. Maybe it’s because I was a teacher all my life, but I like to think that the “message” of the painting has to do with education, with what goes on when the boys and girls are called back inside by the teacher’s bell – the glue that holds a civil society together when the whiplash of events threatens to tear us apart. Not indoctrination. Rather, reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic, the basic skills that enable an individual to explore the world creatively. History, geography and  science, with their lessons of diversity, tolerance and respect for empirical fact. The ameliorating influence of poetry and art. And one of these boys, maybe the oldest in the center, will become a teacher himself, maintaining an unbroken chain of accumulated knowledge that anchors us to the past and propels us together into a mutually supportive and secure future.”

The Poet: Robinson Jeffers, “Be Angry at the Sun”

“Be Angry at the Sun”

“That public men publish falsehoods
Is nothing new. That America must accept
Like the historical republics corruption and empire
Has been known for years.
Be angry at the sun for setting
If these things anger you.
Watch the wheel slope and turn,
They are all bound on the wheel, these people,
Those warriors,
This republic, Europe, Asia.
Observe them gesticulating,
Observe them going down. The gang serves lies,
the passionate Man plays his part;
the cold passion for truth hunts in no pack.
You are not Catullus, you know,
To lampoon these crude sketches of Caesar.
You are far from Dante’s feet,
 but even farther from his dirty
Political hatreds.
Let boys want pleasure, and men
Struggle for power, and women perhaps for fame,
And the servile to serve a Leader and dupes
to be duped.
Yours is not theirs.”

- Robinson Jeffers, 1941

"We Don''t Have A Clue..."

“We don’t have a clue what’s really going down, we just kid ourselves that we’re in control of our lives while a paper’s thickness away things that would drive us mad if we thought about them for too long play with us, and move us around from room to room, and put us away at night when they’re tired, or bored.”
- Neil Gaiman

"Trump’s Tottering Towers"

"Trump’s Tottering Towers"
By Bill Bonner

SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – "The big news at the weekend was that the president has not paid much in federal income taxes for years. In 2016 and 2017, for example, the billionaire paid only $750. Mr. Trump has portrayed himself to the public as a very rich and successful man. Yet, to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), he has painted a different portrait… more like a Francis Bacon than Hans Holbein the Younger. That is, he cast himself as a loser… someone whose losses overpower his gains, and who thus, generally, owes no federal taxes. But let’s come back to that…

Bad Mule: It’s spring here in the Southern Hemisphere. The grass is green. The sky is blue. And it’s time to plant the garden. It was to that end that Gustavo put his shoulder to the plow on Saturday… and began an adventure.
Plowing with a mule.

We have tractors. But the garden is enclosed within adobe walls. Only a mule could get in to do the work. “Mules are better than horses,” Gustavo explained. “They’re strong. Reliable. But they’re temperamental. You have to work with them. You can get a horse that has been trained by a professional. But you have to train a mule yourself. You have to get to know it. Take your time. Mules don’t like to be rushed.

If you buy a mule… the seller will tell you it’s been trained and it’s very tame. But nobody sells a good mule. They’re not like cars. You can’t upgrade to a better mule. And you can’t downsize to a smaller mule. If someone sells you a trained mule, you know there must be something wrong with it. And you don’t find out what it is until you try to work with it.

One time, my grandfather bought a mule that had been trained up in the mountains… a long way away… maybe 20 hours on horseback. Well, he got the mule home and the next day, it ran away… It went all the way back to where it came from. Took a couple days. He got it back. But it was never a good mule. Some things you just have to do yourself.”

(The mule in question had come from a tiny, remote settlement – a speck of green oasis in a desolate landscape – on the other side of the most rugged mountains in the country. In the last century, it was a watering stop for drovers taking their animals to the city. Now, it may be abandoned… or turned into a hippie colony. No one knows for sure. Or even how to get there… We are planning an expedition… to be continued.)

Two Camps: In the meantime, we return to the grim story of the president’s tax returns. The news coverage broke immediately into two opposing camps. On one side, the president’s supporters considered it “fake news”… Or else, they thought it flattered Mr. Trump – it is quite an achievement for a man as rich as he claims to be not to pay much in taxes. “Bravo!” they said.

In the other camp, the news was taken as fact and thought to show not only what an unpatriotic sleazebag POTUS is, but also, how shaky his business empire is. Nancy Pelosi even imagined that a man in the White House with so much personal debt posed a “national security threat.” As to the latter claim, the House Speaker is surely exaggerating. The president’s $400 million in personally guaranteed debt may pose a threat to himself, but not to the nation.

King of Debt: And we only bring it up to make a familiar point. In the 1990s, Mr. Trump famously remarked that he was one of the poorest men on the planet. Many had zero, but he had less than zero; he was $100 million in the hole! That is probably where he would have stayed, were it not for the Federal Reserve.

It was in this period that the Fed began pushing down Mr. Trump’s cost of borrowing… and pushing up the value of his investments. The federal funds rate was nearly 10% at the beginning of 1989. Three years later, it was under 3%. This huge cut in the cost of financing allowed The Donald to climb out of his burrow. That’s why he called himself the “King of Debt” and a “low interest” kinda guy. He’s seen what artificially low interest rates can do.

Bigger Score: But those whom the gods would destroy are first made crazy. Real estate speculators are probably all a little nutty to begin with. No sooner have they made a big score than they are borrowing even more money… in search of an even bigger score. And with the intoxicating nectar of cheap credit flowing from every New York bank, Trump was unable to resist.

The president’s father made the family fortune in the nitty gritty, unglamorous world of middle-income housing in Queens. Donald crossed over to Manhattan and sought prestige.
 To hear The New York Times tell it, he ended up with a lot of unprofitable property. He lost $162 million on the Trump National Doral golf resort in Miami alone. His hotel in Washington, only open since 2016, has recorded losses through 2018 of $55.5 million. These losses made such a dent in his finances that he has not paid any federal income taxes at all in 10 out of the last 15 years.

Hooked: But giving people cheap credit is a bit like inviting a friend to share your heroin. He becomes part of your fantasy world… and may have a hard time escaping it. Donald Trump was hooked many years ago. And so was much of the U.S. economy. Almost everybody became dependent on fake money and a federal funds rate below Consumer Price Index inflation.

So it was in January. Now, in late September, it has become more difficult – for the president and the nation. Stuff happens. And when the coronavirus happened, the Donald’s empire – hotels, casinos, resorts – was hit hard. Some 17 of Trump’s golf resorts closed their doors. Hotel occupancy rates in New York fell from 93% last August to only 38% this year. Gamblers have moved online. Golfers are back on the links, but not crowding around the bars.

Deep Hole: How deep is Donald’s hole this time? We don’t know. It’s none of our business. But Mr. Trump is resourceful… and lucky. He may climb out again. America’s hole, on the other hand, goes $80 trillion down… all the way to Hell."

The Daily "Near You?"

Erskineville, New South Wales, Australia. Thanks for stopping by!

"A Long March..."


"The life of Man is a long march through the night, surrounded by invisible foes, tortured by weariness and pain, towards a goal that few can hope to reach, and where none may tarry long. One by one, as they march, our comrades vanish from our sight, seized by the silent orders of omnipotent Death. Very brief is the time in which we can help them, in which their happiness or misery is decided. Be it ours to shed sunshine on their path, to lighten their sorrows by the balm of sympathy, to give them the pure joy of a never-tiring affection, to strengthen failing courage, to instill faith in times of despair."
- Bertrand Russell

"Survival Rate Greater Than 99.995%"

September 29, 2020: "OMG, just LOOK at that crazy “second wave” of death and destruction going on in Florida right now! With a survival rate greater than 99.995% if you do catch it for those under 70."

Click image for larger size.

"Continuing the Trend: 2020 to End in Chaos"

Click image for larger size.
"Continuing the Trend: 2020 to End in Chaos"
by Nathan McDonald

"It should come as no surprise to anyone that 2020 has been a year of sheer chaos, madness, and worldwide change the likes of which we have not seen in most people's living memory -that is unless you have been living under a rock. For those of you who were hoping this trend would change as the year progressed and headed towards closure, you are sadly going to be mistaken. The ending to this year of epic nonsense is only going to get worse. Much worse.

Possibly the Most Contested U.S. Elections of All Time: As the November 3rd presidential election rapidly approaches, people have finally begun to realize what I have stated since the end of last year, that this year's election will be dominated by violence and uncertainty, ending with literal blood in the streets. Both the far right and the radical left will ensure that this will be how 2020 ends, regardless of who takes home the "perceived" victory after the dust finally settles.

The Democrats and the Republicans have begun uttering their talking points, with President Trump recently dominating the headlines with his statements about the probability of mail-in ballot voter fraud. Mail-in voting has many concerned on the political right, as it has the possibility of being heavily abused.

Knowing this fact and how his base feels, President Trump alarmed many this week when he refused to acknowledge that there would be a "peaceful transfer of power" if he loses the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden. As recently reported: When asked directly whether he would commit to a "peaceful transition of power," Trump responded, "We're going to have to see what happens." He went on to suggest that authorities "get rid of the ballots," an apparent reference to the huge uptick in votes cast by mail amid the coronavirus pandemic, adding that, if they did, "there won't be a transfer [of power], frankly. There will be a continuation."

Meanwhile, the Democrats have also stated that they are going to dispute the election results if Joe Biden loses, already putting into motion various game plans that will tie up the final results for weeks, if not months, possibly leading to a hung election.

Regardless of who is declared victorious or who is the one contesting the results, the fact remains that the United States will be in an extreme state of anarchy and limbo for many months to come. This is going to result in an ungodly number of riots, protests, violence, and destruction inside the world's largest economic and military power.

As the election results begin to trickle in on November 3rd, I believe a true feeling of dread will set in with the masses. It is then that you will see one side or the other in the streets, protesting and causing destruction on a near daily basis, with the Mainstream Media doing what they do best: exasperating the problems and pitting both sides against each other.

In Conclusion: The writing is on the wall and, sadly, I believe there is no turning back at this point. The divide between the far right and left within the United States has grown so vast that I believe we will have to hit a true boiling point before things ever return to normal again - if they even can. The damage will be great and the risk to the system will be vast in times of great unrest and upheaval.

Until next time, stay safe."

"The Only Thing Systematic Is The Destruction Of America" (Excerpt)

"The Only Thing Systematic Is The Destruction Of America"
Part 1(Excerpt)
by James Quinn

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something,
 when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” 
– Upton Sinclair

"Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow – or lose everything.

The sociopath class include the Silicon Valley social media titans, the billionaires running the six mainstream media companies, the rogue billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg who fund chaos and foment insurrection, the Deep State surveillance agency operatives like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mueller doing the bidding of the oligarchy, Wall Street criminals like Dimon, Paulson, and Blankfein doing god’s work, and last but certainly not least – Powell, Yellen, Bernanke and slimy Kashkari priming the pump for the never ending systematic pillaging of the nation’s wealth.

When you witness what passes for legislators at the Federal, State and Local levels, you must weep for our future. These pathetic excuses for leaders display none of the qualities a citizenry would want in those they have elected to manage our governmental affairs. They are bought off hacks, lacking any intellectual honesty, and selling their votes to the highest bidder. They lie, misinform, steal, and do the bidding of the monied interests who selected them because they are pliable dupes without an ounce of courage or forethought about the long-term best interests of the people they are supposed to be representing.

We are far from the republic Franklin and his fellow patriots gave us, and as Franklin foreshadowed, we were unable to keep it. As the fledgling republic devolved into a mob democracy, with the Federal government grabbing more power during the Civil War, the banking cabal seizing control of the nation’s finances in 1913 with the creation from Jekyll Island, the growth of the welfare state with FDR and LBJ doing the most damage, the metastasis of the military industrial complex, the elimination of privacy after the Patriot Act surveillance state execution, and now the final countdown to Armageddon as the state, media conglomerates, Wall Street criminals, mega-corporations, and billionaire oligarchs use this purposefully over-hyped flu pandemic to consolidate their power, wealth and control over a dumbed down, iGadget addicted, fearful, easily manipulated, compliant populace."

Please view this highly recommended and complete article here:

"How It Really Is"


"Helicopter Money and the End of Taxes"

"Helicopter Money and the End of Taxes"
by Charles Hugh Smith

"The system of collecting taxes and distributing the dough is a zero-sum game: each dollar of tax revenue paid by someone and given to someone else is one dollar that the taxpayer will no longer have to save or spend. Meanwhile, the recipient received a dollar that would not have been available without taxes.

State and local governments are still bound by this zero-sum game except for infrastructure spending funded by the sale of municipal bonds. These bonds are debt and must be paid back with interest. But as a general rule, the general funds of cities, counties and states are zero-sum: they can only spend what they collect in tax receipts.

As a result, the feeding frenzy at the public trough has winners and losers: taxpayers who receive fewer benefits than they pay in taxes are the losers, and residents / enterprises who get subsidies, tax breaks, entitlements, benefits in excess of what they paid in taxes are the winners.

Zero-sum: every corporate or individual welfare queen/king that mooches off the public trough as a result of skims and scams (gaming the system, lying, lobbying, legalized looting, etc.) deprives a legitimate recipient/program of scarce tax dollars, or deprives the taxpayers of a tax cut. The federal government has no restraint. The federal feeding trough can be refilled by deficit spending, i.e. selling Treasury bonds and blowing the proceeds on essentially limitless skims and scams.

Taxpayers naturally resent the skims and scams their hard-earned tax payments fund. Politicos are dimly aware of this resentment (dismissed as evil populism by the status quo's apparatchiks) and so they naturally seek to defuse this threat to their own skims and scams by giving free money to everyone and not just to their super-wealthy donors (in the form of bailouts, subsidies, tax breaks, no-bid contracts, etc.)

We've already had a taste of free money for everyone in the $1,200 giveaway earlier this year. There was also talk of dispensing with the individuals' share of Social Security/Medicare taxes (7.65% of earned income) for a limited time, but this created confusion because it was unclear if this was a temporary measure that would be due later or an actual freebie.

Clearly, this was a trial balloon for eliminating the Social Security/Medicare tax for low and moderate income households. Why collect $1,200 in SSA taxes and then hand the household $1,200? Why not just eliminate the tax?

Most households pay very little federal income tax as it is. The bottom 50% pay 1% of all federal income taxes, and the top 10% pay the majority of all income taxes. Declaring the first $50,000 or $60,000 of income per taxpayer as tax-free would not reduce tax revenues by much because the bottom 90% pay such a small percentage of income taxes.

If 90% of households don't pay federal income taxes, then they have no beef with who's feeding at the federal trough, as it's no longer zero-sum. There will be "free money" for everyone: corporate welfare galore, no income taxes for the bottom 90%, permanent unemployment payments for the chronically unemployed, Universal Basic Income (UBI) for everyone, even the top 10% (so they get something for free)-- helicopter money without limit.

As all the extremes of wealth/income inequality unravel, calls to "tax the rich" gain favor. The problem is that the super-rich have the political power to evade taxes, so the only people who will pay more will be the tax donkeys who aren't rich enough to hire teams of tax attorneys and buy tax breaks from desperate-for-campaign-cash politicos.

The idea of countering inequality by giving everyone free money seems painless as long as the Federal Reserve can create trillions out of thin air. And the basic idea of MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) is the Treasury can create trillions without even selling Treasury bonds that accrue interest.

As I explained in "The Silent Exodus Nobody Sees: Leaving Work Forever" (9/23/20), all this free money (with a token giveaway to the remaining tax donkeys) will have unintended consequences:

1. The working poor who do the economy's hard, low-pay work will find ways to leave their life of poorly paid toil behind forever.

2. The tax donkeys will have tremendous incentives to cut their work and income down to the tax-free level. Why kill yourself to pay 50% of what you earn as taxes?

What kind of economy will we have when all the hard work becomes optional and a consequential percentage of the tax donkeys effectively "lay down their burdens"? All the "free money" will go to consumption, not production, and so the purchasing power of the "free money" will erode very rapidly. "This Is Why Inflation Will Rip Everyone's Face Off" (9/17/20)

The intrinsic unfairness of the status quo is undermining the willingness to keep contributing to it. Rather than right the ship, the "easy fix" is to distribute "free money"--not just to billionaires and corporations but to everyone. Simply put, work no longer pays. What pays is turning companies into debt-zombies to buy back shares and milking America's monopolies. (Contributor A.P. outlined how the system really works: "Our Wile E. Coyote Economy: Nothing But Financial Engineering" (6/11/20)

All those who believe this is a permanent, stable system will get a nice hard chair at the banquet of consequences. The dominoes are falling but distractions abound."

"Market Fantasy Updates 9/29/20"

"Market Fantasy Updates 9/29/20" 
Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity...
Only the consequences are real - to you!
"The more I see of the monied classes, 
the better I understand the guillotine."
George Bernard Shaw
Gregory Mannarino,
AM 9/29/20 UPDATE:
 "Get Ready! The Stock Market Is Going To Move"

"Covid-19 Pandemic Update 9/29/20"

"An agonizing toll: One million people worldwide have now died from confirmed coronavirus cases. It is a staggering toll — greater than the number of people estimated to have died from malaria, influenza, cholera and measles, combined, over the same period. And the real number of coronavirus deaths is almost certainly higher. The U.S., with 4 percent of the world’s population, has suffered more than 20 percent of deaths.

In other virus developments:
• The White House pressured the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to downplay the risk of sending children back to school.
The U.S. spent 15 years preparing for a pandemic. How did it mishandle the coronavirus so badly? This video from Opinion explores what went wrong.

SEP 29, 2020 3:42 AM ET:
 Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak 
The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 33,350,900 
people, according to official counts, including 7,176,535 Americans.

      SEP 29, 2020 3:42 AM ET: 
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count
Updated 9/29/20, 3:23 AM ET
Click image for larger size.

"Seeing Through Pea Soup"

"Seeing Through Pea Soup"
by Jim Kunstler

"Just as Regan, the possessed tweenager in the horror movie classic, "The Exorcist", vomited streams of green sludge at Father Merrin in the final hours of her extremis, so, in the final weeks of election 2020, the possessed US news media will be boofing “bombshells” against its loathed and detested adversary, the president who attempted to exorcize the demons of the Deep State out of the federal government.

Thus, Democratic Party legal imp, Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, Jr., or someone on his staff, leaked (illegally) years of Mr. Trump’s tax information to The New York Times as a counterweight to last week’s Senate report on the international grifting exploits of Joe Biden & Family. The difference is that Mr. Trump’s doings represent compliance with the US tax codes while the Biden activities represent payoffs from shady figures in foreign lands for services rendered. The Times and its DNC patrons are calculating that the public will not understand the difference.

It’s whispered that The Times was hoping to unload the tax story much later in the campaign but needed desperately to provide some ammunition for Mr. Biden’s turn in the debating ring with the president on Tuesday night, when both these matters are sure to come up for review. That is, if Mr. Biden dares to show up. Those of you with a taste for history may recall the final hours of another Democratic eminence of yore, William Jennings Bryan, when he was vivisected on the witness stand by Clarence Darrow at the Scopes Trial in Dayton, Tennessee, 1925. Five days later, Bryan dropped dead, and his reputation as a humiliated old fool is much better remembered than his moment of glory in 1896 as a 36-year-old nominee for president (youngest ever).

If Joe Biden does show up at Tuesday’s debate, it will be under at least one severe disadvantage: the contest happens at night. Through the preceding weeks, Mr. Biden’s handlers have “put a lid” on his campaign activities at ten o’clock in the morning more days than not, and sometimes at eight-thirty a.m., before the press pool has even digested its oat-milk honey lattes. “A lid” means the candidate makes no appearances nor is available to the media that day. You have to wonder whether Ol’ White Joe can even function after sundown. Senile dementia typically presents more vividly in the evening. The Biden team may seek to counter that with doses of Adderall, an amphetamine. The side-effects are interesting: “mental / mood changes (such as agitation, aggression, mood swings, abnormal thoughts) uncontrolled movements, continuous chewing / teeth grinding, outbursts of words / sounds, prolonged erections (in males).” Watch for these.

Also watch to see whether Mr. Biden steps onstage wearing his trademark black mask. (Mr. Trump, of course, will not mask himself.) The optic will be two-fold: 1) Mr. Biden has something to hide, and 2) Mr. Biden is a weakling for playing up Covid hysteria. Then wait to see if he pulls the mask down under his chin as though he was acting the role of Abe Lincoln in a middle school history pageant. That will be a visual-to-remember! Also, wait for Mr. Biden to deliver a self-knockout punch to himself when he attacks the President’s Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, for being a Catholic.

There was an uproar of consternation across the red regions of the land on Sunday when Maria Bartiromo announced that US Attorney John Durham is unlikely to report any actions (i.e., indictments) before election day. There is a very good analysis at the news site RedState.com. It boils down to this: Mr. Durham and his fellow US Attorney on the case, Jeff Jensen, received testimony only ten days ago from an FBI agent named William Barnett which alleges in detail how DOJ rogue attorney Andrew Weissmann ran Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation as a “checking function” on the President. (Mr. Weissmann states this explicitly in his forthcoming book.) There is no constitutional basis for this so-called checking function. Rather, it suggests gross illegality. Days after William Barr was sworn in as Attorney General, the Mueller office was shut down. Mr. Barr, apparently, became aware of his old colleague, Robert Mueller’s, pronounced cognitive decline, and was indignant over the hijacking of his Special Counsel mission by Democratic Party activists on-staff. Now, with Mr. Barnett’s testimony, additional witnesses must be interviewed before any cases can be made. So, these matters will have to wait until after the election.

As a tactical election consideration, it is probably for the best, at this point, that there is no appearance of using the Durham investigation as a campaign weapon. It’s unfortunate that it took Mr. Durham so long to unravel the seditious intrigues of RussiaGate, but that only suggests how complex and far-ranging the scheme was, overlapping several agencies, the two houses of congress, and a host of sketchy characters outside of government. Mr. Trump will have to make his case for reelection by other means. Mr. Biden, or rather, his handlers and stand-ins, will make his case by any means."

Monday, September 28, 2020

Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Along the High Ridges"

Deuter, "Along the High Ridges"

Must Watch! “US Workers Destroyed; Economy Brutalized; Homeless Nightmare; Tent City; Economic Reckoning”

Jeremiah Babe,
“US Workers Destroyed; Economy Brutalized; 
Homeless Nightmare; Tent City; Economic Reckoning”

View in full screen mode.

Gregory Mannarino, "Central Banks Stand Ready! Expect Much More East Money"

Gregory Mannarino,
"Central Banks Stand Ready! Expect Much More East Money"

"Deutsche Bank Warns About A Sudden Economic Collapse & Stock Market CRASH!"

"Deutsche Bank Warns About A Sudden 
Economic Collapse & Stock Market CRASH!"
by Epic Economist

"According to economic experts, an economic collapse is looming and the new stock market crash is expected to happen before the elections. Recent studies have indicated the many elements that will likely undermine the financial markets over the next weeks and today we are going to analyze those determinants and discuss how they are going to affect the next chapters of the economic collapse. Keep with us and don't forget to like this video, share it with your friends, and subscribe to our channel if you haven't already.

Deutsche Bank disclosed to clients this week they can already “see an increased risk of financial disruption down the road from the growing overvaluation of assets and mounting debt levels.” 

Furthermore, Deutsche Bank gathered a team led by Peter Hooper, global head of economic research, to release the World Outlook Update, which predicted the pace of the recovery - or as we prefer to call, the calm before the storm - to slow as the viral cases will likely soar through the winter months, especially if another fiscal package isn't issued before the US elections. But the team anticipates that when the summer comes, and the vaccinations start to happen, the prospects of a restructuration could resume, and presuming there is a successful vaccine, the team foresees three-quarters of the world’s population could be vaccinated by mid-2023. 

However, don't expect the vaccine to fix the economy. Hooper alerts the virus will leave persistent scars in the markets, such as long-term damage to the hospitality industry, and automation is likely to take jobs away for good, meaning that a full recovery of the economy to pre-sanitary-outbreak levels may never happen. Also, the Deutsche Bank strategists, who can also see the looming financial crisis being formed by the growing overvaluation of assets, increasingly high debt levels which were driven by the massive fiscal and monetary policy stimulus granted by the Fed, outlined that “financial crises have often been touched off in the past under such conditions by the inevitable shift from policy ease to policy tightening, which is likely still at least several years away, but could surprise sooner.”

Conversely, the team called attention to the fact that politics may become a bigger threat than some might be considering, affirming they could see "significant risks of not getting a quick and clear resolution to the general elections this time around, with a likely unprecedented share of mail-in ballots and delays in counting holding the potential for a contested election”.

John Dizard explained in a recent article, the large banks "are far more risk-averse and better capitalized than in the past crisis, and the housing industry is prospering from the refinancing boom made possible by Fed easing. Since the Lehman/2008 financial collapse, risk has been moved off bank balance sheets and into securitization markets."

Which means, this time around the economic collapse will be triggered differently, and strategists are signaling that the spark for the coming financial crisis will be the market’s rejection of a few classes of securities, in a similar fashion to the 1929 collapse of pyramided securities holding companies. Thus, to discover what the point of vulnerability in the US financial markets could be, we have to take a look at "the least legally flexible credit securities that can move the fastest from low risk to visibly defaulted," as Dizard stressed.

And those would be the commercial mortgage-backed securities - or CMBS. As we mentioned in a recent video about the Big Short 3.0, the CMBX S9 BBB- tranche has an exposure to the hotel sector, which is the one presenting the highest rates of rental insolvency, paired with malls and restaurants. The tendency points for an acceleration on the deterioration of these securities to happen from now on, except in case a miraculous liquidity injection is issued by next month. 

In any case, by then, the market will see more and more triple A-tranches jumping down to BB, one of the same things that happened back in 2007-2008 when the last financial crisis started to speed up. Amongst the easiest targets of the byproducts of this crisis will be the major credit rating agencies, which downfall will severely reverberate in the real economy.

If you're one of those who still have hopes to see an economic upturn for this year, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but all things point to a bigger meltdown."

Musical Interlude: 2002, “Sea of Dreams”

 2002, “Sea of Dreams”

"A Look to the Heavens"

“Magnificent island universe NGC 2403 stands within the boundaries of the long-necked constellation Camelopardalis. Some 10 million light-years distant and about 50,000 light-years across, the spiral galaxy also seems to have more than its fair share of giant star forming HII regions, marked by the telltale reddish glow of atomic hydrogen gas. The giant HII regions are energized by clusters of hot, massive stars that explode as bright supernovae at the end of their short and furious lives. 
Click image for larger size.

A member of the M81 group of galaxies, NGC 2403 closely resembles another galaxy with an abundance of star forming regions that lies within our own local galaxy group, M33 the Triangulum Galaxy. Spiky in appearance, bright stars in this colorful galaxy portrait of NGC 2403 lie in the foreground, within our own Milky Way.”

Chet Raymo, “At Home In An Infinite Universe”

“At Home In An Infinite Universe”
by Chet Raymo

“They are questions that bedeviled thinkers for thousands of years: Is the universe infinite or finite, eternal or of a finite age?  It is certainly hard to imagine a universe that extends without limit in every direction, or a universe without a beginning or end. It is equally difficult to imagine a finite universe; what is beyond the edge? Or a beginning or end in time; how can something come from nothing? how can what is cease to be?

The problems are so intractable philosophically that their resolution has generally been left to the theologians, which from a philosophical (or scientific) perspective offers no solution at all. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for proposing a philosophical resolution (an infinite universe) that offended theology.

An escape from befuddlement is provided by Einstein's theory of general relativity, which- for example- can describe a finite universe without a boundary, as the "two-dimensional" surface of a sphere is finite and without an edge. Unfortunately, multi-dimensional curved space-time is so counterintuitive that it is difficult to get one's head around it without mastery of the mathematics. Given a choice between the ancient myths of your local preacher and the obtuse mathematics of the physics professor, it's not hard to guess what most folks will opt for.

Meanwhile, I'm reading a meditation on infinity by physics professor Anthony Aguirre, in a collection of essays called Future Science. He discusses contemporary cosmological theories based on general relativity, and in particular the rehabilitation of the idea of an infinite and eternal universe, or, more precisely, that our universe might be just one of an infinity of infinite universes. He writes in conclusion: “What seems clear, however, is that infinity can no longer be safely ignored; beautifully constructed, empirically supported, self-consistent theories have brought infinity from idle curiosity to central player in contemporary cosmology. And if correct, the worldview these theories represent constitutes a perspective shift unlike any other: in comparison to the universe, we would be not just small but strictly zero. Well, I can't imagine many folks racing to embrace that conclusion.

Oh, but wait. Aguirre adds one final sentence: "Yet here we are, contemplating- if not quite understanding- it all.”
 Vangelis, “Cosmos: A Tour of the Universe”
Full screen mode suggested.


“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are 
only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
 Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, 
something helpless that wants our love.”

Read online “Letters to a Young Poet” by Rainer Maria Rilke here:

The Poet: Mary Oliver, “I Worried”

 “I Worried”

“ I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, 
will the rivers flow in the right direction, 
will the earth turn as it was taught,
 and if not how shall I correct it?

Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven,
can I do better?
Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows
can do it and I am, well, hopeless.
Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it,
am I going to get rheumatism, lockjaw, dementia?

Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing.
And gave it up. And took my old body
and went out into the morning, and sang.”

- Mary Oliver